A MARVELOUS OVERCOAT SHOW- ING. In swagger. :nappy styles. specially and personally selected tor our young men's trade pinch backs. full back back: and Chesterfieid's in distinctly reliable cloth, $10.00, $12.00, $16.50. $18.00 and 320.00. $13.00 ENGLISH RAINCOATS $9.â€. These Coats have been sold in the most 'Tosh time: of cloth: for $1300 . Two-way Collars, boxy backs. patch pockets, choice colors, $3.00, 310.00, 812.1» and $15.00. 5"; Mack's and fancy Tweeds. The Greatest Over coat-valuas shown In Canada at ..W.. w.tr. -$1500 SCOTCH WATERPROOFS. Broken lines ot our $12.00 and $14.00 Suits. Scotch. English and domettin Tweed: m ways, browns and mixtur- vs. aH of this season's making. such redvetions from cur keen cash prices, rm a double saving . .. ... $980 EiTRAOnDINARY TROUSER VAL- UES, 1.800 PAIRS. Dtttisrred from old cor-tracts. Pric- e: are in almost may :as: less than present day manufacturers cost. Waist; 28 to 50 inches. leg lengths 29 to 35 indies. Canada's Best $3.00 Trousers $1.98 A lull range of styles, specially for A GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE. big ullmg. The cloth: for these were I A great opportumty to save suits in contracted for over a year ago. be- values up to $22. ttartd-taiiored, parti. sides a big number of manufacturers' _ cular young man's suit: in snappy models, in values up to $22.00. gray's '; styles. two-button and three-button. It"; black's and fancy Tweeds. ' roll lapels: also standard model, for The Greatest Over coat-valuas shown l the man of more conservative latte. In Canada at ..... ..... -$1500p"""""va"" at ...F. .._ .. $1600 MEN'S SUITS $9.80. FOR $3500-Filty acre farm with good 7-roomed brick house and large bank barn, land, build- ing: and all in good condition About " acres very good mixed loam, 5 to 6 acres good bush. balance pasture land. During Fare Refunding Week which closes Saturday l Ernst'tk FOR 'r000.-Exeeuer" farm of " acres close in. Very firve house with furnace. electric tighta, three piece bath and every city convenience, bank barn and other necessary out- buildings in best of condition. The land is of the very Lest. Owner too old to handle ond wants to retire. will accept city house in part payment. fine chance for someone to do inten- sive farming and at the same time enjoy the comforts of the city. Don't wait until the ground is covired with snow but look about new. Yoo can decide later. Phone or call and make an appointment and let us talk matters over. MENS' SPECIAL SUIT OR OVERCOAT 255 KING ST., W., KITCHENER, ONT. PHONE 925. 01. " " 'ttttr-tttttttut-tummm-tmt-tttttttm-tmei, in best of condition. FOR $15090.-Large farm cf is of the very Lest. 180 acres. one of the finest in , old to handIe ond the County. 155 acres of excel- "etire, will accept city lent land, free from hills, bal- part pgymgn, Tine ance bush and pasture. Very somcone to do interr fine Carge bank Barn and straw "g and at the same shed and other necessary out. , the comforts of the buildings. Fine large brick hqusc. W. B. BECHTEL SHOP HERE FARMS FOR SALE Imttetttmtam1ntmemumtmtMttnm1tmtttm'r' 200 pairs Men's Shoes in all sub. Siantial solid feather .spiendid fall and winter weights for rough wear. Sizes 6 to ll. Regular $3.50 and $3.75. Sale Boys' Boots in all substantial solid leather. splendid made weights for school and rough wear as well as weights for best and Sunday. Sizes 11 to 13. Regular $3.00 and $3.50. Sale Price .rr.. trpp. ... ..Frrr.. $249 Men's harurtailored decidedly smart patterns and very snappy values at $3.25, $4.00. $4.50, $5.00 and .. $5.50 325 Pair Women's Boots, Stylish. Shapes in Vici Kid with dull kid tops. Gunmetal and Patent Leather, but [on and Bluc'ncr styles. Cuban heel sizes 2!2 to 5Va only. Regular $4.00 and $9.50. Sale Prat P . . .. ... S289 BUY YOUR SHOES AT BIG REDUG. TIONS. . 300 pairs Boys' Boots in Bax Calf and Bax Kid in a good stylish shape Biucher tops, SoHd leather through- eut---McKay sewn sol23. Sizes 1 to s. Regular $3.50 to $4.00.. .Sale Price..... t.... ..... ... . $2.98 Kitchener's best $3.25 Trousers Beit loops and side straps. Tice FOR '9200.--Exeellent farm of 114 acres. Very 'arte hank barn and straw shed, litter can rier and att modern improve- ments. Egccllcrt house of 9 rooms in best of condntion. Large orchard in its, prime. There is about 100 acres of the finest of land. balance bush and pasture, with never Hailing stream. See this. there is no better in the country. A home anyone wdutd be proud of. Where the Good Clothes Come from $15.00 $298 $289 Tho (My Pound! his annulled tr, "" cure two Inns of Siphon and Lab- ?ilMsrhttrwrintt ractt wont for a In 1‘ tlwzalrr .. Mr. Abraham Martin who has been a long rnidonv In Baden Ind horn em- rilm-ml ttt the Brnharhrr Woollen milk moved to Elmira In! week. Mr. K. Athort in on the sick "at at prnsent. - . Tho nation Mlsrrion Auxiliary will ",lettrato their fourth anniversary try a mnrcrt itt the Opera Hall, on Thun- day owning the 25th. insg. Refresh- mpnts and Birthday cake will he on sale. A splendid program including a play "The Scurlel Bonnet" ll being prepared. _ Mr. William Zarnke known as "old cooper William" died on Friday Oct. 19th and so years. The tuneful took place on Monrtay afternoon. Oct. 22 It. the viUue remetery. ROV. A.. M. Hamilton or Guelph oe. vupiod the pulpit in the Presbyterian church on Sunday. While In town he was: the guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Cam. Mr. o, H. Vogt, manager of the Great Went factory. cntorlainvd the factory baseball team with several others to a hanqnct at tho Steddick house on Friday evening. The Great West team won the championship of tht' 1917 factory baseball league. Spent-hos and a pmgramme were add, ml to the entertainment and a very plmzsnnt owning was spent. Promoted in Rank. _ News Notes or Interest St ' Cole â€an: Cvai%itiirtdined a'numher of ladies at her home on Friday at- mmonn. Mr. and Mrs. P. Ruppel spent Wednes- day at water??? __, Mam-tors Vog' and Albert Jénsen and their sister Wilhelmina ot Gait, visit- ed their grandmother. Mrs. Vest, last week. . _ -- _ Our local nubile school staff at: tended the Teacher's Convention at Gait last week. Accompanieu Delegation. . â€Â£1353 Edith Mattusch of St. Jacobs spent the week end with her parents north of Elmira. ", A _ _ . “Mr. ghdisfré. Addison Belsel spent Sunday at Canning... . minus. Baseball Team Entertained The young [N'ane's not-191103 of the Hrcshytrrlan and Methodist churches aw sonrlimz Christmas boxes to their church hays nvorxras. The Eimiraiteg who accompanied the big delegation to Port Dover last week were Messrs. o. H. Vogt. I. Welchel, Geo. Kllnck. Rev. J. Culp. E. G. Wtnn, J. Hilborn. J. Jury, J. Small. W. Cieghorn and A. Merner. Miss Ida Letson spent Sunglny at St Jacobs with Mr and Mrs Leander Friends of Alfred H. Geikc will ber improslod to know ho wan promoted to the rank of t'orporal. He is at. pre- svnl at Camp Wadsworth, Spartan- trurg. 3.", whrto thousands of troops are training. Ile, is with the 74th N. Y, Infantry. V \l'w'l‘ siriimrur spent a short time at Gurlph last week. - ..., _ ")Irzxnd firs. VArmhrust of Kitch. "nor spout Sunday with fhe lutler'u Itar'trtts. Mr. and Mrs. C. Dreislngcr Mrs. Armhrust favored tho congrega- tion of tho Evanlzt-llcal church with a N'I'O at the {waning tit-nice. Christina: Boxes For Soldiers. W'surdénl Brenner of the Waterioo Seminary had charge ot the services in St. James church on Sunday even- ing, _. Mrs. C. K. Plants received I letter Last week from the information But. can. Canadian Red Cross society. in London. England. Mating that her hus- hand, Hum. ('. E. Name. is at the int ltd. I-lnziami. and is suffering trom I rather painful wound in the hack. H" “as wmmdeul In France some weeks ago. Hi» friends hope for his rompit-lt- recovory. . Shh GC.iiiu.Ciames Carpenter and family left for their new home In Saskatoon. --i_, _ The local Women's Patriotic Lear que held a Red Cross tea at the home of Mrs. G. Rnppel on Wedneldly. Oct. 34ttt, afternoon and evening. Tea was served from 3 to 6 in the Inernoon and from 7 to 9 o‘clock in the even- ing. A silver cullectlon was taken in aid of the local Red Cross work. Suturing From Painful Wound.- \gig‘rclul r,creieo (or young people was held in St. Paul's church on Sun- lay evening. __ - A . Sir and Mrs. b. Laschingerr spent s'vveral days at Brunsclg recently. Mrs. Conrad Hahn, her daughter, Mrs. c, Kunlzc and her grandson. Mastor Donald Borkwood spent Sun. lay at Kitchener. Mn. " " Ran. Ind son David left last Wednesday to spend the winter with her ulster. Mrs. E. G'. Suehrlnx at Brock, ' Miss V. Appcl Event seierst days at Toronto last week. - iii-s; udie Laschluger is Malling at Toronto. _ ".irrru,hn'tirutraeher ho had rev cently been operated on tor appendi- um and who had since taken pneu- umnh died at " bonus on Church street on Saturdny morning. - - "In Annie Unley "tent mend any! at Hamilton but week. Fund Awayiat_t'rdar, _ _ Local and Damn-I. lull mm m IIuItIOIMlUIIIIUIU Our Busy Neighbors New: Now. Gathered by Industrial. Correspondents in County and Dtatrict ' Baden. The mnny friends ot Mr. and Mrs. Dalm- will be lorry to loam "In! thre nro- mm 'tttite " A wry pleasant mun orening was Local and Perunal A happy meeting took place recent- ly in England when two former Hen- pelerttm now serving event-as were permitted to spend an enjoyable limo together. The two horn, "Bill" and Parry. are mm of Mr. and Mrs, u. Young. who "with on Cooper titre-n. Sent. Young has "on It month. In Tice In Fran". The friends or Corp. Hugh. Simpson will be glad to learn that he luau been promoted to Quartermaster-Sergeant Corp. Simpson enlisted with the 2nd Canadian Pioneer Battalion. and ham seen active lenice in Prince for two you". Imhcn Meet Over-cu Only one who has reglatvretl hm summed his wlllinznosa to Join tho army, by signing the “swim! card. Received Promotion M....... ...... The entertainment to he given by the members of the New Dundee Choral Society will be held in Karel, man'x "an early in November, on a date to be announced shortly. Special Services The Red Cross Rooms, will be open this week as usual on Thursday after noon. More workers: are urgently re quired. . The Harvest Home Services were held in the Baptist Church on Sunday last, Oct. 2tst. The Oturch was ap- oropriatrtly decorated and special mu- m was rendered by the Choir. At the close of the morning an address was delivered by the Church Clerk, and the Pastor was presented with a purse as a token of the members' apprcch- lion of his tlrqt year's Pastoratc. The Mia-en Lily and Stella Witmer, and Olive Eby. and Mean. Wlllar'l Winner and lulah Eby were the guests ot Mr. Ind Mrs. Abram Creumtm on Sunday. Roe. Mr. Schwartz ot Kitchener was the guest ot Mr. and Mrs. Amo. un- born on Sundny. Mrs. Struck (formerly Miss Stella Main) was the recipient of many use- ful gifts trom some of her friends on Saturday evening last, when they paid lwr a surprise visit at her father's house Mr. and Mrs. Struck have since returned to Toronto. where ther will make their future home. Pte. L. Havey Pte. Leo llavvy. a well-known Hes. pelnriie, was reported sunning from shell wounds received on Srpmmiwr 'g.3.--The official news stated that it: had been admitted to the 6th 'raaualty Station on that date. Ask For Exemption Present indication» go to tshow that an exceptionally large parentage of Hespeleritm, who came undr Plans I of the Militarv Service Act will ask or emptlon. Bo far reports have come In rather slowly there having barn on Iy 19. A considerable numb" of these have been placed in Category E. hy the examination board. Min Ida Dorsey. of Toronto, Iva: the guest ot Mr. Ind Mrs. Gilbert Bergoy over the week-end. Rev. Mr. snide of Kitchener gave an addreu at the Baptist Church on Monday evening. - __ - Miss-Helen gain and Mr. David Lib willer attended the Teachers' Convert, tion in Gall. last week. , Mrs. Philip Appel In confined to her home through slckneu. - - _ Mr. and iirs. Gilbert Bechtel have returned to Kitchener. Mr. Gilbert Bechtel was laid up for stew days last week on account ot a severe kick received trom a colt owned by Mr. Mervin Bechtel. Misa Cora Hullman attended the wedding of her cousin In Elmwood. Mr. K. T. Coleman ls erecting a new verandah in from of his home and store. son Capt. L. L. Stautter. ot the Canadian Army Medical Corps, Is now attached to the Headquarters sun at Ottawa. Recipient of Many Gifts -Rev, Mr. Bristol attended the Bap- tist Church Conference in Woodstock last week. The New Dundee Public Library has recently received a supply ot new Mr. and bin. Att. Father were vuit. lng the luter'u parenlu. Mr. Ind In. (My; In _r9_dsrn over Sunday. Mr. and Mole- Bur spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Ephnlm Baer, New Hamburg. Many New Dundee people attended the funeral of the late Mm. C. Booth:- in Petersburg last week. Mu. John Sundial. ot Hanover. In any!“ with her daughter In. Irvin Lamenlchlaser. Mr. and Mm. 19.H. Snyder hare been vUitirttt mend. ln Dre-Ian. Mr. and In. Arthur binomialâ€: motored to Philip-bur: on Sunday. Mm. Sidney [amen-china! In via “In In. P. Lamar-scissor in South- lumen. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ir. vin Lautenschlager on the birth of a In. Simon Water I: whiting her (humor, In. In Tucklbky In Kit. chener. Local new " Murat New Dundee. Hespeler. I‘m-cum“; The county road leading from l'rm- ton to Hemmer In being repaired. The county stone crusherhns been ut work for the past two. weeks crushing dard. TretgBurer--H. C. Edgar, Fixing County Road f A Mac was noticed by the mum valvhuun at Utter. Ural} Foundry Fri, day mun “out 3.30. The tire depart- ment immediately responded to the ultra: mm! the: than! an hour'l wont “unmanned the blue. President and t'ouduetor--Ai. A. Mr (illllvray. At the recent meeting ot the ('Ilul~| ll Society"! Kzecutlvp ('mummw "l was decided to utudy mlu-cllanem-s ' work: MIMI-r to tho program Kin-1| I lut your. The lullowlnu are Um "l “can elected (or the coming year: Lee 3!.‘31'1'99'1'3339! who?! The building in which the ttre took place In axiom: Ilructure with Wood- o-n root and In used (or enamelllmr. The tire, II supposed to have Itartwl In the electrn- oven “though it I: nut derrinitoi, known. - Elm Officers Fire At Clue In.- chi. u tir to. on 'uiiaia iiiai. (by. Egan-by not. gov u. “if: gird-gum m In Toronto when the tor-or will conduct “we“ tomorrow In Wool Church. lu..Nu-u mun returned to - hon. lama, nor-1|. utter â€out“ an “Joy-bl. mu with In. (“urn-u. Silver Heights. Secretary Ind Litrrttrian--C. W. God THE Overcoat Season is with us again and we are here with the Overcoats. _ _ Thornton and Douglas' Overcoats are real Overcoats made of handsome, serviceable, warm cloths, splendidly tailored in all the very newest styles. There are belted Coats, pinch backs, slip-ons, Cheisterfields and many other models. All Thornton & Douglas' Overcoats are cut and tailored by hand. _ They are ample, luxurious garments, that any man would be proud to wear. Waterloo and Elmira THE BIG HARDWARE STORE .2 Phone 216 All styles are here in all sizes. You will see the larg- est stock of overcoats here, that you have seen in one store in many a day. Get your coat now as prices will be no lower and the selection is at its best. . - Thornton & Douglas Ltd (Continued on P339 0.! Prices $13.50, $16.50 818, $20, $22, $24 to $35 Round O’Gedar Polishing Mops. complete with handle, at Triangle Cedar Polishing Mops complete with handle, at OTedar Dusting or Polishing Cloths, each . . . . . . . . . .. . O'Cedar Oil, put up in 1 or.. bottles, per bottle . . . ..... . O'Cedar Oil, put up in 12 oz. bottles, per bottle . . . ... .. ,, lillillifi' NEW OVERCOATS H E old way to clean a hardwood floor was to dust it,'then elean'it, then oiland polish it. A half-day's task-slots of back-breaking work-and even then the result was not always satisfactory. t But the new way-with the O-Cedar Polish Mor-rm: thut/clean and' polish all at once. Easy, quick and satisfactory. No stooping or bending.’ No hard rubbing. You simply pass the mop over the floor-all the dust and, dirt is collected and held and the floor is given a hard, durable, lasing polish. A few minutes easy work and the result is always satisfactory. -e - _ y A gala-mil , l i. f) d tor drawing and dusting mrywhcte-not only the doors, but the top. of (Immune stairs and banisms, ctr. Everywhere, all the hard-mammal. You don't have to move the beds and heavy furniture, you an Inch and“ them easily, for ‘ the handle of the mop u " inchu long. STRATFORD M. WEICHEL & SON Limited §Dusting, Cleaning e'.'. Polishing“ The price of the Main Poll-II Nov lg only $1.50. mid my aig,'rf, mt money will he rerttoded. k. an" two dan' triot, you do lid ad tt “nu-lath" In rvcrv mot-a. We know you will "st i'. the that “my household ankle you m and. IS THE ribifiiiiiihirEs PM!) THE O'CEDAR MOP Oellitthfq " WESELOH -iMBlli,l'fl), , " KING 8T., " TO " FREDERICK STREET, KITCHENER, ONTARIO. Opening Nine Departments With Big Specials Shop at the, Department Store CLOTHING MANUFACTURERS. KITCHENER All it One Time Try It at Our Risk See Big Add Page 16 During Shop in Kitchener Week HAMILTON $1.50 $1.50 Ge Ge