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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 30 Sep 1915, p. 5

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EOCAL _ AND PERSONAL The _ marriage took place _ at Wundas on Wednesday, Sept. 29, of :.‘Bona Zick; son of Mr. and Mrs TZick, Waterloo, to Miss Cathâ€" afidé Trent, of. Dundas. "Therinks of bowlers visited New Hamburg Friday _ afternoon where they.. played . a match. . They were successful in _ defeating their opponâ€" ents in several close games. Buy your. house furnichings at, Watâ€" erloo‘$ popular furniture storeâ€"they save you money, . . . . _ _ oL e Shack: "oone wat and fifty persons present. Music was furnished by the Metcalie Orchestra ‘A; yery successful the| Acadian. Club .:;?’" ;’J:,i_:;"é'c ;; Waterloo _ Lawn Tennis Club Tournament _ were played Saturday afternoon. Mr. M. P. Langstafl deâ€" feated Mr,. A. Huehnergard in interâ€" esting gérmes, it requiring five . sets to @écide the winner. m Young People‘s Guild of the Waterloo Presbyterian Church held a social p!!rl% last evening. Mts, E. Eby of Bér N gave dn interesting travel talk on California and . Rev. McKerracher .rendered. a solo. Light refreshments were served. "A Uelightfual childten‘s party was] given om . Wednesday afternoon by | ; James â€" Heveron for her mml >, Miss y&lth Armstrong, _ 6f eveland, ... Q.,~when . the yogthful, e -)org 4 Â¥) the full, the * good provided .. for their entettainâ€" néng by their kind hostess» . .. "SBivisit to J. Letter & Son‘s furâ€" ure, store will onvince you _ that Y; give you the best value for your y. a by. 4 UEvisit ure. sto Y; give y. ’&lv and *‘Mr,.and Mrs. Agaron‘ Erb, of Short eet, ‘are IWavibg town next Tuesâ€" y &0 . make ‘Sheir future Home â€" in : , where they have bought _ a: g mnew homé. Mr. and Mrs. â€" Erb 1 ur much missed in Waterloo, esâ€" Pécially in Presbyterian circles, where they have many friends, being most falthful and highly esteemed members of. the Presbyterian church, We desire also to congratulate the Berlig. Red Cross Society upon _ the splendid response made to their _ reâ€" guest for fam and preserved fruit for the Canadian Soldiers in the trenchâ€" eg. Much of the sickness of our men has peen due to the lack of fresh, and preserved froits, and the organized efforts of our patriotic women _ will w@doubt do much to fill this â€" much "€d. M. Dovitt $ flt"fltnriou: programme entitled, ldeai ningdom‘ was given . at the annual â€" Rally of the Methodist Suinday School on Sunday, the rally being held in comjunction with the reâ€" gilat morning church service. pr. Williard, _ Superintendent _ of _ the -zpool. presided. In addressing those agsembled he enmphasized the need of tBe coâ€"operation and assistance . of «B6 church members generally if . the athool was to achieve the best reâ€" sults. T ubscribers _ are â€" requested when ding in change of address to give post office address as weM as the address. _ Another point subâ€" © s should reméember is to sign name always the same. We geen letters come to this office the sagme man signed "Wm. B;" » Skeâ€" next time "W.J. B.â€"â€"â€"," ult befmg that we treat the as corgiftg from difietent peoâ€" Sign‘ yout fame always the same you will save us confusion in the ce and" yourself mith inconvenience save wA very successiur and rargery av Réhded Homeâ€"made baking sale \\as‘ given by the ladies of St. John‘s Lut Congregation, Waterloo, iat tic Rooms, Kihg street, , on _ Friday afternoon, the .. in aid of the Red Cross w‘ The ‘very choice variety _ of 6 dflnfivfl soon found ready s, and the handsome sum of realised and handed over to urer of the Waterloo _ Woâ€" ‘@ Patriotic League, to pe used th@ work of the Red Cross Socieâ€" PRICES THE LOWEST Â¥ou will be surprised at the big i1 pay you to buy your furniâ€" J. Letter & Sons, Waterloo prices are exceptiona}ly low. ocq.,‘_g’pro:oohoooooo is‘ péicce it jurt i fit fik@}s,, in .tbe men‘is singles .. in want t. _ _ Watericoo $ Plibne 217 & s in furniture that are to . be J. Letter & Son‘sâ€"the more buy there, the more you . will GREEN \.Q...." LIGHT AND WATER COMMISSION MEETS win* tharâ€"for Tenlbrs for Rrection of Now Garage > and Shod: ‘ ue Wateniay 1lgnt dad hoh »Olle: mission . held. Kriday..afternoon,.... a motion. was passed auchorizing the calling of tenders for the erection of a shed . gerage for Commisâ€" sion. ‘l‘smn mustwu‘rby Oct. 1st. Â¥ & CFi The following report of Superintenâ€" dent C. W. Schiéde! was also read: Highest ‘:r lowest pressure â€" for month 82 70 ths. Water pumped in Augu#t, 7,495,500 gallons, an average of 241,790 galtâ€" ons per.day. There were 380,000 galâ€" Jlons more pumped in July h im August. * Eléctric pump was th operâ€" ation 247.5 houts, an,.average of 7.98 houts pér day. Curreat consumed for pumping 8500 k.w. Reservoirs were fncl_i;ly full at all times/ Wells Appear to be fAowing about the same. No, 1 boilet was under sttam 744 hours, with an average pressure . of, ©1.39 K.. i}‘o;l consumed | during r*t 17,011 ths., or an avercze of 49 Ts. per day. #ire alarm soundâ€" ed August 12, from box 24 at 10.15 w.th., _ watér â€" pressure was 77 !bs. 5!"& _pressure was 85 lbs.. Another re alarm sounded on Aug. 27th from box 23 at 9.05 a.m., fire at shoe facâ€" tory, â€" Water préssure 80 bs‘, steam P ""g?'l!h"g fclinn 1. #a¢ i e last mee . was in g% and im!'irw?e:‘ the Debaval team Turbine Co‘y, also the Canaâ€" dian Allis Chalmers Co‘y, with reâ€" iérence to the exchange of the steam terbime pump for one driven by elecâ€" trie power, _ but 1 have not yet reâ€" ceived prices on same. In accordance _ to _ the resolution passed at the last meeting 1 have had plans and specifications prepared for the proposed buikding on the waler-‘ works property, to be used _ as a garage and warehouse, and herewith submit them for your consideration. _ Gas Department. Since the last meeting the 4â€"inch, main on . Willow St. from the south side of the Grand Trunk Railway to Erb St. has been completed and conâ€" nected with the two inch main on Erb Street East of Willow, which exâ€" tends to Bellevue. We are at present laying a threeâ€" inch main on Erb West of Willow to connect _ with the three inch at the bridge, and changing .the connections on the west side of the bri?{@, so that the full three inch flow will feed the two inch extending west on Efb sll"eéi, and the two inch on Pepplet street. We are also laying _a _ twoâ€"inch ma}n on the Bridgeport Rogd â€" from the bridge to Bellevue and form _ a 10(1 inc These â€" changes _ should * give the Bridgeport Road.and Bellevue _ Ave. section, as well as Peppler St. and nortliward an ample supply of gas. At the gas works we cut the old boifer in two, and are using it | as a settling tank to take care of surâ€" face water and water from springs, and in this way keep space under the purifiers dry. _1 have ordered _ a supply of oxide, and _ as soon as it afrives the puriâ€" fiers will be thoroughly overhauled. ...I attended the convention of Canâ€" adian _ Gas Association at Monireal and the meeting was a success.. The papers read and discussed were very instructive and dealt with . all branches of the gas industry, such as the manufactu‘~, laying of mains and the accounting end, and from the reâ€" marks at the meetings, the opinion was expressed that this was the best convention of this association . that has been held. Electric _ Department :â€"4 _ mainute peak load on graphic meter was 770 h.p. on Aug. 9 and again on Aug. 11. Street lights were burning 292 hours, ah average of 9.42 hours pet might. ‘The first électric range was installâ€" ed this week and by next mecting we will be in a position to give you a report on its workings. . There â€" are at. present about ten There are at. present eléctric washing machines and the demand for these ing. Generally _ speaking | the electric plant is in first class working order, and the consumption of current is inâ€" creasing. CONFERENCE OF LAYMEN TO BE HELD UE CEA HHCH We omrmencarene + 4~ .-Y.,, o8 un prmwrcyearrwrdeâ€"trve arevnne of Canada, délivered a numbef of '“‘]a recent meeting of the Towrd Counci (vinn nb nmouve â€" in â€"sret haarkâ€"AWeRAEF hae Laah _nuephacad @nd is t _GAPTR on Sunday urging that the interests in the missionary work of the churchâ€" es be maintained during the war perâ€" fod. After some discussion it was decidâ€"will be saved inside of one year, the ed to hold a laymen‘s conference _ inrrayel being so much cheaper. Berlin, _ Waterloo and _ Bridgeportf, The capacity of the siftér is eighty about the middTe of Novtember to be fjoads per day and there ate tén men followed by a combined everyâ€"membet Band six teams employed steadily mnvu in which all the churches are expected to participate. MINARD‘S â€" LINIMENT â€" CURES BURNS, ETC, . Mr. N. «K. Caskey, Secretary _ of there with the present two Respectfully submitted, C. w. SCHIEDEL, Mgr c C ie css css css M CE ueP IN NOVEMBER about ten in town is increasâ€" Misseg Minnic and Florence s:‘?a were visitors in Toronto this week. Mr. M. S. Weber left this afternoon on 4 Wusiness trip through‘ the Canâ€" adian West. _ Mr, and Mrs. S. B, Bricker returnâ€" ®4" on Thursday évehing ubm» (I‘,M" holiday spent at Bala, Musk Mr. Harry Hahn of London was a $ Miss C guest of Waterloo friewds over Sunâ€" kto lotatl day. pr h5 Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Bricker . have returned> from a vigcation spent â€"at Bala, Muskoka. ané son Ho#drd are in Dublin, Ontario. Mr. W. G. Weichel, M,P., has re tburned from a business trip to Tor anto. Mr. H. W. â€" Wilson _ of Cleveland, Obio, is a guest â€" at â€" the Methodist parsonage. Mrs. Harry Hahn of London, is a visitor â€" at the home of her parents for a few days. Mrs. Harry Hakhn of London is vis iting | her sister Mrs. A. K. Cress man. Misses Martha and Lillian Bockelâ€" man _ and Ida Strebel have returned after spending a few days in Guelph. Mrs. Percy _ Hilborn of Preston, paid a visit to Waterloo friends . on Wednesday. Rev. D. A. MacKeracher attended the meeting of the Guelph Presbytery at Hespelet on Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Charles Pitie is the guest of Mr. an Seagram, Union street Pitie and family spent months at Lake of Bs Miss Jessie Stuart spent Sunday Miss A. Btfcker, of Montreal, who is visiting Twin City friends, . was the kuest of Mr. and Mrs. L. Brick: er over Sinday. ‘ VALUABLE PAPER Among the well known and promiâ€" nent insurance men who contributed valuable papers at the annudl . conâ€" vention of the Life Underwriters‘ Asâ€" sociation of Canada, held at Toronto recently, was Mr. Charles Ruby, secâ€" retary of the Mutual Life of Canada. He addressed the convention on the sul oct, _ ‘"Legal Pointers for the \geat." Out of his thirty years‘ exâ€" perience in the business of life insurâ€" ance, he was able to speak with intiâ€" mate knowledge and authority _ and his remarks were received with high favor, the comments of those present and of prominent . instrance journals |being of an exceedingly complimentâ€" ary character. Mrs. Wm.... Vietel, The paper was prepared with . the object of affording field men, in conâ€" cise form, a fairly, complete working knowledge of the laws of the various provinces bearing upon those matters with which it is desirable they should be {amiliar MAY BUILD GOOD COUNTRY ROADS | NEXT YEAR, IFâ€" The Waterloo â€" County Road _ and Bridge Committee and County Road Supt. Hallman made a trip on Thgrsâ€" day to inspect the Totontoâ€"Hamilton éoncrete _ road now under construcâ€" tion. The trip was made in a _ big Cadillac car. The _ councillors â€" are anxious to build some _ good roads in Watérloo County _ néext year _ and all depends whether the new Highway Act is put into force, as that will provide an inâ€" creased Government grant as well as assistance from the cities, ' The new sifter cost in the neighbors hood of 3400, which, it is expected, will be saved inside of one year, the NEW GRAVEL SIFTER IS 1N OPERATION tion at the gravel pit adjoining the [sewfl farm. "ROUGH ON RATtS" clears out Rate, Mice, étc. _ Don‘t die in the howse. 15¢ and 25¢ at Drug and Poutâ€" try stores. READ BY SECY. CHAS. RUBY £ % U K T C "R"T aF 3. s # . d ; p ” t wow % Social and Personcal; §\ I ‘s RoOWw e yonu _ * .. mtge . /5 N onanghnRAisBdARDNSS |. paopp * interested in i 32. yf M (P M flonilll has returned ESNiss\ Rita Rafterty is spending . a |[J. J £ 4 sds + % * in London, wacatio®s in St. Thomas. ~ * a .', an Zick has returned afif AMr. J. Shepperd of Bronto is a ‘4 q f VC 4 ; a few days in Toronto.|Business visitor in town toâ€"day. . s LE Sorénsch turned afte * ' . t M i «i.i Mr. C. Sorensen has returned alter < + y4 6 4 £ A y M o » Lcb 9 ips, {of Guelph, is a visiâ€" Mr. C. Sorensch has returDOl AICEL [BQ ; [E u. opomeeepmemmeemmentprrieemntzntmmemmmmmneemmunmntiiaeemereccmececciereae ced asaii ie mospe Pirie of Costa Rico, Mr. and Mrs. _ Tom. street. Mr. and Mrs. spent the _ Summer of Bays, Muskoka, NA1 Mrs. N. Letter visiting friends wensudad nt s af Miss C. Ashé came up from Toronâ€" Sunâ€"fto for a short _ visit z judge and s 82.& last y"eg(, having accomâ€" ied her sister, Mrs. Jessop, _ of Wave[ Toronto, â€" wheo will remain a fortâ€" Mr. Ridon MeDougall, of Toronto, spending his vacation at his home | town. 9 . â€"Mr. and _ Mrs. 1i. Germanr . and k.‘ax Louise are s"ending a few UHays with friends in Torontoâ€" Pum. ~.Sir William Osler is spenging this week amdng the Canadian Hospitals iA France. Lady Perley is making a trip with Chief Matron Macdonald, of the Canadian nursing sisters‘ stafl at the base. _ Miss Woodson, of Birmingham, Alaâ€" bama, bas been _ renewing old _ acâ€" quaintances in Waterloo during the past week, . the guesst of \rs. E. rmxde Seagram, and also in Brant ford, where a little vird whispersâ€" There is a probability « Col. W. M. & Mrs. Davis, of ver, B.C., (formerly of Ber| Thg up their residence in Gu a time, as the Colonel has been apâ€" pointetD Instructor to the Forces in the Royal City. This will be welâ€" come news to their hosts of _ Twinâ€" City friends,: who will hope to have ‘the pleasure of an occasional _ visit with this gopular couple. The â€" Waterloo Women‘s Patriotic League are making arrangements to hold _ their "Jam _ Shower‘‘ for the Soldiers, _ at the (Patriotic Rooms, King Street, Waterloo, on â€" Tuesday afternoon and evening, October 12th, when every _ woman in. Waterloo _ is ‘kindly invited to. contribute a‘Thanksâ€" giving offering for the soldicts of onet or more pints _ of jam or preserved fruit, which will be forwarded at the batliest opportunity, _ to the . brave boys in the trenches, _ who gte _ deâ€" fending the Grand Old British Emâ€" ite, of which we so proud!s form a part. x3Â¥ . ECONOMIC CLUB f IS ORGNIZED . IN WATERLOO e home Bl_'hrflm Mrs. C. W hiedel, has returned home. Mrs. J, 1. Stewart of Detroit who s been visiting for some time at An Econo@;’flut uas just been organized _ by the youhger financial men of Watertoo for the study‘and discussion of subjects pertaining to banking, insurance, and, finance. The first meeting was held at the Board Room of Dominion Life Wednesday might, â€" and a program arranged for the coming season. The officers elecâ€" ted weére:â€"President M. P. Langstafi; Viceâ€"Prestdent, _ W. H. Somerville; Secretary, R. H. Edmonds. i "r Thirtyâ€"Eighth Annual Gathâ€" ering Opens in Waterloo Methodist Church. The tliirty-eighth annual convention of _ the â€" Waterldo / Cbunty Sunday Echool Asgocietion convened in . the Waterloo Methodist church this motnâ€" Ing and _ the sessions will continue this afternoon and evening. Up _ to noon about fifty delegates from varâ€" fous points in the County had tegisâ€" teted. lev. L. M. Wing presided. Rev. F. M. Maphers conducted the ‘bpening and devotional exercises, afâ€" ter which various committees . were mwppointed. Rev. M. L. Wing of _ the mssociation then delivered his address which was followed by a report from the Secretaryâ€"Treasurer, Mr. J. _ G. Hurst. Mr. H. P. Moore, of Acton, gave a splendid addréss on the subjéct, "S. S. Session Programme." From his 28 years‘ @xperience as a S. S. Supâ€" erinténdent ~ he gave many \<tuable hints as to the best way in _ vhich to conduct a school if eMcient work is to be accomplished. He indicate! particularly the importance of having an energetic _ Superintendent because o much depended on his leadership. Hé said . it was . necessary to have each service caref@lly planned beforeâ€" hand and it _ was desirable at . the Superintendent be in his place a half hour or an hour _ before the opening ‘to see that everything was in readiâ€" %.tretavoremâ€"vatyig vnes opeâ€" mmnw as much _ as possibt® from gramme __ as nn‘wh as POMRDN OR T Sunday to Bunday , not always smig the sa <p order of getvice. A review ‘f from three to "ve minutes by" the Huperintendents of _ the lesson under #tudy, was also suggested. He advoâ€" cated getting more members of _ the lrhlm‘h into the S\ln'?:l_\' school. It was also pointed out that about 85 per cent. of the church members come from the _ Sunday _ school but only about 40 per cent. of the S.S. memâ€" bers reach _ the church. _ Here was toom for effort to secure the attendâ€" ance of the other 60 per cent. of Lieutâ€" V ancouâ€" in), takâ€" elph for been apâ€" orces . in be _ welâ€" CU N % Furniture and Rugs at 5 io sCHREITERPS ~ d ateatstaVatatiatatata t t ta t ®ta* g . mmreircs Buy YQur _ % l 117 King St. West. lonor, the _ Judge of _ the County | Sourt of the County of Waterloo, at.,! Lancaster Hotel, Bridgeport on Satâ€" trday the Oth day of mt:inTfiathx*fl past _ ten to tomplaints of he Voters‘ L. tember 21st, 1915 Notice is nerepy _ given that . a ‘ourt will Be held purtsdant to ‘‘the )ntario Voters‘ Lists Act", by His f Waterloo ‘I FIRST CLASS REPAIRING Of all kinds of â€" BICYCLES, LAWN NOWLRS, GUNS, GRANITEWARE, UMBRELâ€" LAs, keys, Boots AND SHoES, §C1SSORS, KNIVES. | SAWS AND SKATES SHARPENED ' BICYCLE LIVERY IN CONNECTION ) A Call Selicited. | \ GEO. C. KRUEGER, l Corner John and Herbert Streets, Waterion. 0| Dalc4 at Clerk‘s office, Blair, Sep â€" Notice Uffelmann Bros. GEO errors ist of ownship for 1915 w _ You should certainly â€" see _ our magnificient show of our mammoth stock of Merchanâ€" , dise. | THE PEOPLE‘S STORE °0 and omissions in the municisality PH and determine * Our rall 1618 will swrpass all previous ones, ~not â€"only 4s _ regards eÂ¥tensiveness ?' ¢c:‘fl’¢“ ‘ _ments but as to the attraciive» ness of valués offered: â€"> :00 <~=+: 18â€" 34 Elegant New Fall Coats _ See the NEW DRESS 00008 and make sgure you see ours before you buy. YÂ¥ ou‘ll be The New Fail Hats® As exhibited in our will like the styles 1. ‘The Council of the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo intends to construct, as Local Improvements, cement walks, four _ feet in width, upon the streets and between the points hereunder set forth, and intends to specially assest a~â€"part of the costâ€"uponâ€"the Jandâ€"abutting directiy on the respective works. 2. The estimated cost of the segeral works, the amount in édoh cass to be paid by the Corporation, the éstimated special _ ratés per foot frontage, and the number of annual instalments in which the spéecial asâ€" sessments are to be paid, are also as hereunder Set forth. Om; aré very neat at very réasonidble prices. Street. Side Short, _ Eas Weaver South, ‘Menno St. Charles St Tnion â€" South King St. Southerly va boundary of town Caroline East â€" William St Morley St 3 _A petition against any of the vent its construction. ' DATED at Waterloo this 7th day TAKE NOTICE that LOGAL IMPROVEMENT NOTIGE Side. From. *~ 10. East, Park Ave. North Fnd our Miltinery Depar!mcnt will surély pleasé you yles .the qualities and the pr_icet. TOWN OF W ATERLOO Morley St. s412.73 0 5.840 $ed3 20 iny of the said works will not avail to . pr@ Mn ie Tolly i yob adint. * of September, «A.D., 1915. JAMES C. HAIGHT, Clerk. es91 o@ tR iR | $.818 28 s2990.00 20.62 $.5287 20 $ 94.91 15.98 $.6183 _ 30 cost. the amount in édoh cass special _ ratés per foot in which the spécial asâ€" #et forth. You Be

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