i ed my nspire 6 rious o whit . ts spler % 3y inly, 1 ies e e y tss Te wA _ oo U *~_ tiflaa of d my for a fnal to | 3 w&'wm fact th are not designed ieki 1 taised my foot. the and Jaid ;t upon taut section wn'*‘h'" the melancholy that 1 psually ..:m‘_"mnol!!:o‘: l â€"mnever ‘the ‘ex dmndvow me. | n Harold passed swiftly out of | 303 I mercenaries in the shape of was ldv’ndnc «pon me. how I bad‘d vague but unerring ‘ that some ome had fainted, t I dido‘t stop to inquire. Without '-aoxm‘numm and sent it scuttling after Harold. immmrvlw 2 ‘-,"!n-hallmhruhl"hmt“" &mmupm "Grab ‘ you infernal cowards!* ‘George Barr 6 McCutcheon ~[SBut the rour porters slunk @way, ana . Rocksworth facedtme aloue. in iph and Max, thoroughly fed ind ‘ prodigious, were bearing down tipon us, accounting for the flight of the mercenaries. ""Get out!" 1 repeated "» mer of this place. Mr j i am mad through r "They skipped 7 CHAPTER IV. ;!« 1. Converse With a Mystery. ATE in the afternoon I opened T my door, hoping that the bangâ€" ing of bammers and the buzz of industry would have ceas 2 ; but, alas. the noise was eveh more iafening than before. Esyping Britâ€" za in the gloomy corridor, 1 shouted $ him, and beâ€" came at once. i=Britton," said I as be closed the zt. "do you think they will carry "their threat to have the law on me? Mr. Rocksworth was very angry â€"and put out. He is a power, as you 4 "Mow dare you?" he shouted. ""1 think you are quite safe, sir," #id}d he. "Shortly before 2, sir, one of the porters from the hotel came over to. recover a gold purse Mrs. Rileyâ€" !-thdmer MM in the excite~ . ‘and be Mr. Pobpenâ€" lQn that the whole party was leaving at # for Dresden." Later on, somewbat refresbed and reéleved, i made my way to the little m;. first baving issued numerous s And directions to the still stupeâ€" * Schmicks, chief among which was commund â€"toâ€"keepâ€"the ‘ agninst all comers. \ enty ns 1 sat there ruminating 1 me acutely aware of something white on the ledge of the topmost winâ€" in the eastern tower. Even as 1 | my (gd#e apon it something else red. _A cloud of soft. wnvy, brown halr eclipsed the narâ€" white strip and bung with spread. splendor over the casement ledge inly, indubitably to Qn in the sup. !d of bair,. I can‘t remember ever h '2':" anything like it except in t isements, j hat a glorions, appealing, sensnons 4 a crown of bairâ€"but just then . Poopendyke cawe to my window. ‘ y 1 interrupt you for a moment. !. Smart?" he inquifed, fa he squint \ ad.=« me through hbis ugly bone rimmmed pergnBorâ€"mrg wamrey wer uais !-a w «s esolle aâ€"mact. wonderful 18 apd throug«. "I am the Rockswort® Suffered Tortures® Until Shp Tried "Eruitâ€"aâ€"tives" || Br. Jaan D# Jan, 27th, 1914. * & A fhogt r for a long time Dyspepsig,‘ e been made well y ut I suffered so that at dare to eat [wm‘uï¬wvm [ re6 “m‘el ‘"Fruitâ€"aâ€"ti and taking : 1 felt en Nee m iine pa until ] 1 q regalned my â€"and now I wleep ‘and digest wellâ€"in & 'a“ fullyrecovered. .Mï¬h y * Mu®. CF AU. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial gize â€3 At dealers or sent postpaid on receipt brice by Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Ottaw& "OF DVSPEPSH â€" *":usdrcim. + "Come bere. yke," 1 com anded in low, m.:ofll He hest tuted. â€""Fou won‘t fall off,"* i -! sharply. â€" § f + Aithongh the window is at lenst n feet ‘Imgb, Pocpeniyke stooped as vame through. He always does it, watter bow tall the door. ‘It is a | loug babit with him. Have i mlg Goued thit my worthy secretury ts sls feey four and as thin as a reed} «4 tÂ¥ mwember spbaking OF fils knges. (Be is wi<o a bachelor. .o# â€""It is a dreadful distance dowb there," be murmured, flattening bim self against the wall and closing bis A pair or silm white nands at that instant indolently readjusted the thick mass of hair and quite as casuaily di# uppeared. J failed to bear Mr. Poopen Cyke‘s remark. 9 " % 3 "1 ‘thiuk, sir," he" proceedéd,> "If would be a very good idea to get some of our correspondence off our hands. A great den} of it bas acenmmlated in the past few weeks. 1 wish to say that ( am quite ready to attend to it when ever"â€" ~"Time enough for letters," said L still staring. â€" :F“vi-‘{r;i of: all, we must bave a ladâ€" der," 1 went on. "Have you seen to that?" â€" "A ladder?" be faltered, putting one foot back througb the window in a most suggestive ‘way.. s "Ohb," said 1, rememberiog, "I haven‘t told you, have 17 Look! TUp there, in that window. Do you see that?" "What is it, sir? A rug?" "Rug! Great Scott, man, don‘t you know a woman‘s bair when you see it?" "I‘ve neverâ€"erâ€"never seen itâ€"you might sayâ€"just like that. Is it bair?" ~ "It is. ’qu‘blh&gdon‘t you?" ; > "How did it get there?" "Good! Now I know I‘m not dreamâ€" ing. Come! ‘There‘s no time to be lost. We may be able to get up there before she hears us!" We ~1I instructed old Conrad to have the tailest ‘ladder brought to me in the courtyard at once. Eon o S sns "There is no such thing about the castle," beâ€"announced blandly. ‘"Where are your sons?" 1 demanded. The old couple held up their hands in great distress. 4 § "Herr Britton has them wearing their wouls out, turning a windlass outside the gntesâ€"ach, that terrible invention of his!" groaned old Conrad. "My poot sons are falnt with fatigne, mein hert. You should ge6 them perspire and hear them ‘pant for breath." _E_liu'pbniy'u new idea struck me almost at once. In a jiffy baif a dozen carpenters were at work constructing a substantial ladder out of seantlings, while 1 stood over them in serene command of the situition. *When the ladder was completed 1 mounted to the top and peered thronch the .sashless window. < It was quite black and repelling beyond. Jnstructâ€" ing Britton and the two brothers to folâ€" low me in turn, I clambered over the wide stone sill and lowered myself ginâ€" gerly toâ€"the floor. * 1 will not take up the time or the space to rédlate my experiences 0n this first fruitless visit to the east wing of my abiding place. Suftice to say, we got as far as the top of the stairs in the vast middle corridor after stumâ€" bling "through a series of dim, damp rooms. and then found our way éffeéâ€" tuaily biocked by a stdut door which was not only locked and bolted, but bore a most startling admonition ‘ to would be trespassers, l‘inned to one of the panels there was n dainty" bit of white note paper, with these satiric words written across its surfnice in a bold fetninine band: ~. "Please keep property." Most property owners no doubt would have been incensed by this calm deffâ€" ance on the part of a squatter, either diale ‘or femaJe, but not 1; The tvery impudence of the usurper appealed to meâ€" " What could be more deliciou®s than ber serene courage in dispossessâ€" Ing me.with the stroke of a pen of at least ¢woâ€"thirds of my domicile lr_‘ of waging war agninst ber in the ef lmwm"-â€".--:-;' it was quite Here was & bappy, enchan bit 6f fenodalist that stirred my ‘ sou! to its very depths, We ‘returned to the conrtyard and beld a counsel of war. 1 put all of the Mmknu:‘rï¬.n!thqlub- boraly disclat all, Interest in or luowlodnoftlou‘lordluryoc# pant of the east wing. % «o oinaptgbait woitun ues ult y "We can amoke ber out, sir," gald out. TH ,| "It An. o Britton. And Poo gfl&mum "Long live your nose, sir!" ~vasmile wavedâ€" their ‘that a demonatration requiied | without in "the‘W#Ast nnt-::&nlifl-*“-‘ ag *That‘ "was Yery blitk and trag.. ic, ewift storm clouds having raced Op to cover the wodnand stars. ~With 4 Am‘omï¬ï¬‚ubm of the darkness and from some quite near at hand1 "1 beg your pardon, but would yos wind doing tie a ‘very slight favor? "Thoss were ‘the words, uttered in‘ s clear, sweet, perfectly confident yoica as of one who never aaked for favora but exacted ‘theiml) °0(800 ‘0 * 1 looked about me, blinking, utterly bewildered. ‘ No one was to be seen She l#ugbed. ‘Without really nieaning to do s6, 1 also‘ Iaughedâ€"nervougly, 61 looked ‘Intently at the spot from which the sound seemed to comeâ€"a perfectly ‘Bolid ‘stone "block Tess than‘ three fes: from my tight shoulder. It must have been very amusing. She laughed again. 1 Aushed resentfuily, mormges ‘Tum ,“Wbeuanyon?'lcfloaontnt.i, "L.can see y0u quite plainily, and 709 fre very ugly when you scowl, air Are you scowling at me?" _ _LM_‘_ o on t nc t e o e i hasdlf still searching for her., "Does it "Then 1 must be looking in the right direction," 1 cried impolitely, . "You must be~ Ab!" LCB L ie â€"‘ My straining eyes bad located 8 smail, obloug blotch in the curve of the tower not more than twenty feet from where 1 stood. and on a direct line with my baicony. ‘True, 1 could not at first see & face, but ns my eyes grew a little more accustomed to the darkness, 1 fancied 1 could distinguish a shadow that inight pass for one. "I didn‘t know that little window was there," 1 cried, puzzled. "ft len‘t," sbe said. "It is a secret times of great duress. See, I can close it?" ‘The oblong blotch abruptly di# appeared, only to réappesr dn instant later. 1 was beginning to understand. Of course it was in the beleaguered east wing! "I hope I didn‘t startle you a moment ago." 1 resolved to be very stif and forâ€" mal about it. "May 1 inquire, madam, what you are doing in my houâ€"my ca# Sensibly 1 restored the lanthorn to its place inside the window and waited | for the mysterious voice to resume. "Are you so bomely as all that?‘ I kdmndd when the shadowy face | jooked out once more. . Véry clever of | me, f thought ( *You may."* "Well," said I, seeing the point, "what are you doing bere?" *2 00 tinctly. "And I have come down to ask a simple, tiny little favor of you, Mr. Smart," she resumed. "You know my name?" 1 cried, surâ€" you going?" "Just a moment, please," 1 called out, struck by a splendid 1dea. Reach ing inside the window. i grasped the lantborn and brougbt is rays to bear upon theâ€"perfectly biink wall! 1 stared open mouthed and unbelieving. "Good heaven! Hnve 1 been dreaming all this?" 1 cried aloud. my gaze reil opon two tny noies n the wall, exposed ba view by the bright light of my lamp.‘ They appeared to be precisely in the center of the spot so recently marked by the elusive oblong. Even as 1 stared at the botes a stim object that 1 at ance recognized as &A angerpronvd.dmmotmmm wiggled at me in & merry but exceed ingly irritating manner. | gavee | fln 26 cedad bocharink . me." MB Roarer |‘It W "dreadfunyupsetting, gon‘t you : Annabte. foblint thatiet «hy â€"mment you _ "I am considéred rather lookâ€" Ing," she repHed mndyhsï¬-‘ don‘t do that again. _ Jt was very rude of you, Mr. Smart." â€"=â€" _ "Oh, I‘ve seen something of yon beâ€" fore this," 1 said.. "You have tong, beautifol brown tairâ€"and a dog." She was silent. * "I am sure you will pardon me if I very politely ask who you are?" £ went on. > * "That question tikes me back to the "1 am Hvixii here," she answered disâ€" :E;l' perceive," said 1, rather too disâ€" may rokb im ung*t~ "I am reading your last bookâ€" â€""I like that. in my own enstle too!" "There is ample room for both of us," she said sharply. "I shan‘t be here for more than & th or six weeks, and 1 am sure n?l get along very amiably under the same roof for that length of time if you‘l only furget that 1 am bere." 8 â€""I can‘t very well do that. madam. You see, we are making estensive re M MA For Y Canadian women < ing us such letters as " which areheartfelt tude for restored health: ago L began them for failing of womb -dun: le, 4/ w6 s "My Mdnomfl-l and just before my prriods were irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer ing pnd I would be so nervous some times that 1 could not h‘{lto see any one or hear uny one speak. â€" Little dpécks would float before my eyes and 1 wa: always constipated. €.4 by. Lydia â€"~**J eannot say too much for Lydia:E Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound anc Liver ‘Pills, for there are no meéedicine: like them. ~I have taken them and } recommend them to all women. ‘You ma; publish this testimonial.‘‘ â€"â€" Mrs. Sts PHEN J. MaRTN, Chestervillg, Ontario not grapt your f“;.A“'. it will grieve me énormouslyâ€"if i am compelled to smoke you out, but i fear" ~"Smoke me out!" "Perhaps ‘with sulpbur," 1 went on resolutely. "It is said to be very 6# fective." . storm the east wing. . I‘ntling in that, we sball rely on smoke. . You wilt 10â€" mit that you Aave no.right to poacth on my ‘preserves." t s Af "None whatever," she said ~rither I ‘can‘t remembet baving neara‘ a # ® than hl. OUf.conrse by &3\3’-’. ‘ was| thk g:&w-l thint she was a % ured, bigh bred m:g:;n mericuti . @ ~9% That plaintive note‘in her volce servâ€" ed its purpose, Ts !‘“"" to dissolve, M%wh reenâ€" force it by an injection of barshness into my own manner of speech. ‘Then you snouild be willing to YAâ€" cate my premisesâ€"erâ€"or"â€"here is where i began to show irresolutenessâ€"â€" "or explain yourself." "~Non‘t you be generous?" ; > 1 cleared wnt s BHow well they % in gvipan‘s armori . & * ty» _"Dam willing to beâ€"amefinble to rea‘ som. That‘s all you‘qught to expect." A fresh idea $¢ok root. .*Can‘t we ef fect a compromiseâ€"a truce, or someâ€" thing of the sort? All 1 ask is that you explain your presence bere. 1 will promise to be as generous as possible ‘nder the cireumstufices." j ""Will you ~&fve mb three days 18 which to think it oÂ¥er?" she asked, after a long pause. nNo‘fl 5 "Well, two days? "I‘ll give you â€"antil tomorrow after . moon at 5, when 1 shail expect you to receive me in person," "That is quite imponlbje.\ "But 1 demand the right to go whet ever‘I pleasein iny own castle. You"â€" "If you knew just how circumspedt I am obliged to be at present you wouldn‘t impose such â€"terins, MrF. Bmart." "Surely you will not do anfthing 80 ‘*Onlyâ€"as aâ€"Jast, resort. Ixh. cireumspect! That puts a new on the case.‘ What have you been up to, madame?" . I spoke very nxfol?. ‘ She very properly Ignored the banall &y. "If 1 should write you a nilce. ngreeable letter, explaining as much as 1 can, won‘t you be satisfied?" "1 prefer to have it by word of mouth." She seemed to be considering. "! will come to this window tomorrow right at this time andâ€"and let you know," sbe said reluctantly. "Â¥ery well," said 1. "We‘ll let it rest till then." "And, by the way. 1 have something to ask of you. * Is it quite necesâ€" ~toâ€"hbaveâ€"ailâ€"this pounding _ and ham g going on in the castle? The polse is‘dreadful. 1 don‘t ask it on my own account, but for the baby. You see, she‘s quite ill with a fever, Mr. Smart.. Perbaps you‘re heard ber cryâ€" doctor was bere today and he reas was a moacla Hieh head inioh "wWil you please put a stop to the nofee for a day or two?" sho nuked m;nnummw ;;?“ ‘"Inâ€"ts there innyâ€" ng * . thant‘ ybu> sbe repHed. © : 2000 &0 C 7 are very good." un‘ "The baby?" I mtttered. "It is nothing serious, of course. ‘The ui s Aantae hare tony?" 1 easned. She â€"Inughed â€" ance mo#h â€" Verily, it Aland .lni’Uhdv -a_‘_d: to a M 1had ulugen and Taik Sewrs d4 me "as sod . lb“‘yt.tn es Lz:i?t’.gg digestion, *‘ ‘â€" M Mr. Smart. You "}. demarid. the right to yo whereved i _‘ â€"‘ <glgase in my own‘ castle?®"~" _ ** ed with a sharp click, 1 found myâ€" mmmuï¬ooï¬i like s r*ï¬m te *EE" ‘.;f*j; Jaid off my £ ‘~ t ’. carty, considerably auguentéd by fresh recruits, who came to stare the beneâ€" fits of my innocuous prodigulity, and If I live to be a thousand 1 shall.never u«sAin exgerience such a nolsome baif wedt 2% The qas 1 byest is tyrannica! oppression of the poor and Beedy. In the end 1 agreed io pz them, one ‘and :I. tor~a ~tull da work, and they went awayâ€"moilifed, éailing me a true gentleman to my face and beaven knows what to my back. 1 was in.the ‘baicony, thanking my lucky stars that it was a bright moonâ€" lt night There was every reason to rejoice in the prospect of seeing hber face clearty when she appeared ‘at her Becret little .window. “m""ui white, fimy ‘vell. 1 natarally conc} ed that sbe was homely. . _ , "Good evening," she said on opening "Good evening," said 1, contriving to conceal my disappointment "How is the baby ?" i+ frs "Very much better, thank you.. 1t . was so good of you to stop the work... "Won‘t you " take? olt your vel uho stay awhile?" 1 asked, politely faceâ€" tlous. "It is not quite fair to me, yOU fHler nest remark brought a blush of |. sonfusion to my cheek. â€" A silly notion nnd induced me to don my full evefâ€" | ng regnlia, spiketail coat and Nothing could have been more }u - «reusly incongrnous thap my ance, I am sure, and 1 never f? uncoinfortable in my lifé. | * ‘A~ / .+~ "How very nice you look in your ne# suit," sbe said, and I was awaré ofâ€"a" moféed quality in ber ordinarily cleat, musical voice. ‘ She was laughing‘ at me." "Are you giving a dinner party?" "I usually dress for dinner," I Bed o o t t hoi "‘“â€&‘ .Poopendyke." 1 added. as. an 'th biush duowu 1 re : called the attenuated blazer in which my secretary breakfasted, lunched and dined without discrimination. / "For Gretel‘s beneft, I presume." _ â€" â€" "Abal You do know Gretél, then?" "Ob, I‘ve known her for years. Isn‘t she a quaint old dear?" "I shall discharge her in the mornâ€" .J ing," said 1 severely. "She is a Mar, and her husband is a poltroon. They ‘ positively deny your.existence in any shape or form." * "They won‘t pay any attention to you," "said she, with ‘a‘ laugh. "lu are fxtures, quite as much so as | walls themselves. You‘ll not be able to discharge them. . Myâ€" grandfather , tried it nlg years ‘ago and failed. . "After that made it a polnt to disâ€" miss Conrad every day in the year and Gretel every other day. As well uy.z remove the mountain, Mr. Smart Punctually at 9 o‘ciock that evening They ‘know you @an‘t ‘get on "Ob," ab6 -U:g pliintively, "how glad 1 atn!~ She is &n amm éook. 1 don‘t like to complain, Atr. Smart, but really‘ it 1@ Dml can‘t eat nmm:éa‘:ï¬g; f ’;’flï¬s of you to in a new 61 "ï¬h we shall be very mï¬ Mat P k "Byâ€" Jovel" said I, mgem stagâ€" gered by these mWs 1E % "F m.mt* N , Mr. Smart," shé v’n‘ on in & . _mnn‘:.. * we m vetter cigether If we siay nont" x7 intelllaehds, bot 1 ht my ihte but 1 Wis so stun: by . preceding "I "gould [WU gasp: i #Tn van mean to sav vou‘ye "been ~"I have discharged her as a cook," L said triumphantly. "A new one will be here by the end of the week.", > subsisting all this time on my ToodT" "Oh, dear me, no! How can you think that of me? Gretel merely cooks the food I buy. She keops # | and sepurate account of everyth poor thing. 1 am sure you not lind Anything wrong with your bills, Mr. Smart. Rut did you bear what 1 said a moment ago?"\ CHAPTER N. , 1 Become an Ancestor, RUE to the promise she bad ¢%â€" (To be continued.} p ho. es o e , thank you. 1t o stop the work.. it "your vel ed, politely faceâ€" s l.,hkhll!’m; 1 rought a blush 6f | & l k. | A silly notion =n on my full evetâ€" [@ ! i coat and E F been more Jud} {= 1 never f = :looklnyqn'no_,g I L was awaré of a" r ordinarily cleat, |= mhflllï¬lll‘% } ; a dinner party ?" | or dinner," I Hed ; a apake led. as, AA scpenet‘hs I it ay/ 4 W oik (ma‘we | ty : ting of 1 acre of land w n Roo® brick LA )e 1208 jA FIRE INSURANCE 4j old Effeets:â€"cooking > coul stove, ‘cupboard, 2 kitchen c ;:Mo.‘-t‘vula bodrd, $ cheirs, !»’%'l.? . er, .2 bed room sultes, bed,, sewing machine,. Of&MB, l ‘ , shovels, rakes, plctures, and a t" of other articles too awmerous t tion Viscter J u:m:zâ€"m real estate, 10 zl wl-!'ol sale .m- wi..ht 30 ‘days. Chattels, cash: rtvi * NE ‘‘Kor turther particulars apply to the p‘p:-iao(: pe aluable There Will ,be suumuinicemiinpeerentrentrtrtnAn & g' Do You Appreciate> g l;;r;t. "~d ommencing . at 1â€" . o‘tlock. â€" p.m« rp, the following valuable proR@â€" WATERLOO MUTUAL Fire Insurance Co. ‘The publishers of . The _ Family Herald â€"and Weekly Star, Montreal, are â€" making a strong bid for that beautiful‘ picture, full of thos, enâ€" titted ‘‘On the Field of i(:n‘or." 1f is assumed the publishers of the Family Herald have in mind using it as a presentation plate. Jf that is so there is a &ut treat in store for readers of Family Herald and.. Weekly THE MERCANTILE wtar thisâ€"autumn. in past years Tne Family Herald of Montreal has m‘ noted not only for the wondérful :¢xâ€" cellence of that journal but for mny1 beautiful pictures it has preeented to Â¥s readers. The Faniily Heraid ‘has & name for succeeding in anything it \ndertakes, and we feel sure 1t is humanly possible to sécure ‘"On the Field of Honot®‘ that‘ the publishers will succeed in F“"' it. "‘*Oh "the Field of Homot"‘ is attracting wideâ€" bpread attention in Europe, s MOND A Ht&d Qm. W aw Dr. J. H. Webb, S. B. HFicker, Esq.*" Geo. ‘Dicbel, Esg. J. L. x‘:ï¬pmh. Esq., 8t. Jlacvm. Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E; Shantz, Preston. ‘Thomas Gowdy, Weq., Guelph. THOMIGS WoOWwnJ, *uley CESPC Geo. Dicbel, . President. Allan Bowman, Vic¢@President. Levi Shuh, ‘Managet. "~ _ ‘Artbhur Foster, Inspectoc. 3. C. Haighs, Solicitor. . A. Bochm, District Agen§. Total Assets, 31st Dec. > $750,000.00 plied heré. (We always keep‘on hand choice pso sace) e Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made . Sausage ~ id o it Apaths,| MI Subscribed Capital ...$250,000 All policies guaranteed=> by theLancashire Insurance Comâ€" pany with Assets of $29,636,â€" 465.00. « Deposit with the Dominâ€" w ion CGovernment. ...$156,698.00 Alfred Wright, Seeretary. C. A: BOEHM, DIST. AGT. Waterloo, Ont. Phone 249 "ON THE FIELD OF HONOR." L. F. DIETRICH, Waterlop. > N. S. BALL, St. Agaths, / | Executors. 26â€"48.]| Why not buy© your meats here andget the pest:? ~ * EDGAR FISCHER Successor to J. B. Fischer. Phone 243. Waterloo. O en en C } \ If so have your wants supâ€" BOARD OF DIRECTORS | A| INCORPORATED 1875 Incorporated in 1863. WATERLOO, ONT. OCT. 4th 19 d etc. Money to 1088 ° oderick fly ;tiï¬cfmm an .‘m 5{ Harristor J. A Scellen, Weir, Master ia'luanm dniy"a ry an: 4 Dental Surgeons of Toronte Office in Fischer‘s Block,>] 0P 22. 1s. Hodin. Padt 9e araSas Shat no "oui the / wofe Rec ib t opathy ©1909â€"1%." _ ( Chroni¢ ©constipation, ‘% erders, nervous discases, infantile paralysis, goit Barrister, Solicitor, .Notary mnoomzosm‘y AT &E . Berlin, Ont. ** * THE EMPLOYER‘s Associati _ OF WaATERLOO COUNTY o :9 King St. West, seriin. e have vacancies ? menol‘n all llnel"ottvbg * ,a out of employmen W us at once. _ No for M‘t’-â€" pownitdl wtfldfl_fl . S y SHe £. A. REID & CO., 43 £ St., Berlin, Phone 387, for in Real Estate. Open OÂ¥ MILLAR, DR. WELLINGYON K. pnh.°F. o. HVUGHES, | / " , Waterlon. .. = _ on. ctayron w. wEke# | omm3 gflg flfl This is Onhrlo':". best p ‘training ,ehool. w Com thorthand and Telegraphic ments. .Our courses are th and instructors afte . @xp®! We place graduates in pt v):m for our free catalogue and see if it interests you.. CLEMENT & D. 8. BOWLEY, £.A, DR. §. EOKEL, LD.8, From Aug. p > BENTBAL ’/:: SCELLEN & A. L. BITZER, 6. °A. FALL TER M_ STRATFORD. ;ONT. Closed all day D. A. McLACHLAN, Business Cards. °. REAL ESTATE Dental.