The policy of thas newly-formed i Mon Government In almost maln- ‘Hrely concernml with wur meusun :1. M- is as it should be and can-iv: wit the idea on which the new nailed up Government is supponcd to have “en formed. A cursory examination the platform which, however, has l It yet brim Hufflcivntly "tattoratr " 's . Premier Bordon for tinat Judgment _ was little room rlor disagreement mom: thosr who place the winning u†the war nhow nmrt- mrty politics. L we winning of the war must be made "V'nada's firtst concern and the Gov. ww min and It Has been said that every third puma has catarrh in some form. Science Us shown that nasal Cltilrh often indicates a general weakneu d the body', and local treatment: b the form of mum and "pots do little, I any good. an. omen ' r blood with ttte dl-Iwzylll Scott“: milieu which In a Midi-[bod mud d building-tonic. tr. Emu!“ drugs. Tr lu _ “amen! which can be trusted to host "um, and most surols achieve his very much to be dt-nlrod object In 'ttr. Government that should receive he support of the Canadian people. "Within the whole unlud "rerngth of our maple we dull win,' but wc mall only Just win. " will mod all our strength, so do not let u. throw " Iwny. The curtain of the '"" has "any dow'n. Ind when the 'tttnrt-trw “on nu been put out. and we pull ' (no curt-in. it will not be on the old drama, but with new facts and new 'cenu which will be -rettttrt.trttttt" for a new world."--l'rmnlcr Lloyd ‘leorxe. at lakes in lying at lhvlr door. All at ia rrquirml is to I'vmovo tho sand , rm tlw crib, which das, usod up to solve wars ago, and the t-onstruc- on ot a now dark at a cost etstitttat. " at about “who" nnd Port Dovor ‘ill ttetcttto tho lake .port of the ,tenttrtwtarintr, countit-s ot Norfolk. yttttt hind Wtttrwrloo, The n will of tho vxrurslon of manu- u-turors and buyines." men wait the inning of a resolution urging upon C Dominion (lmwrmm-nt immediate orovvmtmt of the prvsont slip and moral (Inviting Int‘iiitits at Port lover to ho rmdy for tho opening of 'avityttlon m tho Sprint: of 1918 for a Tr terry coal trcrvicp. It wan tho oncenaua of opinion on lilo part ot w dalmatian that m View of tho 'lttleulty in sot-“rim: delivery of coal v the prowl" ruilwny tarilitit-u the roposod lmpctrvttricnt would bts a roper war tint" mymmliturn to ro. n‘o tho t'onuo-nlinn whit-h w 1hr mnw of th" llt‘lng. in cotutrh'omr'n'"' " printout. Thc ttppoitttmr'ut or " sarong and w-prosnmum-v rummHIv-n In mm. on ho lhmuliun f;trxrxrttturttt and thc 10w Mlnidv'r ot Puturr Works Hm lw am" " ll" indlr‘alinn thut lhr towns um! villa: HT" animus of man": G, Tuesday was a rrrrd It ttor day for the own of Port llovvr. Tho largo and "pretstrrttative dNogatlon from the â€was and cities along the lines of , i Lake Erie & Northern anu the wit. Preston & Hamlet railways we" as Elmira lo the north. which dwelt-d lhn dH:Htldntod dunks yon- _ 'day, worn convinced that om" ot the at natural ports along th" chain of - mph worrying, hacking. and “laboring about the limo thing: of "turd-y. and thinking thou In the min†that matter, and I "r to than Jeoplo. 'Are your eyes not open?’ Thit I no “no to bother. "We have now ruched the can when the ordinary tiling- ol political Mo link Into Irtsittrtiflearute by the -ldo of the tram-Mons luau which we involvod.. i of!" "link ad the mm. we quarrolicd about three. four. 'ivc. six your. ago. and new i um "I!!!“ at the Hernando“ things wt 11v. Ia' hind. The In: of millions " men and million. of money haul -n the balance. and i feel angry when| “We In†to win the w. and to tatbrt the an we have to not Mr. with. out More». to 'totitbeq. but I. can any t luv. no "raortat tttttrode. t hav- Iun. â€mm: convlctlom. but I My Hat convletlom an “anal!“ -trr; roman-I hatred... The you. who v " â€non-I dI-IIku wlth .ortvletltm. In dMonorIn..moIr ttng. ConvIetlom r. to. our“ to In mind up with wyytIIIn. of that kind. VWWOWW umhuhaouuhomci I“. . 'ont to the "tttMU. d out-l M _ uh. V5""°°' $toeT. The - at the m. to an nov- Lttr?, â€but†ttsetotttrem.iabtl-etite mgnum the - All mu at the Kit. chmr lunbcunn‘ â€new. at "fd'lru'trpJtt"fn'daf ...... w .. m- .. m of .. no... variou- w'n ud dun ion. the Via a" I! up. and M to In {to “In“ mun nuts" mtqnqet. My 00- M no... no . n â€m." tef"""'"""""-"""" any out not. . wdtffl'h"lu'th'=gttat autumn “union to on. a VIA? mm roVirveet 999m: you ttrmld (guy. RED LETTER DAY FOR PORT DOVER. . _R.eatar “Julvneaï¬uuwmduu rtttrere ll=t"' an. Mn " may A... " mun THE UNION GOVERNMENT. WHAT CATARRH IS Fully 16,000 Roumnnlan prlsoners are reported to have died, mostly of stnrvatlon. in result ot Prussian cruel- 1y. Toronto has subscribed over $500,- ooo to the British Red Cross Fund. Thins In equivalent to $1.00 per capita. Kitchcnor'a contribution ls anut 25 cents per capita. I Premlr: Murray ot Nora Scott. has declined to meant I portfolio In the Union Oovommom. Tho Union Government has an- nounced its policy. Sir Wilfrid Laur- ler's policy will undoubtedly be the nat. ARTILLERY FIRE _ ON THE PLANDERS FRONT IS VIOLENT There is still a chance to subscribe to the British Red Cross Fund. The tollowlng table shows how your money will Brow in three years It In- vested In war aavlnss certificates: t ti.60 loaned now grown to ' 10.00 [21.50 loaned now grown to ‘ 25.00" 43.00 loaned now grown to l 50.00 86.00 loaned now grows to 100.00 430.00 Ionnod now no“ to 500.00 , 860 banal now grown to 1.000.00 The book was written, ot course before the recent revolt in the Ger. man navy. Perhaps the author would when" Ms estimate ot the number ot democrats In Germany In the litght of recent reports; but no doubt his statement was honestly made at the hue it was written. He tells Jhe German people that they hsve no Fatherland In any honest mesnlng ot the word, but only a dynasty which uses them tor Its own purposes. Therc is no liberty ot action. The German army Is the Emperor's army, made up .nd paid by the people ot Germany who have no say in Its control. Then Ut no liberty ot thought. The dynssty controls the unlversltles and tht professors. "A century of itttelleettta' Jrllllnx has reduced them to such n condition ot sbsolute dependence on the state that the dynssty csn bllndly rely on them," Knowing what he does, the author believes that the only salvation for Germany lien In defeat. and he hopes she wlll be thoroughly beaten. TWO GERMAN TORPEDO BOATS REPORTED BUNK Berlin, VII London. Oct. ".-hflqt. lam unmet-y "r. wu- kept up water- day on the Fund.“ "out " Houtholu wood near Pauioaondolo and land.- voorlc army headquarter. attttttutteqd to-day. Fernsu's new book besrs the title "The Coming Democracy." He sees in democracy the only hope or sslvsv tion for Germany. He tells the peo- ple ot Germsny that they must rid themselvms, not only of the Hohen. when“ but the whole system uso cisted with iiohensollernism. Ind sll ‘the institutions at the country that make possible the exercise ot power by irresponsible and autocratic chug " and individuals. However, he hui no illusions as to the uni of the "t no]: people ior freedom Ind self- government, He bluntly declsres that there are in Germany scsroely I hunv dred people who see the dynasty as it really in. And among that hundred there are scarcely a dozen serious democrats who have fully realized the part the dynasty has played and r., playing in tho war. ' Petrottrad, Oct. ttt.-Tueo German be.“ we" sunk In the mm mm In Moon Bound yesterday the war om" nnnouncu. "on t w, Crottters up more In no lmonllnn at his quitting the Labor Department. “Bacall†I on . Conan.†an no much alone. to a. Gonna anchori- uu that not only did they 'lorbld m circulation In Germany but they nude m pououlon Inside Germany an ounce punt-hum by doom, it u and. Hem-n You». the “that at “Beam 1 " . damn." In writ. “I Am book. vhph promise. to Antoni-h and "ttr In Mm all" A. much u " tamer work did. For an In I German ot I’m-Ian birth; but tteunotaioverotpr-t mum. and he noon- to " bump In the mun mm. m. um hook.‘ "tsetott-t-.ta-e ttrr-ang-b-erect" tut- eh-r_etag.m' 'istodbrthrBtt_gTrud.ere (In mvmuuwum NOTES AND COM MENTS. “I w: 5. A strong and progressivo policy ot immigration and colonization, ac. cmnuanicd by suitable provisions to, induce settlement upon the land. to wncouruge incrtasod agriculturnl pro, duction, and to aid in the development of agricultural resources. l. The vigorous prosecution of the war, the maintenance of Canada's et. fort by the provision ot necessary re. Itttorcetttenta, the immediate entoree. ment of the Military Service Act. and the most thorough cooperation with the Governments of the United King- dom and ot the other Dominions in all matters relating to the war. CiVIL SERVICE REFORM. s. Civil service- reform. with a View to extending the principle ot the present Civil Service Act to the out. side service. and thus to abolish pat- ronage and to make appointments to he public service upon the scale standard ot merit. The Civil Service Commission has already been' directed :0 make a report to the Prime Minis- cer as to the necessary steps tor that uurpose. Such arrangements will he 'tttttect to the existing regulations which give preference in appointments: to returned soldiers who are duly qualg 6. Effective arrangements for de. mobiliution. tor the cure and voca- lional training ot returndd soldiers. for assistance in enabling them to some “on the Mud. and for adequate pen- Motta to thou who have been dlsalr .uu and to the dependents ot those who have fallen. _ RAILWAYS. SHIPS. AIR OEhVICE. WOMAN SUFFRAGE: TAX PRO! FITS AND INCOMES. 3. The extension or the franchise lo women. with suitable provisions Cor enabling married women to deter. mine their nationany. and to obtain ‘Iaturaiization notwithstanding mar- :hgo. 4. Adequate taxation ot war profits and Increased taxation ot Incomes, as necessitated by the continuance ot the war. RAILWAYS. SHIPS. AIR CERVICE. Frank Moore. ot " Albert St. N., 7. The development ot trnnsporu- formerly a member of the 118th Bat- tton facilities; the cooperative matt. tnllon. Is now In France with I Unit. moment of the vnrlous railway nyo- ed States reglmont. He enlisted with toms an as to secure economy in op-tho Americnn Army In Tins. The present Union or Notions! Got ernment hes been termed with I " sire to give representation to ell ele- ments oi the population who support the purpose snd trtrort oi Canada in this wsr. Representstive men of both political parties sre included in its personnel; end it is intended torttri with to give to stor special rspre- l" sentntiou, upon the principle already iollowed with regnrd to Agriculture. Impressed by the urgent necessity of putting aside nil minor considere- ‘tions. ot sinking sll party dilerences. and ot presenting a united iront st this solemn sud momentous Juncture in the nation's history. the members oi the Government have come togeth- " in the duty ot service to the ration- sl interest. . WAR FOREMOIT m POLICY. The lines at policy which will he iollowed chiefly relate to the prosecu- tion of the war slid to the consider- ation sud solution ot problems which will arise during its progress. or which will supervene upon the cow clusion of peace. They may be outlin- ed as follows: Ottnvn. Oct. ".-Ana. col-Inuit). ttth trim (aim the Prime Mill-m lu- luuod tho (who'll; satin-alt val: nurd to tho Immun- and per Ioml od the In Govern-ant. and with respect to policy so In In that In. been opportunity to con-Ida 'tr- mun Bonmat 1m STATIHII‘! Illllilll GIMME“ lliilttt PM! 1lllllllil FIRST IlllllSllltllll.flllll m Billlllili nilSftllflilll llf Mil Iulmlmm Mom, had Provident, " 'lueet9tmtisPiM. rare a blessing to weak women. for they quickly garnet ' womanly ailments;i imgme the aspente, punfy the blood arid reestab ish ealthy con Mons. They are safe to take " they are purely vegetable and without any. harmful Stat few dom will bring better spirits, improved th and a feeling of tiniest. 'nttitdhtirNtN,ProittaandInam. has, My; Shhm,Airtkrvioe,0oatotuvirtg,1Bter. When mania, are Weak Women who feel weak, laguid and tggrglc who took te, and dull-6y , and have t appe- tite and h looks-heed a tonic that will purify the blood, tit sthe organs of digestion, regulate the liver an bowels, and strengthen the system'. It long has been known that Worth 3 Guinea 11 Box hItteg'atMhtttettts'.Uhe mar. LAND POLICY. 3. For the name of conniderins and carrying oat the other lines ot policy above mentioned another per- manent committee ot the Cabinet will Ergo be constituted. ' t. A new t',t,r,lttt that of Immi- gration and Colon tion, has been er ubllahed. ' The policy of the Govermueut will also um " a truer understanding, both But and Wmrt, and the develop. mom ot u mulch“ Iplrit ot united el- fort among our people u the trustees or 3 great heritage. For the purpose ot effectively entry- lng out these policies the following methods have been determiped: 2. mo: the oloctlvo prosecution of the war a ‘permunent communes ot the Cabinet will be established. The order. in Council 'tatabli.hitsg these committee. have been prepared. and in: noon at they are approved by his Excelléncy the GoverttorAhttterat they will be given to the press tor publication. The personnel ot open committee win be announced at the same time. PLOT TO BLOW m, Tr. 8. TRANSPORT 18 HUSTRATED New York, Oct. tA-An alleged plot to damage or blow up a united States converted transport hora. la bollavad to have been "unrated when polloc arrested lo-day a Scat-Idlnavlan charg- ed with anamptlng to ttrlbq a only mo- chanic to go aboard natal. iNDUBTRIAL BELATsz. l2. Adequate consideration ot the needs, ot the industrizl population; the maintenance ot good relation; ite. tween employers and employed. and well condition: of employment " malt Insure suitable cumin-:1- of min; among the [shoring classes. All" AND NATIONAL HARMONY. DEVELOPMENT AND OONOIRVAP TION. u. The general development at an the varied resources ot Canada, and their conservation Ind utilization to the best “vantage ot the people, with the convention and nuisance ot the State in every resealable way t tr that purpose. ' lit. The momentum of cooper- uton among thou unused In uncul- tural production ind mrkotlng, so that the price paid to the producer may conform more closely to that M by the consumer. end development at the Ilium Mum. uni the “new at nun-hi, line up. both “I uni ,nnon the that “he: cooperation with the urban Punt-chi Gonn- ‘menu lot the immense-t oi nich- weâ€; the Investigation at the poni- biliuee of at: service tor imprint It “on! m. . WHOIV no THRIFT. I. The reduction tte public - diture. the eminence of mic and the encouragement o! thriu. REDUCE can OF LIVING. 9. Elective measures to prevent exam-in mate. to prohibit hoarding. and to prevent combimtion tor the in- cteue at prices. and thus reduce the cost or living. "'st"tqteroetteo-oeoatsttrrqeutr union. have“ All the blood in the body in nourish. ed and kept rich and red by the food ta. ken daily, but when, for my reason. I l, person is run down and cannot make 'rnsttteient blood from the food to keep like body in health. then a bloodqu- in; medicine is required. The simp- lest and very belt of bloodmekerl suit- nhle for home use by anyone. is Dr. Willinml' Pink Pills. When occur†ot these pills is taken their good effect in noon Ihown in on Improved uppe- tite stronger nerves. 1 sound digest. ion end In ohility to meter your work and enjoy leisure hours. For women there is norompt relief of, or preven- tion of eilmenu which make life I bar. den. A: an all round medicine tor the cure of nilmente due to weak. wetery blood, no medicine dimovered by medi- cal science can equal Dr. Willinme' Pink Pills. WOMEN CROSSING THE RIVER MUST l HAVE PABSPORTS R-OMANOFFS NOW GET FOOD CARDS Niagara nun. Ont., Oct. ".-AII women 3nd girl. croulng the river must now have passports with their photos on them for premtnttttiott to the American oiiicinla " the other and ot the bridges. in the but any or two the American offices and ioctorleo which employ Canndinn girls hove been sending them out in sections to so! their photos taken and passport: signed. Nobody com: to know the why ad wherefore of this move ot Uncle, Sun. It will have the effect of keep ing many a shopper on this ride ot the boundary line. _ You an get these pills through any dealer in medicine or by mail " tro cents a box or six boxes for $2.60 from the Dr. Willisms' Medicine Co., Brock. ville, Ont. BRITISH NAVAL DESTROYER BINKS GERMAN U~BOAT Petrograd, om. "Pu. flml'y of Nicholas Romano". "armor Emperor of Ru-la, new procuru m food cuppllel try uu of can“. authorities in the Fo. blluk dint-lat Ire luulng food card. and the Rom-no!“ mutt am“. "Mr load the um. a. cum- cltlum. ..A PIcmc. Port. Oct. ".-0fnt=r. of I JIpInou “elm" that Irrivod Mr. (may "on I lump.“ port um they any I Irltloh destroyer sink I turmart lumerlno In the Atutrttle on August 18. The mum-rim had jun made In InIck on Inothor Japan... "mum. all Tho young men in Clans t under the Military Service Act hIVO unul Nov. 16th to respond to the call for the um draft. Every. mam-Med mm or widow†without chlldron bottom the no. ot G Ind " are Included In thi- MINARD'. LONIMENT CURE! want. we. BLOOD-MAKING It took centuries tor medical science. to discover that the blow it the life. Now. it in known tint if the blood were Ilynys abundant, rich and pure. very few people would ever be ill. It was not until the end ot the 19th can l tury thlt an Instrument we: invented tor measuring the red part at the blood Then doctor. could tell just how Anes- mic I patient had become, and with me dicine to make new blood the patient soon trot well. London. Oct. ".-Yhe Daily Malt condemns what it cam the fnllum of Irma- â€at to prevent 60mm Sqqt from being mutu- of the Gulf of Mg: Ind demands that "Admiralty make an .xrrtanature, of this humlilattnt, an play In the Baltic." BRITISH NAVY CONDEMIBD POE 316A EPISODE The Bank of Nova Scotia -:°£=‘-,......-'---w-.-...-s when: - “- I Openness-choc.- trdt."al-trt-t. h a IN.ef."t; In is A;fr,t.3tprArpr. '.' The Farmer ME DICINE ENEMY TROOPS SENT . T0 ITALIAN FRONT Paris. Oct. "..-rhq French Int night attacked the German "not on the Man: from after I heavy bombard- ment. The War Office reports that the German petition: were purer-ted and that 100 prisoners were taken. Nervon. pro-(ranch. locomotor In!“ and par-Inl- uo the natural row".- of nellecunx to keep the not?†In 'terntttttut condition, Tho you " Dr. Clinch Nerve Food when you map-a than :- nomethlng wronc. will noon rector. vitality to the nor- vous mum. and (hereby prevent aerloun developmnnu. Washington. Oct. ".-rhe general staff has learned that no less than 40 divisions of German and Austrian troops have been detached from the Russian front to reinforce the Aus. trian army. now facing the Italians. The preacnce ot large numbers ot diiiidi, 1nrkish and " Bulgarian troops on the Italian front also is re- ported, an indication ot the realiza~ tion by the governments of the central powers ot the imminent danger of a general rout it the “aliens continue their successel on the Balnsizm Plateau. In "all fact Is also a warnlng to (Ike not. ot such symptoms " IIQODIQIM'IODI nnd loan of enorxy and ambition. and restore the vitality to the nervous Byatemt before tome form of jelplmnou renninI _ _ uni-T ion-mi Nlcholn R. a. No, t, Dundalk, Ont. wring: "I up 'lt- M In 'wrmni to tell you the [mt can , an. m m m In} A dead norve cell an never he ro- vlnced. tn null way " In dun-rent to other cells of the human body. Hut feeble, wasted have calls can be re- utored. and heroln Hen hope. t3tirrtitrAdttm-rnBmus- geiiarnattkasiontrin NAVAL AIR-CRAFT DROPS MANY BOMB‘ on VARISEAEBE‘ FRENCH ATTAWr ,si GERMAN LIN Austrian officers who have been captured by the helium ireeiy admit the existence ot this feeling of appre- hension on the part ot their general staff. "Myâ€, _LIrtjtttyttt _ Euro: 92mm, 530-, All One Side Was Cold and Powerless When She Bea. . Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. 1“ L London. Oct ".-Marty bomb. were dropped yelurday with utIel-ctory mum on the Vnrleeure alrdrome (Flanders) by naval aireraft, an an OHM-l announcement given out here to-day.‘ All our mechlnee returned eddy “1.00MB DELEGATES Rev. W. P. My. Rev. H. H. Bingium. and Rev. Andrew lmrie. All remains made reading this subject showed that the mind ot the denomination to- dar is bent on carrying forward Bde, iinlte' evangelistic propaganda. Committees Appointed The Committee on Pulpit Supplies appointed wtMc--ReeB. Thomas Wear. ing, c. Ef. new. T. J. Mitchell, C. G. Smith. C. H. Schutt. The Clmmittee on Pulpit Supplies: Rev. o. E. Rutledge. Rev. Thomas Wen-ins. Prof. McKecimle. Believes She Was Saved From Stroke of Paralysis N Woodstock. Oct. ".---Hearty two hundred mu m debuts: utm- ed the opening units of the Baptist Convantton of Ontario and mum. held In the First Baptist Church here My. In the than“ ot the lode:- ator, Rev. Dr. B. D. Thomas or Toron- to, Rev. J. J. Ron of Hamilton pres" ded. After up opening exercises. con- ducted try Rev. o. M, Rouuodxe. Rev. Dr. MeMtgttetrt of Knox Prenhywmn Church, who In: been “mm-tor for {my-even yeail In Woodstock. ex. tended word: ot welcome to the con- vetttiott. The Itlcrnoon servlce was intended tor pastors, at which the question of “Sane Evangelism" was uken up and ahly dent with by Rev. T. J. Kitchen, THE. MOlSONS Ill tihlll0lTlllll I .0“th A man; “an“ wanna. 7mm OIIOULAI "TT.'" OF Olin? BANK - ORDER. nuns I"! IIPAIIIII‘I m allow“ d - was: run. unity†we», xnrcueuu nun-cu. CW“ and â€II"! m a warnlng to nymptnmg u ot enorxy and the vitality to Dr. Cit,Gofk Nerve Food can: II n‘luro'n way by noun-Mn. the f0.- bu, mute 't.rve. back to brim ttt vigor FY ty conu- n he}. II dest 2t ee n. m I 520-. mm of Dr. Chit' Nerve Food. I ‘W‘l so nervous I could not aleop, and found It hard to get my work lion. At all, hut, having no help " th time. had to do the but I could. Put ally my loft arm became DOW"! and mild. and thu, continued to won-e until my whole nlda in forced, head and all. I doc! try Dr, l‘hnsr's Nerv, Food. In tlrnt box helped ',,e,rnJ",',',',fid used several, mtttt bellow. that treatment and me from hula. plrnlyllc stroke. It hu built no u Wonderfully. "d I an recommend man nanny. hellevln. mu It mo Non-e Food were and than won l be_mut.11 loll: 451nm; _ Fun-ed Tongue. Bad Tate. Indigo.- tion, Bellow Skin and Miler-hie Hend- nchee ANmMt from a torptd liver ill! etotrged bowels, which come your elomach to become illled with M seated food. which some and term. like garbage In a â€will barrel. Ml the tirttt step to untold mim)rr--Hdb gentlon, ioul M. bad breath, - skin, mental learn. everythinz that in horrible and mounting. A Gaunt tonight will give your constant-II bowel- a thorough cleaning and etrnighten you out by morninu. My work while you B1eerr--e 10cm: has from your drugs“: will keep you tod- ing good for months. ZrEGLER--BR00KS- At St. Ptul'l Church, London, England. on Bop. tember M, 1917, by the vicar of the parish. Karl Whitney Tiegier,eWP.. Canadian Records Office. only non of Dr. and Mrs. Cyrus Pullman glen London. Canada. to Eve“ Irma Winifred. youngest but: of Mr. 3nd Mm. Williams 1000 Brooks, of "Everhope." Mud-IO road, Heme Hill, London. Eng. "tee" Pete, muggy. octobor " _ 1001M“ For lick Headache, Sour mountain, "would: _leo_r“and Bowyto--Ttter. Remember the Datet-Momtar, oo'. tuber 29th. Head on“. 106 YOUNGE 8111!", TORONTO. (One Day only) The ftrtest and - caution. In ladies Transformations, 90mm self-dressing an... â€when... on. and gentleman's “upon and wi.. will be shown for your impaction. A DI‘PLAV 0P CAMPLE “All- aoooa. '. A DEMONSTRATION OF ANY STVLE WHICH MAY " HAD FREE OF CHARGE WILL NOT OB.' LIGATE YOU IN ANY WAY. . of Toronto. (Canada'- 0mm: “w "BttrttnttimmN " "ihtrewend's" J. n. urn-tick. Mir. †announce. " 311.1008 on com" work whllo you sloop. MARRIED.