; ~B%. Thontas, Aug. 15.â€" The first ‘fatality on the newly electrified Lonâ€" ‘;don & Port Stanley Railway occurtâ€" _ed yesterday afternoon when a special j , conveying Sit Adam Beck and a i ir of Al;::k‘ln visitors to Port , cras into a b i â€" F by Wm. H. Berry udugsï¬ydm veg afl& atâ€"the tevel â€"orossing qust Middlings per ton .... Corn, bush. ... ..... Manitoba flour cwt . Blender Ontario Hour Wheat per bus Barley (eed) Oats, Ontario Butter, per Ib. Fezs. pei doi Peas Wheat (Standard) ur (Special) . Flour (Julict)) Flour (Chie!) ... Shorts Bran, Barley Live t Butter Hay, per ton new Oats, per. Buckwheat ... Bran, pet ton Hay, per ton !h!.l, live ..... potatoes per | , per doz. Dictator ... .. Snpowdrift ......... mo’i aire 359. Leal ....... Wheat, per bush Outs, per bush. . Wheat, per bush. ........ ...... ... 1.10. Hogsâ€"Receipts, 12,000; _ market OktS, P# buslk. ... ... ..l... .60 weak; light, $6.90 to $7.75; mixed, _â€"_â€"___â€"_______._ 1§$6.20 to $7.60; heavy, $5.95 to $7; mmm rough, $5.95 to $6.15; pigs, $6.90 to $7.90; bulk of sales, $6.25 to $7.05. w BY ADAM ; Sheep_Receiptecy 14900;,. market * hk weak; sheep, $5.80 to $6.25; lambs, 1 ‘8 SPECIAL CAR | native, $6.25 to $8.50. uo ihe viliage, mr. nerry was Tobighty"? Fillea, and " his dnughter was rebdered unconscious . and â€" reâ€" céived severe scalp wounds. She is now in Amasa Wood Hospital here, and is récovering. The horse was rmA »] ‘ Mr. Berry was a rural mail cartict Beef, hindauarte and was on his way to Port Stanley| u6. rorequarte Â¥rom his home in Southwold, and :p-l do, cHoice si mm heard not saw . th : ::':lnm | car as it‘ came around moie eurve. Sir Adam was in the vestiâ€" .":.‘;:"‘ ’r}:‘;‘ f ot the ea¢ at the time ot | t Bhon buss . > t. Mr. vias 45 yoou. a $y es s fllp‘ï¬mu†his wife, four Lambs, spring ‘Of St. will open . an inquest : Monday norning: Stratiord, August i9, 1915 Berlin, August 13, 1915 Waterioo, August 12, 1915 STRATFORD MARKETS Hogs WATERLOO MARKETS , per ton per ton (Special) (Juliet) (Chief) . (leed) .... Elmira, August 19, 1$15 , new per peck GaK, August 1%, 1915 ELMIRA MARKETS GUELPH MARKETS GALT MARKETS Guelph, Aug. 18, 1915 pet bag per V 85 $1.00 ol 11.00 3.35 3.30 Dairy 1 .85 to 1,f}0 Bakers .50 13 uu§ A5 to ......29.00 aserâ€" +800 ..60. to 65 8.25â€"8.40 .21 .38 ... $1,00 carce:" We 25 to 26 10 AP 1.10 .14 16.00 30.00 | . .90 10.00 . .33 POrSHED (GTBIN FIICCE 3 34 Manitoba flour quotations at Torâ€" 3.3p onto are: First patents, $7.10 in cotâ€" 340 wa; secuud | paCERcS, $0.00° RI jyuse, 1 ap stromg bakers, $6.30 in jute. _ __ _ 1.10 1.10 $3.40 3.80 3.65 . 3.40 1.10 28 35 | Spring brotlers ; Old turkeys .. Farkeys ...... Ducklings ..... T ther Mals, choice Buither built, (101¢° «o. medium ......... "@o. â€" rough sologna.. .. Feeders, 900 to 1,000 Ibs do. â€" medium :.......‘7.00 common ........ 5.50 l&l. mlx‘l.h-‘;:: mu::. 5.50 Ewes, light ............ 5.59 Sheep, héavy and bucks 3.00 Mogs, weighed off cars. %.15 do. fed and watered 9.00 Creamery prints, fresh.. .27 .29 Creamery solids ........ .26 27 Dairy prints ........... .22 .25 HARCKK ...:...:â€"cc.seces. OA .32 Honeyâ€"Buckwheat, 7%¢ a pound, in tins; To to T%c in barrels; strained élover homey, 12%e; 14c in 5â€"1b. tins; :Olllb honey, No. 1, $3 per dozen; No. , $2.40 per dozen. Poultry Live Dressed Old fowl Th |. 1%e 2.. 15e 18e Ontario octsâ€"No. 2 white, 57c to &8¢, outside; No. 3, 56c to 57c. ~ Buckwheatâ€"Nominal. Branâ€"Mauic»ba, $27, in bags, Tor onto, and shorts $29, Fo:onto, mid dlings, $30. _ â€" Rolied oats‘â€"$3 to $3.10 per bas. Barleyâ€"Ontario No. 3. 70¢, nominal, outside; feed barley, 65c. Manitoba wheatâ€"Bay portsâ€"No. 1 mortherm, $1.40%; No. 2, $1.38%; No. 8, $1.34%, track, lake ports. ‘Cornâ€"No. 2, 84%, c.Lf., bay ports; Canadian, No. 2. nom‘nal. _ Ontario flourâ€"$4.60; new, $4.10 sea ports, 63c. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 white, $1.15 outside; now wheat, nomiral, $1.02 to $1.04. Fruitsâ€"Wholesale Clerries, good, per bskt.$ . do. â€" common ....... ..« s, qt. box Pmgnernice takt.. . . Gesseberries, bekt. . Red. currants, . bskt.. do. per quart‘.... Black currants .... Apples, hamper .... Peaches, Cal., case.. I Hogsâ€"Receipts, 3,600 head; fairly .-ctlve; heavy, $7.16 to $7.25; mixed, â€" $1. 40 n.:us; yorkers, $8 to $8.10 1 $8.06 to $§.10; roughs, $5.75 ‘u.u; stagse, $4.50 to $5.%5. _ I Bhepp and lambsâ€"Receipts, 2,2 ‘ headt: ~ucktive: sheep steady; lambs, do. Georgia, case.. Lemons, case ....... Melons, case ........ Beef, hindau: u6. . rorequt | do. cHtoice : mediur comme .huon. light Veals, prime ghan noes . Â¥y hogs do Lohb Cattleâ€"Receipts, _ 3,000; market slow; native beef steers, $6.10 to $10.25; western steers, $6.75 to $9.25; cows and heifers, $3.10 to $9; calves, $8 to $11.50. MARKET â€"quorAtions | * . Wbhsiesale Produce Toromto wholcszie prices to the Bpecia$ (cartons) ...., . .284 to .25 Extras (selects) ..... .2‘ .24 No. 1 (new latd) ..... .2 .23 Ts + ras irmaÂ¥k es« ons > s h .19 New. large, 15Â¥%c% ¢0. tins, 15%c; large, 21%c; do. twins, Cattleâ€"Receipts, 200; steady Vealsâ€"Receipts, 125 head; $4.50 to $11.50.0 _ > _ _ _ Butterâ€" $R to. $250. yearlinge, $4.50 to Â¥7.50 wethers, $6.75 ? $1; ewes, $3 to $6.50 sheep, mixed, $6.50 to $6.75. Dressed Meats Wholesale houses are quoting to the retail trade as follows: Beef, hindauarters... .$15.50 to $16.50 u6. . rorequarters .. 10:v) £4 . u9 dao. cHoice side .. 12.25 13 .50 Peasâ€"No. 2, nominal. Ryeâ€"No. 2, nominal. Canada western catsâ€"No. 2, at bay *« aAvaust 11â€" â€" Toronto Grain Prices Chicago Live Stock EBast Buffalo Cattle 18¢ 16e $8 . 25 to $8. 90 1.50 ’-0’ 6.15 1.25 .50 §.50 4.50 6.15 .20 5.15 4. 40 $15.50 to $16 . 50 ~agruy . i1.09 12.25 13 .50 12 40 to $ 40 08 25 ‘ 35 40 06 00 2 50 50 25 15 15 15 23¢ 17¢ 25 09 1 00 $0 .00 $0.00 10 .50 15 6.00. §.00 1.50 1.50 6 .30 6.00 1.%6 8.50 active £4.50 25¢ 4.16 50 13 12 14 20 12 10 60 00 10 50 60 0 50 00 GEORGE BRAMIN x August 16th, 1915 Minutes of â€" the 688th session _ of Wilmot Township Council was . held at the Township Hall, Baden, on Monday, the isth day of August, 1915. Members all present, the Reeve presiding. The minutes of the previous session were read and confirmed. Moved by A. C. Hallman, seconded by Wesley Erb, that leave be given the mover to introduce a Byâ€"law to provide for Current and _ Necessai expenses for the year 1915 and 19 and for other purposes, and that s Byâ€"Jaw by now read a first and sec ond .time.â€"Carried. Moved by A. M. Zoeller, seconded by George Lantz, thut leave be given the mover to introduce a Byâ€"law t« levy and collect the sums required by the Trustecs of the various | Scho Sections in the Township for the enâ€" suing year andthat said Byâ€"law be now read a ist ond 2nd time.â€"Carâ€" ried. Moved by Wesley Erb, seeonded by A. M. Zoeller, that leave be giit the mover to introduce a Byâ€"Jaw to borrow a certain sum of money until the taxes are paid.â€"Carried, Moved by (A. M. Zoeller, seconded by (ieo Lantz, that this Council now go into committee of the whole comâ€"BYâ€"LAWe.â€"CAFHAA â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Weslevy Erb in the chair. The blanks in the several Byâ€"laws having been filled; the rate of taxation hayâ€" ing been struck at 81 mills on th« dollar, the Committee arose, ant council resumed. s by A. C. Haliman that the ponds 0" Eph. Snider, H. Walker and John Noll be accepted as ammle and satisâ€" factory and that the Clerk pe and is nereby instructed to hand over t rolls to the respective collectors on the First day . ot Uctoper, 1915.â€" Carried. p Moxed by A. C. Hallman, seconded by Wesley Erb 2that the follow ing accounts . be pas&d and that the Reeve issue his orders on the Treasâ€" urer in payment ofâ€" same, viz: Are constantiy being. made.. on Drop in and see‘ our new . .. s SCREWLESS lo_uwnm ~‘Ne.scraws to locaeh, no shaky far less breakages. 8 .>â€" m‘un all lqu \"4.‘.51 Engagement Rings 208 QUEEN S., BERLIN, ONT. Phone No. 201. Our magnificent stock is ready for your inspection. Our courteous saltsâ€" men will be happy to show you all the ~ew designs and point out their beauâ€" ies. The Solitoire, Twin, the Clusâ€" or and the Hoop, are all to be seen, set with diamonds, rubies, emeralds, pearls, sopphire and opals. All gom: st.rare beauty and at reasonable pric C é l‘ ; â€"A Ii /«//}( NT J x C a w s :"l'(\,"zâ€â€œ *\ "x * @ ARNOLD JANSEN Wilmot Tp. Council. 61 Frederick ~St., right at the market building, â€" NEW iIMPROVEMENTS mo EXPERT WATCHMAKERS. | ’ Store near Post Office, Derlin. eesoouc 08000000 000000000000Rgo00c00e000s0e00c Berlin, Phone 874 HELLER BROS. Clerk presented the Collector‘ of the various collectors. _ Jt oved hy Weslcy Etb, seconded C. Hallman that the ponds of o BA rBL® old Medal Brand is the best on the marâ€" ket. Give It a trial and you will use no otner,. , 523 time Read The having Moved A .M ant an F..H.. McCallum, and _ . . epsts re umm 105 00 EFI_ udulht;l.; dnns, !?‘I“:< | .1. less garnishe¢ / €084®.. a 1 | Jace m“nm,.'c-cd.g_ | Canadian Exbress CO.. & $ 80 ; Wim. s....u.mfl":'- 1 Menno Gascho, 0};‘ :hl pacts â€"at #0c, on Wi % Wat * v.’mgtl‘rï¬uy‘“ Wihnob Agr; © / annual _*" TARE ;.,.,,. .. oxt affties .100 00 Arug. lmumz.‘“umn 8 15 E... McCallum, garnisheg and _ , â€" +Onâ€" motion the â€" Council adjfoutned 3 the 20th day. .of Reptember, J Tye FREIGET CRASHED HUNS PREPARE FOR TROUBLE IN s THE BALKANS phipping Hogs Wanted Highest market price paid. . Load every second Tuesday. Next shipment August 24th,, 1915. Uumemenen en t t 1t Wallenstein C.P.R. Station. numâ€" wer unlimited. 5 bus, Ohio, Aug. 12â€"Marâ€" garet.Sellars, Thornie Nef _ and 'rna1 Mitcheti of Mount Sterling, and an Holler, a Pickaway County farmer, were killed and 20 others injured, several probably fatally, eariy this morning when a Baitimore & Ohio . Southwestern Railroad freight crashed into a special carrying a party of the Mount Sterling Knights of Pythias :odue, returning fromâ€" an excupâ€" on. ~ ADHHdddmrnie en London, Aug. 14.â€" The Centralt News Amsterdam despatch reports that Germany is preparing for evâ€" entualities in the Balkans by transporting forty thousand troops from Warsaw to the Serâ€" bian frontier: When a man gives his fiancee a diaâ€" mond engagement ring and later fails to give his wile a life insurance polâ€" icy, he needs a guardian, not a wile. Be wise and insure your life in THE DOMINION LIFE Low Death Loss Economy of Manageâ€" ment. i Head Office â€" Waterloo, Ont. $000000000000000000000 0060000000000 Canoner EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR Number of years experience a3 Auctioneerâ€" Practical knowâ€" ledge of values, live stock, impleâ€" ments, etg. is prepared to conâ€" duct sales and assures the pubâ€" lic every satisfaction. Phone 136, Waterloo, or leave orders at Chronicleâ€"Telegraph office, Watâ€" erloo, or Daily Telegraph, Berâ€" lin. h+ 12f WELLINGTON B. SWARTZ C. C. DIEFENS8ACHER Having taken out an Auctionâ€" eer‘s License for/ Waterloo Coâ€" unty, 1 am prepared to conduct all kinds of farm sales, and real estate and general merchandise sales on short notice. \Satisfaction guaranteed. Call or write W. B. SWARTZ, r 13 LICENSED AUCTIONEER RE AL ES TA T E O > i Money to Loan Conveyancing â€" Insurance | _.‘,â€"‘,‘â€"'T'TT:‘__“‘“:_’)'_$__-,__ | 313.(“ Buys 1“ acres, m As a AAA Boos 4MN s~see 2 suilas frah Hariim. . 1 H. B. DUERING INTO SPEOCIAL; FOUR KILLED wt The Dominion Life. Phone 552. io. Thi / the Dh phanks R. 4., Berlin, or phone 735 P. H. Roos, Special Agt., Waterloo, Ont J. G. WING & CO. (Canadian Press.) es t * Sim Buys 100 acres, 3 inile« freim Werim. ‘8,5«) Buys 134 acres, 9 miles from Berlin. ’5,7«) Buys 100 acres, 9 miles from Berlin. W Buys 15 acres, 1 mile from Berlin. nm Buys 100 acres, 16 miles from Beriin. w Buys 175 acres, 14 miles from Berlin $2le Buys 8 aereo,_l miles from Berlin. * FRAugust Bargains 15 s oo"ff Stook‘ taking Nas disdlogeod many bargaingâ€"ull over the store 38 Frederick St., Berlin, Ont IN ~THR ESTATE â€" or® . HHGH â€" PIMME, deceased. & NOTICE TO CREDITORS pursuant to Chapter 21 of the Reâ€" vised Statutes of Ontario, 1914, that all . créditors .and ..others, m-c clains against the estate of H FRAME, late of the Tewn of Waterâ€" loo, in the County of. Waterloo, and Province of Ontario, Gentleman, . deâ€"" ceased, who died on or about the fifteenth day of June, 191§, are e quired, _ on or before the thirtyâ€"first day of August, 1915, to deliver . . or send ‘ by _ post . prepaid to . MRS. JEANNIE KNIGHT, 18 Kirkland St., Guelph; Ontario, Executrix, , ; of the Will of the said deceased,, their names in .. full, with their addresses and descriptions, full particulars. . . of their claims, and statements, of the security, ifl any, held by~them ; and tshat after the said thirtyâ€"first day of August, 1915, \he said â€"Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the saic deceased among the partâ€" ies entitled thereto, having regard only to claims . of whith@she shall then have reccived Mice,'&will not be‘liable for the said ts to any person of whose claim she¢, shali not then have réceived notice, â€" Waterioo, Ont. 30â€"3t. Solicitor for the Exécutrix NOTICEâ€" IS ~HEREBY GIVEN, DATED 24th Juiy, 1916.. C . JAMES C. HAIGHT, Boys® COTTON JERsEYS, all sizes, long and short digewee, teg 25¢, to clear at .. .» .+~ Y80 (Analysis guaranteed.) Just the food your farth heeds. TRY T. ; Brands for every crop. For sale by ' Dumart & Co., Berlin. Jacob Poll, Mammheim. WILLIAM STONE SONS, LTD., Woedstock, Ont. Alt ETRAW ‘HATS at just HALF PRICE. Farms! Farms! =mStONC‘ S m __FERTILIZERS . We want farms ta sell. Buyers waiting. . A!so a few choice residences in : exchange for farms We atso want listing for Western farms, ' Room 1, above Bank of Toronto Phone 128. . ; i 0__ C _ Write for information. Thorntory & Pouglas, Limited N. S$CH AFER Residence Phone 867. Fenâ€"~*trk>" guntie, * * Western School District and Rural Telephone Debentures at current atâ€" tractive rates.. Write.for particulars. oys cgaiies "li."b'ul}a’ BRA & CO, Royal Bank Building. #090000099000000000008 ecscsee HIGHER ~ACCOUNTING â€"~HOME STUDY COURSES _ are offered by: The Shaw Correspondence School, Toâ€" ronto, to all progressive Bookkeepers and students of Accounts, ‘They,lead to Chartered Accountancy Examinaâ€" tions and to better salaries. _ Write for _ our new descriptive catalogue. (G. W. Chant, Secretary, W. H. Sbaw, President, 395 Yonge street. Toronto. 20â€"4%. Read and Advertise in the f & â€" â€" Waterloo Chronicleâ€" Telegraph ecssecssonedesce0ee0e0e0ess C smm e fon minds â€" + (wi i beautifu} stock.of \mfl Gerhard Reintzman Pianos ;:‘wna uw_cuurr: & _ Successor to J. B. Fischer, e «& Phone 243. Waterioo. & eee 0000000 00 a 000 0 0 0 0 o 0 One lot of BQOYS SHIRTS with collar attached, slzes i2 to 14, reqular 506 to .clear at . .. . @HC ‘ Headquarters for Books and Sporting Goods Supplies. t 0008000000000 000000009 000000090000 0008800800 in diferent styles .and: sizes. . We shalt be pleased to lkn..‘ pianos . at . out wu‘,ooul quote pct_ml. - ~Benj. E./énydcf 416 ‘King St., W;, Berlin. Gerbay m-brd & begs to an nounte to "public that he TAKE BOOKS ON YOUR VACATION Iif so have your wants supp{ied e here... We always k¢ep on hand & choice | : Beef, Pork, Lamb & and Homeâ€"made : Sausage s Why not buy your meats here and get the best? THE MERCANTILE FIRE ~INSURANCE â€"â€"~m COMPANY m â€"â€" ~ INCORPORATED 1875 Head Office Waterloo Supscribe@ Capital .....$250,000 CGeneral Insuraret: Atat®r King. 8t. Ofice, Waterioo Mutua! Building, Extablished 1864 C. A. Boohm, Dist. Agt. â€" Do ‘not pay tw6 prices at‘summer resorts. . We have in stock large lot of the finest books,â€"good binding, and splendid titles. These are.great value. . Meadquarters for. Writing Stationery. _ EDGAR FISCHER Deposit. with the Dominâ€" w4on GoÂ¥ernment ...$156,698.90, , Watertlog, Ont. Phone 249 2 #" All â€" policies guaranteed ‘Y the Lancashire Insurance Com pany with Assete of $29,636,â€" 465.00; # * Do You Appreciate . A. BOEHM DOERSAM‘S Bookstore Alfred Wright, Secretaiy Class Meats zZman Toronto. 25â€" i ARNDTâ€"WILKES. ' The marriage took place dn Tuesâ€" day, August 3rd, of Miss Winnifrid Wilkes, Church street, to Mr. Erwin Arndt, Locust â€"‘street; _The‘ cereâ€" mony was peeformed by Rev. S. H. Bwartz. at his residence, 47 Eby street. ‘The young couple will reside in Berlin. h s August 18th, 1915. Master and Hunsberge One lot of MEN‘S BALBRIG GAN UNDERWEAR, reguiar 35« to elemrâ€"at ... 2s â€"s> +«++ †Many more such saving ces are to be found at the Drop in. WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Total Assets, 3ist. Dec â€" $750,000.00 Number ‘unlimited. Highest market loe naiX. ‘Next shinmenk Weduesda® he undersigned . . desires to tify the public that he is a licensed auctioncer of the Colinâ€" ty of Waterioo. .. Rarmers . and others <who: purpose ~ holding sales are assured general satis faction. . Arraugements for sale canâ€"be made at the.residence of the late Jos. Mickus, or by writâ€" ing to the undersigned. HARVEY: MHICKUS, Dr. J. H. Webb, Esq. f Williany Snider, Esq. Geo. Dicbel, Esq. J. L. Wideman, Esq., St. !260»« Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E. Shantz, Preston. Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Livingston, &q., Baden. Frank Haight, Esq. Wm. Snider, President. Geo. Diebel. Viceâ€"President. Frank Haight, Manager. Arthur Foster, Inspector. J. C. Haigh, Solicitor. * C. A. Bochm, District Agens. + \"*AT BADEN LICENSED AUCTIONEER A. K. CRESSMAN, Waterioo,~ Ont. BOARD OF DIRECTORS GCerman spoken .HYMENEAL Incorporated in 1863. Mortgages * â€"+a 46 Wi!l!s vr i t t e . Here are some WATERLOO, ONT. (Deeds, OFFICERS. Shudd!. . deld is &3 $1.6 44