The copy of changes must not be ir *MTU!:‘“MW ad day each woek. n ie esc will be made known on application. ?hwmmuo(m recruiting gathering at Hamilton on Friday pan “‘Mummootmdmulu The exchange of ideas by representa Rerman, in all its branches. . ADVERTISERS ‘Notice of changes must be teft a this office not later than Saturda» res from widely separated districts ind the crystallization of. these ideas a gegeral policy as represented is resolutions tha were passed, may v put into efMfect ue expected . to zh the stimulus that will be neede raise the required number of men in @ three Ontario military districts coâ€" Berlin and Waterloo .have show) when it comes to raising money th their people are ready to pay their ful "share. Now that the question is on of raising men they are again foun: in line ready to do their duty. _ ‘The large delegation from Beria and Waterloo, second only to Ham{‘ ton itself, was most creditable to this district and proved the subject of fay erable comment at the convention. Some of the amazin;ly complicated conditions that have kept the southâ€" eastern corner of Europe in a _ turâ€" woil for years are analyzed by . Al bert: Bushnell Hart in a recent issu: of the Qutlook _ under the . captior of ‘‘Antecedents of the Balkan Cris is." If Mr. Hart‘s conclusions | are correct, there is little to show that l even with the conclusion of the preâ€" sent war, peace will permanently come to the troubled Balkans, unless they _ are so _ thoroughly exhausted that there is not a good sized fight left. in the whole collection. . It is hard for Canadians to realize the intense hatred that exists . beâ€" %ween the nations there. . Thore is not anythinz approaching it in â€" our land. Our.@nimesitics are more | Suâ€" perfcial, and come to their worst in an election contest.. In the Balkans they are:centuries old. They go right to the heart of civic, religious . and national life, and are not easily downn‘ ed or forgotten. _ The rivalry he tween the nations in the Balkans inâ€" cludes race, languaze and religion. One of the elements has been at the bottom of _ nearly every fight that has swept the Balkans, and probably ‘mo. group of states has seen such fierce and barbarious conflicts. . Th: ‘@ountry has been overrun by Greeks, Persians, Slavs, Romans, Bulgars, Turks, Hungarians, Russians, _ Ausâ€" trians,: and now part of the Germans. GENERAL RECRUITING POLICY Mr. . Hart, in his article, is firmly convinced that behind the whole presâ€" ent war is the determination of the (Germans to bring to a state of realiâ€" zation their dream of a great orientâ€" al highway through the Balkans. This is not for purposes of commerce and trade, but the ideas are largely poliâ€" tical and military. _ The scheme . is nothing less than a German military highway from Hamburg to Berlin, Vienna, Budapest, Belgrade or Buchâ€" arest, _ Adrianople, â€" Constantinople, Bagdad, and Bussorah, to the fron tier of India. If to that distance is it too much to ask, why not on _ to Caloutta, Mandalay and Canton ? The last part of the â€" scarcely more.ambitious than the first. According to the Outlook‘s article, the Balkan states that have a salvaâ€" tion in their own land, a federatior of the Balkan states that could, on account of the rocky nature of . the countries, stand securely petween the centre of Europe and the centre _ oi Asia. The chances of them ever doâ€" ing this are remote. No matter what turm . the war takes, the Balkan states, most of them at least, . are bound to loge. None has much t« gain Minard‘¢$ Liniment Co., Limited Gentleméa.â€"In July 1915 1 was thrown from a road machine, inâ€"urâ€" my hip and back badly and was to _ use a crutch for 14 g. In Sept., 1908, Mr. Wm. idge of Lachute urged me to try MINARD‘S LINIMENT, which I did %floï¬ satisfactory results and.. ‘I am as well as ever in my life. _ 5 F THE BALKAN CRISIS MATTHEW x BAINES « mark, . Yours sincerely, subscrib every City Council and other citizens at © meeting here this afternoon. It yg stated that the share assessed | to Guelth would‘"be in the .m hood .. of $700,000, and for township about $352,000. _ Resolu tions _ were passed endorsing, th scheme of a trunk line from ‘Torontc to London and requesting full data. Delegates in Royal City Pass Resolutions Similar to Berlin WILL BE A JUNCTION Guelph, . Nov, 12.â€"Cbief Enginees Oï¬rlflmd&n‘ulfld the Hydroâ€" plans before the so that the matter could be put to 2 sote of the ratepayers in January, Another resolution > favored ‘changâ€" ing the line west of here to take ir the villages of New Germany, Bloomâ€" ingdale and â€" Bridgeport. . Representa lives from this district were presen‘ to press their claim for the support of the Guelph people. OW TO CURE IHE DISEASE IS IN THE BLOOF AND MUST 2E TREATED, THROUC:. ©HE BLOOD. ‘There are almost as many ways 0 reating rheumatism as there are doc urS,»aMost of these treatments | are lirected . at the symptoms and â€" ar< onsidered _ «acecssiul if they rélies he pain and the stiliness. But th »ain and the stifiness return partics arly if the patient has been exposec s dampn»ss. This shows that ‘th: joison was not driven from the sys em _ by the treatment â€" employed theumatism _ can _ be . relieved in & .umber of ways, put #hereâ€" is only on vay to cure it, and that is throus he blood, expelling the poisonous atic hat causes the aches, and pains an« tiffness. To renew and enrich | th« lood there is no medicine can equa) it. Williams‘ Pink Pills whichk ge ight to the root of the trouble an: ‘ure rheumatism to stay cured. Th« ollowing is an example of what Dr villiams‘ Pink Pills can do in cases i this kind. Mr. Henty Smith, St. Jerome, Que., says :â€""For upward: f a year I was & victim of rheumaâ€" ism in a most painful form. The rouble was located in my logs . ans or a long time was so bad that ould not walk. The suffering which endured can only be imagined . by hose who have been similarly afflict d. Doctors treatment did not hel ne and then I began trying ot.lm‘ emedies but with no better results . ‘inally I was advised to try Dr. Wilâ€" iams‘ Pink Pills, and although I ba. egun to lose faith_ in medicine, I fin, ‘lly decided to give the pills a trhl‘ am yery grateful now that I . di :0, for after taking cight boxes of the ills the , trouble completely disapâ€" eared, I was free from pain an: ould walk as well as ever I did i ay life. I have since taken the pills occasionally as a precautionary. mea ure and I cannot speak too highly ir, sheir favor. M You can get Dr. Williams‘ Pinl "ills through any medicine dealer 01 y mail at 50 cents a box or §ix .oxes for $2.50 from The Dr. . Wil iams‘ Medicine Co.. Brockville, Ont. MENNONITES" _ MESGAGE BELIES PRESS STORIEE Oltawa, â€" Nov. _ 11.â€" Senn',loml‘ tories, as to the treatment accorded 0 mcrkl;.e;s of the Mennonite Breâ€" thren, w ve been holding a . conâ€" ference _ at \Winkler, Manp:;, having :ecn circulated in a pPorti of the nitrd States 4 % ssage_sent. by the conference to Sir Robert Borâ€" ien was given out toâ€"day. The mesâ€" sage is as follows: "At the conferemor A the Mennonite Brethren the folâ€" ‘owing _ resolution â€" was passed and Manitoba Germans Have no Complaint to Make About Treatment Received "The Mennonite Brethren (‘:let- »nce of North America assembled‘,at Winkler, _ Man., does hereby _ ##nd iteetings to you and your . Governâ€" ment. We wish to express our _ apâ€" oreciation . of your friendly attitude and the kindly reception recaimlrmn officials and citizens of Mani . We turther wish to express our appreciaâ€" tion of the respect our brethren . aro receiving from the Canadian Governâ€" ment. 7 0 ubmitted to the Provincial Govern nent: _ ‘‘Most sincerely _ yoursâ€"Mennonite Brethren Conference, per Rev. M. M. Just. Chairman." § _ ‘The Mennonites are a people : who bail from Southern Germany, and were among the earliest settlers in Manitoba. CHANGE OF ROUTE RHEUMATISA Lord Derby Announces 4 other Step Toward Con scription in Britain NOV. 30 I8S, LAST DAY| .. 4 London, . Nov, | 11.3 4 . s Pm \.s ~ â€" wennemnczame: young men eumh\brnm %m orF co ice do not come W i OSSs ‘ and enlist before Nov +80" the| 8/ + ENTIRE L ('gnt-uht will take steps to com 4/ * ‘emennrrmmmermmmtzom :Â¥ them to do so. Marriages con the meeting â€" of representatives tracted since the registration day 0| | pp, the Township of Waterioc August 15 will not save the50" ~M€! | and villages of Bloomingdale, Bridge from military duty. w 0 «L ..« port and New Germany. which ‘wa ‘This, the nearest approdth ~to won scription that hasâ€"vet been taken ° the Government . under: Derby ; recruiting scheme, was . nounced toâ€"night in the ‘ y statement given out by the. Bureau® to! ‘"Lord" Derby is authorized by . th . oremier to express surprise that piâ€" statement in the House of Common on November 3 had been considetec ambiguous,. ‘The Premier on that o6 sasion pledged not only ufl ‘bui the Government when he ‘e‘ 4 young men did not, â€" under stress of national, duty, come dor ward voluntarily other andâ€"!‘com julsory means would be taken: befor narried men were called upon to fu} .11 their engagement to serÂ¥@. ".".... "Lord Derby is further avthorize any _ business of national importanc ar any business conducted ~ for ‘ th eneral good of the community, d« lot come forward voluntarily© befor lovember 30 the Government afte .ny man to be relegated‘ to the mai iage groups., Whether any man . i ndispensable to his business Will b; ecided by competent authorities," Stratiord, Nov. 11.â€"By a vote: o .Bven to five the City Council at : special meeting toâ€"night finally decid xi to submit to the ratepayets 3: he January municipal elections a by: aw â€" for _ local option in Stratfordé wursuant to a petition ofâ€"more tha ,200 electors . Great interest . ha: hat date will take the necessar; teps to redeem the pledge made o ‘ovember 2. oi feg Recent Marriages Not Honored.s! "It must be. clearl hat no marriage coiltnztfl QM; istration day, August 15, entitle JFRATFORD TO C VOTE ON LOGAL . > OPTION BYâ€"LAW At the last meeting the oppositior lement succeeded in having the peti ion again referred back to the Cit lerk for a declaration thatâ€"all th ignatures â€" were / valid.â€" Toâ€"nigh lerk ~Lang â€" reviewed his efforts o‘ he petition, and tabled correspon dence between himselft and the | Cit: Solicitor. _ While it was manifést] mpossible for the Clerk toâ€"_ declar hat every signature on the pefitior xas placed there by a signer, a maj arity of the* Council _ were satisfie that â€" the petition is amply signed ind a resolution to have a byâ€"lat repared and submitted was cartie rmen Davis, Forbes, Ireland, Mantl on ‘the followifg division: Forâ€"Ald Nichols. Roberts, Whaleyâ€"7. Agains â€"Aldermen ~Down, Everétt,â€" Henry Higgins, Pauliâ€"5. 3 h .cen manifested in / the longâ€"drawn ut eforts of ‘the antiâ€"lotal â€" of ionists to prevent the measure fror. ;oing to the people, and the Counci hamber was jammed with the citi ens toâ€"night. ‘oAk _ Of all overworked women probably th. housewife is the hardest worked. a has so much to attend to, with very litt] help. Her work can be lightened if sh: knows the value of system and she shoule try and ‘take a short rest in the daytime physician who became famous almos :I‘;) gmyworï¬lg.m‘ ns ; N. Y., 1 in woman‘t i for man practiced mediâ€" frel Ae o t ind i ige Piatin served the e o hC 0 Oaim n M lfitionhe-dacbe.nb-&:cbe,nm“ sation of irritability or twitching and uncontrollable nervousness, something mmbewmwid\mohedcm.n woman na y says, but all the time the real trouble very often centers in the organs. In nine cases out of ten the seat of the difficulty is here, and a woman should take rational tréatment for its cure. The disorder should be treated wrmd systematically with Dr, ‘a Favorite Pf-mkn "r"’v'mu Pfu:ri“:‘io:" powerful w ® re storative. Duh.theld}ï¬yydnhh banished from the lives of tens of thow sands of women the pain, worry, misery md&u-w-adby‘:h:-dh-s. If you are a sufferer, w Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription in d or tablet E'.;... lav. ‘Then ac (puni Row Bontp N Yo MUST No Ambiguous Promise ad ‘bs . quested so to construct the proâ€" ‘I. posed road as to give railway conâ€" mnection with these points, and is /| withigtâ€" the Council of the City . of ‘ Beérlin ‘ be requested to pass a .aimilar resolution." BERLIN‘S SHARE OF CO8ST OF 1 «1 ENTIRE LINE WOULD BE $700,000 held: in Berlia on : Friday morning ©*Vhat ‘this meeting approve of . ‘the ger â€"plan of the proposed zailway from Toronto to London "and réecommend that the respective i &nm to take steps f have the necessary byâ€"laws pre id submitted to the clecâ€" â€"tors g:oo. as the data necesâ€" sar refor has been supplied " by the Commission,‘" + ... Want Route Changed. "The ‘matter on which most o! th ‘~â€" was waged was w hethe: n roiion n s tare 1e tie viege in.. of New Oï¬n'uy, Bloonlwhn‘:( Bridgerort, ‘The latter route wa: flm& f he lollm?onm::n fa y t owing tion which deel.ayrd:‘ â€"~~ ‘"That ‘ in the opinion of this :‘meéting of the representatives of the City of â€" Berlin, Township of "Waterloo and villages ol Bridge ‘‘Port, Bloomingdale and New Gerâ€" * m:‘. it is advisable that the «pro radial trunk line _ from Guelph to Berlin should pass ; :seu;h the afore named villages T that the Hydro Electric Powâ€" er Commission of Ontario be re To s § es .M _‘ Preliminary Meeting. P 33. t J. W. Lyon â€" of Guelph !m:; the subject to the repre sentatives‘ by explaining that. the imeeting bad been called as a prelim hary _ one and outlined the project oriefly of the main trunk line from foronto to London, with its numerâ€" win\ feeders. ; Me reteried to" the success ol / the Londonâ€"Port Stanley radial line as in example, pointing out that durâ€" ng the first quarter, this line had aot only met all expenses of upkeoP but h@d been able to hand over to the City of London between~ $4,000 and $5,000. f y Theâ€" method toâ€"be followed in the srogosed line is to have the municiâ€" valities affected, contribute by YOt ns the bands. These are held hy the Hvdro and will not be used except to cover. â€" any deficit that may neeur. when bonds enough will be soid wi cover this. If the line pays the line 4oes not cost the taxpayer ene cent. Surplus funds may be used to reduce tates or the taxes of the municipalâ€" ities interested. All these facts were made ~ clear by Mr. Lyon who also vointed out that it would be in the interest, therefore, of shippers to use the municipal lines and aid, his own pocket by so ‘doing. ' ( Chief Engineer Gaby of the Hydro Emri& Commission gave the reâ€" presentatives an idea of the amounts which the municipalities will be reâ€" quested to vote upon in January. Th® cost of the entire line from Toâ€" ronto _ to London will the feighborhood of ten to twelve million of which Torontd is shouldering conâ€" siderable expense by constructing the terminals. . waty "From $100,000 to $150,000 _ acâ€" cording to the route decided um. Sl‘#hq of the route thro the city, Mr. Gaby said that it was Proâ€" posed to have the line enter on Vicâ€" toria _ street and leave by Wilmot, later building a freight line . around the city and leaving this for passenâ€" zer sorvice only. GrvE "sYRUP OF FIG8" TO CONSTIPATED CHILD Delicious "Fruit Laxative" can‘t harm tender little Stomach, liver and bowels. Look at the 4ongue, mother! If coated, your little one‘s stomach, liver and bowels need cleansing at once. When peevish, cross, listless, doesn‘t sleep, eat or act naturally, or is feverâ€" iIsh, stomach sour, breath bad; has sore throat, diarrhoa, full of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a fow hours all the foul, constipated waste, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a well, playful child again Ask mlnmtfofsu-eatbomod "Callfornia Syrup of Figs," which conâ€" taing full directions for bables, chilâ€" drea of all ages and for grownâ€"ups. Approximate Shares ) HYORO RADIAL ROUTE FROM TORBNTO T0 LONOON The outstandiug matter, bowever, was that of the route as regards the illages of Bridgeport, Bloomingdale and New Germany. Mr,; Gabyâ€" stated rum‘.-z &dm’x‘ same as to constuction but that the many grades in the route which would include these villages would make the vearly cost of upkeep $10,000 to $15, 00 more. a* & Mr, 8 Mr. Bemis, both of sm-:fl..mmmvw regarding â€"the <greater amount â€" of freight which would. result from passâ€" ‘ng through the three villages. _ _ :Mr. Strong also asserted that be was of the opinionâ€"that it they _ did ho macd newen peo! would. turp down the proposition â€" of the spur line. T 3 * Mr. Bemis brought up the mntur‘ of the progosed branch to Elora and ihowed â€" that if the route went through Bloomingdale, it would . cut off several miles of this branch line. ‘The Berlin representitives, includâ€" ing Messrs D. B. Detwiler, W.. H. Treithaupt ‘and W.‘ D. Euler, spoke briefly in favor of including these villages. m / The ml ul:dh ‘:m present TMIS morning inc or Hett, _ who acted as chairman, Tiessrs. â€" W ~ D: Euler, C. C. Habhn, J,~C. Schwartz, W. H. Breithaupt, W. G. Cleghorn, &. J. Walters, V. Méintyre, C. H. ills, M.P.P., D. ‘B.. Detwiler, N. B. Detwiler of Berlin; D. Bemis,. J. J. Strong, B. W. Moyer, A. D. Sayâ€" der, F. Betschy of Bloomingdale; A. C. Hallman of Breslau; W. C. Shaw, of Waterloo Township; T. J. Hn-:_ll- gan, J, W. Lyon of Guelph and . En gineer Gaby. On Thursday afternoon Messrs L.J. Breithaupt, J. J. Waiters, _W. D Euler and D. B. Detwiler of Bérlin J. J. Strong of Bloomingdale; Zin morning ger of New Germany;and Geo. Sherk of Bridgeport, held a short meeting to draw up their arguments for this wouLD NoT BE WITHOUT . f BABY‘S OWN .TABLETS (ox Canada have writter of their thankâ€" fulness for what Baby‘s Own Tablets have done for théir . little ones. NORWEGIAN STEAMER SUNK _ BY SUBMARINE * London, Nov. 15.â€"The Norwegian steamer Vacousta of 3,000 tons which z:!ilod from Pictor N.S., Oct. 19th. Viadivostock has: been torpedoed by a submarine. The crew were sayâ€" HYDROâ€"RADIAL ‘ ROUTE ENDORSED . City Council conferred with _ Chief Engineer Gaby and his assistants of the Hydroâ€"electric Commission _ reâ€" garding the proposed radial from Toâ€" ronto to London via Stratford,. with spur lines west to Lake Huron and north of Listowel. Delegations were present from Listowel, Mitchell, Se bringville and Tavistock. _ A resoluâ€" tion was unanimously passed endotsâ€" 1 Jopdon, Nov. 11.â€"Seven patients suffering from cancer have been comâ€" pletely cured ‘"by assisting nature‘s efforts,""‘ _ according . to Dr. Robert Bell, head of the cancer research deâ€" partment of the Battersea General Hospital. ing the proposed lines and promising support to the necessary byâ€"laws. A definite report on the estimated cost will be submitted to the Council at the regular meeting Monday night. Thousands of mothers throughout REMARKABLE CANCER CURES ARE EFFECTED "We have," Dr. Bell said, ‘"teen atle â€" to demonstrate beyond . doubt that the healing power of nature, if sufficiently assisted by regulating the diet regimen of patients, together with the administration of therapeuâ€" tic agents, has proved in many inâ€" stances quite competent not only to | oversome the disease, but to bring tabout complete recovery." Stratford, Nov. 11.1â€"Toâ€"night _ the IN STRATFORD $30 for Missing Wo THE MOLSONS ‘There will be one page advertisements, to . appear eVery ; starting, Oct. 7th, 1915, and ending Thursday, Jan. 27, 1916, ‘This is to e known‘ as THE EDUCATIONAL MISSING WORD PAGE 1 to appear for 17 issues. * There will be one "missing‘‘ word from the page of ads. each issu bntstanct S â€"< 1 Any‘ other questions, not covered by these rules, will be decided . py the Missing Word Editor with a view to fairness to all parties concerned. His decision shall be final and unappealabje. _ All persons entering for prizes, enter subjéct to these tuled. + 2 total of 17 missing words, ‘There will be $30.00 in cash prizes for follows * $15.00 to the person or perSOn$, ber of correct ahswers ; $10.00 to the £000 highest five. > Berlin will be the headquarters of the 118th Battalion of the Canadian (Werseas Expeditionary â€" Forces, to be raised in North Waterloo and North Wellington, with Lieut.â€"Colonel W. M. O. Lochead . of Berlin, _ in command This is in substance the resuit Of the trip made to Ottawa this week by Messrs W. G. Weichel, M.P., W. M. O.~ Lochead and A. McAvity where an impottant conference was held with Sir Sam Hugbes, Min:ster of Militia. " S uB . Ees e OB PRUme t en o en No competitor will be permitted to know how he or she stands at an time during the seventeen weeks. Watch the next week‘s paper, and y wmmmymmvuwnm«mtmwtwd.f ‘The missing word editor will write the "missing‘* word removed mhd.mumdnm.hmcmpwhnm. e and kept until the expiration of the / seventeen weeks. 3 C i nAE EC w oloa d 9 money . A selection of prominent business men award the prizes. » In case of tie, the judges will make a The Berlin delegation arrived in the Capital early Thursday morning and about 8 o‘clock telephoned in the offices of the Minister of Militia and were informed by Sir Sam that he was ready to receive the visitors. Major Lochead expressed his willâ€" ingness to accept the office of â€"seâ€" cond in command of the new Battaâ€" lion and allowing an officer of more military experience to take comâ€" mand, but Sit Sam Hughes would not consent to making the suggested change. He assured Major Lochead that he could appoint the best .man available to take the second _ comâ€" mand and it would be approved | by the Militia Department. Withont any further preliminaries the Minister of Militia gave instructions that Major Locbead be raised to the rauk . of Lieutenantâ€"Colonel, and this after; noon the mnew commanding officer was sworn into office. 11BTH BATTALION W ILL BE AAISED â€" IN NORTH WATERLOO AND NOATH _* . WELLINGTON FOR OVERSEAS SERVIGE _ ‘The composition of the new Batta lion was tien discussed, and the sitâ€" uation in North Waterloo was reviewâ€" SISTER :; READ MY FREE OFFER. xC I kn 8 t ~ T kn S "‘)'-»:‘ h bflllh- f ‘:,‘ '-;\ easure 4 , e just ho 5 § {rm of y3 es s & withte! + 3 3 h. 3 mm th "as k es e : ppin â€" T Y O 9%, | >« §: s \:\\\ 3\?’33 : b}“\f 4 Eo zro ml, | S C old SA 0+ . §# . ) s * KK "Vï¬ [ eJ ws, e o s % :\\%( : S thowsa es Ro 4 e f ‘IA _ 9 , Toogss us %ï¬i’&& &* hlln l es trritat or trregularty, bloating or unnatural enlargements nervousness, depressed spirits, melancholy, desin . creeping feeling up the spine, paipitation, mot TEENCE, v-râ€"-g.uâ€"v . vn"mmmnu-m‘.’rhcumuunu.m â€"ï¬ worth Hving, I invite you to send i y for my complete ten days‘ treatment enti m.“ to prove to yourself that these ailments can be casily and surely conquered %ߠe, without the ex of hospital treatment, or the -{nnrn of an operation. everywhere are e-cyv]n. the surgeon‘s knife b; knowing of my simple method of treatment, nnd:r. are cured, my sister, I shall only ask you to the good word to some other :nr’. ;ly home treatment is h"n'_ï¬""'"r' l;e»n.tb«nl 1 will lain a simple home treatment 'N‘"\.'J"“' y and effectuaily cures (c‘hllnlll;. Irre{nhrxk? headaches, and lassitude in younx‘me‘. ‘and to plumpness and health, . Tell me if you are worried about your danghter, lm-\tg'. d.l.u.‘to give my method of home treatment a complete ten day‘s trial, and to m it u-u. only a lew’«;;n‘: m::o do -n;;ul&mmim::e&vhlofl'l accept my er, Mammd it in plain 'n'pp':fbuenrn mail. !l‘o save fl-.,- cam , mark the places that tell your 1ewn¢-. a mâ€". Write and ask for mw.nmmym-«mb er again. 3 TE TS was 7 c esn cen dn en MRS. M SUMMERS, Box 50] .: + * sAaAVIHGs BAWNK DEP ARTEK Wateriot in fllluhnee the result ql A GENERAL BANKING CAPITAL anud RESERVE $8,800,000 interest Allowed at Highert Cur‘unt mate luuh.u‘rfl.--’ ' W. Mor. * u‘-g&.tv_m I am a woman. * om t I know a won.:z'l trials. s ~ I know her need of sym and help. wes, > If you, my sister, ate ut because of iile & M health, and feel unfit for i 1d duties, social . i N leasures, or d«ll’P employ: write and tell 9 % rns( how you suffer, and ask for my free ten " OW M â€" trial of a home treatment suited to your L Q WR | with references to Canadian ladies who gladly j : s how they have regained health, -ueï¬. k " fRE @ happiness by its use. I want to te-l{vl . k â€" 1 F4 this successful method of home treat ‘ g‘% Â¥ i E2| yourseif, my reader, ‘of your daughter o CARWEL _ j or your mother. 1 want to teil you how C E4 yourselves at home at trifiing cost, nfl hss F3 f aidfromanyone. Men carnot understai f es C3 i# sufferings; what we women kmm j s Q“ i* tence, we know beiter than any f se Ni thousands have proved there is hope even m . . es w- in my method of home treatment. \ P 3 suffer S":d pain hdtho head, back, or v is fecling e an ï¬?" down j s w falling or a»m.-n of internal with frequont k constipation or piles, e unnatural enfargements, uurrurc:-‘mt. m.mufl.mtoey.mï¬ 4 up the spine, 'dufln, hot flashes, w ' lh-m‘;gllhthhflhunn.qm to to send t y for my complete ten days‘ treatment enti self that these ailments can be casily and surely conquered ,m nse of hospital treatment, or the -{-nrn of an operation. ; the surgeon‘s knife b; knowing of my simple method of are cured, my sister, I shall only ask you M‘?-fln good word onl Sn opatment is far all.â€"vount or old. To Mothersof Circular Letters of Credit Bank Money Orgars. ; ‘office L. 96 Branches in Canada will make an equitable division of the prize prizes , to be 3 'o,,.m:azubmg to the second, and $1.00 each to the m BUSINESS TR 4/ ;TED for the â€" ‘‘missing" word each week, ad. more than once. ® P all answers, and the proper credib ed with the result that North Wellâ€" ington was added to this riding. North Wellington includes Elora, « gus, Palmerston and Hartiston. the two ridings it is expccted . th no. difficulty will be experienced jib raising the new Battalion. *.93 Lieut.â€"Col. â€" Lochead was salul â€" in making the necessary arrangements . to secure the enlistment of Dr. J.C,_ Waltets as Chief Mcdical Officer,. and | Sergt Instructor Ftaser will be pOF_ manently appointed with the 118tb . Battalion, and will be in charge of the instruction class for officers,. All the officers will be enlisted and trainâ€" ed in Borlin, and the recruits will be. billeted _ at their homes or boarding . houses during the winter months. ; assurance was also given that all men will be equipped with unifor: as soon as enlisted. . In conversation with â€" Lieut.â€" Col. Lochead _ Saturday _ he inth the Telegraph that Mr. Weichel was untiring in his efforts to make All the necessary arrangements for "the mobilization of the new bat and is held in the highest 1 the officials at the Parliament ings. Mr. Lochead regrets personally that Col. Hilkish Martin was . not given the command of the 118th Bat talion, but is hoping to secure x to take the office of second in mand. 3. Th It is understood tnat as $s00D . as ths 118th is mobilized Mr. A. MceAvâ€" ity will reâ€"ci e instructions to Ofâ€" ganize a lattery in Berlin. of Waterloo will be asked C