_‘ A Fool ~ and His \‘ Money ... F â€" b0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 256. At dealers or sent postpaid by Fruitâ€" atives Limited, Ottawa. 1 was full of esuberance. An iIrre }. .Aistible impulse to do a Jig selzed upon we. To my own intense amazement fabd to Rlzke‘s borror l began to dance fbsat the room like n clumsy kangaâ€" â€"»"tbo. Rosemary shrieked delightediy into my ear, and 1 danced the harder for that ‘The countess, recovering from her snrprise, cried out in iaoghâ€" ter and begin to ciap time with her finnds. RBinke forgot bimself and sat @own rather henvily on the edge of the ) Bed. 1 think the poor woman‘s knees ) _ gave way under her. ° ' results, and they continue to s my only medicine. w ‘Fruitâ€"a advertised with a in which ene recommended them very ,80I tried them. The results were than satisfactory, and I have no hesitation in recommending ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€" tives" ANNIE A. CORBETT. Time is proving that ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘ ean always be depended upon to give prompt relief in all cases of Constipa/ion and Stomach Trouble. By George Barr McCutcheon call it." \ It was my turn to say "No, |ndeod."| "And now you must come in and kiss: Rosemary good night." she said, glancâ€" ing at my great Amsterdam clock in the corner. We ‘went into the nursery. 1t was ::ery‘l bedtime by nearly an t , and the youngster was baving great difficulty in keeping awnke. She managed to put ber arms around my weck when 1 took ber np from the Kad all tueked away in her warm litâ€" two, put it seems so much more nxe x tunction, es the newspapers would ad. all tucked away in her warm lit« nigbtie, and sleepiiy presented ber éwn little throat for me to kiss, that particular spot being where the boney C uol ie olgrcccâ€" l‘ at .':l‘lu};h!" 1 ehonted to Rosemary, bnt jlooking directiy at the countess. "We‘re celebrating!" Wherenpon the girl that wns\}g}rm the countess rose to the ocension and she plrouetted with gracefur abandon before me in amazing contrast to my Jjimping jack efforta. . Onlv Binke‘s feservre and somewhat dainpening ad Woultion bronght me to my setises. "Please don‘t drop the child, Mr. Smart," she «ald. | had the great satâ€" tsfaction of hearing Rosemary ery when 1 delivered her up to Hinke and startâ€" ed to slink out of the rovin in the wake of my warm cheeked hostesa. "Yon wonld be a wouderful father, air," said Riake, relenting n little. 1 bad the grace to say, "Oh, pshaw!" and t got out while the ilinsion was pmnfln. (As I‘ve said before, |l do not like a crying baby.) Mrs. Corbeit Read the artisement and Tried‘ it 1t was the most wonderful dinver in the world, notwithstanding it was servâ€" éd on a kitchen table moved into the Mving room for the occasion. Imposing bra aforned the four corners of the table and the very best plate in the castle was put to nse. ‘There were Buge bow! of short stemmed Marechal NMisl beanties. _ â€"*Have I told you, Mr. Smart, that 1 am expecting my mothor hbere to visft me week after next?" ‘‘She tactfully put the question to me a time when I was so fnll of conâ€" ‘bmmznotuumld have de quite cheerfully. *That in to sayv. ahe is coming if you â€"_. . Awow, May 14th, 1914. have used ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘ for estion and Constipation with most 10 CENT "CASCARETS®" IF BILIOUS OR COSTIV: Purred Tonguo, Bad Taste, Indige tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable Hea aches come from a torpid liver an elogged bowels, which causo you stomach to become filled with uns r food, :ilch lonnb:nd fermen a swill barre!. Tha‘ da ml» to untold miseryâ€"iz: igection, foul gases, tad breath, yollo j mental fears, cvorything that and nausontiog. A Cascar will give> your constipat« For Sick Headache, Sour Stomac! Sluggish Liver and Bowelsâ€"They work while you sieep. is a thorough cleansing an thton you out by morning. The while you sleopâ€"a 10â€"cent bo. your druggist will keep you feei Aâ€"INES" | in ber‘ dispensation of think you can mABAge 4 ols > * mankge Itt Als dews o+ why apes of w a uis so obriousiy to be derin«d * "%ou dop‘t endursinnd. nuegle ber Into the su«*» it Was the Most Wondertul Dinner in the World. any one knowing a thing about it? Â¥on see, sbe is being watched every minute of the time by detectives, sples, secret agents, lawyers and beaven knows who else. The instant she leaves Paris, bang! It will be like the startâ€" er‘s shot in a race. They will be after ber like a streak. And if you are not very, very clever they will play bob with everything." "Then why run the risk?" J ventured. "My two brothers are coming with ber," she said reassuringly. ‘‘They are such big. strong fellows that"â€" q“Ii; i:eni countess, it isn‘t strength we‘ll need," 1 deplored. e "No, no, 1 quite understand. it is cunning, strategy, caution avd all that sort of thing. But 1 will let you know in ample time, so that you may be preâ€" enthusia "You are so wonderfully ingenious at working out plots and conspiracies in your books, Mr. Smart, that 1 am confident you can manage everything beautifully. | "And pow let us talk about some thing else," she went on complacently, as if the project of getting the rest of her family into.the castle were already o@ her mind. "I can‘t tell you how much I enjoyed your last book, MMr. Bmart It is so exciting! Would you te entertained by a real mystery?" Very promptly 1 said I should be. We 1 wo? D sweds ;; .6-.-'-;;‘â€"..01’-':0&â€., Hawkes and Blatchford had left the room. *"Well, tradition says that one of the old barâ€" E;'GBJ a vast treasure in the cel lar of this"â€" s o ces "§top!" I commanded, shaking my head. "Haven‘t i just said that ! coirt wart to {i:k §D0uUt MerutGrc: Buried treasure is the very worst sozt* of literature." "Very well," she said Indignantly. #You will be sorry when you bear I‘ve dug it up and made off with 1t" 0 0_ m n mt n e et 1 pricked up my ears. ‘This made a difference. "Are you going to bunt for #t yourself?" | "I am," sbe said resolutely. "Dof" 1 said gallantly, trying to be "Certainly." "Alone?" s n pecessary," she said, looking at me over the edge of the coffee cup. | *"Tell me all about it," said 1. "Ob, we shan‘t God it. of course," said she calmiy. 1 made note of the pronoun. ‘They‘ve been searching for #t for two centuries without success Myâ€"that is, Mr. Pless has spent days down there. He is very bard up, you know. 1t would come in rery handy for him." N O C 00 & m oo Coniin eeee t lt " ho t down there. He is very bard up, 799 | =phat would be betraying a coniâ€" know. It would come in rery bAPCY | jonce," raid he. "1 will say this much, for him." , | »~weverâ€"1 think 1 wrote your name 1 glowered. "I‘m giad hbe‘s gone. iâ€"] times or more in connection don‘t like the idea of bis looking for ; ,, § ,;» treasures in my castle." _ _ l "Lhubbish!" said 1. â€" CHAPTER Xxil1. The Countess Gives Me a Surprise. OR an hour or more after leay: Ing the enchanted rooms heat the roof I lounged in my study. persistently attentive to the portrait of Ludwig the Red. with my ears straining for sounds from the othâ€" er side of the secret panels. Alasi Whose panels were many cubits thick and as stanch as the sides of a batâ€" teship. But there was a vast satisâ€" frction in knowing that she was there, asteep perhaps, with her brown bead pillowed close to the wall, but little wore than an arto‘s length M_m érimson waistcoat of Ludwig the Red. for be sat rather low, Itg a Chinese god, and supported bis watstcoat with hin knees. "In those dark, dank, grewsome celâ€" "Is it ?" said 1, and my voice sounded gloomier than his. "Very good, sir. Oh, 1 beg your parâ€" don, sir. 1 am forgetting. Mr. Poopenâ€" dyke is out. He asked me to teil you he wouldn‘t return before 11." "Out? What business has he to be out ?" "Well. sir. 1 mean to say be‘s mot _ "Send Mr. Poopendy®e to me, Hawkes, immediately after g.-n ed my breakfast." She guve me a smile for that. determination to get Jown to wesk on my long neglected novel. . ye _ _ "A fine morning, sit," sald Rawkes in a roiee that ssemed to come from the grave niew, se ucbed uts eteriiigee | compi® ns WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STATE Finds Help in Lydia E. Pinkâ€" precisely out, and he isn‘t just what une would call in . He is up in theâ€" abem|â€"tbe east wing, sir, taking down some correspundence for theâ€"fur the lady. sir." nedicine 1 1 arose to the occasion. "Quite so, quite so. 1 bad forgotten the appoint: went." "Yes, sir; 1 thought you had." _ * "Abem! I dare say Britton wil} do quite as well. Tell him to"â€" "Britton, sir, bas goune over to the city for (he newspapers. You forget that ‘he goes every morning as soon as he bas bad bis"â€" right." It was news to me, but it wouldn‘t do to let bim know it ‘The countess read the papers, 1 did not. It was nearly 12 when my secretary reported to me on this particular mornâ€" ing. "Mr. Poopendyke," said 1, "are you employed by me or by that woman upâ€" stairs?" 1 would never have spoken of her as "that wowan," believe me, if 1 bad not been in a state of irritaâ€" tion. He looked positively stunned. "Sirt" he gasped. 1 did not repeat the question, but managed to demand rather fercely, "Are you?" /# "The znnm- bad got dreadfully beâ€" bind with ber work, sit, and 1 thought you wouldn‘t mind if I helped her out a bit," be expiained nervously. "Work? What work?" "Her diary, sir. Sbe is keeping a "Indeed!" "It is very interesting, Mr. Smart Ratber beats any novel I‘ve read lute ty. Weâ€"we‘ve brongbt it quite up to date. 1 wrote at least three pages about the dinner last night if ! «m to believe whgg she puts into her diary it must bave been a delightful occa sion, as the newspapers woolq say." “Y;-. yesi Certainly," 1 -Ifl pgm i was somewbhat molliGied. "What did she bave to say about it, Fred?" i asked. It always pleased him to be ealled Fred. "Lubbish!" said 1. "Not at all," said be, with agreeable «pirit. _ ETTAE A andden chill came over me. "She isn‘t fAguring on baving it published, is she ?" "I ct'n'| say as to that," was bis disâ€" nieting reply. "It wasn‘t aby of my vusiness, so 1 dido‘t usk." (To be Continued. , n:'u-ï¬ucuu:du Aus %-'. :"' 12d day â€" of { to adjournment ast seasion.. All the members : The Reeve in the chair. Moved by Norman sayder and Alex. :n:o.mm'{.numrhfl \nnmmm ““‘m._'_g lacobs, in such amounts as are :d to cover his cheques until ‘rom the taxes can be made. Moved by J. H. Woods and‘H. Brodâ€" mecker, Whereas an urgent . appeal he Treasurer is hereby authorized â€" to rward the amount to the _ Provincial reasurer, the Hon. T. W. McGarry. Carried.~ "SHM Moved by H. Brodbaecker and Nor 1an Snyder, That the following _ a¢â€" ‘ounts be paid and that the Reeve rant his orders for the same:â€" . .umâ€"uwmlfl#‘ _muu-mmwwm ‘ sh Cross Society, such moneys to e devoted entirely to relleving . the ifferings of wounded soidiers and :ailors, therefore be it resolved that e contribute the sum of one thousâ€" nd4 dollars to said Society, and that ‘osiah Martin, gravel ..« ..« .« 99 ustay Hedrich, gravel .. ..... 3 8. Zinger, townline work ... ... 1 Thas. Herman, gravel .. ....â€" i Walter E. Lasby, contract changing @POOKo 22 222 2202 +9 snn ++ ++ 40000 toy Tinney, balance on contract "‘d ly. Holle, repairing bridges .. 104.1/ \. E. Richert, spikes .. .... ... 100 ‘heo. Miller ,spikes and bolts .. 7.25, oseph E. Snyder, gravel .. .... 3.50 Nalter Maurer, gravel .. .... .. 5.90 ‘acob Spies, gravel .. ...« .. .. 3.10 3. Israel, gravel .. ... ... .... 8.20 ;eo. Adamson, gravel .. .... ... 710 Iugh Woods, gravel .. .... ... :g \ugust Sauder, gravel and work . 6.00 . J. Wilkinson, gravel ..~.... .. 54 L. 8. Brubacher, gravel .. ..... 14 A. M. Letson, gravel .. .... ... 94 A‘m. Brohman, gravel ... ... ..« 6. Dreasurer Woman‘s Institute, cleanâ€" & NA .. s..s on as 112. +R W. J. Letsoo, lumber .. .... .. 14. Gus Brohman, overseer .. .... . 14. Menno Koch, sLoeep killed .. .... 8. Feorge Mackie, sheep killed ... 14. John B=rnett, sheep valuator .. 15. Woolwich Tp. Council. . Moved by J. H. Woods and H. Brodâ€" haecker, that the following accounts be pail for wire fence bonus, under Byâ€"law No. 533, and that the Reeve grant his orders for the same:â€" John S. Frey $9.25, George Martin $4.30, George Miller $11.80, Herb. 3Shantz $15.00, H. Brodhaecker $12.00, Louis Brox $3.55 Gus Hedrich $15.75, 1. W. Miller $23.00, Harvey Schmidt j $8.60, Geo. Maurer $11.80, L Schmerâ€" mund $17.35, Dan. F. Martin $7.00, Wm. Hass $20.25, Levi L. Martin $9.00 Henry Dickert $5.00, Wm. H. Schaefer $18.20, Henry Sattler $19.85, _ Enoch Peppler $15.00, Abs Martin $9.75, Dayâ€" id Martin $5.25, M. B. Brubacher $5.45, Daniel Ernst $9.00, Ezra Mertin $4.10, Henry Horst $9.00, â€" J. J. Wilkinson; $7.85, Herbert Millard $8.60, Edward Moyer $6.75, Alfred Goetz $6.35, Peter Ziegler $15.75, Joseph Sherrer $16.85, George Forbes $22.50, Wm. Sherriffs $8.80, John Pirie $12.75, Wm. Mitchell $8.50, Jas. Causland $7:30, Geo. Tinney $7.30, Wendel Lehman $8.50, Ambroge Brohman $21.50, Jos. E. Snyder $5.60, Geo. Hill $27.55, Ofcar Israel $2.25, J. and Menno Snider $5.60, David Beyâ€" ers $3.00, total $473.55. _ Carried. Movx;de by Norman Snyder and Alex. S. Forbes, That this Council do now adjourn to meet again at the Council Chamber, Conestogo, on Tuesday, the 7th day of December, next, at 9 o‘clock Total Wasteful Waiting in‘ an outer office is no longer evidence of efficient salesmanship. way. Results have shown that the Long Distance Telephone as a selling agent is a big, new, vital force, that builds business economically and quickly. Plan a selling by telephone camâ€" paign. Ask "Long Distance" for rates. The Bell Teléphone Co. m v"-'-il Largest Sale of Any Medicine in the World. W. J. SNIDER. Clerk. Sold overywhere. In bozes, 25 cents. Selling by telephone is the modern m:n a Long Distance Station Every Bell Telephone is 106.00 $313.55 3.90| 14.20 14.90 8.00 14.00 15.00 7;‘:} 3. 5.90 ; 3.10 8.20 Thursday 7:& Board 10 the most 2},’6 for . a 9.60 , Committ 5.!61!:‘0 tive inâ€" _A the pro 2.00 | anres. 1 Mr. Dilman~Kinzie . tell down a ‘ stairway on Wednesday evening and © broke his hip bone. | _ _ _ ‘The remains of the late Penrose Clemens, whose death occurred in Toronto," were laid at rest in the Preston cemetery on Wednesday foreâ€" The birthday tea xiven in _ DeID= ;’,g'. Hall on Thursday afterncoon b %M daughter of Mr. and | . . Frederick Stahlschmidt, was a decided success. Tea was Setâ€" ved‘ from 3 to 6 o‘clock p.m. and the suny of thirtyâ€"two dollars was realiz~ At a special . meeting held xut{ Thursday evening, the Public School Board _ decided that the Jobnston ProPeFty on Macadamized road . Was the most suitable site in Ward One for â€" a school building, The Special Committee will ofer Mr. Johnson, wiho Tives in owen Sound $4,500 for \the property, â€" which comprises 44 acres. Resolve to Succeed Throw off the handicap of pettychills littsxtalt maked ygu grouchy, listless and deâ€" m-esaet{ Get at the root of your ailmentsâ€"clear your digestive system of impurâ€" ities, put it in good worki:;g orderâ€"keep it healthy wi BEECHAM‘S They act ,_promptlzoon the stomach, liver and wels, re moving waste matters and %,h rifying the blood. Not habit :ohgnmg never gripe, hle(tilea,‘l'.e mengthen 0 mm life, or work, first have a healthy body. This fa mous remedy will do much to ‘Help You m-.k‘ud medicue z l. + nlh:hu t ,: 1& At any drug store. Scoit & Bowne. Toronto, Qut. 4. 9# E First § ‘a Farms for CHRONICLEâ€" TELEGRAPH it enters over 3,000 homes evâ€" ery week and covers the field thoroughly. EllIllIIlllllllllllilll|||=lilllllllllllllllllll|l; E Do You Appreciate : During the year 1914 I per carried more Mm AmoU man sif ofher newebepare a m in Waterico Mym‘ AUCTION SALE BILLS printed here on short notice, Il MILLAR, SIMS & GREGORY Give us your order. bler WMitlar KC_ 6 1 m Officers and Directors:â€" FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY THE MERCANTILE Dr. J. H. Webb, > Waterio J. Howard Simpson > Guelp J. L. Wideman, â€" St. Jacob James Livingston, > Bade P. E. Shantz, > â€" Presto 8. B. Bricker, â€" â€" Wateric Richard Roschman, â€" _ Waterio L. W. SHUH, B. E. BECHTEL, Manager. Inspector C. A. BOEHM, District Agent. Head Office, Waterloo TOTAL ASSETS, 318T DEC., 1914, OVvER $860,000 Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company Chroniclsâ€"Telegraph ' Waterloo George Dicbel, President, Waterloo Allan Bowman, Viceâ€"Pres., Preston Dr. J. H. Webb, â€" Waterioo J. Howard Simpson > Guelph J. L. Wideman, â€" St. Jacobs James Livingston, > Baden P. E. Shantz, > â€" Preston . B. Bricker, â€" â€" Waterloo Richard Roachman, â€" _ Waterloo Subscribed Capital ...$250,000 All policies guaranteed _ by the Lancashire Insurance Comâ€" pany with Assets of $29,63%6,â€" 465.00. ~ If so have your wants supâ€" plied here. We always keep on hand choice Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made Sausage Deposit with the Dominâ€" ion Government ...$156,698.00 Alfred Wright, Secretary. C. A. BOEHM, DIST. AGT. Waterloo, Ont. Phone 249 Why not buy _ your meats here and get the best ? EDGAR FISCHER Successor to J. B. Fischer. Phone 243. Waterloo. Wrappers Butter CHRONICLEâ€"TELECRAPH Waterioo, Ont. INCORPORATED 1875 from us. The best quality of paper used and prices reasonable. Incorporated in 1863. Order Your Class Meats mw o Pm repn bBarrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer, ot€. Office, Moison‘s Bank D. â€"G. â€" McINTOSH, BARRL (Buccessor to Conrad Bitzer) | Barrister, Solicitor, ‘Notary etc. Money to loan. German OMceâ€"Pequegnat _ Block, e Market, Frederick 8t., Berlin. y D. §. BOWLBY, B.A., LLB __ Barrister, Solicitor, .Notary and Conveyancer. _ Office M Bank Building. Telephone . No. Berlin, Ont. y J. A. Beelion, BA., LLLB., . Woir, Mhaster in sters. s_ol‘i’-unl?F -....':..E-"’ f Ellifil.& Gm % z nomical Block, King Street, tal Surgery and Royal Collb Dental Surgeons of Toronto,. Office in Fischer‘s Block, W Dentistry practices in all its | Notary, Conveyancer, etc., 13 er St. E., Berlin Phone 190. .. Graduate Chicago Dentist, LD.S., Royal College D#® tal Surgeons, D.D.S. Toronto U f sity. All branches of dentistry i tised. Entrance to office same 4 Concordia Hall, orer Lang B Osteopathic Physician. Graduate under Dr. Still, the der of the science, Editor Jourt Osteopathy . 1909â€"12. Osteo Sn ameinaim, "eted Ch constipation, erders, nervous diseases, rhoums infantile paralysis, goiter, etc., cessfully treated. Klectrical Offices, Room 203 Weber Ma Berlin, Ont. King St. East THE EMPLOYER‘S AMA‘I’M OF WATERLOO COUNTY FREK LABOR BUREAG â€" 59 King St. West, serlin, We have vacancies for men and ® men in all lines of work. llma out of employment communicate us at once. _ No charge for regist tion of services rendered. 14 Specialityâ€" Diseases of the Hiar, Nose and Throat. SFE E. A. REID & CO., 43 lm At.. Rerlin, Phone 387, for k in fteal Estate. Open evenin®® _ DR. WELLINGYON K. JACOBS . DR. F. G. HUGHES, o T Dentist _ Oddfellow‘s Block, _ DR. CLAYTON W. WELLS ~__ . Dentist, Waterloo. YÂ¥3 Oflce Hours 9 to 12, 1.30 to &151 Closed all day Friday, CLEMENT & CLEMENT â€"~ ‘This is Ontario‘s best mï¬l: training school, with Commere thorthand and Telegraphic ments. Our courses are and instructors are We place graduates in Write for our free catalogue at and see if it interests you. C D. A. McLACHLAN, 8 DR. 8. ECKEL, L.D.8, D.DA & o en M$MmҤ sCELLEN & , Keelion, BA., LLB. A. L. BITTZR, B. A. JAMELS C. HAIGHT FALL TE R M From Aug. 30th ‘ es 4 ‘;..yl-hM. Aâ€"â€"a~snRD, ONT. Business Cards. DR. J. E. HETT J. A. HILLIARD . ‘Telephone 121. REAL ESTATE Dental. tk