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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Jun 1917, p. 8

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_',') ; cum MANN” ; "j'"' Emmi nlllfils _"' WIIHIN a mums i, {SW or died of wounds received In _ battle, Was impressively and app» , d .ardrttely honored by an Immense crowd F, o! Kllchenor and Waterloo ellizona on 2" 5.3mm afternoon at Mount Hope ce- {1.1; metery. ' _ A Simple Programme. - The programme of the Decoration M exercises was simple and quite Internal. The 108th Regiment Band ; formed at the City Hall at 2.30 o'ctork - nnd marched to Mount Hope ceme- -ierr, followed by the Grand Union Lodge. I. o. o. R, and Woodmen ot the World, the Lady Woodmen in automobiles, Mayor Gross and Aid. H. H. Huehnorgard. of the City Council, and a long line ot automobiles. Be. t-(Weon 5.000 and 6,000 people were at gem cemetery artditsthvred around the Not ot "Fallen ‘Héi-oos,” near the on- ”Aime to thercerryetcry,. which looked At thc (rant end of tho plot a tablet t"t4Lttttercctod containing thp nanr es of the okiccrs and soldiers who have (anon since the commencement " 51' il", war, surmounted by a Union Jack. The proceodings were com- r: nuanced by the band playing the Ntt. ml’ Autumn, followed by "Nearer Mr Gog to Theo.” after which Rev. 1 e, 6. Sykes oitercd,an impressive t'" myer, _ -- 'w.,' -' T The hunch: of the above "renu- 'T “no teaar "aoidivaas from Kitchener V, tho have made the supmme 'sacrifice ' I!” the commencement ot the war, i'" the majority ot Wham were killed in Ff ‘I. o. D. E. Pay a Tribute, . "I'Vallowing tho dvvotional exercises the Daughters of the Empire, who 'iiiire largely rl-prrscnu-d, paid their tributv of rospeol to the mrmory of the "Fallen Heroes? tho chonl. Miss I. ‘M. Bruce, reading the following tiddiess, 2 - A Time. despatch “ya that Vaulte- loo. an soon a. parliament la gonvoked. will propole that Greece Join the All. In. hm before mobilizlng will under- tto a pampaion of education. " auc- ceulul m this It I: expected that he itll' tusanecc'a erttire .clrength on . Bunnie side in three monthl. Vé'nizelos Will Start Educa- tional Campaign Before Mobilizing Forces. A Hagar despatch says that Venue» to) arrived at Athens yesterday and will be received by King Alexander. London, June 26.-Tlmes dotpatch can that French (room yesterday on- tered Athens and occupied several ham. ti, the my. beaiititewttti thi, ttowim and plants which] had hem neatly arranged last M tor the wagon. mailman m I was 095mm 'lure43srmstserDotsorat . -od withrumrra. . Bi. B. J. mm}. co.. . . mos-m PAM. m. 0.3.; Mr. David Vent. sour OIL. vrllen-"x have M your and. Care In we". yum, and know it uk a [all cure". he ready {or emery-ado, ice I bonnie bf Kendall‘s I. the ban. Them, " n horse [on lune. have u. Rudy on hand to am thamhle quickly. tt. . .t'a"A'ite.ts. ',ii,i'iir'iii,'i “I you dale: [or tree copy hook-"Tre.ti- o- Tlo - -or qret ”Check orlamein thebnrm"eetitttrtttelrhe.d' MY"? One mum profit-the other mean! loss. When I horse goes lull. . _ develops A Spavin, Curb, Splint. Ringhone-don't rink losing him through negfeet--don't run Pt u {rent I risk by ex perimeuting with unknown "curea' . Get the old "liable 'under- , KENDALL S SPAVIN CURE Uot. G. huten'ao-Iu q We Private Private Private Private Prints Private Private Private Private Private Printe Private {than 'Prlvnte Printe P11311119 ,Brlnte Ua-t. We“! Stoke! W. lobe“ Ila-ibu- Ron M. Ste-m A. Zapho Stanley Held H. WIN Stanley P"" John Gen John Gerbig , Erie Canny John Shun-on Percy Canny Frank Sound! J. P. MucCallun H. J. Figures W. F. Smith A. Fyte Alex. . Shy, P. Hatch“ According to his grandson, David Betzner, he was licensed as an exhor- ter by the U. Brethren, of Pennsylvan- ia, and held the first religious meet- ing in his house that was held in Wat- erloo. Ho was a miller by trade and I am told that the walls ot his mill are still to Be seen in Franklin County, Penn. He had one son. Jacob, who died in Pennsylvania; another non John with whom he lived at Waterloo, and one daughter, Elizabeth. who mur- ried Joseph Shark. His second son Samuel D. Betzner, my great-great- grandtather, was born in Pennsyl- vania. March mm. 1771. On June lat, 1795, he was married to Elizabeth ilreck, who was born in May lot, 1768 Ho teamed flour tor his father over the Alleghany Mountains till his [health failed. then he moved to Rock- inyn County. Virginia. Hero he expor- ie ced no love tor negro slavery and then the American War of indepen- dence broke out whereby the Southern twinnics rebelled against the British [rule ot George m He and his brother- in-lnu. Joseph Shark in 1799 came brl fiiiiciiiiiii. to Niagara, and then 80-1 .ross to Canada with their families. IThey crossed the Niagara River in the! [month October at Black Rock ferry in' "lathottomed beats. There was no town‘ or village where Buffalo now is and) they were offered the land anywhere. urnund there for 50c an acre, but ther) remained loyal to the British crown and didn t take it. because they want-) ed to live under the British rule. They followed the Niagara down to French man's (frock. Here Joseph Sherk stay- ed with his~family for the winter and Samuel D. Bctzner came on to Aliens“ ‘tcr. They had many experiences on the trip. Once while coming out they camped tor the night and a band ot robbers came up to them. Samuel 0.: iletzncr asked them if they lived near and they said they did. Ho told them not to come near at night a: he was a very nervous man and would shoot anyone that came near him " night. Sal-incl D. Hetzner brought four hor- ses and a pony. which his wile rode. and three cows, They churned the nut- ior by the Jolt of the, Waggon». One day ' ...... Mr. Betznor was su‘uect to many and swore trials. partly arising from tho military operations then harass- ing the country and partly from his former co-relfgiortiats in (creaking tho German Reformed Church and Joining that of the River Brethren iDunkarllsJ but all these trials w endured with patience. He wag CN cheerful diepoeitlon and engaging 'mannors in social conversation he was pleasing and instructive. His only laim in this life seems to have been to prepared to meet his God in the world Ito come. This good old man was mar- ried to Maria Dctweiier. who was born ll" 1744. and died near Blair, Ontario, yin 1806. in 1800. he and his wife ttar as his wife was riding ahead of the waning he noticed a wildcat on a limb or a tree. ready to spring at her. Ho drew his gun and shot " Just in limo to save her "to. When they came to Hamilton they were otfered all that land around there for btyc, an acre anally]: ypt_trlatus in 1806. In 1800. he and his wile in .quptuny wvh John, a Christian Reich- art/ moved to Canada, om Mr. Bob zner settled on the Grand River, oppos~ its Deon. his tarm adjoining that of old Joseph Shark Here he resided un- til his death, which took place in 1813. They had five children. , 'uel availed him-elf of the opportune ity thus afforded him and he soon: he came a favorite than; all " 'r%ttdn and neighbors. He had so well gained the love and esteem ot his totrteroar- entu that they had him appointed sole heir to ell their large estate worth thonunde or dollarl. All went well un- til Samuel was about Iixteen yearn ot use. when en heir wee horn unto his router-wean. After (hi- you; heir had made " ”penance in the - it became evident to Samuel that sooner or inter his lot would prove to be something like young Lah- mael’s. However, he did not wait un- til the pitcher ot wuter was handed to him He left tor America when aevenv teen years of age. He arrived in Phil-l adel..l:la in 1775 and eculeu in Frank- lin County, Pennsylvania It is with that he made the Journey from Phile- ielphia to Franklin County on toot, that he slept in barns or on strut in the fields whenever night overtook him and.“ (may an? iiifii -ia “Nam-v. humus-u I. hvobb‘l‘h MM, yPettl.y'ttateei-.t- “It!!!" a“ a... a...“ tMtl Peet/ttt Sf? pr ant-w .m- 'Pte' I!!!” -earbthr$b .Anéégtors of Fri gangs-e HO , 8‘th Faniily . il'fiii','ii; At last Samuel Betmer storied I ‘grlst mill at Blair. They grew tired of living so far back and decided to move to Flamboro Here they purchesed Lot 3, Concession l, West ”when Townq ship, on Mu 13th. 1817, from Miller Lawreson. Here they lived till they, died. When they dime here their near: est church was Sheffield. They used} ‘to ride on horseback up there every Sunday. He was not n very tell mum} but a very muscular um. When he was over 80 yearn old he could stand up beside a ttorstattd,torirttr on its back. She was a very: bmalt woman, never weighing over 90 pounds. She died March 17th. 1848. with a broken lineart. only 11 days titer her daughter: in-lnw's death with whom they lived iHe died August 10th, 1856, and thex were buried on the farm They left one daughter Catherine. who we: borr January 26th. 1798. On May 7th, 1815. she was married to John Break, who was born January 27th, 1792. After their marriage they moved to their farm about one mite southeast of Bres- lau. where they. lived until their deaths. He died August Mth, 1842, and she died June Tth, 1873. l i Their only son, David Banner. my great-grandfather. was horn near Blair. [January 9th. moms was the first [while child born in Waterloo Town- itship. His playmates were Indians, so rof course be knew the Indus language. {but he could also speak German. Eng. lish, French and fl,'Mtd't,,1't'l natur- Lany fond ot hunting and ishing. Liv- Iing in those early days meant that I inerson should be able to turn their ‘hand to almost even-thing. He sue a Aarrpenter, sumo mason, shoemaker and blacksmith. He had many 'tity car experiences. such as one night he was awakened by a noise in the sheep pen. He dressed himself. took his gun and went to see what caused the noise and found s wolf there. He soon shot the wolf altnoush he was only " years old He was a good Christian man and [belonged to the Methodist Church. Samuel Bonner. born June 2nd. 1827. On December 29th, 1858. he mar- ried Sarah Surging. win. was born Avril 5m. 18M. He died December In. 1914. She died June Mth, 1904. They had " chlldren. Jacob and "ed three vonra. Willlam dial used " The other four "a living. mmely. Wesley. Mary, now Mrs. Peter Nell; Andrew, Emma, now Mrs. John Baird. Abraham Banner. my grandfather. war. born Febniury m. 1823. On Not ember 6th, 1866, he was married to Ellen Boomer. who was born July 3th. 1832. She died hungry Int. 1870. They had four children. ntmely. Ens-hem. now Mm. Drain? Kitchen: Funny. who ntttrrfttd Henry Cornell but died Betr tember at». 1908: Geo. W. and Joseph. Then on May an». 1871. he was mn- rled to her ulster, Mary. widow ot John Ward, who van born Combat Mtitt, Mt. " She in trtitt living, but he died Nor. Pttthor 0th. 1912,. Jacob Muel- “a born February nu. 1m. It!” 'ttarte. otttoNe On March 10th, be we: hurried to Elisabeth Stunner. who was born Feb- ruary 21st, 1803, and died March an. 1848.. Then on January 6th, 1854. he married his first. wile‘s sister Funny, who had married a Mr..Cheney. After ho died she came and lived with them. She oied February 23rd,]88]. aged " years He died March 16th, 1886. They were buried in the little graveyard on the farm. By his first marriage he hid one daughter, Anne. who died when an! was about 3 years old, 1nd five no in. namely: they purchase the inn], mined uf lit! it. but “tied. his Ibo-i discour- ued' them It once. Seven] other set- ttere had edtqtet in " that lime and taken up land lilo. so they timed to mine the money back home it mm. to lift the lounge. Bo Joeeph Sheri Ind- Samuel D. Bonner were lent back .10 Penn-rival: to mine the I(and; Their vases were $1.00 per (in); They went to Cumberland and Fun!- 'lin Coalition trot here they received only lymptheiic words. Sheri gave up. but Bonner stuck to hit guns and tried again in Leno-lie!- County, unions the Mennonites. Here Jain Nesp.. touched one man. John my. who nd.) vacated his clue an! helped him form .a Joint stock company. The eneh we: soon raised and Daniel Elly and iiuiial D. Bonner aimed tor Canni- with the $00,000 all in silver don-n in n strong} box. They made the Boo-mile trip in solely and mtttt1y the inn-tor we: imado. Hon. William Dickson»! Nil gara. gave his legal whim end to ceivod 20 guinea for hie work. ‘ When they mired on their. new lyrm there were no buildings. but plenty ot tree: to get the timber bun. Thai! cumpsrup the rim till they got their first house erected. which we: 10 feet by " feet, rather smell to what some have howedm. Their nearest grist mill ' was at Nisan. and of court-e oxen and slot! were used'to so to mill with. When night "orient them they would build . fire. put a hell on iheoxen and turn them ions tpr the night. Axe Ind tools here taken along and he the sleigh shoes' were out new one: were nude. Alon; tht, road. l, ggmhlv._'lr; and”: __ tron" :th ‘provhlonn and all no. In new born. But thy thought a. home was I1'hte,t1rttethr-ttmtt- was quite u when to then. but tg 1'trdtggtr)ee,lEtPj . _lhad taken up on the touch “do cl tho ‘Grnnd River, with the will... oi Blair now In, and Jmph Burk took " on than! old. ot tho the. om- no the villa" ot Donn. no: than they nrrlved nod Look up than Innd my valid to uni. York. or Toronto. to (at their title pom, they found that they could not at“ also: an. oe It. then new: 'e.00t mm on, the, hind won an} - "thitj%F'rir)ia, was on (In. The! mitt-D... to'gtr4 9799'?” 'yrat.. my: I you”: ue9tuahmam.Gdii5iViiiii'L'" alumna-nulbudlm mum: but!“ hut-lug t1eAt1rtMtr9tte. I‘m." ttflttttrttrrithrtrkttaniaiiF. the! Wyn by!“ antenna-v.- [with an“ and; taiWtEt.ihif.iAtlltf1f..lf m.h:u. MN I“ Invalid-Irmhnw “gamma...” 'd'.u'riilu'.t.',,trWt'd "iti%r7rr7e"%1r'lL'll'f"dluhTii'iii, .‘uhnhb- 1ramdrtA-'thettmtuiiiF.iy 1 uNftt in“? maulmphmmu.nu ”$4.1 tl “Duh. Ct.ttlg'ii,tdi,i,ire,iPi'iElt', (t "88.hr -eeta* U' Hummemmum&"¥phqw You can got them pills through my medicine deal". or by null r go cunts a box, or six boxes for $2.50 trom The Dr. Willhms' Medicine Co., Brock ttrmitmtttm, neurolgis. St. Vitus dance Ind partial purely-is. Here is on ex- ample Mr. P. H. (Julian. I well known business mun In Coleman. P B] _ says. "r owe my preheat health, if not lire itssli'. to Dr.yWitttorts Pink Pills. I had ihmravrbeakuG ammo nun. and i :when I haunts-rm down in health [paid little ,tmtFtmt.to it as t thought it only .- tempos-I7 weakness As {time posed, however, I found myself growing worse. sud com-tilted a doctor Who mid I Was not inly badly " run down. but that my nervous ryrtottt has badly shattered, I lost tttsh, my fappetite wag-Mr. I slept bully andi molwlthstund r." the Joclors treat-J want Brew so weak first I had no In; w my business sud was cotttigted to the house. Tine went on sad I m steadily growing weaker. and ruv friends were all greetely alarmed tor my condition. in this condition I was strongly recommended to try m ‘l'illisms' Pink Pills, and as the doc- tor‘s medicine Wu not helping me I decided to fo so. Br the time 1 had used thre boxes 1 could tell that they were helping me. when l Ind ' eight bum ot the pills I felt able to alt-3nd to my business again. and the poo le were surprised to see me out I continued the use ot then pills until I had taken twelve boxes by which time I was feeling as well as I ever did. sud was being cotmrattthats0 by all my friends on my (nil restoration to health. I feel now that it I had use! Dr Wttttomr' Pink Pills " the ouiset t would not only hue and ranch money spent in doctor's bills, but I would have renewed my health mu I cannot speak too highly of his malt cine, and would recommend it to every Insn who feels run down." Mil] (lillllllilllllllll [IFHIIEHS Elllflll Col. Totsttgtt, lute: um whllo the Bruin: oooPle Ire perfectly ettttttdettt or victory, the "rsotteb. of the pro- blem I- now mllr moor-mood. rm vig- orous new hue been ulna to pre. vont mam“ mum of the um “I’m " _ A u ville, Ont wu later invalided home. Bat-ed to the rank ot tgmrt..cirtmtrt he we: plac- ed in commmd of the 110th (Perth) Battalion. which unit he took oversea lut fell. When the! battalion was broken up in Enuuul Col. Yottrtes tried herd tor permiulon to ems to Fume. I (la-ire which m seminal.- ed when his son, Cent. John L. Young: Jam. use killed in uction thin luring“ However. the aim-r1 “thorium ntl. el ciherwlee. and Col. Young return- ed to Cumin. it in premium] tor other serum. ihmh the netnre of this he. not vet been indlcued. Strattord. Juno 28.-Lleut, Col John L. Young: returned lo-dny from over- use for the second that. He went over first In a LIeutentnt In the Perth Company of the Ut Battalion. was severely wounded. returned to the trenches, won the Military Crou. Ind When worry is edded to mentor-h men become the victim- ot ner- vous eratttattWttrt-ittraat- the doctor all. it. Some have no me urn-"2th in their em to beer the siren“ other: over“: what enough they have. It you find that you no nervoue and not sure ot your-ell. that you gimp badly. end wake: up and end eching. your nerves are out of or. _ . Other signs ere inability to this per interest in your were; your yappetite is tickle: your hack feels meek. end you an acutely depressed 'ln apirite. One or more ot these eight men that. you should tote -pmmpi1 steps to stop mischief by nourishing the nerve- witb the food they thrive AME, namely :he red. rich blood made i;') Dr. Winlehu .Pink_ Pills: "e pins} haye cured mans-lid: at can: of "ner, mun: (box-dob. ,, may!!!“ nervou- "e mir a IMrNNN8t. aa; iriiiiiiGi7itGGrG iJi"G ------.--- Inhibited. built and dovelonod no“. the Canaan Ptetite Railway leYm.--ln latch-or. on Jul --thet 00M of Mount-Ion. tth, to Mr. m In. J. c. D. Fourth, The Indultriul, Ind Bathe“ 134 “Min“. a daughter. Damian”! of the Put so ------------i. Yeagxr-. by W. A. Cl'llck. A man: won mm M! or mm- SOON sum or god A cotfthetA'e.tt any”! Lyeyehretaeteeetotey ertat total-nu In”. human-auntie mm-Aumunmmu (ytrr -. m, I“ I. 3tt"A.it-..aat6atbertgr$itt. dtrdNare-boe8tA.1808,-- luau-IWMJMG. WWW-“hull t2efePtgvennPe-etee, 1mm (:th D..hr mam-o1. who van Inn-hon at tummmnChm. l N.'tA'Mgrnt.t"s'NlPM.tt mist-thaw. ”Insult"; mm mm. 3‘.Illdhth 3081.1. ma1rltotatotgt8,oe-t- mthontodu. ”I". mqu.-ln Kaela-or. on 1-- tttt,toMr.atttdMru.g.c.Th-, :34 mortar-tron. a -. GIMME. ”this I“ nun-ham 181. New in”. mum.souw.ucm gay 9510‘. a: and“ My IUDINE” MEN AND DISAD- WINNEIO THE VICTIMS OF NERVOUS EXHAUSTION. Miran] 7 a? if. 'tt 'ttttis, Heavy artillery m was 1ttr-tit taet night upon all the road- outward of Lens and Avlon try which tho troop- and gum could In movod back. On the “tum: south mqritrratiet patroll met with - opposlllon. Several days ngo in. - was known to be annoying Mum In the wettern part of Leno, with the 'mp" of giving a wider an: oe ftrq tor MI gum. That may indium Mo intuition of daring to the - “do of the city and prolonging the Itruggh by Mun to new. ftghtltttrs 1 Early yesterday utter-neon an unusual movement wllhln the enemy llne ludlcned that he was rem-lug, while at the name mm our ebeervere brought new. that the creamed; and “not Inter-uncut we» of the ‘Oeman "nee had been mlned. Crater: were new by them at e number ttf the” crossroads. Our troops at once wehed out, who early In the morn. ing had occupied an enemy trench at the foot. of (Round _ Hill. .They jacked the'eummlt e! the MI! without eppeeltlon and inched down ..the eastern clone. Strong poets were established and strong Leno outputs were effectively occupied. As the night fell etrong panic. were new! out to consolidate the peel- tiom occupied and patrol: were pushed out with the object ot keeping in touch with the enemy. Meanwhile to the south or the Sanchez river we waited forward on the heel of the retreating enemy. Runway eetttrankmert. to the out of the Lens electric nation were occupied. The advance VII. then continued to- wards La Coulotie. The meaning prawn to which the “my“ (be Swan: Valley has been abject“ during the not tow W)“. brought olgml lace“; go '11th am. with relatively alight loan, Mums gaia 1me [If '. FIGHTING: SWillrlflilS nuwnsrs mm nun nSlTlilllS IlllllSllljlllfflll Guam-n "autumn. June 23.-atanadiarte havé 'occupled‘uc strong- est output: In the Menu " Lou and haVI-M their ”We: toward. Ln Count". V _. _ _ Contmtod with Those " TtF on, ueeinti/irkG"iGurf, day-by Wank Yuan. An IACLEAN’S by J. E. H. unc- onJonble study ot column. donut]. ”and than would Moderation “can” of the July HAC- LIAII'I will he the customary pram". a In, that! our-bu. and the department. mulch nuke MAgtLEAK'tt MAGAZINS no enjoy-bl. and valuabl- to out! Canadian. "mu-O. an the July MAS, Luna. death an. ' F AT YOUR BOOKSELLERS-15 Cents Avoid annoyance and delay by always giving the exchange prefiot " Kitchener" or " Waterloo" The Bell Telephone Co. of Canada Th Rory at as C.P.R.--tNd by fe. N. munch,- III who ' copied from your telephone directory. There are sound reasons why this should'be observed in calls between Kitchener and Waterloo, _ "WC-nacho: -reetetttt.atdetirtr. TuBt-.ect-atitta--- tun-u m. at borne-mood. PLEASE note the instructions as above, nnn;-l‘ tam ‘vnn-I "u-a.-., A:-_AAA-.. What's-Maude.- 1007-4011 "I“... lltNttttNtt'tttte,2tt and Hound ty 'fAltl'u'PV2t'du"=ef.'r hangout“.- machine-.umdodrlnghbo ,mii'UGTaqiirGTilsi7Nia"u'ildr"l, at 'rtB.eeet, "t'"tr-e,6Fr"-rttitrt--..tuai, it “In: over ot the Nonn- Wuu Territorie- In. tho iiiiaG my Oil-my - u curring not: to" by Ann C. but. Mr" Qn can: for subscriber: in Wttteriuo, . can "Wttrioo" I On calls foF mbucriben in Kitdmer. MAGLEAN’ mwmmmmmmwnm. mmwuhuy M. You‘ll“ $Mtd “Good - ' ' ' out truertettaett." PUSH FORWARD SOUTH OF IOUCHEZ RIVER. ---hee- there ate two mum in each town with the name eerie: of number: on each twitchbou'd. C mute unless, the prefix " Kitchener" or "Waterhto" is given on inter-town all: the operator enume- you want I party in your own town end rings accordin‘ly. NGNS OF THE ENEIY RETIRING. ”MINI FOR JULY IDESTROYING HOUSES’ IN LENS. .Wat¢rlop Kitchener (swam Lyon.) \ tho Ho-tgt- on one “do. the on.” on the other ate. at u out." “It. so can“ in the noun but“ the two non an dthe panto- they re patented. A Fine Oliver Deaurs---qrmhotte of Contour-(Jon. In three col- on, 'oeettatty an“ tor July mam-s by I. E. H. Mae, But-ta tmetf the Pro-bu d M's Pmlneen but» ”7 tho nus-ha at can» Hon. Goom hunt] “in Win "It that curtain courageou- Iltndvomm m. not In (I. Anon-Ica- cm! In. in baton Caledon- an. Phterttqiemr--A Deamatte lament-4:! C. W. Join-n. brilliant Winn artist. Tho my I. M win Bir an A. Mull and the -ivis a?“ lap-putative.- At Baden J), Number unlimited. am: It“ price mm. mm shipment Woman-my. July; 4th, 1917. Fe t have I Inge Block or new and .851 pm!” hand hlcyclel. upgr- up! “as" Iona. Bicycle repairing Mortar, Hy reputation built up by In]?! good work In my gummy of Wu:- _tian. Try me. my priced are minn- col. ouvor Return. Hem Gilt, June 26.-Cot. A. J. Olivei'. tor. merly o. C. Sun Battalion, aunt, who took his unit overseas mom than two your: "o. and since. besides spending some time " tho front. has hid impor- tant Btait positions in England; "rte. ed home todar. He In: monum- fed tel-cu the Auantie.by Maj. D. Me. Lennan. another Gait mu. formerly of the 111th Battalion. who Is saying t few days In Port Hope, tim home town. before returning to this city. l this. In my new shop now equipped with new and modern machinery. I In pro- Paettodoriirtnsot.tthtmuere Inseam-ker- woodwork and (Inmate. l I do picture framing. I" kind. of grinding, Including binder and met knives, lawn mowers. clipper; Mow chum. etc. tad t11tnq nu! ma; GIRL WAHTEtb--At who}: Kitchener. . thfANYEtb-ratevsrai .006 mm and bench buds. - work and mod Inca. under Med and!“ Apply by letter or tn m to Do mining The mm. 104:. FOR SALE-Two Smooth. old pun bred Bork-hire hog- for ale. am- clul Itock. Apply " the Home " Range. Kitchener. Mat. Mama] country to... pm. but residues. 168 acres. on. and M Will. hid: Btate ot cultivation. In. halt hm. amine homo. we au. Iu “tor supply In run-nu man. I ttMun amn Guelph, on mu. no. la- tom: “In! mun, mono... Gnu mm. Apply to WILLIAM c. "an, R. R. tto. A Iran-u. on. . Reasonable Prion. one. Phond, warm u I Oman nude-co. Waterloo, "" Ed. Llpport, ruldcnco phone "' “on phone, Kitetterter,SN Beet Equipmcm, s H IN, N & r LIPPERT Number of run -rtes at Atpeuttoesr-a Prunes! kn lode. of values. llvo suck, lml mum. on. Phone in Vigor] insult-non Amuounn . mo ”Lumen mm. Inn. A gland“ " We»! of all lands a! "all! and heavy hallo... YES! No an“ - for motor but... "will um "tm"irtttmn Hogs Wanted GENERAL WANTS 9% PM. On“ any." Repairing promptly “no. HARRY G. HAOHBORN. Pr6ts T “1w. " Inc. It. I. f Ono."- cky Hull. KM. H. B. DUERING 1htttttrtalting I. c. Brannon no“. ONT: hm For an. niiii repair Shop 214:;

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