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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 2 Dec 1915, p. 6

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I a. Kip-board. 1m no mun his et Sam! he and! so hr but _atti) as soon. Yi as lama. Writing while mun no mun to the south ot who! - he an. "We have _ I. tar in I suppose they I! new. We are now in ', ' zone. All hoatl m . V out. on davns and machine are in position on deck; Iilnr - are priced about the "rtth, baled rifies." _ Ml states that they may ". __ t one vessel a dayon their , m Fusing Cape Race." no ‘ “I I“ the Cape Race Wire- , Station. My, but. it islarge. " , "to lain wireless place tram Eng- , to Canada. We hare a wire- _ [ nation on board and every ev- li, *' Vane is a small paper issued , of hippenlngs from England." , ilt muting on the systematic way 7 , let the battalion was trans- . P"" hc xirites. "Talk ot-ynul' Bys- 'd ' 'm L We left London Ciby at night, 3‘ my and Friday night we were ' , ‘ Into (New and entrained right ig l tho boat and before daylight We IE!, . out in the St. Lawrence, out of 5 r hum quote. Now our landing at @1de for midnight., From land- _ A, V-..- um an p . I‘m, n...» ._,_, ‘53". sleep in huts: In ours more " Iiuallers and our section,mak- ' amt thirty-fMt in all. We have V ’ ty ot room and it is well heated. (iYThe roads here arr all mavadam "kigtg ihse walking. Most oi the : are made ot stone with wild irpnts on them.", - -'.. a: no one, knows when we an: WJOI’." I LIN! trom Bramshot Camp where , _. battalion is now stationed he a ‘ in an interesting way at the dis- p . Aing at Plymouth in. the great "At, IN: and ot the trip to camp. J‘Tlle railroad rarriages and en- , p, are of such a strange type but Fi ‘ I high. speed. Cars are all in mun- , w mttt fit for ten persons each. E :1 treenery1alontg the way was mag- - sent. The road is all double-track - "bore are_nn crossings, all either " - or below and the stations on V V - '77 --»--\IIAII tiilii3i' i I high. speed. Cars are all in com- u rn for ten persons iiii) -tery'alontt the way was mag-1 t. The road is all dowe-tracki l 'ulcre arena crossings, all either" 'fe' or below and the stations on g'l‘oronto Union type only smaller. “When we got about 100 miles from . _ 00k we, got orders to close all ' [ and pull the window shades. arriving at Liphnnk we had a Ito march ot about iout miles out . he camp. There is accommoda- here for 10,000 troops and it _. an!“ a b .. to Who , an. no. but ... q him, In. E. B. ottr. Wu on.” i') by min In an: at M homun- cum-d a on. 8Mh, win; two . _ ot the ocean trip is a . - In who; at on ‘1... but he mention-I tut _ un- uo Instead to the 7 the this an". "At Umar" ife.ry "are have had dithe- no - " onto on: In: and yes- Ioml. o lull diner, potatoes, sts.'."'" In! all, did down onto Win; he an: ol the condi- in - here tor 10,000 b . very niee Hate. JrAtter a few personal observations W. Thane: concludes his letter, tilllllllllfilNfl l _ fllllll0lljEllllllh l (ilhll(lltillil, 7 London, Nov. 26.-- The air protected Cruiser uenloeb has {gee}; sink asubmarine of the En- ' taAWes, according to a Fs '-official announeermmt , ileat Petmgrml. says n trh from the Central ' (Ms Agency. '/.e' The annloeb was laid down' in and Ind " displacement " I “no, deck Imor of two inches. on of " four-inch gum, two lelo when. Moo hone- lnd - of MKS when. F" "mar or non" ,, to cola-mum cm , " - " he mm. mother! lb ‘0 your mm on“ ntomncb. liver h, - not! cunning " once. r . -, emu. “mm. doom" r7 " ' or at -ur, or Ia (our "P ', ”It. bunk bad; In: . am full of tongue " Pl ot "Oultomln Syrup ot Itat" In In Ionn an ttter foul, iu"a van. undigested food ; may". out of In t Mt trim. and you Ei m an: unl- m “a. ,5"th nomad Mg, ' I M" Viki col- 'it, sy, " , hr MCI. M " EE r m- " Will! WM" can’t ham “C mm mil. “'0' .0 hunk- . one knows where we are W Prom Miran lids-w Capo Rm,” he Cape Race Wire- bul. it is large. " trrRATroRD't1 _ MAYOR IS NOT Stratiord, Nor. Lil-Tm". is no mt itttmst,ion oi holding a apt-ill meeting at the City 1upmtrit to not an Mr. Justice Middleton’s mandamus orderi" thr tmhmisttio.tt ot a Int-a! option Iy-law. Mayor Bnrnulnlo an: he will await MIMI notin- of judg- ment". and . mat-rat Int a sprial my Mmt, our-twin the it and“ not PM up until the min inn-Mu “at: M I all at J? if an“ no 1,358 YOUNG MEN CORRECTLY TAILORED MEN'S SUITS FOR $5.95 ..Men's Suits, broken lines of Men's hand-tailor- ed suits, fine tweed and worsteds, in the conserva- tion style, for both men and young men. . new ular price $7.50 to $9.00 ... ... W: tyale price .mwr.. ..... ... .. ... ....., Wi M5N'S SUITS FOR $7.95. ..250 Men's suits in the newest tingle breasted models, made of stunning Scotch Tweed. and fancy Worateds, in the most popular patterns, col- or: and weaves, all sizes, regular" $10.00 $795 and $12.00. Sale price .... ._. ...... MEN'S SUITS FOR $10.90. 328 Men's Suits, the same as you 1 over at $15.00, magnificent Worsted: single breasted models, hand-made They go in this sale .._. ... ... I' MEN'S SUITS FOR $13.80, Men's pure wool Worsted Suiu. Inna-mace, beat tailoring" lining: and trimmings, in fancy Browns, Grey: and Navy Blue, regular $13.80 $18.00 to $20.00. Sale price . .._.. . MEN'S SUITS FOR $16.80. 22.00 and 24.00 Suite, all bench tailored In Irish and Scotch Tweed: and but Engllch fancy Warned, only one to three will of a line, but all nixen.inthelot....r..... ......... . Sale price...... ..r.. ... .._ ... $1680 We were prepared for a iji business {at we 'iir'6i'i5't1iiirii'it, t,e,t',?t4 ', !', 'er-ttNPylt'.f C8MIN.lt) that thronged our store from may morn. We sold f “mimetic iiitipijitt" ' axing, FMM‘ otait Bootsand Shoes. We could have bold a good deal moreMd we. itu'rtattapaopie ut we have extra salespeople on hand for Saturday's rush and you wilt receive every attention. ' REMEMBER .. - this is a we of high-grade Clothing, Furnishings and Boots and Shoes, not left: overs or out-of-date merchandise but smart, new Clothes, Furniuhin and Boots anr, Shoes of the highest quality. The following listdives but a small idea of mthat we ttd in store for yo'u when you - - - - -- - -- “mm 'C'LerrFcLrciLLu.udAttfSu.thim. ' 250 pairs at one special purchase. The maker- wanted the money, we were ready “r the gait. We make our profit on the quantity of the ulllng. You make your big saving on each pair. _ $2.00 Trousers $1.38. $3.00 Trouser. $2.50 $2.25 Trouser. $1.63. t $5.00 Trouaera "tttr $3.00 Trousers $1.98. $6.00 Troulena 4.00 1,000 BOY'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS. In many can“ lean than makers coal. 100 Boy’s Suite, single and double Mound, In light and dark material, bloomer pants m all“ 24 tot 30, regular $4.00 to “.50 . .. . . I' $2.98 iG'iiiis. Say arousing for new. Suits.---"" world over you would have to pay at lean $6.00 and “.00, made tron Im- ported smooth 'irtiBh grey and brown Immune Wttlrttt Btratt and buckle, bloomers, one. " lo Mk regular 06.00 and 86.00 ttr. .... ... ... $3% Sole price me.... .... ..... .....r'. TROUSERS AT rs srntietrthemsetree' in In anon. to ', 18 NOT rtevent a quorum king present. and thus denying action until " is too IN A HURRY late to - advertise the hy-law. 3!).on " no Warned Suits, hand-made, as and trimmings, in “My Navy Blue, regular . epriee...,... $1380 LESS TH AN FACTORY PRICES. no as you see priced all t Worsted: and Tweeds, hand-made throughoup COL. CRAIG WILL 001mm BAMAUON In I. WELLINGTON Guelph, Noe. 21-001. J. J. cm. ot Pups. at you» muting "a 30th 'tetttteett, In "and you from on":- r,,rt'N, htm Cm mm: m o! tr, 'tttA 'et "id,iiikie- . " Ion, mm “not ttt so a“: 2fN'lu'tl' h It. s-tr-i-ct-tii--' Isn't and Young Men’- Ovor , Good comlomblo Colt, we" mum. $1090 Jun (lung of buying an lune-duo Winter Over- coat 'or $7.95. Truly I tpitqtetderful ”annual of wonderlul values. Hatcrlal: lncludo Melton, Chevlotn, Worsted: and fund Cloth. In black, brown, grey and extremely smart fancy mixtures. made in belted back In Ulnar or pllln back, Chel- terfietd, in all ain- hrr men and youno men, reg- ular $1000 and $121!) values. Sale . Compare than: with artythittg shown or made elsewhere at “6.00. extra quality in cloth, in tailoring, in lining and ttt. Sale $9% Price rr. ... ... ... "'V", ... ... ... Sample Overcoats for $9.95 Men's Overcoats for $7. 95 $298 Overcoats OUR SPECLAL 95.00. The greatest 05.“) Sun value we have ever produced, in very any“ goods, neat checks, quiet stripes and neat pancrm, the: 24 to I”. Btudqnta' size: 33. Bring the boy: along .... .... $5% Thi? In a great opp6rturtlty ... ... . STUDENTS' LARQE SIZE BLOOMER SUITS We are specializing In a big array of Bitt Boyd Big Bloomer Suits. stitched on belts, pleated aty- leu, with patch woken, the ttmieet win In Can- ada. Very npeclal hte this Sale ... ..r .m..rm... $500 $600 W" BOYS' OVENOATS. Youths', all size. up to M. Very Special sum value, for this Sat: .. Another big special Overcoat in fancy tweed. tou way collar, regular price $7.00 ..... grill) Sale price ...... .....s.'" ... m..... Children'u insulin Overcoatn. regular ssm ‘5.00. Sale prree ..p.r.. .._ .._ .._. BUY YOUR SHOES AT BIG REDUCTIONS 325 pair Women's Boots. new “yr-h than“. in Vicl Kid, with dull kid toe, patent ton. Cub- an iacia. 24 to r, Hamlin“) to $3.25 per pair. Sale price .... .., ... 24o pair Women'n popular new VIII ctylet. Gunmetal, Patent and Vlci Aid, leather, button and blucher style, medium or hlgh Melt, “10.2%. to 1, regular $3.50 to 9.00 .... ... ... $298 Sale price ...... ... ...... ... .... BestSN Fleece Shirts Ind Draw- ers, an alt». ................ Sale Price............._._...... 3r -iaiman'. 06: Wool Fleece. Sale Price ."-""r1"','L', But .11!) - Wool Rib. Sal. PNee r...............'.'. Combimuon Sula at MY and Mn’ Wool Fleece Shim and Graven. Sale Fri“. . . . . . . . . . Moo Men's High and. Shim, rcpt-cunning the very cream of Cart. ada’n loading manual-charm. Thu I“ Include. all the now ”turn: and com-I; “our... III-Inn and bare, roo- ullr $1.” and 81.25.. ........ . Sale Price ................... Fedora, Alpine In "ther to“ than... m, 0am, an and Navy MO$IIOOI7M luck, run an! - - ”new ullk “mun: trimming. MIMWIOQRJL ...........‘ , "iiiariiaiiiiriiariirTGi --Ne... aiiirjiit qiiit. "T the 5m MO SOFT FELT 39H His appointment In - eottfimted by the Mink“! M mum. Tqro 4.," "up Lint-Col. J. B. Tale: ot “its any remind the tolointment ot m Commanding om of an Vellum Battalion M ovation union. 'tr wmhmn‘ ttt Col. cm; was to Indicate that than [us been a this non to ettlttt no Inn-lion Iron “Plum. Just how thin will work out is not known. u Cot. lurk. who ha been with; [or the new ltN,%tr, grd'd'15 tto a"dl'. I my no I: h m 'akl'lliT. . morass my: 330M 1;: JlisNulr,nl tt Opened With a. "n, litiiti' a& TO $12.00 $550 chili. 75c "ATF-MEN ttAVE GREATLY unun-kmmm You". not cenftttqd u our ml. won thmqh you In ”It“ to pay only $10.00. For mum In. an the much In" coil, long Chinchilla clock, In plain on! we navy blue, also "not “only an Fwy - (mo, that as to 44, "naughtu and $1ttN £10.00. Sale "in ... ... ... ... ... It you have been plannlng "Pet 020.00 or not: far an Oven“! we-Idvlee ”1:13.me ”tunable llne of Mn Overcoat. n $14.00; the most luxurious llbrlcl, llM lamb wool Churchill“, In blue, any and brown, beautiful an wally mu. luren? clothe are all new colorlnge, ftttq luck Mel- ton: and Beaver Clams, made in dom‘lnanl "yin a! the {union centre; single and double hunted shawl collar, plain or belted track, models. snug Ttttng collare, all slut, regular $20.00 $14.” and m.” vanes. file Price . .. . .. ... Men's Overdoats for $10.90 ' Men's Overcoats for . $14.90 $590 $198 KEN A lull rang. a! “no Oman-muons, trtartrt+ Pure Wool Undorww, in all vuiQMI. We are selling Can-61'. but 36c locks for o...........".'. We are telling the more and“ In Cam "an aid we... ..r.. ' pain for ......... Puma-WIN: Soda. 2 ”In lor............ ENGLISH CASHMERE SOCKS 265 Women's Patent, . Ooh, and Gun maul, button and blacker In mat, cilia-d cloth ter., the: 2y: to r, regular t6.0t, and so.“ .. . $328 Sale price ...... ..... ... ..... .... 3mm WITH- DRAW TROOPS non TURKISH MMIEB 400 pain Laclu' Boot-Thar" are broken lots and ducal-timed "not. beautiful quality and elegant "yin. in Gun mu and We! Kid, lack” sewn atrittn," “In in the lot 2y, 10.7, regular $2.50 to $3.5), ..........' to clear at nu - Ltndol. Nov. lip-A Ram In. Puck Iron; Silosm an the mun- im so “thinning “on” trom the Tulsa Ito-nu and no dew-uh“: than to can mm: In ”cumin. M an auark " IMM- or by In? ot m nut Seq. wlih m of m Germ: (as. In an» an M- iitkt7ttitmdoorlt Wins aunt 9. Mn Input-pi, it 200 pair Miuu' (animal, Call Button BIucher Boots. Mck-y new" ao1ee, Broad “as, hula; size-11 " 2, can!” $2.50. ... .. $1 to clear at thin tale r........'..".... 250 pair - Box Cal! - .Ind Vici Kid, good "Yoh, canton-um. and low been: slut U to 10l/z, regular 01.75 to $2.00. ...I.... s . Sate Priee......r.--.------" 149 son pair Children? Shoe- in a large and varied atyle a-ttr-ttrom; “252101. regular 31551.net..........r........;....... c Sale Price............ ........r..".' 98 200 pair Men's - in all substantial will leather, when!“ all and winter weight for ""et war; In“ I to M, - an to 02.15. $1% Sale Price _........."-.."'."'.. .. Oiive, Groom. an” L the ttest MK Cah- cnnndl, meal-l. less “a with '10!) . 25c Penman’o $3.50 and um Sweater Cut. In a and mg. of colon. Sale Price............... ...... ...... ...... . an damn Isn't Fine - Coat. In - pun we and tram regular 81.50 to 02.00. Sale Price ..... ..... our fun range of “yr Jet-ten, “he“ wear at very lpeclll prices an. . . Opus-l 'u' ”than Nut and” luck (Murillo. Very Special 01.00 cm and luck Over- “It. Opal-l. "do w....... Tic. Cluck Overalls. . . ' . . . . Fur and Fur Lined and Fur Collar Cdata. Mon‘l luck - Hulk. and Fur colic o.. ercoat; rm Wining, MI W WI]! " Man's Irma mum clan. In! who - "IM, than“. Immuung, all slut. - $15 80.“. In. Price ... ... ... ... ... ' -. M more! Ila-mud Imm- lam cloth Ovucuh. “to Wm ... ... .... “and: to“ Union and. oors Navy unable mam Auto and Drlvlng lum- cuu, the mod eetrNt can In Canada $Milt reoutarth00_rie. ... ... ... ... Iron": ”not " In. Craven“... In dark grey and in: Durban“. Cloth, in - of lawn and Olive; (In. in the lot " u 46. regular $7.95 “Wand 812.”, an. Price... ... ... Men's Ralncolh, made of mm "ttttere rub barked tweed enact; um wear the - man fttr " a eight yearn. regular 01m $11% sale Price ... ... ... ... ... ... ... "r-ttst-tout-tttutr""'"""" m Select am can for Interesting Rain- coat Bargains. GREECE READY TO DISCUSS . pnoroamoxs London, Noe. ".--Att Eula: Telegraph Comply -tear t Athena uny- the Greek Government“ may to than. mwultim mm by the Emma Pow": and to atla- ‘ly all dereta" which will um com- ltomllr ttn. mm”. was. "ii"ii'i"iiFik't> uh awn-um un. . A tum-Me and!!!” M M m ther, gum or ("and would in . yen“: and“ a no cum-mum.» ttml--- it!!!“ 99.1% " $189 {fie enthuliutic crowd, swung: “I“ swam no pair - Bott CAN and Vici Kid I.“ bind-er cut, medium - and leather " soles, lino. I to ‘11, reg. M. at. who as pair - the”, all In“. “I Aria, navy and medium cola. high and modicum, the - fur-Ion. In {all thou for men, rog- " ulnr £3.50 to “W. Sale Price ......... _ 205 pair Ian's Shoes, mm» we, lax can, Hunt, Colt, Gun Metal, the very [M 1916 llucher and Button In“, regular “.60 $3.” and “All, all slut. Sale Price . .. . . . _ Ion - in an sanctum-I and Inna", ”undid made volum- {at new and much your, as w.“ u “on. for m and Sunday; m tt, " and 13, - 9.” “I BMS. . .. Wi0 Sale Vrlce ...r.. .'.. ... ............. 800 pair Bore m, In Box "tatt, In a good stylish than Ilucher, to” valid - through- out, Mew ml com, all we" put tanner; also. 1 m s, - ttrice $3.00 and 'tak $ltt5 Sale Pun w.............""'. .... ' n ".yr't2t."e',t .2111 “‘“" ’3'???" Tr ".-An SIM Men'l Mun, our $1.00 qualify. Silo Price Women's Rubbers. 2% to . ........'.' Sale Pdce....... .. amt or - Rubin". In on. " 2, tttarttHrd, regular 00:. Sale Price $125 $100 and Driving ltt!'y and. mum “a locum Pri........ Swath" u hte an. uh. 0& Work mm Oahu...” (TM are full Ulric slut)... Be" 6c Ohm told In Can- .40. very will -tn..... "inf? Him Mths on"... Hood " annual. - 00:. an "riee.---_v---n::: roan: Tr. s. l omen w an mam Matt Francisco. Nov. ".--c. C. Crowley. tormly ween! tun- uptot m county unmet num- ney'u once. Wu and“ has to. ny in emtaeettott tttN.,) plot- to dynamo numb“ tar. mm. D , our regular [be value; aim Looi,-.80.-iOrtt$0* ammo-m «nut In -,tt-etrtttt, --srtl ”um ',"', and - out: for Import- ant In on. " wool The” Sale Day for MR”. $298 sr Ge wool woo.

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