i;bnd is Money ... * George Barr _ +*+Atbagsoumy,~ : sata, stung to revoitk *But 1 make it a point never to read *“0‘1 . ~Orimiual news?" she gasped. "What ‘Mo you mean?‘ e > a title that needs fAxing 1 call mneflm You did not pusiflianimous count, nor did he care a hang for you. You were too in the ways of the world to have feeling for bim, and be was too old to have any for you, The whole teful buginess: therefore resoived it Beif into a case: of give and takeâ€"and ie took eve_ryï¬nn& He took you and mum s and now you are back where you began. Some one Geliberately éOmimitted a crime; and as it wasn‘t you or the countâ€"who ievied “mflâ€"h“h"i‘- the person who ‘pianned ©the conspirâ€" acy. 1 cakg it, of course, that the whole affair was arranged behind your back, so to spedk." Her face was quite pale, Her eyes #id not leave mine during the long and €razy diatribe, of which 1 svas already ~"It is merely my way of saying that 1 put marriages of that character in B of w Maumn-m M_, eyes "Rvery time a sweet, lovely Amertâ€" ‘{:._,_“Auwmu-om Of a foreign bounder who happens to hm:nmtwanldbnunmedm ‘~ Sbe arose from her chair, ltmnud to me she was taller than “‘unomlncd-eqpomnomo! this transaction," she said levelly, "at Jeast a certain amount of dignity was acquired. Pray remember that l am mo Jonger the unsophisticated girl you o graciously describe. 1 am a woman, Mr. Bmart." : â€" â€"gru@," sape 1, Bsenselessly COgE°Q "a woman with the power to think for beginning yourseif That is my point If the same situation arose at your present age I fancy you‘d be able to select a Rusband wwithout assistan«a, and 1 venâ€" ture to say you wouldn‘t pick up the . tirst dissolute nobleman that came your ‘ Wuy. No, my dear countess, you were hout to blame. â€"Â¥ou thought, as your: parents did, that marriage with a count . Would maken real countess of you. MWhat rot‘! You are a simple, fovable American girl, and that‘s all there ever ean be to it. ‘To the end of your days you will be an American." * We were both standing now. She was still measuring me with somewhat #ncredulous eyes, rather more tolerant tfian resentful "Do you expect me to agree with you, Mr. Smart?" she asked. . "I do," said 1 proniptly. *"You of all people should be able_to testify that my views are absolutely right." "They are right." she said simply. «Still you are pretty much of a brute to insult me with them." "I most sincerely crave your parâ€" don If it iso‘t too late!" i eried, abject ence more. (1 don‘t know what gets into me cuce in awhile.) She nttered a little ery of revulsion. "How dare you suggest such a thing How dare you speak to me in that way! . Youâ€"I ought to order you out ‘(“M and ‘neverâ€"nerer"â€" ! My jurpinons mmile checked the ont "Please. please don‘t say anything more about it 1 daresay you‘ve done e a lot of good. Perbups 1 sbail see things a Aittle more clenrly. To be per fectly honest with you. ! went into this marriage with my eyes wide open Bbut 4 â€"was unly one fool among niby Dozensof other girls in my set were eragy. to marry him: 1â€"1 baven‘t told you that he is extremely goud looking And be wasâ€"was edorable in those «Stranger things bave happened than that you sbould patch up your difficul ties and go back to live with your bus * -nunxur' 1 eried, "You convince r that it can never bappen." "Â¥You spoke of him as my busband." ahe said, going back to my remark. #Â¥He is not my husband. Please be agatn ï¬.’;;,'..‘.... and 1 knew that k had been declared for the time wâ€u'"mmmunn\ w BHave you earefully considered 'W‘IMIN found out, "tetfed ote * wn-mm-n-nfl- Hve from justice. It occurred to me dast night that the safest thing for yon to do, AMr. Smart. 1# toâ€"toi&et out wogrself" _1 stared. She went on burâ€" Mediy, ~ACanut you go away for * MceCutcheon HE STRUCK 1f RIGHT AT LAST 882 St. Valier St., Montreal. "In 1912, I was taken suddenly i1 with Aocute Stomack Trowuble and dropped in the street. I was treated by several physicians !nr -_-tw‘m years. I was in constant misery from my stomach and my weiglit dropped down from 225 pounds to 160 pounds, Several of my friends advised me to try ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘ and I did so. That was eight months ago. J began to improve almost with the first dose. No other medicine I ever used acted so pleasantly and quickly as ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘, and by using it I recovered from the distressing Stomach Trouble, and all pain and Constipation and misery were cured. 1 completely recovered by the use of ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘ and now I weigh 208 pounds. °I cannot praise ‘Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives* enough"‘, H. WHITMAN. b0c. & box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢, â€"At all deajers or sent postpaid by Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Ottawa. mORubg Vit /5 1 "Well, upon my soul!" 1 gasped. "Would you turn me out of my owh house? This beats anything I‘ve"â€" "I was only thinking of your pesce. of mind and yourâ€"your safety," she cried unbappily. "Truly, truly 1 was." "Well, 1 prefer to stay bere and do what little 1 can to shield you and Rosemary," said 1 sulleniy. "I‘l} not say anything borrid again. Mr. Smart." she said quite meekly. (I mke this occasion to repeat that I‘ve sever seen any one in ull my life so pretty us she) Her moist red Mp wembled | slightly, like a censured thijld‘s. e ber bosom. ‘IEwice 1 beard ber murâ€" mur, "Oh, God!" ols With an abrupt change of manner she begun to pace the floor, distractedâ€" ty benting her clinched Illl!d! against ~ ‘This startling erposition of feeling gave me a mmump-yoboet_._ ‘t And now i was withess to the pain she suffered. now 1 beard her cry out «gainst the husband that had hort her so pitllessly. 1 turned my head away, vastly moved. Presentiy she moved pver to the window. â€" A cuvert glance teveuled ber standing there, looking pot down at the Danube that seemed so fur away, but up at the biue sky that seemed so DeaF, ‘The sound of dry, suppressed sobe rame to my ears. It was too much lor me. 1 steaithily quit my position by the mantelpiece and tiptoed toward the door, bent on leaving her alone. fMaifway there 1 besitated, stopped und then deliberately returned to the frepince, where 1 noisily shuffied a fresh supply of coals into the grate. It would be beartiess, even uninannerâ€" ty, to teave her without letting het know that 1 was beartily ashamed of myseif and completely in sympathy with hor. Wisely, bowever, 1 resoivâ€" ed to let ber bave her cry out. Some one a great deal more farsecing thas I let the world into a most important secret when he advised man to take that course when in doubt. For a long while 1 waited for het w rexain control of cnlf. rather drending the apology would feel called upon to make for ber abrupt reversion to the frst principles of het sex. The sobs censed entirel». 1 #Â¥ dare you suggest such a thing!" mhinv.'--c'ul.1 uhe took it into her pretty bead to such a thing as that? § lfl' "Look!" she cried, pointing througb the winhdow. "tsp‘t she low$â€" ‘She beckoned again impatiently. ‘ I stopped short is my tracks ABS stared «t ber in blank amazemebt. What a stupefying creature sbe wasl: rather clear view of her eyes, ! Was considerably surprised to (ind no trace of departed tears. Her cheek was &# smooth and creamy. white as it had been before the deluge. Her eyelids were dry and orderiy, and her noss had pot been blown once to my recdl lection. ‘Truly, it was a marvelous Feâ€" covery. 1 still wonder. T The cause of her excitement was visâ€" fble at a glance. A trim nursemaid stood in the smail gailery which circled the top of the turret, just above and to the right of us.. She beld in ber arms the pink booded, pink coated Rose: place. : Jf there is one thing in this Aworlid that 1 hate with fervor it is an i1 a,A5p6red. nooriy iaipes servab« Au'iflnnln'c bursemald is the wosst Of * h "Ha, bef" I laughed bravely. "She â€"ghe evidently thinks 1 look Hike the count He is very bandsome, you mary, made #nug against the chill winds of her lofty parade ground. : Catching the nurse‘s eye, she sigâ€" naled for ber to bring the child dows to us.. Rosemary.took to me at onte. A most embarrassing thing bappened. o,..‘:‘...pucmuchnm arms and shouted "daâ€"da!" at the top of her infantile lungs. 1 fushed, and the countess shrieked with laughter. . 1t wouldn‘t have been "Ob,.that iepn‘t it!" cried the count ess, taking Rosemary in ber arms and directing me to a spot on her rosy cheek. "Kiss right there, Mr. Smart. Where! Wasn‘t it a nice kiss, honey buneb? If youâ€"are a very, very nice little girl the kind gentleman will kiss you on the other cheek some day. She calls every man she meets daâ€"da," exâ€" plained the radiant young mother. "Ob," said 1, sather crestfallen. Smart?, She‘s such a darling to boid." .&'No-m.mnkm"lcfl.d.mm "Ob, you will come to it, never fear," ..-u,qum restored Roseâ€" mary to purse‘s arms. "Won‘t be, Blake?" . f "He will, my lady," said Blake with conviction. 1 noticed this time that Blake‘s smile wasn‘t balf bad. At dinuer that evening I asked Poopâ€" endyke point blank if he could call to mind a marriage in New York soâ€" clety that might fit the principals in this puzziing case. ; j "I‘m sorry, sir, butâ€"but I can‘t do It. 1 promised her this morning I wouldn‘t let it be dragged out of me with redhot tongs." locks, keyholes were carefuily stopped up, creaking {@oors were calked, and yet 1 trembled. My secret seemed to be safely planted, but what wouald the harvest be? Eisie Hazzard presentcd me to her friends, and with lordiy generosity I presented the castle to them. There was a Russisn baron whong for brevity‘s saike I‘ll call Umovitch. There was a Viennese ‘gentleman of twentyâ€"six or eight, 1 beard, but who looked forty. His name was Pless. He was & plain mister. ‘The more 4 .â€"avw _of bim the first afternoon the more I wondered at George Hazzard‘s very bright and charming Americans, the Billy Smiths He was connected with the American embassy at Vienna, and I liked bim from the start. The baron was in the Russian embassy and was really a very nice boy. »m.mwuw tender biue eyes. "Poor fellow?" she sighed. "He is in great trouble, John. We boped that if n.ot_ll-olmvmnbcw ae might be able to forget. Oh, but 1 «m not supposed to tell you a word of the story!t We are all sworn to se "Women," said Rilly impressively. "Then it‘s easily patcbed," sald "Like cures like." "You don‘t underatand, John." s Ciste gravely. "He was married t« seantifnl"â€" "Now, Riéle, you‘re telling." caution 4 Betty Billy~Airs. Bllly Smith. "Well," said Kiste doggediy, "I‘m de termined to tell thi« much _ Hi« name Sir Wilftid Laurier will ye bac‘k in bis office at the Parliament buildings at Ottawa toâ€"day. "And this Mr. Pless, who is be?" I EHisie was looking at the rakish young CHAPTER X. # Receive Visitors. HBE cast wing of the castle was as still as a mouse on the dayi my bouse party arrived. Grim (To be contimued.) ie fand" Pra bricpad about Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Vege To e neT 1 am Lirda. Tdu san Jotter as a‘testimonial.** . o rnge Brame, Seleriis, i Woman Recovers.. Auburn, N. YÂ¥.â€"*®1I suffered <from nervousness for ten years, and had such cflg.ï¬ndflmoï¬mlfllh in anm-md-.uuucar or sleep and did not want anyone to to me or bother me at all.© Sometifiies 1 would suffer for seven hours at a time. Different doctors did the best they could for me until four months ago 1 began ving Lydis E. Pinkham‘s Vegetable gampmdluhlmd now I am in good health."â€"Mrs. WILLLAM H. GILL, No. 16 Pleasant Street, Auburn, New York, ~â€" The above are only two of the thouâ€" M.‘ u:dvd by thé ?% u«ne{mmv of Lyna, i fie pponsreuen ts C pvnd?"gm vg";g:!‘ from woman‘s ills. If you want spe« cial advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co, {conâ€" dential)Lyng,Mass. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woâ€" man. and held in Members of the Overâ€"Seas Club of London, England, are trying to find a better word than "Colonial." ‘The folâ€" lowing qnu‘atlonl have been pub lished : ¢ 6. Panbritish, Critonial, Doniinion, Emperian," | Anglian, | Imperlalist, Outbriton, . Imperial, Kithâ€"kin, DOLUEI WBR MR ZCCCIICCC PE OCT R h T o tions . h heen pub| Russians. invade. ~Bgiga) .; Toâ€"day e hy * ("* Allles All to Aw.gTfl:n" Sufficient Panbritish, | Critonial, â€" Donitnion, ) >‘ hodk: Altgring Front Emperian," â€" Anglian, | Imperlalist, uPï¬. Oct..‘ 13â€"[;110-;&; uoop:o_d will Outbriton, . Img@rial, _ Kithâ€"kin, ghting in the Baikons ay, £ i writes C. J‘. Bertelli, London® corresâ€" Britannic, _ Awayâ€"born, MacBriton, pondent. There is a complete accord Better nggestlm}s are awaited. TB¢] »etween France, Gregt Britain and Overâ€"Seas Club ig a nonâ€"party organâ€" I?uh. ami all have sufficient*troops ization founded tq promote the unity :ventl::::i:g ::; g:ntu%xne:o without of the British Empire. ations were made in the Chamber of gewâ€"â€"saeztecaes ‘ | Deputies yesterday by Premier Viâ€" es s s i o ie t o. 2 sominittec, aftier in the day by a committee, Forms of War Lord‘s Government of Vaterland The German Bundesrat, or rbaerat Council, numbers sixtyâ€"one invubers, and represents the States of the emâ€" pire as such, whereas the Reichstag represents the individual voters. The members of the Bundesrat are appointâ€" ed by the Governors o fthe different States for each session. The 397 mem bers of the Reichstag are elected by universal manhood suffrage and ballot for the term of five years. Prussia controls seventeen votes in the Bund: esrat, and it is l‘rsel'yzthrouh his powâ€" er, as King of Prussia, over this large vote, that the Emperor of Germany ex» ercises so much authority in the tov-‘ ernment of his country. Except for financial matters, the Reichstag has very little actual power, and does not initiate legislation. _The Chancellor is responsible to the Emperor and reâ€" malhs in office if <the Emperor apâ€" proves of his course even after a "no comfidence" vote has been returned by i~ Reichstag: ~The Emporor, as euch, is in supreme:dommand ‘of ‘the army and the navy. } The importance of Riga Riga, the capital of Livonia, one of the three Baltic provinces of Russia, is, after Petrograd and Odessa, the third seaport/of Russia. It Hes on the River Dwina, which at that point is srossed by a ‘bridge of boats, and a tailway bridgo. The town is 360 miles ADMIRAL DE REVEL e of Italy‘s chief naval commanders. TO REPLACE COLONIAL KAISER‘S VAST POWER f lodine invaluable in War .>, â€" lodine is the bost germ killer inexâ€" Istence. OQnly a.fow, years 4g0 . doeâ€" they use lodine. During war, dnâ€" geed, the marvellious fAuld has been: used in enormous quantities, and has practically done away with>thesherâ€" rore‘ of lodkjaw, gangrene,‘ and other diseases eausedâ€"by dirt in wounds. smalf phialsâ€"containing just enough liquid for a first dressing. The Arst ‘lllucm.chni‘hrd.l'bn'ho is wounded is to coxer his wound with :~~Baby Named Dardanciios < ; ‘The neme "Dardanelles" which wa» bestowed on the infant daughter of one of the~ British »soldiers ‘Aightiig the mummmmn tells of a family where the babies were named ‘after the places where the wmmuwuwmw of their births. He being a Â¥ there<was > u â€" St. Petersburg and w Naples;© Kattegat and Skagerrak were culture have estimated that the sea weeds of the Pacific Coast of the Unit td. Btates: can‘ dé ~made to yield fer tilizers wosth more than $150,000,000 RUSSIANS WILL HELP SERBIA IMMEDIATELY which read: *‘The committee is co.‘ vinced of the necessity of a complete ind imthediate explanation on the paft > the Government." The Premior nade no reference to Italian particl~ wation in the Balkan campaign. "Our Jrincipal pre-ocoug:zlon is the defence of our front and liberation of our :erritorien," declared .: M.. . Viviani. ‘France and B?All. however, will go to the help of Serbia, tomorrow Rusâ€" M; throw her troops against Bulâ€" / France, Great Britain and Russia are in complete accord. Sufâ€" Hicient troops are available without weakening any front. . The B&lha‘ wmestion was raised at the outset of the war, even before it came to the attention of the world. ‘The Bucharâ€" est treaty had left in Bulgaria proâ€" found heartâ€"burnings. Neither ‘King nor people were resigned to the los of the fruits of their efferts and sacriâ€" fices and to the consequences of the unjustifiable war they had waged upâ€" on their former allies. From the first day the allled Governments took into account the dangers of such a situaâ€" tion, and sought a means to remedy It. ‘Their policy has proceeded in the nppu-ot justice and generosity whith has â€" characterized the attitude of Great Britain, Russia and Italy,(as [wfl as France. & 2 8 "We mmd go tecanstituto‘the Baikan .so the‘ pooples: n_,:t ruliwtbsr national aspirations. The balance pewer thus â€" obtained by mutual sacrifice would be the best guérantee of future peace. / Bgt, spite the 3ood~wlll of Serbia and Greece, Buigaria difficulties, making claims on &lfâ€"of her frontiers at the expense of her four neighbors. Roumania WaS, ROt panâ€"speaking Jows, oneâ€"fourthy‘ bes Russians, abd onefourth Letts. | unfavoravie iv a Daiskan â€"alliands. .m?. that only a victory of Quadruple Entente could assure her independence and satisty her natigna} Mivce in ble ween Bu 5 0 nE hang Roumania Agreeable azo doc. | Cowmencing at 1 â€" o‘clock pam. ,,‘,':_:’_L-pmmmm siidh on â€" &lP~ of nse of her s4€ ry of the tion _ in the village « {hm“ a tracsy hace "hoae Thih pucing F::;...u..., db w-mwmflb table, (@ wash stands, -lb-‘ hi ts wite w hiter “D sewing machine, . OF§AD, h-m hoes, shovels, rakes, pictures, and a lot of other articles too numerous to mention . * #} TERMS :â€"On real estate, 10 = cent. ol the purchase money oR ... day of sale the balance within. . 3W days. Chattels, cash. For further particulars applyâ€"to the undersigned ; + gummm:w C If so have your wants supâ€" i plied here. We always keep on hand choice i Beef, Pork, Lamb i *"@Homeâ€"made 5 _ Sausage ~ EDGAR FISCHER | Successor to J. B. Fischer. _ Phone 243. Waterloo. ind WATERLOO MUTUAL Fire Insurance Co. SITUVUATION IN BULGARIA I8 REGARDED GRAVE MONDAY, OCT. Ath, 1916, THE MERCANTILE Do not stand helpless pefore the jop of finding a puyerfor your proper$yâ€" but advertise it WINNINGLY ! Head Office, Waterloo Subscribed Capital ©..$250,000 Total Assets, 3l1st Dec. $750,000.00 Do You Appreciate First Thomas Gowdy. Ese.. Guelph. Richard Roschman, Esq. Geo. Diebel, President. Allan Bowinan, Viceâ€"President Levi Shubh, Manager. Arthur Foster, Inspectoc. James Livingston, REsq., Baden. «. C. Haight, Sohcitor. v, A. Bochm, District Agents. London, Oct. 1.â€"Secretary Grey announced _ this _ afternoon that (German and Austrian officers were arriving in Bulgaria to direct the Bulgarians army. The Secretary said _ this was a factâ€"which the Allies regard ‘+with utmost gravyâ€" ity," Kuropatkin _ has been appointed Chic{ of _ the Russian Grenadier cotps according to a despatch from Petrograd. All policies guaranteed _ by the Lancashire Insurance Comâ€" piny with Assets of $29,636,â€" 465.00. Deposit with the Dominâ€" _‘ ion Government ...$156,698.00 Alfred ‘Wright, Segretary. C. A. BOEHM, DIST. AGT. Waterloo, Ont. Phone 249 L. F. DIETRICH, Waterloo N. 8. BALL, St. Agaths, Why ‘:t buy -your meats here and get the best ? London, Oct. 1.â€"General Alexi BOARD OF DIRECTORS INCORPORATED 1875 TR incorporated inâ€" 1863. WATERLOO, ONT. COMPANY Class Executors OFFICERS. wiPC ib j i the Vulkge of 86â€"4t D. â€"G. ~McINTOSH, OfMceâ€"Pequegnat Block, m Market, Frederick St., Berlin. and. Conveyancer, _ OMce 9 B Bt. ‘!‘of»bmc).l:, u:% W eir, . CLEMENT it! Burgery '.“.‘h.?‘u"&l Dental Surgtons of Toronte. . MWM hzï¬i Dentist, LD.S., Royal € tal Surgeons, D.D.8. ‘Torento U sity. All branches of dentistry tised. Entrance to office SAMS LLB., W. H. Gregory, 4 e ns ol eo ~id * Osteopathie icia Graduate under m der‘of ‘the science, Editor‘, Osteopathy _ 1909â€"11. € often cures where all â€" Chronie constipation, erders, nervous dln-u.q infantile paralysis, m cessfully treated. Barrister, Solicitor, . Offices, Room 203 Wweber THE EMPLOYER‘S A OF WATERLOO FREEH LABOR RURMAGU: 59 King St. West, We have vacancies for mfl‘ men in all lines of work. out of employment us at once. â€" ~No charge tion of services rendered.: °* *‘ King St. Hast Sie c. a. REID & CO., 48 Rast BSt., Beriin, Phone 387, u in Real Estate Open MILLAR, JMB*A A. L. BITZER; &A . ;, (Suceessor to Conrad Bither. DR. WELLINGYON K. J Ofice Hours 9 to. &ï¬ Cuoiptlnal diy Peideg, * ‘This is Ontario‘s â€"best p training achoo!, with Comst thorthand and T: â€" ments. Our courses We Pits arageates in e p Write for our free “‘ and see if it intersate you. D. 8. BOWLBY, #.A., DR. 8. ECKEL, LOA, DR. CLAYTON W. WELL® FALL TE RM From Aug. 30th *) CENTRAL »2" 24 sTRATFORD, ONT. Diseases of the Kar, Nose and Throst, DR. F, G. HUGHES, D. A. McLACH Business Cards. J. A. MILLIARD . @ REAL ESTATE in t