â€%{' , _ however,. would préfer lally set Mhi.t' of mu _ab k: w ' the d&p and thus . y inconvenience due : to the nlsu as. to . the *# " iter ‘ secured the {followâ€" ing expressions of opinion _ on the ratter: from <farmers attending the P E* market: * _ J06. L. LICHTY. 1t does not matt Ao me whethér the market ppet at T or 8 o‘clock. The roads re heavy during the winter months and 1 am satisfied to come at 8: 0# elock if other farmers are willing. It seems to me, however, that towns« | P should have something to say in this matter and it should.be up to P*E to set the hour of opening marâ€" $ and not the farmers. â€" W REICHERT. Opening ~the market at 8 0‘clock during â€" winter s me fine. The farmers should all ‘ ige to come at 8 o‘clock. If some get "to market a little earlier they should agree not to sell till 8 o‘â€" JOS. HERTEIS. 1 have nine mil JOS. HERTEIS. 1 have nine milâ€" to drive to get to market and am eéartily _ in favor of opening market b 8 o‘clock. If the Town _ Council on opering doors at 7 o‘clock them do so. The people will not ome till 8 o‘clock anyway whien they ifn farmers will not come till 8 o‘â€" 1 It‘s I}Not Slt::h) O + n _ary (Biscurts) " _ Last Week OME | INTERVIEWS â€" JOHN 8. KOEHLER. I am in faâ€" wor of market opening at 8 o‘clock during winter months. In crder to w market at 7 o‘clock it is ne ‘ y for me to leave home at 5 ‘clock in the morning. It is not aylight till 8 o‘clock and why open mmarket earlier. .L.‘!l. B. WEBER. I have spoken 40 ~ nearly all the farmers attending the market and they all are in favor of coming at 8 a‘clock commencing Nov. 27th and continuing throughout the winter months, The farmers ale unanimous in this matter and I do not think the townspeople will be imconvenienced by 8 o‘clock opening. It would of course be better if the %own council would order market éoors open at 8 o‘clock and the townspeople knowing this would â€" arâ€" range to le@ve their homes to reach raarket at the opening hour and the darmers would be ready to sell. JACOB SCHMIDT. _ The farmers are all agreed to come at 8 o‘clock â€"which suits me first rate. In Berlin . Sor a couple of yeats the market (Anots were open at 7 o‘clock in orâ€" ~gér that the people could get Out of the cold but no selling‘ was allowed till 8 o‘clock. Why can‘t the same thing be done here? _ DAN L. MARTIN. _ To come at _8 o‘clock to market Riould‘suit farâ€" mers as well as townspeople. I will ~pot attend market before this houtr. MRS. HY. DOERING. I am satâ€" ED. KNARR. Why can‘t the marâ€" Ket open at 8 o‘clock the same as in Berlin for a couple of years. Selling was not allowed till 8 o‘clock but the doors would be open carliet to alâ€" Jow people to keep out of the cold. 1 ) men e e To isfled to come at Winter months. _ _ POoe s es s gd Among other farmers who favored opening at 8 o‘clock were John Bruâ€" hacker, Sydney Martin, Noah Martin, Mr. Jutsi, Jonathan Martin and Em merson Martip ITALIAN BOAT PURSUED BY LARGE SUB. of the iarmers Atâ€" wiloo market Saturday, ?v" eâ€"aifirmed their intenâ€" coming at 8 o‘clock next Satâ€" morning and throughout the v'gml. irrespective of _ any taken by the Waterloo Counâ€" Madrid, Nov. 20.â€" A telegram received here toâ€"day, gives a wireâ€" less message _ said to have been sent out. by the Italian Steamâ€" ship Verona, stating that she was being purdued by a large submarine with two periscopes and accompaâ€" nied by a steamer. The Verona‘s position is given as between Sarâ€" dinia and Majerca. GOME AT EIGHT at Waterloo Mar ffirm Decision of REGISTERLO 8 o‘clock during ERNSTS .$# &.®. ERNST S THE SALE OPENED WITH A RUSH 1,358 YOUNG MEN CORRECTLY TAl LORED. .. MEN‘S SUITS FOR $5.95 ..Men‘s Suits, broken lines of Men‘s handtailorâ€" ed suits, fine tweed and worsteds, in the conservaâ€" tion style, for both mem and young men. . Regâ€" ular price $7.50 to $9.00 "W ... ....../> %95 Sale pFIGE ...... ..... k66 k4 e6% n d 69# MSN‘S SUITS FOR $7.95. ..250 Men‘s suits in the newest single breasted models, made ‘of stunning Scotch Tweeds and fancy Worsteds, in the most popular patterns, colâ€" ors and weaves, all sizes, regular $10.00 $7.95 and $12.00. Sale price .... ... .>>>+>* MEN‘S SUITS FOR $10.90. MEN‘S SUITS FOR $13.80 Men‘s pure wool Worsted Suits, handâ€"made, best tailoring,, linings and trimmings, in fancy Browns, Greys and Navy Blue, regular $1380 $18.00 to $20.00. Sale price . ..... â€" MEN‘S SUITS FOR $16.80. 22.00 and 24.00 Suits, all bench tailored _ in Irish and Scotch Tweeds and best English fancy Worsted, only one to three suits of a line, but all gizes, in the 10t qs ee e eve en ane ns es s‘ï¬m Sale price 250 pairs at one special purchage. The maker wanted the money, we were ready for the goods. We make our profit on the quantity of the selling. You make your big saving on each pair. $2.00 Trousers $1.38. $3.00 Trousers $2.50 $2.25 Trousers $1.68. $5.00 Trousers $4.00 $3.00 Trousers $1.98. $6.00 Trousers 4.00 1000 BOY‘8 SUITS AND OvERrcoaATs. + In‘ many cases less than makers cost. 100 Boy‘s Suits, single and double breasted, in light -x dark material, bloomer pants in sizes 94 tot 30, regular $4.00 to $4.50 . ... ... w BBoy‘s Suits.â€"The world over you would have to pay at least $6.00 and $6.00, made from imâ€" ported smooth finish grey and brown tweeds, large fitting strap and buck!s, bloomers, sizes 26 to 30, regular $5.00 and $6.00 .... s... .>. s«> m We were prepared for a big business but *dw!;! M&u@prï¬d at the enmloï¬ that thronged our store fron.early morn. We sold an immense amount of ing, irnis â€"and Boots and Shoes. We could have sold a good deal more had we the & eople <‘but: we have: extra salespeople on hand for Saturday‘s rush and you will receive every attention. o {;.0 08 0 ti 00 "" r] c $ Cc s ie oo mt ts Clus mm o o 2o t L T wigt s " <% # overs or outâ€"ofâ€"date mercha.ndï¬e but smart, newâ€"Clothes, flï¬midnflï¬: «and Boots nï¬ \Shoés of the highest quality. The following list gives but a small idea Oof ‘what we have in store for you when you come. â€"Easy choosing for Saturday. Money Saving Opportunities All Over the Store. > "Se" E° Remember â€"â€" this is a sale of highâ€"grade Clothâ€" ing, Furnishings and Boots and Shoes, not leftâ€" TROUSERS AT LESS THAN FACTORY PRICES. see priced all In many cases less than the present cost of cloth. . Men‘s and Young Men‘s Over s & COMATS ... r.. ses 4e sa> ae+ sex ++« * sm Good comfortable Coats, well tailored. Just thing of buying an upâ€"toâ€"date Winter Overâ€" coat for $7.95. Truly a wonderful assortment of wonderful values. _Materials include Meltons, Cheviots, Worsteds and Tweed Cloths, in black, brown, grey and extremely smart fancy mixtures, made in belted back in Ulster or plain back, Chesâ€" terfield, in all sizes for men and young men, regâ€" ular $10.00 and $12.00 values. Sale paee* LUC‘G ... . P c h: Wgs Compare these with anything shown or made elsewhere at $16.00, extra quality in cloth, . in tailoring, in lining and fit. â€" Sale ms PPWGW ... .11 cbl savharcare 9k is ++s Sample Overcoats for $9.95 Men‘s Overcoats for $7,.95 Overcoats QUR SPECIAL $5.00. ‘The greatest $5.00 Suit value we have ever produced, in very choice goods, neat checks, quiet stripes and neat patterns, sizes 24 to the students‘ sizes 33. Bring the boys along .... .... â€m This is a great opportunity ... ... . STUDENTS‘ LARGE SIZE BLOOMER SUITS. We are specializing in a big array of Big Boys‘ Big Bloomer Suits, stisched on beits, pleated styâ€" les, with patch pockets, the niftiest suits in Canâ€" ada. Very special for this Sale .:. ...: .cck¢c+«: $500 $600 $7"° BOYS!‘â€"OVERCOATS. e omm n d ie F Another big special Overcoat in fancy tweed, tou way colflar, regular price $7.00 ..... ss.w Sale BrIGG .i.2.. ..iv ie l k2 k66 6+ + Children‘@ Russian Overcoats, regular ss.w $5.00. ~Saleprige ....... ... 20. â€">>> Youths‘, all sizes up to 35. Very Special $8.00 value. . _Fo! this Sale .. BUY YOUR SHOES AT BIG REDUCTIONS 325 pair Women‘s Boots, new sty!‘sh shapes, in Vici Kid, with dull kid tops, patent toes, Cubâ€" an heels, sizes 2%, to 7, regular $3.00 to sl.gs $3.25 per pair. Sale price .... ... ..â€" 240 pair Women‘s popular new fall styles, Gunmetal; Patent and Vici Kid, leather, button and blucher style, medium or high heels, sizes 2V/, to 7, regular $3.50 to $4.00 .... ... ... sz.gs Sale PMIGG ...... ... kx 6k k6 66 ++ ++ Best 50c Fleece Shirts and Drawâ€" @re, all §1268. ...........k..++ Sale PrIG@ .......22......k..+% 39‘: Penman‘s 65c Wool Fleece. 48: Sdte Prite‘................ .. o6 Best $1.00 heavy Woo!l Rib. 7Sc Sale Prige .......20....00..0+0+ Combination Suits at 90c and up. Boys‘ Wool Fieece Shirts and 35e Drawers. Sale Price.......... 1200 Men‘s High Grade Shirts, representing the very cream of Canâ€" ada‘s leading manufacturers, This lot includes all the new patterns and colire; figures, stripes and bars, regâ€" ular $1.00 and $1.25.. ........ ae Fedora, Albine an dother soft shapes, Brown, Olive, Greens, Grays and Navy Blue; also a few Black, raw and bound edges, narrow and . wide silk banÂ¥s, silk trimmings, Regular $2.00 to $2.80. ....,}.0.00.00++ â€o #dlint 350 SOFT FELT TO $12.00 15° HATSâ€"MEN SAVE GREATLY $590 A full range Stanficld‘s P in all weights. We are selling Canada‘s best 35¢ #0CK® fOP\...... 00. .e > 09++ Be sure and see these Overcoats. You aré not confined to our style even though you are asked to pay only $10.90. For instance thése are the much full coat, long Chinchilia éloth, th plain grey and navy blue, also rough Scotch and Fancy Mixâ€" We are selling the best §0c Cashâ€" mere Socks in Canada, special, less than old prites, .......}}>> ¢ $ pairs fOP .....000k k6 0+ ++ IN Penman‘s 20c Sacks, .....â€"â€" 25c tures, sizes 33 to 44, regular $15.00 and $16.00, Sale Price ...â€"... ... ... iks Penman‘s 20¢ Socks, 2 p@ir® fOP......}}0}>s $22.00 for an Overcoat we advise you to see this. seasonable line ‘of fine Overcoats at $14.90; the most luxurious fibrict, fine famb wool Chinchillas, i:â€hluc, grey and brown, beautiful soft woily mixâ€" tures? cloths are all new coldrings, fine Black Melâ€" tons and Beaver Cloths, made in dominant styles of the fashion centre; -a'lngte and double breasted shaw!lâ€"collar, plain or belted back, models, snug fitting collars, all sizes, regular $20.00 sl 4.†and $22.00 vaues, Salé Price ... ....... if you have been phmilpj to invest $20.00 or ENGLISH CASHMERE §0CKS Men‘s Overcoats for $10,90 Men‘s Overcoats â€" for $14.90 265 Women‘s Patent, Colt, and Gun metal, button and blucher in mat, calf and cloth tops, sizes 2%, to 7, regular $4.00 and $4.50 ... g†Sale price ...... ..... ..20kÂ¥.3k .668 400 pairs Ladiés‘ Bootsâ€"These are broken lots and discontinued lines, beautiful quality and clegant styles, in Gun metal and Vici Kid, Mckay sewn soles; sizes in the lot 2}/, to 7, regular $2.50 to $3.50) s.......2« to clear at thi ssale to clear at this sale 200 pair Misses‘ Gunmetal, Calf Button. and Blucher Boots, Mckay sewn soles, broad toes, low heels; sizes11 to 2, regular $2.50. ..... sl.sg saâ€"ALABKâ€"BF HHIG RBIG .. Jc..cllzasrkreses 250 pair Girls‘ Box Calf Boots and Vici Kid, good stylish, comfortable\and low heels; sizes 8 to 10%,,, regular $1.75 to %400. ........ » Sale PrIG@ ........02fegkkk es .0. r k +9 3149 300 pair Children‘s Shoes in a large and style and sizes to select from; sizes 2 to 7, $1.35 to $1.65. .... 0000666666666 d k e 6k 669 Sale Prige ..........00 0(666 6k kÂ¥ k66 0+# 200 pair Men‘s Shoes in all substantial . solid leather, splendid fall and winter weight for rough wear; sizes 6 to 11, regular $2.25 to $2.75. slw Sale Prige ........6 6636686689 9646 e of time ComWinations, Pure Wool Underwear, 259° $1090 Penman‘s $3.50 and $4.00 Sweater Coats in a good range of colors. Sale PrIG®.............,..2..... sekkkk sea%kk08 20 dozen Men‘s Fine Sweater Coats in heavy pure woo! and Browns, regular $1.50 to $2.00. Sale Price ........... Our full Parige of Boys‘ Jerseys#; _ Sweaters and Sweater . Coats school wear at very spécial prices _ for this sale. A alle.. .. Special $1.25 Stripped Blue and.. Bizck Overalls. Very Special $1.00 Blue and Black Over alls, Special, this Sale...... Canada best Union made Overâ€" _ 656 Work Shirts for THE WORK COuD$ AND OVERALLâ€"STOAE OF BERLIN _ $169 varied regular Interesting Rainâ€" â€" . coat Bargains. Fur and Fur Lined and Fur Collar .. Coats. \ Men‘s Black Beaver Plush, lined Fur Collar Ovâ€" ercoat, rubber interlining, all sizes, regular slz $17.00, Sale Price ¢..0...02., 22. .02 .. Mén‘s British Melton Cloth, Fur Collar coaté, chamols interlining, alt sizes, regular §20.00, Sale Price ... ... ... i..0 ... ... $75.00 Northern Ratâ€"lined British Beaver Cloth Overconts, Sale Price ... ... .... =$70.00 Select Coon coats for ... ... .+:. Heavy double texture Auto and Driving Rainâ€" coats, the most serviceable coat in Canada â€w regular $6.00, Sale Price ... ... ... â€"». Broken lines of fine Cravencttes, in dark grey ahd fine Burberette Cloth, in shades of fawn and Olive; dizes in the lot 35 to 46, regular 3795 $10.00 and $12.00, Sate Price ... ... ... Men‘s Raincoats, made of double texture rubâ€" berized tweed effect; wil wear the average man for six.or eight years, regulat $15.00, Suk Prite ..; ... â€":1. . .6 Phe usn .amen SWEATERS COATS SPECIAL 300 pair Men‘s Box Calf and Vici Kid Boots, blucher cut, medium heavy solid leather sl†soles, sizcen 06 to 11, reg. $3.00. Sate price 285 pair Men‘s Sho¢s, all leathers, all styles, heavy and medium doles, high and medium, the latest fashions in fall shoes for men, regâ€" sz.gs ular $3.50 to $4.00. Sale Price ......... 265 pair Men‘s#Shoes, \‘m weights, Box Calf, Patent, Colt, Gun Metal, the very latest 1915 Blucher and Button lasts, regular $4.50 ï¬m and $5.00, all sizes. Sale Price ...... Boys Boots in all substantial solid leather, splendid made weights for school and rough weaf, as well as weights for best and Sunday; sizes 11, 12 and 13, regular $2.00 and $2.25. ... slm Sale VHIGE x..... i.. siÂ¥ kisirtii.¢e.. 300 pair Boys‘ Boots, in Box Calf, in a good stylish shapeâ€"Blucher, tops solid leather throughâ€" mlcuy sewn soles, all well put together; ‘sizes 5, regular price $3.00 and $3.25. szzs Salé PFHIGE .i,.i..rccircllcrricee iss Men‘s Rubbers, our usual Standard $1.00 quality. Sale Price .............. Women‘s Rubbers, our regular 80¢ value; sizes Py 0 B ....2 002010 iscc is en e $Â¥kge c +s Sale Prige....... 2.........Â¥kskkkrvk2.. 59‘ Girls‘ or Misses‘ Rubbers, in sizes 11 to 2, Standard, regular 60c. Sale Price .. $125 $100 + 750 ‘ _ Wned, regular 40¢ §0¢ Sale Price..... .. D Men‘s Mule Skin Gloves, lined or unlined, regular 50c. Sate Price. .o viskeees}}.2008 e Boys‘ Black Sheep Mitts, (These are full large sizes)... Best 85¢ Shirt sold in Canâ€" ada, very special Bargain..... â€" $1190 Over. $15 $49