Mrs. W. T. Wallace was in Toronto on Monday. Miss Mary Kranz is back from her 6 in London, where she was . the ‘&l Miss Rita Karn. Mr. Alex. Potter has gone down to Gettsyburg, (Pa., where he has enterâ€" ed Pennsylvania College to resume his studies. Mrs. _ A. J. Gabel has returned from her summer vacation spent al Centre Island, Toronto, w' Cyril Brady motored up . [ ronto on Sunday to spend the,d with friends in town. Mr. Geo. C. H. Lang ‘Thursday to spend a couple in Mt. Clemens, Mich. Mr. Leigh Butler is sp« holiday with his . parents Mrs. W. E. Butler. Mr. and Mrs. Winsby, asked a few in on Wednesday evening, for a game of cards when a very pleasant time was spent by all present. Mr. Parry Stewart is spending Thanksgiving at _ the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Stewart. Miss Rene â€" Thompson, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Laura Stewart for over the holiday. . Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Jackson, _ of Hamilton, were guests of Mr. . and Mrs. F. G. Chace, Schneider avenue on Thanksgiving Day. Miss Carolyn Bowlby, who is #ending Bishop Strachan School Toronto, is spending the holiday Her home, Margaret Avenuce. Mrs. Harvey Devitt and Miss Sadie Devitt, have come back to town, afâ€" ter spending the past couple of weeks at Conestogo. Mrs. W. E. Woefle and Miss Getâ€" trude Woelfle went down to Toronto on Monday to hear Madame Mclba, at Massey Hall, an Monday evening. Wirs. Otto R. Foi will Teceive for the her marriage at her garet Ave., on Frid from 3 to 7 o‘clock ‘The â€" finals for the Seagram Cup Championship were played off at the Grand River Country Club on Thursâ€" day afternoon, when Mrs. Witzel was the fortunate winner, with Miss Lipâ€" pert being runner up. Mr. and Mrs. Cowan and Miss Harâ€" rison motored back to their home in ‘Toromto on _ Wednesday, after spendâ€" ing a few â€" days in town, the guests oi Mr. and Mrs. ;McAvity, Homewood Avenue. The Saturday aiternoon bridge parâ€" ties at the Country Club are quite a success, and the ladies hope to . be able to continue them for some time to come.. Last Saturday, Mrs. Shanâ€" non Bowlby won the pretty cup and saucer given by Miss Jackson. B Galt, to Bufflalo this week. Mrs. . Geo. Mrs. â€" Aug. R. Evans, and MrS Mrs. John R. Parry and clil of Hamilton, _ are spending a weeks at the â€" home of Mr. and L. J. Breithaupt, Queen strecet, Dr. Parry having charge of the Battalion ay Niagara Falls, Ont French Hair Dressers are Clever Miss Lillian Breithaupt returned Wednesday from her southern _ _ having visited San Diego, San F én;dian West, during _ het months, absence from Berlin. Mrs. Edward Keefer is spending a couple of weeks with her grandmothâ€" er, Mrs. D. S. Bowlby, St., Mr Keefer â€" will spend the holiday _ in Berlin, at the hoine of Mrs. Bowlby. Mr. â€" and Mrs. W. 1. Williams, Foundry St., N., have leased the fine property on Queen St. S., formerly owned and occupied hy Mr. Geo. Steâ€" wart. â€" They expect _ to move into their new home immediately. Scientists in France have much study to the care of the h: nowhere in the world do men, women and even children 1 h wae Nr_Sangerbund, of Phris, who discovereg tmas falling hair, faded hair and dandruff were caused by :::u. and it was a Frcnq& that first gave to t world a hair tonic that would destroy the germs. _ _ _ . soomt ce Cakew 5 Since the introduction of g'hiln Sage into Canada mnh have learned that ruff can be quickly abolâ€" ished, that falling hair or ;i':'l"m‘rl-; unnecessary, and that everybody can have an R. Forsyth (nee RooS), for the first time since > at her home, 31 _ Marâ€" on Friday, October 15th, Woefle and Miss Ger is spending _ the parents, Mr. _ and . . 4 Lang, Louis for a c A. G. Hachnel, Druggist, Waterioo, ang motored Mrs. Norman L. Lang, . of oupl en _ frip San Franâ€" f1 hildr ecks of days re given \ abundant head of vigorous hair, full of hair, and | life and beauty. k It is because Parisian Sage M works such wonders that the manigt AN B sale all over Canada is pheâ€" M it in ats Mr. Ernest Hodgins of Wi is visiting Twinâ€"City, friends, usivet. XEC Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Betzner _ aud two children and Miss Catharine Gole have gone on a six weeks‘ visit to Lititz, Pa. Mrs. MacPhetson, of Toronto, the guest of Mrs. Ephraim Bricker Miss M. Isbister, of Hamilton, was « holiday visitor at the home of Mr and Mrs. H. Tolton, Elien street. F. I. Weaver, Toronto, was a visi tor in Berlin on Monday. Walter Strub, _ Woodstock, was a holiday visitor at his home here on the holiday. Dr. and Mrs erboro, formet newing old ac Thanksgiving guests of Dr. Frederick St. Geo. Malleck, Thanksgiving Day The Daughters of the Empice, _ deâ€" sire to express thanks to the Ladies‘ Aid Society of St. Peter‘s .utheran (ifurch, and the Ladies‘ Aid Society of St. Matthews Lutheran Church for their donations of five dollars each, handed to Mrs. C. H. Mills, for the 1purpose of securing comforts for the soldiers. iy on an extended tr:> through the anadian West. Miss Elizabeth Bender left on Mon Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Hilbotn, _ of Brooklyn, _ N.Y., are visiting Twirâ€" City friends. Mr. 8. M.o. Accountant at Bank of Comt vears, has bee the branch at to pe congrat of which he is Mr. 8. M. Johnson, who has been Accountant at the local pranch of the Bank of Commerce for the past few vears, has been appointed Manager of the branch at Port Stanley. He | is to pe congratulated on his promntionJ of which he is most worthy. Mr. and® Mrs. Johnson will leave shortly for: their new home. They will be . folâ€" lowed _ by the good wishes of their Berlin friends who hope they may enâ€" joy health and prosperity_ in _ their new place of residence. Berlin is very fortunate in having a capable and expetienced dancing inâ€" structot in the person of Mr. Dougâ€" las E. MacKave. Mr. McKaye _ has formed _ a class at the Grand Rivetr Country Club, for the members, . a great many of whom are taking this opportunity to learn this graceful \nrt. Classes _ for children and the yeseral public are also being formed, art. Classes for children and th yeseral public are also being formed which will pe well patronized, as Mr MacKaye has had wide experience. On Thursday afternoon there were a few _ competitions played at the Golf Club. The Approach and Putâ€" ting Competition was won by . Mrs. Lippert_ and _ _the Drawing Competiâ€" tion by Mrs. Witzel. ‘The finals for the consolation prize ‘The finals for the coi were also played, _ Mr ning, with Mrs. HallA a Miss Jackson, Miss Geneva Jackson and MFs. Paul D. Hayward, who have been at their home on Queen street, North â€" for the past few weeks _ are staying at the ‘"Kress House," iPresâ€" ton, for a month. They will afterâ€" wards visit friends in Toronto _ and other places, and will leave later to spend _ the winter _ months in the Southern . States, where it is hoped Miss Jackson, who las not peen en joving very good health, will be beneâ€" fitted by the change of climate. Mr. Ernest Hodgins and Miss Nelâ€" > Hodgins _ have gone up to Lucan _ spend _ ‘Thanksgiving with their cle, Mr. King Hodgins, _Mrs. W. M. Cram, Weber street, entertained a few friends on Tuesday for the _ Misses _ Jackson and Mrs. Havward. Three tables were in _ reâ€" quisition for ‘"‘Bridge.‘" The interestâ€" ing games of cards were enjoyed, and Miss Lillian Tyson was successful in winning the lovely prize for the highâ€" dainty menu at the co ing to a close an even The ladies regretted b to the guests of hono greatly missed in s0« nomenal falling hair and itching scalp in two weeks, or moneé back. Parisian Sage costs 50 cents a lage bottle at your drugâ€" Xil(‘n. The Girl with the uburn Hair is on every package. For aches, pain®, rhenmaâ€" tdoew, oto.. try Parisian Musâ€" tard" Corate. _ Its effect is meme Sm Eoo e ene s wonderfal. _ Use in piace of mustard rl.ï¬"-. ..J«..- or hot applications. Will mot blister. 250. a tube, s. â€" Buchanan, of â€" Petâ€" tly of this city, are reâ€" quaintances here during week. _ They are the . and Mrs. Honsberger, $ The hostess served : u at the conclusion, ‘bring ose an evening of pleasure of Toronto, _ spent at his home here. h _ it ls'?umauin.u in ctm~stn eerboctf.. . @F/rs cial id olation prize Pearce winâ€" tunner up. y will afterâ€" »tonto _ and ave later to onths in the it is hoped iot peen _ en> will be beneâ€" limate. wh hair, full of : goodâ€"bye in will be ircles durâ€" Uhronicleâ€"Telegraph, Water loo, Thursday October 14, 19158 . Twe new jwells have been found in lnueporfa the Water Commission, according _ to a statement given out toâ€"day ~ by Superintepdent Hymmen. The latest fiad was this morning when a well registering a flow of 200, 0C0 gallons was located. The other well was found last Saturday. It alâ€" so registers a flow of 200.000 gallons. FIRST AID TRAINING IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Ottawa, Oct. 6.â€"The St. John Ambulance _ Association general exeâ€" cutive has decided to arrange . with preparatory schools throughout Cln-l ada for a course in first aid this Fall and Winter. It will also eu-| deavor to arrange with the military authorities _ for _ instruction of the units of the expeditionary forces _ in first aid work during their peril ci training in Canada. Statistics show that during the four years of the asâ€" sociation‘s _ work in Canada 36,000 persons have received _ the training. In she past year the number was 11,â€" 580, an increase of more than a thousand over _ the preceding twelve months‘ period. General Secretary Birdwhistle will leave shortly on tour. of all the provincial branches OFFICERS OF ST. ANDREW‘S MEN‘S STUDY CLASS clair; Reception, W. C. Tracey. The class has had a successful vear and the membership shows a steaily grow th,. LEFT FOR LONDON TO ENLISP WITH ‘ 34TH BATTALION Herbert Ostell, of the Star Theatre staff, left this ~orning for London to join the 34th Battalion with which he has enlisted. The patrons of the Star â€" will miss Bert‘s genial counâ€" tenance at â€" the door of this playâ€" house, among whom he was deservedâ€" ly popular. As one having seen thirâ€" teen years service in the British Arâ€" my and having seen active service in the Boer War. Mr. Ostell is someâ€" what of a veteran â€" in soldiering and is a;\xinu;ly awaiting the day when the 34th will be assigned a portion of the line in Flanders or France. The funeral _ of the â€" late Norman Bochmer who died on Monday _ was held at two o‘clock Wednesday alterâ€" noon from _ the residence on Samuel street to Mount Hope cemetery, Onlw the immediate _ friends and relatives being present. ® The _ services were _ conducted by Rev. WJ. _ Schade. _ Three brothers, George, Oscar and Arthur and _ Mr. Harvey Hymmen, _ Mr. Orland Hallâ€" man ard _ Mr. Young of Brantford, acted as pallâ€"bearers. The family _ wish to thank _ the many friends who sent flowers _ and otherwise befriended them in _ their pereavement. ing their city. An interesting event took place at: St. James Church, Paddington, Engâ€" land, on _ Wednesday, when Captain Basil E. Wedd, attached to General Mercerâ€"s staff, first; Infantty Brigade, was matried _ to Miss Norah Marsh Van â€" Nostrand, _ daughter of Lieut. Col. Van Nastrand, of Toronto. The latter is commanding the 74th Batâ€" talion now at Niagara Falls, Ont. Lieut. Lawrence (Pete} Wedd, _ son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. M. Wedd, _ of this city, ‘who is a cousin of the pridegroom, _ was best man, having with Captain Wedd come from _ the front for the occasion. Aiter the ceremony _ a reception was held at Claude Bergan‘s house in Gloucester Square, _ where the bride has been staving. â€" The â€"honeymoon is heing spent. at the, Isle of Wight residence of Genetal Seeley, Commandet of the Canadian Cavalry Briga le. St. Ja land, Basil Mercer Lieut. Lawre of Mr. and A this â€" city, bridegroom, with Captain front â€" for t Wednestia paintings day the WAS STRUCK IN BRIDGEPORT Homer Watson. These pictures, ‘‘The Birth of our Army," ‘"The Review and "‘The Ranges‘‘ belong to the Dominion Government, but have already earned Red Cross at Mr. Watson‘s studio Doon; _ where _ they have previou been on view. The exhibition, wh opened to the public on Thursday the Art â€" Museum, Library buildi St. George and College streets, T ronto, continues daily for a month. The e foll Night NORMAN BOEHMER t1 OBITUARY â€"J. W. Smith. â€"D. MceNaughton. of Committee: Member Ferns: Social, W. G. Sin wing, taken from "Saturâ€" * will be of intetest _ to [winâ€"City friends of _ Mt. son.â€"A special feature of an Att Club‘s eighth annâ€" on, _ which opened under uished patronage of _ His itenantâ€"Governor and Lady ith the private view _ om evening are the three tvateartret Camp pyo mt son. These pictures, ‘"The t Armv.‘" ‘"The Review and hundred dollars f absence from this Buccessful Missionary Conâ€" ference Held in Galt on Thursday ARRANGE â€" CAMPAIGN RECOMMEND $1200 ABVANGE the A successful missionary conference was _ held in the Galt Methodist Church on Thursday afternoon _ and evening _ under ths auspices of the 1 to. Two round _ fan?t. conterenUes M. Wootton, of Galt, on the ‘"Work of the District," and the second . by Mr. J. H. Gundy, of _ Toronto, _ on "Our Missionary Policy." A banquet â€" was . provided py the ladies of _ the church in the evening, which was presided over by Mr. E. P. Clement, K.C., of Berlin. Over 200 men were in attendance and great enthusiasm _ was manifested . in the proceedings. Addresses were deliverâ€" ed by Mr. J. H. Gundyiand Rev. Mr. J. H. Gundy and Rev. Mr. Mcirvine. ‘The policy adopted at the afternoon busin~ss mesting _ was unanimously adopted, favoving a _ Simvltaneous campaign during . the month of Noâ€" ‘vember. On Sunday, Nov. 14th, the ]paslors of the variovs churches _ on ithe district _ will deliver missionary addresses ; on Nov. 21st there _ will be a general â€" exchange of _ pulpits throughout the district, and on Nov. 28th outside speakers will be securâ€" cd. Following these services lunchâ€" eons are recommended for the men to be followed _ up by an everyâ€"member ‘canvas. It was agreed to endeavor raise $1200 more than last year . for missions, when $9400 was contribut ed. at Iy BERLIN TO CONTRIBUTE $20,000 TO RED CROSS SOCIETY The Berlin Council will be asked to raise $20,000 as a contribution . to the British Red Cross Trafalgar Day fund by a deputation of local citizens, according to the decision unanimousâ€" Iy arrived at Friday at the Citâ€" izens‘ meeting called by Mayor Hett for the purpose of interesting . the public in the contribution called for. by Lord Landsdowne speaking for the British Red â€" Cross Society in . his cablegram _ to â€" Lieutenantâ€"Governor Hendrie. _ On a motion, made py George | M. 'l)eBus and A. J. Kimmel, it was deâ€" termined _ to wait _ on the Finance }(‘ommitxtre of the City Council at the _ next regulat meeting of _ that body and _ request that they recomâ€" mend to the City Council the raising of $20,000 py debentures, to pe spread over 10 _ years and that the money thus raised be contributed as Berlin‘s share â€" in the ‘Trafalgat Day _ Red Cross contribution. The meeting was well attended and was an _ enthusiastic one. Mayor Hett explained the purpose of _ the meeting by reading the telegram from Licutenantâ€"Governor Hendriee asking that Berlin join with all the _ other cities of _ the â€" Empire on Trafalgat Day, October 2ist, in raising money to assist the British Red Cross Soâ€" ciety in its efforts to provide for the wounded soldiers _ of the vast â€" new army which has been sent into _ the various theatres of the watr. oT. THOMAG PASTOR CALLED The _ S John‘s An some time successt valltw Willia reply Mr. decided to Rev he John irew RHEUMATISM ARRESTED To arrest rheutnatism it is quite as imâ€" portant to improve your general health as to purify your blood, and the cod liver oil in Scott‘s Emulsion is nature‘s great bloodâ€"maker, while its medicinal nourishâ€" ment strengthens the organs to expel the impurities and upbuild your strength. Scott‘s Emnlsion is helping thousands every day who could not find other relief. Refuse the alcoholi¢ substitutes, ;miile; in the blood, and each succeeding attack seems more acute until rheumatism has intaded the whole system. Many people sutter the tortures of jame the pr decil btle: John‘s Large and Enthusiastic i th ides Supply _ Con Anglican chur la e ago appointed to secite a to the Rev. J.W..J. Andrew, ast week to extend a _ call W. 8. Brownl>e, recror _ of ‘s church, St. Thomas. The â€"dulvâ€"extended hyâ€"â€"Rishop to Mr. Brownlee, and _ the expected at an early date. ownlee . is one of the ablest he diocese of Huron and _ if s â€" to accept â€" the call will _ prove a worthy sucerssot tesent popular rector of St. hur y, Nov. 14th, the iovs churches _ on deliver missionary 21st there â€" will ze of _ pulpits , and on Nov. will be securâ€" seriices lunchâ€" for the men to . everyâ€"member cd to endeavor last vear _ for nithe WWC W PRESENTED WITH DRESSING ROBE An interesting event took ::a at the monthly meeting of the Mothers‘ Guild of St. John‘s Angli¢can Church 8t on _ Wednesday _ alternoon after the rector Rev. Mr. Andrew had conductâ€" ed an impressive Bible reading.‘ The Guilld expressed its appreciation . of the services rendered by their rector since its organization and presented him _ with a handsome gentleman‘s ‘dressing robe. The address was read by Mrs. Vogelberg, and was sultably acknowledged by Rev. Mr. Andrew. \n FUTURE SUPPORT OF HOSPITALS Ap the monthly meeting of the Berâ€" liy‘ & Waterloo Hospital Board Pres. ghes intimated that he had _ disâ€" pussed the question with Dr. R. W. BrucesSmith, Inspector of Hospitals and Charities, of securing legislation which will place Hospitals in | this province in the same position as parks and public libraries in securing a fixed amount ef oneâ€"half mill of the taxâ€"rate from the municipalities for maintenance. He stated that while Dr. Bruceâ€"Smith had previously been opposed to this method of financing bospitals he has come to the concluâ€" sion â€" that it=is the best and would distribut~ the cost of maintenance to all classes. After a thorough discussion a comâ€" mittee, composed of Messrs. J. B. Hughes, E. P. Clement, K.C., W. H. Schmalz and Geo. Diebel, was apâ€" pointed to secute additional informaâ€" tion and also secure the coâ€"operation of other Hospital Boards in the proâ€" vince in seeking the nocessary legislaâ€" tion if the proposition meets . with approval. The tender of Kloepfer & Co. lor the season‘s â€" supply of Youghiogeny egg coal, at $4.65 per ton, was acâ€" cepted. * The Board tendered to the Young Women‘s Auxiliary a hearty vote of thanks for their enterprise in erecâ€" ting a commodious root house for the Hospital. The Superintendent‘s report _ for September showed 282 days for free patients, 571 for pay, total 853; reâ€" ceipts $856; admitted 63; discharged 63; remaining in 29; operations 37. The members present were Messrs. Hughes, _ Clement, Kutt, Bricker, Kaufman, Diebel, Kimmel, Cleghorn, Ahrens, Wedd, Schmalz, Kimmel and Secretaryâ€"Treasurer Eby. EDUCATIONAL RALLY AT Y. W.C. A. Upwards of one hundred and twenâ€" tyâ€"five young women found their way to the _ Educational Rally at the Young _ Women‘s Christian Associaâ€" tion building last evening. A delightful programme was rendâ€" ered by the Misses Lapsley, Wagner, Lehman, Whiteman and Werner which was much appreciated. After this the teacher in charge of the â€" different classes addressed . the meeting and gave outlines of their courses. Miss Stephanie Jones | will have charge of the Physical Training; Miss Dunham, â€" English Literature; Miss Clemens, Embroidery and Needle work; _ Miss Augustine, dressmaking and sewing and Dr. Honsberger | the St. John Ambulance Course. At the close of the meeting a large number of the young women enrolled for work Left for Kingston The. third member of the local branch _ of the Bell Telephone Comâ€" pany who has volunteered for active service â€"left for Kingston Wednesday afternoon in the person of Pte. Charâ€" les Edward Van Hatton â€" who . was been the â€" lineforeman for several years. Van Hatton, whose home is in Walkerton, will join _ the _ Royal Hotse Artillery at Ringston. BOTTLE WAS FULL OF LINIMENT? " took the whiskey â€"home. _ The bottle I gave him was ofull of linimâ€" ent,"" said an old fellow who was in the Police Court this morning chartgâ€" ed with giving liquor to a man â€" on the Indian list. It was fairly well proven that the "strong stuff"" _ was for â€"internal use, but the case . was adjourned _ until Saturday to Obtain theâ€"evidence._of the_man to _ _ whom the "liniment‘ was presented. THICK, GLOSSY HATR FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try It! Hair gets soft, fluffy and beautifulâ€"Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderine. If you care Wr heavy hair that glisâ€" tens with beauty and is radiant with life; has an Incomparable softness and is fiuify and justrous, ioy Danderine. beauty of your hair, besides it immeâ€" diately dissolves every particle of dandruff. _ You can not have nice heavy, healthy hoir if you have dandruff. This destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its atrength and its very Mfe, and if not overcome it vrodnces a feverishness and itching of tho sealp; the hair roots famish, loosen and die; then the hair falls out fast â€" Surely get a 25â€"cent bottle of Knowlton‘s Danderine from any drug store and just try it ao . tha $30 for Missing Words ‘There will be one page advertisements, to appear every Thursday, starting Oct. Tth, 1915, and ending Thursday, Jan. 27,°1916. This page is to be known as THE EDUCATIONAL MISSING WORD PAGE and is to appear for 17 issues. _ e cick _ ‘There will be one ‘‘missing‘‘ word from the page of a total of 17 missing words. There will be $30.00 in cash prizes for this page, 1 PRESENTATIONS TOWOLUNTEERS Twinâ€"City Masonic Lodge Honors Bros. H. Snyder and S. Albright. Presentations were made on Saturâ€" day by the Twinâ€"City Masonic Lodge No. 509, to Harry Snyder, of Molâ€" sons Bank, and Solon Albright of the W. G. and R., at a most enthusias tic and patriotic meeting. The preâ€" sentations were made in recognition cf the enlistment of Mr. Snyder and Mr. Albright â€" for overscas service with the 71st Battalion. Thoy will teave for London in the course of _ a 1 Abulds Mc actediihedrt uh ivaiietsnnindiiintas dedd No competitor will be permitted to know how he or she stands at any time during the seventeen weeks. Watch the next week‘s paper, and you will see whether your answet was correct or not the past week. ‘The missing word editor will \vpu the ‘‘missing‘‘ word removed from each ad. on a slip of paper, the same being placed in an envelope, sealed apd kept until the expiration of the seventeen weeks. A selection of prominent business men of Waterloo will be asked . to award the prizes. In case of tie, the judges will make an equitable division of the prize cf the enlistment of Mr. onydet 2N0 Mr. Albright â€" for overseas service with the 71st Battalion. Thoy will leave for London in the course of _ a few days. The meeting was presided over by W. E. Finnegan â€" of Waterloo, Worâ€" shinful Master and the presentations were made by W. H. Gregory. Mr. Snyder was presented with a handâ€" someâ€"leather â€" writing case and â€" Mr. Albright received a beautiful pair of pipes in a handsome â€" case bearing a silver plate containing his name and the date of the presentation. The volunteers were deeply touched â€" with the tokens of esteem and responded feelingly. money REsmiiotnlt Any other questions, not covered by the Missing Word Editor with a view . to His decision shall be final and unapp eala prizes, enter subject to these rules. Following the presentations & POT~ quet was served during which a musiâ€" cal program, selected along patriotic lines, _ was rendered. Those taking part in the programme were: Rev. C. L. Mcirvine, W. Hf Gregory, Fred Krug, _ Oscar Rumpel, M. Wildfang, Mr. McKay and Mr. McKenzie. A bout 100 were present at the meeting. SPECIAL 34TH CO. lalle s e o IN ACTIVE SERVICE MORE RECRUITS Col. H. Bowman, of the 108th Re giment, received a postal card . this morning _ from | Lieut. H. Serutton from "‘Somewhere in France‘‘ dated Sept. 25th. in which he states: #I am going into the firing line toâ€"morâ€" row night. Our company has been in action for over a month but has had PmE s tod am going into the firing line toâ€"morâ€" row night. Our company has been in action for over a month but has had very few casualties. So 1 am with them again." The company referred to is the speâ€" cial _ company of the 31th Battalion which went to the front to reinforce The company referred to is the speâ€" cial â€" company of the 31th Battalion which went to the front to reinforce the ist Battalion, leaving London last _ June. After reaching London and several _ months‘ training the membets _ of the company went to France, but the officers were not reâ€" quired at that time. Lieut. Scrutton has, however, joined his men again. Uaadt d ind ie w e en cova insd The 108th Regiment will parade on Monday â€" afternoon _ at 1.30 o‘clock. The blauk cartridges â€" have arrived and will be served out to the men. FOWL PLENTIFUL AT BERLIN MARKET There was a large Thanksgiving Day market on Saturday almost all the table space being g~cupied by the farâ€" mots and | producers Whiteâ€"theâ€"aisies were prowded with buyers. ‘The supply > of fowl for the holiday dinner was exceptionally large and varied. _ Chickens, ducks and . geese were plentiful and of a very choice varicty. Thete were also a number ‘of turkeys which disapreared almost as soon as they were displayed on the tables. Chickens were sold at frc 80 cents each, according 4¢ found a ready sale. Ducks ered at from 75 to 30 couts pound. The few turke:s Sold W valued at 22 to 24 cents per pound Eggs ‘are steadily _ advancing pfice. _ Thirty cents per dozen w the prevailing price, but some w sold at 32 cents per dozen. . Butdt sold at 30 cents per pound. Potato sold at 32 cents per dozen. Butter sold at 30 cents per pound.. Potatoes were _ offered at $1.00 to $1.25 per bushel. . The usual supply of vegetables were on gale at the usual prices the presentations a ban is, not covered by these rules, will be decided . pY or with a view to fairness to all parties concerned. final and unapp ealable. All persons entering for were 1 were ‘AVTO BAGKED OVER RIVER BANK E. A. Strasser and Party of Waterloo Have Narrow Escape at Guelph Guelph, Oct. 7.â€"Mr. E. A. Strasser of Waterloo, his two sisters, Miss Maude and Miss Sadie Strasser, and their friend, Miss Knox, had a narâ€" row escape from serious injury if not death this afternoon when returning from Toronto in a touring car. When about halfâ€"way up the Eramosa road hill Mr. Strasser decided to drive inâ€" to the garage and get a fresh supply of gasol.n>, but just as he was about to make the turn something went wrong with the mechanism of the car and it began to â€" back down. The brakes fail>d, and his efforts to put the car on low gear also failed, and the car _ kept o1 going backwards down the hill until it struck one side of the C.P.R. gate, smashing it badâ€" ly, and then went across the tracks and over the embankment into . the river. The â€" car turned completely ovet, and this doubtless saved _ the lives _ of those in it, for it threw them out into the water. Miss Knox was found to pethe only one who was injured, and she receivâ€" ed only _ a slight cut on the foreâ€" head. All were taken to the General Hospital, where they were given dry clothing and Miss Knox‘s injury was dressed. Mr. Strasser, who was at the steering wheel, was pinned undetrâ€" neath the car in the river, but outâ€" â€"side of a slight scratch on one . leg he was uninjured. don this morning in the charge of Col. Martin. Two of them will join the Pioneers and the remaining three the 7ist Battalion. The new men are JAMES S. FRANC Street, (Pioncers). BERNARD LISS, Street, (Pioneers). WALTER MIZEN, 949 King Street West, (71st). ISAAC CLARK, 19 _ King Street West, (71st). â€"ALBERT DEAL, 102 Ahtens Street Wests (71st). ARE GRATEFUL FOR ASSISTANCE BEECHAM‘S The Princess of Wales Chapter of the â€" Daughters of the Empire are grateful to Miss Margaret Dunn _ fot her assistance in procuring sox | for the soldiers. Since the outbreak . of the â€" wat, she was secured over 100 pair. They also desire to thank Mrs. Warring for her contribution of ovâ€" Schwab, Mrs. Uhrig, Mrs. 5. Di trich, Mrs. A. Wunt Sr., Mtrs. A Howe Sr., Mrs. Betchey, Mrs. Monâ€" singer, Mrs. Weiler, Mrs. Fritz, Mrs Kieswetter. â€" Mrs. Adams and Mrs prizes. ‘You do NOT have to _ to, The Waterloo Chronicleâ€" fill in the coupon that will ap mploves of The Waterloo Chront Englert Five more volunteers left for Lonâ€" Wise Precaution wil prevent theâ€"kittie iincas of today s (weolf ~meoe y Sre k o3) Th tomorrow and after. For troubles of the digestive organs you can rely on LEAVE FOR LONDON THIS MORNING Qold everywhere. in boxes, 25 #0848, ... M to be distributed as 949" King Street 68 _ Breithaupt IS, 52 Foundry