The fine 150 acre farm, situated 2 miles south of â€" New Dundee, 2 acres orchard, 15 actes hard wood push, 10 mneres . nasture, â€" With creek flowing Tok sud m§ jos, larss o ylement hog _ pem, large silo w nc s ons Aotly to _ ye! n'.c particulars y to NOAH V. BOWMAN, Adbkt. New Dundee, Out The undersigned offers for sale 70 acre farm, situated two miles west of St. Jacobs, five minutes walk to school, never failing spring mear barn, drilled â€" well at house, fall plowing done, mew silo, Bell telephone and ruâ€" ral mail. Apply to, The undersigned offers for sale the 100 gcre farm known as the old Deptâ€" inger farm, situated _ oneâ€"hall . mile south of Hawkesville, 10 acres in fall wheat, 20 acres seeded in grass, 100 TOAC‘ liâ€"hardwood bush. all lall 48â€"3t wheat, 20 acres seeded in grass, mcres good hardwood bush, all ploughing done, . best of soil, thouse, and bank . barn with s shed attached, _ woll supplied watér. For further particulars / Consisting of 102 actes more . Of less, 3} miles south of Waterloo, _ 5 wiles west of Berlin, known as the George Rudy fasm. a JOHN KUNKEL, * * ~~* R. R. No. 4, Berliit.~ 100 Acres west half Lot 3 Concesâ€" sJon 9,, Wellesiey, (western section), splendid brick house, bank barn and straw shed, cement stabling throughâ€" out. mpm. driving shed, drilled well, all conveniences, splendid orchard, 8 acres in bush, 5 acres in wheat, balance ‘cleared. Fall ploughâ€" ing done, _ Close to school and railâ€" way, 3%, miles from Linwood. For further particulars apply to HOWARD S. MORROW, A8.4t R. R. Linwood. 48â€"4t ‘‘The undersigned offers for sale that farm known as the "Master Home stead" situated in the County of Waâ€" terloo, Township of Wikniot, being Lot 13 Con. 4 and containing by actual ::’lmemenl 112 acres of cleared id The buildings consist of a good house heated â€"with furnace, surroundâ€" ed by nice lawns and evergreens, large bank barn with ample subling‘ and water system throughout, cement silo 14 by 36, hogâ€"pen, drive house and all necessary outâ€"buildings, foundâ€" on a well appointed farm. School and Churches _ convenient. _ Reason for selling failing health. For further inâ€" formation apply to (nc undersigned or to 1 Master. New Hamburg, R. R. L * Farm For Sale. 1 Belonging to Mr:. Jacob Kercher, sud situated 2 miles east of Bamberk and 74 miles southwest of Waterloo. 1t comprises 77 scres and about 8 acres are in hardwood bush, 4 acres in swamp with good â€" pasture . and zcndld cedar trées for cedar posts, aére in orchard, 22 acres in wrass, and>5 acres in rye. Fall plowâ€" barn, with the necessary never lailing water with all the necâ€" l to : a HY. HIEROMMUS, BAM HIERONIMUS, FExecutors. Bamburg P.0. R.R. No. 1. ‘on farm. â€" ‘ The property are a house, alâ€" as good . as new, with summer tehen and woodshed attached, bank with strawshed. Also _ spring well with pump in it. For further particulars apply, toâ€" JACOB F. KERCHER, Exe. Waterloo, Ont. 48â€"4t. Farm For Sale. Farm For Sale. t Farm For Sale. Farm For Sale GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, King St. Office, Waterloo Mutual Buildâ€" ing Established 1864. Farm For Sale GEORGE FORWELL, Hawkesville, Ont. 44â€" 1 done. _ Spring creek running h farm. â€" Great deal of | win are imstructed: o we ol6 . Hicronimus of 1080 actes ol ptes _ are under cultive --:um wood acres of good cedar and Vnpil“!qul.-,;w‘ Farm For Sale CHAS. KOCH, CG. A. Boohm for Sale John _ F. Master Plattsville, R. R St. Jacobs 44â€"1mo 29â€"4 straw with apply 47â€"3t and Household Effecta There will be sold py public auction| Farm Stock, Implements, on the larm of Mrs. Louisa : Ete. er, situated on the Hawkesville Road * 3 miles west of St. Jacobs, on m Tin to motd by. public a dn us t o ael o . | es Poltiene the ue cen" me Commencing at 1 v‘tock, p. am. * * sharp, the following valuable properâ€" :-M'""'"""““M iy,, Vig 5 PÂ¥ a!) se O wepwesbay, DEC. 15TH, 1918, Horses :â€"Bay ‘"mare 4 years old, bay gelding 3 years old, got by Meâ€" teor, a good farm team ; a pair of Percheron mares 3 and 5 years old, dark bay horse 10 +eare old got . by Dan Ring, a No. 1 family driver ; Sorrel horse 6 years old, got by Inâ€" come, â€" Hackney, a good roadster ; Spring colt got by Province. _ _ . Cattle :â€"5 Cows : Red cow iresh Nov. 21st, black cow due March ***h, black cow due April 5th, red . cow due June 27th with calf at foot, Ferâ€" row cow with call at foot, roan heifer due Jan. 27th. a Young Cattle :â€"2 steers and 6 hbeifâ€" ers from 1 to 1} years old, 2 spring calves, 2 sucking calves 5 months old (woufd pe choice veal for Xmas.) _ Pigs and Poultry :4 shoats weight about 100 lbs. each, about 50 white Wyandotte hens, 2 geese and 1 gandâ€" Implements, Etc.:â€"No. 5 Masseyâ€" Harris binder, 7 ft. cut, on _ truck, run 4 seasons ; Deering mower, peéa harvester and bundler to fit on mowâ€" er, hay rake, hay tedder, spring tooth cultivator, drill, spade disc ~harrow, land roller, 2furrow plow, 2 â€" single plows, Zâ€"furrow gang plow, 2 sets iron harrows, marker, 2 scuffiers, . 2 wagons, beet box, wagon box with pig rack, bay rack, Nat rack, Quickâ€" fall sleigh, wide wood rack, set gravyâ€" el planks, stone boat, 2 top buggies, cutter, â€" carriage, circular, saw, fanâ€" ning _ mill, Ayr cutting box, _ root pulper, bag truck, grind stone, wheelâ€" barrow, 32â€"ft. _ Berlin extension lad der, wooden water trough, big tub, 3 small _ tubs, milk box, whiffletrees, neckyokes, 2 sets team harness, 2 sets single â€" barness, black cow hide: robe lined, _ buffalo robe, black horse nide ready to line, 2 woollen blankets 2 stable blankets, 30 rods wire fencâ€" ing, grain bags, hay knife, new chall fork, _ forks, _ hoes, shovels, wagon 2000 inndl Msm se en on s jack, 2 logging chains, cradle, seythe» crossâ€"cut saw, about 25 it. 4 in. rub ber â€" belt, log lifter, iron wedges, sledge hammer. :. JC Grain, Ete.:â€"About 20 tong of mixâ€" ed clover and timothy hay, 950 bush. oats, 500 push. mixed grain, 100 bush. barley, 3$% bush. timothy seed, quantity of wheat screenings, about 200 bush. mangolds, and quantity of ensilage. e Household Effects :â€"Cream sepataâ€" tor, sink, leaf table, kitchen cupboard Leader churn No. 4, butter worker, 25 gal. can, 20 gal. can,,milk coolers, milk pails, flour chest, l';.e_r:c!:. cookâ€" t OPm t T 1 ing stove, 3 wood stoves, kettle stove single bed with spring and mattress, desk, writing _ desk, bureau, rocking chair, chest, lounge, wash stand, 40 gal. new _ cider vinegat, wash tubs, fruit jars, 3 panel doors, and many other articles. F â€" PUBLIGSALE TERMS â€" OF â€" SALE :â€"All feed, timothy seed, fat calves, pigs, chickâ€" ens, and all sums of $10.00 and undâ€" er, cash ; over that amount 12 months credit on approved security or 4 pet: cent. discount off, for cash payments of credit amounts. No reserve as the farm is sold Dec. 9.â€"Real estate, farm stotk â€" and implements of the late Jos. M. B. Martin, 2 miles northwest of Heidâ€" elberg and 1 mile southeast of Hawkesville. ‘ Dec. 10.â€"Stock. and cattle of the late Joel Wainer, in the village of New Dundee. v Dec. 14â€"Farm stock and implements of Geo. W. Fischer in the village of Dec. 18.â€"At the City Hall, Berlin, mortgage sale of house and lot on Mansion St. Dec. _ 9.â€"Dry Goods, ready made cléthing, etc., of J. D. Merner, at Hawkesville. Dec. 21.â€"Farm stock and implements of Mrs. Louisa Brubacher, 2 miles west of St. Jacobs. Dec. 26th.â€"Farm stock and imp. of A. B. Weaver, 5 miles west of Elâ€" mira, 4 mile north of Yatton. Dec. 8.â€"Farm stock and implements of _ Clayton _ Shantz, Petersburg Road, 1 mile East of Petersburg, 5 miles west of Berlin. Jan. 12.â€"Farm stock and implements of the late George Holtzworth, 2 miles north of Elmira. E. J. Shantz, Auctioner. Dec. 16.â€"Farm stock and implements, of the late® Jos. Bish, 4 miles southwest of Waterlso on the town Dec. 16.â€"Reat estate, farm stock and implements, of the late Jos. Bish, 4 miles southwest of Waterloo . on the town line. Jan. o.-lmn:ml-u. South of Strange 8t., , at 3 pm. Geo. G. Class, Auctioncer AUCTION SALES MRS. LOUISA.BRUBACHER, ‘Proprietress. (G. (G. CLASS, Auctioncer Duering, Auctioncer Red cow iresh 40â€"2t There will be sold by public aue on on the farm of the late David Sniâ€" ler, Lot 38, in the 1ith Con.. North I:u( WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15TH, 1915, hbeginning at 10 o‘clock a. m. the fol owing valuable property, viz.: |_____ ieee Sm C alttiogs uesd i in Ne teae 4 Tiad Thivie mere it veges old reavy Mm seven -'-‘3'4' old Cattle, Etc.â€"5 cows supposed to be .n calf, 7 steers 2 years old, 5 spring calves, $ pigs about 150 lbs weight, n.h.ut 15 ehkka:-. Barred loek;. tc.â€"3 wagons, wa plm % hay racks, hay Decrine vigien lend rolier, dump cart Deering , land roller, dump cart . eed drill, two 3â€"horse disks, 2 gang plows, 2 single plows, _ scuffier, corp sultivator, 3â€"horse Climax cultivator 2 sets iron harrows, manure spread y, 150 feet % inch rope, harpoon ha» ‘ork, fanning mill, . barn scale 2,00( lbs cap., turnip pulper, Magnet creair separator, 2 democrats, buggy, cutter 1 sets double harness, 2 sets singk harness, whiffie trees, 1 set wagon wheels extra, neck yokes, chains, fork: shovels, wheelbarrow, 30 tons hay, in cubator, brooder, copper kettle, 1,00( ushel oats. =â€" ho Houschold Effectsâ€" 5 beds, ward . robe, desk, dresser, wash stand, .Aweâ€" small stands, 5 rockers, dozen chairs . hall rack, couch, 2 kitchen tables, fall leaf tables, _ round parlor table: heating stove, kitchen range nearly rew, kitchen stove, clock, kitchen cupâ€" ‘oard, cupboard of drawers, washing machine, flour chest, wood chest, ? »ther chests, counter scale 240 Ibs ca pacity, 3 spinning wheels, lawn mow or, dishes, books, rugs, carpets, lino ‘eums, sap pails, spiles sap boiler, anc ~ther articles too numerous to men ‘ion. _ Also one share of the capita stock of the Berlin Gasoline Enginc ind Thresher Co. Limited, value $100 Termsâ€"Grain, hay, chickens, house old effects, and sums of $10.00 anc inder cash, over that amount _ five nonths credit on approved security >r 6 per cent. per annum discount for ayments of credit amounts. Lunch at Noon. ‘There will be sold by public aucâ€" sion on _ the premises of the underâ€" signed, one mile northwest of _ St. Jacobs, on, Commencing sharp, the foll ty, . viz.:â€" Horses : l1 bay carriage mare, _/ years old, spring colt. ; Cattle : Durham grade cow due to calve in June, 4 fat heifers, 4 _ fat steers, 4 young cattle 1 year old, i spring calves, 2 small calves. + Poultry, Etc.:â€"30 pure bred white Wyandotte hens _ and pullets, _ good collie dog. Implements :â€"Good lumber wagon, set bob sleighs, cutter, 2 scuffers, 2 single plows, Masseyâ€"Harris cotn culâ€" tivator, Masseyâ€"Harris cream separâ€" ator, nearly new ; Masseyâ€"Harris 4â€" Farm Stock, Implements, Ete. DAVID WISMER, Berlin, â€" BEN. 8. BRICKER, Drumbo, Executors. section _ Diamond harrows, manute box, sap tank, set team harness, set single harness, string of bells, grain bags, potato planter, buflalo _ rone, mall and iron wedge, beet choppers, flour chest, 2 clothes chests, 4 tubs, flax spinning wheel, iron kettle, sap buckets, _ meat grinder and stuffer, counter scales, cap, 240 lbs., cider bartel. Grain and Roots :â€"250 bush. oats, 250 bush. mixed _ grain, 300 bush. mangolds. TERMS :â€"Fat cattle, grain, roots, poultry, and all sums of $10.00 and under, cash. Over that amount 12 months‘ â€" credit om approved _ joint notes or 5 per cent. discount for lcnh payments. l TILMAN M. MARTIN, Prop. PUBLIG SME arepabatriebinBPDr._ is2 (*~* + ul *>* CcoUNTY OF WATERLOO ‘The Municipal Council of the Counâ€" ty of _ Waterloo _ will meet at the Court House, Beglin, on â€" THURSDAY, C at 10 o‘clock a.m Berlin, Nov. 32, 1915 When a man gives his flancee a diaâ€" mond engagement ring and later fails to give his wile a lite insurance pol :\,‘.'h needs a guardian, not a wile wise and insure rour life in THE DOMINION LIFER Low Death Loss Bconomy of Manage AI;.EX. AMES, Auctioneer. Dâ€"Dec. 4&11 w1 Thursday, Dec. 30th, 1915 PUBLIG SALE Auction® $ The Dominion Life. GEORGE CLASS, Auctioneer 49â€"3t. ing at 1. o‘clock p.m., following valuable proper HERBERT J. BOWMAN, Notice. Waterloo, Ont. 16TH, 1915 County Clerk. 47â€"4% ce iescs if the andercigned tion on the farm of t situated at the village of Doon, OB w‘lOlAV."c- “vlâ€! '!‘-«"“ y at 10 o‘clbck a.m. . 'u':..:x::-t":i Kyreciat raay old, weight 1400 ; grey Horse ll’)fl old, â€" weight 1400, mMa- weight 2800 lbs., good workers, ¢ colt, 3 years old, well broke ; sortel driver 7 years old. ___ _ _ __. .. ~ AUGTION SAE | _ PUBUCSAE _ Cattle ~â€"11 Good Dairy Cows and Heifers :â€"Jersey cow fresh 2 weok Snorthorn cow . freshâ€" 2 w-ï¬aï¬ due to ;~edlve in January, 2. dnhdnhw..lwwug to, salve im . A w due to e in July, m&f‘m in May, p :.ed Jersey bull 7 months g, 4 teps to in, calve,. 4 heifers rm!huolx 1 calves. â€", _Pigs â€" and Poultry :â€"2 brood sows lbs., each, 7 shoats 3 months old, 60 thickens, 6 ducks, 20 well pred geese, sollie dog. Â¥4 â€" Implethents *Zâ€"Tenâ€"horse Turk gasoâ€" line engine, threshing machine, ensil« age cuttér, ~Atraw.‘| cutter, 2 plate choppers, Chatham fanning mill, : bindors, â€" M. H. â€" mower, hay rak® due t0: ‘ pig in ~March, 8 shoats 1 L ntabia ) TTE TT o en mt Te steel land "rolier, 13â€"tube hoe drilf turnip seeder, good Adam‘s wag with double box (nearly new), '-fl wagon, 3 _ wagons, 2â€"seated carti 2 top buggies, 3 bhay racks, 3 spring tooth cultivators, 3 disks, 3 _ single plows/ potatoe plow, hay teddet, weeder, ‘3 iron harrows, 2 bob cutter, turnip pulper, scale cap. 1 lbs., scale cap. 2000 lbs., house scalg, 2 scuffers; 2 wheel gatrows, 2 m! 8 PATITROCY ET COOOV e PCO CCCT O NP racks, 3 sets team barness, 2 single harness, pig crate, grind s s emery: grinder, large rope and tackle, circulat _ saw, forks, _ shovels, hoes, chains, doubletrees, and many othér articles too numerous to mention. . _ Hay, Gr»ain and Feed :â€"Quantity @ hay, 100 Busb. _ oats, 400 blsh. ry©, 150 bush. bariev, quantity of seed, 600 bush. lurnips. Household _ Gooas :â€"2 tables, 12 kitchen chairs, 2 desks, 2 parlor cook heaters, 5 bedsteads, churn, butterâ€" bowls, 2 pex stoves, 3 work benches, cides barrels, Standard cream separâ€" ator, new used 1 month, iron kettle, lawn es m mattress es, lw::};:ï¬u‘ re arm chair. 10.cane .chairs, 3 dressers, 3 washâ€" stands, Kitchen table, 2 small tables, bureau, corner cupboard, _ 3 lamps, paint _ cart, paint â€" mill, heavy wax brush, . some. dry . zed and brown paints, 200 lb. Merisko, 2 hooks .used for _ scaffolding,pails, crocks, milk cans, 40 _ ft. rubber ‘hose, doubleâ€"flue »lacksmith bellows, guantity of lamf black, coon â€" skin iur coat, pails, crocks, milk cvolers, and many other articles. 1 TERMS OF SALE :â€"Hay, grain, roots, poultry, young pigs, and â€" all "sums of $10 and under, cash ; _ over that amount 12 months‘ credit _ or approved security, or 6 per cent. disâ€" count for cash on credit amounts. W;I.;)' reserve as the farm is sold. GEO. W. FISCHUT, Prop. E. J. SHIANTZ, Auctioncer. . ' 47â€"3%, !IXPENENCID AUCTIONEER . AND VALUATOR For the ‘Counties of Waterioo, Wellington, Halten and Wentworth, or will go anywhere in the province. ! have had weven years experience in the business. Being a practical farmâ€" er myself, puts me in a position to use good judgment in selecting and dispos ing of farm stock, implements, etc. Farm stock sales a specialty. . Sales san be arranged for at the Chronicle: Telegraph Office, Waterloo, or 1 can be seen at my home, Willow Grove Farm, 3 miles south of Guelph. _ Satisfaction quaranteed. Post Office address, Guelph, R. R. No. 6. 15 m Stock Auctioneer Number of years ‘experience as Auctioneerâ€" Practical knowâ€" ledge of values, live stock, impleâ€" ments, etc., is prepared to conâ€" duct sales and assures the pubâ€" lic every satisfaction. _ Phone 136, Waterloo, or leave orders at Chronicleâ€"Telegraph office, Watâ€" erioo, or Daily Telegraph, Berâ€" lin. 124f WELLINCTON ‘B. SWARTZ LICENSED AUCTIONEER Having _ taken out an A\x tioncer‘s Lica#ise for Waterl County, I am Prepared to duct all kinds of farm ‘n and _ real estate: and general merchandis® saies on NOR notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. ;. Call or write ‘W. ‘ SWARTZ, R. R. 4, Berlin, of phone . 735â€"4â€"ABse sn . B. DUERING rchandise . sales on CHAS, M. CRAWLEY, & Auctioneer NNN Seovll ‘?mï¬ BC .Â¥ & s 4 Fid y i _ wmemaacmmene There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" .’“‘.fllb-uuv.lhuou- u..-u-u-h--lum-.b1 on the farm of the undersighed, Sitâ€"| soph M. B. Martin, situated 2 miles uated in Williamspurg, 4 wmiles $Q9th | northwest of Heldelberg, 1 mile south ud»-: and 3 miles Eash Of} me; of HawkesYille, on & k :‘ 15th, 1915. . 3+] " +HuRrsDAY, DEC. 9TH, 1916 12.30 o‘clock p.m> sharp, the 10MD<â€"| "(moomepeing at ~1 o‘clock, P.M.. ing. valuable property, Â¥I2‘â€" _ __ _ | cnorp the following valuable properâ€" jet black wan yB We "* 3“..:"’-2.- driver, 9 yes . 16 Head of â€" Cattle :â€"Good Jatzey cow, bred Sept. 28rd ; good Holstein helfer, pred: . Sept. 9th ; good Ho!~ stein cow, bred Sept. 2nd ; g: Dutham cow,. due to calye Dec. Jersey»heifer due to calve Jan. ::. :“Muolsuhcul.ll months old, 6 calves. 12.30, o‘clock p.m: sh ‘1 valuable property Morses {â€"Aged | Pigs, Chickens, Etc.:â€"6 pigs weighâ€" ing about.100 lbs., 101 Barred l\wtl chickens (good layers), 12 Bantams. | 50. rabbits if not previously sold, 2 white rats, igoog Collie dog. _ _ â€" ~May, Grain, Etc.â€"500 bush. of Oats, & qn:l‘ti.t.y of buck;::n, no;n:_ 10 Aok" af corke of #004e » ueoch and maple (short length), if not previousâ€" I M 7 62 ’1’? following implements ate é: tically ‘all new. A grand opportubity to equip yourselves with good impleâ€" 1mplements, Harness, Etc.:â€"Frost & Wood binder _ 6â€"4t. cut ; â€" mower 5â€"4t. cut, â€" Climaz M::E, Frost & _ Wood. disc drill i4 dises, Frost & Wood corn cultivator, >Elâ€" mira hay loader, International side take, Frost & â€" Wood disc. (20 inch discy), steel .land roller (3 drums), Co?n“ theck row corn planter, 2 walking plows, Verity and Cockshutt, 3 sets of iron harrows, hay rake (10 tt.), one horse sleigh, heavy sl’ï¬:. . Petrolia,wagon (new), old wagon,; sew‘ puggies, 2 sets | double harmess,: .2 sets single harness, set single harâ€" ness (new), platform scales, mo@p-. _capacity, gravel _ planks, old bufgy, new _ steel cutter with detachab! cushions, combination stock and hay: rack, 2 flat racks, 2 scuffiers, 2 new: Leet forks, Chatham fanning mill, s9t of Bolster springs (2 ton cap.) block: and tackig (2 ton cap.) hay fork with copes and pulleys, rack lifter ropes, emery, grinder, gasoline engine, 1} h. p., new: Melotte cream separator, 700 lbs., cap. and friction pulley for same to run by . power ;â€" Magsey Harris turnip pulper, feed car, wheelbarrow, large Klondyke . refrigerator, large galvanized supply tank, a weedet, 15 rods of Frost fence, 10 rods of chickâ€" en fencing, meat grindet and stuffer, iron kettel, 2 incubators, Peerless 320 eggs ; Chatham 120 e£gs ; 170 gal. cider barrel, 3 45 gal. cider barâ€" tel, barrel of vinegar, windlass, . a numper of 3â€"inch. tiles, 20 good gtain bags, a lot of grain sacks, pewer emery » stone, heavy galvanized coolâ€" ing tanmk, 101 other articles not worth ‘mentioping. * % v ‘1â€"3 interest in the following : poâ€" tato â€" imachinery, _ viz : Aspinwall planter No. 3, Huber digger, 4 horse cap., 5 acres in 10 hrs., 2 horse spray. with automatic pump, sprays 4 rows, seed potato cutter, cuts 3_0 bags â€" a day _A lot of household effects. . 1, St. Jacobs, Executor: 47â€"00 â€" TERMS :â€"Hay, grain, pigs, chickâ€"| | * s P e 1“% ens, and all sums of $10.00 and undâ€" > er, _ cash ; over . that amount _ 10 Gonorlqultl. months‘ credit on approved SOCUTity , | _ +A or 5 per cent. per‘annum off, for| FOR SALEâ€"Piano case organ, 6 oc cash payments of credit amounts. :aves. good as :\n. squo.l Your erms are my terms. y Bo: BILL SWARTZ, Prop. 530. Colegraph. pply, , Box rg Aginmmetmrepranemmisprmmmeneremmmmalonemmemmmmmenmmmmizate wW. B. SWARTZ, Auctioneer. | FOR SALE OR TO RENTâ€"Berlin or. A. SHOEMAKER, Clerk. gan, piano case, 6 octaves, good conâ€" "° _ n aommmmmmmmmartemmasmmtetzcce] {ft101. _ ABDDIY 94 Water St. 8., _ or sooe o e s w is e nhone 50; 11â€"54. â€" There will be sold by Public Aucâ€" tion the property belonging to the late JOEL WANNER, situated one quarter mile, west of New Dundee, on FRIDAY, DEC. 10TH, 1915 commencing . at 1.30 o‘clock, p.m., the following: Live Stock:â€"Horse 7 yeatrs old, quiet driver; heifer rising 3 years old, 50 Leghorn chickens, Implements, etc.â€"Buggy, cutter, set single harness, horse piow, scufMer, hand _ cultivator, _ some . carpenter “oolo. i â€" Hay, etc.â€"Quantity _ of hay, golds and corn lhlkl;‘ t ob ts 00. Ltz es Household Effects.â€"Cook stove. box| VM, DICORUNBUEIC o calh Sivait stove, sewing machine, 2 beds ie | «esns esc it ui enz en n bedsteads, 2 leal tables, sink, 6 kitâ€" For Sate. chen chairs, rocker, bureau, cupboard, pesaacs founge, bath tub. and other articles.| 7 acres of land with good orchard, TERMS CASH two â€" story brick house and other hmd 4 vern building all in good condition.â€"Apâ€" The property of Ahe late Joel Wanâ€" ner, consisting _ of one acre of land will â€" be rented, good dwelling, barn and other outbuildings on the premâ€" ises. _ Fot particulars apply to ises, _ Fot particulats ALLAN °C.. HALLMAN, ‘R J, Shantz, Auctioncer MRS. JOEL WANNER, Proprie rm Stock, Implements and Household Effects PUBLIGSALE le property, viz ‘â€" + a ""“.:.".fa"â€ï¬‚ :;nz' m&r. 9 nml TO LET the late Joel Wanâ€" Brick â€" house, 1} storey, 7 rooms, , set | in good condition. Situated in _ the ifMer, | village of Bloomingdale. Hard and m‘ soft water. Barn and other outbuildâ€" ( ings. About _ oneâ€"half acre of lan mu.b containing a number of frait trees.â€" Apply D. McKay â€" Bemis or J. Matâ€" . box | tin, Bloomingdale. Dec. 1â€"im. ty, Horses:â€"Bay mare . years old dark bay gelding 3 years old, aged mare, bay horse 15 years old; bay horse rising 6 years old, spring colt, got by Grey Hawk d Cattie.â€"3 good cows, cow due to calve in January, cow due to â€" calve in April, farrow cow, heiler due to calve in June, 3 spring calves. Hp.!:tc.â€".n*ig‘t-& old, 3 pigs weighing 140 Ibs. each. 40 â€" Implements, Ete.â€"Masseyâ€" Harris binder, searly new; Frost & Wood mower, Doering feftilizer, disk drill, new cultivator, hay rake, mower with péa harvester, single plow, . 2 furrow gang plow, 2 iron harrows, Scuffier, Chatham h::“nf mill, good wagon, wagon box, y new; bob sleigh, â€"light carriage, open bUggy, oper spring seat buggy, cutting box, hay â€" rack, stock rack, Oliver riding plow, new . stone boat, scalding trough, 2 sets team harness. set sinâ€" gle harness, logging chains, forks shovels, doubletrees, hoes and many other articles too numerous to menâ€" tion. â€"-Ey and Grain.â€"12 tons good mix ed In‘;'y). 200 bush. oats, 75 bush. bar ley, 40 bush, peis, quantity of man Farm Stock and Impleâ€" Hoilsehold Effects:â€"Kitchen table. 3 kitchen cupboards, cooking stove, 2 wood heaters, kitchen chairs, rockers sink, wash sink, 2 chests, large milk car, counter scale cap. 240 Ths., 3 beds â€" complete, 2 bedsteads, sewing machines, sausage grinder and stuffer, wood chest, quantity of apple butter, set woolen horse blankets, pails and many other ‘articles. â€" Real Estate:â€"At the same time and place the farm will ‘be sold conâ€" sisting of 2 parcels, 50 actes each. PARCEL NO. 1 has good 8 roomâ€" ed house, good ‘bank barn, extra good fences, nice orchard with ~ varâ€" iety of fruit trees, good well, plenty of ‘water; land in high state of culâ€" tivation, 6 actes in fall wheat and 10 acres in pasture and bush, an ideal home. PARCEL NO. 3. 50 acres in good state â€"of cultiation, brick house, good bank barn nice orchard, â€" lots of good water. ‘These farms are well situated. Terms of Sale: Real Estate, 10 per cent. of purâ€" chase price on day of sale; remaining terms can be had from the undersigâ€" ned and will be made known On the day of sale. . R a Chattels, Hay, grain, roots, PODINVE) pigs and all sums of $10 and . undet, cash; over that amount 13 months‘ credit â€" on‘ approved joint notes or 5 per cent discount for cash payments of credit amounts. E. J. SHANTZ, Auctioncer. AARON HOFFMA»N, Heidelberg, and HENRY B. BRUBACHER, R. R. No 1, St. Jacobs, Executors, 4tâ€"3t FOR SALEâ€"Piano case organ, 6 oc taves, good as new, $54.00. Your terms are my terms. . Apply Box 530, Telegraph. 11â€"5â€". PUBLIG SAE FOR . SALEâ€" Piano, . Mendelssohn make. Good as new. Will sacrifice at $195. Apply Box 540, Daily Tele: graph, Berlin. 474 l ng BONDS. Western School District and Rutal lw Debontures at current atâ€" tractive rates. Write tor particulars, H. O‘HARA & CO. Royal Bank Building. Toronto. ply to phone 50 READY FOR DELIVERY. JOSEBPH FEIL, St. Jacobs. HOUSE FOR SALE Je foroato | MASTER AND HUN 43.8% Commenting‘ at 12 o‘clock sh Public sale of m ‘ Township of W on the | line, 3 miles southcast of St. A 4 miles northwest of the to Waterloo, 7 miles southeast of berg, 3 miles southwest of Prb Farm containing 112 acres mof less, is of A1 soll and in good vation, 35 acres of good bard bush, 1} acres of good bearilg ard, all young sound trees, 14 | irame house â€"22x28, containi Farm Stock, Jn aon es en ce %6x24 good bank _ barn 3 straw shed 36x40, two flowing and 4 hard water well, 9 Fall wheat sown, 26 acres of and fall ploughing will e the time of sale.‘ There will sold 74 acres of good cedar and swamp, â€" situated or the town Lot 44, one mile morth of the premises, 2 miles southwest of E There will be sold by ville Terms of Real Estate :â€"5 per C of the purchase money to ye paid of sale, balance, in 31 days. _ Houschold _ Effects :â€"â€"2 extenslo tables, table, 2 small s chairs, 2 bureaus, corner cupboard, 1 good sewing machines, bedâ€"room 4i complete, 2 dressers, sideboard, â€" bt stead, washing . machine and ringb Parlor Cook stove, wood or com steel range Home Comfort, and stos utensils, 2 sinks, . 2 water 1"‘ Capital cream separator, churn, ';* kettle, sausage . machine, calding trough, 2 meat bartels, 1 new, 6 C “ barrels, â€" about 25 bushels potatdés, about 3 parrels of winter awlu;_.;,;e TERMS :â€"Cash. : 4 Horses :â€"Generalpurpose Bay M ’:' 11 years old, good driver Bay geid« img 4 years old, 2 aged horses, welight 2600 lbs., carriage horse, 8. years old, Bay mare in foal to + cheron: horse. \<3. l Cattle, Etc.â€"6 Good Daity 7 2 cows in flow of milk, fresh 6 weeks ago, cow due to calve Feb. 2, 2 6 ws to calve in _ March, cow to calve, April, 6 butcher cattle, 4 o old heifers, 2 steers 2â€"year old, 4 Spring calves, 11 sheep and*1 y 3 fat hogs, about 250 ‘bs. each, ‘: $ shoats about 70 lbs., 75 chickens. . . Implements :â€"McCormick 6â€"t. bindâ€" er, Deering " mower 5â€"1t., hay r& ’ spring tooth cultivator, seed drill, | set of iton harrows, 3â€"section 1â€"s06 08, | wooden _ harrows, . 2 single * {disc, scuffier, 3 Iumber wagons, 2} and . ‘| 3 inch. tires, wagon box, 2 hay racks, set of gravel planks, 2 set of bob. sleighs, steigh box, Sâ€"seated c ) ;| open buggy, 2 cutters (1 nearly new [fanning mill, circular saw, power 10G, ‘|saw, cross cut saw, 100 cedar posts, ‘| a lot of fence rails, hay fork, pulley: and 125 ft. of 1} inch rope, 2 wood. THURSDAY, DEC. 16TH, PIDIBLH rack (1 nearly new), turnip wheel barrow, . scraper, grind st scale, â€" capacity 240 1bs.; 24 hog.s a number of doubletrees, yokes, carriage _polc', 30 rods of 44 ready made wite fencing, 3‘ sled hammers, : crowbars, about 10 j‘ of lâ€"inch pine lumber, a quantity i hard wood matched flooring .and [ lot of scrap iron. * Hatuess, Etc.:â€"2 sets . of doubl harness, 3 sets of singlew ‘nenly new); pair of wooflen e blankets, nearly new ; 3 robes, s*_ï¬ of cow chains, logging chains, knife, scoup skovél, chaff fork, a forks, shovels, and w lot of othet ticles too numerbus t\ tion. Hay avnd Grain :â€"About e1 of cats, 200 push. of mixed ) about 75 bushels of peas, 74 of barley, 15 tons of mixed hay. _ TERMS OF â€" CHATTELS :~Hay, giain, butchers‘ cattle, fat chickens and all sums of $10.00, over that amount 12 months‘ will be/given on approved joint notes or 5 per cent. willhslmhfl payment. t by: Number unlimited. Highest \ptiu paid. Next shipment We December 22nd, 1915. nigh _ No reserve as everything must be sold to wind up,the Estate. , better known as part of Â¥ SRIPPING HOGS WANTED e Re it ome e e Arai avery second Tuesday. Next December 14, 1915. + .»,I ! and Real Hogs Wanted AT BADEN :. C. DIEFENBACHER HY. KROEHLING, @; JOHN KREYERBIEHL, j H. B. DUERING, A + LOUIS DIETRICH, Clerk, . __ 47â€"3t. wh