nc ons ons on Protay excning | h‘GI" +1 qvening e mt es J Ja: ling, * v;‘b%y inténd to spend time this winter. ome of Mr Mrs. Alvin D; Hucther returnéd to :cuuu'rmnmmhlh: F‘Fï¬â€™&ml hml '# A suitable Christmas gift for broâ€" or w 154.‘ Sbteaidienfele b be mailed to any address o-phkm«-vmnm- 50â€"Subscribe now. ue 73 > lowing Mevie Iosa \.1ONDGEDIIE, LW"' was*‘ fortunate in winâ€" -umaue-nï¬:udm prize at the Bridge Clb Atiring on a silver tray. the sixâ€" the home of Mrs. Hartman Krug 01| yearold fower girl, Eleanor Clenden [a i eenmstaemiet hs C® ‘ Mrs. Hartman Krug asked a ""l‘&mmmammnuum of her. t:“-'fl“h"""“‘ PSCiof the brownâ€"eyed bride, who looked the Rooms in Waterl00 OB|no,sually handsome as she leaned upâ€" . afternoon. on the arm olfll::r hthgr.ndnoo': ondered at groom‘s choice Miss Rodgers entertained a few of|/ hapy o Citkâ€" her friends w_wEM!:‘z:.ï¬â€™M“&‘m?ï¬:.m the Miss Geneva .Jackson entertained her friends to tea on Thursday afterâ€" moon at the Waterloo Red Cross Tea © Roylin‘ Ne«ws$s ‘ A meeting of the Pt:u-ogx , _ Daughters * kfr:':d at the home o!‘m'l. C. . Mills on Friday aftermoon. At the close of the meeting, when a number of hew members joined, Mrs. Mills served tea which was greatly enâ€" joyed. K e * & "Mrs. ‘Aug. R. Lang entertained to a couple of tables of Bridge last Satâ€" rday afternoon, when the guest _ of qmor . was . Mrs. Forsyth. _ Mrs. y was fortunate in winning the pretty prize for high score. . Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ruby were in ‘Toronto on Friday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank £. Hodgins have réturned from . their wedding trip ..(l m l‘lvin_g in their home, Queen: street, South. Mrs. Wim. H. E. Schmalz received on ‘Thursday afternoon for the first time since her marriage at her pretâ€" ty new home, F_rederick street. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Clement . had a small dance at their home~ last Saturday might in _ honor of their guest, Miss Schell, of Woodstock. a eÂ¥ * > Miss Gwladys Lippert entertained a NMr. and Mrs. James J. MacCallu® |rey friends at cards on Wednesday entertained to four tables of BFiGE®|pvening in bonor of her guest. Miss on Monday evening for Mrs. Stoodyimeatrice Gordon, of Stratford. Mrs. ahd Miss_ Hutchins, Miss Power Oï¬ qsear Lippert won the pretty ladies‘ Toronto,. won the ladies‘ prize . for; prize, Mr. Edward Dunbrook â€" the the highest score, and Mr. MCCIOUd;, pontiemen.s and Miss Mylnis and Mr. the ‘gentliemen‘s prize. Louis McBrine the consolations, Mrs. Harry H. Huchnergard gave a *‘Hard Time‘‘ party on Monday night. ‘There were about fifteen present.and the costumes were unique. An enjoyâ€" able time was spent by all, and . all wished they _ would see the hostess‘ guest, Mrs. Herring, anln.' in Berlin Mr. and â€"Mrs. Wai. J., Mot# entertained Miss Margaret Foley of Boston, is the guest at : the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. H. Laifig for a week, in the near fotdre B . ... .. â€" Mr. Jolin‘ A. Lang is spenalng the weekâ€"end in Mt. Clemens, Mich., with s Gwladys Gabel\â€"and Miss Lulu 1 returned to Toromto on _ Friâ€" aiter spending> the week ab the A suitable Christmas _gift.for. broâ€" ther, sister or friead wonl‘ be a year‘s subgcription to the Chromicleâ€"Teleâ€" gmm be mailed to any address in for $1.00, or United States $1.50â€"Subscribe now. to ‘a few tables of Bridge on Thursâ€" “! â€˜ï¬ in .m‘“. of Hu Stoody and Hutchins." After a _ very pleasant game, Mrs. MacCallum won the ladies‘ pretty prize: and Mr. Reinâ€" hold Lang the gentlemen‘s. tb ï¬mm'?.'y‘."'““ Mrs. Lang. s. Genttes, of Parry Sound _ is p "':me rt & home . of Mrs. Geo. C. H. Lang. tollowing . déscription of the * of a popular. former votcaâ€" list, iu;ary_ Hallman, -_‘re’ol’hi in _ The ‘News of Orand Bay, Alaâ€" bama, will be read with interest by the friends of the bride in Berlia and Â¥vicinity : RLH"s ) ; The Methodist Episcopal church, South, in Orand Bay, was the scene ‘ï¬â€™ wedding on Wednesday, , at 5 o‘clock, when Mr. K. Bchell. and Miss Mary: of ‘Toronto, Canada, » Tikke we coircs. . which filled ‘the church. Hallman had been visiting bet Mr. and Mrs, A. 8. _Hallâ€" € removed here from Berlin, . about two years ago.. _ h Soporinged. Lacel odd Petsouki. and Mrs. A. J. Gabel c Pivreace, Browe ift..for. broâ€" W@ï¬'w Dr. Clenidening, acted as girl and ring bearet,. ‘The groom was unsitended. As the audience gathered the young uol “' “Mumwu: seats. hile w §Ejoric Clatins." All vore Orimcd Arim inss en Rosa _ Clendening,. the . two little \Venetin ‘‘ by, Nevin, and ied Piplekte "nrowding Habg, â€" moet sweetly "At Dawning," by Cadman. "The strains of the Lohengrin wed: ding march beraided the approach of bride, the groomâ€"accompanied by Gléndéning, and Rev. D. D. Harmon, ns i ons ed by the rear door and took their places as the attendants come dovn\ the aisie. Miss Bessic Elstn and Miss Majori¢ Clemens, CAIIYAâ€"G . atm. bouguets of pure white cosmos came first, followed by Miss Louise Elston ani Miss rm-:nmh.. ;x lwu_ fln ""hre Tove Cidhtcning, altar Mrs. H. R. Thornhill, réceived for the first time as a matron, on . Friâ€" day afternoon. _ She wore her. wedâ€" ding pvwn of white satin, with pearl and lace trimmings, and a corsagt and lace trimmings, and a corsagt bouquet of â€"red roses. Her mother, Mrs. Agrow Roos, of Listowel, who received .with her was gowned in black satin and wore a corsage bouâ€" [quot of pink.â€"roses. _ Mrs. M. Roos, in green satin and black lace, also received with the pride. The drawing room looked protty with pinkâ€" : and: white roses as â€" decorations. . Mrs. Marrin in a gown of black lace with pretty black hat, ushered the guests to the teaâ€"room. Mrs. Carl Bochmer, in black charmeuse and black hat, cut the ices, while Mrs. Kalbfieisch in a black â€" satin gown ‘hd')l’ï¬h\‘ poured. tea. . The table â€" was . conâ€" tered . with pink and white mums ‘with pink â€" and white roses in . four tiny vases at eachâ€"corner of the table, ’rl‘he assistants were : Miss Howé, of Listowel, in plue satin, and pink hat; ! Miss Mickus of Preston, in, white ninâ€" !on and white hat ; Mrs. Aacques in champagne crepe de chine and black hat ; Mrs. Harttung in cerise . ninon and black hat, and Mrs. Forsyth in peach satin with becoming black hat Miss Hope Bowman entertained a few flru to tea on Friday afternoon for Por >r of Toronto. Mré. Aaton . Roos and Miss Howe, of Listowel, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Thornhill. Mr. Geo. C. H. Lang is home from his trip to Chicago, Dr. and Mrs. F. H.. Kalbfeisch, Dn-‘ ton street, is taking up vocal studies under the instruction of" Senor Morâ€" ando at the Canadian Academy . of Music, Toronto. The Princess of Wales Chapter ol the Daughters of the Empite held _ a! largely . attended . and enthusiastic \mottuln thie home of Nrs. C. H. Mills, corner Young and Duke streets. Afternoon tea was served and matâ€" ters pertaining to the weMare of Berlin soldiers leaving for the front were discussed. It was arranged to thold a card jparty in the Masonic Hall next Thursday afternoon at . 3 o‘elock, the funds to go toward supâ€" plying Kits for the soldiers. A cordâ€" ial invitation to all tadies of the city to attend is extepded. If Your Throat is Husky, Oatarrh May Be Starting A weak or irritated throat is the first step towards catarth,. _ Everyâ€" thing depends on your remedy. _ A m mixture slips quickly over the Bpots, drops into the stomach and does little but harm digestion, It‘s altogether different with Catarrâ€" hozoneâ€"it cures because it gets right at the trouble. You inhale Catarrhoâ€" {mmï¬o in the Â¥apor of bealing that strengthen and restore ‘the weak throat tissues. You‘ll never have colds or coughs. Throat trouble and catarth ".ui.'cvm the use of Catarrhozone. the large dollar outht which includes the . inâ€" halet, it lasts two months and _ is Miss Gratia Kalbfeisch, daughter of giaranteed to cure, Smai and 50c., sold everywhere, t of the «Quich, Fat aize 25 sault in the Police Court toâ€" ahav&ufllhdofl Meve that he had been the , V! the ‘ victim looked . even W hanpened to be a WOmAL. to Q'E-h'h-:"zi x < : m of. the hoi s M n B The case was adjourned nntil the morn‘ng in order to procuse certain witnesses. Pie. Herbert White, one of Berlin‘s tour members, of ‘the 1st Contingent m-a’owmn%m his home in Centralia and is visiting at the home ‘of his uncle, Mr. Fras cis Hohibein, Lancaster street. Pte. White, who was invalided a whort time ago, is not, 48 first â€" reports had it, blind in bis right eye. He was hit just below the 7 LARecc . T L ht first â€" reports had it, b“l“l& right eye. He was hit just below éye. The wound is now almost bea}â€" ed .dmmul;hl“v hite gonux,‘a-on\o The trenches. He belioves that . this will be about New Year‘s. He is spending ‘ the day Visiting friends in Preston and Hespeler. WORN, WORRIED Her Many Duties Affect Hor Health and Often She Breaks Down Completely It is little wonder that there are many times in a woman‘s life when she feels in despair. There is x nineâ€"hour day for the usy housewif ‘There are a hundred things about the home to keep her busy from the time she arises until it is again bed time. What is the result? Often her nerves give way, her good looks suffer, her blood becomes thin, her digestion is disturbed and her system threatened with a complete breakdown. Every. woman should do all possible to proâ€" tect her health and good looks, and there is one way in which she can do this, and that is by taking Dr. Wil« liam‘s Pink Pills _ These actually make new, rich blood, strengthen â€"eÂ¥â€" ery nerve and every organ, bring the glow of health to the cheeks \ lat.l ibrightness to the eyd. These pills _â€" s8H0T BELOW EYE GEABmUReRt e Wl o OOmLF have done more to make the lives of | thousands of women: sunshiny . than anything else in the world. Mrs. Danâ€" lel Theal, Waterioo, Ont., says: *L was very much run down, my blood was thin and watery and I would faint at the least excitement. suffered from headaches and dizziness and oftâ€" en it seemed as though there were clouds before my eyes. Finally I was forced to go to bed with weakness. [ dootored for six weeks while in bed without receiving any benefit, Finally 1 was induced to take Dr. Williams® Pink Pills, and when J had taken ten boxes 1 was completely cured, and never felt better in my life. 1 am con: vinced that what Dr. William£ Pink Pills did for me they will do fos lothou. and I warmly recommend them to all weak women." . j _ You can get these Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. William Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. REV. MR. LANG FOR g8T. JOHN‘S CHURCH Another one was added to the list of recruits on Friday, when Jos. Hemmerly, aged 27, next of ‘kib, wile, King St., enisted. of a successor â€" to the Rev. J.W.J. Andrew decided recently to extend a call to the Rev. H. M. Lang Ford of Listowel. _ Mr. Lang Ford‘s acceptâ€" The Parochial , Committee of St. John‘s church that has been considâ€" ering for some time the appointment ance was received this morning, and he will enter on his new duties â€" as soon as arrangements can be . made with his congregation at Listowel. ‘The committee considered very care: fully the names of the available clergy in the diocese, and heard many of them preach. That the / call . to Mr. Lang Ford was perfectly unaniâ€" moÂ¥# is a tribute to him both as a man and minister. He is held in the highest esteem by the people of Lisâ€" towel who.will be sorry to see him leave. ud“lll undoubtedly prove a worthy , :‘m to hl':). “:ndt.m and: a W e addition of 'alln'lmw Claizons, ; ANOTHER RECRUIT FROM WATERLOO. wWONEK \ “" p » . )’ 4 Mgfl,.‘ , a~400 U ai. me eachers, excepting ::plcu-anl.,vu'_':iz '.- +©"@W M_u-}:ï¬:‘:m“n;‘ mt; ‘City :‘-u"n r-rl‘"“ weo . he w"‘“‘;‘â€â€˜"“‘"“ , W d os Koi + yo fity dollars, irrespective of pre= A motion 9 by the Board uou-d-hn-' . y \ummw-{“ï¬"’ ,umcomcomhwolmmb fmmtnum-nl.nm meeting. The suggestion was also | made ““WM.» ,ptmwï¬tnï¬lfl“““’“ the ‘| purpose of presenting the matter 40 e e o t ol Intonashol 4s was asked ve “"""z.. to the length Smfla of the ent teachers at Nand. fxs" Patriotic Concert. ‘The teachers, at their meeting held at Sudaby Schoo! iast Friday, arâ€" ranged to give a patriOtic concert in which the grogramme will be furnishâ€" ed by the staff and pupils without the assistance <of any Outside talent, And presentedé a request to the Board to be allowed to carty out the â€" same. ° ‘The members ~of the That Bodrd were in hearty sympathy with the moÂ¥ve and granted the desired permission with pleasure. It ‘is . unâ€" derstood that Mr. Otto Smith: will act as director, A stmall admission fee will be charged and the proceeds which‘ should: come to a‘ good â€" sized sum, will be donsted to the Beriin riiy . fSchool , Red Cross Society PRESENTEDP WITH | "TBRI8ST WATCHES A pleasant -urlx:m was umlmdj at the home of Mr. V. S. Mcintyre, King street west, on Friday evening. to the three young men of the staff of the Berlin Light Commission who have enlisted for active services with the Canadian Overseas forces, when the Commissioners . and oflu‘hfl ;pw to give the. volunteers a Taxewell party. C * * et, of the 7ist Battalion, and Ptes. Walter Wiltén and David Sim, of the 118th Battalion, and during the coutse . ‘of the evening‘s programme they _ were made the recipients . of wrist watches and shaving sets, both ‘ The. employes who were hm:lx were Lance Corporal Ira Diefenba of which will come in very handy to the boys while in active service. ‘The remainder of the evening was spent in a social mauner, Lance Corp. Di¢fenbacher, having to leave at an early hour in order to catch the last car for Galt at which point he is at present stationed, with C. Company. n L aAL Considering the small size of their staff, the Berlin Light Commission have a record to be proud of.and they are glad of the chance to show their appreciation of the splendid actions of the boys, in some tangible form, NEW PASTOR FOR _ KING S8T. BAPTIST CHURCH, BERLIN Rev. P. C. Cameron, B.A., B. Th. of Windsor who has accepted the call to the King street mt church of _ Berlin preached his opening sermon in that church on Sunday Rev. Cameron has been in the minâ€" istty éver since graduating with ist chass homors from the Maniioga Uniâ€" versity in 1893, While cngaged in taking a course in theology at Mcâ€" Master University, Toronto, ho kept Stouftvilie Baptist church, where. ho up his regular work as pastor of the rempmined for five and oneâ€"hall years when he accepted , cali to ‘Paris.‘ MR. EDWIN ROAT ‘The death of one of Berlin‘s well knowiw citizeas, Mr. Edwin Roat, touk place on Saturday motning _ at his â€" residence, 38 Alma ‘street. The deceased suffered from Beatt trouble o atag. "_" 0_ months. © ‘The deceased was a native of ‘Berâ€" lin and was in his 69th year. In ';l:: eatly manhodd he nr(d‘h u«’lcry business J:r which ho . beâ€" came connected with the J.Y. Shant: Button Co., as travelling represenitaâ€" tivo und covered Canada and the Uniâ€" ted States extâ€"nsivoly. During the last twontyâ€"cight years he travelled for the D. Hibmer FPurniture Co., and was one of the best known travollers in the Province. He was a 32nd de r Mason, and will be Buried with asonic honors on Tuésday afterncon. He | is survived By two sisters, Mrs. Habuiizh â€" Huber, of New York ..OI‘.:‘: and _ Mrs. Mary Waugh, of Three daughters, Flotence, Margarat and Lauta of this city, and one son, EKdwin Chacles, of Philadeiphia, atso ‘suktive, _ €% j the Public Schoo! teachers OBITUARY health for some business this *Â¥ it phe P has been‘ apâ€" Peant and is busy aÂ¥ het 19b 10 day W. EWART CLEMENS, fl;â€' . lin. Born in Canada. of D. H. Olemens, father, 241 Prederâ€" lok ubte0t.. ~ / E. J. F. GEUBATEY, ageod 29, Berâ€" lin.. Bomm in England. Next of kin Lillian Gellatly, wife, 14 Rose, 5%, PETER ROSENBERG, age 27, Berâ€" lin, Born in Cgnada. Next of kin ~ Christing Rosenberg, mother, Hanâ€" | over, Ount. * ‘ S feer n Canain, hest (nd kin Jacob _ Rosenberg, father, 260 Frederick street. noile.‘ & “ï¬f%:?. Q’%l f&fl %:5‘ _ ENLISTED WITK | 118TH BATTALION Thrée more recruits were taken on for the 118th Battalion on Thursday This brings the strength: of: the force up to about ~sixty men.: The latest recruits are: C‘A. HOURIET, age 30, ~84 ~Eigin strées. Born in Switzerland: Next of kin Rosa Houriet, mother, Neu« chatel, Switzerland. ns e ue w.C. CARMICHAEL, age 34, Haliâ€" tax.â€" Born in Canada. Next of kin John â€" Carmichael, brother, Milâ€" waukee, Wis: . . ; P. FROMM, 'ï¬ 19, Waterloo. Botn in Canada," Next of kin WÂ¥ Fromm, father, Waterloo, C ' ce CONSTABLE FINED _ â€" â€" POR JOY RIDING ol kin Sarah Beal, sister, day alternoon at three ‘o‘clocls and answered© the charge of neglect â€" of duty and . of ‘ taking an automobile from the garage of Peter K. W without the consent of the omrd::: was fined $230 ‘and his rmgmto( act “’_f“. us Pr ...;.) ax P. C. George ~Thompson & before the Police Commission His resignation was accepted py the Commission _ with the understanding that if he was accepted for overseas service betore the month was up the Commission Wwould not stand in the way of his enlisting at once, ; ARRANGING FOR COMING y POULTRY SHKOW ‘The Berlin Poultry Association held its semiâ€"mioumthly meeting on Wednesâ€" day evening and . was well attended. As might e expected the main topic for the evening was in reference to the comh? lhg;. The prize lists will be ready for distribution this . week and is brimful of special and _ cash prize «Rerings. . The boys are _ onâ€" thusiastic and, are eagerly looking lt wgrd\oholdlnsthbutsbow in history of Berlin. . ‘The Telegrtaph is in receipt of . a postal card from Pte. James Fartell, of the @nd Canadian Pioneers, statâ€" sqmtmuwhlhuflï¬h Queptc sufély. He also states . that there are 200 wounded soldiers v mnm-n'umhlmlom’- seas, some London, . Thomas, .du‘hmmlmmnlmh. He could not say. who. they. wore, sbut wlllll‘fl‘. « Messrs. C. H. Janzen and H. B. Strome were inted delegates to the Confedera‘ q‘- of Local Poultry Associations ‘of Ontario, the Convenâ€" tion taking place at the Winter Fair Building at Gugiph, on Dec. 8th. NEW MANAGER â€" OF STAR THEATRE Mr. A.. J. Reddy, the new of the Star Theatré is a M‘ tion and arranging for a strong Proâ€" :‘mme for the coml;km Mtr. y‘s wide expori in the theâ€" atrical and m:vlng picture business, extending over fifteen years, will be of special â€" value to him in carrying out his aim to give patrons of â€" the Stat Theatre a class of pictures seâ€" cond to any shown in the big cities. It will be of interest to Berliners to _kmow that Mr. Reddy, although still quite a youlg man, is a British veteran of the South African war,. having seen active service in some ol the chief engagements including | the reliet of Lodysmith and ‘the battle of Poardeborg: and carrics: several scats ol battle wÂ¥ iv FOUR WOUNDED put BERLIN SOLDIERS ARE IN QUEBEC sre TAKES CHARGE sister, Kent Co.. T.if ing wariety, . There is 20Â¥ & Buy your Christmas Presents now * and Save Money Ifl ‘Every., Article at Reduced Prices . ; Oall in and aee our fine tine of Furnitiira. . . }~ ((C0}. «& c\ _ . Store ppen every evening: untit 9 s‘clock. AX 3 es * 4 POP CaANT TA hon on ‘The seating capacity of the Zion MMVMMM»:& utmbst to sccommodate the crowd of who â€" listened to the Cantata * y" by Rhysâ€"Herbert . on Thursday ovin‘ug. F mnflmeâ€"hï¬hm! one of most popular in America ami is full of tonal effects anil pleasâ€" Below you will find a few Wefgaing we are offering. We also carry in stock Couches, Stoves, Linoleums and Rugs â€" ulcmvuem‘n;umnmmwm‘ will dell any article quoted in their â€"catalogues for loss money tha M." P *J / F ‘ &3 m 164 King St. West Buy your furniture in a furniture town where it is made instead of sending out of town. +o k Bpecial inducements to couples getting married, who wish to Surâ€" nigh thair home. Goode delivered free. . > & iesR You cannot afford to miss this ale. * *‘ 4*X / * dellid quartered Oak PED. TABLE Solld quirtered cak DINING CHAIRS, solid leather, Solid quartered oak @UFFETB, ... ... ... ..}. +Just A Few Cents! â€" economy. A telephone in the home will cost you only a few cents a day and it will make w&kmmï¬uhwhyfl "I saved more than my first quarter‘s telephone rental in the first ten days," siys one woman subscriber. " Without the weary walk from store to store I have compared ptieelmdundemypudmnllbyte!qxha\e. and the result is an allâ€"round saving." s Has your wife a trkï¬hom? It is not only in money she can save, but in time and physical strength. Ask for information toâ€"day! The Bell Telephone Co. Sale â€" â€" Â¥ ZT0N OHOIR Edw. Lippert We are ‘warned to practice a rigid Every Bell a bong Distince Station prices which wilt show the ckcoptiznial AT dull Telephone is number in it from the inspiting proâ€" cessional with which it opens, to the h.aelon lt':. fll‘l’#b at + very musi¢â€"lovers to see works of such difâ€" ficulty so well rendered by a singlo church choir ‘The cantata troats with the raising of Lazarus, and the home life of sisters Mary and Marths. â€" In . home some of the mmam $375 °* Berlin §13 ug. § f $