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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 18 Nov 1915, p. 12

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aluo mt $370%, horses at $200 ; in an tss mt onte at 15. . PtBat the defendent refused to J and would not giv C ver The defendent in t! ,!' that . no propér memor: & made ‘of the contract 1 Uthat it was not, ;therefor, pinding. : \ N 4 J.;â€"A. Scellen, of Berlin and R. S .$ Ma of Stratford, appeared for wllau.« L. Bitzer of Berâ€" & , and D. Inglis Grant, of Toronto, ; Jtt\': 19e e < ; {fero the . d ‘ Saloniki, Nev. 17.â€"In addition to & arian _ column which turned 3 position at Babuna pass, Bulgarian force is advancing ph Kostove from Kalkendolen. : The are reported to beâ€" withâ€" g~from the Cerna River, a which is held by the French, hbe report many desertions from the army. TEUTONS STILL | __ _ IN PURSUIT | br OF SERBIANS MWANY DESERTIONS FROM BULGAR ARMY . s ~*!ARE REPORTED ‘ABerlin, Nov. 17. â€"The war office tatement savs that the pursuit . in the â€" mountains of Serbia continues satisfactority.. Two thousand . more Serbians have been taken prisoners. Russian war vessels have bombarded the German position of Petragga in Courtland and the surrounding counâ€" NDAMUS PROCEEDINGS WILL BE TAKEN Stratford, Nov. 16. â€"Following the action of the City Council in refusing last night to submit a local option byâ€"law to the people, the Executive ef the Temperance and Moral Reform Association _ this evening authorized its fegal advisers to proceed at once with mandamus proceedings to force the Council to a¢t on the petition. It was also decided to send a large quota of temperance . .i>rs to Torâ€" onto on Monday for the .nauguration l‘ot the "dr«{ Ontario‘‘ campaign. â€"A. foreigner who passed a Mexican fiveâ€"dollar â€" bill; worth about sixty te; on a King street merchant on turday appeared in Police Court morning. Magistrate Weir was of the opinion that the act was .0t tional and that it was commitâ€" ted through ignorance of the currency. ‘Accordingly, he explained this to the _who willingly exchanged it | for A Fnin bill. e was handed the Mexican pill hich fis fimgered nervously for . a ment and then asked what he could with it. * ,YOh, , keep itâ€"till you go to Mexiâ€" ,‘‘rephed His Worship, as he dis ‘"the case. > ‘~I geftainly preier to pay in this .w_ You might double the monthly ‘JeÂ¥y ‘at the factory until the $21.00 W Paid up and the I will conâ€" A . at the subscribed rate. Hoping Khis will be satisfactory, 1 am, Yours ȴexry. Aculy. of ~â€"‘Phis jetter is from a young man who unfortunately cannot qualify as a soldier=â€"but who believes in doing all in his power to help the depenâ€" ~of those who do go to _ the m- showing the true patrioâ€" k in doing ‘"his bit‘" in the Ofly way he can. »A4¢ M C . BONDS. / Wéstern School District and Rural elephone Debentures at current atâ€" AricUYe rates." Write tor particulars. "*__‘ H. O‘HARA & co. Boyal Bank Building. Toronto. ‘a des io REKINGMAN _ WHO IS WILLING NOT PASS MEXICAN BILL INTENTIONALLY the action hrought by Samâ€" (Canadian Press.) (Canadian Press.) e the evidemse, Spector al estate dealer, â€"agreed ol this. . City against FO DO HIS "BIT‘" lots, accept up of cattie Tuesday One of Can 1,358 YOUNG MEN CORRECTLY TAI_ORED. .. ..Men‘s Suits, broken lines of Men‘s handâ€"tailorâ€" ed suits, fine tweed and worsteds, in the conservaâ€" tion style, for both men and young men. . Regâ€" ular price $7.50 to $9.00 ... ... ......}> Sale prIGe ...... 20266 k6Â¥ k45 6}2 kx rklt $595 Men‘s pure wool Worsted . Suits, handâ€"made, best tailoring,, linings and trimmings, in fancy Browns, Greys and Navy Blue, regular sls.sfl "$18.00 to $20.00. Sale price . ..... . MEN‘S SUITS FOR $5.95 ..250 Men‘s suits in the newest nin’rl\e' breasted models, made of stunning Scotch eeds and fancy Worsteds, in the most popular patterns, colâ€" ors and weaves, all sizes, "regular $10.00 3795 and $12.00. Sale price ..1. ... â€">>>>> MSN‘S SUITS FOR $7.95 328 Men‘s Suits, the same as you see priced all over at $15.00, magnificent Worsteds and, Tweeds, single breasted models, handâ€"made‘ throughout. They go in this sale .... «.. «.. >> «6+ dW MEN‘S SUITS FOR $10.90. MEN‘S SUITS FOR $13.80 MEN‘S SUITS FOR $16.80 22.00 and 24.00 Suits, all Irish and Scotch Tweeds an Worsted, only one to three sizes, in the lot ....... ... Sale price ...... ....> >l $50,000.00 worth of n*w Fall and Winter Clothing and Furnishâ€" ings and Boots and .’%:"’"' be dis tributed into the homek of the people for less than the actual sost of the raw material for 15 days, an’ 15 days only, as Sale positively opens 250 pairs at one special purchase. The maker wanted the money, we were ready for the goods. We make our profit on the quantity of the selling. You make your big saving on each pair. $2.00 Trousers $1.38. $3.00 Trousers $2.50 $2.25 Trousers $1.68. $5.00 Trousers $4.00 $3.00 Trousers $1.98. $6.00 Trousers 4.00 In many cases less than makers cost. 100 Boy‘s Suits, single and double breasted, in light and dark material, bloomer pants in sizes 24 tot 30, regular $4.00 to 450 . ... .: $2,98 $2.00 Trousers $1.38. $3.00 Trouse $2.25 Trousers $1.68. $5.00 Trouse $3.00 Trousers $1.98. $6.00 Trous 1000 BOY‘S SUITS AND OVERCOATS BBoy‘s Suits.â€"The world over you would have to pay at least $6.0P nnd&:‘m made from . imâ€" ported smooth finish, grey brown tweeds, large fitting strap and buckle, b?omern. sizes 26 to 30, regular $5.00 and $6.00 .... .... ..} .>> ;398 Salk BrIGR ......" ccoe escfi ssorce+" ERNST‘S SATURDAY, NOV. 20, AT TROUSERS AT LESS THAN FACTORY PRICES. s Doomed .00 Suits, all bench tailored _ in ch Tweeds and best Efglish fancy one to three suits of avllaoA.PuQ all nada‘s Leading and Most Reliable Manufacturer‘s by Ernst &C:.gand will be placed on sale for l;&m lnflmany cases less than the present cost of cloth. ”en’s and Young Men‘s Over s * Good comfortable Co.att, well tailored. rarremmg y 4. n ns d m w CV © nb inkncat t x i s se e t o i o o 4 o s 3 /C l ?da's Leading and Most Reliable Manuf;acturgg_’ sftnt Just thing of buying an upâ€"toâ€"date Winter Overâ€" coat for $7.95. Truly a wonderful assortment of wagnderful . values. Materi’u include â€" Meltons, CReviots, Worsteds and Tweed Cloths, in black, ber@wn, o?e; and extremely smart fancy mixtures, made in belted back inâ€"Uister or plain back, Chesâ€" tefield, in all sizes for men and young men, regâ€" uldr $10.00 and $12.00 values. Sale oi en css 5* t $199 Combare these with anything shown or made elgewhere at $16.00, extra quality in cloth, in tal‘loring, in Iinih-g and fit. ‘ Sale $9.95 PMGE ... 22. u2. cl.0c2.0lalcsrl pr aea Sample Overcoats â€"=â€" _ for $9.95 Men‘s Overcoats ? for $7,.95 Overcoats â€" $1680 NOTHING LIKE IT BEFORE, NOTHING LIKE IT MAY EVER W&W ‘This Great Sale will be the event of the 20th Century, a great feast of Bargains that are unparalleled in the history of modern merchandise. It will pay you to come 100 miles to meet this great sale. It may be hard to believe that a bi n like this would sacrifice such an immense stock. But it is the gospel truth, and all we ask is a visit, which will convince the most skeptical of the sensationally low prices M% vail during this great salé. ‘This is no fake, no substitute, but a str bonafide and every price we duote and every quotation is absolutely t. Seeing is conâ€" vincing. Come, inspect and see with your own eyes this mamunity that has ever presented itself, and in order to show you the tremendous sacrifi¢es that are beâ€" ing made, helow we quote a few of the wonderful, marvelous, extraordinary bargains that are being offered, and remember, there are thousands we cannot mention hert, as space will not permit. OUR SPECIAL $5.00 The greatest $5.00 Suit value we have ever produced, in very choice goods, neat checks, quiet stripes and neat patterns, sizes 24 to the students‘ sizes 33. Bring the boys along .... .... $|;w This is a great opportunity,,.. ... . »7+ STUDENTS‘ LARGE SIZE BLOOMER SUITS $500 $600 $7 We are specializing in a big array of Big Boys‘ Big Bloomer Suits, stisched on belts, pleated styâ€" les, with patch pockets, the niftiest suits in Canâ€" ada. Very special for this Sale ... ... ......... Youths‘, all sizes up to 35. . Very SS% Special $8.00 value. For this Sale .. Another big special Overcoat in fancy tweed, tou way collar, regular price $7.00 ..... s Sale price ...... ..... .22 k68 k66 + $5w Children‘s Russian Overcoats, regular $5m $5.00. Sale price .......ok.. {.. ... BOYS‘ OVERCOATS BUY YOUR SHOES AT BIG REDUCTIONS 325 pair Women‘s Boots, new sty!‘sh shapes, in Vici Kid, with dull kid tops, patent toes, Cubâ€" an heels, sizes 2%/, to 7, regular $3.00 to $198 $3.25 per pair. Sale price .... ... ... 240 pair Women‘s popular new fall styles, Gunmetal, Patent and Vici Kid, leather, button and blucher style, medium or high heels, sizes 24 to 7, regular $3.50 to $4.00 .... ... ..« s h Sale PFIGR ....s. onl recsrcoals rirs 298 Best 50c Fleece Shirts and Drawâ€" ers, all Size8. .............6++ c Sale Pricg ...l..rsrisdkill.nr4 39 Penman‘s 65c Wool Fleece. 48c Sale Prige .cclrcsrrersrrss +4 Best $1.00 heavy Wool Rib. 75c Blll Brixa IMantes Best $1.00 heavy Wool Rib. 75c Sale Prite ...ciszisysccl ds crk3 Combination Suits at 90c and up. Boys‘ Wool Fleece Shirts and 35c Drawers. Sale Price.......... 1,200 Men‘s High Grade Shirts, representing the very cream of Canâ€" ada‘s leading manufacturers. This lot includes all the new patterns . and colirs; figures, stripes and bars, regâ€" ular $1.00 and $1.25.. ........ 69: Sale PMGBR ......ccssvs{iialÂ¥. mee e e eC C1 350 SOFT FELT HATSâ€"MEN SAVE GREATLY Fedora, Alpine an dother soft shapes, Brown, Olive, G and Navy Blue; also a few Black, raw and. bound edges, narro silk bands, silk trimmings, Regular $2.00 to §$2.50, ........> Sale PMGB.....; ckrirse silsclerrrÂ¥s43srr4 rirressss «+rk ks‘ Be sure and see these Overcoats. You are not confined to our style even though you are asked to pay only $10.90. For instance these are the much full coat, long Chinchilia cloth, in plain grey and navy blue, also rough Scotch and Fancy Mixâ€" tures, sizes 33 to 44, regular $15.00 and .\j‘e:‘lh.‘?_:“ , reg $ SIM $16.00, Sale Price If you have been planning to invest $20.00 or $22.00 for an Overcoat we advise you tom seasonable line of fine Overcoats at $14.90; the most luxurious fabrict, fine lamb wool Chinchilias, in blaé, grey and brown, beautiful .;m wolly mixâ€" tures? cloths are all new colorings, fine Black Melâ€" tons and Beaver Cloths, made in dominant styles of the fa.i;ion centre; single and double breasted shaw! collar, plain or beited back, models, snug fitting collars, all sizes, regular $20.00 â€" sl 4,” and $22.00 vaues, Sale Price. ... ... ... Men‘s Overcoats for $10,.90 00 TO $12.00 Men‘s Overcoats for $14.90 WHERE THE GOOD CLOTHES COME FROM A full range Stanfield‘s F in all weights. We are selling Canada‘s best 35¢ socks fOr ........}69 999999 We are selling the mere Socks in Canad than old prices, .....â€" 3 pairs for ..........0 Penman‘s 20c Socks, 2 pairs for........}}0 ENGLISH CASHMERE SOCKS 265 Women‘s Patent, Colt, and Gun metal, button and blucher in mat, calf and cloth tops, sizes 2/ to 7, regular $4.00 and $4.50 ... $329 SBale BFIGB cc..l. sizse 2620 kree sys 400 pairs Ladies‘ Boots.â€"These lots and discontinued lines, beautiful elegant styles, in Gun metal and Vic sewn soles; sizes in the lot 2!/, to 7, to clear at thi ssale 200 pair Misses‘ Gunmetal, Calf Button and Blucher Boots, Mckay sewn soles, broad toes, low heels; sizes11 to 2, regular §2.50. ....: s189 n ctans"at Shik RalB ol 2unli y ons i‘ to clear at this sale 250 pair Girls‘ Box Calf Boots and Vici Kid, good stylish, comfortable and low heels; sizes 8 to 10%4, regular $1.75 to $2.00. ...;.>..+ $ x Sate Prige ........66kkkk k68 k99 9nn n hn 149 300 pair Children‘s Shoes it style and sizes to select from; $1.35 to $1.6§5. ........ 66666 Sale Price ........ .n3 ++>* 200 pair Men‘s Shoes in all substantial . solid leather, splendid fall and winter weight for rough wear; sizes 6 to 11, regular $2:25 to $2.75. slso Sate Price .....266 6698 k k6 66999 dn tton e of fine Combinations, Pure Wool â€" Underwear, Olive, Greens, Grays es, narrow and . wide the best 50c Cashâ€" Canada, special, less Men‘s Black Beaver Plush, lined Fur Collar Ovâ€" ercoat, rubber interlining, all sizes, regular $1z $17.00, Sale Price ... ... ... ... .>> ++ * Fur and Fur Lined and Fur Collar Coats. Men‘s British Melton Cloth, Fur Collar coats, chamois interlining, all sizes, regular $20.00, Sale Price ... ... ... .06 ++ ++ $75.00 Northern Ratâ€"lined British Beaver Cloth Overcoats, Sale Price ... ... .... Heavy double texture Auto and Driving Rainâ€" coats, the most serviceable coat in Canada $3w regular $6.00, Sale Price ... ... ... <>> Broken lines of fine Cravenettes, in dark grey and fine Burberette Cloth, in shades of fawn and Olive; sizes in the lot 35 to 46, regular $7.95 $10.00 and $12.00, Sale Price ... ... ..> Men‘s Raincoats, made of double te berized tweed effect; will wear the av for six or eight years, regular $15.00, Sale Price ... ... ...0ll. +++ +r> «. $70.00 Select Coon coats for Interesting Rainâ€" coat Bargains. ©1 00 25° in a large and varied : sizes 2 to 7, regular Penman‘s $3.50 and $:.00 Sweater Coats in a good range . of colors. Sale Price................l...k kikkkk serrek ++ 20 dozen Men‘s Fine Sweater Coats in heavy pure wéok and Browns, regular $1.50 to $2.00. Sale Price ............ Our full range of Boys‘ Jerseys, Sweaters and Sweater Coats for school wear at very special prices for this sale. alls. .. Special $1.25 Stripped Blue and.. Black Overalls. Very Special $1.00 Blue and Black Over alls, Special, this Sale...... 75c. Black Overalls....... and Gun metal, rese are broken itiful quality and j Vici Kid, Mckay to 7, regular $2.50 Canada best Union made Over THE WORK COODS AND OVERALL sSTORE OF BERLIN ERNST $169 f double texture rubâ€" ear the average m2n 98° SWEATERS COATS SPECIAL $1190 300 pair Men‘s Box Calf and Vici Kid blucher cut, medium heavy solid leather soles, sizees 6 to 11, reg. $3.00. Saie price 265 pair Men‘s Shoes, all leathers, all styles, heavy and medium soles, high and medium, the latest fashions in fall shoes for men, regâ€" 3298 ular $3.50 to $4.00. Sale Price ......... P 265 pair Men‘s Shoes, winter weights, Box Calf, Patent, Colt, Gun Metal, the very latest 1915 Blucher and Button lasts, regular $4.50 $3w and $5.00, all sizes. Sale Price ...... Boys Boots in all substantial solid® leather, splendid made weights for school and rough wear, as well as weights for best and Sunday; sizes 11, 12 and 13, regular $2.00 and $2.25. ... sifi Sale Vrige ...... ... ... a6.48kkk k4 k4s 300 pair Boys‘ Boots, in Box Calf, in a good stylish shape Blucher, tops solid leather throughâ€" out, Mckayâ€"sewn soles, all well put together; sizes 1 to 5, regular price $3.00 and $3.25. :z.zs Sale PMIGE 1........c00211245r8 rers Men‘s Rubbers, our $1.00 quality. Sale Price Women‘s Rubbers, our regular 80c value;â€" gize8 OVg 10 B. ....sccsivrrarerrrraqsrincee ng S? Sale PFrIGG....... ....6 6k k3 k k9 68 en t 6n n# Girls‘ or Misses‘ Rubbers, in sizes 11 to 2, Standard, regular 60c. Sale Price ... Overâ€" $15 $49 $125 $100 . 75c Ernst & Co. will place on salé the MW s stock exer attempted to be"sold out at m‘d will place this mammeoth stock dm grade Clothing, Fm}ohlno- and Boots .and Shoes at the mercy of the public to be unmercifully siaughtered for the next 15 days and 15 days only, beginâ€" SATURDAY, NOV.20, AT 8 A w Men‘s Mule Skin Gloves, wool lined or unlined, â€" regular §0c. ”c Sale Price..........(@Â¥h.l.... DP © ’5(: Boys‘ Black . Sheep: Mitts, â€" wool lined, regular 40c. ..........1. u §0c . Sale Prige........l.cl20...0 .. d# Doomed 65c Work Shirts for........ (These are full large sizes).. Best 85c Shirt sol® in Can ada, very special Bargain...., wite e Kid Boots, $198 $298 98° 45c

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