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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 Aug 1917, p. 5

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£4 Relieved Nightwatchman. Ir. MeAvoy who relieved for Nightâ€" watchman Clark while he way acting Arrangement Approved. The Council approved of an ar rangement between Chief Flynn and Night Watchman Clark regarding as sisting each other on band night to handle the traffic. Will Mark Streets. Councilior Stroh suggested that the streets be marked for the regulation of traffic. ‘The engineer was instructâ€" ed to mark King street from Young street to William street. Councillor Stroh was given permisâ€" sion to sell the flowers on the town property from which some revenue could be secured. * To Provide Substitute. The town solicitor was asked to proâ€" vide a substitute when he is unable to be present. Granted Vacation. Fireman Simpson was granted . a two weeks‘ vacation. . Labor for Farmers. In connection with securing town labor to assist the farmers in the viciâ€" nity, Mayor Hilliard said that no reâ€" quests had been received for _ help. Some farmers spoken to did not care to have town help and would not pay $3.00 per day for help. Permission Given. The Beli Telephone Company was given pérmission to trim trees that inâ€" terfere with their lines, the work to be done under the supervision of the engineer. ‘ Points were awarded as follows:â€" Cléegnliness, crop, food value and mode ef cuitivation. _ Signed, Honorable Mentionâ€"Lots No. 4, 14 18, 122 and 124 Fairview Survey. First Prizeâ€" Public square, cast side King street, 87 points. Second. prizcâ€"Lot No. 36, Fairview Survey, 86 points. Third prizeâ€"Lot. No. 35, Fairview Survey, 85 points. ( The Council also encouraged _ a good work by offering the prizes: We may add that it has been a pleaâ€" sure to go over all of them. Although all could not be prize winners, the results have been remarkable considering the conditions under which some of the gardcners wrought and they may all feel proud to know that they are doâ€" ing their "bit" in this way. . Gentlemen: HMerewith please find result of our judging of the vacant lot gardens competing for the prize offered by you. At the August meeting of the Town Council on Thursday evening Councilâ€" lor Stroh submitted a report of the judges in the competition held in con mection with the use made of the va cant lots, $10 being given in prizes. The report was received as follows:â€" To the Mayor ond Council. Committee of Council Is Greatly â€"Pleased With SBuccess of Plan. JUDGING OF _ VAGANT LOT GARDENINEG ment The Seagram Rink, comprising Ed Beagram, Dr. W. J. Sterling, E. Schlos ser, and A. G. Heller, motored to Tor onto Sunday where they will partic} pate in the Dominion Bowling Tourna The many friends of Dr. F. G. Hughâ€" es will regret to learn that he became ill on Saturday and was taken to the hospital. His condition was reported as improved toâ€"«ay. hetunitndinntadinity dA May Build Storm Drain. King St. Waterloo The matter of installing a storm Phone 217 drain to provide an outiet for the watâ€" er on Union street was discussed. «* }The DBoard of Works was inStTUCICG 10 es sSS |soonre information from the town lm AND Pmm solicitor in reference to the Drainage Act in order that its provisions be ._'l‘heii(éitâ€"cme'; t;ev(_‘ntâ€"ho- complied with, and aiso have the enâ€" lic Order of Foresters held a picnic in gineer furnish an estimate of the cost Waterloo Park on Saturday. of constructing the drain, and rpport‘ L2 0 at the next meeting. It was suggestâ€" The many friends of Dr. F. G. Hughâ€" | °4 that the work be undertaken in the es will regret to learn that he became|SDTing. It was pointed out that the ill on Saturday and was taken to the|Duilding of the storm drain was the hospital. His condition was reported [OP!Y Proper solution of the difficulty We have a large stock of Pure Paris Green at right prices. Now is the time to get a supply to kill those potato bugs. PARIS GREEN Ed. M. Devitt Lrug Store W. BELCHER, ROBT. SIM. MINARD‘S _ LInimENT _ Ccures DIPHTHERIA. hie tPur k Y s en Mills. The young couple are well known in Waterloo and have a host of friends who wish them a fong and happy wedded life. _ Deputy Reeve Bohlender was the mover of a resolution that the town property â€" committee have notices printed and posted up warning those using the mill dam for bathing pur: poses as to the necessity of wearing bathing suits, that loud and indecent language is forbidden, and that _ no bathing is permitted on Sundays or after 10 o‘clock p. m. on week days, as> well as loitering after this hour, and fufrther that the _ police be inâ€" structed to strictly enforce the law. The resolution was endorsed by â€"the Council. ° WERE MARRIED The Finance Committee report proâ€" viding for the payment of the usual budget of accounts was passed. the mill dam was now town property, emphasis was laid on the _ fact that they must conduct themselves properâ€" 1y, otherwise they would be hailed beâ€" fore the magistrate and fined. If this did not deter them the privilege of using the place as a swimming pool would be denied them altogethâ€" er. The Council discussed the matter at considerable length and _ although there was a disposition to still allow the boys to use the flood gate, since Mr. Alf. Moyer, another member of the delegation, said the boys even went the length of invading adjacent properties, tearing off cherry â€" limbs and eating the cherries. The police did not seem to be able to stop them. _ In the past they were successful in stopping it, but since the town took over the property the boys think they can do just as they please. . Mr. Thoman said they did not wish to deâ€" prive the boys of the pleasure it they conducted themselves properly. _ Mr. 1. Thoman on behaif of _ the delegation pointed out that menr and boys go in bathing without any coverâ€" ing whatever, in full sight of citizens residing near the flood gate, and also use foul and indecent language. They go in at all hours, Sundays included, and greatly disturb the neighborhood. No Action Taken. The Union of Canadian municipaliâ€" ties, which meets at London, Aug. 27th to 29th, invited the Council to send represontatives to the meeting, but no action was taken. Petition re Bathing at Dam. A petition was received . from 1 ‘Thoman and other citizens residing in the vicinity of the flood gate strongly ‘protos!lng against the conduct of some of those using the dam for swimming and bathing, and asking the Council to take action in the matter. A large delegation of residents was present to support the petition. \ if the town was to avoid suits for damages to property. _A proposition to put in larger tiles to remedy the matter was not favored. This would necessitate buying a lot to acquire necessary right of way through which to construct it. ‘ August 1st It was pointed out that Chiet Flynn who has been giving excellent service was also entitled to an increase and. his salary was increased from $900 toi $1000. The increases take effect to his request. He will now receive $51 per month, which together with the agnount received from the merchâ€" ants brings his salary to $900 per year. M | 4 Prniowne riheled . _ The County Treasurer & statement indicating Waterioo‘s share of County taxes. The County tax amounts (o $5666, the war tax of one mill to $3391 and the Patriotic Pund tax to $6382. Increase in Salary. An increase of salary was granted to night watchman Clark in response tor the t A Lengthy Discussion. IN TORONTO W After a pleasant fortnight‘s holiday spent in Waterloo, Rev. D. H. and Mrs. Bennic have returned to their home in Grafton, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James Heveron, who will reâ€" main for a short visit. Saturday, August 4th, the third anâ€" niversary of the declaration of war by the British Empire, was celebrated in Kitchener with the solemnity which so serious an.occasion demands. The service was held in Trinity Methodist church, under the auspices of the Daughters of the Empire, and the proâ€" gramme, which was largely one of inâ€" tercession, included _ inspiring and fitting addresses by the Chairman, Rev. Chas. A. Sykes and Rev. F. W. Mathers, with a well rendered solo by Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. Alex. Bean and family have reâ€" turned from her fathor‘s ‘summer home on Lake Rosseau, Muskoka, where they have been since June. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Yundt and Gaughâ€" ter have been spending a week‘s vacation at the former‘s heme in Milâ€" verton. Mr. Dalcon Protzman of Cairo, Mich., and Miss Gertrude and Luelia Foetter of Elkzston Mich. are guests of Mra. Neuber. Miss Ada Snider has returned home from the Waterford Camp after spending a month doing National Serâ€" vice Work in that district. Miss Edâ€" wards, a girl friend, accompanied her before returning to her home in Lindâ€" Mr. and Mrs. John Quehl, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilker, of Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. William Peppler of Tavistock have returned to their homes after spending the holiday as guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Steiner of William Street. Mr.and Mrs. Dan Neuber and daughâ€" ter Gladys have returned from a visit with relatives and friends in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Steiner and son Ralph, of Transcona, Man., are spendâ€" ing a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Steiner and relatives in town. Mr. Abraham Steiner of St. Jacobs is visiting at the hc ae of Mrs. Ephâ€" raim Steiner. 4 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Montag, and family have returned from a motor trip to Walkerton over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvah E.. Devitt, Waterloo, announce the engagement of their daughter Gladys Emma to, Mr. Frederick Charles Ruppel, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Ruppel of Flmira, the marriage to take place quietly, on August 28th. : Mr. Fred Kerber has returned home after visiting relatives and friends in Detroit. ° Mrs. MacCallum, Sr., and â€" Mrs. Quinn and daughter, of Ottawa, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. J. MacCallum for several days during the past week, at their lovely summer home, at Port Dover, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Krans and Miss friends in Peru, hfdllnn, U..8. A. Mary Kranz accompanied Mr. and ; ,, muneummsmnees Mrs. Harry Bingham to their home in { Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Kirkpatrick and Prescott, for a short holiday: )family have returned from a delightâ€" enearews |ful visit of three weeks at Mr. Kirkâ€" Mrs. MacCallum, Sr., and _ Mrs. patrick‘s home, Cornwall, Ont. The regular monthly mecting of the St. Quentin Chapter, 1. O. D. E., was held at the home of Mrs. â€" William Snider, Albert street, Waterloo, last Saturday afternoon. The _ Regent, Mrs. H. M. Snyder presided, and after the routine business had been disposâ€" ed of, Mrs. Chas. H. Milis gave a very full and interesting report of the Anâ€" nual meeting of the Daughters of the Empire, held recently at Victoria, B. C., which was much appreciated. _ A social hour, followed with dainty reâ€" freshments, which was | particularly enjoyed amidst such charming sur roundings. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Laing and fam Miss Victoria Thomas of Wlndmr_ was a weekâ€"end visitor in Waterloo, also Mr. Wilfrid Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. George D. Richmond Miss of Hamilton were the guests of MrS. 142 an George Davidson over the holidays. _ tors at The marriage is to take place quiet ly in Toronto on August the 22nd. and Mrs. John Fennell of the engageâ€" ment of their eldest grandâ€"daughter, Miss Mabel Evelyn Stewart, to Dr. J. William Fraser, Cochrane, Ont., has been received ‘with interest and piea sure by the many friends of the happy pair. The groomâ€"elect is to be conâ€" gratulated upon winning so charming a young lady as Miss Stewart, who is a special favorite with her hosts of friends both here and elsewbere, who are showering all good wishes uporn The formal anno ment by Mr. iy, also Mr. Stanley Devitt and Mr. Jack Fisâ€" cher are enjoying a trip to Montreal including a visit to the Thousand Isâ€" lands. . 2 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zick of Torâ€" Oonto, are spending a week visiting relatives and friends in town. Mr. Simon Grosch, prominent felt manufacturer of Miilverton, spent Satâ€" urday in town. i Mr. Delcon Protzman, of Cairo, Mich., and the Misses Gertrude and Lmuella Foetter, of Elkston, who have been visiting friends and relatives in town have returned to Cairo by motâ€" Or. 4 Mr. Herman Hass has returned from a weekâ€"end motor trip to Grand Bend. Miss Flora Bell McLcan of Brantâ€" ford is spending the week at her home in town. Miss Leona Schnarr of Brantford, is enjoying a week‘s. sojourn with her parents in town,. Mr. W. Weidenhammer of Oakville, spent the weekâ€"end with his brother, Dr. F. J. Weidenhammer. Mr, M. Weichel of Elmira was & business visitor in town toâ€"day. Miss Eva Devitt of Toledo, Ohio, motored to Waterloo with Mrs. Shamâ€" po of that city. Miss Devitt and Mrs. Shampo are â€" visiting Miss Devitt‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Devitt. Misses Minnie and Jessie Bruce were the guests of Guelph friends this week. | Dr. and Mrs. O. J. Specker and son ‘of Reading, Pa., are visitors at the lh(vme of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Froeâ€" lich. Mr. Andrew Urstadtâ€"has returned home after visiting his brother in Hanâ€" over. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Wegenast and Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Bauman were weekâ€" end visitors at Eugenia Falls and Caledon Club, where they spent a deâ€" lightful holiday. Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Hallman accomâ€" panied by Mr. and Mrs. John B. Sniâ€" der and Miss F. Snider enjoyed a motor trip to Buffalo,‘». Y., where they spent the holiday. Mr. Harberer, manager of the Molâ€" sons Bank, spent the holiday with his wife and two sons at Meaford, Mrs. Harberer refurning with her husband for a short visit to Waterloo, where they expect to take up their residence shortly, in the house at present ocâ€" cupied by Col. W. M. O. Lochead. Mrs. Oscar Ollson of Walkerville is spend‘ng a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wagner. + Mrs. E. W. Lamprey and children are spending their vacation at Pigeon Lake, Bobeaygeon. Miss Marjorie Bricker has returned from an enjoyable holiday of three weeks, the guest of Miss Meiklejonn of Sterling, Ont. Mr. Edward Huchnergard, of _ Deâ€" troit, Mich., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. C. Huehnergard, Young street. Mrs. Ralph McNeel and baby of Toâ€" ronto are the gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. Kirby, Margaret Ave. Master Gibson Pirie of Lakeficld Senool is a holiday visitor at the home of Mrs. Tom Seagram. Mrs. Albert J. Roos and daughter Katharine have returned from a very enjoyable visit at Penetang, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rumâ€" pel. Miss Jennie Crowe and the Misses lda and Eva Reid were holiday visiâ€" tors at Port Dover for several days the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Orr and chilâ€" dren of Nashville, Tenn., are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Fennell. Dr. Powell of Ottawa was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Anderson, Abâ€" rens St., for a short visit last week. Mrs. J. P. Fennell Patricia are with Mrs. at her summer bome Leach on Lake Simcoe. ay holidaying at Oliphant. Mrs. A. E. Sarderson left on Thursâ€" for a visit of geveral weeks with aud daughter D. 8. Bowlby at Mr. Arthur Huehnergard, B.A., of the Dominion Life Staff, is just in reâ€" ceipt of a letter from the Secretary of the Actuarial Society of America, informing him that he has sucessfully pased Section B, Parts 1 and 2, of the Associateship Examinations of that Society. This enfitles him to the doeâ€" gree of A.A.S. The examinations are‘ a difficult test and Mr. Huehnergard { is to be congratulated in having aucc-! essfull passed two parts in one ycur' which is an unusual accomplishment. EULERâ€"On Saturday, Aug. lith, utg Detroit, to Mr. and Mrs. Leander D. Euler, nee ‘Gregor, ‘a son, .Gregor.' Clement Euler. ) HAS PASSED THE i Official announcement was pubâ€" lished t8â€"day of the successful canâ€" didates in the Junior Matriculation Examinations, Among the number of students at the local Collegiate who tried the examinations and passed the following were successful.. Those who have supplementals to try may do so in September: Harold Bochmer, Kitchener Harold Damm, Waterloo. Glenn Eby, Kitchener. Ewart Eby, Kitchener. & Gordon Grant, Kitchener. Ivan Kaufman, (chemistry) Kitchener. Irvine Klinck, Eimira. Harold Kreiner, Kitchener. Warren Roberts (Lit phys. chem Latin A. Kitchener. Wiifrid Roedding. Bridgeport. Carl Schweitzer, Kitchener. Walter Webér, Waterloo. Tra Wilkinson, Winterbourne. Candis Ehy, Kitchener. Delight Hilliard, Watelroo. Margaret Kerr, Kitchener. Clara Reid, Waterloo. : Lottie Valentine, (Algebra, Latin )“ Waterloo. 20 Flora Veitch, Winterbourne. Nellie Weseloh, Kitchener. Isabel Woolner, Kitchener. ( K. & W. COLLEGIATE STUDENTS WERE SUCCESSFUL w c n n en ar 0n ie e y stt Mr. William Schaefer of Weichel‘s Hardware store has returned from Burlington Beach where he spent the weekâ€"end. _ Mrs. K. M. Devitt and family are enâ€" joying a month‘s outing with the forâ€" mer‘s parents at Trout Creek, Parry Sound. for Harvesting in Western Canada ‘Going Trip West‘"‘â€"$12.00 to WINNIPEG ‘"Return Trip East"â€"$18.00 from WINNIPEG SPECIAL THROUTGH TRAINS Further prrticular« from Canadian Prcific Ticket Ageots. W. % HOWARD, District Passenger Agent MeNettitnaiiintetitnatiats neidntnnarnnnnantionnnnanemnatsmmanmms mm mmasmnsmansa msC Augnst 23rd (From s«tations West and South of Toronto up to and InchRiing Hamilton and Windsor, and Owen Sound. Walkerton, Teeswater, Wingbam, Elora, Listowel, Goderich, St. .\I-rr‘s.' 'i"'ufl OI;':r'w:l.l Au somm 1*"" S Thomasâ€" brunches, and stations Toronto and North to Bolton, Inclusive. [All stations in Ontarto West of Smith‘s Fall« nlv to and Inctui® Toronto on Lifke Ontarin Shore August 21st ‘l.lne and Havelockâ€"Peterboro‘ Line: also from «tations between K’!n.w-n and Itenfrew Junction, and Inclu=ive. and from stations on Torontoâ€"Sudbury direct line From stations on Sault Ste. Marie August m",]hr-m'n From «totfons on Saft Line, Beaucage to Frant. Inclusive. From stations Betbany Juncâ€" \tion to Port MeN‘coll and Burketonâ€"Bobeaygeon. Corset Covers, 25¢ for 50¢ for 39¢, and 60¢ for BECHTEL BROS 50¢ Black Figured Lustre for .... 35¢ 35¢ Cream Figured Lustre for _ .. 28¢ 30¢ Fancy and Navy Sateen for .. 17¢ $5.50 Navy Wool Panama Skirts $3.98 $4.50 fine stripe Tweed Skirts for $2.98 $1.35 Middies for ... ... ..:; .... 98e $1.50 Middies for .. . ..... .... $1.19 $1.75 Middies for ... ... ... .. $1.49 $2.25 Middies for .. .... ... .. $1.690 The big rush of our Five Day Sale is over, but we still have quite a few broken lines left, for which we are ready to make a still greater sacrifice, Space will permit only a few special lines, BORN. Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted er Cleanâ€"Up Sal BARGAINS NATIONS +x+>v++« $LJG .. ... .. $149 2. ... .. $1.69 19c, 35¢ for 29¢, + +x+ ++«~ §Qe ‘ A motor cycle and an automobile,‘ running at a rather fast clip, crashed together head on at the corner _ of Foundry and William street Sunday , evening just before six o‘clock. . The |{motor cyclist was thrown to _ the iground receiving minor dnjuries and |his machine slightly damaged. Beâ€" | yolid this no more serious damage was !.done, People in the neighborhood of COLLISION OF _ MOTOR CYOLE AND AUTOMOBILE m-ulllllloulnmllummmm-l---un-cuauounnun-lulnmmu.nlnnnl-mil-unmu- a 4mmath y dn ce es o es c t m it itc t t t ts n mt w umt ue k ts e uts GOING DATES Our entire stoch of Tapestry, Brussels, and Wilton Rugs, at 25 per cent. to 35 per cent. discount. $1.25 and $1.50 Ladies‘ House Dresses, / W + 20¢ and 75¢ Embroidery Flouncing, inches for ... ... ... 020 0000 0 .. q uon w on 0 ts snn a uo e en l n n ue e Toasted Cornflakes 3 for 75¢ Men‘s Dress Shirts for Children‘s the accident are complaining about t _speed demons who insist on maki | both streets leading to the intersectl at this point a sort of quasi rach l(-ourse. Those who are familiar wi {the antics of some motorists at th |point declare that there will be a f tality at the corner of William stre and Foundry street, if the drivers co tinue to drive at the reckless _ ra :which is not quite the vogue there. | In speaking to the Teelgraph th morning a resident of the district sta ed that time and again he has see hair breath escapes of motorists wi dashing down both streets narrow! averted a smashâ€"up at the corne Some day, he declared, the "narrow! averted" idea will be eliimnated &n somebody will be killed as a resu of a severe collision. Dresses 59¢, 79¢, 98c, $1.19, anteed by us in every parâ€" ticular. Big values for a little money is our motto. and for the stable is conâ€" tained in our stock. ‘Curry combs, brushes, blankets, we have at very low prices. And of course you‘ve heard of our harness. It is all dropâ€"stitched, made from the best leather and guarâ€" The Quality Store WATERLOO Phone 339 WILHELM‘S EVERYTHING IN HARNESS , Toronto

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