1| Overcoats Al a : . 2# :. | HB* P " "we "69. ® No, 40 .. â€" wd!lm.ou i;,: II- * -v~ ||||| ||_ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-~â€"m » v 6 .. $ ) mmmumumumlmmmnnmlmmunummlmfl i WeekLy Store*News SHANTZ & CORMAN OvERCOATS \â€"_ We have had made up from the Wildfang _ Tailored Stock a range of men‘s, boys ‘and youths Overcoats, which we have on Sale at gréatly ‘reduced prices, which are real Bargaing. . ® . We have also purchased a farg~ stock of Overcoats from ~the makers at a rate on the dollar.. Those Goods are first class in f way, Miade up of firstâ€"clats material in different shades and patâ€" 4 Prices from $7.95, $9.00, $12.50, $13.50 ... .. ... .. .. $15,00 * These goods are worth at higher prices. You will save money by buying your Remember the placeâ€"Wildfong‘s ‘Old St Think w'latMure it would create in your own home whole family to haye an PA \ & us . Edison Phonograph WiILDFANG‘$S OLD STAND NEAR BANK Bb 4/ mve NO. 3.KING.EAST, BERLIN. parisonof results. never and cakeâ€"making qualitits The place where you get the best.Clothes at the lowost price Order a sack Anyone can play T. JACOBS FLOUR MILLS Doersam‘s Bookstore wheat. Paying 95¢ for wheat, Standard wei ght. For economy and success In your baking use our ‘â€" Have you noticed how we lead the way with RIGHT Flour Pric'l‘.»‘ hard to beat, For economy "HEARTS DELIGHT" a high class bread flour class by itseif These prices are good for cash or farmars deliv Ourt "EAGLE" brand of Flour for genral purposes Another outRanding feature is QUALITY S'GE'IT! HEAR IT! PLAY IT! of OCEAN Flour and put RIGHT PRICES FLOUR it. Builtnot for years, but for a lifetime fails 8T. JAC0BS, ONTARIO . B. Snider, Proprietor far more money and are. sold eisewhere to convince one of its superior bread ig your Overcoats and Suits here. Old Stand, ncar Bantk “ Hhiw 3 Oc 4smb lc d msin cash or farmars delivering it to the test. A comâ€" OF HAMILTON pwn Homé for the is in ‘~Items ~of ‘Interest : i4 Dec, 8, will â€"pe #t: m | lair , Elmira tollowing ; Monday a on Tapplica with ‘ancets| should be well | with ’W‘“. Christmas mt::a this year. <â€"Mr. 1. B. Bribacher was ‘a business ty l!‘ovul thdort the & Irol.‘ R; V. was gr. and l:lfl.'w. Sumder, “:-‘ nolin‘ duting his stay in town.â€" 10 Toomacriee Se. Mister trom SE hbas Mr. Ritter® from St. Jacobs to Elmirs and Mr. > Harvey Scheifele from Ekmira to St. Jacobs. Prof. ‘Ricthdort / Speaks :â€"Thursday evening the Opera House was crowdâ€" od to hear Prol. Refthdor! who spoke ‘on "Hobenzollerns "and Militarism", and ‘doring ‘his address referred to a canipaign of amfisrepresentation “m4 ‘falsehoods > "which is being con by the Teuton Press across the line. Although the address lasted over two hours, the pest of order prevailed ard the speaker: was attentively listened to bz ‘ the â€" large â€" audience. Prof. Reithdort _ will address â€" meatings tBhroughout â€"â€" the â€" riding.â€"Mr. W. H. Snyder was a pusiness visitor to Toâ€" ronto, Monday.â€"No Mariaâ€"the Pro fessor was no . Irishman.â€"Mr. Ivan Bender, Berlin, spent the weekâ€"end with his friend, Mr. Wilfrid Welker.â€" Church _ services.â€"Lutheran, Sunday morning ; Evangelical, 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. All~ welcome.â€"Miss Holl inger was : the guest of Twin City friends over the weskâ€"end.â€"It‘s gettâ€" ing to : ~feel . more like Christmas MRCOmmace PSluet J " Dec. 3rd: to the 9th, returning Dec. 11th.â€"Misses _ ‘Mae Brandt and Leaâ€" nore Otto," Elimira, were the guests of Misses Frances and Grace Snyder, Saturday.â€"Messrs. A. Werner and Gâ€" Auman, Elmira, were among the outâ€" sidets who attended the Prof. Reithâ€" dori‘s â€"address on Thursday evening.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Wing and daughter, oi Vancouver, B.C.; were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wing at the parsonage tot ‘a few days.â€"Mrs. M. Dreisinger, Elmira, spent Tuesday with St. Ja cobs friends. The interior of the Doâ€" minion House is being remodelled.â€" Miss Laura Spies visited Twin City friends _ Tuesday.â€"Don‘t forget . to take Sarah Jane along to the winter fair.â€"What _ about our 1916 Hockey team, the ice is on, the way and our ing to : ~feel . more _ JIXO UNTISIMED every day. ~ ‘The ‘Farmers‘ ~ Day Out,;â€"Ontario Provincial Winter Fair, Guelph. Re turn _ tickets â€" 50:â€"cents. good going neighbors a! this season. Items of Interest ‘â€"Woolwich townâ€" ‘ ship council _ meets ou Tuesday next Dec. 7thâ€"Mr. John Clayfield moved with â€" his family to West Montrose ‘last Wednesday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adamson _ were visiting friends in Haldimand County *the lattet part ol the woek.â€"Mrs. Norman Dahmer who had been _ suffering from gall stones for some time, . went to (Guelph on Saturday and was operated on, . on @dlass o Tr Tuev. of Guelnh.~ At Saturday and was operated on, . on Sunday by Dr. Lucy, of Guelph. At last reports she was getting on . at wel as can be â€" expected under . the circumstaiices. _ Her‘ _ many friend: wish her a sure and speedy recovety. â€"Rev. 1. _P. Hansen for the past four years pastor â€" ‘of St. Matthews Lutheran church has received a call ftom St. Peter‘s Lutheran church, Zurich . He has handed in his resig nation here and if the same is . at cepted by the congregation at a mocetâ€" ing to be held next Sunday, the calt will be accepted by him and he wili no doubt move. to his new field . o labor in _ the New Year.â€"Conestogo public school honor roH :â€" Fourth classes,.â€"Vera Good. ‘Third Classesâ€"Florence Ebel, Herâ€" mina °~ Hansén, Levea Martin and Lydia Ann Weber. _ _ _ __ Our Busy .,,W-.. nd â€" classes.â€"Howard _ Knort, Russell Esch, Lovina Weber. News Notes:â€"Quite 4 few from hert attended > the concert and boxâ€"sociai in 'ellolh‘.on Friday evening ant rebort it best ever. â€"Mr. Melvic Hammond has â€" returned home afte ‘lflh‘ the summer near Millbank â€"Mtrs, Wm, R. Yost spent a day last week at the home of Mr. avd Mra John Yost ~Mr. Hentry Kelly visited his nom Listowel on Sunday.~ § an services will be held, it y Aux:t-ry services will be neld, i" Zion rch on Simday Dec. 12, when the Rev, Mr. Stewart will deliver an address in, the monln, at 11 o‘clogk and: in ï¬wflu at 7.30. Rev. Mt. Gazley . w " dake Mr. Stewart‘s charge ‘ay North Motnington, Correspondenits in County and Distsict . *‘ Bt. Jacobs. are going to have a â€"rink Conestogo. h lh-;d ‘ ut ." ‘Bulâ€" mer, . .~ ) and ‘J. Huber abent amunp! "Twin® City â€" Mr . and Mus.: Ggorgo Mantz ‘of" Berâ€" lib, ‘and Mr. wnd~Myrs. Jacob " Herle and daughter t’m. ot berg were | visitors at the home ‘ ol . Fred â€" Lagkner ,â€"A nuinber from here t it the cohâ€" cert given ‘by the Elmira ‘hockey clul at Elmira last Fri night.â€" MrB George Dorscht of burg is Yisit. ing her parents artet Gre ham Lacknet had istortibe 6‘ breaking . his . cullai antâ€"week while sleigiâ€"riding. {tiends . wi hi . "a â€" sreedy y.‘â€"a" Luke Forwell ol Berlin on his> uncle here‘ on Saturday . â€"ME. Fred Baechlér left on Saturday, for @ueiph where ht bas â€" ‘secured" a job in a Blacksmith shop.â€"Mt.. and Mrs. R. C. Lacknet Mrs. ~George ?,onn-lf. and Miss Bar bara ‘ Hinsberger motored to Berlin of Saturday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Philip Con radâ€"spent ~Sunday with friends al Erbsvilie.â€"Mrs, iGeorge ‘Dorscht â€" and Mrs. Anthony Dentinger | and little daughters . Edith and‘Alberta ‘wers visitors to Berlin on Saturdiy. Th+ mild days loll:';in;’the ln011 storm of last weék e qodlty al preciated ‘by the farmers, as it ig-; abled those who had ig to do. to ‘get all Onished® up,â€"Inte â€"of the Tate Mrs. J. Jut#i,â€" of ‘Te o took â€" ‘,place at ~the Amish cemeterf here on Wednesday last, The funeral ‘was largely attended relatives and friends. ‘The deceased was a M{:ng woman of flu‘l&; ter, h in # esteem "py all "hol‘:o;lhu. Tour -ma.!!I:aMm , / and cg Rbeartielt sympathyâ€"of â€"tbeentire comâ€" munity is extended to them in theit bereavement.â€"Mr. Hat tmah, * "of Hawkesville, . was a busitiess visitor here on Monday.â€"Miss Mary Magâ€" wood, of Toronto, is spenfling a couâ€" ple of weeks, with her parents here. Items=of Interest:â€"The Beaver Lit »rary Society will hold their anmua) concert on the evelhnz ol Dec., 18th and _ with favorable weather a large gathering . is expected.~A"good pro gramme â€" is belng prepared. Every: hody welcome.â€"Mtr. William Swart? who recently sold his farm willshold 2@ sale of farm stock and implements n the 15th of December.~ * ***~~*~ Mt. and Mrs. George Hagedotn.who spent a week or so with relatives ind . friends in Badâ€"Ax, Michigan ‘ame home last Sunday morning. Mrâ€" and _ Mrs. . Anthony ‘Withelts #pent Saturday and Sum&with their 8q1, Charles â€" near New Getmany.â€"A fow ‘rom around here attendéd the quarâ€" terly _ meeting services which werr ield in the U. B. Church at Roseville ‘ast Saturday and Sunday.â€"Messrs Austin and Wesley Main wilp tbok i1 the harvesters‘ excursion to the West returned home last week?" ~~~ News Items.â€"Mt. Nelson and famâ€"|â€" ily have :moved: into the house Yaca | ; ted by â€" Mr. Fhilip Romingerâ€"Mr>|â€" Menno â€"â€" Burkhardt â€" of Watetloo has moved op the farm lately dotiipied B« | : Mr. George ftiest.â€"Mr. and Mrs.|| Jtanson _ Weber and daughter spent Sunday with St. Jacobs triends.â€"Ms ind _ Mrs. ~Erwin Nobt af N1 ¢ Ensthope spedt a Tew â€"days with the | ‘atter‘s verents Mr. and Mrs. Ed ard â€" Smyder.â€"Mr. and Mrs. »Wm.}, Witter spent Sunday at the home <O! Mr. _ and Mrs. Aberie at Balsab Grove.â€"Mr. and> Mrs." Solomon . SÂ¥) det otm visived with MYr3, _ ano Mrs. Aaton Shider on Suffday.â€" ‘Ftace Pfl and Miss Lulu Swit! »6t of Olivet are spending a few Ways Wwith their friends Nï¬ffllfll ® mon and Gertride Snider. â€"Mt." ‘and \Urs. Wilbert Melitzer bf West tos¢ have moved . into t et Blook. Mr. Melitier mm sosition with Mr. J. B. Snider. =Mr. Alfred â€" Sawver ~â€" of Eilmira and Mr, Charlie Riley of Sm‘gs int * Sun: day at the home formet‘s pars mts. â€"Mt. Wesliey Umbach and «ister Jiga of Woolwich spent . Sunday (at | the home of Mr. Wlw Bow man.â€"Mr. and r % | Damms visited at 6 "of Wir.. 4 mn Lavk a | triends at R #Wm. M“ on â€" g. . Hawkesville. Williamsburg. PA k4 FLORADALE. Poole. y « P Oe T k 'l gmith. shaken up. town last . week; § & @m‘.fl;‘ & few days t t Yorugen on Wothertat 'ii."p.'ï¬.’?',écam;tï¬b n * itetie d "aeWiterice . Histor: i) Hociety ‘ where he gave an adâ€" ~Mr. Georze Rush ‘has home aifter ‘ spending the M tall in‘ Western" Can#da. _|___ > ~ _ _ Messrs. â€" Notman ° Krop!, Charles Duniels and AWWert Debus, have . reâ€" turned â€" from the West where they ‘fl“tflunflb'__mgï¬i._'_ ~l s:l‘c- Lavina â€" Kropf, of Regina, f ., ‘Torimerty of this ‘tows, who m‘ï¬l us ~nttse from" the: Guelph eral ‘Hos ita) several yéars ‘ago, has ‘offered© her services as nurse to go to the front with the Saskatche: van Hospital unit, which has ~been L* wcgepted for service by the Imperial Gover: &. gy intend to . leave time in February. _ Mrs. Alired Hiahn was a visitor in town on Thursday. _ . . ; . _ [Mrs. A. Halliday and Mr. Arthutr '%lud of Godétich, were . the "uésts of theit sister, Mis. _ Andrew fararas for the weekâ€"end. _ _ _ Miss Clemens, of Berlin, was a vis itor in tows on Saturday. Nr. Eldon Bean, of Berlin, was a weekâ€"end visitor in town. â€" Mr, Ed. Merner is on a . business (rip to Winnipeg. & Dramatic â€" Society Formed :â€"A meeting was beld in the Library Hal} on Wednesday evening to form a draâ€" matic society in New Hamburg. ‘The meeting . was well attended, about twentyâ€"Ave â€" being present. The lol-( lowing officers were clected : Direcâ€" tor, Dr. Anderson ; Assistant Direcâ€" .%u. Miss Morton ; Musical Director, r. R. Gripple ; Secretaryâ€"Treasurâ€" or, Missâ€"Robson ;. Assistant Secreâ€" bary~Treasurer, Miss Boeugr; busiâ€" ness committee,. Messrs, G. Gocbel ind B. Merner, and Misses F. Kalb< ml and V . Haussamen. > The obf i of $he“|odu}r is to take up y l?A:lul trical: productions, woth comedy apd drama. _A | good ‘sevenâ€"piece orchestra has been seourâ€" wi to furnish excellent music and acâ€" company all solos, quartettes ‘and ~horuses. â€". The society . will meet every Wednesday evening. _ Already about 40 have become members «nd hote are prospects for a \"y sucâ€" «<ssful organization. h A very | enthusiastic merting was held in the Baptist church on Friday wening to stimulate rectuiting _ for the 411th South Waterloo Battalion. Reeve Debus acted as chairman _ of the meeting . and rousing addresser xere delivered by Lieut.â€"Col, Clarke x ‘Galt, Senator Ratz, F. H. Macâ€" Callum, Rev. Wiesle, Lieut, Goutliy, \. R. G. â€"Smith, and L. G. Pequeâ€" «hat. ‘Lieut. Gourlay, the rectuiting »licer here is meeting with good suc ‘Css in Mï¬nwmlu. Four _ new ectuits have received since this vieeting, namely ; Wm. Green, emâ€" Moyed at Mtr. E. H. Tyes‘ ; Harty: Smith, from Mr. Wm. Rennie‘s farm; A. "Reld, from«Mr. Levi Hostetiet‘s tarm and T. Lipscombe, from _ Mtr. Jatob Brenneman‘s farm. ‘These {cur ie all Britishâ€"botn ‘wnd haa been in‘ this country several ycars. Bgllden Yhes®, â€" Privatés ‘Tyes and Heflnt* tomprise "the recruits that enlisted vete sinte Lieut.. (Fourlay opered the ‘ecruiting office in the Debus‘ Block. The annugl meeting of the New Tambprg.Cutling Club was hold at ghe Quéen‘s Hotel on Tuesday even ng ) with a ‘very good attendance the > following, oMcers were elected ior the coming year :â€"Hon, Presi Tent, ‘A. Fraser ; President, R. _T Winn‘; â€" NiGéPres., _ J.‘ R. Feick tredsurer, E. Morner ; Secretary, L *. Bitzer ; Executive Committoe, J. %, Rav, E. Ho‘linger, T. H. Stert ing ; Games Committee, Messts. ftau \nd Feick ; Iceâ€" Comtittee, Messts.| Yinb, Sterling and Webdt. ‘The curl ing clu® expects to have a very sud cessful . season. A â€" Chtistmas Cantata, entitled. ;‘"The Siepy Santa," will be given w ‘Trinity Methodist cburch Sunday on Wedtiesday evening, Det‘}, in the church. " Wonlen‘s â€" Patriotic Bociety ide a shipment to the Red Cro#s ety, last week, dit the following| ! "rticle, 19 suits ‘of pajamas, 13 large|< body bandages, 13 small body bandâ€"| / 1 â€" (Consinugd on.Poge Ab, Aols td . 4 ages, 5 binders, 12 small pillows, 5 scable, 23 â€" pairs of socks, 30 dozen whdages, and 1900 dressings,. .. _ _| WQ Leiutditc® ut t dnb uit c t The â€" A.Y.P.A., _ of 8t. nm‘a &zï¬ held a very pleasant af ‘ p’ on Monday at the home of Mz. and Mrs. Holley. â€"Mr. and Mrs. O. 1. Becker have teâ€" v&’ trom a â€" months‘ visit with friends in Minnesota. _ _ | A marriage of interest to . New Hamburgites _ took place in Austam, Texas, on Nov. 2ith, when Freida l:c“pm Niemann, _ da of Rev. Mrs. J. Niemann,. came the bride of Mr. E. J. Meyers nlmm. Texas.~> The ceremany New Hamburg. iumuumtummumnmnmmmumm|.m|||u||uumm SHOE REPAIRING $ ERone it ds esw 7 w You Can Start a Savings Account With $1.00 _ ' Weselohâ€"Goudie, Limiteéd ‘"LThe Waterloo County LO@n . i ____ and Savings Company & . BRANCHES: BERLIN ANDTWATERLOO® 1 It is not necessary for you to wait until you have a Iat"l‘j‘l of monty in ocder to start a Savings Account with the Waterloo County Loan & Savings Company. â€" Anâ€" account can be M with $1:00 or mote, on which interest. is compounded haltâ€"yearly at 4 per cent. § R ’1 Bring your old ghoes to us and weâ€"will make new. .. This “iï¬m‘:c t sur busihore Ts in Sharge &‘M an expert and gareful workman Remember the anu. c h. We 4 Farms bough}t, soid and exohanged. Mave several customers walting for farm at once with the undersigned. . W charge uniess sale is effected. Farm Listings Wanted>" King and Frederick Sts. Bérlin W I L H E LM / THE TWIN,CITY‘8 BiG HARNESS shoP kiNG STREET, WATERLOO d a.2, T C H E L L Â¥r 100 acre farma. _ M6ty We furnish © the buysrk. will make them as good .. M# i4] *5% 1 e Pri Agl