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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 4 Oct 1917, p. 2

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gonin Â¥eal All Owen canrht the one sitii - the rack 6 the week pre in pourt Condition to withst PW ©otk 1t regari is jr horme of «) nreat journals :i the fas: hat fo: populato= |0 one Who : thar «50 shenli . BHSE iescborplecs those n all c iside 00 . All © Hament: o# statesim:> dian snd / manshin w wem The n« ro Advert will be .0 The copy nt later than ~, vertisements a day eactn week Migh class ortating, Engsh German, in ail branches. +ADVERTiSERS Notice of changes mus this office | not later | th. noon. Weekiy published every YThurs«ay m’ DAVID BEAN & SONS, LIMITED, eaves N WATERLOY. OnT. ds kone changes must be left <at Jt later than Saturday + changes must Ccéuay noeon C aceepted up to Pubbishers. h U «wonigie application A 1 A L1 S M ng of not be rsual a 41 the / ¢v it om dis ity, M ylerw Scott‘s Ennilsion AUEUAL +T on * to ane. budletins w1o. 0o bespect d vrloment in West ty thSt ue ‘i lc for free dnsiedhap w dppl ation toâ€" the sn Hosecrcces drhe{nponee Branch Podrwoetof: mc nert with reâ€" oul to "tma ‘aoes 1 Asstern Canada antifis e3 ofounle on a homestead ind trereily s uucss the périod withâ€" n vw‘4~= z> »dence and cultivation dutâ€" ~€ ior>* > performed prior to applyâ€" »_« "itle to the land, also on acâ€" mt ol \be impetus which has been + 4 \griculture by the prezent‘ miils s\ â€"rtage of foodstuffs, the de 1 : Sormation on the subject nestcading is showing a marked: ~u, ease, t ransay corporation oi« !| which conirols thess roi not hesit.(~ to put hesns . i on young shonlders wis n . offers and ability war zuts uon of rAii s ay agFer is . tvibute to <onius o. two very : !t is sn .<factory to uon of ability on t} and L. F. his fath> the proi: woed is The personnel of the exeraption triâ€" ~‘s for Waterloo County, in conâ€" w son with the Military Service Act, ‘ch os to inspire confidence and se a fair hearing to all applicants cemption from military service, ‘~â€" the new law. appcars to be that of the prizeâ€"fAghter who, when he gets his opponent grogâ€" Ey, seeks to give him the knockâ€"our beiore he can recover. It is a tribute to Rritish army organization that it »>â€"u+l be able to deal its heavy blows wilh such repldity. â€" t2®AT(O} Town of Waterloo which set as anâ€" objective for its Italian Cross Fund, will, it is understood, od this amount by over twenty ©* sent. When it comes to conâ€" o. ‘o a worthy cause the oreâ€" NOTES AND COMMENTS. he apnoir m <~da‘s hero of more* than l;vql air duels, Major William Avery », VC., DS80., M.C., arrived ta ito, Thursday, on the way to his in Owen Sound ou two months‘ gh. Mayor Church welcomed â€" rhe city, and expressed to tke insn the <sppreciation of tue for his cooluess and daring covalted in bis accounting for ~ tr~n thirtyâ€"seven of the + yuel nes. ABI P n the citizens of Waterloo more than generous. A CANADIAN HERQ. H hrie, M.P., is coming in ve crigacism at the hands Tâ€"1l>zion constituents h Government mezâ€" T. R. hill, the dis l . 2 the closure have + Adisapm=ovel that t nrialfes Liberal +»po. > peuted. L/"Y R2LOGNIZED. in m nt of Mr. Milre M. ‘lovt of the G. P. & H. i N. ralivays, to succeed ve late Murtin Todd, and m of Sup 3P \. Kirkâ€" _position of > eral manâ€" bute to (=« qrthotion and 0 Yyery capa‘le souns men. ‘tory to tecoffir ogniâ€" T 6 hel Y it is quit nâ€" general hexith is wl ic o liver is nunre‘s great s 1 nourishâ€" ~ o expel the voâ€"r strength. 1cUMa bx STED ‘lame ofimâ€" i docs of ineâ€" was hteuc t under control. resideats of the city were awakâ€" «* by the alas â€" and many loft ‘eir homes and rashed to the ‘ire fore 1 a‘clock quje a crow) bad athered to witness the NMazr an ny assisted the firemen in thoir fi@ght against the flames. The ready esnonse <nd effiicient work of the ‘ire fight irs prevented the destruc lon of the factory. The interior of the finichiog departemat is badly burned a«d other departments sufâ€" refuge from. fair criticism by waving the flag, and accusing all those who did not agree with him oftbeing disâ€" loval. Mr. McKinnon‘s Criticism. Mr. It. 1.. McKinnon, of Guelph, owâ€" ing to the lateness of the hour, made only a I’)riuf reply to some of Mr. Guâ€" thrie‘s assertions. He accused him of unfairness, and of making stateâ€" ments that were not true, also of indulâ€" ging in the wretched custom of taking ~IRE DAMAGES SHOE Speaking of his former leader, Mr. CGuthrie said that he had behind him all the proâ€"Germans, all the slackers and dynamiters. "Laying dowan the policles of the two political leaders side by side, which do you thin‘," the speaker added, "would the. Kaiser choose ?" er the Liberal Association of South Wellington supported him or not. He abstained from any criticism of the Borden (overnment, and stated that Sir Robert Borden was the only com:â€" petent man in Canada to form a Un ion Government. Mr. Guthrie‘s Defence. Mr. Guthriec was then called upon by the Chairman. He addressed â€" the meeting for a period of one and a half hours, defending in that time the course he had pursued in voting with the Government on the occasions reâ€" ferred to by Dr. McKinnon and Mr. Hasting§. He had, he said. done wirat he believed was his duty, and \vogld stand by his convictions whethâ€" .« lion was apparenâ€"ly in order, that 14 neople of Car:"a might express \~ adignation whic» they felt regardâ€" i the stand the member for South \ ellington, , Mr. Hugh Guthric hao ‘akon in supporting such aâ€" overn â€" 1t and voting for the C.X.R. purâ€" uase, the franchise bill and the cloâ€" ure. On the Mitter he had nothing but condemnation. Mr. Hastings of Guelph, whose name has been very freely mentioned as a possible opponent to Mr. Guthrie for tha nomination in South Wellington, followed Dr. McKinnon and in a few words declared his disapproval of the Borden Government, and especially of those latter acts of legislation referâ€" red to by the previous speaker and for which the member for South Wellingâ€" ton had voted. ‘ 8. _ Wellington â€" Liberals Roundly Score Member on His Course. OPPOSITION T0 _ HUGH CUTHRIE DEMOCRATIC CONGRES§ IN â€" §ESS310N NEW RUSSIAN COVERNMENT FAGES GREATEST CRISIS OF * CAREER: MAY DEPOSE KERENSKY 1 us am ieb * ho Ihaze was raging ‘>partment. >everal ro were io nrediately fick 8. Oon aPie, Avens â€" Melinres of Guelph. onat ur the South Wellington Liâ€" Associatiou. Me criticized seâ€" the policr and iack of policy of rden Government in its prosecuâ€" \the wo». e was glad that an Pr FACTORY AT ELMIRA. RE"" Ulironicleâ€"Telegrapk, Waterloo, Thursday, â€" October 4, 1917 BEECHAM‘S ‘ Ottawa, _ Sept. 29.â€"When to fix the coming gemeral election causes some worry to those who will deâ€" termine the matter. The great amount of preparatory ©work gives rise to doubt whether things can be got ready for December. &n the other hand. if the vote were taken in Janâ€" nary or February weather conditions might be bad all over the couniry, and especially in the west. Deterring the election _ till the early ~spring ou! . ause supply to run out. "ue election whenever it is held, wis imake no difference with the war loan campaiga which will be launched in November. _the eyes are dull, liver and bow» els need reg't‘nlatigg Quicklx restore healthy conditions wit a dose or two â€"in timeâ€"of ELECTION DATE CcONTINUES TO BE UNCERTAIN Last week the Admfralty _ repor: showed 28 merchantmen sunkâ€" â€"eight of more than 1,600 tons and 20 of less tonnage. * The smallest aggregate of vessels sunk in any previous week since the February undersea campaign was inâ€" augurated by Germany whs 16â€" â€"14 merchantmen of 1,600 tons and over and two of less than 1,600 tons. This was during the weck ending August 12. ‘ London, Sept. 26.â€"Thirteen British merchantmen of 1,600 tons and over, and two vessels of less than 1,600 tons, were sunk by mines or submarines last week, according to the weekly Adâ€" miralty statement issued this evening. In the aggregate this is the smallest number of vessels sunk during any one week since Germany began her intensiâ€" fied submarine warfare last February. Two fishing vessels also were sunk last week. ‘ indicate buoyant health. When Bright Eyes BRITISH SHIPPING _ "The present state of affairs on the 'Austro-ltaliam front," the _ messaze lreads. "appears to be full of promises and surprises. The enemy, believing '?he supreme solution of the war canr be expected only by fighting, is strongthening his defenses and acâ€" [(‘unmlznlng great quantities of mate irla! desperately, and is doing everyâ€" "thlng possible to forestafl a future ’]tallan offensive, which is expected. ‘The Italians have practically cleared the Bainsizza Piateau, and are holdâ€" ing all the territory conquered .Acâ€" cording to the statements of prisonâ€" ers, it seems that Austrians are quite discouraged. _ At present â€"the greatest activity is being displayed by Italian airplanes, which are scoutâ€" ing over the enemy‘s rear lines, wheveâ€" the _ Austrian troops ‘are resting, spreading fear and terror | by their bombing operations. LOSSES LESSEN; WEEK‘S TOTAL SM Washington, Sept. 27.â€"Austrian counterâ€"altacks on the Italian front have al: failed, according to a semiâ€" official despatch reaching Washingâ€" ton from Rome toâ€"day. The message said that the present situation of the Italian ofensive promises surprises. «>‘ th.s the Italians have practically C‘ =rod the Bainsizza Plateau, and are holding all the territory they have thus far gained. i SURPRISE IMPENDING Austrian Counter Attacks Fail; Italians Masters of Great Plateau. ITALIANS HOLD . THEIR GAINS Rural School Fair. The Rural School FaSr last Wedâ€" ncsday at Clearview, three miles north of here. and embracing eight school sections was a decided success, and was attended by more than 1.500 persons. All of the classes wore fill ed, and a large tent was full of exhihâ€" its of vc‘ouhlm-. fruit, flowers, bakâ€" ing, ncedlework. handwriting and. inâ€" sect collections. In the live â€" stock classes competition was very keen, and the younsters showed their splenâ€" did. animais with justifiable . pride. For the second year in succession the areording to what. Mr. Goldie let 1rov toe price of flour is already fixâ€" @d azd ‘he flour men will pay the sal +1 the ilour men will pay the salâ€" it» <.* » secretary to attend to the aery details connected with such a wlep. WBe imillors are doing all they ‘an is ug@ist the fool controlier. ‘V.il Fix Bread Prices. Aur. Lincoln Goldie of Guelph, who ‘ac cetvened from Ottawa, where he was a‘ceruing a conference of grain man wilh the food controller stated thst ta® price of flour would be fixed ‘uzet as snon as the necessary details To e arranged. U.iicc Caused Fire. ) Capt. Pratt, Mrs. Pratt and son _ Mico and matches Are blamed for| Jackie of Galt, have moved to Avr and the burning of the big general store i Mr. Pratt has accepted a position with of Frank Tickett, Griffin‘s Corners. llhe Canadian Cereal Co. there. Only half a dozen chairs were saved x =n2zrrn mz ez of the contents. The blaze had so far| Minard‘s Liniment Cures Oandruff. advanced that the family got away Retntoreeammaatmenan e tnenmammmmmatmmmeemmery from the building only in their night ?.-_‘v‘(?.,, & clothes. The loss, which will be serâ€" °1 _ wa‘s ‘ous, is parily covered by insurance. §My a > q The buiiding was formerly a hotol hk . d‘ and was conducted by Jacob Griffin the founder of the Corners, for over 40 years. R“ g bm FL-\A‘ ’ The retail merchants of Hespeler, are practically unan‘mous about iak ing the Wedresday half haliday throughout the year, except during the month of December. This mornâ€" ing, it was learned that the gents‘ furnishings shops would also close for the holiday with one exception, and that on account of it being primâ€" arily a tailoring shop. Mice Caused Fire. a Ford car was pinned under his maâ€" chine on Fast Main street and escapâ€" ed without receiving a scratch. Who the man who was driving the car could not be learned but it is believed he was from qutside of Galt. in Favor of Half Holiday Yearly. One of the most miraculous escapes in a motor accident in Galt occurred at noon yesterday when the driver of Figures given out b‘y Assessor Rusâ€" ton of Stratford yesterday show that Stratford‘s population is now 17,420, and increase for the year of 49. The iotal value of real estate is $11,080, 020, an increase of $189,400, of whica $16,425 was in land values and $172,â€" 975 in buildings. During the year 215 births were registered. Miraculous Escape. At a mecting of the publishers . of weekly newspapers in â€" Wellington County, held at Hiora, it was unaniâ€" mously decided to raise the rate from 1.00 to $1.50 a year, the new rate to take effect November 1st. Stratford is Growing. «h aar o e an o n is ecma a 1 ue e es y o e e e t s 1 Will Raise Rates. ‘CERMANS SUFFER TERRIFIE LOsses ~ ‘"The fighting yesterday was in the most vital area, the nexus of the ridge system dominating the plain o: Flanders, and the key to the whole series of ridges. There is a good dea! more to be said about this battle than what we gained. Big Slaughter of Teutons. "Officers who have been with the British army from the beginning all agreed that since the first battle of Ypres there has never been a slaughâ€" ter of the Germanss comparable to that they suffered ‘in the repulsed, counterâ€"attacks oi the past few days The Germanss counterâ€"attacked in masses, and dozens of these counterâ€" attacks were swept away by our fire with terrible German losses. "During the past month there has been a long pause, thanks to the rain and mud in Flanders," he said. ‘‘The pause made necesssary more ample preparations than ordinarily af ter a first advanceâ€"preparations equivalent, to launching an entirely new battle. But the result amply justified the preparations, and while on previous occassionss we won our objectives only after protracted fightâ€" ing, we yesterday were in possession of the whole of our objectives before 8 a.m. Battles of Ypres Take Enorâ€" mous Toll and Secure Vital Strategic Ground. London, Sept. 27.â€"On his sreturn from a visit to the Italian front, Maj orGeneral F. B. Maurice, Chiet Di rector of Military Operations at the War Office, today discussed the situâ€" ation in Flapders with the Associat ed Press. c e t o i n e im unc en q o e t County and District Notes Hon. W. J. Hanna, FPood Controller, gives warning that there must be no hoarding of potatoes, urges increased consumption of them so there shall be none wasted, and says the price should not exceed $1.25 per bag after October 1. The "J.B.L. Cascade" is now being shown and explained at A. G. Haehnel, MDruggist. Waterloo, where a most in. teresting booklet. called "Why Man of Toâ€"day is only 50 perscent. Efficient. is given on request. If you prefer, write for this book to Chas. A. Tyrâ€" rell, M. D., 163 College St., Toronto. It is Nature‘s own cure for Constiâ€" nation and is now being used by over 500,000 Canadians and Americans with great success, Words, I can assure you quite fail me to express my satisfaction and gratefuiness to you for inventing such a humane and commonâ€"sense remedy for stomach troubles as the "J.B.L. Cascade." For the past 15 years I have suffered from such, and have neâ€" ver had the permanent relief from meâ€" dicines as J bave had from your "Casâ€" cade." 1 consider it the best investâ€" ment I have ever made, and would not hbe without it for one hundred times its cost. 1 consider that those who are inflicted as I was are making the misâ€" take of their lives to be without one of your Cascades. ‘ Wishing you every success in your efforts for suffering humanity, } I am, Dear Sir, yours truly, "Gratel&l." P. S.â€"Name &nd address will be furâ€" nished if requested. Th‘s is a sample only of maiy lo.r dreds of letters we have on our files: * Dept. Public Works Ottawa, Ont. Jan. 31st, it i5 The Lower Intestine can never get into this condition if Internal Baths are used. The "J. B. L. Cascade" cleanses the Lower Intestine its entire length thoroughly with pure warm wilâ€" ter and removes all this poisonous waste, which is such a monace to healta > Dear Sir:â€" You ar® not exporimenting when you nse Dr. Chase‘s Ointment, for it has an unparalleled record of cures to back it up. Beware of imitations and treatments said to be «‘just as good." ~They <only ‘ "The result was astonishing. In a week‘s time the internal organs resumâ€" ed all their normali functions, and in a few week‘s the patient was apparently in perfect health." Mr. Donald M. Campbel!l, Campbell‘s Mounâ€" tain, N.S., writes: "I have used Dr. Chase‘s Jintment with great suceess for hemofrhoids, or piles, of fiiteen years‘ standing.â€"After tryâ€" Ing all kinds of soâ€"called pile etures, throe boxzes of Dr. Chase‘s Ointment gave me a comâ€" ylete oure. 1 #have also used Dr. Chase‘s Kidneyâ€"Liver Pills, and there _ «ve no cthors so good. You may use this lottes, if you wish, for the benefit . of othors who may suffer as I did." (Sworn before me, Murdoch Gorâ€" don Campbell, J.P., in the County, and for Inverness County.) it has been suggested that the lower ing o% the vitality resulting from sn n poisoning is favorable to the developâ€" m>»r of Cancer and Tube.coiss:; ‘At Guy‘s Hospital Sir Wiliam A~ b=thnot Lane decided on the heraic plan of removing the diseased orgrn. A child who appeared in the final stage of what was believed to be an incurâ€" able form of tubercular joint disease was operated on. The Lower Intesâ€" tine, with the execption of ning inches was removed. and the portion left was joined to the smaller intestine. This letter from Mr. Campbcoll carvrics a message of good cheer to all sufferers from piles, because it tells how relief and eure can be obtained in the quict of your own home by Q the use of Dr. Chase‘s Ointment. â€" P34 "Recent â€" researches of â€" Professor Metchnikoff and others have led docâ€" tors to supopse that many conditions of chronic iflâ€"health, nervous debility, rheumatism and other disorders are due :o poisoning set up by unhealthy conditions in the large Intestine, and T is a surprise to many to learn that there is any g cure for piles short of a surgical operation. The doctors have encouraged this idea until the sufferer {rom this annoying ailment lives in constaut dread of thie surgeoun‘s knife. By Dr. Chase‘s Ointment ces Cured THE MOLSONS BANK |gp=â€"â€"â€" noomrorgt 1455 Gentsâ€"â€"A customer of ours cured a very bad ‘case of distemper in a valâ€" uable horse by the use of MINARD‘S LINIMENT. â€" HAYWOOD ARRESTED. Chicago, Sept. 29.â€"William D. Hayâ€" wood, international secretary treasurâ€" er of ts Industrial Workers of the world was arrested last night chargâ€" ed with seditious conspiracy and reâ€" leased toâ€"day on $25,000 bail. Eight other leaders are still in jail unable to raise $10,000 bail. . * Minard‘s Liniment Co., Limited London, Sept. 27.â€"Lieut. Gen. G. T. M. Bridges who acompanied the Baifour mission to America last sumâ€" mmer has lost a leg below the knee i consequence of a wound received Ia action. § GERMANS LOSE HEAVILY. Paris, Sept. 27.â€"Officialâ€"Two Gerâ€" man attacks along Chemin des Dames were repulsed by the French last night. Germans sustained heavy lossâ€" es. LIEUT. GEN. BRIDGES LOSES LEG. FRENCH SHIP LOSSES. London, Sept. 27.â€"French losses by submarines last week "were, over 16,â€" 00 tons, seven, under 1600 five, Italâ€" ian losses were one big steamer and six small sailing vessels. Oromaru Captured. Petrograd, Sept. 28.â€"Official: The Russians huve captured Oromaru, 24 miles west of Meri in the Cauca it is announces officially. “.' London, Sept. 2%â€" British . casâ€" uaities for September total 104,598, divided as follows:â€"Killed or died of weunds, officers 636, men 18,302; wounded or m‘ssing, officers 2151, men 83,509. â€" Destroyer Sunk. Petrograd, Sept. 28.â€"The Russian destroyer, Ochotnik, was sunk by a mine in the Baitic sea on Wednesday. Gallant Fighting. Ottawa, Sept. 28.â€"The Canadian Militia _ Department statemept indiâ€" cates long and gallant fighting by the Canadians in recent battles with great success. w w uol ue w w t Wl id in i gdl in London, Sept. 29.â€"There was *l artillery activity on both sides says"toâ€" day‘s official communication. "There is nothing of interest to report. HEAVY ARTILLERY. Paris, Sept. 29.~â€"Violent artillery fighting occurred last ‘night on the right bank of the Meuse in Verdun sector, says official statement. CASUALTIES FOR MONTH BOTH SIDES ACTIVE. Yours truly,

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