are a tested Remedy he!" 19i7 win be marina] by n newed hone in the outcome ot lh' wortdoiar. Evoms durine, the last few weeks have Inn n moving rapidly. The Bdltsh und French have new! luccmlul in ran-inu a gmivrq with" ot the enemy in "unborn France. the British.arm£rs mm advancing: againâ€. the Tums toward Jerusalem, and this week have 0mm inxo Iourh with the Runa’inn armim‘: the tvvolutiou in Russia has n-rznllvd in an almost Noodles: but (Olnjlh‘iw victory tor deanocrvy. and last. but by no means least. thr, topcos of rho Allies. have been incvmu‘ud by the United States énloring lhe wn" to lu-lpmuse the "downfall of p rmnmon rsntatty." These events :iw unusual (' JCM' fer 'ttopts and 1'N'tyicirtp, and inrliratlom' are that' (-n- another Easter is vete. brated pear" will Him: and a now and ttappior world “ill have hum the outcome of tho present GNIISFIHRIH'. After a long winter Easter Day in Insulatin- the 1ortp,-iookmrror and relocate spring. Already there an “Madonna. unrr ths. dull and gloom:. Good Friday. of bright sunshine and all the other evidencz-r or a gnu-rat awakening. _ The time honored 'story of the an: may at the, rmply mputho will Mag new lnsblmtion and the â€your aoteat at the Hum-h bells and tho and longs eotttmetttorat'vi. of the “mun-9c “all mom will he sweep-r than ever. An indivalivn of Itttsrattt wndmn-ies in the linilml Slate's inward Siam brimt tmmm, for gnml roads is shown in the followlnt: list of lssuos rmuttuiy voted or now being agitated: Pennsylvania . . . , . . . .$50.000.000 Illinois ..r.. .."... .... momma Colorado . . . . . . . . . . . . 50,000.000 New Jersoy . . . .. . . . . . 7,090,000 Louitsiania . . . . . . . . . . '.t0.Mt0,00o ('allfornln r. . . . _ . ,. ... 01000.00!) To the above may he added $75,000.- ooo appropriated trv tho F'ederal Gov. ernment whiclt will be duplicated hy tho various states, making an addi- tional 850,000.00!) or u lulal of $352.- 000.000. T'lwso tigufos imlicalr pre- senHlay Imulrnrios in road conr;trttv- “oil. " seems Null-0131‘ mammal-lo Jo Bl'llpDBe that within the ner tive yeah there will be available for road build. ing purposes t.i00.000,000. _- M". an. reasonable in. M to“. known on am“... The Iorld will eetebrate Easter to ,pn‘oJ. ttto third during the am“ Mm mu. Easter trtrtttes hom bf ttut lulunn The rvsurrcuion trt the unfilled Christ tnltmed new hour Into a, lives of His humble follow": “I ("In your to your during the ten lulu His n‘surrccuun has been ttic new.» an "ver'trtervaBitstg mull: “do at touoteers of the Nazarene. " mm livluiuzn had mike as long as tlv, U, S, st-nate and tt "mum of lawn-s nnmivr‘: the I'm tian hm‘dm would huu- talien Paris Prraidmlt Wilson‘s [Iridv has (MW: a fall. and ljitrsd Stan‘s is no humor too pron“ to fip,ht. King Winn-r is dying hard and F., uivinu us a uintlt' rmnindq-r to up! In no)“ tuutsott's supply of coat. which stKugate the liver, regulate th flow of bile, sweeten the stomach, and renew heithybowel action. A household remedy at Proved by six t1 3 years hf 'l'll,. IPCI'VICC. -cr cvery- ay il nesges, Beccham‘s Pills That Feavy 1rradachc, torpid liver. sick storm 18h. bitter taste in mouth, furrcd tongue, dull eyes and muddy ' '. r, 2. all come from a war ‘s-z-qllv of bile. Thesteuvrro,tti.rczritionscre promptly cone: ml by ' For Bilious " Troubles "GOOD ROAD" BOOM IN U. s. NOTES AND COMMENTS ANOTHER WAR EASTIR. .eetrartee-ttehet at a... lacuna-Om blundchammuuucboll â€In Tuesday noon. Cam! " pun a toâ€. mmâ€. warmâ€, our. rain-m - - mum an “cabled up to - r. “mm :n had talked SI-natt‘ and thc tive. the Prue:- The passage ot the remlulion was‘ not murked by any outburst trom the: galleries. and on tho 'ioor the sena»; tors, ty.cmtutvcs wu'c unusually gravel and quiet. Many .0! them answered Io their names in voice» that uuner- od with vmolion. The Inherit; were iillud to overt/ing, and on lbw ttooe hack m the svnaiom' seals wrnv at most half the membership of llw House of Rrertrxtrentativvs. in tin- ‘liplonmiic gullrry was tir'ttwtury of ital:- Innsiug. Couttsvttop Polk of lin- State' 1hrperttttent, Minister Calm-ran of Bolivia. and mum-f lam-mum a? Swodz'n. lu'arlier in the (waning Dr. Rittcr, the Swiss minister. in emu-:9 of Grrman interests in this country, had been there. The "m In: unravel-0d about no "i?ork. and try the time the Bremen reached the scene the house was I mm. “moo. Tho bum-c no I kick _ Inn-M o- In!!! Action in the Sen-ta came just after 11 o'clock It the close of a debuts :hat hat! lasted continuously since 10 o'clock this morning. The cllmu vol reached late in the afternoon what Senator John Sharp Willi-ms denounced a speech by Senator La mime as more worthy of Herr von Bowman- Hollwcs than ot In American senator. Secrvtury MvAdoo was on thr, rioot during tho last tcw hours or up: do hate., ' Galt, April 4;~tl‘no of the sailttmt street. in the southwestern outskirts of trt-xoriiv-n in the history at Gait mu, the city. just below GI". General How curred tomight. when tho tot-r chfIdrritt s'piul. " was ottiy recently purchased ot ttrv. Into Ptrs. Alex. MrNiehol, otlhy Mrs. Mlechol. The name: sprawl smut-m- ntrct‘t. who was killed in ar- l to the homo next dour. occupied bv n tion Rome, months ago. were burned to; Mrs, Wntfsworth. and this building "rstlt in thrir home, F it» also partially destroyed. The house was completely destroyod l Death has fallen with a bun hand In fire, and the what-red "mums of .on the McNirhol "any. in Million the tour little ~-hildron were round in [to the father. Pte, Alex. Nome bt, their had: The 0mm- ot tho tire In it 'tto went overseas with the Mth Best. In'wtntx station nndor Linn .(‘nl mt". um i... The resolution, drafted after coneultetion with the note department. and alrendy accepted ttr the Home committee on foreign an". any: the state ot war thrust upon the United States by Germany is iormeily deciered and directs the president to employ the\entire military and nevel forcee end the resources of the Government to carry on war and bring it to e successful termination. The mother and may widow hntl rout Un- hmr children to Wed, and than left :‘m- a MOI visit with trittmit' m the NH Tho dnml vMMrl-IINN! Alex. unmi nix; Miro. an"! tierr. have. "to and a In" )"Il‘! Md. and Battle. In: than n in" year WASHINGTON. April 4.-Tbe resolution declaring that I unto ot In: exists betwean the United States had Germany wu united in the Sonata to- night by an overwhelming majority. It will be taken up tor me In tho House tomorrow. . All six of tht, Senators who vulva Only twt against the rvsolution wvrv Inomlwrs fairs com“ of we group or twolvt- which defrpted met. Rom the armed neutrality bill a: the last Missouri t :zvsslon. There was no tutompt to Wisconsin Tri",",', lhis limo. however, and most tore. Conti, , tho thirteen hours' (yr-debate wort! solution In: mnsumod by champions ot tho "‘30- will meet lulion, it comes u Ot the qeix opponents of armi-d nm- lomorrow. As in" last name was called. and the clerk annuunI-vd 1111- words "ss' to 6 â€INT was hardly "_nturmur or up- plauso. After the vole was announced tho Sonalo remained in session only a few minutes. Ttie galleries began to empty at Ono'. and the sonators thvrrv.relvr's, timd out by the long day. loft quickly The Sonalo adjourned until noon I’ri- day to await action by the Housv. Charred Remains of Little Ones of Dead Gait Hero Taken'From Ruins of Fire at Their mme- Mother Bad Left Children Alone. Decision Wu latched " 11 O’clock Tnat light Follow- ing Debate of " Mottm--- Will be Mattmt m, by “a Th" gm“! rmud was awrd by HIV solemnity of tho art-anion and wlmrod by tho spriorhrs "my had hoard. EEIUH CHILDREN BU'HNEI] Ell HEATH: JIWl WAS KIEEEH il THE ffllllll The vote was " to 6. It so“ to the House of Representative- when do- 'oate will begin tomorrow " " o'clock to continue tedttt tbethogt In â€ten. ' The unaton who on! the negative veto. In" (Brenna. of , North bake": La Pena“. " Wisconsin; North. " Nebraska; Lane, of Oregon: Stone. at Ilium-I, and Vardnman. a Mluiuippé. _ l Liilttfutlltlt " TN , 'l'l,ttlr'il Ei1llllgi STITT ilf Illllil 1illll Illlll ii',,.:,,';,:',',.::,',.:',:':::':,:,,:',.,::,:,,':',,:-' Mmllllt WITH IE [ITEITE ':),',it,.eriiii':,' Home at mum's!“ Today. six of Famous Dozen. Senators Are Grave. Hardly a Murmur. TO USE NA‘NON'G FULL FORCE. In offering the Senate resolution as l, substitute tor its own. the Home for Vitat "ttairs commutes: today submit. :Ivdpa long report reviewing the his, ilory ot submarine warfare and Amer. , Inn‘s [mile protests against it, German _ intrigues, and bomb plots in thits mum 'ttry. the otrort to ally Japan and Me» ' in: against the United States. and the treatment of American officials and i citizens In Germany. . To-nlghvs are “a the ftrmt In the history of all! In which Me has been lost. Ind the [my has an n than over an an . m. m of a. and chm b Lao. - m w. utility. Cummtns. Kenyon and‘Klrby voted for the resolution tonight. Ben. ators O'Gorman, Clapp and Works. the remaining three, retired to prt- "to lite at tho and of the lnst ses- Mon. ‘ Death has fallen with a ban hand on the McNkhol “any. In "Italian to the father. Pte, Alex. Nellie bt, rho we!" overseas with the Mth Bal- lnllon under Limat.tot. Oliver Ind My made the supreme t'ttcrtWce, Ma hm. ther, Pto, James Merr-hol. has also Men killed in union. The father of mm two Mullen ulna med reremly. mam}. sew-n drama nll MM In the family wlvhln nlne months. A bro- ther-lwl-w. In now It the front. “It is with the deepest sense or re "ocnsmi1ity of the momentous results “him will follow tho transmu- of this rmmlullon." tsaid tho rrport. "mat your rommltu-o r'ouorts it to the Rouge with the trrottttttendation that It be mart-d. The conduct of the Imperial Crermptt Howrnnwnl toward this Gow rrttmr'ttt, its "citizens and its frtterosts, has Imon no disvoul'lvous, unjust u-uol. t-nrlmroun, and so lacking in lmnosty and putt-(loo. that It has con stunted n violation of the course ol conduct which shouli obtain. between t‘rlondly Italians. "In addition to this tho Gorman Gov- m-n'mont is actually making war up on thr, pcople and (-ontmert‘omf this country, and 1oRvos no course open to this (:ovvrnnwnt but to acorn! its mush of lmttlv and drclan‘ that a sum of war exists.†"nly two nierntrerr, of the foreign " fairs committee voted against the tr, mm. Representatives Shacklrlord of Missouri (Democrat). and Cooper of Wisconsin (Republican). " is, there- tore. confidently expected that the re solution pound by the Sonoto to-night will meet with littlr opposition when it comes up for passage In the House Unjust, Cruel. Diuhoncn. ANTI-CONSCRIP- TION POSTERS IN QUEBEC 01w 7mm. April E-- Fln which Burt. u at 1†o'clock on. mun. In an num- utnnu' qua-mu u the Own. mm. according to eartr to ports. "on“ In - “all†u two comma, two “he†tailoring 'Irom mom that. PARLIAMENT ADJOUBKS 'ILL fLondon. April 6.--Lord Tilt“. act- in. WOPHMOM upon-man tn the Commons. todny, "Id In mly to n actuation by T. a. O'Connor that In- umuch n nmndtnoc In Congrats In round to Frauen Wilson's - had not bun 'trtiqhod, no autumn! could b. and. on bah-ll of the Govern- ment an" an" the Eamr "can. The Common. adjourned out" April tr. I Anna Autumn Bttd The“. ACHIOII are MI the halal reported to be " any burned, and Margarcglumn and Mary Claw are 0011me Mk Queue. April S.--eitigett. awoke mic/morning to find and walls. fenc- " and shop window. pint?“ with anti-comerlptlon posters n French and English. ""'fflfa7fl. " - -i6rtiiiiijrmal f . unarmed American (k,dll'l, {he Missourian, which left Genoa April 4, with ttt American: among the crew. was reported to the‘ State Derpartment to- Attr. e l County and District News Death visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. w. C. Cowell, Slmcoe street. Tilhsotttrurtt, the second time intwo weeks. when their oldest _dantrrtter, Venice died Tueuday atterm0tnt. after a few weeks' illness. Loss 2'r two weeks ago a younger sister die from injuries caused hr mum; on the Ice. and two more children are now crit. nlly ill at the family home. “Fatima. April ti.-ahe ranking without warning of Home Sonly Sunken. The London City Council held a special meeting Wednesday night, when the tax race! 34 mills struck by the Board of Control was confirm. nd. one mill diecountrto be uttered for prompt m‘mem. This makes a not rate or " mm. and had not the re- cent Patriotic Fund campaign been so successful the rate would "litre, had to be " mills. k London’s Rate 33 Net. A no“ tower in stem to coat approx- hnately $154,000 was the tentative recommendation of Willis Chlpmun at Toronto, who has been Investigat- ing conditions in Woodstock at a specie? meeting ot the City Council Wednesday n ht. He will make a fuller report Ike)". He demure}! detin, itely, howaver. that no other a1tprruo tlvo would satisfactorily solve the ser- ioue overflow problem which the city faces at present. Advises New Sewer-go. A can with a white (are and a rib, hon round its n'eck realized 8161 to the Patriotic Society at a sale of cows held on the farm of Ira Mar- shall, near Kirktom It was a week old. and was donated to the Paulo. tie Sorlety by Mr. Alfred Paul; the lucky ticket holder wan Don-JR! Me. Leah, who donateitlt to the society. It W‘s gold a number of times before being taken home. each purchaser successively donating the call to the society to be resold. . Calf Realize. $161. Mrs. mm Blake. widow of the Hon. Edward Blake. died on Tuesday at the family maiden-1?. "' Jarvis street. Toronto, in he eighty-third year. She enjoyed fair health until about a fortnight Mo. Mm. malts was the daughter of Bishop (gmnyn of the. Diocese of Huron. Her sister was the wife of the late Hon. 8. H. Blake. and the surviving non of Blah- op Ctouyn is Mr. Vernchoyie Cronyn of London: Ont.. who mttrried the sis- ter ot Hon. Edward Blake and Hon. S. H. Blake. Mrs. Edward Blake Dead. Mr. livid Tm. Mr M. anus-"I In" ttsed yum- mnpqrtrt Core for Ike. ynn. Ind km" chasm-inure". It ready for cmerrnrm. ire g blue bf [Mom- " the hm. Them " . hone mm In", on my. tdl untidy on hand to are N"gtl'lt Lett, fl. a mule-6 Mr " " Impala": Artt an “In (a In. a. but- “from: On The Ila-rho: um. u dim-1. h. . J. “Allâ€. . . â€on PM W. U.B.a. orlameirt ttteherrt."entintt theirheuda off“? One means profit-the other means lose. When I horse goes lame rm ~-developo n Spu-in, Curb. Splint, Rittghrme--dott't risk losing him through 't'egteet--dott't rmt pe us great a risk P, experimenting with unknown “cum' . Get the old rehab e "autdtrr-- ' KENDALL S SPAVIN CURE AFTER EASTER Thin mm was donated in 1916 and in that year was won by the S. S. Sc. 5 Wilma: Parmern' Club. n has to be won twice baton: becomm; the proper- “a of any one Hub. FIFTEEN LASHES GIVEN Til tIll (lf (iMlflflill Severe Punishment for At- taeE Upon Eight-Year Old Orphan Girl. fUUthtg -luorittdi-tit-tbduho In!“ E. Pinkhm’l Vegouhk Coun- pouxl. u out. and pure remedy nude in: root- Ind herbs. much nit-ring night be voided. Writ. to Lydia E. Pinkhun Indian: 00., Lynn, Inn. (WW) foe In. trivia wild will you Will. London. om.. April 4.--The cud- nine tans wt: used in London Jail [why tor the tirat time in many years. Pineal: lube: were received try I youth (oundgumy Int week of crfm- iGi trrrisauti,"itlsente- being tm. posed_by "l'dllh(Glrt'll.", .DYimr.t.he past few days a storm of indignation has boon Amused by; story to the ef- feet that the prisoner was an under- sized? delicate boy of fifteen years. whose environment before and since leaving England was such that he was a victim or society. ttht,',',','.') was thus aroused against he Court's de. cree. aid so thank protests were voic- ed the Mr. S. F. Glass. M.P.. consent- ed to represent these opinions to f the Department of Juetice. and he wired the.Minitster this morning asking him to order the flogging delayed. The Sheriff ha.d received no instrtctioun from Ottawa this afternoon. end the punishment was duly meted out to the boy, after which various rumors were circulated that the boy had been bru. tally beaten. I t lions-Val“!!- '1it"ruhE.rhhhei's Voguhllhw 'Ml-ttlil-l- m of L". a Filth-{I Vegetable Coupon“? ' My "sMttarttmrgbt"itnutttrismrt will! “DI.“ Menorahs: themmtth it†“will; " humanity. Inn in health an .rtdttnvetol_of it."--liu Cum low. We“ Smut, Tumult, In... W of girl. Man in lilacs - hand: rather than consult a play- ' If (in. who no troubled with 13¢:ng irregular periods, backache. Yararttort,M-.-""Hrqtr)ttoe* dd- ad-h-umu- I had ‘ but) " but IlllgllltlIltitIIttItl'r',f.'h'kS"'l'l't The facts app'oar to he that the pri- Boner is a husky lad of Hoventeon years. weighing more than 135 pounds. and. according to his own father. a healthy., rugged youth. The girl he " tacked was an elgllt-year-old orphan. COUNTY BOARD ' OF AGRICULTURE FINAL DEBATE The final debate in the Waterloo County Board of Agriculture delvale series helwtxn the Maple Grove Far. mere' Cttttt and the New Dundee Fur- I','":),' Club was held in New Dundee on hurede evening. Mttrch 29th. The “Died ot the debate we: "Re. solved that the. Government ot (‘amuln would be carried on equally as well without the second leglaluttve chum- her.‘ The sillrmative was upheld by Messrs. "when Berger! and Beth-1 Hellman of New Dundee while Menu. (1. Bender and James Wood of Prov ton. upheld the negative The debate throuithout was very interesting and lnstructive. all tour "reat"srtCditrpm.v. in: exoeullonal talent as ape-lien. while their addrensos ahdvved the re. Butt of wide reading and deep thought. "The Rev. Jame: Strechen of Gull. Rev. Mr, Webster of Zion Church near Preston and Mr. Thumer of Kitchener. Judged the debate end lave the decil- ion in favor ot New Dundee. Alter announcing the decision, the Rev. Jnmm Simon-n presented the handsome silver cup. donated to the Board of Agriculture for this debate series by Mr. H. o. H-wke of Gait, to the winning team. . I. Widow: Iona-nous, E NOT WORK Lumps' .“1. as. nol Sir Adam Beck. who was waited on Wednesday try a deputation of about 10 people representing Kitchener. Bloom. ingdale. New Germany and Guelph for the wrpose of obtaining approval tor the Guelph to Bridgeport route (or the proposed Guelph-Kitchener radial. could not see hie way clear to give the approval ot the Hydro Electric Com- mission to present conditions. Sir Aden received the delegation moat courteously and regretted that. on ac- count of the fact that no detinite route had been determined on In yet. he could not approve of the route from Guelph via New Germany and Bloom- ingdale to Bridgeport as part of the through line from Toronto to London. Threc members of the City Council. Ald. Utlley. McKay. and Bitzer repre- sented the city together with w. H. Brelthaupl. who represented the Bor- lin and Northern Railway. Messrs Bet-is and Strong and three others m presented Bloomingdale and Mr. Zing- er represented New Germany. _ waoiuetou," ._\ pril 5.---Requests for an immediate np- propriation of 8G',400,000,0"O for the army and navy were made'tu Congress‘to-day by executive departments. Provision is made for increasing the enlisted strength of tho navy to 150,000 men and to increase the marine oorps to 30,000. n , asked for the army. Informs Delegation Frbm Kitchener and Waterloo Township That Present Conditions Would Not Per mit of Giving Approval at Present. SIR MAM BEEK (llllllff APPHUVE t (lf IlGllXfHllflfll HY. Sllflli, ll, S, glllil)IGS I5 flf(lllfSTfll , HI MIKE jlmlllnllTlillll fllll ARMY . AND W [If (lilldllll,llllil,llilil chew it after every meal] THE MOLSONS f BANK w.‘H. Breithaupt. prosldént of the 'l1li"iifriiiilljiih'R, Geta package of the new “JUICY FRUIT 'u... See what a joyous, lasting flavour has been crowded d, in to give you a great, ING l 5 cent package of refreshment? l Of this kreat sum little more than $2,930,000,000 is Now THREE Flavours . 6t.earurLatt-oeekodtt. .' lat-anon“ 8IVII68 IAII IIPAII’IIIY m: Ami .(uw cum-n mu. Womb. lunch. but Hewitt. If. w. . Mylar, Ann. Mgr. A ' KW? lunch. kl. Kirkpatrick. Mr. I It“ In - A “HIML “In“ wanna TIANIACTID CAPITAL a.“ IIIEIVI 88.â€..0. THE â€JUMP "srsr- CEi0%a B. & N. Railway, who has been ono of the moving spirits behind the propos- ed route, stated to the Telegraph this morning that the failure of Sir Adam Beck to approve ot the route will in no way ittmgrmce the plans of extend. in; the Berlin and Northern tracks to the town line of Bloomingdale. The work on this project will progress as planned. Mr. Brclthaupt stated that the construction work would not I! ceed very rapidly owing to the illlllc ty of obtaining labor and materi Att much of the work as can posslhl be done will be rt',."',"',',','," pendin the close ot the war w en upon th clearing of the situation which in units- ing’the scarcity ot material the pro- Ject will he rushed to completion. William C. Schultz. of Preston. was lu-uugllt to the County jail Thursday whither he had been sentenced tor 30 days for being drunk. Tho deran- dant had been given his choice by the court of paying 815 and costs or serv- ing a sentence of 30 days. Jr, tt ' (Y: