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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Jun 1917, p. 5

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' NEAL MO PM!!!“ ,‘Wchanllmcdockd C woman-am iv? a Hui-theta.» r CdOlllw‘ylotillllIac IMMN Annnge to ”and Monday. July End. In Waterloo and attend the hunt: rel:L 'bntlon and» the unplea- of the kit. chener and Waterloo Muslml Societlen by the boys' band of Water; valiant “at of sports Ind bl; little perform-nee In front of the 'Gnnd stand. Ptrtrtotic drills by the Donate School chlldron Lots of mu- 'tte. follow the aroma um cola-brute he Mlleth Innlvernry of confedera- tll','. In an: rout style. It. lube! Folk. men. Dom. Lite; Laura Hillerubkpr. Morchents Bank; Vernon Bowman, emcee Knntmnn Rubber Co.; Gertrude Rulerty. lten. H. Tolton & Co.; Delphine Berlet, aten. Molmns M: Vere Hill, eten. Clement t Cle- ment; Alma Alumnus. even. Cons. Felt Co.; Vern Haid, bkpr. Snyder Store: liaison 800 and 400 persons. unan- Mmt the fin! annual outing of the Waterloo County Board of Agricul- ture and it will In all pro'oahitity he come all annual event. M. Swneh mm at York County gave 1 talk on "pro- ttatetton." A. M. Miller, ot the I'omm'a- “on ot Renoir-cm an“ and Miro Elliott any. Toronto. also deUvered mam-u. , WILL CELEBRATE . 601‘H ANNIVERSARY " CONFIDERATIOR WATERLoo Bora. BAND MAKES DICIDED HIT A Jorge number ot Waterloo citi- une “tended the great military tot too in Gilt on Fridoy and felt proq6 a the recognition given the Waterloo Boyl’ Band This was the tint nppenr- Ulce of the bond outside of their home town and their mart appearance in uni- ”7‘ The boy. looked exceedingly any and‘were n t1eoided attraction it the most successful taitoo ever held In the city ot Gait Once Enron. no... Midland; Hem} liner. Iten. D. Howey & Co.; Chris, There were mum and the Boys' Band of the Wtttcrioo Musiyal SnclMy In. on hand to nrovido mum mush: hr the Elma-Ike” A aummuom Much was provided Iowan] awning. The "grownup of sports provided a hula hen competition; , Following student: or the Euler Bulb less College have recently gone to po- “lions. “‘79 -lm‘n, - Film)“; "a”, ttter, Iten. D. Rooney & Co.; Chris. ‘nn Fuckoury. sten. Woener-Boidttc .; Gertrude Plumb. bkpr. Imperial Oil Co.; Gwen. Hertell, Iten. Colonial Shirt Co.; Marjorie Bricker. sten. Dom. Life Co.; Marie Fischer. once: County Registry; Irene Pruner. Iten. Lang Tanning Co.; Hilda LnChance. sten. Guava: Gertrude Donn. Men. Mutual Lite Co.; Hera Schweitzer. sten. Ott- Ho Button Co.; Rose Klinck. sten. mlrn Rubber Co.; Lavina Moutrer, ten. Merchants Rubber Co.; Nelda alum. lten. Bank of Toronto; Clara Mel, Iten. Civil Service; Laura Sip- nel. stun. Dom. Button Co.; Gertrude Schmidt. uten. Jacques Furniture Co. m. but. Bord. wife ot Rev: W. J. ttlt ot 619nm. n format hum ot Trinity lathe-am Church. ot this guy; not t minded lethal-t unn- UI’. an on Frill-y. Blue vu born it NW“. Ont. A broken hip, nul- lcrod In I {all I tow months no, hu- man Igor - . Every graduate of the Euler School to m- " known, is In a position rAnuEns' PICNIC LARGELV ATTENDED m WATERLDO. _ The educwonu but hour coneletml of In educetlonal excl-cue on the Bun. day School Temperance Department. prepared by lire. Annie J. Gran the Prawn-cm Superintendent of in“ Der. mrtment. In. M. R. Kuhn“ and In! Bel-eh Wagon-It bed charge of LI; exercise. 7 Helen MurtmrtuUteis. unfu- a Sinai [Allan Eyeball, nten. Mutual Life Co.; For .n Indy ot patent leather and - pump: 1nd Oxford. and vo- m'n high cut lace shoe- to to mur oh'l. he in tenth; them It wholenle The Waterloo Bunch ot the W. C. fat, held tta regular monthly meeting on Wednesday " the home ot Mrs o. M. Duh-ch. there being n good at tourism». The President presided. Hagen In selling children's lamb. but Iolo lather large and um." um at Ne. Mc ind 't.10. See them. " M. Dewitt swarm " In A ”no 211 5hr. "‘" "mum's LINtMENT cunt It. IUINO. 7 Lug-I.- Tha Waterloo market on Saturday mm “hula-"y we" attended. Them 531:: a his demand for eggs. many buy- Deputy reeve Bohiender strongly ob- Jected to the oiling being charged to the town as a whole, He chm-god that the whole matter had been mat end dried before the ceiling ot the meeting He stated that the oil had alrendy been ordered and that the Bond of Works had no nuthority to order the all unless it was sanctioned by the Council. He said that npperentiy the Board was pretty sure of the recom- mendation going through or they would not have ordered the oil. in closing he gutted that to him the whole thing looked like a (rune up. Reeve Kutt and Counciller Stroh took the same sand _ the deputy-roe". Councillor Deming chairman of “I. Board ot Works, dcnlad that the mut- ter had been framed and stated that the oiling ot these mun thorough- (area was a benitit to the whole town nnd therefore should be paid for by the mopayen u I whole. He pointed out tttat It would be much better to on them rand: nnd than preserve mam than to be paying out money in mr ttairs one!" Town Council Decides that Cost Shall be Betrayed by the Town, Councillor Stroh pointed out that althomlh there was no doubt that the oiling would preserve the road this applied also to other rand; In town and that "ttet ratepayers ore paying per toot for this oiling and he wanted to know why the farmer- llvlnx III-Ida the town limit: should get the nme service without paying for it. _ The streets around the factory of Mean anoutan and Martin will be oiled A eommtutteatiott Im- received from them taking that thin be do“ and the request wu grated, MARKET WAS F WELL ATTENDED l IN WATERLOO A special mating ot the Town Coun- cil was held Tuesday " the instin- tion of the choinnnn of the Board o8 Works to ratitr a recommendation of that body that the (our principle atr- eets leading into the town, namely. King. Erh. Albert and Bridgeport Rood bo oiled as far In the corporation line and that the cost of the oiling he charged to the town as a whole. After a rathn heated discussion the motion to ratify the recommendation was put to a vote and passed ttr the tollowin; vote: tor. Deming. Reitsel. Hallo. Emmi and the Mayor. against. Kntt Bohlender and Stroh. Mill Glndyl Dewitt contributed n very much unwed-led solo to the nu» gramme. The meeting in. brought to I. close High the singing of the tht. uonnl Arsthaii. The Pruident ot the Britt“: mush- tern in the United States will spend the weekend in Toronto, returning to her home in New York, the beginning of next week. " a manly to put away tor winter me. They sold It from 30 to Me per (lot. Dinar brought 40c her lb. There was a vientllul supply ot (rash "(a table. Bttett u lettuce. nus-hen. onion- _ Speaking of thou of the Brill-h luv who who mode the qaeriiieet sum-no. I In. lamb! “and that tho: will ho Ga, corner “one ot n grotto! 13W- tioa no Mn just no the not“ Fiiiii noon- tom the can. up any banal-c. ' V ‘» Spock! cuphul- ot the ma ttd - It! brought nodded!) to tho fore in the omkor’l nddreu iii; pointed out that payer I: one of the not input-not baton In the - cnm. She “vacated it in both the organisation and the home lite at thin time when they no coiled upon W their Breatmt.etttorts and noble-t u- erft1eqttr. At the clone of her uddreu, In. Lunar we: presented with a hm bouquet of American Beauty roses M It the me tune she we. the rec!) Sent ot a landing vote ot thunk: tor her inure-tin: and ill-mung uw. Mil STREETS _ WM BE (lllfil every Btaut.---u either cloudy at db- tarKly tormented at the m. it” [on b show the loynlly of the “am. In: horn" American to the UIIIOII Jul. pic-Mom ot the new Dual.“ of the Union Juk was to the do. that a In a It. In gun new number oe the oe-ttmt.--- wudmthIdthIJ-n- u‘mumwaum mmthMnesotubqItrsnitsaoet-t inhuman-uncanny»- WW I“ mm t-eKttet-.tnttrqLthmr_. Lilt If, ”Midst-7W“ hill. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kerr leave the beginning ot the wook for Port Dover when they will spend the laminar months. _ Mt. F. W. Winter ot Toronto. w” the no“ of Mr. nnd In. D. A. Bean on Wednesdny. his mum: Ill-tar was- Bean accomp:nyln¢ him on MI return home. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Rooney motored to London toe a few dun this week. All when ot the blunt." ot he Empire Ire kindly Invited to be no- sent at the Deconllon ot the acidic- Gnvu. on Sand-y afternoon. I... Mth, 1911. at three o'clock tithe 9t chener Cemetery. ' In. A. B. IrBrlde 3nd I!" Hughe- wm the nuts ot Rev. A. L. G. t In. ct.rhe, It the "Rocha." Godomh. for n delightful visit or seven! days dur- ing the past week. Dalila Harlot-Io Power and Hill In: Clarke ot Toronto. are the guests _ of Mr. and lira. June: Macaw“: our the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Junc- Hawaiian leave the beginning of the week mr their summer home In Port Dover. _ mas Gertrude Could I- touchy“. It mun. 0m. Stun Snyder. one of the K. & W. Consume boys, who in level-n1 years too young (or enlistme a oven-cu, I: helping to will the war by working on the farm It. “We, when be can be found only and late. Stun was I welcome visitor " " home, George street. anloo. over Snail-y. City In: purchased 1 (arm on Lexing- ton Road, and took Wlon lib Mr. q. J. 01mph." m . Visitor In Toronto on Tuesday. 'Miu Km Ind lliu Florence-Rut: returned on Wednesday mm n tun day motor trip to Toronto and other pain“. Mr. Incl Mrtr. M. tr. Human we" "anon In Toronto this week for I couple of dar.. los. Cal., formerly on the Haul otttim Suit ttf The Hutu.) Lilo Alum Co., ot Cumin. In renewing acquitt- nnoel and visiting old. Mand- in wu- Mr. and In; Erna-t hopper of Tor- onto, Mr. and In. John Colo ot Palm onto. Mr. and In. John Cole " Peter. boro, am Mr. Edward Zonal- of Tor. onto, are Ipendlnc two week- with Mr. and Ill. Philip Better, Water St. Mr. and Mm. Gun-go Luz Ind nul- " left on Frldny tor their laminar home on Huron Bench, Michigan. In. Gunman or New York, In: the guest of Mrs. Charles Mill; durum her “my In town. week. Mr. and In. W. R. More, Rot Street. spent In! week and In To: trunk null“ Wu. of the a” portal” of math: the acquaintance od the new mud-on. South. In. Lamar We and Ion. M. William. ot Toronto. were (in gun: “Jutland In. MOWIM visit this not. when may or he to spend the sum mom. a not can" on [an Smeoo. who“ no will he join“ by Mr. and In. mun-n and non of Tomato. .. T Aturohoetint'tt-trt.s home ot Inna In. W.H.M ummuggjmum.m womanwa In. ti. tt. Dominiconmr Mr.-Mm."Btttr"t_-o cumum.mnm "Ptreatrt$eoHiN.Ttrrytonm, in '.-h_thqtiMttiet-t-r." rat-andre-tttaotd.-' "tr 'hmtHr.-6H.trtPttoNt-M" you match. This In: mun In!” ofrwmstnzatgoesBt-su-s" Evangelistic calm;- at III. - nut-Nevvorhvhenlhvcal. boon-om“ u via-mummy... rir.iiir,?.e In. lava, I“. an. m (u ”Wk-“Ilium“ Btm m that! mu ttiii-Ula. ' GG%iiuuaiaGairGaaf 'rei"iii"tqrf.tfhdmm,aqi. momma-numb mac‘s-punch“ non-wanna: . " UK oi it‘ll-IO! hwfii it Vial?” "Ciara' "." _ 113:!” :m‘mn In: dun-athMI-hd-u,‘ Hiu Annie R. Goon: of Lou alt In. E. w. Sauna, In“ Hum Mr.,,.Herbort Klein ot New York -.-,T-- .' 4 r manta-1&1” A,iuii, and ma,“ ‘l " J) if?“ Wu...) Hummus. “I; "t_atsa't"re"'r._r. "tgt-ttr. tum-awash“ {Ma-WM m - The St. Quentin Chapter, l.0.D.E.. held . model meeting et the Library Hell. Weterloo. on PtMaratterrue'ton with B large ttttemdtuteq of memhere end friends. lire. Longeteit ot New York. Prelident ot the DeughterI/oi the British Empire of the United Stet- ee. eddreeeed the meeting. giving e very interesting deecription ot the work which the venom Chenterl In the ua. lave been doing since the beginning ot the is? In 1914. The ad. arm. es well u the greet work ec- compliehed by our American gluten. wee greatly npprecieted. end I - vote of then“ tendered the wanker. accompanied by e lovely bouquet of crimlon men. At the clone of the meeting. the Regent, In. R. M. Sny- der” enter-tuned her executive end e few friends. including neural vieitore to afternoon tee. when . further pro. ill-hie hour we: enjoyed in the inter- n" of l.0.D.E. wort. In. P. J. Wright and two children In spending a month with Dotti)“ "In Edna Brennan, In "tutmost tie te. B. worker m'm Church. Kitchener; “tended the Sum“! School Convention n New Hamburg in“ week giving two very helpful and Instruc- tive addresses on Junior Alliance Work and the need- of the |Beginners Do. pan-uncut. Dr. Ind In. N. B. Alexander and Cunt. Ind In. Emma-n of tendon. paid a visit to Mr. W. H. Wile. Associate Secretary of the Main] Lila ot Cumin. on Walnut!” lull. . , sun Sergeant. W. Clue Willem. of the AJI.C.. connected with the c" _tMser Military Hospital u mum, he: just returned from another trip to England and in evening himself of a mph of week! leave of nMence to visit hie pmnu at Hemlock Grove Fem, Kit. In. Chan. H. 111113.11," rammed from Attendance at the ”and - In; ot the 1mm n Vicmrh. no. ind has hula he: mattin- week one of the dame... In. Lug-all ot New York. Pullout if tfiit Brill-f; Daughters of the My!” 'od ti. Unit- ed sum. F br Mr. and In. Jack Ctmtttetgutrt and two children no enjoyln'g their vniyn. twn with friend- uud mud". st Bel- mu). b Mr. W. H. William. who Marvin! I seriou- opontlon " the K..W. Ho'- plm this tool. In making Mr pro-= you towned recovery. In. F. H. Knlblotsch. " Damn It, wont n tow an In Toronto this "or. While In In city the nun-Id n recl- tat of the Academy ot Rule. Her daughter. um emu, n pup“ of thr. ner Haunt». an; " the menu. It: and: I- am to return home this. evening to spend her tumor m m” Alma Shelly ht leaving for Tommo to [no part In a Red CPO. social held on the 011:th Estate. In. W. H. Gregory um runny ter.', "III week for her father’s cottage at Lake Huron. when they will spend the IIIIIIIIIOI’. They won motored over by Mr. and In. Archie tatehhagt. Aunmmmmmm“ and “woman" ruminant» 'ctttttmt mt "ending I few day- " tuho-otMr.ntsdMg..c.ihtMttt, "Th-Bt. 7 Mr. 12mm Beams qt mm mm (In weekend In town. wet-r-tmr-oe-ue,' Ion-nounWopoI-m‘ comma-emu'unu tbona-un-s-drew-retries-r' motmmncrâ€"Im‘ “unequally-MW. mammwnlu-m mmmuMu-ummu m to In.“ tho “Ilia-PI!!! iiCiiG;LGirG7arriua7rl mummnvmmw habitation-amnion! mun-7mm umumumm-m mrt-dmattttrtrsttedr-b-o. mama-”awn, _eeqtaa"Ireeret.te who... -m to can“ Mhtubmto. Mr. “a In. Cunningham ot Tawn- _ In. Funk Tupholmo ot annual» m In: arrHed in Wnterloo on an ex- tended visit with Migrants. Mr. and Lin. William nun. Her bin-hind who tall-led some time ago with the' Cam ‘ullu Expodltionnry Forces. "greets to no om shortly. When Pumps Are Installed Water Supply Will Be Greatly Imreased. In. A. A. Etry ytd daughter Mll- drod no spending a. few weeks with relatives in minimum. All the bunt-moss of the ‘meetlng touched on Manuel- Behtedel's report which (chum: Water Department. _ The water pumped during May in 17,566,000 ah an, increase over April of 1,209,500 gals. Time ot oper- Iunx pump: was 671 hours an aver- age of 38.42 hours per det. Only routine hummus was trans-c- oed It the regular monthly meeting ot the Water and Light Commission held My A uttqrnoon. . Current consumed tor pumping 18.910 K. W. H. or n average of 920 ul- per K. W. There. were won: 18 dun pgmplng to Kitytymyr. - - -- - "rtrGiGriat fir tenilera for the motors and pump: for the new wells it" There was no tire alarm mund- od In May. _ - - _ -. In. Hum Roldan: and non Elton " Donna returned on supra” alter I mu ttd maul a”. with friends all Isl-nus in the Tummy. In. G. s. Fowler of Baden was visiting her daughter. Miss Nome Pom - in Knew; on sum”. ' Mr. and In. VII: ot St. Thomhs, - Sunday a the has of Mr. Ind In. William, Queen in. a. W0 Millllll WELLS M?lflfll h” "EGiGirahmed during May was tt068 pounds.. This Is an average or 550.4 m. m- an . 7 __, _ 30".! I'm. IF'I "I” No t Boner " in use 744 hour. with an avenge ctéam manna or " n. - Yiii/ new 'ttoor and foundation: tor the pumps and motor will be com- pleted AttitLyrmth. " l Mr. Halley has completed the Mro walls and I expect when the trumps no placed In position and oner- ntod that the lncroue In the water Inpply will amount to pretty well on to I million gallons per day. _ mmmun. homo! Ma'," nd ‘5”thth on: 8mm. SPECIAL IN LADIES' COTTON HOSE LADIES' COTTON VESTS MEN'S TUB TIES BECHTEL BROS HEATHERBLOOM PETTICOATS. "ic---- 9H"a"P11lrtHt h, brdtqr_hEne%tmrwaw,hhre.whlte,rer,msre,wrrk, “dime-“l1 mtrua.oeVtteariattheeBd-rine traermsasrrretaekDsre), in may. f . .;, .PM- w--." ...._....-. -......-- .- _ g . s" h '. A - _ ' " , - unwound-leave,“ ... ... ... ... .... i.. tse,s,2sei4oetuadsttc" phi-au- a tMantra" aimtMrnaand sis-, LA-dum,.. and a... I... ','.,' Avery-lemma: .. '2e.eef"mt"'---erreare"erirtr-r nun-tut _ I,h.itMItird " 'tel" . BUSINESS Made in one grade on1r---the highest! , " Gnu 8mm: Chance in I The building to be placed over jthe new wells will have to be ordered, gone probably similar to the present one over the deep well and the 0% tmum-what. stlmplcr in design. [Gas Department. and expect to give them during the course or a few days. The pine: tor leading the water from the gas works to the storage we,“ as the necessary valves and other ttttttttm have been ordered and as soon as they arrive the connections will be made. A Slnee last meeting we have had quite a number tt applications for gas servlces which will add to the revenue. The unrpemers are at present st work on the coke shed and expect to complete it today with the excep- tion of the mot. This will enable us to More about two -tqaqttt-mtmtmtgtmmrqugtqtmtmotm II'NIIIIIIIIII'I t0M1mMtmtlm mtt.-otqtmrmt-tqttBl The award at merit has been eet'tterreerttts6it ‘OCEAN PM”! mom-of that we an eertaln. a you tall. I" " not. you can“: realize how much more "tlsfaetorr It It. Try It. You will vigil,“ the undrimmating housewife. ”KT , .----.....-.stseeodiIk:'i" cars more lhan formerly and If '0 an e é succeed in getting it mm: tttttAtt - 'i will lesson our worries du'rin an; - {a ter months. 93 ft was “twigs t on. I, In this dopartment that. In no thin: spook) to report. The Rural Us; north of the town is ebmpleted - " the farmers are using it tor “(lulu and power for small melon. the two threshing oattitt, are "Tn quite 'co'ln- plcted owing to lack of aterlal. _ of from mid to mouth Electric Demrtmenc Graphic meter 4 mlnnto - load 842 H. P. Street llxlltl m burning a total or 251.26 hours, I. IV- enge of 8.10 hours per night, i do- crease in the time or human our April of 35.40 hours. . _ 'teapecttttnr submitted. 0. W. Schledel. Manager. _ AND cont-ohm Are the attributes cl out but nest and neuron-ion. Evil)- mno from the full at of ME new to the lightest blank“ u. made to look good, to war we" and to feet right. _ WV cater to the horse and MI _ owner’s satisfaction with tip. but nan-magma" to be had and at price. whlch ”who!!!“ competition. ‘1'. WILHELM’S‘i at, BEAUTY, SERVICE The ualit "i Sitar; wBrEaioo l Phone 389 _ " A 1 . .ti in m.» 511‘ 951, 5.)", an "

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