Toronto, July 3,4 qmtmtiotttr “why were Ontario what-Nu. 2 wlnu-r. 8231'. Ft â€ML "tttttide, "wording to lawman Mnttitotm what, No Lttortbrrm $2 " No. I northern, 82.31 MJigM "..9..r it7rs, do., heavy.,...... 675 Cali...,.,........ 800 Furl"! lambs ",""" " 00 Y-tit-......'......."" “up. ml and wuvrnd 16 " do., weighs-l ott ur- " " do., Sheep, lambs and calves are holding “My steady Hogs ttrm and 25c higher. Today's quotation: - steers .......m " it ttt 25 Choice, liven! m..... Mt " it 1100 do, good........ 975 n 1000 do.. common ...rr. 9 00 (h 9 tro Heifers. good to choice 8 no fat 9 MI . 'to., medium ...... 8 " a , on lumber cows. choirs 8 on (I 9 00 '-do., modiuln...... 'IM " 750 thttrher hum. choice , 25 " 9 " do., good......... 700 " 726 an. mmnum .'r..r. r, on at a Mt Pemtern....,........grm a 950 Ei 900 do, momma ..... . . 8 00 " 8 Mt do., 1iRht..........77s (it 825 Cagrnrsra..............tro0 " my. 'ttttterm.,.,........-..'" " 625 Cattle wives have broken trom Mk. to " from In! week. Good btttrrter steers and heifers are 50c " and medium from tuw to 75c. Butchnr cows are oft trom TM to tl. For common butcher cows there was manually no demand In In-days market, The re- ceipts ot fresh ettttle were light. but there were enough tett over from yes tordny'n market to mum than meet the day‘n requirements. The hulk ot the roceima are grass mule. The, whole cattle marks-t is dew-Madly weak. Toronto, July 3.--ttoceitttts at Union atorkyards to-day were mule. 206 valves. 372 hogs and sheep and lambs. Wtottt,old..r....c...".......... $2.76 Baruyttesody.................. 1.00 oats,thttsrto................. 1.00 lily, per ton, new . . . 416.00 to 17.00 Bun, per ton "..s..rerr-rtt. 02,00 Camper bushel .............. 1.20 Middllnn. per ton ._..m...-.. "Ott Hanoi): Flour "'.._._m...... 7.00 maimed Ontario Flour . 436000 to 5.25 Barley,per bushel .'....w.r... tro 1_httter,perpound..... ..... ... .40 Em,pordozon..........:l:k-to 35 Pan 8bc to 1.tttt Tur, per ton, new ....r..._rr. 15.00 Straw, per ton ..........t6.eo to 700 Mogs,tirro ""e............... 18.00 Pontoon, not has ... 'rm..... 4.00 Damper bushel ...r.......9.. 65 HAP, Der ton, new J. . 315.00 to 11.00 Esp, per dozen, 'MOP..... . .35 .40 Butter. per pound ......40c to 43 Huh B ..... ...._ ..... ... 16.50 [’0qung ......H.00to 4.50 oBtn,rtesrttiretttat... ..... ... Miditthe,portot, ..........t Eggts.per dozen ..... ...... Butter. vermin“! ..... ..... any (new), per ton ..... 10.00 #oo. mve) ..... ..... ..... What..... ..... Flour. woeful .... Show, Chief ... .. June" .. .. Ian. twr dozen ... Brttttrr,msrpoumt ..... ... "our. high (an. .....' C.' Git "our. funny. can. .......' gagperbuhel ...b.......... f?t? fgmdu intern. No. , com; but». yer pound My. per down . 9.9-9.9 or pound OUELPH MARKETS. Guelph, July s, "tr. Ion. old ...t. '.w..... .. it!!!" Puytr ..rFe ..... .. wef- ..... ..... ..... _.. oleLeat..... ..... ..... mites, .r... . spartan ..... ta, per ton ..... I, per out. ..... Toronto Markets ITRATFORD MARK ETC. " WATIRLOO MARKETO. Btrattord, July 6, 1917. Elmln, JuIy 6, 1917. gm. July 6, 1917. I. Por, In; GALT MARKETS. Vital“. July h "tr. ELHIRA MARKETS. MET REPORT LIVE STOCK. GRAIN '..qr._...r. 2.50 .....81.10lo 1.20 . ... t3.00 45.00 .:iiigl to la Grain manta! 550 876 850 850 800 775 .Wee- ... 14.00 $14.00 to 15.00 34.00 fir " (i if " " " Er . . . 18.00 " (m " " " M .3240 . 6.45 . 6.70 . 6.55 2S0 92G 800 as I 7.00 30.00 l 38.00 I 1.30 , . .76 44.01) .34 .36 11.00 14.25 84.00 40.00 the SIS 207 "as . .85 2.35 7.25 6.76 " 1.10 " " We fit and relieve can“ ttlmttttt every day where the ugh! has been defective for years and never hefore properly rectHied. Or nearly Bo, to many who by using property fitted lemme. might no per- fectly, . _ Light Seems N Monday. the 30th day of July, totr, t! eight o’clock Fm.. " which “it! meeting the Council will hear in per» Ion or by his Courtsel, Solicitor or Agent any person who claim: that " lnml will be prejutllcially affected by the brdaw, who applies to be head. Dated at Waterloo this 25th day a: June, 1917. OCOINTIFIC OPTION" “on no“ Put Omer, “New. In Iowa mm... In.“ will be Introducod “a. tt deemed expedient 5nd Idvlnbla Dated at I meeting of the Municipal Council of the Town of Waterloo to be held u the Council Chamber In "I. Town ot Waterloo, on TAKE NOTICE "at I by-hy to un- lhorlxe tbr “reunion um! laying out ot Herbert siren-t. [any too! In width. trom Union Street to the houndxry line between the Town at Waterloo and the City ot Kitchener I. A locll Improvement, under the pmvlslum ot Notice it Proposed By-law - in an ttquAboe%toe' a M Ste. “who“. Unusual-am MTttmtqgq -tttreht'tH.r.tuBhmtartntat. an). n . mm. .38 par uiaiii4.uiiiiiiGi Heller Bros. " so have your wan nup- It. plied here. “a dwayl nepo- a ttand chains g Beef, Pork, Lamb 'it. m Home-made g , Sausage g The style we use wlts the fea- ture- just right. Not too large and not too small. We ateo make clause. for special puma;- .'-rasyeqlaoetr, npectacles. desk 'tfa'-. and motor clan". Our â€who meet. evcry demand. . no You Approolata First The classes We lake Madonna-Imam.“ ARNOLD JANSEN . Optometrist KITCHBNER. ONT. Phond I63 Com-Auton- ID. 8 â€I... 01-13“ Bro- $2.05. Int-d. mung-launch: Mam. 88t I. In; Are made to order glances. Local mmummumuuuuunmutl. Class JAMES C. HAIGHT. Satisfactory Meats Imprm tattemt Act Clork. 26Mt Waterloo. . TrmMaurer-Mrs. Waller, Cult. tl Mrs. Wright delivered an uldrasa ot.V the subject "mtspoetaibmty of Wane! Voters." The speaker suggested that, the woman voters (axe up the publt' questions quite spat trom party "pots.; tics. Thor should at t' o very threa-_ Prmudont--Mra. w. E. Ltmrertte'r, Waterloo. 4; vieo-Pres.---Mrn. P. Young, Heaps!" .C'or.-See.---Mrss. C. B. Dunks, KIM: ener. The Dominion President. Mm. Cor. don Wright. conducted the election of otttcerty which reunited n follow-z " Hort.-Press.--Mra. C. S. Boehmer. Kit. chenel'. Reports or the various departments at work were tormented try their re- spective superintendents which we" gratifying. upechlly the Ill-noun. mum and Red Cross. Also the Flory Mission. Helpful dim-union- (unav- ed each report. Rev. W. 0. Hahn, pan- tor ot the Ev-ngollcal church and Rev. A. I. Snider. pastor of the Method“! Church, were in nttendunco and very introduced to the convention. ttttd In . few words greeted and compliments! the workers ot the-W.C.T.U. P, The thirty-lacuna Inna-I convention at "no Waterloo County Woman's Christi-n Temperance Unton. In held In the Methodist Church. New Hum- hlrg. on Wednesdgy. Ind m well at- tended. " delogglu bola; proton! n- nmnun: the "not“ union. in the county C mtorrrgLiiiiruetmms, Delegates of Unions Iron All Parts of County in ., New Hmbnrg. . Ill, l I. ll, llill.lls F (lflllil (llllllEllflllll Massey Harris Agency Flows Special Prices in Buggies When you get u aqua-e deal " Frederick 8t. Phone 326. conveyancing. mnney to loan. Pubm: ttteetographyrr Canadian Norma-n Tick" Attt. W.H.Rorenbusch Stock include. 4 good norm, 7 at cows, t three year old hel. fer, 4 V; year old heifers, two calves 1 year old, 1 clan ye year old, 4 calves {rem March, " chlckene. duck. and geese; oaeoiine engine, 3Va hone pow. er, and the entire implement. and feed on hand, ready for any man to on ahead, Good "no" for selling. Farm in in the has! of raMtlvatlon, at the net-Moe price of moo for everything. Thin ll hard to, heat, lo lave» Noah for lurther trartieutatrs. Poueulon can be had " any Nme. . Good 7 roamed noun, good bank barn. "attiee all cemented, water In barn pumped by galo- llne enalne, silo, good placery. all cemented, blg drlvlng clued and non house, 4 acre: of good hardwood bush. well fenced, nlce orchard, the belt of water sup- ply. A good clay loam mostly. V., mile from school. 29 acre: In hay, " acres In oate, ' acre. In wheat, 2 mm In barter, t acre In mangles, t acre In corn, t acre ln turnlpc, v., acre ln 'to- tatoes, etc. GOOD 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE WITH THE ENTCRE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS AND CROP. " before the also In pun Inc! can as" mum for commer- ablo In. many than can it bought at other Mac... Thou bunk-1' are all it} but make and one of the “It. em on the market. We were “than.“ In pun» chum. a goodty numb" of Eng! TIE 8039M; .... 8.9.99 Rush" The I'J'gien .. ij2ds .-Mitgtg Sal-uh Wagon-sf. WATIRLOO [ -- iriiGtaG'i9iiiu7iiiriii'G' iiaraTiiird '.'tr,'l'll,1t DAN BOHLENDER, Waterloog; ',ht".f"),'t, In no: this. chunk-uh- alum p.,",',': atd1a"tlyrttter an dual-b ' The evening meio- wu held In the Duncan-u church. I". W. o. Helm. _ t new at the church. conducted the de. _ Lotion! exercises. The Vice-Prent- rt? dont. In. W. Umbech. at New Kent- _ in". very mentality prodded u oil In, nee-tone tn the one-nee at the Prui- n's Ident. who on “count ot illneu, could ml ', not be pment. no. In. Pct-neither; ot Kitehmrend In ot- C. S. Boehnter has worn ot the be re- I votionel exercises while In. (Rem) . be Burn ot Waterloo, conducted the noon {tide prayer. which were very impru- nto the. In. Wright at the evening nee-‘ rel-Ion. give an illustmtqd address ost' inimi‘he Gain ot Secrlilce.†The yttei Unin- nlled from start to thttnh with 'qfhope and promise. The them. cone or- ' to her no In inepintton as she travell- u. edema:- the prairies from Edmonton av. 'on on omciel visit to British 001nm- Ilt l bin. It wee the month of May end the " I wild itonrtrrn were a perfect Hot oreot I 1‘ or, viein; to larvae: one emther in M 1hrilltency and 'heeuty. Other por- ".ttonl of prairie hell submitted to the )r- , plough and harrow. and golden wheel at kernels had been buried in the broken Hsod to return new abundantly mot-l it-l tinned. then ground to e white powd- I [or in order that e Inning world, at": night be fed. The speaker drew con- i mtieon between the Bo- bedeckod. 'yploPy: eon loving pniriee, to the 't :;lothful. plenurelovincpeeee toxin: . {members ot moiety. who are not will-'- " We. and. Otuam leiud l Their Subjects in Food l A London paper writes: in the ’Iniddle of the fourteenth century the luxury ot the table had reached such l e height in England that a law in I made to prohibit all persons “from Ihnvinc more than two courses and , more than two kin“ ot meat with not- _ tune in each mum; except on eigh- l teen helm-ye In the year. when clut- "or, and extravagance might be free- lly indulged." In the middle of the 'itxtmsntti century similar limitations ‘v In food were nude, mainly on â€count , of the high price: prevailing. In Scot. tand en Act wu peseed which limited imhhiehom. hishope, and our]: to eight diehel of meat; Ibbou. prion. end donn- to nix; herons and neo- holden to tour; and bun-(euc- end t “biannual men. whether lyirituu or .iemponl, to three; Ind decreed that <t one kind of meet should be in one dish. Murine tent-L In It. on... aim iiiGifnCiiaii 'ara' nt . q?rtqyt' ht A T It In. can“ tho Crimean War that - been). mhlomblo, unlo- a landou vapor. The cold In the “all“ below. Sou-(opal m .0 la- hnu-tlnl all the olllcerl sud non 'F “and “than. The lull.- may {Cult-d the bearded warrior- vino Darla. the ul- thou-ud- won mm. in the Holy Land. In on. net as“ the death. from an"; number â€.000. Chum we" I." In the amu- for so can. ttte an. Incl. no that It hen: in. ii; “In tor every “hum" ot that per. hi to now I heard. An “the! from Lord Northetttto took the. the following: "When Mater! um†tho story or the (not It!!!“ ot the Somme It will tell how although; Hate and " can and thou honour“:- in n mode-t dwol~ ling. out at which In. Btul occupied w tho - who owned It. Thu- It " that the voice- ot children running " In down the corridors 'hte with the condos- Innrmur ot t o [In and the work of the co t lit. tle company of men who" I: no - out ot the though“ their tutu-yum throughout the um" Liv“ In “human men. whether mph-nun or temporal, to three; Ind decreed that mix one kind of men would be in ac dish. Murine mm; In no told. uni enteruuunontl made tor tor. eigner. were stemmed from the fit can of this summary law. The muslc was rendered by the Evangellcal cholr. a male qu-rtetle. who are honoury members ot tho Waterloo local W.C.T.U. and vocal noI-' on which was all well received. 7 The session aloud with the National Anthem Ind layer by Rev. N. Ratite ting, ot North Ramona. lug in time ot stress and emergency, Ind their countries crying nmmltMl. to give up Many way for the ham war, and spake or some din-tern which follow a life of one. Reference wu mule to the countries In which from the beginning ot Wti--ttr0t" n- crmcol hue pent miute. In the re- conntnu'tlon Enigma: will hold m an- vied posItIdn â€non; great nation ot the world. ' ban-lor- In Mb.“ ituaiuemaiir.urtGtuuiriiiiiii2 “tuna-Imam "the “album-blah tber chm not mmuumumm» lmwmeuthul-u inns-t -tr--dnd hum-3m, [cm lam their your all. n 1ht 1PftttAetttrtoet, um. RATIONING IN THE PAST g... a mi ..; .m, , thai in: Whoa loam won Fuhlonnblo BRITAIN'S GREAT IAN Mod“! [Walling on lat“. Fran “001.0 m OUR Womm _ Inspector Prisoner: _ Inspector are t" _ Prisoner '. ‘ Inlpeclol‘ Orin t" "I wouldn't give 'em any mom 'White Winga’ 'ere, it l was you. mu. The bloke wot llvea in Jul 'ouse 'll Nat come on o' bit tor gluon Halli“ " 'is Ain't fond o' that tune!" As he gazed in stunned wonder round him. another wtttuo. owed. nd a voice ma. warningâ€: He paused. waiting tor the penal“ which came not. Then, with u Butt, he licked M. lips and began gain. this ttmel on "White.Wtr- " Two inroads later u window "a tuned up. and. human; of the expected cop per, a chair leg wu ttuns " his head. mining him by half an Inch. . luau: huh chums. Ham enough; Int the InthIt-nu at I certain shab- by street were ted up with "The Lost Chord," as tangled up by a wandering comet player. Don't mule your baby "do In I low we": or a curiae without proper â€may. or Jolt him up and down the curb by leans; the carriage bump ell-cleanly. Very levers injury to n child‘s nplno mar be canned tn this way. Don't have mealtimes tutrtrtse when children can set I then. "rFqte. hlly tturmttit ones. Many children have been needlessly made very iii, and may litUtt llvea actually sacri- Bred. by carttitmmtttst, dt all sort. not. 'Don't (oust to give the baby' plenty of pure. (rub - to drink: Ho cruel it; it “do his Nation and “up!!!†" tissues with the amount of tttttd which u nocemry to nu hum). Don't be tempted or penna- ed by my on elm to give the Mb) . "tante" ot anything outâ€. ot his mum diet. The most serious dlm cm duturbnncu "any on†maul tram just qm thing. Don't futon an army ot ton to the hood of I baby'. vouch no that they up cousunuy Magnum from of M. on. [bother he '1th than: more or Don't have a. baby In bu m. or myth.†also with In: oyu um taoted from tho can of tho "In. Don't an I My by " my. .attttai dialo- tation any be “and in this way. Don't lot. u baby put anything In his mouth. in my choke him-ell. nu not: msetatrstr will (at dirt Ind com 01:)! 'tryU Into his system. If i'iiiiiiiii""""'] 'iii-ii)'-"] , - I. " f,eiii, 333 J'a , " " ", Tk 1 vit' El ' , ti!lil Princner:>"A hon. yer hannt.†throdoet-t_oor.trortsart- on. and 3.000 slalom Mod headlong don the IM arc-nil; my poo- plo. In Ola-gov. In 'tot. over 100.000 “no“ ol - lowed though an M wrecking buildings 3nd on- nlnu men and bones. The you no: In: [anon In Muylvmh. DAL, [or the terrible m and ttrgtrtMlttood. Ecuadoran»- and but: hound- that "at an“. cu “no to the city. Ind bottom are. ml (our hundred you“ won around tn the on. It. may load - All out the low- lying â€than of an city. “than“ od people utterly "ear" droning. an onion had to to - on: ot Wu. when no, were lull but Ilium-(nub. Vishnu-mama d Elihu alumna! In! 3.12.13: t"eutt,tS".".egt'M,2"d and hm!!!“ will an, no, Ou- hunk “Trunk- no hair hee, '" ..I l “mun-nun; gnu tri-" a in»). t.rkiiia KENDALLS 'MT'V to SAVE It" SPAVIN CURE "No, yer honor.“ k "Then what do you "You trail coat Fair. "You ye; honor.†"And you drive I coal You â€no“! Correct wnnplootod In Mun-m Jaw hy .100. whlle J, H, Bndnlnw to, lloulonnm, w“ datum] In Prince Albert by 500. Donn†Made“. Conservative, was alarm! In Saskatoon our P. H. Muc- Kenrla by too mummy. [Am-tun: menu ot tgottttt Qu'Amml- In vn one!“ ovor’lhmon. Indem- "on. J A Cttlder had It Inga major- Ity In t%ltroi. Wlttot'ehtsy In Elncnd. The LIMPIK an lending in nearly ttll other an" Hon. C. A. Dunning provlnr-lnl trans- nmr. onrrlnd Home Jaw County by "we hundrnd. 1 Premier W. M. Mnrtin was Nat-led In ttttn an over J FL. Emlmry by 926 majority, the vote being: Martin 3,410 to 2,448. - w'" V The “hauls swept mince an. although Minister of Am Hum Hon. W. R. Motherwoll “my detain- od In Klndonley. The Fomervuth-m have won Home Albumen Mellon], Saskatoon. Moose hr and Qu'Appo‘lo ' REGINA. 1mm 2C--The “howl Government has hum: returned m .%ushatr.hmx an in a sweeping violory LIBERALS ARE RETURHED IR SASKATCHEWAN UNDERTAKER! AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS “inflation guarantood. Call. from in part. " the county promptly Included tts. , J. LETTER a SON Waterloo. M. U. Night PM†MRW. 'nnsu-rvnuva Luann WillottRhttr Sit uiytair, duly ':',tf.afi,i, ' FORD DAY, . The Real Estate and Busing“ Broker Frontal! give you We will Phone Mitt. Large Brick Honky large Barn and 4 acres of good garden land GILSON SlLO F ILLERS '. J. SCHLUETER Tho Lighten Imam. Blowers and. low." " ImII-tlom and Infrlwmonu and intinitery outpezgr _------., _...-.-... Ask MELVIN HUETHER, Agent, Kitchener E! ret any}. cmlph put-Ho. THE. .HNYLO Sll._O -Entirely different $5 on off the regular price on any f " Ford tire in our More. Guaranteed from 3500 to 7000 miles The Kossuth Hotel Prgperty Kitchener all for Go and see The [Shine of Constant Service Absolutely Guaranteed GILSON ENGINES . Potter $1000 is at This Snap! L. W. GHUH, B. E. IECHTEL, Otmter. and Dlreirut-. Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Known“ In an. _ TOTAL ASSEY‘. “CT DEG., int OVER "0Mtttt acorn. 0mm, Incident, mm All-n Bowman, Wat-Pu... Promos Dr. J, H. Webb. . #tmterlqo J. Howard Sham . Guelph J. L. Widomln, - St. "cob. Jam“ Living-ton, . and." P. E. Shank, . . Prawn B. Brick". - . Waterloo Rich-rd Buchanan, . Vina-In Would consider an ex- change. Apply to Farm situate yi mite trom Erhsville and 6 miles from Waterko, for sale at a snap. (id ACRES A. K. Gunman "antttter. Inspector. c. A. IOIHM. tttetrtee Amt. WATIILOO. "on. v. Dlrtrltrutor of Auto Tim. "