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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 28 Jun 1917, p. 4

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The guests from out of town were M". E. C. Moore, Mendvlllp. Pa,; Mr. and Mrs. Alhert Voetker of Kitcttotter, 0151.: Dr. Winiam Manon, In!!!" of the bridegroom. ot Hazel. Ky.: Dr. JM. Dtnmnkm. Patvm'ha. KY..' Mrs. Fletch- er Qumlnn and [mums-r of cam. bridge. Mun: Dr, and Mrs. Marshall Smith and 'ttttwht" of Bnlnmoro. Dr. and Mrs. Manon. Inner an infor- mal r-tion at the home of the bride's parents, ion tor their home It Murray. Ry. Wstthttuttott, DA".. Eun- M 3m, The marriage of Dr. Ora Kress. daughter of Dr. and Mrs. D. H. Kress ot Tnkornn Park, D.C.. and Dr. Wil, liam H. Mason. jr.. of Murray, Ky., was mlemnized at the Seventh Day Adven. tiata' Church at Takoma Park last evening at 8 o‘clock. The bride was attended by Mrs. K. C. Moore of Mead- ville. Pa., as matron ot honor. Little Miss Janet Quillinn ot Cambridge, Mum. acted as ftower girl. The bride. (room was attended by Prof. Clement Homer as best man. The tort-mom was poriormod by Rev. W. W. Pres- cott in the premium of a large trather. ing of relatives and friends. Daisies and pink roses formed the decorations. The bridal party stood between cotom was gnrianded with green and nur- tnountod with baskets ot ttowerg and ferns. (entwined with daisies. The bride wore a French voile gown trim. med with Not tare. Her tulle veil VII held with a up of lace ond mango 6owertt and one carried a shower tsou/ one! of lilies of the valley and bride mac-u. The matron of honor, thw bride's, mint. wore a gold new meteor gown. and carried I bouquet or orpher) in moon. I A quiet but pretty wedding took plate at the New Jerusalem Church. King and Water streets. when Mm Httdtt E. Schnarr. only (brighter of Mn. E, Schnarr, became the wile ot Freeman A. Willis. son of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Willis. After the ceremony a reception was held at the bride's home utter which the happy couple left on the 3.30 train on a short trip. On their return they will reside in Gait. The Presbyterian parsonage was the ncene of a quiet June wedding Wednesday afternoon when Miss Clara munch. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Bunch. of Jefterason Are. was quiet- ly untied to Mr. Chester Stuart. The young couple were unattended and will reside In Waterloo. After the ceremony Mm. Hide. " Iistd by her mother. received the ntr Int-rune guests at the home ot the brid- oh parents. Waterloo. Mrs WnIter wore n bountiful gown ot mnsy purple " mm with hat to match and a cor- nge bouquet of mauve sweet pea. Following the reception a sumptuous wedding dinner was served in the din. ner room which was pretmy decor- lted with daffodils and smylax. The drawing room where the guests were received and offered their congratul- ntlonu to the bride was resplendent in mane and white stocks I Jinn Ivan-lieu Chin's. Incl.- trunnion-usury”, - - WM "tee-tes an M " two o’clock when lb Bonn _m.wtorotlr.nulnu a. wow W Willin- and will" M anloo. was un- '.1dtgttg'.tNtuaptt of .tt.eoNrea, an. J. P. Huck m at telnet omchung. . I but mud. of KM. m It. Btu-l Chow from loch- m u the bride “and the duel u tho u- of her mm. The bride ‘mnbultuul Imam canal-‘1‘ grill-overheat ot brag, Ra mu MIL tfdgieg2ho'rag2ttth"gl My an I lowing b I m mm Monom- ud you Inc-J any!!! I than!" Empire bouquet} "the bride was the recipient ot many - and beautiful presents. The choir members of the Lion Evangeli‘ cal Church, Kitchener. of which she In. been a member tor a numbér of yarn. sure nbeautilui silve: cassmie. Pr. and Mrs Eidt left on the 5.55 o'd train on a honeymoon trip " tt will like in the Thousand isles. The grooms gift to the bride wax a pearl necklace. to the maid ot honor and bridesmaid. pendants ot pearls and emeralds, to the organist, a bat pin so: with pearls and nmethysts and to tho groomsman a pearl 'ie-rits. The church was [mutually decor- ated with wins and bridal wreaths. The ushers were Menus. Cecil R. kid. of Station) L. H. ttinhoro, Des loin”. Iowa. L. Knechtol and C. E. Dachau ot Kitchener. _ Little Miss Florin Struckhudt in math attired in while a"): and mote ed exceedingly “we! carrying u huge bouquet of Ametkan Beauty Rm: tn which wt: eottceaiqtd {he Veda"); rum. The groom nu “slated by Mr. G. L Blinder of Wallacoburg. Du in; the signing of the register Rev K. Burn at Wag-loo an; ”the Day a! Pam" v19 much feeling. Mu. Ten: Rae. ot Detroit, Vin the bride-lipid um in human", nttlrod In pink silk crepe dc chino over Baths and_e.~§rrled nn_Emplr9 bonnet Th bride Wu “lauded by It” Luella Brteker, of Kuchamr " mid at honor um Brick” v” beautifully unwind In while silk chtftoat, had- studied tad combination at “It VIII In Auto net and but to match 1nd the 'utried 3n Empire mum. - u u... “SIM-WALT... Shah: return they will reside In Wtt.LiB--acHNAttrt. aruaRiumUTscH, MAB0N--K BESS. Haéfyjmu Bride: - o Guelph, June 22.--Mr. H. K. Cochin, widely known throughout Ontario. died this evening after a lengthy Illness. He came of a good English tamlly and alter travelling widely on the contin- em, had been a resident of Guelph for the put 25 years. He was a well read, widely informed gentlemen. and for some years contributed weekly article: to the Guelph papers. beside: special articles tor mngazlnen and writing in hook "Gentleman Dich,"of the Gran." For some your: out he had token an active interest In politics and repre- sented the anth- ln a number of stren- uous loval option cantata throughout Ontario. As a puhlic speaker on Pill-1 pire topics he was in frequent demand/ and his polished utterances elicited1 widenpreml attention. l The late Mr. Cochin wan well and favorably knomt in the Twin-City. tht unions Dru-anion: he has deliverad " drouos on patriotic themes and 1m always listened to wuh pleasure Ind profit. His demise will in; keqnly ra- xrened by his friend. In Kitchener and Waterloo. mum's metm was“. MAN. FRIEND. MR. B. K. COCKIN PASSES AT GUELPH; WAS GIFTED WRITER The following resolution wherein; the conscription measure was unani- mously pamred:---"That the Kitchener and Waterloo Returned Soldiers' Asso- lclation, in annual meeting mumbled, [petition the Dominion Government to ‘put into force at once conscription, as Ithe only safeguard tor the proper pro- isecutlon of the war by the Canadian {people We also vlew with alarm the >speeches of some of the members of (Parliament tor Quebec Province. and pray that steps be taken at once to, 1curb the revolutionary spirit which is being propagated by these members” We offered our lives in France and Flanders for the cause of freedom, and; we abhor the yoke which Quebec is making for us, which we shall never wear. Nothing but a united Canada will suffice, with all ot the provinces standing tor all for one and one tor all." warded to Premier Borden and Mr. Weirhel. M.P. . The otBcertt"elected are President, Ed. Wachett, vice-PreMdent William Mitchell. Secretary Sergt. Mat. Chiv- ers. Treasurer J. B. Brown. The Exo cutive Committee are William Smith. W. J. Blaln and H. Aylwnrd. WAR VETERANS FOR CONSORIPTION The Kitchener and Waterloo Return ed Soldier! Association held its ann- ual meeting Friday evening and elect- ed oMcerts tor the year. The olllcern elected at the organization ot the Ab sociation some months ago were mere. ly elected pro tem. Miss Devin, who Is the possessor ot a rich soprano voice. can; a sch most acceptably In the Methodist Church on Sunday evening when the pastor made an approprhte reference to her act In volunteering for Red Cross Work. ( Her action in volunteering tor the noble work ot the Red Cross in a most commendable and praimsworthr one and she will havie the hearty good wishes of her numerous friends for a sale Journey across the no“ to Fume where she will Join the great army or nurses ot the nations ot the Aitbta who are giving such loyal and devoted service in the great wnr.. Mims Deettt 1: the wearer ot B non Ind Inactive mod.) as n recognition that she is a member of the American: Red Cross. y The at: will be In china ttf Dr iCllnton one ot the foremost sin-goon- ot Bufhlo who hu Icon "nice In the Philippines, and he will have the sup- 1'ctt,',t ot the Buffalo Gwen] Bus Hospital to be established In France. The Buffalo mm will mint ot twqtrt, tr-ttee doctors sud tiny nurse- Ind nunss‘ aides. Similar units no going tron) all lbs large centre. In the Unit. ed States to care for wounded ot the Great American Republic. which has lately entered the war. lm.rtreettnrivttt.whots. - ‘uum-mumam sumo ‘Genotu lie-pun. vu . talcum vb!- lotutho mammal. Mr. 1and In. In” Devin. our and". MI.- Dovltl. who In: - the not ht ”in In Bun-Jo " tho who 01 - _ protection. In. "lumen“ and boo-scoop!“ numbed“. 3mm man of an American Red Cross which “pact: to no ovens:- in an no“ future. - Mi"BerthaNvittaatsert- 'rdattMomtterettBufraht t macro-um wmnmn‘Imr ' 1llllllil mans A copy ot the resolution will be for. ttttd. Mrs. Gerald and Gertrude. ster; Mr. and Mrs. Levi Shah. spsry of red roses; Mr. end Mrs. Hr. Liphsrd. - ot snap dragons; Mr. and Mrs. Brier alve, wreath; Mr. sud Mrs. Harry Brelmer, spray of pin roses; Mr. A. Poster and A. M. Smith. bouquet of pink roses; Judge and Mrs. Basile. bouquet ot White roses: Miss Zoeliner. spray ot sweet peas; Daughters of the Empire. spray of red roses: Mr. and Mrs. Herdingand Mr. and Mrs. Bin- ning. spray ot white carnation; Mr.‘ and Mrs. Oscar McLean. and "yt!f spray of pink roses; Master Leslie‘ Harding. spray of snsp drsgons; C. and A. Boehrn. bouquet ot psnsiss; Bt, Saviour’s Choir, spray ot roses: Wnt. erloo Lawn Bowling club. pillow. ot orchids; Kitchener Bowling Outs, wreath ot lilies. sweet peas and roses: A.Y.P.A.. wreath ot sweet peas, roses and carnations; Miss Gladys Dewitt, yellow Iris; Miss Hilde end Nettie Schans and Miss Dorothy Deritt. bou. quet ot lilies ot the valley; Mrs. Geo. Hell and Mrs. Harry Wickens. spay roses and ear-nations: Mr. end Mrs. W. G. Weichel. spray; Mr. end Mrs. A. Fleming and family. white elm tions; Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Henrik. and family, spray ot pink roses; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Boehln. spray ot pink and white roses; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Fischer. wreath of cer- nations. roses and sweet me; Mr. and Mrs. Edmunds. spray of pink and white roses; Mr. and Mrs. Wilton. spray of roses; Captain and Mrs. Walters. spray of sweet pens; Mr. and Mrs. S. " bright, spray; Mr. and Mrs. Weyburn Doerr, spray of carnation; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nichol, and Peggy, spray of pink and white sweet peel; Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Hetrtteltrsr, sprsy of red roses; Mr. and Mrs. B. Bechtel, sprsy of sweet peas; Mrs. P. Punter, spray of pink carnations; Mr. and Mrs. Feick. pink roses: Mr. and Mrs. Ernst. white roses; Dr. sud Mrs. Weber. pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Huehn. pink carnetions; Sam and Girlie.~cross: The Engel Girls. pink csmstions: Mrs. A. F. Seaman. cross: Dr. and Mrs. _ Waldron, wreath; Mr. Carthew, sprey; ‘Mr. end Mrs. Hortop, roses; Mr. A. ‘B. Detweiler and family. white carna~ Hons; Mrs. A. A. Schmiter. carna- tions; Mr. and Mrs. Huber and family. spray ot sweet peas; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Seam-am. roses; Mr. and Mrs. Canhew. white roses; Mr. and.Mrs. D. ahmnon Bowiby, pink carnations; Messrs. Mitt. er and Hohmeier. spray of red mes; The "Boys," wreath csmations and “Mow mu; Mr. Ind Mrs. Scott Ind Alice, and Mrs. Koeppel. Btrrar ot phi! roses; Mr. Ind Mrs. Geo. Alumna. spray ot “manor"; Mr. A. Vale. spray of, pink mes;.MI-. C. H. Marcus, any of pink mes; Mr. and Mn. Geo. Burt. Ing. heart of rows. ”not ms nu! carnation; In” ‘M. Jameson. spray ot red roses: Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson. “my of plummmulons: Mn. Hawks and (1min! and In: Weeds. any of pink rules; w. I? Coy“. apply ot roael. Q WALTON LANGOTAFF. anton Luigi-um In 10 years a well known resident of Kitchener mun- ed “my " his not“. on Chm-on sum! Sundly in. I Ilort mile-n. De. vented w" tom ‘n C.", "Base ot Wer. ton, York County " Denmher hill, tMt, and was a wgtNerttrt of that Reheb lion ot 1806. He II survived by " Mother and Inner. pillow; Mother! and listen. crou ot moot. sweet you. earn-Non- and white, lttner, hullnnd. anchor; Mr. Inc in. D. B. 1%tqr.Nr and funny. spray ot red I”: Mr. _Brt.tmet.atgeet-tot. - pin-ml. Tho tum-l was on of tho w m In Wm - - u- III .troqrsdin-ltmmrtueet- . which an deco-Id m w. 7t- Ionl otlterhtas vm beautiful and II.- M. In “any. to an mumm- Monda and "have thava nu c, has number from urban oe-ta- than in both Kitchener In! “Idaho. he service- were conducted by Ree. J. H. Ham-u. new at a uni bar's Church gut] by new. A. L. G, Cluk of Goderlch tor-let rector of at Church. Both menu to an mm In! qualities ot the decayed and the [on sustained in her Ind m untimely death. Among the may bountiful non] trb butos were the (allowing: Interment wu undo at loan! Hop. cemetery. Witerloo. The [ulna-rm were noun. C. A. Boom. W. B. Nap. tor, W. Atilnnn. H. rack. Ltmgt. lua- dollloh and B. o. Bellman. mmummh-Du-a. 're'r%_oeesrmlattVr$tt. anus-Waterloo m a In.» "r-Al-ot-roar-Ag. Who-tumotb" Input-in theTitm meal”? "I: M. Burton’s Ohm ' . "mill-*EE-‘EJ 1iggiifit "liii,iit1t..r1, (_iiiji__rljie Besides hi. panama. Ihe tlm-ttd lone: three brother: Incl two gluten. Prod Shlnn of Toronto and Mas. Cart, El“ and Emmi " home. The lunonl which was llrxnly Imm- ded. It!!! the house It 100 o'clock. Ber. "can won continuum In St. John: Lutheran Church hr Rev. E. Rochel- mann. pastor ot the church at 2.30 o'clock. Among the lust; number at floral "that" to the demand. who was I member ot the “‘nlerloo Boys “and tnd I general [Home In Wulnrlm. were following; Mitt. Lulu-n Denali. um of carnation»; O'Hara and bro, than of Germ-nu Lodge. No. IM, l.0.0.P.. up", ot sweet we“: R'ds, an! Lippert, spray of “not was; Mr. and He Ind apparently been progressing rlpidly town-d recovery and was ublc to be up Thursday with other mem hers of the totil.r.. He was taken amt denly'lll about 1.30 o‘clock Ind passed “my nbout two hours later. f The funeral ot Mm. w. H. Rhodes was held Thundey afternoon at 2 o'. ‘clock from her home Foreman Place and later from tn, Mathaw‘n Lutheran Church where services were he“. The chnréh woe filled with mourning trtemd. and rehtlven ot the deceasedr Interment w” made at Mount Hope Cemetery. The poll-bearers were her three brothers W. Moebun. L. Moehnn. P. Moehue end her brother-In-law H. Diebol. The other two were her two eon! W. H. Rhodes and Arthur Rhodes. Harold Joseph Shin». youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Shinn. passed suddéniy and unexpectedly " the re- sidenco of his parents. Comiino tR. only this morning. following on oper- ation tor appendlcitis at the Kitchen- or-Waterloo Hospital about two weeks ago. He was in his "tgttt you. The "on! tributes ware numerous uni beautiful nnd attested the es- teem In which Mrs. Rhodes was held by her host ot friends in this city. ll nsremaq Place. Tuesday evening. titer n inlet illness of two days. Dir. tensed we: in her li8th your and had been in telling health for the pest three yours. In. Rhodes come to this country iron: Germany when a child with " permits Mr. end Mn. Berry Moebus. The funny first set tied on e farm at Baden but later took in their residence in this city wool-o the deceased has since lived. In 133! die married Mr. Rhodes. Two sons survive. William H., of the London Free Press nail, and Arthur ot Kitch- "er. The deceased is also survived by two brothers end two sisters. Louis and Fred Moelius. ot this city. Mrs. Seiner, ot Detroit. and Mrs. Diebei of this city. Six grandchildren sleo Bur. rive. The 'rwsi,triemts in Kitchener of Fireman .WMJ. Rhodes were griev'ed to learn at the death dt his beloved wile who passed any at her home. The diet]: took place on Fm!” I Int, Ann Hilts. the beloved Ville )I Mr. Ind: Baker. Courtland Avenue. utter . Itmrlng‘mneu. The am ad m In her 65th and had resided In (ltchener during the In! (out you”. arming here from Stunner where she welded tor twenty-three years. She II supine by her bereaved husband.‘ an. daughter. In. minke": niacin-M Ill, Ind one-on. Pu. Gould, hymns-l 'nnd. The funeral we: hold on gender. June 35th. tron: the home! denim“! avenue. et 1.30 o'clock to the Bethany Immune church for! service It , o’clock. I Inn ol the m Iva-allot! Jim! an; the favorite hm at m loco-pod “Ether Gnu-d.” It. Icaru- In! been . mus-t ot Vin-loo to! clou to a - at . aunt-n “a trad Man In poor health Flor an put tour "an. Anon: om- ioHon ninth“ mm at the tune:- a won two than. In. w. D. Harris 'ogowenttmrmt.agr..g.w.Harruor Homnh and three Mother- Willis» and Wilson of 0'0! Sound and Atesr.) of Room l ml: the 'tttner. were tributa‘ 'roll the tot-ht.---, Mr. and} In. C. A. Kerr: plilov. from the child-l m; hm basket of mu. the Inter- uttonul Time Recording Company, To- “onto; than. Mr. and In. Stow-rt at out; bake! at noun. In. Wago- nut; two an”. from the heighten. wrath. (run the bracket: and than. 'trs",":'.)".'::':'::",',",",','::',',',' that,“ bib-pull) and: in” ”manhu- mm-Iohlmhdhy.“ m “thumb-mot m cult-.3. We! Btu-nod. OM III. who“. I Kiwi-u. Viva atrt-gt_eet_is-tv. mph-(Inlnm 'r*ttsodeathqex-daethrKtteame 0&me mm oet'Nuttr-a., lb,- M1 on My. The (“mm-moon“ by "v.Mnttee.atetHwatoettsorgetw tint Church at 2.30 o'clock. It". I. mutants-autism -Wtt0'e%rWqttntoarWedat- at gap I. q._teehteu, um. In. a. a I". W. J. RHODES. HAROLD J. SHINN. MR8. IOAAC BAKER. J. E Donna! nus. JONAS DETTWEILER. ' The death occurred on Blind-y morning at In. Janna A9ettnreiter, It be: home, " museum]: street, Mm n lingering illness. She was 64 years old and had been a faithful member of Bethany Mennonite church tar a Mm. GHQ Jansen. wreath: Rebeca Lodge. may or red men; Mrs. Koenlg and family. away of white “been; Alberta better. aptly of white P""" Mr. and Mrs. Beyler uni! Mu. _1a"tu, spray ot earnattowr; Mr. and 1lure. R. J, Rube. spray ot sweet. pm" and carnation; Marguerite and Char- Ion Heller, spray or sweet pea; Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Aahmeod. Toronto. spray of ”reel peas, camtlona and roses. friend, spray; Mrs. H. Darius. spray of carnation: Conttrm.thm Clan. St. Johns Church, tony ot men; Mrs. Dorothy Bailey. "any at earantiotsss; E. 0. Rita. apray. The pallbearers were; (home Dicksop, Clarence Pannier, W.D.Brlll, JM. Richardson. Norman Bice amr Herman Moogk. V i Corded Checked Voila. we colored cord checks. mauve. " Inch wide ... . . Fun while tttart" Vollc with embroidered Sou, and 00.! figural. 36 to 40 Inch wide, very upecial Pictorial Patterns spot and plaid pattern, tor ladlec' an“... In Madam. coloring: of Hue, pink, grey, 60: Conan. green, ran, 40 Inch wide, wed-l RAISED CH ECKS SILK EMBROIDERED VOILE In pretty “ripe; with embroidered dot, " Inch wide, In that!“ of green, pink, mauve. “a 'awn,tth'e,epeclatat ..... ._.. ....... FRENCH VOILE PHONE 476 SPORT VOILE 10_d-BhtdrCittaemoe.uttteet, timrsfk9%tsndtit,qteeiaiir... ..25c GINGIIAIIB 40eerqfcharAittatttndB-estsGiat. 'ttqter,ATfatehwide,httrte_.iuutnrttie andMtearttrd.tiepriee ... ...'. 15c --"""F"' -___ _.. _.. ._. ..... cc. SALE or MEN'S Slums-Two Lou. sum-r wusrs Me and $1.40. . . . A special line tor' this title at . . 31.59 I See Window. . ltd i Bunker German 00. . . Saves-ll odd “mm coupled for tit HOSlEBY Thursday, Friday and Saturday Since we. have undertaken the sale of Pictorial Patterns we have had remarkable success. Pictorial Patterns are certainty very popular patterns and we recommend them to our customers. Prices We. 15e, 20c and 25c. , Ftytio1t Sheets free.. Book with 15c Pattern Coupon at 25c.. Pictorial Review Journal at 25 'h"tt.tthmed-fJ-att-e-errim-teii-tarereuaui" ththatB-tdrttese, 'tardtbefiistr.-- rs' " tzsc. V m. I“ -. "rt J6iiiii3ats/ ... '.,. tr $125 ttt $1.50 m "Hhtng design. at In pink. blue. tttte WATERLOO may " gonngctlgn with thq Mexican troubles. had is making a ailing trip to an. citr-rharing but , 'she pass~ prior'to going Into Winding for over- sea: at Chattanooga, Tenn. Sergidhior J. C. Schmuck. wearing the uniform ot, the 6ttt Ohio infantry, spent Sunday with his parents. Mt. Ind Mrs. P. x. Schmuck. Church St. irai.GiU,i tfeteet tr" ”it: Gai.' ly return’od Irony F! anso, lupin. where nu rectum” u: doing inch!” number ot yearn. She leaves Lo f Before leaving (or the United auto} mourn her departure her bereaved he was employed " Fennel“ lum- IlllIbllld Ind one dnughlcr. as well as , ware Store where he was I wettcotria a Inge number at other relatives and "met thug morning. friends. i Smut-Major Schmuck. the no The tuner-fvu held on Tuesdny afternoon at ' o'clock " the house. then to Bethany Mennonite church tor 'nervloe. Ind burial at Bloomingdale “new”. _ Handsome Cotton Wash _ Goods i This week we will ask you to see our special display of summer dress goods, Cotton Wash Goods in beautiful esrlorintm and textures, and in the newest American. Quench tnd Swiss designs. See these dainty goods this week. mum BOY WITH U. S. ARMY STRIPE!) VOILES Very neat delimit In Itrlped and dotted Voile, whim grounds, with delleate gold upon, K' “Inch wide.lneclal " ..... .. ....... Very dainty dark and medium colorlnou, In gran, tan. mauve, blue and Copen mixturct, to" colorinqa. make. rich and beautiful ares-cl, " Inch wide, "new at ..... ..rt... 60c and 754: Betatttihtt white Emroldercd Voila and Organ- dlu. In Me want. In check. and "tattow " fech, plain upon land mturem, very "new " _ ,. SHADOW CHECK VOILES EMBROIDERED VOtLE8 The newcut American nyle, handsome for - Iu. m tielKate “ripe. and cross barn, color. of black and white, pink, Mue, green. mauve, R? 36 inch wide,speciat at .... ..... ..... " Inch wide. weclal " . . . . . VOILES SALE OP MEN’S AND moms WAT. ERI‘ROOI-‘s now common. BUY AN UMBRELLA. FOR THE MOM. DAY. ova LEADER AT 3140. WASH GOODS A an: tithd Wham“..- iaieretrtar'20e and 25e, tWe Price per I Purses ot gold were unsound to two Methodist mlnlulera on (In an of their retirement from Brannon! bli- plts. Rev. w. E. Baker has mom a term u pastor ot .t'1rltT_rat1t, it: .Methodlst Church, whites Rev. , “lowers has acted for the past year pastor of Brunt Avenue clutch. I at the pastor. Rev. A. K have"; n," It Salonlkl. left with u Brnnuord was. ton for overseas. A cheqnd tor. 3100 was sent also by Wesley (In hell m We pastor. Benn. lit Martin. mm In I" tel-n10; his fourth yeah r,' rt' 4,- Another batch ot returned mum reached Quebee'Burtdtir'.w ' "/ . ". Is:, Gold For Paton. Saran-Major Schmuck. the uc~ and son of Mr. and Mn. Schmuck to nerve with the allied 'umies. their elder son Frank, having gone to Franc. with the bird 1011an murky in", year. luring wounded In the Male of Hwy Ridge last month. and in now in a honpi'al in Enslaui. _.. Ric, 90% el to $126

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