\â€" Toronto, March 272. â€" Receipts at the Union stockyards to«lay were SL0 catâ€" tle, 165 calyes, 406 hogs and 7 sheep and lambe, . Trade |was slow. A few lots of ï¬ncy Easter cattle sold at high pric @8, but the average for all classes of gattle ds 106 to 15e lower than Jast week. The run waus light, but a few lbads were nnsold. 1t is Nikely that prices paid in the country in some eases were higher than the presont econdftions of the market warrant Packers are pretty well supplied with: #attle for the Easter trade and the «e j Feand for anything else is not partien | y brisk. White prices wre still hh'hl 3 dftions are such as to warrant conâ€" F\ efable â€" cantion _ in buying in nu‘l â€" @cpunitry. ‘;" Calves â€" steady. Sheep _ and Inlnhs% Ojeteady. Hogs steady. Quotations: «* Choice butcher steers . $10.50 @ $11.09 B sdo.. good ..... .... .. dog o thigs 60 do.. medium u.2 2222 spn 0 975 R- do., common ..... . z.00 9.50 / $feavy ateera ..... 0200 gho9n is â€" Meifera, good to choice 9.50 !17.‘.“ do., imediuni ..... ... 7.00 T50 , %)wr cows, choice .. 8.0 mmv‘ s $ to.. medtam ..... ... Tan _ 5.59 Ltflmr buils, choice ... _ 8.20 1u,un! 4 do., good .. ... .. 7. 00 720| D# dto., medtam ..... .00 onan ~ G 50| Bran, per ton ... 22. 222 ... 38 gom per bush. ....+ +i srii..+ 1. iddiings, per ton ... ... ... 49 g‘nltoba Bour. ... :1# sincss B lepded Ontario flour ... 5.00 to 5 uriey, per busi. ..... .......:. |. Butter, prolb. .2... 22222 2222222 wews, pr don c..s. sulll .2 u.. .. & BTRATFORD, MAR, \Wheat, old ..... ..... Potatoes, per b 6i. Fh!ckena '“ Bs cccyrise celicisere cercisins BB $1.00 ay, per ton, mnew ..... ........ 15.00 traw, per tou ..... ..... 6.00 to 700 logs, live ... ..s 22. 22. 222 14.00 GALT, MAR. 29TH, 1917, @Rt, old a.s cz se s sivies ans ley (feed) .;. ... ... ;.. n, per cwt. . ge, per dozen ter, per lb. y (new) per gs, live ..... F WATERLOO MARKETS $ fmear m $ _ WATERLOO, MAR 29TH, 19 ur, Bpecial .... .... ... UF, Chief® ...... ... ... UF, Feed ... ... ...0 .. &r, Jullet ..... :...% . ur, Speciat ..... ..... . IFt8, per ton ........ . (p*** * * *n * + k« k«3 kÂ¥ kk.03,10 1.20 diings, per ton .....$12.00 ~ $44.00 stoes, per bag ... ... ... 3.75 , per ton .. .. .. ..$10.00 to $12.00 $®, HÂ¥G ..... ..... ..2l.2. 0. 15.00 8, per dozsen ... ....... ... 0 .3% er, per 1b. ... ... l2 zul 220 286 Toronto Markets ter, per ID, ..... . i#, per dozen ..... he, pef Ib. ..:...... itoes, per bag ... ®, dressed ... . @, HYG ..... .... , per tom ..... .. lings, per kwheat .. .. r, high grade r, family, ewt , per bush. .. "CW"% PC pe'r bushel ELMIRA, MAR. 22ND, ELMIRA, MAR. 29TH, 1917 STRATFORD MARKETS. KITCHENER MARKETE us, per 1b per lb. .. GALT MARKETS. LIVE STOCK, ton ENER, MAR. 20TH, 1017. n % lar tam Â¥ MARKET REPORTS new ... ton & 0...§% 175 § 1.18 2 .. .$1.25 to = 1.35 +++1 «.+ 480 to 6.00 si. e2l 4200000 4.80 e aar 2 .16 2..... 1.00 to 210 0 ....$28.00 â€" $10,00 is aal C090 ) 210 kx ..... 110 120 2....$42,00 $44.00 «... $17 %o $19 +++ ++« 38,00 +6 sxsisse 180 +++ «x+ 40,00 41x sii+rs $.B0 M e ee in geee .$10,00 . 14.2 29TH, nrck 125 §$1.80 ti+xs si+s 490 resx sias. §35 «x trae 260 k e e 0e .. 480 Â¥ a*++«. 490 0 ...... 39,00 ® + 10e # 4 20 35 50 1917. 35 1917. Ts | Toronto, March 27.â€"Grain ‘market 1917. ’qmuumm toâ€"day were: .. 3189 _ Onterio whestâ€" No. 2# winier, $1.87 2200 .19 U $1.85, coulside, secordiug to locs .. 40.00 , tion; Ma##itoba wheat, No. 1 noribern. $1.80 1.00 1.00 3.50 50 Lith .50 . .20 10 115 There is nothing in this store that is belier Jooked after than our Sitver â€"not one inferior picce is allowed in the show cases. If you are in search of a wedding gift that is at orc* pleasing, useful and serviceable you will certainty. find it. Heller Bros. ï¬lllllllllllllllllllllllllll!lllllliullllllmlllï¬ :_!““"""â€"""i""!ifl-;;llllul!l""l"l"g 3 Do You Appreciate 2 = * & s First & sSCIENTIFIC oPt:CGiAN Aanal dnA tat _ Store next Post Ofice, Kitchener. READ _ AND ADPVERTISE IN THE We issue marriage licenses, DaiLY TELEGRAPH, s No. 4 Canada western, Tic, ut daks ports, for immediate shipment, Outes ip No. 2 white, 6¢ @ 69¢, outside; No. 3 white, 65e & 67c¢, outside; No. 8 white, 65e @ 67¢, outside. Cornâ€"American No. 3 yellow, $1.29, subject to émbargo. Pear ~No. 2, $2.80. Bariey, $1.21 @ $1.23, outside, _ for malting. â€" Buckwheat, $1.32, shipping points. Millfcedâ€"â€"Manitoba _ bran, $38% per ton; shorts, $40 per ton, on track, Mon treal freights, wl ol Ee t t t Sitver Wedding Presents Oatsâ€"Canada wiestein, No No. % Canada western, Tic, ports, for inumediate shipmen io No. 2 white, 67¢ @ 69¢. out: $2.09; No. % no northern, $1.95% do., heayy Calives ..... Spring lambs Culled lambs Btocke s ..... do., medium sgo. !!*"t .. Canes s £+% Culess ..... Bheep, light . It so have your wants supâ€" § plied here. We always keep on 5 hand choice . 3 Beef, Pork, Lamb and Hon;e-made 5 Sausage & Why not â€" huy _ your meats § here and get the pest ? § EDuaR FISCHIRR 3 Rucerssor to J. B. Fischer. § Phone 243. Waterloo. & do., fed and watered weighed off curs fodr 22222 2220 ho td t d t it t e o t is ntants it i4 M# 22222 2222 22 626 66 Class northern, $2.054 GRAIN. Meats 16.16 1415 16 10.25 K. L0 .440 1%.00 1.2b No 12.00 16.20 16.25 15 .040 14.60 11.25 115 126 5.25 " {_ Maple sugar days are here.â€"Missi | Susun Setrmidt returmed io irer home ( tast | woeek. ~Miss Florence Chalmers) apent a few days af her puoje‘s, Mr. W. T. Chalimers. Miss B. Davidson,‘ Espent the weekoend at ber home: in 'N\»ulmm Miss: Ethel Frecborn yisited| her sister, Mrs. L. Lickty of Wellestey , [ one: day Tast week. â€"Mr. Allan Yost spont Sunday at his home here.â€"Mr.: }nnrl Mrs, Jas. B. Hammond spent ai day last week with Crosshill rrlc-ml&l | . Mr. Amos Leis spent Sunday in our!) E. J. Shartz was the anctioneerâ€"Mr. Philip BRecker is laid up with a severe nltack of nevralmia. We wish him a apeody recovery. P News Notes. Sap is running but slowly, this seaâ€" son, qnd it will likely be a rather poor season.â€"â€"Baptismal services will â€" be held in the Latchar Mennonite chureh on Easter Sunday morning.â€"The auc tion sale of farm _ stock and impléâ€" ments helonging to Mr. Albert Lantenâ€" achlager was well attended and big prices wore realized for the stock. Mr. burg Rev. W. Kvauth of Owen Sound was> a visiior for several days lust week :ui the hoié of his brother, Hev. C F.i Krauth. He also occupied the pulpit ; of the Mennonite B. (; Church a week, ago Sunday.~â€" Mr., August Stengel is on the sick list. We hope for an early . recovery. â€"Mr. Elias Bingeman and | wife of Kitchener, were visitors in our| village a few days ago.â€"Mr. (}iuh-nu( Hnyder of Conestoge, has moved | into ; this vicinity, we welcome Mr. Snyder into our midst. On Sunday evening in ; the local Mennonite K. C. Church flw‘ pastor ftev. €,. if. Krauth spoke to nn_! inferested congregation on the subâ€" jeet, "The Signs of the ‘Times," For several Sunday evenings Mr. Krantn‘ expects â€" to â€" Hiscourse on pmplwlh-,’ themes. 1 n As We are. glad to hear Mr.~ Jobhn‘ Phas! Krachling | i4 out asgain. Nrs. Carl Sep. Wahl and Mrs. Woebler were \~i>~itm*’n.~inm at John Krachlings on Wedngsday 96 / Saninte last wook. Mro Witllam S. Hil‘vri-'h’ roud jhas purchased a fine driver from Â¥@â€"1Ohins, Griebel, | Mr. Johno Dieirich has ar [ Cler vived safely at Mridianford, Sask. Miro: A. t Harold Bakht speat Staday nnuer the | * Soc parental roof. . Mt. Percival llvhlm;""_l_" has purchased the valnable fLarn of .‘ -lr‘ Abr. Witiom MitchetL. |_ BP8 Briefs News Items. The Grand river is reatizing a great freshet at present, passing through Breslau at a torrific speed. It was most picturesque on Saturdry to see the ice floos betug borne along at high tite. Over Sunday and Monday the warm atinosphere has Been hard on the snow banks, The roads, however, im some places are not yet passallle for autos, ; Personals. ening by some of her friends und preâ€" ue sented with a leather club bag. She t Fi left on â€" Friday â€" for Detroit.â€"Miss I w Beatrice Greenwood left last week for | he Detroit where she will make her ts ) ig ture home.â€"Mrs. C. Albrecht spent | j4 two werksa in Toronto with her son ; w. and returned home‘ Monday. n an operation | last | week. â€"Millinery openinga were held at both docal stores last . Saturday..â€"Miss Florence We regret very much baving to re.| (0 ) "1. JSO _ 1DM., 2. 21. nyder, Sim port the death of Mrs. C. Gensman | P92 Cressman, Cyrus: Sarasus, Jesse * o ‘ Clements, John Schultz, Menno Sta who died last Monday evening. 'l‘hn' wo ow ‘ Â¥"% & remains were interrad in the Luchâ€"! °" J Wo Wiumer, J. C, Hallman, Mos: eran cemetery on | Thursday after | °> Toman, Wellingron Becker, A. Gef noun. â€" Decensed was highly respectâ€"| Ee Ge0, Schmidt, J. K. Schwartzen ed by every one who knew her. She{truber, Eph. Devitt, John Hamacher, wus 78 years of age and leaves three| Uniet Eby, John J. Jutzie, James Kel sons. > Mrs. Elsic Miler is, we are| SCÂ¥,. Christ Z, Steinman, â€" Albert glad to say recovering from her ilt; Si¢emm, Jacob B. Roth, Jos. J. Beneder, ness.~â€"Mrs. f. K. Forier underwent| Wim. Lautenschlager. Apenst Kninfol News Notes. Bnow is fast disappearing | which makes roads almost fmpassible but with a few more fine days wl dry up . qufekly > Miss _ Kileen Schau‘» apent a few days with friends in Warerioo and returned home Monday. Spriug has come! ‘The blaekbird and the erow are back and the song sparrow und the robin are eheering us with their soug, while over the walors flies the gull, back on his an nual spring visitâ€"â€"The ice is gone from the yiver. On Saturday | and Sunday the water was high, overflowâ€" lrg the road.â€" Some of the farmers have tapped and are reporting a good run of sap.â€" Last week Mr. James Fenton moved on to his farm uear the village.â€"â€"AMrs. T. Lackner moved into the house lately occupled by Dr Thompson. ° BGriefs. w« 30950834098 3499608 B9a2 40800957 »0"â€" $9029998999p») Hawkesvilie. Weseloh‘s Shoe Store Our Busy Neighbors Mannheim. St. Agatha KINGWOOD Bresiau Wellesiey :'H‘.â€l"l.'.lls' :ll‘?‘l’l j BLOCKADE .l er huu;‘\" .l; AGAINST GREECE NOT P uf Welestey | WHOLLY LIFTED ‘‘ RUSSIANS RETIRE ~| BEFORE GAS ATTACKS On the western front, in the region of Darevolabuzy, the Russians were compelled to retire before gas attacks. by the Germans. (Canadian Press.) Petrograd, Mar. _ 27.â€"An official statement toâ€"day says: 4 , . Moved by G. Z. Lantz, seronded by ‘I,. Master, that Byâ€"Law No. 544 be | now read a third time and finally passâ€" , od. _ Read and passed accordingly. t_ Movesd by 11. Walker, seconded by !G. %. Lantz that Levi Master be a re , presentative on the Board of Agriculâ€" | Iure for â€" Wilmot Township.â€"Carrted. (__Moved by G. Z. Lantz, seconded by | Westey Erbh that this conpeil grant the sum of $25.00 to the Wilmot Agriâ€" [ culture Society to be used for 'hni ; Spring Show.â€"Carried. 1 (Canadian Press). London, Mar. 27.â€"Lord Robert Cecil said toâ€"day in the Commons that the biockade against Greece has not been wholly lifted, altiough the importaâ€" tion of a limited amount of tood was tbeing altowed. |ke _ Poundkeepersâ€" Geo, Milier, , Arthur ‘ Lautengehager, â€" Eph. Devift, Aug. ‘ Knipfe!, J J. Stiefelmeyer, N. 8. Bail, Dan. Z. Wagner, J. K. Schmilt, Jonas | Cressmun. . therefore we can -nve'you -ne-y 'W‘eflarcv;l..-; ;hou worth $3.15 for $3.00, $1.50 for $3.50, $5.00 for $4.00, $6.50 for $5.00. Better have a look, Hydro:Electric Association mem bership fee ..... ..... 2.... On motion Councit adjourned April 16, 1917, Ladies and Gentliemen, before you buy your Holiday Shoes it will pay you to call and see our NEW BPRING SHOES which we bought before the present high prices went into effect and Moved by Geno, Z, Lantz, seconded by H. Nahrgang that the following acâ€" counts be passed and that the Reeve issne his orders on the Treasurer in payment of the same viz; Addison MJ Baird, gravel ... ..$ 5.70 enry Eekstein, gravel .... .. 14.40 Chas. Stoescr, Library grant for thas, Stoeser, Library grant for Sep. 8. 8. No. 15, 14 pry ... ©10.00 Reiner Bros. & Co., sptkes ... _ 4.40 Sanutel Cassel (6., Flerk, County roud Batineat .321 ces 497.61 Chas, Heipel, Ist qr. salary as Clerk and ‘Treas. and postage 15%.54 A. R. . Smith, see. Wilmot Agri. Moved by 1. Master, seconded by T. Nahrgang that we grant the Hydro Electric Railway Association the sum of $10.00 for the annual fee of memâ€" bership of this municipalit y. Fenceviewers â€" C. N. _ Christner, Menno Nahrgang, J. C. Hallman, Alex MceDonald, Henry Weppler, Geo. Lauâ€" tenschlager, Norman Hostettier, _ Alâ€" bert Stemm, Ed. Jacky, N. S. Lichty, John L. Eidt, David Sbantz. Siemm, Jacob B. Roth, Jos. J. Beneder, Wim. Lautenschlager, August Knipfel, \‘m. Dietrich, Abraham Good. Aaron Waster, Geo. Ho#man, Chas. Stoeser, Theobald Fritz, Linus P. Ditner, Nich. nlos Lichtyv, Nich Kittel, H. Kienapple, wevs aner,. auc. Souoer y ty cognvagny . sescs s ies Fimeon Wagner, Ab. Herner, Joun '/..l Wagner, Jos. F. Lichty, Val. 4. Wil helm, Christ S. Wilhelm, John Kiesâ€" wotter, Herbert Lantz, Nich. Bachheit, Jacob Streicher, Christ Gerber, Peter Wegiahrt, Henry G. Koch, George Glebe, Henry Heimpel, Christ Roth, Val. Alles, Simeon Ditner, Walter Hosâ€" tettler, C. Hunsberger, New Shoes for Easter L,. Master in the chair, when the folâ€" lowing _ appointments were â€" made: Pathmasters ~Oliver â€" Stoltz, _ Moses Shantz, . Owen Ofto, Addison Baird, Kz2ra Cressman, Peter Roth, Christian Shantz, Hq@nfian Reihr, Alfred Bean, Jeremiah Good, Zenas Snyder, Edward Schiedel, Eph. Shantz, Geo. Miller, Fred Burschatzie, A. E. Kerr, Rudy L. Roth, Fred Poth, D. 1. Snyder, Sim eon Creasman, (Cyrus: Sarasus, Jesse Clements, John Schultz, Menno Stag er, J. W Witmer, J. C) Hallman Mo«â€" Moved by L. Master, seconded by II. Walker that this council go into committee of the whole on Byâ€"Law..â€" Carried. Moved by George Z. Lantz, seconded by }J. Nabrguang that leave be given the mover to introduce a ByJaw to appoint Pathmasters, Fenceviewers, Poundkeepers and Herd Inspector for the year 1917 and 1918, and that said byâ€"law be now read a first and second time.â€"â€"Carried. _ The 707th session of the Witmot| Township Councit was held at the Town Hall, BHaden, on Monday, March 17ib, 1917. Al) members present the Reeve presidug. ‘The minutes of the previous session} wore reaud and adopted. i Communicutions were read from the lollowing:â€"Hydro _ Electric Associaâ€" tion re annual fee, Wilmot Agricuiture Society asking for annual grant, Board of Agriculture as to appointing a del-l egate, â€" Herd Inspector WILMOT TOWNSHIP COUNCIL CHAS. HEIPEL Herman Burschatz Ulerk 25.00 10.00 till l Furred Tongue, Rad Taste, Indiges tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Headâ€" aches come from a torpid liver and clogged boweis, which canse your stomach to become filled with undlâ€" gested food, which sours and ferments like garbage in a swill barrol. That‘s | the first step to untold miseryâ€"indiâ€" Inmon. foul gases, bad breath, yellow skin, mental fears, everything that is horritle and nauseating. A Cascaret tonight will give your constipated {bowels a thorough cleansing and {straighten you out by morning. hey. work while you sleepâ€"a 10â€"cent| hox from your druggist will keep youf fee}k ing good for months, The Juvenile Conrt recently institâ€" uted at Brantford, meets with the disapproval of Magistrate Livingston, who commented. toJay | that youngâ€" sters confined underâ€"thisâ€"rule had esâ€" caped, to repeat the oifences . for which they were being detained. He also emphasized that delay ensued with Juvenife Courts, whereas police courl aittings were held every day.. For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach Sluggish Liver and Bowelnâ€"They work while you sieep. New Minister Inducted. An impressive fanedon was held on Thursday evening in St. teorge‘s church, Goderich, when Rev. A. L. (1. Clarke, formerly of Waterloo, recentâ€" ly appointed to the parish, was duly inducted as rector. . The ecremony of indnction wasâ€"performed and the serâ€" mon preached by NVen. T. B. Richardâ€" son, ND.C1IL, archdeacon of London, and the oMciating church warden was A. L. Parsons, Oitawa, Maren is.â€"That, in conâ€" neelton with the Canadian Northern and Grand Truuk Railway | systems, the country is faced with two alter natives; either to continue for seyâ€" eral years more the systeim of subâ€" sicties and loaus in vogue for the past few | years, or 1o nationalize the roads â€"is said to be the outstanding conclusion to be drawn from a maâ€" jority report of the Commission reâ€" cently appointed to make a survey of the whole railway situation _ of the Dominion. _ The report, it is naderâ€" stood, favors nationalization. A minâ€" ority report, on the ether hand, favors the retention of the roads unâ€" der eorporation control. . 10 CENT ‘"CASCARETS~ . IF BILIOUS OR COSTIVE NATIONALIZATION OF RAILWAYS IS £ RECOMMENDED zel. stun., Weseloh{oudie; Lorraine Witzel, sten. Bender & Co. Young peopte should prepare for positions now. Spring term opens next Monâ€" day. â€" t 2 C003 n 22000 2+ WZEDEIDNC &0 C0.; Pearl Brunk. sten., City Hal; Norma Motheral, sten., Rank of Montracl; Florence Miller, sten., Cons. Felt Co.; Oscar Schallhorn, offices Breithaupt Leather Co.; â€" Ethel Bedford, bkpr., Kauiman Rubber Co.; Mamie Weit. is why they ure the best spring mediâ€" cine. !f you feel the need of a tonic at this season give Dr. Willlams‘ Pink Pills a fair trial and you will reâ€" joice in new health, new strength and new energy. Do not let the trying weather of summer find you weak and ailing. Build yourself up now with Dr. Williams‘. Pink Pillsâ€"the pills thut,sjrdengthen. C SE Heti Hlpver tor Pale People and do not l';e perâ€" suaded to take. something else. If your dealer does. not keep these Pills they will be sent by mail, post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Oat. ... Local Reader ... .l. ... ... ... More new positions for students Eniec Business® â€" Coltege: Susfe Shantz, sten., L. MceBrine & (Co.: If you are pale and sallow, if you feel continually tired out, breathless after slight exertion, if â€"you have headaches or backaches, if you are irvitable and nervous, if your joints ache, if your appetite falis ana food does not nourish nor sleep refresh you, Dr. Willfaras‘ Pink Pilla will make you well and strong. ‘Fo bulld up the blood is the special purpose of Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills, and that Dr. Wilitams‘ iink Pills for Pale People are an all yearâ€"round â€" biood builder and nerve tomic, but they are especially _ usefut in â€" the â€" spring Every dose helps to make new, rich, red blood. Heturning strength comâ€" mences with their use and the vigor and cheerfuiness of _ good _ health quickly follows. ‘There is just one cure for lack of blood and that is more blood. Food is the material from which blood is made, but Dr. Williams‘ Pink Pills doubte the value of the food we ent. They give strength, tone up the stomach and weak digestion, clear the complexion of pimples, erup tions and boils, and drive out rhenâ€" matic poisons As winter passes uway it leaves many people feeling weak, depressed and easily tired. ‘The hody lacks that vital force and enorgy | which pure blood alone can glive. IMPURE BLOOD The Passing of Winter Leaves People Weak and Depressed. Opposite the Market _ KITCHENER _ 34 Frederick S t1«ct IN THE SPRING B:oomingdate, March 16th, 1917 ed * All ratspayers are cordiAlly invited to attend. « AT HALTER‘S HALL, NEw GER MANY, MARCH 24th, at 3 p.m. and AT McALISTER‘S HALL, dLOoom INGDALE, SATURDAY, Public Meetings are called as fo} lows : ~â€" C Auto Coming to Kitchener. The antomobile which was purchasâ€" ed by the Sunshine Circle of Toronio for the use of invalid soldiers will he , Fines and costs asgregating $1,220.â€" 50 were imposed on J. T. Peppeor, proâ€" [prletor of the Pepper drug store, Woodâ€" fslork. when he pleaded gnilty in police court Tuesday afternoon to two chargâ€" es of selling opium to a Chinaman and an additional charge of failing to keep a record of his sales of drugs. gn each of the opium selling charges he was fined $500 and rosts and on the other $260 and costs. The case .had been setfor Chearing ‘on Wednestay morning, but was bronght on 'I'nvm::.†afternoon by avrangement In-'vw(-p the j avcoused and Crown Attorney Ball. I Fined $1,220â€" The city of Peterboro wants a specâ€" fal tax imposed on the lartge number of men who are engaged in munition and other work which is paying fairly large salarics. Many of these men it was pointed out, are single and neiâ€" ther tenants nor owners of property. and yet enjoy all the facilities and proâ€" tection of the town or city. Peterhoro has moved in the matter, and is now asking the local councils to take simâ€" ilar action. The intention is to ask the legislature that ar nwh-r»in-nmnvll] be pasged. Electric Railway Kitchenerâ€"â€"Cueliph To discuss a project to be present For Higher Tax. _ Nine out of the ten Stratford standâ€" ard hotels petitioned for whole or part »remntion from taxation, in_view of the facr ingi inen: acighgy "us» _»â€" creased by"more than oneâ€"half under prohibition while the ovrhead charges have remained as high as before. The request was referred to the Finance committee to investigate the situation and report back, the botelkeepers beâ€" ing invited to present their case more fully to the committee. i Hotels Ask Exemption. Stratford‘s "baby" soldier is home from the war. Pte. James Sngden was only fourteen years old when he enlist. ed in the %4th Battalion two years ago. fe was through the battle of Y pres, where he was slightly wounded. _ His tender years being learned by the aw thorities, Pte. Sugden was sent back to Canada, and is now at hig home on Inverness street. MARCH 31st, at 3 p.m. County and District News ï¬mumlmmuunmmuummummlmmmlmmcmlmmlmuumlnmmmlumn.‘ "Baby" Soidier Sent Home. The Real Estate and Business Broker Preston Listed this week for Quick Sale AT PHONE A good farm prope‘ty on the Hamilton and Galt road, about 1 mile from Sheffield. 270 acres of goog land, 45 acres timber land; good drainage; lot of good water at house and hbarn. The soil is a gray loan. Wire, rail And stump fenced; a few acres orchard. 8 room frame cottage and hank barn 74x52. This farm is one of the best between Galt and Hamâ€" ilton; the distance from Galt 7 miles. Commitice, JOHN STRONG, A. McALISTER, A. W. ZINGER, FRANK SCHERRER, D. BEM1S, Secretary. Will take good town property in part payment. Come and see me foâ€" further information. â€" J. SCHLUETER . J. Schlueter REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS BROKER sent to Kitchener. The Military Hosâ€" pitals Commission, to whom it was handed over, has so decided. "The Automobile is to be used for the beneâ€" Iit of (hirty"ï¬lbercular soldiers fmi:l Toronto . district, who are isolate} about four niles ouiside of Kitchener," said G. J. Riddell, of the Military Hos pitals Comission. "It will be sent io Kitchener at once, at once to tcamster or implement agent to yet a splendid location. Apply An oportunity for a milk man 98 Acres Bank Barn, and Sito, good land. 2â€"storey Brick House, and good Where yon get a square deal 38 Frederick St. Phone 324. eonveyancitg, money to foan, Public Stenographer Canadian Northern Ticket Agt. Come in and select one of the 150 farms °1 have listed. You‘ll be sure to save time and money. W.H. Rosenbusch A. K. Cressman _ The above farms are very reaâ€" sonable, and can be had on easy terms. 45 acres, neat St. Clements, good soil and buildings. 60 acre farm close to Kitchâ€" ener, _ good soil and buildings, splendid water supply. 90 acre farm, one of the best farms near Kitchener. 58 acre farm near Heideiberg, Ainsoil and buildings. So aiso your glasses _ out grow their usefuinessâ€" come to us for new ones. Spiendid equipment and years of sucâ€" cessful experience at your serâ€" WATERLOO. Phone 185 Situate in Town of Waterioo Sometimes becomes worn and becomes uselessâ€"come here for a new one. Big Bargains in Small Farms A R N O L D J A N S E N Optometrist Right at the Market KITCHENER, ONT. Phone 853 Your Eyegiass Case lot of geod z loant. Wire, 3 . _8 room # 1t and Hamâ€" g B § ment. .g‘ & LR f 64 NIGHT w . + 4 = h 8 = § & ‘ = i 5 . Es 5s