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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 16 Sep 1915, p. 2

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colds ttettte on your chest or in your a T at"? Domain.“ Ity"'"" ._-. you abject to throat troubUs f Such troubles nhquhl have immediate ”Jim-tun!» with the rare curative powers "1‘ Scott's Emuldon to guard against ' consumption which so easily follown. HWWNGWMIIOQNM ”“7”“...Ml " toeth-tra4tce.tedtototilf- hilt-dun. M was“ a "tttbi-ct-mt-tsw..' " The ettort of Col. H. unu- tot-o cure a Btgtticiettt number ot young men living In Waterloo County to for. I complete company In the TUt Bum. ton should receive the support ot the Citizens 'Recruiting Committee, the press and all loyal Britishers in Wat- erloo County. To achieve this it will be necensary to secure over 200 mm trom the var- ious cities. towns and villages in the county. Gait, Preston and Ilospvler have sent large detachments with previous contingents, making recruiting for thi 'i'lst Battalion a more dithcuit. pro position. These three towns haw contributed nearly 1,000 men. " will be necessary tor Berlin, Wat erloo and tho northern villages to pro Tide the necessary mv-n for "B" Com pany, which will be under the com mand of Col. Martin. The military authorities are Pndeav pony, which will be under the com- mand of Col. Martin. The military authorities are Pndenv- oring to compteto the recruiting for tho 7lst Battalion this wtwk, and every young man in the Twin-City should give the question of whether he should enlist for service serious considera- tion. Paronta an pared to mak sons when [in The methods nupluyz-d by the Ger- mar. imperial gm‘rrniin‘nt in order to rouso the sympathy of the United States for its cause Hill only be Px- cust-il hecause they ure.)'-', and as all the world knows now anything Henna" has receivml the special Ranc, tiun and blowing of a hem-livent. Ger- man I'rtiulmwe, who rules the World through lus rrisinely inspired su-rvant. William oi Holumrolh'rn, Mar'grare ol Hrarvlmthurg, Mr. The nations are a little rolwlliiiiis just now and William is having 'soiiu- slight trnuhle in ini- prrssing on thmn the "rwt'ssity for obmlituwe to his commands. Hui, among the nations (hvre is on? which believes. in piihliriti. “If Not? are a good man, any so," by; the Irrruviple by which it is apt to be guided. “If you are a irnd mun ".tNshlre the world that you are actinq [ruin thp very best of motives and the world will probably iii-limo ion if you spend enough money on pulrlicity, ll you do not say anything " all you P\'l- dently have no charat'tpr and ttrefer to keep disireetly silt-iii about such a very negative virtue." So William, Ming Perforce wry busy with the re- hrllious nations, durum! tilting to lisp against this iiaLiuii the moipo- tent weapon left, in his armory, os- pecially as th" rrln-Is had prevented him using any other. "'l'utdivity," probably argued, "will hr cheaper than making war on them at the moment and later on l can lullow up my publicity i-aiiiipiiign with illus- trations given by my triumphant 'arniy and “not. Perhaps publicity and“ DAVID um a can. uni II; who. - VATIILOQ an. .m 01.. - nlu- - - tn ain-09., 01-! tfrtot " FHA-x are "aw'r to n The proposal 100 County boy should be an " men to "ttlist, Let Berlin and Wan a large quota of the m: pally. 3.8.536; in... m m...- "Doc-hm “If...” m and 'nIrttt..gqg+ .." WIRTIIIM Wicungoomudboldl It “I. - WWI My tleman a little his confrerps '; pointed “ith hI rxpvnded for " tratmns given by my triumphant 'army and "(TL Perhaps publicity will author. We will buy up the news sources, ue “I" buy up mvn whocan E'reate strGes. Mont-y can do any- Urine. It talks most loudly." How a New York nmmpupt-r ac- quired, the letters and docunwnts it has puhhshvd as proof oi. the wide-. spread tromoirmT.ap,ainst the palpit- of the United Stan-s would hr inter- estinq to know. Probably some gon- tleman a little lrss Germarotip than his rnnrrvrrs sold out, being disap- pointed “ith his share of the money rxpvnded for this purpose. The point unu- Imll Infill I "who? "all. mu "um Luau-n is that. the New York F publicity campaign so p ruin-d States gnvPrnmr hold an enquiry intc trans. The Humans appear t ions conception of the nations. They det'rn they pursue dishnimmhh plaster them with sign! are honorable therein must beliese them. C ' t$tmtt'trRmutuiott motsins pure cod liver " which peculiarly strengthens thr res- p‘ltovy tad and improves the qualityol an Mood; the glym-n'ne in it soothes and We the tender mmhmnen of the thrmt. “'3 is prerrihed by the best specil " You an: get it at any drug store. 1 t “I . m. Noah. on. mi mung-up: 'e' m. who! my kaoua, or Wins. THE VALUE OF PUBLICITY to to respond. msul to form all tho Watt'r- boys into one company an encouragvmvnt to young hls share of the money this purposr. The point cw York my»? made the paint: so public that the the t signs stating they therefore ovetynne urgvd to be pro aeritice, ot their hour tlie call and P Psychol that t hie paths rlon (-ontrihuu n for “B" Com "speler have with previous 'uiting for the dimcult pro- towns have t will itself its ramiiict- a“? a cur -a to pro 'n" Com. the conr uh iilust- iumphant publicity the news logy ot because ave “I an b m '-- d u Db when thy would inioet “I Kttitur. Al the ,Vucouvat Plo- vhco an. thy do not doom it no- can; to enhh, but mly to he. 'ttrise-rr-dt-sur-t Js Wt“ in Gummy. HI“ th In A an.» mint civilian". it up- Mncod any when (It. may. on day ‘the German will name that 'ta- tions, like inlhidualu, ham t ' halts, but m not orite such stil } idiots gs Germany believes. Mayor Hott has promised the re- cruits tor the 21trt Battalion that their lives will he insured. Has the prom- ise been ntltuled for the Merlin boys in the 34th Battalion? Any perlon who thinks he can pro vide Berlin with tn enclent Fire he partment has the chance to make up plicauon tor the job, Cur Nicholas has heard the call to the firing line and has answnrnd it by taking command of Russia's forms. One of these days you will twar ot Sir Sam Hughes attempting to follow tte Emperor's example. September I: detiverirtx lou- shoverl now and then III that the wet summer In The days ot the NI {airs have " rived. What's the matter with having a momma: tent at end: “It held in Waterloo county? _ Is the member tor North Waterloo in favor of an election during war time? . Here is something for Count Born- stork to look after. In Cleveland, Ohio, there is a "Society of the Lusi- tania." The members wear a hunon which boars the arms of Gvnnany dis- figured by a great red which and these words appear lK-nvalh, "The Blot That Won't Como Off.” Your country u culling tor you; VOW lull. ' Cautaditurtrorn boys should not be haw-rd in going toward. ' The City of Milan, Italy, has under. ,Iakon a municipal renting again-y, in order to supervise, to a limiu-d extent, the hyg] c‘Tiving conditions among those 7t,1trill', largo workiaRmert's home-s. Union-v undortakink the rent. ing of a proporty it is thTt inspected by the city onipittlta and a report made as to the ctrsanlinos.q and location. _ Says the New York World: For the most marvellous story of the war. (ha! of Private Chambers. Canadian, is nominated. 1Minded by shell explu sion. on Hill 60, he took on his back a wounded man wh'o could aw» and, gun} ed by his burden. reached safety for both. Being on the Hesperian when s.he wus struck. and thrown intrttre walvr, the chill restored his sight by Back in the breasts at you": Is skill that is yet "ntrorn, There slumbers (Oh, thi: truth) Oh, brief Knuth: And rkeen Presses He is "it And tht stimulating: the nvrrr date: must pram-m b would equal this. I remerimer, . fair Svpis-mlwr, (-n-ry day ot yiiurs’wzis line. 1 have'wruught your splendid glories into many a sung oi, mine, But, Ihestitate this morning loom”. you overmuch, Just tor fear you're been aitiieted with this year's contrary touch. Evenings cool Pr" ought to bring tm--- ev,enings lillml AV ith rare delights nut sinct- August didn't, maybe lou “ill swrlter us o' nights. Fair your reputation has IMuen--what it will he none can say; Shall rise when WP now nnr heads And bruer the work we do. Juno To-morrow's Muck ot brawn. Back of us all thrre treads , A troop of young frllnws, whn Hut You should bring us wondrous mhrs, scarlet hues and glraming gold, You should bring us SCPIIPS entranc- ing -this has been your work of old, But I d? not,sav you'll do it, now the tine are out of par, And I've Ceased to gums the weather I've been tooled too much this year! ... And no one shall hop him hark, The grunt-st that”; shall In", And give him an open track Rhrn Iifr tor his strength shall For this is Ure way ot time: No man." man's lame today, To-morrow a troy shall clittttt And carry his crown away. Rut The Empire needs you (mum Free Press.) You should be the month of harvest month of tields ni golden grain; " I hate to Nav you will tre, iorl fear 'hnll start io rain. on should ,gontly splash the lawl- Blunt today N01". AND coupons smpc . “in. a gorgeous brown and red since times are topsy-‘turvy yul yay bring us spring instead. THE (‘LI\HNG HEROES July and August, failed us. Will you also go astray? vs the ya] there mmi tho light I "tth was t age is the (I-Ixéhango) mt tinw at best ylr fftritrrner test youth hrlow. "ning up the Erarte, tt of his r)? is brig s thr morning mal the restful night. cs' was line. your splendid glories a Sung of mine, this morning toCxalt wrn- 00mm. Candi. ‘nt brave tales it “my PT H M Ii F.' R and this is the some cop- to rerrrinA not om. _ (all MitTtajirhiGiiiiit "ry (rr'ii;'iliFisiigi'ii"ii'" - '. 'i'," 'EiitiiiiiiirTiirifiiaw you lt, ,i'imllllllrllffMi-lllllllllrlllllll.]l I 7:} , mu.s.rummmmn norm. Sept. 9.-- " my: to the United Sum. on the an " ot the I an liner Aubu- the Gel-ma: ' i sun that it My - "at I!" were in! mi: “one“. of the commnnder: it ”mummy or pull“ this mm! m the Gown-null. or PMPhtt Staten on account at the 'tttt ot America: citizen, ad will: The note to the United sme- both in: on the sinking ot the Ant-lo on August 19. which in communicated Ip the Americun Ambassador. JAM- W. Guard. tor Inn-mission to Wuh- htton Is In the but of . memoran- dum under date ot September 1.4m text of which follow-z "On August " a German “hm-tine stopped the Britllh sterner Minnie! about sixteen nllllk'll miles math ot Kinule and was on the point of sink- ing the prize by truntime utter the cred! Ahud'lelt the vessvl. At this moment the commander saw . large sic-moi- making directly towards him. This simmer. undeveloped later, was the Arabic. She was recognized as an envmy vessel, as she did not ity any lime: and bore no nvutrnl markings. _ "When she approached she allvrod hor original course, but then again pointed directly towards the sub- marine. From this the commander Immune mnvinvod that the steamer had the intvntlon of (marking and ramming him. In order to antici- pate this attack he gth- orders tor thosulnnarinv to dive and fired a torpedo at the steamer. After ttring ho (-onvincvd himself that tho proph- on hoard were being rescued in titteen boats. ' _ V _ FINED $700 FOR REFUSING F TO ANSWER other port with raw pruisrrs m New York, Smut. 11.-)rdge Vood- er, III the huh-ml I'oyrt in Itrook, lyn, impusr-Il a tine of tht0 on the Hamburg-American Strut-whip Co. for its refusal to unxwor questions in a carnage suit hruught by two outer S'u'amship Companies. “Du! l‘uptuin “can! natal attache of the German Embassy, instruct. the supm‘mrs oi those Colliers, tlwmsnlvp' German “anal reservists, to divert these vessels from their stated cours- es so as to meet Will] Herman ships of A ar HYDRO WILL EREth? SIX TRANSFORMER STOREHOUSES The budding in Preston “in bt started irtttuediaielv, and Mie arm-1 for the material and rn-rliun M tht Putin set of buildings has Inn-u plan yd with a local W.uiutaciuritrg, con mm, the work to hr rumplctrd Bith in the next two months. The frmlan “Did Marr The and tttrot pl unable. howevor, to acknowl any obligation to gram up“ In the matter, - it a. " _ dander BhouM but been ml.- tatten u to the WW. 1M (lens of the Arabic." T MINAICD'S LINIMEN'I‘ RELIEV S NEUHALGIA. " “m cor-an Gown-0d I. two questions, which the de 118 rrfusml to answer, gpre the Hamburg-American Lin and despatch from this an arrangements for the ttwuon transiormer siation storeholcC Guelph. Preston, Berlin, tit. 's, Woodstock and 1'ooiisviiie.' ailtlinr,y will be Ill." by tit) Vet, will he at metal toustructiott Inn-l. I'Hl rts oi l'niil‘d Stu” got-s destined In In the Atlantic?" Flept ltt.--The llyulm has Just, vom- Jun will be and the order «Minn " the Just culw the "on ti . In irrlnan Lim- and tlliers uh- “According to " 1gtqtrtgetimsa the '0“ van a - to and: w m Irlthfy't wank: and witty od the In.“ the - attempted to any; or ttttered telli- tanee. Ha "I an.» however; to concl t the Alumina cucum- aluerathaoptb tit-Ne plan“: I violent gunk. “I a mar summer, numb "dt/tttttr/tttT, British Roy-J Hall tttiyui'ialket Company, which he bu! wither “not“ nor stopped. 1t " mnlrulnrly “was” um an“ the Government 9! the Unite! 8 on ucoum of the dent: ot Alum-lean citizens. "The Gw-rmun Government In um able, however. to acknowledge nay owls-lion to grant indemnity 'in the mutter; Hum if the communion- should have been mistaken as to the augm- aivu imvmiuns ot the Arabic. “The German o,veiGiai-irioG Gt deeply real-H- that liven an” tgot Enough Ihe union ot the communist. "It it should move to he the case that it is impossible tor the German and Await-an (:ovvrnments to much a harmonious can”! m (My mom, the Gunman Government would be prepared to submit the dltrervpoe ot opinion. as being a qumtion of inter, national law, to Thm Hague 'l‘ribuull. for arbitration, pursuant to amid? 38 or Tho Hamil» Convention for the pm citle svlllrmvnl of intermatiom" dis- "In so doing, it assumes that. as a matter of "ourNe. the arbitra! decision shall not luv admitted to have the im- portanm- of a xvnl-ral decision on the permissihility or tho “mm-rm» under international law ot German submar me Wtrtare." . 'f1rahdttia, Ahh'. fo.--1imranuord battalioy 1.»; "verb'ttas, service, omeer. od and maxim-ll by volunteers trom Iirantfnnl and vitOity, constitutes the objective of a movement which has gained much popularity in local (-ivir and "itlitary circles. The move- "ttmt, Is fathered by W. F. Cock- shun, WP., J, ll. Fisher. M.l'.. “up the iselie u ill THRESHER IS KILLED WHEN FLOOR CRASHES He was about 32 yea son "i. Ihmahl Achill run. of 1'uslinch, and t rial a few moulhx 'ago, BRANTFORD MAY t .MOBILIZE'H‘A‘ . WHOLE BATTALION ion the Gait, , the leant With his Gait, Supt. ttt.--Wtuyn the “our of the Iran!” an uhich he wax standing with his r-ynpluwr, W. Laur, thresh- er, ghw “an, Archie McMillan, a protttineut young man M l'usliuch 'l‘ounslu'p rrrcived injuries trom which he 'lird half an hour later.. Mr. Laur had mun-(l his} threshing outfit In the Lmu oi Alex, MePhatuig on the Gore, l'uslmrh, where the ac- ridont took plum‘, and had him: the tuachine mto the barn. Messrs. Mc- Miller, and 1paur were standing, talk- ing, in thr- heanto when the old joists Kate way. The-y were precipitated to the gruumi, twelve feet below, and a wrung mm fell on Mr. McMil- Lan, causing, Internal injuries from which he died hall an hour later and betore a doctor mum arrive. prominent , Township n which he ohm Mr. Laur l1 outfit to tlte nu the Gore, vident took ' tuaehine lulu Miller, and I. ing, in the le; torutpd, , 2nd lira; ('onnnamlin In so doin Ttte auortl and vit'inity, constitutes objpt%ve of a movement which gained much popularity in local . and Inllilur) cirvtes. The move- t. Is fathered by W. h'. Cock- .I, WP., I ll. Fisher, MA'., or Spruce and military ottieers in city, and Ill (-nnsequmu‘e it is WM that every possible effort bt' ma0e to hair such a battal- fnrim-d. Major W. C. Hnmks of 2nd Drag-nuns here is suggested 'ommandiurr, ”mom. ”at; o.--Wtren uhich he an, W. w an PM; 2 years of age, a icMillan of the lst And was only mar- Elly ml 3., oe (ilaubitz tor the alum-m. Jn quwslion, and unless the "mm-r is lner-ming the horses will be nnld and the former city oMcinl paid out of tho proceeds. Ford said he aiready'Ua m on» Most il.i.he artiv, formulation or plain toward brin‘ing the 4;th More the entire wintry. “We will employ hilly 10,000 men in the tractor plant heron the rivet _ we are in complete operation," said Mr. b'urd. "'Thr'mctory wilt probably be built an mm we acquir- ed incur our present factory several your: age. Wetave 60 acres Just terms: the boundary line between Watkervilie and Ford City trom our present property. Dacron, a... '.-hat b will 1d- low " taillt'gtrvdaiUr puss one: with one at 89.000.000 more, it my. "all I‘ll the rug W Gummy " fund- tll ,manulwture his tarm victor . " My additional “than." “an 19.000 um. I“!!! “I". 39* may by m 5.. Lr, l l, , rt2il'dtiil'ii"L; lLr‘uign, Mr. of American lives. The United States district, attorney has evidence upon tshivh he bases the belief that Stahl did not make the attidavit of his own volition. An or. fort. will be made to discover who employed him to swear that the Lus- itania was an armed ship. The indictment charging Stahl with periury was nutilinsed on his alTulavit sent try the German Ambassador to the State Department. Stahl rc- peated the statement under oath in a John Doe proceeding belore the Federal grand jury on June 10. It was for this that he wy.indict'd. Ile entered his plea oi guilty trr-day on advice of his counsel, Harold S. Deming, who had crmterred at length with United States District Attor- ney Marshall. GLAUBITZ IS BOUND TO GET mil BACK SALARY er qrneral Manarer's chmtue tor hack salary, and unions he does so by Hi.- day morning another mnnhor ot the Board at Control will be rnoowrred to do so and the math-r iakene out uf his Worship's hunch Sheri" ('nm- rron has treized fjtteen horses ttrlonx- in: to the city Garltatte Department to satisfy a wrlmwnt obtained by (ilaubitz tor the alum-m. Jn quwslion, "No definite plans tor this lactory have been completed yet, but that there will he a tratAor plant across the river is certain." New York, Sept. 8.--Gustav Stahl the German reservist who Snore that he saw (our guns mounted on one oi the decks of the Lusitania just as that vessel was about to leave this port on the voyage that ended when a German torpedo struck her all the Irish coast, pleaded guilty to per- Jury in the United States District Court, ttrslay. Judge Hough remand- ed him to the Tombs until ‘10 o'clock to-morrow morning, when sentence “ill be imposed. In the meantime there may be some interesting disclosures in the Stahl matter. Htaht's ialse attidavit about; the Lusitania being armed was lor-) warded to the state Department try'; Ambassador run Bernsiorlt as part at a German excuse " the sinking of the liner and the sarriftce of stuffs of American lives. [ .l.nndon. Ont., Sept. t.-- Mayor Stevenson was given until " o'clock Frida’y morning next by the 1'ity Council to-night to Sign a cheque tor ti,516.M for unpaid salary to ll. J. Glautsita, former General Manager of the. London Puhlic Utiliurtrt'ortmtis- sion, who was forced to resizn because ot an nitration tor his dis- missal on the ground ot his German birth. Mayor Stevenson, who led in the ’movement fot his dismissal. has ENGLISH-SPEAKING ARE BOYCOTTING THE UNIVERSITY IN PLUEN CE EXERTED German Reservist Now Ad- mits He Saw No Guns on Lusitania. Ottawa, Sept. 8,--The Engiistw speaking boycott ot Ottawa l'niver- sity is evidenced in the. fact that out ot 180 first [arm day scholars regis- tered up to this morning all but three are French. Last year there were 108 in this form, the majority being English-speaking. Prat. Jas. Neynnlds, lormerly of St. Jerome t'ollege, Berlin, (mt.. is one of the new lay prolesmrs signed to replace the Flnttlish-speaking priests recently removed. When he signed his con- tract tor a year he. was unaware oi the trouble at the university over the F MI n GIVE 'rtlil,llllult " PINE MIME?“ language issue HEADS GUILTY TU PEHJIJHY Toronto, Sept: 9.--,'S. Ramsay, hi Grand Valley. at the Granite Club this morning won the Dominion championship lawn trowlirur, single, de- fmling J. A. Wiles, oi Markham, 19 to 17. jllil1ll-nfllllll DELEGATESAHE Ill NEW nlll( New York, Sept. 10.--Vr,ttotious Lim-oln. a former hanle n! the "ritith Parliamrni" who rrrrnilx ml milled he had born a Gertuan "ltr, mm tank“ ordered m FFleral .lmlw leu M hr rxlrmhlml io linyl.m.l to stand t,rflriti the Ilmrgr of [m gory. Linnlln's ttiiitrn"v mnrslvd Hamilton prmlinzs charming llnil clionl. would In tried :s as” II M were returned to England. fllflllfll BRITISH About tthh kFamilies De prived of Their Heads When Germans Enter Petrogtad. Sept. 8.--A prominent l'nlish lawyer who made his escape trotu Warsaw after its capture by the Germans made the lollowing state- ment to-day _ MANY AHHESTS INWAHSAW SENT TO GERMANY "Arrests continued knoan reason was th the rictims appeared piled try informers an many months ako. ter “my ruterml the city three pururv bridgrs wer" thnmn a the Vistula in the plao. of the , lures blown up by the Russians; electric light, gas and water I1 were restored, and there “as. evidence ot industrial} activity. hottse-to-house searrh was made PVPry copper vessel was runny in a that little plies mam GRAND VALLEY BOWLER WINS . CHAMPIONSHIP "Two days alter the Germans en- tered the city more than tour hund- red oi the most prominent citizens who remained were arrested without warning or interrogation and sent to Germany. About seven hundred iam- ilies were deprived of their heads and oi knowledge of their whereabouts. thoroug,rmeyr, ter they I'll porurv hrid the Vistula tures blown "Arucies ul rattan and Wan! were gathered. Hundreds of Int-n who pre- vinusly had wormed In [newness were given the choice oi internment in Germany ot labor " “ages at the Krupp works. livery day sees the de, paeture of men who prefer enfureed labor to compulsory idleness in Gerl many or lighting in the trenches. "To an inquiry from Prime LIL- buminsky regarding the arrests "I citizens, General V'nn liesr‘ler, the German commander, n-plu‘d that he every copper vessel was "oritiscaUtd. This mPlul was stripped [nun any places m which it had been lett. urn-rod Work Ill Kruppl. German commander, n-plu had actmi on higher order the arrests were for the I hand." New York, Sept. 10.-A formal statement issued to-day says that the Anglo-French mission under the Chairmanship of Lord Read- ing, which has been sent to the United States m connection with exchanges between London and Npw York and Paris, arrived thin morning by the steamer Lapland. The British delegates are Lord Reading, Sir Edward Holden, Sir Henry Rabington Smith and Bas. ile Biachatt. The French delegat- e. are Octave Homberg and Ern. est Mamet. Mr. Blackatt will act a. Becretary. It in undérstood that Hon. w. T. White left Ottawa last evening to join in the commiuion here. Th M n [j('rh'/lffl".ll m. I ' Lhll HUIILU The , lawyer arlded that state of "repressed food was at starv or nothing in the entering from Russ vArmess. Within my ”xterm! the v bridgrs wer" appeared on a list miners and sent to Jgn hissm daily. at the at their arm“ w "I“ .” a ttt prios r at suit- yr Ger, names The only strum _ The plains oarlv usual .9 " te, that, and ttuf vegMabIé medivine' [unfunny myl helps rloth-houml routs (or 1 Emilio; ml] I m like a nvw woman. 1 mm m- tainly rovnmmmd thero nwdirinmjn any one sufTrring as l did. "-Mes. War. Pum- LET, Uwrhmont. Ont. . k t An imitation of naturr's mmbodml re- plarin watrte of titour, onridhing in " (WE'VE bland nnd inrrmsinx nerve rm; in whrn you lake an nltorative extract of herbs and fools madfnvi'h p . that? i it' qt t c, n ”augi c it'pt,i,,'t,,Svt,,r Ml‘dionl Imverv. Re food, or rather takes from the food ind tho, nutrinwm. theblood mum. Pure blood is mammal to mod haml- C..' " nu; " trrrrx" It "nun“; Mm not only olmnsm the Hood of impuritia. but it irtrrw, , tho nativity ol the hind- making glavmnml mrirhmi thr bodilwi'h an abundant supply of mm. ridI ood. " thus rurm m-rufuln, Minna. minim boils, pimplm and other eruption. mat and war tho skin. Write In. Pirerm. InvnW New: mulling ont . Hr. Pierce Invalid Hood. 003 Km. sum an“). N. Y, Bu itU ra 7 q . \ _ " - - :w,’ " " ti ‘ LP. f, ' . t“ it?aI P ' Slllliirh, . _ "I Eq 'MI _ V T I - y ' " , L7] , 'Cir-] We? mum was r) if _ mm a, gamma Beechmont, ont,---"? {ml it my duty to tdl what Dr. Pierrt's ”mt-dim have done fori me. l " . \ Wrtmlr,mnitpnsd ,1." - ", " ;iy.i' taking W] was {,5 . t'k7, completely run ',f'aN '. 6 " Ei.2 down. I thave ist 'mm = r b' taken altogether ' 4 an, F " " nino bottle: pf the SPY EXECUTED IN I, LONDON TO-DAYI Numerous Buildings Were Struck, Including Keir. I ton’s Hotel at number I" TRADES UNIONS I k '; TURN DOWN A PEACE MOTION HARVESTERS ARE LIKELY _ , BURNED T0 DEATHQ London, Sept. 10. " is omcialiy announced that a spy, whose name in not given, was executed here to-day. Bristol, Sept. 10.- the Trade. Union Congress rejected by an ov- erwhelming vote to-day a resolu- tion calling upon the Partiamem. tary Committee of the Labor Party to formulate terms of peace latit- factory to the working classes. Toronto, Sept. ".- Beglnning at 4 o‘clock Sunday afternoon a Iuccenion of electrical norm- held Toronto in their gripe lol- nearly twelve houn. The heavy rain of Sunday morning wan dup. licated frequently during the night and the Weather Bu‘reau reports that two and onemfth. Inches of rain fell in twertty-four home. Each return of the storm Deemed to display increased violence. The lightning flashes became more brilliant and the era-hoe of thunder louder and more dart. ling. Several buildings 'were struck and burned, and among other fires one which destroyed Newton'. Hbtel at the Humber River thin morning may be caused try llaht- hing. The loss there we: $30,000. According to the Daily News lame liquor, saved from the building burned, was served out to the vol- unteer firemen and that later one or two of the regular men on the force took one or more drinks to the great scandal of the onlookert.‘ Brandon, Sept. -t1.-.-Three har. vesters from Eastern Canada, names unknown, and tour Gali- cians, are believed to have been burned to death last night in the fire which destroyed Alfred Mages’ barn near Brandon with ten hort- es and a team of mules. The men were sleeping in a hay mow and no trace of them can be found. The final storm about three a. m., which lasted for half an hour, was the most impressive of all. The sky was ablaze constantly with only occasional brief per- iods. . -. SUhsrANTm. moor By a Canadian Witness. Dr. Pirrro'n MMirat Advis‘ ui, an" frm, an may», of ad ntumrn) in [my rxWmar, " My. tr. Piano, Jrtrrrrdot “who, lnvnw no“ for trm, medical advice. _'tcattflsi7,s'.Tr", 7Tb; 'C',lL'i'G'i'dNlbdi"d in the Maimilauon cl , frqm tht food iuat 'Favorite hrserip. tion,' to other with the a'2'l'il I’vllrts' and can [willfully any that ‘Goldm Maieat l?'yscoyrrrE' apt!

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