ltrnst's (se, Wm»... Wmmo BARGAINS are here on all sidesln snappy new otyleo for Fall and ‘Whltor wear in Men's and Bore Clothing, Shoes and Furnishings. Every - thing advortloed below would cost you more no nutter where you went. There’s no guesswork about it. You'll see the saving in dollars ll‘ld "can; Our huge buying machine does the work. it wield: a powerful inhu- ln the wholesale market, and we simply turn the berteftt over " you. ti you read the items note the savings, and you'll fUtd hundreds of others ng you when you come. HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR MANY SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR , SATURDAY AND NEXT WEEK. Ono who“ bio rack of Berlin's beat - and $12.00 Suits, all“ 34 to 44, In "ttttt and dark shades, assorted "up... for young men and men of - mu, all at one price for % ahttgquietoate,at..--. $6 I“. 'ur.00 AND $12.00 SUITS $6.90 gun's suns, Quinn's GEST, .7.†VALUES $4.90. In“ 329, 322, 824 AND ttts surrs w, AT $14.90. ' A Slut-or grade of tailoring with the m. enmity Brand label In the poc- kot. all 1915 model. lf you pay that "In.- (M- prlce you cannot equal 20th century tailoring. Hundred. of 'Bet. lln'c but areas" demand this brand. For ale In Berlin only at Errut's. “be! your .sult now. Val- . an up to $25.00!" ... .. . $149il . The“ in only Slt Sum at this price In 01x panama, all lites, you know Si? Suit. m, and we make all al- albm {no of charge, . lat a ... ... .. ... ... $490 ~Will buy Berlin's beat $1.50 Tweed Tr- " Ernst'o Sale. UNDERWEAR REDUCED, B_-0oeto0.o0't0000oooooo.e* we...†ALL BOYS' SUITS AT SIMILAR PRICES. MOI'I'I Balbriggan Shim and Bargains Let us supply you with Gloves, Mitts, Etc. Big Stock and Prices the Lowest. Gloves, Mitts tm JACOBS FLOUR MILLS “NO." aturday If you are paying more for your ftmtr than the prices given below, then you are paying Too Much. 'at,'?, at We Prices to farmers deliver- Atqy. ‘eat as welt as ttr Cash. byyers. Wmn' rmr m gemmn WM - w. 100 lbs. .- - “HEARTS DELIGHT" a high class bread Boar $2.75perloolbs. _ _ K. .. Market price paid for wheat. 98c. WILHELM' THE TWmAUTY'8 ma HARNESS SHOP KING 8TREET, WATERLOO E. W. B. Snider, Proprietor cr. JACO“ ONTARIO. RIGH' GREATER FLOUR THE CHRONIC]; Drawers, in natural, blue, grey and pink shades, all ulna, regular AOP per garment, to clear at .. . . . .. 25c Men's Comblnation Underwear, all shad" and lint, regular $1.00 79: and $1.26, to cleagat . . . . . . . . Women's Boots,' popular _naw tall styles. gun metal, can. bunon, pliant leather button and Vlcl Kid laced and blueher, medium or Mun heels. Slu- tdl? lot 2V: to 7. Regular $2.75 to . ,Saturday........... . 1 $195 Men's Negliaee Shirts, in .all .the new patterns, stripes and checks, all" 14 to IP/a, regular $1.00 and $1.25 (iy special to clear ..r... ..... Men’s to". summer Shim, French Cuff: and Separato Boft Coll-r; to match, regular 01.25 to $1.50, 98c to clear at .. .... ... ... .. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S FOOTWEAR Men's Goodyear Welted Boots, In Patent Leather and Gun Metal, thick sole: for Fall and Winter, excellent ‘yle, lites 6 to 11, regular 'S.00, At. ec tome high grade samples, elzee tWa, 7 and 7%, in Patent and Wei $3.50 Kid, Saturday ... ... .. .... Men's Box Calf and Vici Kid Boots, blucher cut, medium heavy solid lea. ther soles. sizes ' to It, reg- " ular $3.00, Saturday to clear {Intro the - no." .0913“ can. "iii" ('=ri'fig Bran $24.00 human. ONTARIO. mum“ ttMttlltet, can. tft "" so PM (rr-err---'"'"""", Fiiiii " MIN,%lNttr2 h: _ ". . a no! nw 1mm New. Notei.-Mg. Arthur My and his sister - Spent tut-week in Toronto at the tttir.-Mr. end In Joseph Woods spent Int WM] and Thursday at Toronto exhibition. also lies-re J. A. Dnmnnt. Finn-I Snyder and Frederick Hardy spurts Jew any: at the him-Ir. Arthur Woods has secured a good position in the Waterloo Hutu! Lite Assurance Companr.-wts had u very heavy ‘down pour ot rain during last Bate ‘bath closing up with a very - electrical storm lasting trom 9pm. until mid night. A great many ot the iarmers have iron 10 to 50 loads oi grain standing out in the‘ fields yet, some of it uncut. The pot-n atoe crop shown considerable signs or decay.--Mrs. Manon and.Mrs. M. Ross of Elma Visited last week with Mrs. James Mitchell.gdgrs. Jno. Hardy and daughter Margaret lelt tor To- ronto Inst Friday where Margaret will attend business arllege.--Mr. Ro- bert Cramm who is in training at Ot- tawa, arrived on Friday and spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Cramm and Mr." and Mrs. Nelson ' Wound W l" ramm Snyder. Items of Interestr-mte torrents of rain that tell on Sunday and Sunday night have again deluged the earth in water. The streams ahd creeks tor the third time this season, coming up to the high water mark.-The exec» sive wet weather has caused the rotting of potatoes so that it looks as though this crop will be almost I as scarce as they were plentilul last 1 year, if not l total failure, which is t the case in ow aeetiogttt.--The acre- , age of fall wheat sown this year will t hardly be as large as last year 'ow- t in; to the weather conditions cauB- a ing late harvest which prevented the,, preparation of wheat ground in time] for seedittg.-The Anniversary servic- 1 as at the Mt. Pleasant Methodist“ church were not largely attended on" ing to the storms. Rev. Mr. Litue-li .halesof Toronto was present at both , ‘services, delivering inspiring sermons. i', Owing to the small attendance Mr. 'l Lituehales has consented to ,come 1 back again at an early date. It is} hoped more favorable weather willy wevail.--Mrs. Wm. o. Gilmore hasy purchased a new threshing outfit from 1 Messrs Rhyte & Sons London. With , this ulktodate outfit Mr. Gilmore'] ought o have no trouble in securing ', his share of the threshing this Gr-l, son.---'), Wallace Patriotic Society‘ waited on the Council on Mondayi Sept. tith. in the form of a deputa-l tion, about 30 strong, and presented a petition to the Council containing the names of about 380 electors in the township to ask the Council to levy the sum of $5000 for Patriotic Purposes.- The Council stated, through the Reeve Mr. S. E. Smith.) that it was,the largest signed peti- tion and the strongest deputation that ever waited on the council and in the lace of that he could not turn them down. Some opposition was, raised to the deputation and the grant asked for, but it was strongly resented by the members of the do putation. Tht, amount leVied am- ' ounts to about $10 per 100 acres, which is indeed a very modest am- ount. The otlicers of the Patriotic Society are Pres. Jas. Gririth; 1st vice pres., Mrs. R. H. ('hamney; 2nd| vice pres. Jacob Ankeman: sec M. l. Adolph; Treas. ll. llemsworth. I'ertsonais.--Ree. J. H. Clark and family are holidaying in Port Elgin and vieirtity.--Miss Sadie Thompson spent a few days in Toronto last wrek.--Miss Edith Robinson of llam- iltnn is spendng a few weeks at the home of her brother H. L. Robinson. -Miss Robinson has been f1llinpt the position as tatweltertt aid at the Union statiort.--Mr. S. Wiederhold and family of Shakespeare aperi- Sun- day, Sept. Sth., with friends in Wall- . was summon». the _ mum in nrpmratm “announced Mt Pleasant Methodist chttrett.-Mrtc" ll. lloltzman spent Labor day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kine- man, Woodstock-Meets" Wm. King and L. Adolph and son have_pnrc_has- ed a cord hinder trom Mt. glen Pearce, Mme; Han-i- represettuur. a It Llswwe . This in to molly that I have used MINARD'S LINIIENT In my - tor yam. Ind urn-Met It the but unknown on the what. t but) loud " â€vellum lot Iona Isl. (mo-I) A ---_-- “Woodlnb,†Wallace. tg. mm. lull-ton, ms. Nun Noun. m with“ I“ with. u “all; “would. dun- - to the potato crop in this Mr M and n hm new In rot- ttae.-Atrtet.e than who “tended the Toronto militia: Inst week were: Mum. Clarence Klie, A. R. may! rem-gar In! Ilia non Hallman. Mr, J. B. Betsey, B. s. A. In: returned no Winnipeg that spending a month'. holidays It his home here.--Mrq. Nor- m and Elmer Kirster, Eldon and "any Bar and Gordon Betsey motor“ to am: on Sunday and spent the day " the home ot Mr. and ‘Kn. J. Baer.-41ttite a number from thin vicinity attended the school tair at Haytrvi11e.--Mr. and Mrs. J. Sni- 'der ot Germ“ Mills visited Mr. and 21rti., N. Berger on Wtdnesday.-Mr. m. Baer has returned atter spending in tew weeks in Edmontim.-Mistg An- nie sRhuidort ot Berlin visited Miss Ettie Routine on Sunday. Items oi 1nterest:-Mr. Philip Rom- Inger spent a lew days in TortMtto.-- Misses Preceda, Rachel, and Hilda Eby spent a few days with their sis- ter [Normans at Toronto. and took in the Exttittition.-Miss Mary Schum‘ delméyer, Deaconess of Chicago, gave a'very impressive address to the} Y.P.A. of the Evangelical eongrette tion on. Tuesday evening, entitled "The Deaconess and her Vocation.'" Mr. William Snyder and Miss Ida' Snyder spent a lew days with friends in Toronto.--Rev. W. H. Zimmerman of Toronto, spent last Wednesday with triends in our burg.--Miss Lot, tie Lachrme ot Bridgeport spent Thur-day wilt her Mart.“ Alice t%yder.-Mr. Anon Snyder left on Saturduy for' Clarksville, Mich., to attend the funeral ot his brother-in- law, Mr. Jacob Snyder.--Mr. Lester ‘Riest spent Sunday with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Noah Riest, North ,R'ao1wittt.-uluitr, a number from this IVicinity attended the Y.P.A. conven- "ion at Etmira.-Miss Laura Snyder of Elmira, Miss A. Bowes ot Sebring pills and Messrs N. King and H. Bricker or Elmira Sundayed at J. .B. Snyders. Last Monday there died, Elizabeth' Wolfhlrd. relict of the late Henry] Soehner. Deceased was one of the', few remaining early settlers of iii) village and was well and Iavorattly! known by almost every one in the} village and surrounding district. ceased was born in Germany in 1829. Later she emigrated to Canada and lived at Berlin two years. She was married to Henry $oehner and remain ed with him to Floradale where the former carried on a wagon making Rivalries: which is still in the hands lot one ot his sons. During the many years of the ac- tive and industrious life ot deceased and her husband, who departed this life " years ago, eight children were born to them. Ot these two died at a tender age. while six survive, These are Philip, Fred and John of Flora- dale, Louis, ot Strattord, and Mrs. Geo. Heist and Mm. Peter Groin, ot Peel Township. Deceased had reach- ed the ripe old age at M years, six months, and was up to within ai, short time, able to take care othera sell. She was possessed of remark- able vigor and activity, and was a consistent member ol the Lutheran congregation, whose pastor, Rev. F'd- lert, preached her lane-ml sermon laat Wednesday lurenoon. after her re- main: had been interred in thecemo- tery adjoining the church. She was probably, the last survivor ot the earliest settler] ol the village and was representative ot the etraightlor- ward, industrious, honorable and en- ergetie race ot people who did so much to male thin prosperous dis- trict what it now is. The esteem in which! .he was held was shown by the presence of a large number ot re- latives, friends and neighbors at the timrial. News Ntytttr.-- um John sumo: Wuterloo spent Sunny at her home here.-atttt. Jacob trap! and lira 1b- nph Schvoltur mil hunter Edna, also later in"!!! mneettttir, from Men amt Suva-y “a mine my ugh. her' trt It. Jot-AN. ore? --Mr. lune Wu!" In very bully with his tun-Mn; outttt.--Mr ma In. John Roth we" mum. Menu Ind "have. n Dunner luv. mmdar.-Mr um! In. â€on â€than mud n the bane at Mr. ad In. Dun B. not In! -r.---+ Inay Yu- Pd and Allen and“ "tted " an I“! It. In. an: In... In. ht in“. Florndalv. Joacphsburg. iii,,-, TELEGRA' W In! new nasal-v. at ttm, W. inâ€!!! new to tem I“. - I.“ want. m lo- Dvd mun-hum. Bu: lulled: In lonnerly panto. ut ho Eva-zan- ‘gl chm I... 1.31:. no.“ thate in gone to Wood- men as. I. will mu comp. ‘lmmvlho- noun-Hid III-u with be: kind In. Gnu. - Ke Nora Bar who do will " Normal School. It. Luna In“: us return! to. a plus-n two mar vbit with I: that. In. D. w. Bank. a 3mm. NJ. ll; new: mama: and menu Italy a! â€cream Pawlinunmemt- and to Toronto lest. week, their niece, It“ Helen Smith, who In! hunt the summer here, returning with them. Mr. and Mrs. Robert IcKerIsc, ot Brussels, are visiting the latter: sisters, Hrs. launches». and Alta. Geoxga Bean. Rev. A. L‘sua‘er um Principal Smith, were visitors in Waterloo (III Mondny. ---- - _ A uni (Rug) Wink, and Miss Louise Boettger. are visiting with the tor- mer'n parents in Rochester, N.Y. ' If. and Mrs; Richard Bean, ot Brantford, visited the lormer's moth- er, Mrs. Mepnq Bean last week. _ .Mrs. T. itca'avin and son Marret ot Owen sdund, Mrs. H, Sheard, ot Hamilton, Miss Mabel Zinn, ot Bait, and Miss Edna Martin, ot Benet, were visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Saunas last week. Mrs. "ern. Weber, and sod Paul, ot Berlin, spam [hat week with Mrs. J. Berger. - Mr. William shildroth, has left on a two months' visit with his daugh- ters in Alberta. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Spain, Mr. Sul- um Meriier, and Miss Hearich, of Clifford, were visitors here on Tues- day. Miss Milared Selle of Detroit, and Miss Ida Seltzer, of Tavistock, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Btier on Sunday. itr. anders. L. H. Remenap and daughter of Reed City, Mich., are the guests at Mr. and Mrs. G. Batt- Mia Lucy. Schmidt has returned to Damiano to resume her duties as head millmet in one oi ghe large mili- nery establishments there. Mr. Lewis Ritz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ritz, left tor Walkerville, on Tuesday where he has accepted a position. A l ' Mrs. Ed. Grundenberger visited friends in Toronto last week. Mrs. L. E. Meme: and daughters have returned to their home in To- ledo alter spending a month with re- latives here. Mr. and Mrs. V. W. Mamet, of Ayr, spent Sunday with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. o. E. Mer- Mr. Earl C. Katzenmeier returned to New York City on Tuesday after spending, several weeks" vacation with his parents here. let (Continued on Pay 7, Col. 1.) Good Goods ELMIRA no Roda Frost Heavy Fencing No. 952-10x52 Mom-l per rod ... ... .7. ... ... ... "e no Roda From Heavy Fencing No. mum. in. ht h,“ parrot! ... ... .. .... ... ... .... Me 'llll M Fran Navy Panel", No. 1mm In. hum-Q)" rod ... ... ... ... .. .... Me no Redo Frau Ring Lock Fencing; No. 940-914. m.twt,atperrod ... ... ... .. ...... 30c FROST WOVEN FIELD 'FENCE M. WEICHEL & SON F mom Everywhere for its Tight 7 Lock and Strong Springs w .. New that the harvoa‘ Ia about over why not look after thtt broken down fenca around the property. All feetcirtti ha- advancad In prlpe, but w. all" have a 'alr Rock on hand . whlch we are oWerirttt WHILE I? LASTS at old prlcea. Jhl. Fencing, wire and all, "Mada In Canada." The Department Stare} Weseloh-Goudie, Limited Special Sale of Small Sizes J Shoes . Ladles’ In Dong. Kld, Pat‘and Ian ' Mon 3 Basement, Hotel Lewis King and Frederick Sta. Sizes 2yi, 3, 3, 3% and_4 at less than manu- Sacturer's cost. 5, SA, 6 and 6 yf. We'll surprise you in these sizes. D. BOHLENDER wwwmmmuht uyattIIP.I.u¢urdlylt10'.l. HARDWARE STORE" Phone 215 . PM “In“. "mm. In.†u " nou- Weakly lull-Ha 21! Week date of' Raincoats Buy on. m and an I - NIL Hnlth I. a an! hurl-tanâ€. an out dloplqy fer m, women chlldnn. . Peaches of Extra Quality In large quantities. at Runnable Priest. In the Grocery Section 30 Rod. Frut Ring Lock Fencing, No. “7.9x47' m. high,“ per rod ... ... ... ... .... Met 7 Front Only. can. " ft. tt 4 it, " ... .. 05m 2 Front Oalv. on... 13x4 ft., at ... ... .. 04.75 2 Fro" Galv. cam, 12:4 11.. at .. ... ... 04.59 4 Front Galv. on... 1014 ft. at ... ... ... .415 4 Pro“ GIIV. on... 9/94 It. " ... ...... .215 2 Fred on", all ft. At ... ... ... ... .. a Fulcrum out?! , 1 ' Berlin, Ont. IE a M Waterloo E1 "