©learing Sale %-j, One of the chief reasons for this store‘s phenomenal growth has been 3,* fact that they will always find nc‘ goods here each season, and we reâ€" walize that to sell you summer clothing now we must make it an extraordiâ€" nary MONEYâ€"SAVING opportunity for you. . We want you to come in for W share and to get something by which you will remember this sale and ‘this occasion, something you can show to your friends as further proof that DO AS WE SAY, and that when we start out to accomplish a thing we not stop at a half measure. _ HERE ARE A FEW OF OUR MANY SPECIAL REDUCTIONS FOR % SATURDAY AND NEXT WEEK. we B On wm morning we will inaugurate all through our big, bright, iuvm a clean sweep of every vestige of Summer Goods regardless of any portion of profits. One whole big rack of Berlin‘s best $10.00 and $12.00 Suits, sizes 34 to 44, in light and dark shades, . assortea shapes, for ‘ouno men and men _ of quiet taste, l at one price for sï¬m MEN‘S $10.00 AND $12.00 SUITS $6.90 MEN‘s SUITS, BERLIN‘S BEST, §7.50 VALUES $4.90. a big quick saie, at ’mm $20, $22, $24 AND $25 SUITS * AT $14.90. $ A ué.hor grade of tailoring with the 20tW Centuly Brand labe] In the pocâ€" ket,:all 1915 model. If you pay three times this price you cannot equal 20th Century tailoring. _ Hundreds of Beiâ€" lin‘s best dressers demand this brand. For sale in Beriin only at Ernat‘s. Select your Suit now. . Valâ€" ues up to $25.00 for ... .. q$14m ‘There are only 82 Suits at this price in six patterns, all sizes, you know how our Suits fit, and we make all alâ€" is :. free <of charge. p$#w:.ve / ~~~_ $490 Will buy Berlin‘s best $1.50 Tweed "Trousers at Ernst‘s Sale. UNDERWEAR REDUCED. DOOUHSONOROOO00000600000006000004 10000000 0008008 20% to 50% Reductions ALL BOYS‘ SUHTS AT SIMILAR PRICES. Men‘s â€" Ralbriggan â€" Shirts and Let us supply you with Sloves, Mitts, Big Stock and Prices the Lowest. Gloves, Mitts CGREATâ€"ANNUAL 69. No 36 If you: are paying more for your flour than the prices gitven below, then you are paying Too Much. We seil at Wholesale Prices to farmers deliverâ€" ingavheat as well as to Cash buyers. â€"MB ACH EB" Flanr far ceneral nurposes $2,60 for "HEARTS DELIGHT" a high class bread flour $2.75 per 100 lbs. / JACOBS FLOUR MILLS Market price paid for wheat. W IL H EL MA S THE TWIN.CITY‘S BIG HARNESS SHOP ‘ KING STREET, WATERLOO RIGH FLOUR ‘. B. Snider, Proprietor 8T. JACORBS, ONTARIO. $690 Drawers, in natural, blue, grey: and pink shades, all sizes, ~ regular 40c per garment, to clear t i...s.s 25c Men‘s Combination Underwear, all shades and sizes, regular $1.00 79c and $1.25, to clear at ... .. ... Men‘s soft summer Shirts, French Cuf‘s and â€" Separate soft Collars _ to match, regular $1.25 to $1.50, 98c to clear at .. .... ... ... ..# styles, gun metal, calf, button, patent leather button and Vici Kid laced and blucher, medium or high heels. Sizes in the lot 2%4 to 7. Regular $2.75 ‘to $3.00, Saturday .. ... .... .> slgs MEN‘S AND WOMEN‘S FOOTWEAR ‘ Men‘s Goodyear Weited Boots, in Patent Leather and Gun Metal, thick soles for Fall and Winter, excellent style, sizes 6 to 11, regular $5.00. Alâ€" M Eo M on ie me n Te Sean c o ie io onl on en a e so some high grade samples, sizes 6!, 7 and 7%4, in Patent and Vici 5350 Kid, Saturday ... ... .. ..>> Men‘s Box Calf and Vici Kid Boots, blucher cut, medium heavyâ€" solidâ€"leaâ€" ther soles, sizes 6 to 11, regâ€" $198 ular $3.00, Saturday to clear "Where the _ COOD CLOTHES Come From Women‘s Boots, popular new fail Bran $24.00 WATERLOO, ONTARIO, THURSDAY xt of Hamilton. Berlin, . pre sermon on ‘ Sunday even al Church h has redpened M |principal. and Adam of Macton spent Sunday with friends in the village.â€"Miss George Forwell and son Manfred are spendâ€" ing a vacation at Detroit. â€"Mr, Ben Wismer and Miss Edith . Weber of Berlin , speht Sunday with the latâ€" ter‘s sister here.â€"Messrs Jacob Hahn Ceorge â€" Forwell, Louis Bu-:hler“nd News Notes Gathered by 1 Correspondents in County and Digt: Ceseseteeeetesseeserere a q Hawkesville. |busily engaged ga sons Joseph and Fred were visitors to Milverton on Sunday.â€"Miss Marie von Neubronn of Berlin is the guest of Miss Alma Forwell.â€"Among those that are visitors at the home of Mr. Jacob ‘Messinger are Mr. Herman Messinger of Detroit, Mr. John Messâ€" inger of Edmonton, Alta., and Mr. and Mrs. Will Messinger of Milleston North Dokata.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dictrich and family were visitors to Dashwood over the holiday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ohliger of ‘Owen : Sound and Mr. Floyd Moyer of Elmira spent Sunday with Mr. Ted Musselâ€" man.â€"Mr. and Mrs. M, Donald _ of Preston visited at the former‘s home here over Sunday.â€"Mr. Frank Senior moved his household effects to Paris on Tuesday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Lackner and son Harold spent Sunâ€" day at St. Agatha. BUDGET OF FREEPORT NEWS Freeport, Sept. 6. â€"Mr. Adam Scharman.and his son Lorne, who live on the old Jacob B. Bowman farm here. had an uncom{ortable expérience a few days ago. »While at. work not far ~fromâ€"one of. the summer camps along the river they heard the disâ€" charge of a gun and the zing of . the, bullet . asâ€"it.passed close to Lï¬{: heads. Investigation showed that t gun was being handled by a young woman in a party of people when. it News Notes:â€"Mr. and Mrs. Tom was discharged, the bullet almost hitting" an u@ptended billet. _ Mrs. Wim. Stewart of Preston was the guest of Mrs. Hy. Lutz on Sunâ€" day. % 8 a . DHncuiny ht RTaF Miss Alice Snyder of Berlin, who‘ was suddenly taken â€" serviously ill about a fortnight ago, is being nurâ€" sed at the home of her sister, Mrs. Whi. Wiegand, Preston road. _A few days ago her life was almost despairâ€" of, but at present her condition, shows a gratifying improvement. Mrs. Henry Lutz â€" celebrated . the seventyâ€"fifth anniversary.of her natal day on Sunday Sept.,5th. A temporâ€" ary indisposition, coupled with a n af fliction of chronic rheumatism, was responsible for a day less pleasant than â€" usual. _ A number of friends called to extend their felicitations. Mrs. S. S. Detweiler spent a few days with her son, Dr. H. K. Det weiler and â€" daughter, Miss Clara, both of the Toronto General Hospiâ€" taf staff. She accompanied the formâ€" er on his returmâ€"trip to his home here made by motor car. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Detweiler spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Moâ€" Cormack, â€"English Settlement. Mr. Edw. Shafer was a visitor to Hespeler on Sunday. Items of _ Interest :â€"Mrs. Rhodes Letson and daughter Mabel and Miss Gladys Marriott are spending a few days at Otterville.â€"Quite a numbet of people from this place enjoyed . a pleasant motor trip to Puslinch Lake last Sunday.â€"Mr._and Mrs. Clayton Weber, of New Dundee, were visitors at the home of Mr. Fred Letson last week. Miss Ella Burnett of Tralee, and Miss Annie Burnett, of Linwood, returned home after. spending a few weeks with friends here.â€"Mr. J. P. Snider, Mrs. F. Snider, Mr. F. Letâ€" son and Mr. Byron Letson attended the fuhetal of Mrs. Robert Mortell at Hamilton â€" last Monday afternoon.â€" Nr. J. L. Jupp,â€"Mr. Rhodes Letson|_._ ~@aa and Lnd dauchter .. Nora and Mrs. "-'J-l:}:',.,:d; and |Letson ang â€" daugnter wame ais0 Mt; |of New Dundes of Hamilton.â€"Rev.| Wm. Dengus, of|"" "~"‘‘‘"p~ Berlin, . preached l\ory interesting :"'“_u" l*gl" sermon on "True Pétriotism", last to. “:“:“" t Sunday evening at the Congregationâ€" * 1! aA Church hers. Our public school [ °& Ciflet ‘Mill has reépened with Mr. H. Burnett as ; OP September principal and Miss Hausten as Assisâ€" preparing fo tant.â€"Mr. George E. Rickert spent|b®° OP°® every a few * days in _ Toronto.â€"Mr. and ~*~â€" Mrs.. Ed. Shafier and family . with Messrs. N. Stewart and B. Letson, Co motored to Treecastle to visit _ the ® mfl .. parents.â€"Mr . Itven Kefflot Local and and Vera Bell Letson, visited doubt Chronmi m'hu Bresfau, last Sunday.~ have read of ‘The farmers of this soramunity are attack made o Our ‘Busy Ne West Montrose. int 64 Noews Items :â€"Mr. ud‘ln.m Chueter spent the weekâ€"eBd in Mitâ€" chell.â€"The Misses Cartit and Phoebe Sutter, ol Berlin speutâ€"the weekâ€"end with Mrs. Jos. Hayes.Aâ€"Another Ford car in our ~burg, pureBased by Mr. G. Seip.â€"Master Gor and ‘Ralph and the . (Misses Violet: and Ruth Dierlaum, of , . spent the weekâ€"end with théir grandma, Mrs. Bundy.â€"Mr. Nmn Heimler, of Berlin, spent the y at Mr, L. A. Heimler‘s.â€"The | Misses Marâ€" jorie and Jean Beggs spent a week‘s vacation with uh:::m Toronto.â€" Wedding ‘bells ‘are around our burg.â€"Mr. Wm. ‘Foérs of Rochesâ€" ter, N.Y., spent the w with Mr. and Mrs. Henty NBIt.â€"â€"Mr. and Mrs. â€" Ober and Miss WGlebo. and Miss Hildman and ‘Mrs. Zarnke, of Berlin, spent the wegkâ€"end at Mrs. : Glebe‘s, on the 9th ling.â€"Miss Ada| Lantz, of Berlin, spent; the weekâ€"endj at her home â€" near X'Lllwood.â€")flss Nellie Hayes, of Detroit, spent . a month‘s _ vacation \wh.‘h her . mother here. _ © mb brisomcumaicy tulll.vdllâ€"obateniie 1 oo â€"Adet it Soacet A large »audience ;re‘tul‘ the Rev. Mr. Taylor:of Toronto the agent of the Society, who with limelight views interested; tke meeting for &n hour and a quarter. A collection was taken amounting to nearly $8.00; News â€" Notes:â€"The «Winterbourne branch. of the Upper Ganada Bible Society Was held according to anâ€" nouncement on Monday| August 30th D. McKay of Newmarket, Registrar of Notth York, accompanied by Mr. â€"Quite a number from here are spending Labor Day in Toronto ‘ at the Exhibition.â€"Mr,. J..F. McKay of E. Erb of Berlin, motored toâ€" Mr. M. Durrant‘s last Monday.â€" Mr. Abram Knarr who has been sick for the las> month is much better and has â€" started work again. â€"Mr. C. Goetz shipped a load of cattle to Toâ€" ronto last Saturday.â€"Mr. John Burâ€" nett purchased last week the real esâ€" tate in Winterbourne belonging to Mr James Soggie of Toronto comprising a brick store and lot. Mr. Burnett is to_be congratulated in getting such a nice property. _ Mrs. Howlett is spending a _ few weeks with her daughter Mrs. A. Shoemaker. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kenyon, of Brantford and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Kenyon of London spent the holiday with relatives in Blairâ€"Mrs. Myron Moyer and son have returned from a week‘s visit in Brantford.â€"Miss Lilâ€" lie Beattie of Victoria Hospital staff Londoh, is spending a month at her home here.â€"Mr. and Mrs. R. Dobbin and Mr. Harold Dobbin visited Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Tilt on Sunday.â€"Mtr. and Mrs. John Little and children of Galt, were Sunday visitors in‘ Blair, â€"Mr. and Mrs. Alex Renshaw and: Mr. Allen and Miss Jean of Toronto and Mrs. John Renshaw and Miss Dorothy, of Rochester, were woekâ€" end visitors with Miss L. Renshaw here.â€"Mr. Melvin Baer, Misses Luelâ€" la and Myrtle Baer and Messts Alâ€" bert Blaschke, Ed. Johannes, Milton Johannes and _ Rufus: Meisel, spent Sunday at the latter‘s home at Wilâ€" mot Centre i News Notes:â€"The Quarterly Con-l ference at the U.. B. Church on Sunâ€" day was largely attended, Rev. 8. Swartz of Berlin being in charge.â€"â€" Mr. and Mrs. T. Bingeman of New Dundee visited Mr. and Mrs. . A.M. Shantz on Sunday.â€"The Misstéq( F% l:5:.- Ada and â€" Cora Hallmali# Aanors. C Wesle Jatiman of New m% Sunday P imrvors ter.â€"Mr. G. Milne and Mr. Ivan Hallman speht the holiday in Toronâ€" EROmmed PPCCTOCUO O TW! _0 to attending the exhibition.â€"Our loâ€" cal Cider Mill will begin operations ? September 14, and Mr. Spactzel preparing for a big season. [t‘.vm doubt _ Ohronicleâ€"Telegraph . readets have n-lolhnddihlil-‘?" attack made on this villageâ€"and Winterbourne. Linwood. every day extept Saturdays Manntieim. Blair. Personal Ttems:â€"No d, Rev.| S. in charge.â€" in _ of New Irs, _ A. )M. isstq ( Talim es se is termncon when a rink of the Western bowlers, _ DOt. mw with ° their lot, _were again ba : out . when it was about im the shade. No z’o necegâ€" y.â€"On Tuesday last w one of our â€" residents passed away alter a Wilhelmina Trupp (nee Brinkert) was born on Aug. 22nd, 1840 in Preston. She was married to Geo. _ Trupp nq this place who died on Dec. 20th, 1894. and to them were born 11 chilâ€" dren of whom.there are nine ll;t‘.! § sons and 4 daughters, three of the sons, Phil, Geo. and Henry are livâ€" ing in Canada while the other â€" two Louis and John, as well as the four daughters are living in the States, Besides the children their survive alâ€" so 1 brother â€" and 17 grandâ€"children. Deceased had.reached the age of 75 years and 9 days. The funeral. took place on Friday afternoon, from her late residence to the Lutheran church and cemetery for service and burial, ‘â€"Mtl Jake Schweitzer, _ Harry ‘Fiddler, Wm. Hachborn and‘. Nelson | Shelley on Sunday motored to Niaâ€" | gara and Bufflalo, and before their reâ€" turn will also spend some time in Hamilton _ and the Toronto Exiibi tion..â€"Messrs Fred Struck and Ed. Struck accompanied by Mr. Edgar Loebsack paid friends here a Yisit on Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scheifele of Huron Co., Mich., are visiting friends and relatives here.â€" Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Scheifele â€" of, Waterloo and Mrs. Herbert Scheifele lof Collingwood, spent Sunday at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Aaron Stroh, and Hilda Schierholtz of Elmira, spent Sunday with friends here.â€"Mr. | J. G, Stroh and son Nathaniel of Waterloo, called on friends here on | Saturday.â€"Messrs. Harvey and Elton: Scheifele spent Sunday with Toronto \friends.â€"Miss Nelda Shelly of Berjin 4 Miss Theresa Holle ‘of Waterloo 4) 4 Sol. Scheifele were visiting Wm and Mrs. Christian Scheifele at. St Jacobs. > _ Mr.~ Milton Weber spent over Sunâ€" day at London, and returned . with Mrs. ~Weber wio had been spending the week there.â€"Mr. Robt. Fenton has again taken charge of the school at Centreville. * Miss A. Goudie of Berlin arrived the middle of last week to again take charge of the junior division of the Public School here.â€"Quite a few â€" of our farmers have finished. harvesting. Some too have again started to take in a second crop of hay which is an extra heavy one this year.â€"Mrs. Hy. Scheifele is reported to be gradually growing weaker. . 9,11915 j 10. PAQES »:>2 â€"â€" x Goods ProtecttheRoofsofyourBuildings *Roof Your Buildings With Weiche!‘s Asphalt Roofing Before you decide on any roofing for any purpose, you owe it to yourself to investigate Weichel‘s Asphalt Roofing. It ts the ideal Fireâ€"Frosti â€" _ roofing for any building from a chicken Waterâ€"Proof! house or barn to public institutions er Indestructible! marble palaces, . ,'op_‘;-r-mm-hmmm“h‘; miasme anmatimes. in a sinole sunmmmer. It is, aleo, a proteotion against numerous répalf®, Trequent repaintings and reâ€"graveing â€"nevessaryâ€"weue the common kind of roofings. ‘For, once on, Wailchel‘s Asphait Roofing needs no care, no attentionâ€"the first cost is the only cost. Wflad’-mfllfla&h.mwu..m Siilled labor is not required. Materials laying come with each rollâ€"all that you need i# & hammer. Ask us @bout this roofing. It will give more serviea, freedom from care, save mhofé money than any other readyâ€"roofing ever â€" M. Weichel & Son, Waterloo, Ont. ,,} | WEICHEL‘S . WEEKLY STORE NEWS | The Big Hardware Store Items of Interest:â€"Mr. and Mrs. G. Damms of Mildmay arrived here on Tuesday and Mr. Damms assumed charge of the Principalship of the Public School on Wednesday, with Miss~ M. â€"Branchley of Stratford as assistant.â€"Miss Ella Otto spent last ‘Tuesday in Berlinâ€"Mr. Wilfred Snyâ€" der and â€" sister‘Miss Laura Snyder \vcre Sunday guests at the home of Mr. Edward Snyder.â€"Miss Alice Bowman of Waterloo and Miss Elsie Riest of Berlin spent the week end with their cousin Miss Alice Snyder. â€"Miss Jessiecâ€" Elderfield= of Berlin spent Sunday : under ‘ the parenital roof.â€"Mrs, P. Rominger has returnâ€" ; home afterâ€" spending "a ~week with parents Mr. and Mrs‘ C. Bergâ€" man, | Toronto. While in the city she attended the millinery openings., â€"Mr. _ and Mrs. Clayton Shuh and Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Weber of Watâ€" erloo motored to the home of Mr. Oliver Snyder on Sunday.â€"Miss Alâ€" ‘da Brubacher of Berlin spent a few days with her sister Mrs. Cranson Weber. â€"Mrs. Clayton Wittep and son spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witter.â€"Mr. and Mrs. N. Dietrich spent a few days with Toâ€" ronto friends.â€"Mr. and Mrs. â€" Philip Sattler spent Sunday Wwith Hespeler friends.â€"It becomes our sad duty to chronicle the death of Mrs. John Brox, after a lingering illness. The funeral) was held cn Sunday motning The Department SEOYF Weselohâ€"Goudie, Limited King and Frederick Sts. Fioradale muumw.ydm'l“w which are so popular this season. We invite you to call and see for yourself, s This Week is Pile Fabric Week _ im the Dress Goouds . â€" Now on Display. An early call will convince yoqotm-puuflvdmnnï¬mb!b to date materials. Miss Robertson, now â€"â€" in charge of this section,.will be pleased to have you call, that she may be able to demonstrate to you the quality \nd values we are offering. y While here you may also have a glimpse of the new Fall and Winter Coats, Skirts and Dresses. Weekliy Builleotin il Suits in the Readyâ€" toâ€"Wear Section 6t Mr. Harold . Reynolds of ’l‘otonio..% is enjoying htoi:l:lu." at his home. > here and at on.â€"Mt. and lï¬tfl F. E. Welker and â€" son Wilfrid,, ate . tended the funeral of the late Mrs: .. Feick . at Ayton, on Friday.â€"Mrs. â€" Lawrence, of Detroit, Mich., was the 3 guest of>Dr. <Mrs. T. .M. Robinson, _ Quality Hill, last weok.â€"l!:.. Eby.~ and â€"daughter Beatrice, spent. a : few. ,d;ys with _ Toronto ffiends.â€"St. § ‘Jacobs is still on the map bus Comâ€" . !estogo ~~is ~veryâ€"much so;â€"Mr:â€"and â€" Mrs. Von Besser and son, of Berlin, _ |spent Sunday at the homes of Miss , ; Tena Metzger and Rev. Daniel. Brus . ‘bacher. _ _ + wl at 9.30 from the house to Evangéli« . cal Church at Elmira thence to the Union Cemetery for interment. .‘ .. She leaves to mourn the loss of & kind and loving wife and mo%h:_} husband and four children viz: Jacob of Spruce Grove Alta., Louisa (Mrs, Sylvester Bowman), Emanuel and William ‘at . home. a Â¥o" y $ St. Jacobs.â€" _ Items of Interest :â€"Slogan for>the We carry nothing but p!ll‘il ASPHALT ROOFING, â€"made of the best materials. â€" Our stock is complete. We carry it in One, Two and Three Ply, to sult any size and any style »f building. 1 1 ply Certainteed at per equare ... ... .+ sl-so # 2 ply Certainteed at j per aquare ... ... .+ ‘200 3 ply Certainteed at §ila per square ... ... ++ $3m Paroid Roofing . on pogre nep en mik Certainteed | Roofing per squar® .., ... ++# 2 ply Parold Roofing per square .. « ‘These prices will Include nails and coment complete, ‘The only tools you need to be your own roofer are & knife and a hammer, Berlin, Ont. Low ] Prices §$325 §M