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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 9 Sep 1915, p. 3

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‘\ murky: took place at high-. F Thtmsdft, ot Myst We Marie not, ddiighter ot Mr. and‘ Mrs. r, set. Luca-m Burt, to ' T ilttlii' J. Camila. ot Toronto, 34 . Joesph James performing the I', on In! _ Tim “I . Joh Victor cr its“)! hi Sun 33;:- 'ritl T jr'i:i'jtrd 2ri'i, hell ' 'it o 1 gr 'ht akd on In. Ctiarre. J. Weber, formerly Victoria Ball, daughter ot Mr. ' in. Niatitas Ball, or St. Aga- Ja'idig away yesterday at her . ha Siniley, Sash. Mrs. Weber 1 k, an ‘quyn in Berlin having _ L is“; heir who will' regret to " her deagh. Mrs. Weber was? _ 'tt of t3ertita-Waterloo Hospital . Is a member ot the class 9! i)tr, -it.li.is survived by her hus- t" at} one child, The remains arc ','lld y ir tyi,,'),' Berlin. The tuneral I ft ht), here shortly alter the ar- rival oi the body. _ ‘0 than; of Mrs. Jacpb B. l a; waAt, iso' pissed away " her home gulrlday morning, was held this tst- tnoop it 2 o'ctock trom her late at-l, Weight”; street and from St.! “if! Lu'theran church. Rev. c. E‘Tapx'ert omeiated at the services with efe' largely attended. Inter- 'reitt. was made in Mount Hope WU, Mrs. Oswald was ern ttdeff, October 20, 1837. She i ' with .he'r parents, Mr. and Mrs, H Attiti,. to' Lexington where she _ ' hidlited June 28, 1859, to Ja- 'ttti F. Wild, moving with her hus- V lto Wan'ettstein where they resid- " Ifor " years. Later the conble iii- on a tarm near Wallenstein l, 'ttte 7 yrs“ ago came to Berlin _ tbéy'have resided since, '_. V l ed is survived by her husband " '" daughters: '"g Charla L. V , or Elmira, rs. Herman . ' ot Waterloo, Mrs. Robert Ritz lin rr?f,isrt's Lavina and Clara 7 'ik Berlin and three sons, Al- 'l tm T i that 'JiLuWd'. tttttt Em}? “13:0: Ji’ new i swan. I vii . you that . [in you t"Mh'NUe' tor your , "_ Iii. C. L. Mclrvine and it retirite'd from their holi- to the Maritime Provinces. I] upon. Elvin; had In enjoyable tart In, A“ you!“ tlt Fri. . on i ieek'u than): trip to Clo ii Indium. . ‘2'qu grandchildren and three ide children also survive. t Oswald was wrJi-kno,wn in In. Ski! wan a woman of kindlv ' trod her passing is a source an ow to a wide circle of relativ- VV t,rirtdt. Her lather was one 'r"it' nettle-rs of Berlin. t-m v. . J. , ‘. a. “it 9 mm.“ “thmt _ oaiuttls,padttenu an. m ‘an mm Hyrggneal! Ttkt. Detroit and William _ ty hrald or Berlin. Deceair. Atct"d"') by (our brothers, " oh of Hawkesime. Yost oh,.1tt. Bridgeport, Carl Such ot mtbif and John Stroh'of Water- “I; grocer- what Irulu to on Jar be them. F t., the humans” relatives ot pa were present. The young ID“ on the, 3.25 on a wedding through Michiga- nm-r which will‘ reside in Toronto. ' Uillerhh New: IRS. CHAS. J. WEBB"! Mn Dipgrlct Peach tanger- full "Inn and tteat var- Humo are "my!" preurvlng ch “in .pu'fboo‘u. Home. Mn would not'delay tetting /'i"'i'ii'j'r=iuii='iilziiiiififniiji,'e,- Fiiiiir)hiiiiittht , mum [nation's tide e) ms._ JACOB B. OSWMJ) nave qMRBett " 0mm have! " a. the Mal hair droning fame pd that Minn Sage W whole family, because it in um tstick, EeytAnr.et'er.t't pry -esdbs My?!» W! wee-u. l 2"..1-“5: cw“: may... ituiiittttieort trertetet Suntan-ind. 1.0“!»de Itg'ttrr',,'i','til,",lt, ' " .rt'tt',l,'ie,i, It ham hllm tll' and In - truce dot. (imam? " id a, he: " ifi eta! 'i'i,,iti' 1h; than“ M... ' t . _i hlvr bt m k 'lt" no FRUIT BULLETIN. '-tntm' hm " M. cum, Drug- '16:: -graterto. Yoli will be surprised at the big bargains in'lurniture that are'. to be had at J. Letter a; Son's -the more lynfu buy there, the more you win cave. , l I J',1 1eNa.='.','datt hi8- ‘uen . . " My, (in: te. Clear, Out, oi In. wu- yuan Karly. n! M m:- mon, dung tor T 1'l'iiii',i'y',)', 0.. Itm‘wa it. nwat.Pruat . ot Itet,'it , gum: th. lgnversi . w count by we “on. 0 jifiik"i'i?li?: mp4 R. L. I ' ' on . The mean; at 'futtt", took plan " the, Ami " tttq, 3427 St. Cath- eria.e gtge‘t, i'iri'iirt'oart," on may evenin'g, Alibi“ ti, ms,- amt t orotrarted illness dim; which III mound gnu. lulu-1n; with “Inuk- lortit‘udp rd tthlon. In. “an?” in t trtr-aix' yea: M up . I summed, A t h _ d wir, 'tt Kmme'dr, 2,'27, of rl'd'ilf, any. out ml , won, Wesdith/ "Ir,. you: ot Me. On “outlay wen-t It,', Aug. 11th, a mid lanai was held in the undutaker'l mprtu- u'y ' lot, lunar), :tho Rev. _B. . 'llUt 3:213:31} é tiie'tlir,irijllt' Ill..) Jamey M _ st ret) c ting. Memtse'hi who “in; 5mm ital to singing favorite hymns ot that de- mum). .Bnidqs kinds gm; ',ra.tmitst- anms or the deceased a Inge deputa- ttem, from temt.t.,Ntrat Mn. A,F, a A.M,, 0!.whjph Mr. Ke,tuedy in; member, 1ttemNi 2t service, and among the hutilu non] tribute: placed on tho; mm was . magnifi- cent wreath from this lodge]. The is mnins were tahen to Moon. Creel this next marking lor burial in the Ita'mity plot mt Mrs. Ketusisdr'd 1trtr'itiirAc. 331mm: wiinitiid I WAS CELEBRATED i, The congregation .ol_St. Matthew's Lutheran Church tendered the pastor, 'Rev. C. R. Tappert and his estrrn'a- .hle wife a most agreeatr1e,surprise at le church on Friday evening. To- !day, September 4th. is the twenty- titut anniversary of the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Tappert and advantage lo! the occasion was token try tin congregation to show their airirrecia- Ei?, of the services rendered by the pastor since he has been in charge in this city. I ' _ l A, special service was arranged in {the 'suditoar.ttrn.,.vtrr_yrrt?, Rethrol. “duke, of the Waterloo Seminary, ol- ticitutd,, and an Appropriatt,ywnpn 'was delivered try Rev. Mr. Voélker,. 'ot Preston. The choir, under the leadership ot Otto Smith, rendered ‘speciaxl music, which added to the impressiveness ot, the occasion. . The church was beautifully decoriitid with astors. _ _ _ THE LATE oi. mud in tib'DY on mutual. . Alter this Giritat service the' Cott- gregation adjourned, lo the basement. of the church where the ladies Git prepared an elegant wedding dinner, which. Walk, ggeatlz gnawed. 2'ftt the evening at! Smith, on behaWo the eonsrreratibn, rend a congratula- tory address, which contained tenti- meats of good WiMJOl‘ continued 'good health and happinesq ot jhefr 'pastor and help'inate. The address was accompanied with a handsome dining room set and a welt-filled purse. It will pay ynu to buy your {uni ture " J. Letter & Suns, Waterloo 'Their prices are eycepuonally low. In acknowledging the sentiments ea- pressed in the address and the splen- did gifts Rev. Mr. Tappert said he was deeply moved by this act of his 'io/eye,),?,',; He stated that he has olten tree surprised but this surprise was the most complete. lie referred m the ttarmmt"imot relations which have always existed, tetween the PY'- gtnr and the membership of the em- gregation, and this tangible 'txpre'r- sion would always be remembered. Addresses were also delivered by v19- mng ministers. The chair will tNNN- pied by Louis Sattler, of the Trus- G, Board. A iihotokrapii of the gathering was taken by Denton, the photographer. . Rev. Prol. Linke, on behalf of the Lutheran minister! in the vicinity, presented Mr. and Mrs. Tapped with a beautiful clock. anglity not {sand in Tau-din"; at n Iona. ',li,,'iilii?e' thy ormir feel a t mimrte on ut , on the heed. Il'll PM (huggin- everywhere for 8od. a In " home. 'r Gr.GVFGi; _ vi? :5... .7. mi: "iili?ih. Lett te pl..- ot no.- I . 'thh", a tg "plant“: tt iél in". 15-. a h“. low not... _ ttatiiiitiign ii/sTiik Radian I Btotttit " Wdti. IHEIIHUIS. w militia“. rmsmsm Ten reeiui'is for the Hat Battalion were secured at the Armory last. eta-mg " the result at the am hour's recruiting. The men are ak most all members ot we 108th Regi- ment who have been waiting tor some time tor the opportunity to site their sonic“. The recruiting otticirs are quite elated over their euecosslul beginning as there had, been pneu- eally no notice of the campaign litters- ing marrrArRecroi',iriit will continue here (masonic time and every oppor- ‘hurlty uill be lawn to the young men 01 the Pity to, show what kind oi stun they're made oi. Commencing this afternoon, re- Fuftriig "ill be discontinued at' tho ?rmory and the, Auditorium will here- at!” be used " ute.ttea,dysarters for lmlin. The men were busily engag- ed there this morning getting things into shape. The men who enlisted last night are : Ralph Woodrow, 105 St. George St Arthur Thomas Kilby, 106 Awe", si, s. L_,-, ‘- --- , St. Fiiaygiond M. Gillespie, 126 Charon St. _ , , T Alba_Allemang. Waterloo. " Chester Stuart. Foundry St., Wat-" erloo. . William H. Catt, Watexloo. PATHETIC CASE tip DESTrrtrrE MOTHER guy your house lurnishings at Wat.- erlpq's popular lurniturc store-thou have you mouel. An old lady bent with age,, who says she lives on Strange street, was ’lQllgld this morning picking yin rags an other refuse from the, pi es of garbage disposed of in the gravel pit directly opposite the incinerator iuttt., She had a large bag and was ”coping over the nauseating rybbage "when' discovered by a representative 'ot the Telegraph and the story T she iota is a ratheq,re,vealing and patho- tie one especially lot Berlin. She is about 60 may”, She aid thai tir' ‘husband has been a cripple tor thq ture yousland that she has Feel: for to rarort to picking over he refuse and garbage tn the pit in order to make a liveli- horl. According to her story she makes two trips a day to the tar- hue pile , from her little home on Strange street and the jean“. ol her work tor a week amounts to', “you 40 cents. This sounds tether Mia- eval lor Berli but. the appointment the trail old L',' and the ttanI-to- lite zest she showed .in her efforts _to my: old rags in the, garbage was ,statttéient to prove that a vital issue hung upon the success ol her nauseat- Ing labors. When qucktiuned the old lady r- vealed that, she has thi.ee grown t,C,'tltT', who arr married and whose ham-in] condition is ot such a nature that “my cannot be of anr Help in their mother hor can thrir husbands lend a from“ hand financially to- ward suphorting ihe crfaplgrl old man the burden of whose support tails Manly upon the moth". The old lady smut that winter time she cannot go “may pile as she does not venture NO tar in the toll ttat during last winter tshe, of the. city. She is a mother who has reached tho: an in We when Mte should have I“ the M10118 ot a ‘well supplied home, hut u SIC humus- ed about. this morning smiling mom Bread and rugs indescrimimttety into the bag she smiled and chum! as though her life wire fitted with all that aha could desire ad " though she were occupied in An agrerahle work rather thin swung oTer stench and filth in the burning sun. iaiwair'd ir. Russell, 29 Francis St. Henry Kropf, 201 Weber St. E. Samuel Hughes Roschman, 55 Mary James Livock "di) Waterloo, MINARD‘S LINIMENT Cl‘RF DWS‘ mt ' . l .. l TH in 'tte to the diff tat She said regain-d " d l: K '0le Mittr teti.to'ru'dtett' “at $300 at" thrare o'eiock, thin “my”. t hen Mi'u Bessie Duke, .datultltrv?f it, and In. Chm punk-3, an“. treat, In In: in mrrlue to r. Alvin Jacqlm. not: cl It. in] In. J. E. Masques, Prednick “not. new. I. "TQ swam mama , The Wedding t.ifaf.ett tos the occa- >slon was may” try kiss Sustain-h- Jner a cousin of the bride. 5 'tto' Miiras "e'otiipaainit b If _'A,da' 2f,ll,U, I in“! ot the 3'06: Und Mr. Kenneth Dunne. a brother of 'the bride, pergormeq {he duties .ot :gromusman. Miss Pt/ttke was giving “way by he: lawn: Mr. Chane; IDunke. ' The young couple alter a sumptious tepast served in the charmingly de- corated dining room left ona wed- din; trip through the Thousand ls- la‘nds and to Mew York. Numerous beautiful and costly gifts were given the happy pair. An interesting eoirreidertce was not- ed in the taet that today, Stem/cm- and, was also the wedding biay of 'the bride's mother and lather and at- l"? ct her cousin Mr. and Mrs. ILB. Pollock. They are alt celebrating the event today? , Cite Assessor Ma6ux lluehnetgardl returned last evening' trom the con-ll ventiun ot the Ontario Municipal A I isociation when: with City “his; 'llugh Millar, he attended the ‘ses’l 'tions of the convention as a’ delegate ot the City ot Berlin. Mr. lluelin rt 'gird took' sh active part in the with "eipat discussions of the convention 'antl at the fittal session was elec ed to the executive comnsittee ot the Association. Mr. Huehnergard is leo-known by all the delegates of Nt"' Association as he has been at- (ttus" the meetings as a represen- tative ot Berlin for the past eight Farr. i ' CITY ASSESSOR Mr. Huehnergard at the present convention introduced a number ot important retsolutionsin amendment to the municipal Improvement Act which met with the unanimous ap- proval ot the convention. Plis resol- utions were passed and will he brought to the attention oi the Ont- ario Parliament when the executive r9mprittee of the assoéiation waits on the Legislature in February. WILL CHANGE The, August meeting ot the Btrlin Poultry Association was held, hthe Trades and Labor Hall on Wednes- day evading. A larger number thin usual of the merntrtrs were pram. The husiness of the assoyiation ity becoming very brisk, and is demand- ing a great amount ot work by the secretary. The number of communi- cations laid [Scion thé meeting zeni large, the greater' number of t ese referring to the work ot the associn~ tion in connection with the plow, The mist important bushes; of the eve ing wan the' carrying or a motion Swinging the name of “new socigtion. This organization has for Mteen years been known as the Wat- erloo County Poultry and Pet Stock Association. There was a time when the local orgsusiiation was the orfty one oi its kind in the county. ‘Thin priority entitled the then lancierl to assume the 115080 Mme for their or- gnnimtién. Thih was Bortfirtemt Rev. Joseph Jan's who h” m the pastor at the King Street Bap- tist Chitfeh of this citrto'r the m} tth yours will leave shortly tot Irv gersnll where he has regportded.toa can. . . "N z. ; [ REV. :03. Juli: .' , GOES TO hid sou, m 00mm The iottgreHiots at the tum-9n Church have ire',, iriitout a pastor um We rettigttatiqtt.ot Rte. C. L, Roma tom; months no to go to 8mm" tum. . l, T mr I Rev. Unit; in a graduate of no; Master I'nivérsityf and wn tor (tet you: pastor at the St. Jury: Bip- tlst .Churvh'tretore comin to thiv city. ' Ile uh] uh npthis my 11:“an the ttret Sunday in Cement n runny Berlin Hie-nan “nerdy teeret his departtrte from an my. Jimati'Riiiii' =='a=i" " l JAWtUEB--D JNKI ON EXECUTIVE ITS NAME V of Those who were present at the dal- meeting were President J. K. Kerr, F. B. a; Gait,.Secrotary 4. R. Strickland, “he Inspector p. R. Yiuer and the lor: lowing rebrenqntatives: Rev. Father Ariehr, Riv. tir. Stoho; J. G. Wing, New Hamburg; Rev. F. B. Meyers, " Elmira; J. P. Bender; Jesse Hall- man; J. R.,Gonon; Mrs. H. L. Jan- Best; Mrs. Ringo”; Mrs. M. Wander, gtyrd and Mira Snyder, the matron ot the “Rn-I (Balm Orphanage. all 3 an! ml! lea-loo of the.” Executive committees a! at Chlldm'l Aid Bociities ot Berlin “Madden County ‘wllch with! Friday utter _ in the Connc' Chamber ot row Hall, it run decided to procure a new detention tty ttie/resent one being lulle- lm _ “(Llecprs J. n. Strickland a“ t. R. Killer were appointed as '95 wnlmittee to make the rel-tired arrangements. . l Tie matter ot procuring legislation prompting n municipality from the “page! an Anndcplnple yiho bas, treM,Ilici1ttlrerle by the society ot ”other tiuinicipMitr was diséuised at tome length 3nd . edmrnittii com- posed ul the ReVsDr. Stobo and Rev C. R. Killer were a'ppointed to make application tor this legislation. um -. iTiiiiiiWii'ii- I m not mum Aqothe; committee was appointed to wait updn tlie committee appoint- ed try the County Cidncil with te- [cream to the appointment ot a twat onion tor the runl districts. iaitijifjii.iii titml mum _ :"llrmnwnoom Inaprvti?r,C. R. Miller was granted one month's Iteve ot absence on ae- count. ot, his present ill-health. t.-0raded mission y maieriet us- ed in every Jlllu'l7't. _ _ The Thursday evening prayer meet- ing; in ZionChurch are growing in interest. Last evening's meeting wan conducted by the pastor Rev. J. P. Hench, who gave a most interesting and inspiring talk. lie gave the meeting some suggestions to increase interest in missions in the Sunday school, under the [allowing heading: "The Missionary Aim tor the Local _ School :" , 1.--A Missionary Sgperintendent anf Committee in every school. _ 2.-4Micers and Teachers developed in_mitpionary leadership. 6.-The school trained In interces- sion. 8.-The school engaged in some form ot Evangelism and social ser- .vice. l The school a recruiting agency tor Cumin leaders iy Ministerial, mis- Utonary and social sirrvice. '10.-The school actively participat- Mig in ‘Hpmc and Foreittn,missiortary [campaigns for 'ehr.i,iitiqnizing North America and Evangelina; the world. 3.-h missionary impression every Sunday. _ . ii.--MissibiVr Mannie régular‘ly. circulated. 7.-The school instructed in Chris- tian stewardship and contributing systematically [or missions. The measure of a Christian dirt. . At the close ot the prayer meeCog the regular B. H. teadters' meeting wag Inch]. A} the conclusion of rum ‘eeachers' meeting. the Sunday School Bond timing various matters pen tdiitifit to Sun ity whoa] work, such " "Fall Rally," etc. 'The new Sunday school building is well under way and is expected to be completed during the Fall. 'IighixiE, was: or gamma} ins. (dd me {gut ad as. Ind I Will te, 1%; “I: to 'it,rS,'t:,'i'i'l.ttt. _ ' new: to _ , . 3:1; ud"will the pend I _ this home autumn flee . fix-{L1, with nfetences froth , . Josalitr, if nquepted, agazngf nnd perm-nan! , ml no money, rt,tt , I lm‘d an otter. Wtf to- t!" to In. M. Sum Bott fowl m. on, 0 RailwaWoperations and 'relesraphy thoroughly taught in detail by Shaw's Railroad T and Tolograph School. Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto. Corr dertceititrd, T. A. J'nhnstotfr may“. :i' I . g tiiaatiiiiijrt mm New 1hsdratltrtt ittttiitti dlr THA NSI'OHTATION minin- mmupmma-mamu “ ltr:".: teyfttt '“ ie"' te Ile. Hg} “in“ S"/2tt , A. 'eta,etgtegl="t',,P2egrtSttTci tirt0iigittMttoenit a... vr , di'at" war _ 'lti',dllllill,ti, me' "‘ i'ttihtt 'i'iiiiir Adihrsim 181ittrod, by Mgr new, w. G. Weichel, lit, . P., and Cot. Martin--- C . eaten of 1trtatiiteatiort [ were PM" ' ma to 0mm T 103% Uaittaarr PARADE - TO mum ilrillllllTlifllll 7151 illlfTjll.lilll _..' _",?' , (li'1EtiS0iilmllrlntll'lft On account or the wet weather the Field Day was candcelled on Labor Day, and instead the 108th Regiment had a route march through' the city. The bugle band " the head oi the parade played lively marches and the Overseas detachment bringing up the rear seemed to invite young men to join the rttttkg. Metr the march all ranks not down ton tood dinner at the Gettas Restaurant. After dinner an adjournment wait made to the Council Chamber in the City Han where Colonel Bowman took the chair. Mayor Hett, in the uniform or the Army Medical Corps, congratulated the men who had en- listed [or the war and said that the city had arranged tor the insurance of the former contingents and no doubt would treat the 4th Contin- gent in the same way as the others, including the tio gold pieces. The Sergeants' Mess of the 108th Regiment then, through Q. M. Sergt. Bowden presented fountain pens to the members oi the mess enlisting, namely Col. Sergt. Woodrow and Sergts. Dotzert, Gillespie, Kilby and Russell. This closed a historic tunc, tion, the send-oil to the Fourth Con- tingent of our soldier boys. The "tall in" was sounded and the regi- ment matched to Waterloo. llere Col- onel quman addressed the men from the steps ot the Dominion building W. G. Weichcl, M.P., made a pa- triotic address and was frequently in‘ terruptrd by cheers from the men. Afterwards Mr. Weiehel presented certificates a qualification earned at London to Capt. Cunningham, Lieut. Krietz6r, Col. Sent. Woodrow and Sun Gillespie. Colonel Martin wn's then called up- on to respond tor the 71st Batt., C. E. F.; and was received with great applause. The Colonel told how he had enlisted Is a private in the ranks tn 1898 and served rotteen years in the old 29th Regiment. He felt it bis duty to come forward now, and do his bit for his country. The cheers at the conclusion of his speech show- ed that the colonel has already won the eotttidence ot the men who will serve under him. Mrs. Shupe and r are still in Michi- gan. having our home near Brown City. The tour singing schools which are in progress are getting interest- ing and am well attended consider- ing the busy harvesting' time. The weather was Me. Had rain on eight days during the month. The farmers are busy threshing. Mostly on halt days so as to make room In their barns tor the balance oithe crop, Much upon the whole was very good. Tabernacle met-tings are being hrld at Yak. Rev. o. n. Fmider preach- ed on Sunday the Nth. Called on were nearly g Notes of 25 years ago. 11 = A .. rr» . .7 . _ ', _ iiitiin'inthiniittnnidhnnmioimmimnmmmnmummmmmmnttm AUGUST 1890, 25 YEARS AGO. tWaterloo Conn": leson , 'gtnmimmmmmtmumnmmmmmmmmmmtmnnttmttmnm ihc [alluring friends who all lormer reside-nu ot PETER SHUPE’S DIARY new new to think an; 0i. "Ad mace-10ml ' ty.tit.s.e,1.t.ts' x... '.CC.., Yarteq?cet of '.l/tiFtl - _ . _ .. ., a "rr-e"""'. _ - tttutLtn,Ateteeeyitieittdfiiiiriil £22325 yomplimenting the Waterloo Comp“! on the number of men Volunteering for the front and expressing the hope that there would be may more to lollow their example. Waterloo " a name big in the history of thy British Empire for on that battle- foeld tyranny was put down, and now a century later another mighty atm- gle for freedom was going on in which young Canadians would hie their stand. Thirty-three Berlin boys went to London Tuesday where they will train tor overseas service with the Tist, Battalion. Their going was the 00- casion ot an excellent display of W triotism as a large crowd had tug- ered at the G. T.R. Station [outso- tore the arrival ot the 9:08 to give the boys "Godspeed." Among' um present were t n. Weichel, It: and “is Worship Si',",", Ilett. Meyer Hett and the l al member shook hands with each at the recruits lust as the train pulled in. Those who went are: Ralph.Wooil- row, Arthur T. Kilby, Raymond M. Gillespie, Edward H. Russell, Henry, Kropl, Samuel H. Roschman, Allan Allemang, Chester Stuart, William: H. Cobb, James Livock, Ernie Rin- gle, Wesley Wray, William G. Gough, James Patheringham, Raymond El. Ty, Robert Simmonds. Charles G. Hays, William Gough, jr, Clifford Pawson, Thomas Castles, Albert F. Thoman, John H. Millwood, William A. Kinapple,.Clayton Dotzert, Peter Buss, llmvard Hudson, Albert Franz, Francis G. Cooper, William Smith. James Sullivan, John L. Yorke, John J. Fehrenbaeh, William C. Mor- gan, and Edgar Naylor. The parting was a pathetic one in some cases, but on the whole every- body seemed pleased and optimised was the spirit at the occasion. A: the train pulled out the boy: weed loudly cheered. _ MINARD’S LINIMEXT FOR SAL' EVERYWHERE. Waterloo County: Nelson Kitlgy's, Abram Krupps, Isaac "echtel'a, John Fowler's, B. lirrutzinger'B, John Kalbheistrh'st, Louis Lippert's, Bans uol Grrrbil1's, John Hallman‘a, Jud cob Hehtichter's, Abram Goudiefs‘ George Burkholdpr's, Wendell 11mm perger's, George Bile's. The Altar:-Rev. 0. B. Snider ot Berlin, and Miss Mary Meyer ot Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Snider just panned their 25th year ot married lite gm! are at present living in Ytrsildntt. Mich, N ’ . l Mr. and Mrs. Moses .Moyer were married- 25 years ago on the 0th. They are at present living in Toro- to and celohratod their golden weld ding recently. They had tumult] oi-their triads in at the “mo. . Belt This Morning Nelson Kithy's,

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