' 1-: It ' per do: , live ___-__ p . tinned f tuto:a ‘_ .. ‘. y, per ton _ I, old ', x. . In q =" low 1 l. lour _* _ Ion: 1iqihiiriiir"ia' Moat per bushel Barley (feed) 'ee .. Oats, Ontario .wrFr but. ya ton _CFr» Hiddliul per ‘ton lunch; Bout cm. __. mended Ontario hour Mum. per ha; ..r... . “'3'. Per ton w'.. ._, _,...1 Butter, per th Vtt. '___.. _ Eu... pet dot. . "'t._-, ' New potatoes, per bag fork .....F... "r... _,'. .._. pp. “out (MI Flour Flour Flnur Shot“ Bra, Barley Butter Hay, pet ton new FF .. Lin hogs u ,, . _ Potatoes, (new) 9er Wheat, per - . . H Flour, [anally per cwt flour, high 3nd» ... .. Outs, per bulb. ..r... ' Corn, per an _...'. ...' Buckwheat ... ...t.w_qr.r. Bum ........ ...â€, _.. ., Rye .F_..q tee... ... o..".. . liddlin'gs. per ton ... Bran, per ton, ... .... Potatoes, per in; _..._. Hâ€. per ton .9trF. I..., “on. 1m N' v..-. ...._r 'Eul, per dot. wrt... '.... mentor __. People'l _ ., Maple Lea! gamma T Inn, per dor Bum-r, per It [Corn _.., . _ ttsped (on: . film hogs ., H Tint, per bush q., oats, per hush. ' V Eptatoes, per Us; Fr, A co" to JtturttatUrtt , F d Rapids, Mich. Sept. t-Fouf l I were drowned Ind two nnr- , ly "cnped 'hen I but upped over a In“ Lake renal-dâ€. Among '" ad were three nevnplper mall. " momma of the mt! ot the 0mmA momma of the an or me can" Drama no.“ I lv-nlnc Press. witty ttad '0" Toronto Vitals-do houm no quot- ;' dd 11ttle Beeettt tttq g',',,',',,',',."",", foe In: to the null trade u folIows: q o I snow speed omen. on. _ Beef tttnd-ter.....'".."." I†'tsr, h“ tmm "mg? a“; a 'ict toroqutrrterr.. 10.00 11.00 a tufted fd" man L r; 'do. choice “Gm... 13.36 18.50 w" tte up". " . I do. moan-m ..... 0.10 " " “m"“motu'. lmodyl do. common ..... 8.28 0.35 , Ce tee. 11mm mm ........ 13.00 10.00 bl. not ton 13:11 Jia ..... first“ . "pg-1‘ bt, Du: doe, pm. new human, September a, "" I. but!†Shanon], September 9, 1915 ' "dth.Mt alumna. STRATFORD MARKETS m thet. t. ms Elmira, September 8, 1015 Gait, September 9, I?" WATERLOO IIARKIT. Guelph, September 9, 1915 (Special) (Juliet) (Chief; . (hed) 'Pre , per ton m ton It“ (sumac) I Lotus Cale, eunuch yem ot oi Mug-n Hulls, In mettle-tr “was! a "HID, I“ ILHIRA MARKETS “pawl GUELPH MARKETS, GALT MARKETS not - ...u w " 153910 15 v... .70 Fre 31 to 29.00 to 10.00 .83 $1.00 10.00 mum 3.75 to 8.90 LOO to 1.00 35 to 1.00‘ 'rr"" .. .50 __ T (F ,_.. .40 .v_ ......as.oo . ....,....30.00 e....-.. 'w. .90, 37.5 to 4.00: 3.25 to 3.40‘ â€use! to 1.00 no to 11 ___ 45 to . V. .24 to _ -25 to 3.40 _50 to is " -... 31.00 -....... " .25 to " " to 25 .F... 8.90 .... 11.50 60 to 28 to " a... It†ISO 1100 ll.†. .90 $1.00 8.1! 810 . 8.56 .60 18.00 ".00 29.00 28.00 to 65 to 29 'e.--" I.“ 3.15 to 32.00 30110 .I " 1.65 .9.00 " .'20 .90 .90 yd " Poultry 40 Old town, lb. .. 00 Spring broilers N‘Old turkeys .. oo _Duekliturs . .,. 30 l Turkey: . . ... . 60 H IO .5! 20 JO " " 56 so; ,no‘ .75‘ Gl Gi 10 .85 10 95 .35 JRr .45 REPORTS " mi " 00 50 27 30 M " 'ti I do tom-m i. 'do. choke I ly l do. Indium do. comma: (stir, Mum . Vail. will. ' 01‘ not hon ... _. "In. or!!! l Manitoba wheat, new erolt--Trtsek, ‘lake port-No. 1 Not. Me; No. , _ 96e. - M “It M-...." I.“ can" -o..., M†um.1 h. “In .r...... , W a". “no... t CA cannon ........ 4 Batch. haul. em... ' India ........ do. Huntley“... ' mmtouoolua mwuuuomuu is med, I. to â€0.. do. "at. so. to “it... Ginsu ............... I.“ (3mm .......1......4." Milton. ehotee, m...u.oo Sprinter: .............V Cali, Teal, chalet... 0.00 an medium ........ 1.00 do. common ........ I... Lunbl. yea-ling: ...... 1.00 Spring Inab- ......... I.†Cullod lambs .......... 6.60 Back 11ml» ........... 6.00 Ewes. light W........... 6.25 Sheep. heavy Ind bucks 3.50 Hon, weighed on an: 0.40 an. [ad and "and. 9.25 do. Lab. ......... .. 8.90 Toronto whole»). trtictsa to the trade: Butter-- Creamery prints, fresh Cre zmery wilds . . . . . Dairy prints ......... Bukerc' '_.............. Eur- Special (cartons) . ... . . . Extras (selects) . . . . . . No. 1 straight (unw‘lald) No. , ...e..e........... 1ioney--Buckwheat, Tue 3 pound. in tins; 7c tc Ric In barrels; strained clover honor lee to 12bic in ir-lb. tins; comb honor. No, l, " per dozen; No. I. 82.40 per doom; 604tr. (Inn. 11540; 10-ib, tins, Lte. Cheette---Large, Me to “go to 14%c. _ American mrrn--Track, lull. No. , yollov, "%ts. Ontarlo otrt..-r.4o. 2 white. Mc; No. , white, 8"le to Mc. Potatoes, new. per bag} Jet Cabbage, Can., per crab 1.00 Chu1litlower, per dog..... 1.00 New Lima beans. 10..... .08 do. small lots ....... Alb' Camry. per don. . P..... .tlt ring been; lukL....... .u '1': .noel. can, bskt...... .15 Onions. Can., don. h...†... Yellow skins. bskt,...... .25 émerlcnns. per 100 lbs... 2.00 arrots, Cam, dog, ill... .20 Onions, Spunlah, an... 0.2! Cukes, w [whim .86 Boots, I", per an...†.2t W, that. Ar brat...... so able marrow. bait. Cattle-Receipts, 7,600; market easy; native, so.» u â€0.35; wesuin steers. 36,90 to 38.â€; can and he (- ern. $3.10 to $165; calm. " to 812 Hog.--Recripttt, _ 18,000; market dew; light, $1.25 to â€.10; named. ".80 to $305: hay. $8.667; u â€.55; four, tom to $5.1. pigs. ' hull of “In, 8660 to 87.65 tlter-ateeoirtts, 12.000; market strong; sheep. $8.60 to to; lambs, naive, 86.60 to " tart Buftato Cattle Cattle-Receipts, 700 head; slow And easy. . vealtr--Reeetrtts, 100 hull; slower; " to $11.50. - - - _ Hogs-Receipts, 3.200 head; fairly #etive; heavy, 87.76 to tg; mixed. $8.25 to ",yi; york». “I pm. t_8,10 WHO; Fifuiths, " to “.50; Inga, S . 0 to $6.73. Sheep and iatnbtr-Receittta, 1,600 head; aetirtr, sheep, steady; lambs. " to 89.25; others, unchmged. Toronto Fruit Burk“ Plums. Can., is". ....8 .25 Canuloupe. per crnte.. 1.76 mean. mum, 001 ... 1.tty do. Georg‘u. per bus. 2.50 _dgti ,Cnn.. but. ....-.. ..49 Watermelona. can .... .w ged currtrntg. but...†lack curt-nu .....-.. Blueberries, 11att, but Thimbleberriel . . . . . . . . Toronto Wholenln Vgrgstabtee Tweak can. - Toronto Grain Markets Chicago cum Mttrket Wholoula Producl SEW , Dru-cod Mutt 16e Ire lie Live pigs. " to 3730 17c Att .22 14%e; twins. L5. 6." I.“ 7.00 13.36 9.75 I.†".00 II.“ 0.25 M.00 "an." M " " 90 " 16 28 N N to " 00 l 00 l Dressed 15c 18c 2le 08 08% tlt $6 " 60 " " " " port---- Me to to' 11.00 us O... I.“ {.75 7.15 I.“ C.“ I.“ I.“ 1.56 8.85 1.60 0.00 4.50 9.65 9.60 “.00 mm 10.5? 17.00 23 17 " 28 00 to 40 M " 40 60 BO " " 40 90 w " " " 76 Timothy Seed GEORGE BRAMM tomer "_utnnM1tlMimMtttlttt1timitt1ttl'.il? imutmminmmmutmiisuiimuiiunffi For the Counties _of Waterloo, Wellington, Halton and Wcntworth, or wilt go anywhere in the province. l have had seven years experience In the business. Being a practital farm. er myself, puts me in s position to use good Judgment in aelectlng and dispar.. ing of farm stock, implements, etc. Farm stock sales a specialty. Sales an be arranged for at the Chronicle- Telegraph Otfiee, Waterloo, or I can be seen at my home, Willow Grove Farm, 5 miles south of Guelph. Satisfaction guaranteed. Poet Otfice address, Guelph, R. R. No. 6. s'tRttt'.uittitttmtntnuluitllimlm@ttit.I. Best on earth. Plum every Cutk rimtmmnnmummmnummnmmnit, For Fall sowing at lowest price Renaldo Seed House. Good Eyes " your oynloM in no! no good " you would like it to be our Optician an - "rtalnty help you (onward. Have several. buyers waiting Jor farms from 50 tc ' 100 acre; " you want to qell . your tarm write or {all on me. Have also some Mod home: to exchr‘ge "or (arms. List your prcperty early and get the early Iall Luy- erl. German apoken. Stock Auctioneer ttte Optician - - Berlin ik Next to Post oftice ARNOLD JAMS!" an 'd'."rJ?d'ee in may was on Engla- llouatho. C Drop In and so all - scnmm Emma No new“ to hotel. BO My; bases. In In! m- .. Something we have an Inn within; bl. Number of years experience at Auctioneer-- Practical know- ledge of vatuee, live neck, Imple- menu, ete., ls prepared to con- duct tales and assures the pub- lic every satlsfaction. Phone 136, Waterloo, or leave orders at Chrorticte-Telegraph office, Wat. erloo, or Daily Teregraph, Ber- lin. Ae 12-tf EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR 205 12UlO ©CWWirTr!Cirl mo, Our Coal H. B. DU ERING Would You on mack Bt., rust u no mum blinding, Waterloo, Ont. Wanted Benin, Pttottr '" CHAB. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer‘ Heller Phone No. 201 ressman, BERLIN, ONT .ike " â€mmum.w.u, ‘1'.an duh". Mounts-m â€an wanna ...- Gan-rt! man, tie Queen Street North, Berlin. In! “demand cooking. . 8btt Pff'2tr Hm. _ I" "In ai to as, at the OIL-no Want Gout“. Aptly to like: “a E3531 - . _ ___ , tCtuttmtttmtuuamunsimtmutnmtit Fol "LF-ttr- In "can“ u. W101. mat on». It a m “not Summon. It!) IL, “all. WATERLOO MUTUAL Fire Insurance Go. ,i."t"t"t'thut'tntttt'ettttemttq1 When a man gives his tlancee a dir- moad engagement ring and later mils to give his w-fc a He insurance pot- icy, he needs a guardian. not} wile Be wise and insure Four lite in Low Death '.rvss Fionomy of Manage ment _ tread on"? - Waterloo, Ont. ifillPlliil HUGS WAN TEI) Highest market once pun. Loan wary srcond Tuesday. Next shipment SPplmmbvr 15H], 15915. 'tnnmnttntmmmiurumtmnttmmtml. Dr. J. H. Webb. Esq S. B. Brickvr, Isg. (ion, Dxehel, Esq. I. L. Whitman, Elq., SI. Jun. Allan Bowman, Eu... Preston. P. K. Shana, Prawn. Thomas Gowdy, Farq., andâ€. Jamel Livingatott, FAIL, Baden. Ihrhurd Hum-hm m, Esq. (ion. DiPtwl, Pr,,idirnt. A Ilan Bow. man, ' ace-President Levi Shuh, Manager. I Arthur Foster, ln-pectoa J. C. Reign, Solicitor. v. A. Boehm, District Agent ".u--m-tt-ttt-ttttt' Total Assets, 31at Dec. $750,000.00 Older Mill Opens; The understand will opo- 3bder um on Wand-y. and rruraltar. each weak until fur. her notice. Hiaoelhneou W ant- Farms I Farms l C. C. DlEl‘ENBACHER Giotto. Watch“. upon-clot, and "w.trr "pm"; also an up can. Jewelry luck. - of MINI... New“. In. Quad. lop-In prompcly do“. All work guaranteed. choice residences in exchange tor farms. We also want [in mg ior Western lurmx. The Dominion Life. BOARD OF DIRECTORS King 81. West. Waterloo. THE DOM I NXOXN LIFE We want. tarms to tell. Buy STONE/S Notice FERTILIZERS Incorporated in 180: 0.]. MOSER N. Schafer - uwun no“, Ott' WATERLOO. ONT WOLFE BROS" tt aitin OFFICERS H.790! Mu fl. t, and? 1 . Bank M Tor- um, Residence Also a tew ONTARIO """'tt,, M-4t In. my “thigh!†this“. Run-ISM. cl â€waved-ad“ lb u.. tre-Nerve' Home! Md.ttrWmteeax0muritr-aa*ed, _ M .. n. dterN.teMPt D.’ 8.0;th spun-uh. - pvny.1x'huld ht w)â€. m.m - in“. Instinsulumh-Alyhn thou-hmâ€! muwym mum-mugmmww. ‘Uy can. b " - .AP, _ can ,' a. tlttlt1N= 0‘ "lt m In Writ. and: at! at WW - Wahl. cl Toronto. and It! Ab“ Wail. at Waterloo. and an mai- unl at then have. Raitroad - On Sunday ova-ha. In. Wu Shana-at. rolict oi the latelacl Spica, paused quietly any at tho home ot her you, It. P. B. Spiel. at theagootMtrtsarsan6AmmstKs. The (metal took place from hulaâ€; residence to the Heidelberg salutary lot interment on WM! um- noon. The Memorial - will be held in the St. Jmoh. Em-tteat church on Sunday morning, Sat. to, at " o'eiocd.-Mr. and In; John Winner, Markham, amt Sunday at the home at Postmaster Winner, King Bt.--Mr. N. E. “an: is ,taik ing friends in Ptsrkdale.--Mr. Oscar Good spent the holiday with Water- loo trieadtc-Miss Newbury, ELSE; of London Conservatory, enjoyed a lew days Nth Miss Ethel Reynolds, "tutny.s'tatiott.--Mistr Lydia Filsinger is visiting friends In Toronto: Messrs. Anthony Glen, and' lsretl Weber took in the Toronto Exhibi- tion this weeks-The Elmin Fair belongs to us Woolwich lellown let us see that its a success Sept. 15th and 16th.--Mitus Eva Hewston, Mil- ton, is visiting her Mend, Mill Mor- chand, teaeher.--Mr.. A. C. Thours, was a visitor to Toronto for a few days last wetA.-Ahte more street scene on the same line as the one ton, is visiting her lriend, Miss Mor- clland, teaeher.--Mr.. A. C. Thours, was a visitor to Toronto for a few days last wetA.-Ahte more street scene on the same line as the one Saturday noon and there will he a couple men less in town until alter the war is over.-Mr. and Mrs, My. Ptaft, of Elmira, spent the week-end in town.--Misa Lensz, of Waterloo. spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hoetlit, King St. I Miss Ada Haus, of Waterloo, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Fil- smger, King St., on Monday.-Mr. Ralph Brubacher was a week-end vis- itor in ToroBto.--Msss Stephen, of Ayton, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Welker, Isabella St., this week.-- Messrs. Howard and Harold Hurst, took in the Exhibition Tuesdar-Mr,i and Mrs. Simcoe Washburn, spent'; 'the holiday with Preston 'irr,i/siiiiti'i""r-) Mr. Fl. Richmond gave a very inter- iesting talk on the Y.M.C.A. summer; institute, which he attended at Lake Couchicking, at the Y.P.A. meeting, Aug. 3ist.--Mesars. Norman Penman, Hanover; George Youngblud and daughter, ot Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Youngblud, of Montreal, were holiday guests at the "Parsonage", the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Wing, Rail- {road Are.-Miss Annie Schitmusky, 'tir. and' Mrs. Lehutaka and Mr. and ‘Mrs. llarleck and family, at Berlin, (and Mr. John Stayle, at Waterloo, i',':',',',','" the holiday with Messrs. J. H. and Alvin Thoms.-Miss Bella Weber ‘spCHt the weer-end with Queen City triemis.--Mr. and Mrs. Ferritter, of Sebringxille, were holiday visitorsin tomm--Mrs. S. Winn and son Cos, of Elmira. \isited lriends in town last ',week.--0esae Puttock. who was re- ported dead, “rote Mr. Ed. Mielke inn Aug. M, that he is well and still lin England, waiting for orders to go to the front. ' News Items :.-Mr John Kelly and Miss Maud McCa 'ot Shanon], were the guests I A . Simon Dent- inger a few days ' week. - - iittttttttntttttttttntmtMmMMttMm 1mntnnmitinmtuiirnimtmnHtttm1), _ _ _ avian. Western School District and Rural Telephone Debonturp at rune-M av tram" rates. Write for particulars. M. O'HAIA a 00. “mil Bank Building. Toronto Number unlimited. Highest mum hm mid. Next shipment Wedneoduy 803mm man, 1015. _ MtBTkat AND HUNSIEROBB Hogs Wanted AY BADEN WELLINGTON B. SWAIN! GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, King St. office, Waterloo Mutual Build. in: Established 1881. Mag tat-moat†Homer's License tor Waterloo County, I am prepared to con- duct all kinds of tarm sales, and real patate and general merchandise sales on short notice. Satisfaction guaranteed. Call or writ:- SWARTZ, R. R. 4, phone 73MB. LICENSED AUCTIONEER c. A. Boehm St. Agatha W. B. Berlin, or al C'C'dCTCsr==WL's%illilllllllllliW2 't _ IDon't Fdrget J.ytmiuumuuuniutuniur'stiui"mu:'v! E. Gerhard Heinczman Pianos ii. Tha'undersigned are instru ofier for sale the old li; Farm consisting of mu which " acres an umim tion. 20 acres are good har bush, and 5 acres of good L' pine swamp, a good log hm frame bank barn, “ith the outbuildings and nmer [will is on the premises, with all rssnry fruit trees. For furl maliun Suppl} to: In HY. mF:RONl.MUs, SAM lllERONlMI H, ii - mam. E. xxxmcn, 'rt?, E 216 King FIC, W., Merlin. E FimnnnunntummiunnnminumtE 80ml brick house. six rooms and until, good low tlon. at "Tod, on tor a small farm. This It wont lacing. Thornton & Dgu'glas, tApt. New Faii Firnishinill _ ' P" WM. E.MITCHELL _ . Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyancing Phone 925 255 King St. W. Berlin, Ont ‘00! Jt'grJ't.'"""-""""""""""""""""? tummnmmwm -ttr'._mlr+'tnta.q't' amalgamated. A ', 'C. mumps... are. ' ve _ . BEAUTIFUL Ai58ORYMENT TO cuoou rm Phone ss2 38 Frederick St. Berlin, Ont. Monty to Loan Conveyancing Insurance The undersigned desires to notify the public that he is licensed auctioneer of the County oi Waterloo. Farmers and others who purpose hold, ing sales are assured general satisfaction. Arrangements for sale run he made at the rc- sidence of the late Jos. Mie- kus, or by writing to the"urt- dersigned. W M. "I...†will 'dht) “In. JU? The undersigned begs an my nounce to the public that he has opened piano waremoms in Brrlin and aill handle a heantitul stock of theiamous Lloonsed Auctioneer GERHARD HEINTZMAN PIANOS in dim-rent styles and sues. We shall be pleased to show pianos at our warrmmns and quote prices. “I: INDY. , HI m? ““11“ 'XII amt"... MIN ‘0! HARVEY MlClii'o', 26-3 mo. V Waterloo To com. " â€IE. “on for your supply a! “HUNG PM“ Headquarters htr Books and Sporting Good. 'rq.tw.. '10000 ourruto acreu, Farm for Sale "an Ivy: 100 scram $7000 $12000 WILL EXCHANGE Doersam's Bookstore F..xecutors, Hamburg l'.0. KR. No um no Boer MINI... 'urs " acres, Bun 175 Acres, Buy. " acreu, my: " acres, Real Estate Bun 150 Acres, 7 re instructed to ' old Hieronimus oi mu acres of no under cultiva- goud hard wood rf good cedar and l log house, good ith the novmsary Apr tailing water with all the "ed- For turther intor- M-tt 3 mllel from um». 5 mne- from lam". 6 mi!“ trirm tKritn, 1 mCle from ‘qum 12 " mile. from Iorlln‘ mile. from Berlin mam lrom lama t!Punmtttrtttumtttttut-tte, 2- no You Appmlato i iit, First i iemtiiionmunnnnvatmttttttttttt- Ii so have your wants sup- phed here. We always keep on hand them! Beef, Pork, um!) and 1lqtetttt-tttqttttt "p THE MERGAITILE FIRE INSURIIBE Head Office, Waterloo lltt * . “W 0 IIW HA m UWILLAI mummmlw“ “by not buy your mail hero and grt the best , EDGAR FISCHER Hucces,sor to J. B. Pitcher. Phone 1213. Waterloo. A ll the I pally 465.00 Water loo, Ont Subscribed Capital ...$250,000 Deposit with the Domin- ion Government ...3I56,698.0I INCORPORATED 1875 Mired mum, see: . BOEHM, DIST. AGT, policies guaranteed br. ancashire Insurance Com. with Assets of $80tq86g' Sausage Class OOIPMIY Meats n1 a; Phone '"