Ki 41 Wi t Li Way, per tom Butter, per 1b Middlings, per Butter, per !b Eggs, per doz Hogs, live ... Hogs, dressed %’atoJ Pm Hay per, ton Hgy, per ton .0 .. . Bubter, per lb. ... &, per @0%4. ..â€"....0 y potatoes, peT bag Mlu )e:, pet bag Wikat (Standard) ‘.» Ogats l"h_wr Fiput Flour (feed) ... Shorts, per ton hbat per busher ... éfley (eed) ....s2 . s, Ontario ... . En, per ton ..0l. j@dlings per ton ... F. bU&B. ..ll22 .0 itoba flour ewt . Â¥hder Ontario flour L.' 'pevr 10%, ... i 9 atoes, new per peck iley +« ‘@a hogs Eter .... , HVR \......~> toes per bag STRATFORb MARKETS u‘t; high grade s, per . bush. nl[ per cwi .. keps,: each" ... , per ton new gs, per doz ator wdrift le‘s WATEKLOO wmiARKETS Galt, August 5th, it, per bushel ....; t, family, per cwt lings, pes ton , per tom .. . per ton ... Stratford, Aug Waterloo, August 5 (Special) (Juliet) (Chiet) _ per ton Elmira, August 5, 1915 per GALT MARKEiS ton ELMIRA MARAKETS Leat ... per bush GUELPH MARKETS ana old ton ielph, /ug 5th, 191 ... 10 .30.00 to 28.00 to 10.00 to w annand 83 t.60 to ..3.40 3 1.50 3 23 to 25 45 to 50 852 to 24 to 13 1915 60 50 §0 65 35 22 28.00 .65 30.00 2 18 to 26 o 29 .8.10 10.40 19.00 1.10 3.15 3.60 8.50 .65 26 $10.00 30 19.00 to 1.10 $1 4.15 1.90 29 .00 28 63 .00 .00 .90 1.00 3.50 1.00 1.10 .53 _ Manitoba flour q 3.65 onto are: First pat« 3.55 ton; second patont a j5 strong bakers, $6.30 ..8.50 to 40 to 23 1.170 Sl:lg.mnomlrnu. outside. 1.10 4 s 77: * Dressed Meats x 75' Wholesale houses are quot .“'00 retail grade as follows: '2‘,'"0 Beef, Ri@gdquarters ... $12.7 "2'00 &o. forequarters ... 10.7: Psmasses eholge colll 12.T $3.10 3.80 3.45 3,50 1.10 40° 60 14 .50 .28 .00 b5¢ 00 65 10 do. mediuc ... Butcher cows. clho‘s do. good . .â€"~... do. common ... Butcher bulls, chol. do. gocod bulls .. do. modium ..... do. rough holog:s Feeders, 900 to 1,00( do. bulls _ ..... Stockers, 10‘ to 3X do. 0 med . son te do. SkiPR. on ic Canners .......... Cutt@efs ...ccsore+s Milkers, choice, ca Spriugers . ...« Calves. ven!, cholce do. medirn ... do,. common ... Lambe, yearlings .. Culled lambs ..... Buek lambs ...... Ewes, light ....... ‘Shaep. heavy and Hogs:, weiczh d oif 20 _Toronto trade : Che 16%4¢; Dairy prinis Bakers‘ ... tins; Te to 2%e clover honey, 12% comb honey, No. 1 2, $2.40 per gozen Poultry Old fowl, Ib Spring bro{ Old turkeys Turkeys ... Ducklings . UntArMO oc lSâ€"y &8c, outside; No. | Buckwheatâ€"Non Branâ€"Nacaicoba, tTto, and shorts dlings, $30. Rolled oatsâ€"§3 to $3 â€"Barleyâ€"Ontario No. 3 outside; feed barley, 6: Manitoba wheat â€" Bay morthern, $1.35; No. 2. $1.28%4, track, lake por do Cornâ€"No. 2, ~6C, CI3, Camadian, No. 2, nowina Ontario fiourâ€"$4.60, sc Pearâ€"No. 2, nominal. Ryeâ€"No. 2, nominal. Canada Westerm oatsâ€" ports, 62c. Ontario wheatâ€"No. 2 w $1.15, nominal, outside. REBSâ€" SBpectal (cartons Extras (selects) No «o. forequarters Carcases, choice . do. common .. Veals, common .. do. medium ... do." prime ..... Ho Heayg hogs .. Shop hogs ... Mutton, heavy do. light Spring lamb Yearling Tam Catije canâ€" 1 (new laid) ry Toronto Grain Chicago â€"FLeceipt nduvo _beef steela $ hol Icw? ale Frod 100 Live 12e it enn to $3.1% per bag. Live Stock nt prices al 14 15 Prices in §â€"44. r dozer ports No. 2, at bay hite. §1.10 to bay 00 16« 23¢ . nominal Drosse o. migk to $13 11 13 11 twi « to the porta 0 14 11 .0 14 0 GEORGE BRAMNV , Catt] active Hogs heavy, / {t '7&‘k i Peaches, Ca do. â€" Geor do. Cana Watermelon Plums, per itedâ€"currant Black curra Are constantly being made on Eyegiass Mountings. _ Raspborri Thi No screws to loosen, no shaky lenges, far less breakages. Som« thing we have all been wishi~g for. «â€" Ottawa Baled 20 b Duridas ims, C ntalou; Drop SCREWLESS MOUNTINGS Chronicleâ€"Telegraph, Waterloo, Thurs d ug; $6.10 ) to $0.10 ARNOLD JANSEN NEW IMPROVEMENTS bleberries Orangev nromto, & : on a c _ Martin ‘sted yes taken bi Toronto Wholezale Fri®s ippl ENGAGEMENT RINGS Frederi the in EXPERT WATCHMAKERS Store near Post Office, Seriin. Baled Hay ants age n« at the f« HELLER BRCS. W EN S., Bi Phone No Canadian 20 Aug. 4 e D 11 AF $11 le it to d St., richt ¢t building, BERLIN, ONT 3.0 is the best on the marâ€" ket. Give It a trial and you will use no otner. 11 and Straw â€" w buying on track, Pt ur new 1% Casualties I NAL la Medai GBrand ilt ~ofâ€"accictes an, Ottawa. r Arrested boad; {atrly Liv hat $6.40 to ; rough mar W1 11 market hesw, $1 tI l JITNEYS IN BERLIN a' l MUST PAY LICENSE|Z ‘The jitne} Jitney place u0d with th 1| m Sept i Canadiali I,_;, il Nationa EXHIBITION $150,000 \/t3,&° $150,000 Model Military Camp Destruction of Battleships Battles of the Air Farm under Cultivation Millions in Livestock Government Exhibits | WAR TROPHIES | Belgian Art Treasures Creatore‘s Famous Band Biigest Cat and Dog Show Field Grain Competition Greater Poultry Show Acres of Manufactures REDUCED RAILWAY RATES FROM ALL POINTS mond engazemen to erre his wife HIGIH licad Office P. T "PATRIOTIC YEAR" | PObeccsosgsasccsceesescecs 0000000000000 ecere~ Military Display MARCH OF THE ALLIES Wi Naval Spectacle REVIEW OF THE FLEET The undersigned _ desires to notify the publig that he is a ty of Waterloo. Farmers and others who purpose hoiding sales are, assured gencral satisâ€" faction. Arrangements for sale can be made at the residence of the late Jos. Mickus, or by writâ€" ing to the undersigned. HARVEY MICKUS, 26â€"3 mo. Waterloo. B One Thousand and One New Things to See )1 LICENSED AUCTIONEER The Dominion Life. TORONTO wise THI Deat) cCO MAMMOTH THRILLING the D x Waterloo, Ont Roos, Special Agt., Waterloo, Ont. 1 dr i y ies his fiancee a.diaâ€" t ring and laterfails a hife insurance polâ€" guardian, not a wile. isure your life in JINION LIFE Bconomy of Manageâ€" cets ce the jit the street alaries ptive ( August 5, 1915 / Page 8 d the PINXG _ HOME are offered by pr nge street. §91t jookkeepers They lead ital W Write ue H "Od O en e Lt Oe n en n O an d OO nn d 4 ï¬lllllllllllllIIIlllllllll"llllllllllllllllll!flï¬l Shipping Hogs Wanted Highest warket price paid Load every second Tuesday. Next shipment Auzust 10th, 1915. . At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station. numâ€" her unlimited: â€" aTY Pssy Highest warket »nieo paid Load NOTICE vised ill security, it any, hbeld by them ; and that. after the said thirtyâ€"first day of August, 1915, the said Executrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the partâ€" ies entitled _ thereto, having regard only to _ claims _ of which she shall then have _ received notice, and will not he liable for the said assets to anv person of whose claim she shal not then have received notice. ~DATED 24th July, 1915. ! f JAMES C. HAGGHT, ‘ Waterloo, Ont. SR Selicitor for the Executrix. L A1 R A MI NOTICH EXPERIENCED AVCTIONEER AND VALVUATOR Number of years experience as Augt'igryvâ€" Practical knowâ€" ledge of Values, live stock, impleâ€" ments, etc. is prepared to conâ€" duct sales and assures the pubâ€" lic every satisfaction. . Phone 136, Waterloo, or leave orders at Chronicieâ€"Telegraph office, Watâ€" erioo, or Daily Telegraph, Berâ€" Him. 12tf THE FlA MJ Vn 1 by ANNII bought, sold and exchanged. See my listings before buying. Once a customer always a customer, a square _ deal for all. . Charges reasonable. FARMS AND CITY PROPERTY U REAL ESTATE Insurance & Conveyancing. Phone 925 255 King St W H. B. DUERING Dumart & Co., Berlin. Jacob Poll, Mannheim. WILLIAM STONE son§s, LTD., â€" Woodstock, Ont. ‘.C. DIEFENBACHER (Anal}sis guaranteed.) Just the food your farm needs TRY IT. Brands for every crop. For sale by Dumart & Co., Berlin. Farms! Farms! We want farms tn sell. Buyers waiting. NA so a few choice «esidences in exchange for farms We also want listing for Western farms. Statute creditor Room 1, above Ba Phone 1267.. _ th in _ d1 scriptic uciph I1 of the @.Stone‘s . FERTILIZERS Write for Wm. E. Mitchell Lle st the estate of 1 e of the Town of \ ‘ounty of Waterloo Ontanio, Gentlemar died on or about P . 5CH AFER th TO CREDITORS deceased of June, 1915, are _ reâ€" or before the thirtyâ€"first st, 1915, to deliver _ or post prepaid to _ MRS. KNIGHT, 18 Kirkland Ontario, Executrix _ of the â€" said deceased, their ull, with their addresses ons, full particulars _ of . aud statements of the wiy, beld by them ; and the said thirtyâ€"first day 1 Residence Phone 867 PATE _ OÂ¥ HUGH pter 12 \Ontari and HEREBY GIVE information other tate o ik of Toronto [ the d 1914, t HVA [ Wate the de M Western School District and Rural Telephone Debentures _ at current atâ€" tractive rates. Write !or: ‘parucuiau. â€"=_____ H. O‘HARA & cCO Royal Bank Building FOR SALEâ€"Organ in rrstâ€"class con 2000000000000000000008 eese80e000004600000000080 Read and Advertise in the Waterloo Chronicleâ€" Telegraph dition, waluut case, _ at a bargain. ‘Thos. Sherrington, Erb St., Elmira. 14â€"tff o00 e 00 e0e o 00 000 0 0t 0 0 0 o Neat patterns, soft, double cuffe, lars separate all silk shirts inclu ded. Thornton & Douglas, Ltd. Boys‘ Lounge Shiris regular §0¢ for ... .... Linen and Lounge _ Collars, 20 dozen, to clear at 4 for 25c Gerhard Heintzman Pianos ©000000000000000000000 00000000000 0000 0008866 | THE MERCANTILE | FIRE INSURANCE : Successor to J. B. Fischer. ® & Phone 243. Waterloo. @ 0 e 0 000000000 o o a o e o o o 0 0 Gerhard Heintzman Pianos Stock Taking Snaps has opened _ piano warerooms in Berlin and will handle _ a beautiful stock of the famous C. A. BOEHM in different styles and sizes. We shall be pleased to sho pianos at our warerooms and quote prices. Regular $2.50 for Regular $2.00 for Reguiar $1.50 for Do You Appreciate First Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made Sausage If so have your wants supplied here... We always keep on hand choice s Whynot buy your meatsâ€"here and get the begs2 1NCORPORATED 1875 Head Office Waterloo Office, Waterloo Mutual BRuilding, Established 1864 C. A. Boehm, Dist. Agt. EDGAR FISCHER Deposit with the Dominâ€" ion Govermment .. $156,698.00 We‘ve everything required for picnickers in the way of Napkins unch Baskets and ali kinds of Games. Supscribed Capital Al _ policies guaranteed by the Lancashire Insurance Com pany with Assets of $29,636,â€" 465.00. Waterlog, Ont Benj. E. Snyder he undersigned begs to anâ€" nce to the public that h 216 King St DOERSAM‘S Bookstore Reductions in Men‘s and Boys‘ Wash Vests, etc General Headquarters for Books and Sporting Goods Supplies Alfred Wright, Secretaiy Class BONDS. THIB TIME ITS MEN‘S .OUNGE SHWiRTS COMPANY :: MENԤS AND BOYS‘ qUTFITTERS Kinga St STRAW HATS Meats icknickers W Berlin Toronto $1.88 $1.50 $1.13 $250,000 33 ne 249 251| Master and Hunsberge Afont HALF PRICE aud 5 acres of good cedar and . pine swamp, a good log house, good frame bank barn, with the necessary . OUtâ€" buildings and never failing water is on the premises, with all the necesâ€" sary fruit trees. For further inforâ€" mation apply to: Numbet unlimited. Highest market price aaid. Next shipment Wednesday August 4th, 1915. 29â€" Boys‘ Cotton Jerseys, long and 300-\ sleeves, sizes 22 to 18c §§, to clear ... ... .. !. and some with soft lounge co Men‘s Cotton Night _ Shirts regular 75c for ... ... .. “< WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO Total Assets, 3lst. Dev The undersigned are instI er â€" for â€" sale the old 1 rin _ consisting _ of 100 Hogs Wanted _AT BADEN Réegular $1.26 for Regular $1.00 for Regular 75c for . Hy. HIERONIMUS Executors SAM. HIERONIMUS Dr. J. H. Webb, Esq. William Snider, Esq. Geo. Diebel, Esq. J. L. Wideman, Esq., St. !ascow Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E. Shantz, Preston. ‘Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Livingston, Esq., Banen. Frank Haight, Esg. Wm. Snider, President. Geo. Diebel, Viceâ€"President. Frank Haight, Managet. Arthur Foster, Inspector. J. C. Haigh, Solicitor. C. A. Bochm, District Ageny BOARD OF DIRECTOKS Incorporated in 1863 Bamburg P.0. R.R. No WATERLOO, ONT $750,000.00 OFFICERS. ed are instructed . to e the old Hieronimus ng â€" of 100 acres of ire under cultivation. od hard wood _ busk, For 93¢ 57e