{Mundnuwmm F Priaptttrtmtrst1rtHrdetn' Ihtyqtstititm. _ nun: “DISH“ “m‘ m an it $itt and. M 2mm mum- 13-“ any: It may " rd In. J.'H. R an; ot h N we“. The an M1 - a Joan luau mm. In. - Q “an! up ot 100: He . MI. - has"! and judging trom " mm which an exceptionally munch!“ we can! charm ' not. an Mr. Mandel! to be - more than " yum of age. A: [plan yam us concerned Mr. Man- a! te. I - Btttrdier man “in a." forty you! hi: juniors. He nothing ot taking a trip tor “aim-No distance (or he is just a air nnw u he was a: titty nun '..'Kdtrdsi' stated before leaving‘ ahetin that he had to hurry home to Toronto " he had to be Trreaetst " he “railing at prizes for the “ Ion. Sudan in the city. The m In In! so anxious to get home in bonus. he is the proud winner ot a “In: cup " his home garden, igttt, ha been receiving his persons] can nil mmmer, came out ahead in the not tor first prize. It. Elude" is a very intertrtirtg chattel: and talks very interestingly u the days that were. He is just - handed in the present, how. ever, In any of the younger genera- this. ' LABOR DAY WAS QUIET IN ' POLICE CIRCLES )londay was a quiet day as far " police activities were concerned, flu closing ot the bar-rooms made quite o ditterence in the peace or the community. Only one case of drunk Hid disorderly conduct was up this morning and that an lmhan listen June: Brisbo, the party in question, was charged “in: being drunk and disorderly and when asked where he got the bottle of liquor found on his' person when arrested he named Stein, the Liquor Dealer, as the party who Iold‘him the forbidden drink. lle,was allowed to go with a warning. . sum was called to answer a'charge ot Idling intoxicants to an Indian It!†and? pleaded not guilty. The can In: adjourned until .to-morrow. WETTES'I‘ AUGUST IN 70 YEARS #ore rain fell in Toronto during Anal than has ever fallen during the moutti of Augast in 70 years. Not only has it been the raiuiest Au- "it on record, but it ranks third in tte list. of all rainy months. The" two months in which the rainfall ex- eeéding ahat ot this month were Sep- taeiabor. 1843, when 9.76 inches fell, and May, 1914, when 8.01 inches tell. JOHN ENGLERT DIED IN CHICAGO The all intelligence was torched in Hoglin on Saturday, announcin; the death ot John Engiert, eldest sun of ammo Andrew Englcrt and of Mrs. new ughâ€, 162 Wellington Ht., Which, took. pace In the Chicago Gen- erat limits! at r, o'clock this morn- ink. “"th deceased underwent an opera- “on tor appendicms on Tunsdny naming. _ _ a! ll survived try hit “Hr, mother, the brothers and two sMr-rs. The arrangements lor the burial at the deceased have 'not been completed. Form" Berlln Boy Succumbs to an Attack of Appendicitis. The funery.1.-pt Mrs. Mir'haol Spies, nee Stmsser,- who passed poaccluny any. at the ripe old age of 90 years Buour.evening, Sept. 5th, at the heme of her son, Rev. T. S. .Spirs, Sh Jacobs, was held Wed., Sept. 8th 1',ilt2 o'clock. Iter con petal the norm-v “my†attended. l rteir, in the Heidrll My. In. . Sm wmwrx A. D. 1825. ting age of'l but., mcnmx. mm IT Illli YEARS 325. gm of " ye Inter Jeltterg Wed M . 1 in Viewing, , April Tth, to ftanada9t mn shed us . S. Spies, ' Sept. 8th 1.. Wing tir-h were wont took Evangelical manning: 'i'kttAt.1litSt'i,',, 1mm! tlaw "' Tumpdlm.'| laugh! lat'.", H ‘1†.. “I must ulna-n! [mummy-9y". “bikiniâ€. may Two m. Kai-W I“. “’1“ t' M In mm"! M - “In..- W. I. was†won. an o. Ii... II. I“ BtehaMre mu. on. a» . H in“ no. " " Tonn- MNI’H at b pm 'fp,MIrdt'7i'; Inga: In. Bun-validlknonh- ‘omunny. She u: g was†at m kind disposition and In! death in b nun-amo- ultra-duhd mgr-14am. , 8W8 Fw ASSOCIATION ' DOING GOOD Wttgur Rev. T. Joplin humanity hm hm cl tho Bunyan-'- Citib- tin Autumn. It. Joplin m“ that the Minion in doing it! bent tor the two hundred ad Mty that and man “lumber, mining ad cttn- duction camps. may of theta“- ing Mull men ot the counuv no; inure-tent and serve on the board., Minimums: carry twenty pounds ot {Manure on their huh and hold |urviou In the cook houses. bunk. rooms and- by the Inside. They 11m iii'i'i?ii' to the lonely settler" neat- and througbout the Ipalltlx settled portions ot Ontario and other pro- vinces. Splendid results have [allow- ed, the missionaries and they no heartily welcomed wherever they so. Mr. Joplin "atea that the “min- tion is doing special work in England and France unong the troope train- ing and in active service. He ad- dressed the congregation of Trinity Methodist and Grace Congregational churches on Sunday and was welt to ceived. He is anxious to raise 8200 in Berlin. Letters can be addreised to him at Mrs. Rieehr, Foundry St WORKMEN START AT INSTALLING _ NEW BOILERS Workmen started this morning to put the plant of the Central Heating Co. in proper working condition ' tor the coming fall and winter, 8180' to make preparations tor the install» tion of the new boilers. The “plant will he in good working conditidn in _ '* . _j__.A‘..-I l Miss McDonald, ot Tokio, J.apan, who organized the work at g the Young Women's Christian Association in Japan, and is the head of that organization in that country, is vis- iting at the home ot Mrs. J. ’Kauf: 1lilll King street, west. Miss My (Donald is one of the hest known Se- Icretaxies in Y.W.C.A. work and has ' eminently successful among the 'Japznese young women. She is asso- dated with Miss Emily Kaunnan, iwho is in Japan at present. Mrs. ‘Claude Laing, of Brantford, wish}, ot FMiss McDonald, and iormerly of this city, is the guest of Mrs. H. s, Sims :Ahrens street. This afternoon "a tea 'is being given by Mrs. Ksuiman at ',her home in honor oi the visitors. w... u. ... -we- n" m" a very short}. time, it is undert'tood, and patrons may be assured oi h coll- shut supply ot teat. _ 1r'f. HEAD or Y.WJG.A. WORK IN J APAN A VISITING HERE At last evening's meeting of Func- ken Council No."l504 Knights of Cot.. umbus the lollowing oMcers were e1- acted for the ensuing year: Grand 'Kairht.--tc. G. Smith. Deputy tht-W. o. Winterhalt. Chancellor.--? J. Rooney. Fin. see'r.-L. D. Leyes. Treasurer.--0. S. Leyn. ‘ 3 iteeorder.-E. J. Dunhrnok. Warden.--? L. Kroeuch. Advocate.-? Rohleder Inside Guard.--Oeo. Sch]. Outside Guard...). J. Ohlheiser. MEMBER OI" . - 1 POSTMASTERS’ EXECUTIVE Toronto, Sept. 8.--Rutat mail do- liveries in Ontario haw resulted in the closing at 1,100 small mum in this province in the last three ‘yearn, lull advantage of it. ’ These were the Mindful mint: made " the ttttttttttl meeting at“). (33:13-th Hotel "and" of tte On- tario Postman-11' Assad-Hon. Pro. “dent wan-m Humilton of than“ in the chair. "a! t , The Vollmving 0mm were otieted: ghm. President. In. Human. U: We; want. A. B. For“. " The Secretary, H R. Prortor of Anton. umounm tur 37,850 had been eolueted tor patriotic a, $3,500 of which bl. no†to TTi: glan Relief Fund. 2.000 to the tun- Idiun Pltriotlc Fund mt ".500 . to the Cancun Red Croat Society. Fire!!! tlet or C. OFFICERS ARE MOTED in Canada LLM mm TL", III in (ii: Rome, Sept. 6.-h "mNesat In. announce: um Gupta! Joan. the French comm-ter-i-CUM, h- - a visit to In†to alum-sated to King Victor Emmanuel and min tho man-tutu» ot Ltmtt.Aletrat Cadorna. chic! ot stat! of the 1mm army. The King greatly Wk ed General Jake's mu and custom! - him an Grand Cum ot the Military Order ot savor. , -......-, 0---- V- _-_ -*" General Jollre spent two day: at flier-l headqunrterl and impeded some ot the more important points along ttte'troetUsr. He mind " Turin on Friday and was met at the union by General Porto, with“ chief ot the general stall, who accompanied him to like. The two Gen- erals then proceeded to general heedquuten. _ Public opinion is highly grautted in General Jo1trO visit to the ‘Italian front. The press remarks that, the French Government than re- turns General Porro'l visit to have, but Md! that the high position 1held by General John mikes the whit, something more than I mere act lot courtesy. tt . V -. . - - -,,1___ __A __I_ " The Giornale d'ltalitrsayl that General Jotire dealt†not only to mm thelreiiet in mum mum in anus, hut in all mummy to arrange with the Malian cormnaiWrat-t3triet plans tor concerted mire tary notion). BEN. Jlfflli VISITS tlllirlllil'filil AND 1ltl?filn ITALIAN FHIINT Paris, Sept. 7.--'ntet oitieiM Utemood ltlmnt says: "but night saw a continuance of violent may “their along the hunch line. There was cannonading and Bgtrting with bombs and'hand ground“ dur- ing a portion of lust night around 80mm and in the vicinity ot Neu- ville. To the south ot Art... in the region ot Agny and “and Wallly, in the region ot Roye and on the plntentt ol Quenneviercs and Nouvron. __vio|ent' bombardment M our positions brought hirth elective replies trom our batteries. ' ' In the Champagne district between Auberive,and Souain near Bentwo- jour and in the Vosges in region ot use both Preach an! German util- Jery showed great activity. _ on:; First VicéPresident, A. A. Wright', Redraw; Second Woo- Pro- 'sident, H. Sinclair, Beamsviue; So- cretary-Treourer, H. E. Proctor. Aurora; Anni-taut Secretary, Min M. -J. Dubeau, Warren. Executive Com- mittee, l Rawlings, Lakeside; L. y. Cote, Oakville; J. P. Tmblyn, Oshawa;Geo. niche]. Waterloo; H. B. Moore", Norwich; W. H. Taylor, Park Hill. I nllfllf W.lffit “TASKS AHE HEPUHTEI] Mlll fElltll LINE: ALLIES MIKE? fffGW REPLIES 'thir riiktit panned without incident oh the reinainder Aq)a:mrihtdthuis that means proven quality absolute purity - full weight certain satisfaction - is Toronto, Sept. T.--Moving picture fiimtt in Toronto will be scrutinized more presentation even more care ttroy than heretofore. At lel meeting of the board of police com- missioners intormntlon was presented to the enact. that several films re- cently shown. and tending to prelude (ey France and Russia in the minds of Canadians, had been engineered by German agents or sympathize". III] ot the trout LUTHERAN tlMlfllllllt HELB Ill BAH Luther We and Sunday School Amman; Met l on Labor Darya Gait, Sept. 6.--At thetuttor IA- gue convention this durum can cause ot the new "tuhtarr n Water-' loo was wanted. nnd it was decid- ed to striertaueaitr nine money for St Student Aid Fund. designed tor dwin; tuamrial guidance to young [men anxious to anâ€! “to Islamâ€. F. W. Otterheln ot Hamilton mid- ed -,.........-. . ..Followlng no the m other: elected: President. B. Keenan. - loo; Vice-President, George Weider hemmet, Guelph; Recording sem- Dimmer, Vinny- , um.-." um- tary, Mb: Alice Pierce, Huntltdn; Corresponding Search". In: Hell. Zurich; Treasurer, C. H. booths, Berlin. _ A spade: was Rev. F. E. Jen-en. po- tor ot Punish Lutheran Church, Buihmr. The convention v†I we cess in every wny. . S. B. Bricker 8; Co, ll Tia; was . large “mamas gt n ally this cloning. when the chic! luck I. In. â€It - Lidiu’ ttiih .' Med. Fall I Waterproofs . watervro18it,, J; Speck! 'Mt' Special “-0 ' Gait, Yam. ' LUTHERAN B. s. ASSOCIATION “an“ “Alli.- "A-s-tstef-ttyt', "diar"ieaert_hlh_ttt MOMWvE’F.-- [2:] Earnest Fashion LADIES SUI I a Terms Cash. TM . In. than" mu. Prion [ NIW OHIO. 0000.: CURING. AND NIW MOII JOURNAL PATTIRN. ICC. It -..At an m mm] tum Mn choc 1mm up... with slight - u " ttpe WI" and the am sun- on "My undo. 'iriiiRItr, Foil In» on we!" " int in W "at 1mmum-Wuum may. “www.mwm.m|lso a n L luncumm;~ - that"... guht2"ll'Jl,'t"llN'dl"M."luT"Graii; eo-tdon ot Watch Dtstret $hrxtatqh was on w SM! School Amt-“on ot up dividuat minors. n n- mm Lat-hem ' - ot Certteat an Mr. c. a. Hunt. at Cumin. held has to-dty. - w" Ont., would have In. .veerr-st_ti" 38W. li- 'ssauinthiaea-tttl_' eluding dalma- tron Tatum. all!“ “We can no In nu.- ohr men, Unlonvillo, Port Column. 'our-Vadim' with“! rid Brando“, gull}. ayer.ly ?.?eleyrror, a great m I an _ Ul'llullnl, In"... ‘w'... --__.-,- “one ad Welland. B. B. Wanna“ ot Hamilton presided. Ito placer: elected for tho coming you was: President. r. w. 0mm. Huan- KILLERS MAY FORM SYNDICATE Gaariiu "can“! an†mid on an open towtt of banning. rmmu, .-. n. v-.._--_., --ei-"" ton; vie-Pr-tl, C. H. boiling. Berlin; Secretary. um L. Vollmor, Gait; Trauma, R. L. Sign“, Tor- _,_._-._-v Meheee __ wu mooted at the anmml meeting /tt the Dominion Mtlleu' Anaemia. meld In the Twin Bunting yeah:- any. , In the "port at the Ewan“. Commune the question ot ttttttr prices ad a. “why at shipment mu um up. “select ot the radium: ot new was pointed out " â€than; In making no situa- Pe " unusual and mum one, [which could Mttor he had!“ Toronto, Sept. 8.-A In: mun. Indian (or_ 'Pee" of outdo FAnMt"tet w “nudis- 'dl'd'lrdl,' to “I“ “a.“ h â€at... no. firm Forty Fm Mme! tee! Sur- Ladies tboNNhforagood choice in Women's Fall and Winter Garments wdl dd well to see our stock. Practical, simple styles and Moe. well tailored dominate. The separate Coats are long with a generous Jrare and have high buttoning. Gloss Attoqr Collars, Belts and Pockets are much used. and all Plush and Fur edrect Cloths are very fashionable. Quilt Checks and r weeds are also favorites, Darh Colors lead,- Blues are foremost with AtHeass Brown, Dark Green and Blacn are good. We show a luxe range prretty styles and prices are exceedingly moderate Great Corner Store, Waterloo. $7. Jo, 8.50, 10.00, 12. 50, ff. 00, 10.50 to $30, 00. i ottrallty omi- $042151??? with gum can. " an an! It. In um Junta the long!" roach um no “My wide. murm- ,eret,fetttt'te ml Pop â€VENUS! IN THE X TMRAPH. l“Wo can no â€not. thy , 'our-Vadim' â€use“. Quid Huron-put -aa.itthu- \ jot tho mutton - him-a It; (their support.†an a. up“ #3; Mr. Ham's ml; . " Mr. Hunt’- moped. In "ruin" to the 'neun', 'u (at mm "iorr ot A â€mu Um no a} {mixing ot 4Mr,000i8"Alt0,0c pull up, which would Mort-h him tho ttour output «I II. when ot the “palatial, 'hvolvh‘ . upon them no mltyto lull 'w this channel mini My no W. t The moitattsatimt would it iV nominal, in that m, needed tor annual. m. can! on ly In torttteorttittrtrom “a bulb “at tho use at gag-laun- 'seating -iesittr the who]. {when out,“ of my“; i'.' 'ffFtilr " an " an I." tummy; . ',, W. 'grStttMIll Ming-â€Ii. "aaruodibtyt9. "gut? 'd'tiu?l,u The omen: elected n this club noon'l mien m: President, It. gWoIverton, Wolverton, on; "t Tttt {president Mr. G. M. Bhirh, 0! [Bridgeport Ont; 2nd vice-mm. _ C. R. Hunt, at London, oi, itremrr, W. C. B. wm- cl Ctr. ma“. , Hia not was that than†would he loch! Into by an, all]... It would "tMain In: with! when. " “will cable-than to hold to: u hvonblo nut-t. all n you“ man possible the Minot ogdertt which would be out at “I Wanna. (or any one oi as: u a llndlvidunl. . "'tta'stt w