llltltittet In mum trom trip to Toronto. "i, m'gxeat number of Mutant mm;i . , “hand to the popularity ot ;2~ ydung couple. The'grourmr gift ; tte bride was a costly diamond ' - sunburst. Il ant. twain; trom their wedding . Mr. and Mrs. rrapret will re- J’ " Helm Ave... Berlin. (“an were present from Galt, r. Ttorold, Toronto, Hwnil- .-d other points. 'li'.' no. t1tttditarrlia.tmeadi" a law 7 " in Ttrtotrtos when the will tW- “ a. union ot Windermm friends. W.Lgumkwasa um A Vinita: in .Winrton on Friday. TM†Irirriiir, girls on the null oi The "tl MA ot Canaan, arranged a lurprlne party tor Wednesday. 'Tr . . They met at the hospitable ' _ of 1111M. p. llawke in Wat- e to _do honor to two popu- â€when! of the.staE who has Iâ€! uvered their connection with y Couplny. namely, Miss Agnes thi “a mu Olive Grayhill. wus- Graybiu was pressured with .a “we od volumes ot poems, bound ttT,', suede leather, accompanied I poem written especially for the $510!]. To the accompaniment of T .- Wedding March, the girls then Mend" Miss Jacobi with a mis- 'ttttlt shower of beautilul gins _ _ more poetry. . an. ot the prettiest house wedding: Mt the season took vim yesterday iatteerMrort at three o'clock when [iii? 'Vm Ptttricia Scott, the youngest â€he: of Mr. and Mrs. James £300“. of King strret, became the bride ot Dr. L. A. Koeppel, son ot ae. and Mrs. Eduard Koeppel or " . " _ at at impromptu program of it; on and music, 'followed by . .. ta brought to a close a was: Wt evening. , 7h bullet luncheon was served in , . _ dining-room immediately follow- " the ceremony, the room being ully decorated with pink and Intern-and cosmas.‘ young couple Ml. on the 5.50 [It Toronto from where they bk. a trip through the ThoUS< 'bI-ndl to Montreal returning as , " Albany where they will "All. I boat trip down the Hudson 'fc, New York, remaining there In but a wcgk. _ . ttMarr, ot Fore, in eiBik mo-IJn-a Bonn Devitt. Jlabarridtt who was gicen away by an fatter was dressed in a beautiful It“ 011mm silk crepe, and wore 113“ with a cap of ntanga trlossormr/ 55 carried ' large bouquetzot roses ad lilies. ' The gummy was performed in the rhing room beneath a bower or ' View, Rev. A. L. G. Clark omciaV h. There were no attendants. L canola all will! /'5iii," tiriie' N 7‘73 -travetiing suit was of have gut-n Btoaddnth 'with a hat to Fund: and an ermine neckpkfe: [00“009903200000000 Emily" 'rAari.: icin- hu returned h tip to Toronto. glwhm the {Iron-to. 'orrmAL FRUIT BULLETIN Phttt Brartd-- Dept. of Agrlcul ' _ turns Lolnmi and due Plume m mm“! their prime. Can- nl an a. durum mn 't'u'I'tAr Tit -tttr m. I.†m h puck, rd 2tlll!.l.ici, J% nu nun _ J" ’.. 0.. an! o-tsued-tmt. gum-a gag Elly}. '"f"htr an" "rivN. They no the product of our Causal-n Ira. and In tum-one, to? "ting and prmwlng. tr a! canned S,, unnerved _ Bttd plum. “no good " VIM". " 'rerfrretly no no haul" an? mm 1 - " and“. The" II W1 m luxury for m In prawn". "on. a an" grocer Ind now In. â€or - in “no". ‘. I. thttpltt I ' in. F. C. W! " um um morn-m tr 1 “Inâ€. rm PM“. mar-- KoEPPEL-SeoTT. MEAL BOLD PARTY (ifi1% an." 3.. nl in - In. R. roam W its . ','dlt '.tth1Ntdlrt'fg 'w t . - Pd. d ',tfft.%2t'. Alh- Itnu. . V nun mun hum an up: In. by martin ht; whit I“. hint and um“- ‘K'D‘hvt. L'tt"PS,t ii than. at In. 8.13., not. - ms- ters JPtiiiN. and In. limo) De. A. ,8. Veg: ot W. who has hid “in u Ibo“ Home: with lb no“ in Ell-in. OIL. - I - vit to Twin-City I†"" Friday. I†Jennie ad Link Bum wen Milton in Tatum thin not. \“lb hold- no Why with unduly _ has; has duty hid: hemldengly stem has a Nun-Ind 'asstte" a 52!.ch Au, trusting in " God, surmount: them su."-'.-. The Waterloo Presbyterlnl m holding their mud Conventional and Sabbath School Picnic in tts Waterloo Park today, who I raid ol the when (30"th is "pect dd, old an'd young. a will be an Eed in the Pavilion. Rev. D. A. and at“. IcKcnchm and lamily have returned trom “Boa: ,Vista" Lake of Bays, â€his, wbn "hey spent their Suzanne: “canon Mr. and Mrs. Hughes returned u New York last Friday alter a very enjoyable visit. a the home ot Dr nnd Mrs. J. H. Webb. . Mr. and Mn. Munro! ot Listowel are visitors at the home ot their daughter, Mrs. William Crow, Her Jrert street. _ On the National Day ot France, July 14, the when of Rouger de Link composer of the Marseillaise, wen removed trom avery simple tomb at Choisy le Roi, to Les Invalid“ when 'Napoleon lies. . Tht President of ‘France, the-ministers, and other high: omcials walked barmaid than; Hhe coma through the streets Pu: is Alter a pleasant holiday at an home ot Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Webtr" Miss A. Bye has returned to Guelpl lot a short visit " but home on route to New York City. Mrs. Fl. D. Cunninghunvud son Rowe have returned (rum 1: shot! visit to Barrie triads, . Mrs. C. A. Boehm and family at rived home last Monday, after a de 1ightful holiday of two months spun at their Summer home at Southamp ton, Ont. - London, Ont., August M.--'Ne gitts from Her Royal Highness PM Mary to all soldiers serving the Em pire at Christmas time, 1914, haw arrived in' this city tor distribution. ty, Canadians, the gilt will mean L pew realization ot the Empire um lits bonds. Mrs. W. F Naylor and family haw- returned Lam a pleasant holidn) trip of two mouths, spent. at Mow treal and other points of interest. Skirts are to be short and sham; still this season. Dr. n. Frank Deritt, at Philadelph in. Pa., is spending his vacation in Waterloo, with his mother. Mrs. Tom Seaman! and little daughter "'steqsttrrsie" have tanned Jrortt spending the summor months a! Norway Point, Lake a Rays, Mtttb. Iknlla. . ’RINCESS MARY'S XMAS GIFTS Mr. and Mrs. M. S. "slim-a and Mist A. P. Snider mowed to Jack- son's hunt tor the hqliday. e . L. Luci Mrs. Filth and Btu Jul trom a month's magmas WWI: 99‘; L... _-',.., Miss Mary Froehlivh has returned to New York, alter a pleasant vam- tion at the home of hrriparents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frochikh, Young street., One who spoke to a Belgian at tho King of that country as "Albert the Beloved" [waived the taunting ana- wet: "No, Monsieur. ha I: not be, loved. Before the war he was be. Joved. 'Trrdar he in adored." son'l Point tor we “may. - - The weekly com-en ot the Waterloo [at tt L. L.“ Mrs. Fluke and Musical Society Band mu held on B?, " Jul trom I month's the square Friday evening and was " tplldgrgyt, g'indsor, Ont. . tended by on ot the in att crowd: -__. . . u... , "eeeie:eet "e' ' '_-cl-as:--'-- af tbroran- ,:'-'t,il'i'iiF'G't';"i;'i'i, . 15.. R. Y. vim“!!! skuartliUiaiiia' "kl-i . - a. are the “an m m. tr. m nu. ------- _- L",'.".""' "reat, 0-1., for a m‘WI-ZEKLY MARKET. . iN . a I. " ' r . Prhqtt, " the maid swanky Mr. Andrew Murmur. ot Rain. Ruin. "I! I walnuts mum n the "and on" of The Human Lite ‘ASo “than Company thll week. . In ". Soda? it and family at unday. after a de two months spent but ', -. . a. ',tdd aware: _ F l tt2tml8llllrl m. M_M‘. uh m - V 2 U 4, , mm but D Iot- ol . "'"" mm m. ch .0 w ' T ll m“- 'tttttt ttttMI up l "23.: wâ€: 'u. gunman: Tttr “www' my» Pf mm mm: TD In?“ “in. let ','.',t',r.."Ip b rd and. â€a, .ul n. Jan- Beet/ (flid .m.-m1oo.. a2n",'dg h an . s et tfattt 2Wl.'ttti but! p â€at“: â€.1!†o..-cm- ',ratitutiorta. T i Cut. W. H. Wily-m. In. “F ham and - It“ W to heir home, Found" Bt., tl., at“. .toi's 9m. Capt. mud {mlwy completed an owlâ€: was " at London Emmy Tut-n “School. in]. In. mum and mm. Vilma mauve- " tor loun- 'r has in bath- and " Ola-one. . Tthome- ot a. mm inch. 91 - 'eettr “when Non lrcne.‘ Meat daughter ot Mr. and In. J.} l. Huber, or IncGregor, Man., was mm! in matting to Robert J. I‘unnml. only son olgllr. and In.‘ -t. Tummll.‘ol "att, onâ€; the Ru. Intent Soon anointing. The bride, who VII given any " her uncle, bolted very slurping in n brown elvet In". with ht to In.“ and :me a eorBage bouquet. of pink roses. "he hridogroom's gm. was n diamond has. 'riser "coma may mun! :ilts trom friends. Mm. J.. J. Wino- ey, a cousin ot the bride plnyed the _ wading much. ' - . In. W, H. - In Maul tom O,VO"I um in 701in. {gadget AUG,' wag mg was} M t Luncheon wns served immediately ‘ollowing the ceremony “(or which Mr. and Mrs. Turnbull Iett lot I -hort honeymoon trip by motor In: lamina: and Btgrtuo. Ott their 'F urn they'will reside on thy corner 4 John and Fischer Sts., Waterloo. mu, rig-u. anon-unth- â€infillw. H. m; tUNTz--Irt Waterloo, Sepu-vmber 3m T to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kama, a daughter. . / "is: Elva MoCrea Who has been mending some time with Mend- In ,ittts on? Inn returned to Ber home 13 "aminim. _ Messrs. E. A. Stranger, L. R. (tetentreck and E. Ewald, hue re- turned trom a wry successful mm; trip to Mutton and vicinity. They Vere successful in securing n excel- ':ent catch ot the “any tribe. (UNTZ-l 1 The members of Court Fattrrpritre :10. " hue invited In Canaan hamsters to attend a Divine f%reieer h the Watertoo Methodist church on 5umiay evening when a large attend- rrtre is expected. Rev. K. M. Math- ‘rrs will preach. Mrs. H. Wolmard and Mrs. E. B. it!) spent Tuesday in Elmira, the new; ot Mrs. Manna Weber. i The annual meeting ot the Maur- bo Branch?“ the W.C.T.H. was held Sn Wednesday afternoon at the Meth- idist Parsonage. The President, Mrs WATERLOO WILEY]; ELECTS OFFICERS AT b. Shirk. presided. The annual ro- torU wisre presented showing splen- tid and prorttatrl. work being accom- alishi-d. The reports read by the Str. Jerintondi-nts ol the various depart- ments ot work during the year were my gntiiyiug. The Moors tor the naming year were elected " (allow: Prestd'eatt.--Mrtr. Is. Shirk. _ Ist. Vice Prea.-arrir. (Rev.) F.†M. Hubert. , 'iiiiiTivevresisent.-Mrs. (Rank Burn. - 'ft,'; F1ec'y.--Mrm A. K. Pressman. rc.-See'y.--Mrs. W. Fl. Lianne-r. Treasurer.--Mrs. C.'W. Schicrlel. organist.--Mrs. Dr. W. Hilliard. Sixteen different departments at work were when up Attt purrin- Mint in: au-h armament. Dele- mm wrn- apvolnud to attend the iirii"rd'ii' Irinual mnnnunn whit-h will he held in GalLSepW the nth. WKEKLY BAND CONCERT Prices at the maid Sn‘urdly ttred um‘lcally admin. butter um selling u as " cent- all cu: " " mu. “in“ said It "e. tr Inlet. There was In 1W0 vegetable! â€not; the! urn ttot. u some at the mm vegetables trom the 'iorumriutmt Shaw. Including hum moi-"mu pumpkin and our pm. Than was “a usual In"! new". _ ANNUAL MEETING BORN. 'i-tii-ar I.» .. J _ ' l '-iittio.tued'tq' chain ho - El l in; w lb "In u [ , rN i neat in d the Tomb . t uni-um“ .. .. . Inna-M no on ;: dill “In - h - A t " won not - ttttt an . until " puma-mustn‘t.» , I not on all the avian bid in li, , Lao-m much a canâ€; a j he“ in U can. m. _ M be“ "inn-ed in . n , by a "premium. oi "I! To“ from the lending resilient-I oi GI to“. Rev. It. Has:- was his viewed on the statement! context I r ing him on published in' on News than to Min. Ho made III inane! into Ind emphatic dentin]. W. J. [ Snider, cure oi the Township o' [which was seen and shed it til pullout! on which the councillon oi the Town†m elected was or , anti-British one. in his reply to th: ' quest-ion . Snider made n eompietr l "panama the politiral condition: I existing in tho Township showing by. l it that the anti-British charge had . obsolutely no (Winn. Th! an†, tion as gleaned how other citizens ot y the village showed that the comma t ity is loyal, and that while at tttt I opening oi hostilities about a f yen , ago there were a few proirmnt :IOWI in the community the big‘ majority oetheeitizensot the entity township were a staunch in their I. loyalty as than of any community I in the Dominion. n was pointed oui that the entire oommuniiy_shouid no! be condemned as PrxrAHottt"t - ot the actions and attitqHe of one! Iigihle tew aphid†sh: the in. d ounce ot the maiority has resulted in the cooling down of the law In quatiuu. , i g , When “to Rev. Mr. Hudson is: new ad . copy at tho Toronv News shown to him he was 3min " nut nt the absurdity ot the ‘chargen hid aguinu him and later In name indignant at what he caller rue "unfounded sham-nu ol . ly-1 ing reporter." In “an; up ttt statement.- in the order‘in which they came in the News stuck Mr. Human replied: _ _ __ _ Ulla “In reed to tho statement that l was once a tWman soldier I reply that I served in the German any for exactly tour weeks and one day [Mmlymuomadleu helpless cripple who muld not trel in the army. it he wanted to. 1 statement that al the services my church are hell in German rilliculo B. I might Ioply that the amines are held in German cept, those that are hebl in Eng“ While I do not Ilnlngle in the pol all re ot the viljngr I know u in the army, if he wanted to. The' statement that al the services lnl my church are hell in German " ridicnlo s. I might wply that nll the ill-nines are held in German ex- cept those that are hold in Englinh While I do not mingle in the politi- cal re ot the village I know "" the charge (hat thr last Hashim munch} was aar-asartra"turtVus--' 1 lie. I never was mutant " my argument held in the Wings storm Flam: that I - hurl uy pru- German utterances since I when. " tar u my not MI»; I citiilh a u)! lie Uni!“ sum or M Cm“ {is concerned we stat-many is I tie. I am a citizen all me traMed Shun "nerd I have my "tttrt-tnt m- In the library and than who with Hrhttt coirobontlon can love it " Gut' t In LouuthmonM Irma cros..t4 In Amm nut] Canada twice bin!!! the oqttrre" ot the In: it l " not Inc United sum clam-hip mm. A. tir u Cum-dun cmzonblp II consumed I would not be I an ea ot all coun- try " l wand to u I has not In. hard In: enough to can!" “a: tho nutnnlivnuon lava. Blues have held the win“ In this cinch l Dragnet nu red . word that ovo- ib no“ hum-mm prtAtrtt- " will. on" an -tbm toot REY. 1'"W,ithiby'f? fl T T at. l . 1,f.llE my Tat - . . :it1',,/i'ii'.u,llli/ " w. t; .... .42 3: r- fl ardl'ILta. 'lFtrh'm $3.3m ttittle9, s1b'au' .35 no“: " A,†'iiVikiaGuiti'tet , it rt anti: 7, tr. . ' . N C' _ .y "ir"irij."l' a, in! "ei;st-it-t in »mmu'm¢-m A tarutnutsanothsft1b. “In! unusaww_ :cmuxuduudhmuï¬rflMfl-wumi‘lmm 'slodhhMflhbï¬Wymmmrm . “any. [mart-"i Gnu! f‘um‘uid 1mm, "ee'traattttirttittdH, bit 'u'?gJg't,Mtt',tSl'Md . rirttmetutiotteemtatttf'trtr.aeet' ,-tr,e" ‘nmhmï¬hanNTwm-mmvmlm“. Hanan; rt.irott_'s,tuittrt-ttt.tM-t- u (WLMn-chudnmmf LitUTrgnuttttge an. New: um I magnum-say cm in... qt a: mot my M t.tatt-tiemSatthhKti+ .W'M- no â€and, ,eadortteLtttt-tCBtteehts o Wmmu‘lyd-nu In" mm In." their sum tl., ‘A j w, J. a†w in“ u “an n yum I!†in In all! e mmn-mthus Ir 1- smemm to a» Town. b Md: “M h uni-Hy no tum Ad up tor cos-tim, .3 pair tamunmmmm- o 1,060 to (h pub“: hull an i vu vow am " we the b?" .110 Town!!! at an. use can no ins-u the prop-Kiel. AI It! a he - ot no conduct! in out would I can vouch that thy uni-l mama- Don and deytre.td Inn 300%, 3mm and Pam-1M“- ‘Wlon, am...- - . -""W" _,__ Mann stock. Room Put Bum nami- Gama-denounc- “Whale-0m stock. ‘HQI â€Mutant wu - in - 'dtettph Wood. In hon h Coo-II tttd comes trom Bria-I m, M- I‘oM was hon h (fangs In" nth "airtto.thatttqi.stese itrest-watrtttitotsa.+ei mpluiom. thterqrV - tateinmte-troart.N - mm trom Scotch suck. Nortnat hide! an m In Cand- ud comer ton Wyn-Ileana .took. t'hco in not a pro-6m on the ug“ an! 1 5.2. - heard a wow "W Inn my on ot then. _ â€M in -tttrrtett no Mudgua- o the statement nnde in m__b_l_w¢ The many triradir ot Mr. Wm. Cm on. who has Mew a - at Queen's Caitlin Military Hospital. Beachtroroutttt Park, Shamanic, Ken! Eula“. for the put two months, mu he trind h hm that u in mk- [Inx a good mow-q ham the, wound: Mind " Lance-turd and in now able to get amt I gthrt diaurtee ovary day on Mama. "Mr. â€has "it n m m dativu terml a! that†minimal ‘tmtmcnt not-Ind Item the surgeons mud “My." (In England all new: datlvc turn a! treatment. not-1m! ottd “My." (In Bre Sm.) Lt., "BMW" II Ge Hammer! home "rodr Ittkhlll. vino In her- Ielt the bead ol the hospital. looking; aim the "Imam-Id tin “can and we meals. any atamtntod In no lur- 'itt by m V.A.D.'I St,'",,',"'.',,'.'. "ttir . hiitutttgt-g'gir4ts'Jrillri, _ _ WM- tye11tttaCt1ir [My Perky at and“? FA, u an tony (anus... v.A.n Tho ctsrortiet-re-h qrttt to muted tn av “It. In - h m uncoun- t'idtt an. M “I. "ttt 1.00 It In “an“. on " Nun h H h your or“. M "se tn you Cal In . tiatitM nu. A BRIGHT PAPER may»? '..llliiiiii,iiiiii,ii;ig,tii! §m’â€*l*% i"'i'i),l)'i'iil',i,i,'i'iilghiiij, _......_.., out. i'iia'T."s'. mm†.4 " u ‘mu ' - ot swaths. l T 'l'" ""'ee"' W.“ a.†P'? 17......â€- WW. -te.eterrtteet'4cirA" Ins-NI FiriretiiiCiii ' . ta.',.?:', !te!iliih1?li?i,i'l lid 'pprl?tlirahtt"f?L1g! mun-um. â€WA tatguttt cut-Duel]! ii,cjaEjgie,L.tr'",.'g,.tM Ite -Mbtt6tta, lot Jug an; Itch.†_ [tre, "t {macaw-Emu! l guru-Colic ' Islet.- 'e"Ltut'nt'.u'llQtW,'tt «.50.me Int-Isol- no _-moummwmun in to“ trutNze " W chad-gummy and“! announcingmuh. up minimum 'vqheirBoett â€main" "vttt.t.iryiettet?tPt't “0 tell whore their'rexhlblh Ht cl ,utseaesroq-.ib?re'f .1 vii "was won my may†"vert in â€in mm to usually. Maniac. l , Two special exhibits ot new arp'. 3.th on Mr. 2t feet 09 Ili II: ed I ma Ina-I 'Jtlll'll Raff-ll 'l'G1Th'r'l'; and Mr. J. .. Bil: tho ha a My 0! m yum in qtatetad ttt V 1 5TH 101101111 i th- glad . nth" ~ChuA.PoN (“In , W1 1.-mrwetriM. “out†lil- mm I Section L-har Paial'df EA P, Wage-act Ir): J. _mua_. _ _ section '.--Stmerotts B-ina:-. Niu E. P. mt. v , Section a.-IMri- " "tamet-- Fred “Ciel. _ . 3 Section '.rE?tttt'ita-a "ritrues tr-, Mn. G. Smut. ( ‘Socnon 3.49.. window “up; fiiifiiaA. Section 7.-Bott “ovum plant .or tgates-are. J. Mann, Ilsa 3. mm. ‘, Section t.--Beat collectio- tgator.-- ' blooms, each on or mom mrieV 'ym:-Pted Hotel. a. Kara. MI. Wrer. Sechon T.-.guurrhitturns.2-2 mike- uch G-anna E. P. Women“. B. Phy- lord. "sic-um w.-urrstGituetilt, mam, 3 Hoom each, 4 at pot. vulcan- :- B..t'1ir'trd,9ry. J: Ulldnm: . "@1101: $.-Diqnttusms or Nettir- best collwum. double :-btrt. J. Ut- (damn. B. Playing}. -. .. _ "gii.iiad' '5.-Sweoerpcu-Io: lam than A "Hahn-Mn. I. M. Ith, ion. In. P. tt. Boos. In. J. 1mtt- '"s'acdon 2.-Bqgt mum (a: utiety): Fred nrtol, (taxman: _ 5min]: '.--tstoehs, a...“ duct-.2 varieties :-.B. Playing A . _ Section '.-qfanttiums-V :-J.T Bismuth. B. l'trdi » Sccthm tit.-al oli--tt 5%, not teat than a wanted s-B. 'rtoed,' In. Km, st; Aging. J, Blit- tttan. . _ Mini ti.-Amdiott, M new vainly :-tltra Schmidt, P. H ' Melt., J. Uiietmamt. _ . Section 1t.--MartttoW, African, 0 hlqomn :-B. Playl9rd:' '_", ', ' "scam M. .2NararttttrU-h.e.:- In. lit. E. an. In. W. _ y Seem; ts.-asetaas ..--1t.' Plué ttted. f, -. -. 8mm "...-Phlor brunt-Malia w. I ipliu eaac-a. Purtied, lb biggie; any} --- t _ _ _ - sinuo- It,-q'tito-iat-4e., a spike. and ..-4t. any“, It- M. Seam 18.-tr.e. Hardy "ttttmt..'-. B. â€nylon, m- E. Emit _ _ section ti.-a,e. utdru-es-- (nI-od):--Ilu WM “that (has C.-w III Tate Be ' "r"uttt. . Fl" was Lime. tticacisi.' - 3.1a... 2.4!»: balm-0H1 col or :-’In. t “than. _ C. sat-um. In. J. Man. In Bron. mini L-hMriom "ta--", tot. ot [Alma Sloth. R. miter. t.-t.e, min-0 o! e. an.» y-, 8.4!.“ C in], w v. :--In. G. 8mm. In. J CM B. Cut Emu. Clan D.--Nst" " " . i . T x max... “'1. In. a.“ “I“.um ,,'if,'ie,tiiil-C': 'd1'l','i'it" 'u.eggttt a. at: ' "Att:; Kaum... a nun-'81; , an... . _,".'" [um-:3: ttare" 't.-q'-u-q T.s-d. T " ri'r. " "--a--t T.-P. . " fl ".-Tetoer-t.' , an“. ' Jul than D T.'.-3. m, _ BA ,2 â€JEN†7 - _', 1.5:“ 2fird.tr. "gt2P'"-" ' - af-ziiGircTirii, leo J. m, In. tttul"'" P “pumps +e'.-am. le. $.t-rur. / b' I ".2a t “a Nor-III. Atal 'gtt2t., - C"'?,? xv f,',,?,"';'-,?',?':' r""t-:-d"'aethq “an“. . 't'a"g'l'fs",u-.o. Btgeatdb, nu. NIH-1' I? I tam-cot 'asi.-4.iees. 4. men»... J, Blown. _ ', Ito-OM may :4. at. has. In. my.» 7 _ A “.410. mm ' l "e9éti--tenrtaegs AU!. ' um, J. Mun. . 'ut' V 1 Class G.-oret h " aP"'T,r _ 1.-Atty " mun ,rtitutsafe: LScImr, It. Sin, ttts. Km. 't-.-oree b an gel-gal M 1.--carrou s-4nptm m“ R} was. 9|"an L. Kr a. Km um ', t. i..- Nttsurtwtrtr6 c- c. 'M‘ " _ 4.-Hitfxi:-AMro mfopd. *3 Hum. Atyou Vocal. . c, 1.4kmâ€: wild to"! will!!! new. tatoe thew. . ' . 1Gt'gt"l qaedep ' . van s-ttr-., old Voger, Edwil ttotiV will Pn- gel. c'gl ‘.-Boou, to“ sa. "tthtqti t'omtiruiijatsm f 1 alarm WA! log-ad than e-ri-M, at. Soho! drowned on May '05 an cmeltent attendance at to. itt Conan at Am M. only “an†on the um: *. was Illu 6-1me up,» - am moved:- at about. A at» mm. mm“; is min; but an.» MAYBE-'66 but Joetttyiréattaestro. "nu want In. an “kWh wt ot “a Ida-loo dun h In“. in“ some repairs a the " " _. will. Mina, be gala iimd.%. '. loom-e ot an nut tew dat'. N , I. f a.-"i-riuti:-aoiilttou.tt my; tsrgiimtgtrerc" " -trsii-A' "H ttui'Sr.te',i'titt1t, M93932?!“ mugged“ TiTiiiGlie inn .- " - an an†WAS 't...epe,p.tp. _ 1'03 ittttPatgttt NF Bqriai' “.0. h =