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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 23 Sep 1915, p. 9

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lnd 4 im. ae A white on t bx o in the 4 _my i nspired $Sgh rious : t white c spiend = into in and Hi. , Money perangâ€" Smss ECVA V i ns â€" n o ie (â€" ~ > 2 P amwfl:v‘t. r"back my foot for a fins! V:“%& Acutely neilll:: I slippers are not design kicking purposes, I raised my f00L t "the allpper and laid it upon taut section of his trousers with all "back my foot for a Ons! HotiHheret M ues ty fosx j 1 taised my foot B "the alipper and laid it upon taut section of his trousers Wwith ali the melancholy force that 1 usually in slicing my drive off the tee shall ~never . Forget â€" the ‘exquisite ,.m..mm.-om in Harold passet swiftiy out of . Rocksworth, reâ€"coforced by four mercenarieg in the shape of e was sadvancing upon me. I bhad‘d vague but unerring Ftrves mun ames n‘t to inqoir ithout L 200 1 wieted the cane from sent it sen after Harold. #mmrlm 3 "*%ou shall pay for this!" be spotterâ€" ‘t..n. black in the face. .. "Grab you infernal cowarda!" ' fgseorge"fiarr McCutcheon ~«But the four porters slunk away, ano . Rocksworth faced the aloue. . in pb and Max, thoroughly fed ind wost prodiglous, were bearing down wipon us, accounting for the flight of the mercenaries. \.{"Gottf' out!" 1 repeated. "I am the piwner of this place. Mr. Rockswort* i Am mag through and throug_. ipt® "They skipped A "How dare you?" he shouted it CHAPTER IV. 3, 1 Converse With a Mystery. ATE in the afternoon I opened my door, hoping that the bangâ€" ing of hammers and the buzz >3 of industry would have ceas 1; but, alas. the noise was eveh more fening than before. Esyping Britâ€" in the gloomy corridor, 1 shouted him, and beâ€"came at once. i*Britton," said 1 as be closed the , "do you think they will carry it their threat to have the law on 7 ‘Mr. Rocksworth was very angry #mtm He is a power, as you » *4 think you are quite safe, sif," sald be. "Shortly before 2, sir, one of the porters from the hotel came over to. recover a gold purse Mrs. Rileyâ€" We mer had dropped in the exciteâ€" mnd‘ be lnm:ll Mr.~ Poopenâ€" @yke that the whote party was leaving at # for Dresden." Ns= tC 4 Later on, somewhat refresbed and relfeved, i made my way to the little , first baving issued numerous And ‘diréctions to the still stupeâ€" ' ut::.b command to keep the ‘ agninst all comers. > ty as 1 sat there ruminating 1 me acutely aware of something white on the ledge of the topmost winâ€" in the eastern tower. Even as 1 "my igd#e apon it something else red. _A cloud of soft. wnvy, brown halr eclipsed the narâ€" white strip and bung with spread splendor over the casement ledge nlatnte indnhitably to dry in the sun. Â¥My neighbor had washed her biIrl fo of hair. 1 can‘t remember ever seen anything like it except in znflhcmentt _ What a glorious, appealing, sensuons a a crown of hairâ€"but just then . Poopendyke cae to my window. fy 1 interrupt you for a moment. L" @Smart?" be Inquifed, ns he squint aa me through his ugly bone rimmed in the exciteâ€" Tortures® Until im * * Sn Br. Jraw D* Jan. 27th, 1914. * &A fhegt for a long time wpp i I MM so ' that at. to eat 1-*&W’L!Y‘YF"!. "OF DVSPEPSH â€" "Come . here, y ke,"â€" 1 com uanded in bwm:oul Hle hest tuted. â€""Yonu won‘t fall of," i said sharply. i * Aithough the window is at least nine teet mgu, Poopeniiyke stooped as * came through. He always does it, B« matter bow tall theâ€"doot. +It is a Il: long babit with fhim. BHave i "'i' e e o. ce 5s b0c. a box, 6 for $2.50, gize At dealérs or sent postpaid on receipt 0 price by Fruitâ€"a tives Limited, Ottaw® Coned thit toy worthy secretury is «is feey four and as thin as a reed?. 4 te member speaking Of fils knges. _Be is w/<o a bachelor. 5 & â€"*It is a dreadfol distance dowb there," be murmured, fAattening bit self against the wall and ckflu)y sl--'. A pair or silimn white nands at that instant indolently readjusted the thick mass of bair and quite as casually di& uppeared. 1 failed to bear Mr. Poopen dyke‘s remark. y 2s & *1 ‘thiuk, sir," he proceeded, "It would be a yery good idea to get some of our correspundence of our hands. A great deal of it bas acenmulated in the past few weeks. 1 wish to say that { am quite ready to attend to it whenâ€" ever"â€" .'â€":io‘{r;i ot- rnll, we must bave a ladâ€" der," 1 went on "Have you seen to that?" / & ~"Time enough for letters," said L still staring. y _"A Iadder?" be faltered, putting one foot back througb the window in a most suggestite way. C "Oh," said 1, remembering, "I haven‘t told yon, have 17| Look! Up there, in that window. Do you see that?" "Wbat is it, sir? A rug?" "Rug! Great Scott, man, don‘t you know a woman‘s hair when you see It?" § "I‘ve neverâ€"erâ€"never seen itâ€"y00 might sayâ€"just like that. Is it bair?" "It is. ;x!lxudon‘n.&.dw't you!" ; "How it get there?" "Good! Now I know I‘m not dreamâ€" Ing. Come! ‘There‘s no timé to be lost. We may be able to get up there before she hears us!" 1 instructed old Conrad to have the tailest ‘ladder brought to me in the courtyard at once. * "There is no such thing about the castle," beâ€"announced blandly. "Where are your sons?" 1 demanded. The old couple beld up their bands in great distress. "Herr Britton bas them wearing their souls out, turning a windlass outside the gntesâ€"ach, that terrible invention of his!" groaned old Conrad. "My poot sons nre faint with fatigne, mein hert, You should see them perspire and bear them ‘pant for breath." _é-;p;ll;l new idea strack me almost at once. f In a jify baif a dozen carpenters were at work constructing a substantial tadder out of séantlings, while I stood over them in serene command of the situation. *When the ladder was completed I mounted to the top and peered thronth the .sashless window. It was quite black and repelling beyond. Jnstruct ing Britton and the two brothers to folâ€" low me in turn, 1 clambered over the wide stone sill and lowered myself ginâ€" gerly to the floor. * 1 will not take up the time or the space to réiate my experiences on this first fruitiess visit to the east wing of my abiding place. Suflice to say, we got as far as the top of the stairs in the vast middle corridor after stumâ€" bling through a series of dim, vtmp rooms. gnd then found our way éffet¢ tuaily biocked by a stdut door woich was not only locked and boited, but bore a most startling admonition ‘ to would be trespassers. i"ln-ne-(i ‘t_{;né of the panels there was n dainty" bit of white noté flv&f, its surface in ll;oldvt;fin_l.no band: with these satiric words written across _"Please keep out. ‘This is private property." ol . uK Most property owners no doubt would have been incensed by this calm deffâ€" ance on the part of a squatter, either tiale or fema}e, but not 1. The tery impudence of the usurper appealed to me ~ What could be more delicious than her serene courage in dispossessâ€" Ing me.with the stroke of a pen of at least twoâ€"thirds of my domicile and of waeing@ war agninst ber in the efâ€" fort to fegatn possesson Of 1t? â€" imeauy It was quite Here bappy, enchan bit 6f fe that stirred my sou very depths, * We returned to the conrtyard and helg a counsel of war. 1 put all of the mmk-uu:rlmthvflb boraly disclai all Interest in of knowledge of the extraordinary occt pant of the east wing. 5 ‘"Ws can amoke ber out, sir," gald s en eapinisalh uts se in lt ) ivest®" | * ~was very eA M'u&““fi“' ~ ! kept | to tover the modn sud ~wub & a | ie radiant lanthoto> in â€" the window be < - ( hind me, 4 sat.down with uiy pad and ] 7 ., | toy pipe and my pencilâ€"| The storm | iv was not faraway. es "‘ | _1 was seribbling away in serene conâ€" M ‘ \U.â€"‘â€" | temipt for the physicat world whes s 250 | there came to wmy ears a sound that â€" iptOf | gave me: m greater shock. than AbJ hhal ‘ tawk | atreak ot lightning could bave @Mâ€" ; sity Z_J% sad wat loft anfiment life in me aA & L 3 98 Britton. . A beobvey B3 reree eomar o ‘vaszaly wavedâ€" their ‘that a demonatraton " without© in "the‘Wikst tnbwing what if wis wbout ®~~ > _ ® at was Â¥ery and trag.. umfl‘a“. to cover the moun aud stare. ~With & radiant:| lanthoto> in â€" the window be hind me, 4 sat.down with uy pad and was not faraway. 9 C I'.Ml'l’h”* tempt for the pbhysical world when there came to my ears a sound that gave m m greater shock than ADJ streak oflightning could bate pM duced and yet left sufficient life in me A woman‘s voice, speaking to me out of the darkness and from some polut quite near at hand1 * beg your pardon, but would yos wind doing uie a ‘very slight favor? ‘Phose were ‘the Words. uttered in‘ s clear, sweet, perfectly confident yoica as of one who never asked for favor® Hut exactoq ‘Them!"s " *‘ ~ * *T 1 looked about me, biinking, utterly bewildered."© No one was to be seen The l#ugted. ‘ Without really‘ nieaning to do so, 1 also‘ Isughedâ€"nervously, 61 looked ‘intently at the spot from which the sound seemed to comeâ€"a perfectiy solid ‘stonge ‘block Tess than‘ three fesi from my tight shoulder. ‘‘It must have been very amusing. She laughed againâ€" 1 Aushed resentfuily. '“wwomnnr'leflodoutru* fi‘mmnnquluphhu.nflm &re very ugly when you scow!, sik Are you scowling at me?" j ~"I don‘t know," 1 replied mt:a still searching for her., "Does it go to you?" "Then I must be looking in the right direction," 1: cried" impolitely. . "Yo8 must be~ Ab!" P ue O‘ We My straining eyes bad located i# email, oblong blotch in the curve of the tower not more than twenty feet from where 1 stood. and on a direct line with my baicony. ‘True, 1 eou!d not at first see & face, but ns my eyes grew a little more accustomed to the darkness, 1 fancied 1 could distinguish a shadow that might pass for one. .. 14 loophole, and it isn‘t bere except in times of great duress, Sée, I can close 4t?" ‘The oblong blotch abruptly dis appeared, only to reappear an ‘instant was there," 1 cried. puszled. "It Ten‘t,‘ sbe said. "It is a east wing! "I hope I didn‘t startle you a moment ago." 1 resolved to be very stif and forâ€" mal about it. . "May 1 inquire, madam, what you are doing in my houâ€"my ca# Mmen n o e ids wiggied at the in & merry but axceed ingly irritating manner. Bensibly 1 restored the lanthorn to its place inside the window and waited | for the mysterious voice to resame. "Are you so homely as all that?" I demanded when the shadowy face looked out once more. Very clever of | me, I thought "You may."* "Well," said I, seeing the point, "what are you doing bere?" * _ _ tinctly. "And I bave come down to & simple, tiny little favor of you, Smart," she resumed. "You know my name?" 1 cried, you going?" "Just a moment, please," 1 called out, struck by a splendid fdea. Reactâ€" ing inside the window. i grasped the lantborn and brougbt is rays to bear upon theâ€"perfectly biink wall! i stared open mouthed and unbelieving. "Good heaven! Hnve I been dreaming all this?" 1 cried aloud. my gaze reil upon two tny nores in the wali, exposed 62 view by the bright light of ty lamp.‘ They appeared to be precisely in this center of the spot so recently marked by the elusive oblong. Even as 1 stared at the boles a stim object that 1 at once recognized As a finger protruded from one of them and _ "I am considered rather good lookâ€" don‘t do that again. It was very rude of you, Mr. Smart." us "I am living bere," she answered dis "So I perceive," said I, rather too dis very pol "I am reading your last book~ PE mc C ctss! us juhs. . Auaeue Chatte datienmetatnt . Sbu may: rugh tm wngit=bsss © . omcs .307 "1 like that. . in my own castle too!" "There is ample room for both of us," she said sharply. "I shan‘t be here for more than A th or six weeks, Mlmnu"?ln.mem amiably under the same roof for that length of time if you‘ls only furget that 1 am bere." - ho "I can‘t very well do that. mndz. You see, we are making estensive re 1 was beginning to understand. the sensation of belng little uf loyaity sir â€" by ing as such letters as which areheartfelt expressions of tude for restored health:~~ tw â€" Station, **I have Out. â€" ‘ G ford | â€" it .?1”‘;. m found any &Qfi $* : ?mol w«nh; "ad EC O ing it doctors ‘did‘ me ‘nd‘ N @) #. sool. l':lofl‘j S w until I began faking . 4 your : Aah | % 0 recomm li[q‘ P [ss ale digestion. **‘â€" Mrs. Hawer Cuary, Glaoford :Station.. Ont. a..,‘.‘&fl : ’)p t o 4J mm Te canty thin ho falling of on *My Aeft side pained me all, the time flmum-ymfiflw irregular and painful it would be worse. To sit down caused me pain and suffer m,fitmfihwmm es tiat T could not bear to see one or hear uny one speak. <Little sp« would float before my eyes and 1 wa: always constipated. > ~| _ _â€"_ . **I eannotâ€"say too much for LydiaE Pinkham‘s Vegetable Compound anc Liver Pills, for there are no medicine: like them. I have taken them and } recommend them to all women. You ma; publish this testimonial.‘"â€" Mrs, Ste M";;'h serious obstacle. 1 canâ€" mm.mrqfl.“. it will grieve me enormouslyâ€"if 1 am compelled to smoke you out, but 1 fear"â€" ~*Smoke me out!" "Perhaps ‘with sulpbur," I went on resolutely. "It is said to be very e# fective." "Surely you will not do anything 80 borrid." "Only as aâ€"jast, resort. : Firstâ€"we ahall storm the east wing. W‘“fl.fip we sball rely on smoke. You wilf 40â€" mit that you Bave no.right to porch on my ‘preserves." |> > ud "None whatever," she said rither plaintively. " . * 1 "can‘t nmembi‘,.p:flu nearda> a sweeter vojce than bers... Uf.conrse by um‘;‘um‘ wWas: thoroughly ¢onvinced thint she was a la%.fi eultored, bigh bred J40y, aud.an t !. . Sof 5 That ,fifi. note‘in her volce servâ€" ed its purpoSe, ma seemed to dissolve, .vd%ww reenâ€" force it by an injection of barshness into my own manner of sbeech. ‘Then you should be willing to vAâ€" cate my . premisesâ€"erâ€"or"â€"here io where i began to show irresolutenessâ€"â€" "or explain yourself." "wNon‘t you be generous?" _ °; 1 cleared ;:rnn a How well they ¢ * in avmpan‘s _"L am willing to beâ€"ametiable to rea‘ son. That‘s all you‘qught to expect." A fresh idea gp@k root. »Can‘t we efâ€" fect a compromiseâ€"a truce, or someâ€" thing of the sort? All 1 ask is that you explain your presence bere. 1 will promise to be as generous is possible nder the cireumstufices." | ~"Will â€"you "&fve mb three days i% which to think it over?" she asked, after a long pause. "Well, two days? "I‘ll give youâ€"ontil tomorrow after . noon ut 5, when 1 sbail expect you to receive me in person," "That is quite impossible."\, "But I demand the right to go whetrâ€" ever I please in iny own castle. You"â€" ‘â€""If you knew just how circumspecf I am obliged to be at present you wouldn‘t impose such terimg, | (Mr. Bmart." "Oh. cirenmspect! That puts a new tight on the case. What have you been tip to, madame?" . I spoke yery -txul? ‘ She very properly fgnored the banall ty. "If 1 should write you a mlce. ngreeable letter, explaining as much as 1 can, won‘t you be satisfied ?" She seemed to be considering. o will come to this window tomorrow right at this time andâ€"and let you know,"* sbe said reluctantly. =Â¥ery well," said L. "We‘ll let it rest till then." Jng." i â€" "The baby?" I mtttered. "It is nothing serious, of course. ‘The doctor was here today and he reasâ€" sured me"â€" \ -._.Amm-mfln?‘lllm . She â€"Iaughed . once fora.~ Yeryy, "And, by the way, 1 have something moreâ€"to askâ€"of you. ~ Is it quite neces. sary to bave all this ‘pounding and hammering going on in the castle? The hoise is dreadful. 1 don‘t ask it on my own account, but for the baby. You tee, she‘@ quite il} with a fever, Mr. wwnd." * C NT 4 are very ‘good." c e otfur catin. 10l: aut abe C hon: "Good night, Mr. Amart You J MaxT, Chestervillg; Ontario @ quite il} with a fever, Mr Perhaps you‘re heard her cry to have it by word " demarid the right to y6 wherever i ouf Lae onigug aptriure s ar ed with a abharp click, ltm_- mmmnmnfl.wm 'l.‘":""",.'"ié.’;anwi Ec cla . earty, considerably augmented by fresh recrauits, who came to stinre the beneâ€" fits of my innocuous prodigulity, and If I live to be a thousand 1 shall never azAin exgerience such a nolsome half w#dt as the qas 1 nyest is tyrannica! oppression of the poor and needy. in the end 1 agreed i9 paYy them, one and ail, forâ€"acfull day‘s work, and they went awayâ€"‘moilificd, dailing me a true gentlieman to my face and heaven knows what to my back. Punctually at 9 o‘ciock that evening 1 was in. the bailcony, thanking my lucky stars that it was a bright moonâ€" lt night ‘There was every reason to rejoice in the prospect of seeing ber face clearty when she appeared at her secret little ,window. Baqn.vorcn: white, fimy ‘vell. 1 naturally conc} ‘ed that sbe was homely. . "Good evening," said 1, contriving to conceal my disappointment. "How is the baby ?" i+ & "Very much better, thank you. !tJ was so good of you to stop the work.. hen." â€" | "Won‘t yon tnkeÂ¥6it" your vel Tad" stay awhile?" 1 asked, politely faceâ€" tlous. "It is not quite fair to me, yOR know.t : *3 Rkâ€" T fler nest remark brought a blush of |. sonfusion to my cheek. A silly notion "nd induced me to don my full evefâ€" ng regalia, spiketail coat and ; Nothing could bave been more Jud}!| eseasly incongrnous thap my ‘ ance, lun-uu.nndlncvortgt f nn:l@hb in my lifé. 53 "How very nice you look in your ne# | suit," she said, and I was awaré of &‘ mufiied quality in ber ordinarily cleat, musical voice. She was laughing at me.‘ "Are you giving a dinner party?" "I usually dress for dinnet," 1 Hed with some haughtiness, | "And so does "m'fi. x ndded as. t y biush dee as 1 fte‘ called the attenuated blazer in which | my secretary breakfasted, lunched and dined without discrimination. © ° "For Gretel‘s beneft, 1 presume." 7 "Aba! You do know Gretél, then?" "Oh, I‘ve known her for years. Isn‘t sbe a quaint old dear?" : "I shall discharge her in the mornâ€" " ing," said 1 severely. "She is a lMar, : â€"and her husband is a poltroon. ‘They ‘ positively deny your.existence in any | shape or form." ° "They won‘t pay any attention to you,""said she, ‘with a‘laugh. “m are fxtures, quite as~much so as ; walls themseives. You‘l not be able. to discharge them. My ;nnd:nml tried it fifty years ‘ago and id. . "After that be made it a polnt to disâ€" iss Conrad every day in the year and ‘Gretel every other day. As well try .S remove tte mouhtain, Mr. Smaft. They know you éan‘t get on withobt them." â€" "I have discharged ber as a cook," 1 said triumpbantly, "A new one will be here by th_oauofx week," , "Ob," sh6é nh? ntively, "how glad 1 atn;â€" Bhe is &n lflbfléook. 1 don‘t like to complain, Mr. Simart, but really‘ it ‘Is getting so that J‘can‘t eat "Good evening," she said on opening un,tuis;s?fijfi‘lr;z‘tm of you tp in a new. ‘New we shalt be very pm’yz:! Ne P & "Byâ€" Jovel" said I, qflnw stagâ€" gered by these nw f A "I have thoought it dver, Mr. Smart," she w;n_tuhl mfl:; +4 â€" we 4 m &mt we frt." > intelligends, t mnea my inte but 1 Wig so stunned by . preceding T "pould omy gasps eubsisting all this tme off my rove ; "Oh, dear me, uo! How can you think that of me? Gretel merely cooks the food 1 buy.‘ She keops # and sepurate account of evefyth poor thing. 1 am sure you not Bnd Anything wrong with your bills, Mr. Smart. Rut did you bear what 1 said a moment ago?", "Tiy CHAPTER V. j 1 Become an Ancestor, RUE to the promise she bad e%â€" (To be continued.} grandfa thet otht to digâ€" he yc'-r and ; well toy ir." ‘gmark ‘on withoit ~ > ! _ | The publishers of The _ Family : stag. | Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, f are ~ making a strong bid for that r. Smart," |beautiful‘ picture, full of pathos, enâ€" manner, |titled ‘On the Field of l-(::or." If is hlong much | assumed the publishers of the Family art." . Herald have in mind using it as a reach | presentation plate. If that is so there stunned |is a great treat in â€"store for readers Nt"pould | of 'rb‘e Family Herald and Wee:l;y you‘ve been |Family Herald of Montreal has been ues Alllctri 2 1â€"1 »mr.mg p blush of |& Â¥ full evenâ€" f me t |5 0. fore 1 ; id fraes>] rg; S mxrndg h ware of a" rilyâ€"cleat, |= ughing at |& r ‘party ?" T t," 1 Hed L &as t te | y a ‘ Commencing â€" Commencing â€" at 1â€" . o‘clock. p.m e _ :. g . |EFIRE INSURANCEI â€"Real Estate :»â€"The property . conâ€" sisting of, 1 acre fine 2â€"storey" Brick “&-fl:‘pum. ahd goo@: brick barn. â€" <=â€" $ m‘& isupboard, 2 k , * $ wask stands} ‘ 8t,.2 bed. . room sultes, beds>DUMO sewing machine, uufiw hoes, shovels, rakes, pictures, and a lot‘ of other articles too numerous to Theftion ; â€" umt . _TERMS :â€"On real estate, 10 . .PeT cent, of the purchasg money on â€"ithe day of sale the balance within â€" 30 days. Chattels, cash: *4‘ M% â€"‘Kor turther ts apply to t w tub r-mhflw Bs «ol cuugine ce en opappeerenennnn t td dnA T Y § 2o Tou Approsiate â€"I iFirst ~ WATERLOO MUTUAL Fire Insurance Co. THE MERCANTILE MONDA Y cellence of that journal but for many beautiful ‘pictures it has preeented to 4s readers. <~The Faniily Herald‘has Head Qm- mflw novet VY unry res vwe A name for succeeding in anything it Undertakes, and we feol sute it is humanly possible to sécure "On the Field of Honot" that the publishers will steceed in getting it. *Oh "the Field of Honot"‘ is attracting wideâ€" spread atiention in Europe,. . _ Dr. J. H. Webb, S. B. Hficker, Esq."" Geo. ‘Dicbel, Esq. . Lâ€" g’igemin, Esq., St. lacomw. Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E; Shantz, Preston. ‘Thomas Gowdyd;?q‘..,‘ Guelph. g}cbfirdlftmmu.'fi £ "@ (Geo. Dicbel, . President. Alian Bowman, Vice@President Levi Shuh, ‘Manager. ‘‘ * Artbur Foster, Inspectoc. 3. C. Haighs, Solicitor. J. A. Bochm, District Agen§. Total Assets, 3ist Dec. _ _ $750,000.00 property of"~u ‘l:d s;m havewy(;it&w:n.tée: su;-g . To o lrx'alnd c'}:nice * *RA * aitoradt Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made Subscribed Capital ...$250,000 Deposit with the Dominâ€" .z ion Government ...$156,698.00 All policies guaranteedâ€"â€" by the©Lancashire Insurance Comâ€" pany with Assets: of $29,636,â€" 465.00. + t ; Alfred ‘Wright, Se«eht_’ C. A. BOEHM, DIST. AGT. Waterloo, Ont. Phone 249 «ONâ€"THEâ€"FIELDâ€"OF HONOR." L. ~F. DIETRICH, Waterloo N. S. BALL, St. Agatha,"" Why not buy~ fFour meats here andget the pesti:? >‘ EDGAR FISCHER Successor to J. B. Fischer. Phone 243. Waterloo. BOARD OF DIRECTORS INCORPORATED 1875 incorporated in 1863. WATERLOO, ONT. COMPANY .. Class mtage of 21. Apathe, Executors 4th, 1915 Villege 384t.1D. " d. ‘McINTOSH, w NMetanaig s tb ofi Batrister, Solicitof, etc. ‘ Money to 10&n; ° Cor. Kmpand mlgi Market, Frederick St; 3t relophohe No: it Borih HarTistor TeX ‘Notaries, ¢tc.. ~Office :.-mm King Beriin. ..Graduate Chicago tal~ Surgery and Royal‘â€" Dental Surgeons of Toronte‘* Office in Fischer‘s Block,~> . Wa Dentistry practices in all its 0P 36 8. Horln. Phole ut Osteopathy.‘ ©1909â€"1%." _ ofteri <cures where all Chronitc ©constipation, ‘# erders, nervous diseases, infantile paralysis, m cessfully treated. d Offices, Room 203 Wweber ©~5. .‘ ~~ Berlin, Ont. / King St. Hast, THE EmMpPLoYER‘s As%0ciatn _ OF WaATERLOO CoUN TY FREW LABOR:BURRAU & h:’ King St. West, seriin. 6 ve 'm men lna.llllne.’blvog'sg out of employment communicate us at once. No charge for $e@ tion of @ervices rendered. e SEE E. A. REID & CO., 43 .fi St., Berlin, Phone 387, for in Real Estate. Open ovenit 5°° Discasos ot the mas, Nose and Throst. : MILLAR, SIMS & DR. WELLINGYON K. Osteopathic Physicia Gu?um under Dr. Still, r of the science, Editor . UOGUDAROACCININCOAS omes Rogs 19 ts aip. This is Ontario‘s best prac ‘training school,: with thorthand‘ and Telegraphic z ments. Our courses are t and instructors ate e m place graduates in, p fite for our free catalogue and see if it interests you. . CLEMENT & D. 8. BOWLEBY, £.A, .CB DR. 8. ECKEL, LD.8, W. P. CLEMENT. DR. F. G. HVGHES, * _ Waterloo. . ; â€". . DR. CLAYTON W. ;"«’Hfi"é 2P P ... SCELLEN & A. L. BITZER, B A. * FALL TE R M From Aug. 30th _~» BENTBAL * 42 apon theme oo wn y sute q unds io n D. A. McLACHLAN, Busi Cards." ~ J. A HILLIARD Medical. C e REAL ESTATE Dental. +d Ti t

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