gym A_Nn_msoNAL i PARIS GREEN booooooooooooooooooooo we weekly convert or the Waterloo ical Suricty was held on the 8truare Friday evening, "aruitttasiter Froehliuh furnished a splendid pro- pmnnm‘ and the musicians [lid LIP-hr best. um of the lurgost crowds of the 'season “as in attendance. aiterrtoot tornnon outer sp outing s Flu by ph at Mothudi Mo att'rt market 3 step, Jiofirt The LIN-st cont! rrnturv oi trawl is issurd by the D. 4 taims detailed d simmer City of I interesting stories illustrated 9 ith tin ms along the n. & Mackinac. Soul a (Tim oi ten cents Addrvss: Dept. ll Cum Co.. Detroit. BOWLING GAMES IN WATERLOO walker a TI Jr. tl INSPECTED THE INSTALLATION OF HEATING SYSTEM Miss Mary llallman whose progress I singing has been eagerly watched y her Berlin lrieuds has just e0m- ieted her Inna! examination, bet-mu- lg a Licentiate ot the Toronto Con- 'rvatory ut music. The plumbers In- clvrks, m l'nlL' at Mart Mr 'l'hr' Watrsrloo Svhnol "hard held spemal tte'titut at the Central schm ull 'l'hueruv to sthow the work l installmr, the new lwatmg Nvstem I ling it: in tl 1 r I Mrs. Bradley and party, consisting , her "atur,hter, trrortddaltghter and reat 'r,rutul-daughter, who hare bran npuhr visitors at the home oi Mr. ml 1trs. P. J. Wright, Mary street, 'r the past ten days, have returned , their home in Detroit. " 'l'l ll BARBERS BEAT CRESCENT CLUB tt 1 In " This poison is sure to kill has: on your potato Bard other plats. Id. M. nevitt 'l'l ll PIHC ES THE LOW EST (PEP MINARD'S LINIMENT IN uh: HOUSE. . . he has x-r‘ut I " TI _tt Fr Tr c. M. Hughes passed away in nrlu-t. on Wednesday last July Lin , w Ir u pek x. rl w . th. tinMr to l. " mply qt - “.IIvrlm. IMO“ nu; ar Kunlz _ ..l ykeagram2 Snyder'.. p, hl at " tht 1 ty "v " eggs mars. tinsnriths and hard- .s, eir,hteen strong, held a Munm's Grove Wednesday The early part of the " as spent in baseball and LN. The rain marred che nowhat but considering the good Mme was spent. [unorul Murcia} ister oi t. Iatorho t Pinon. 111 ' t Clah ttwh __ DRUM!!! “it IIL', are (hr " llir‘nds “I" In- s" Mr nvss as contribution to the 1tl rvel is the 20r-page book D. (t c. line. It con-l ed description of new of Detroit III, several, amps and IS beautifully th tine halftones of socn- ', ll & c. ('uaxt Line tol Pill anywhere upon re- l had ml h at HI are' an) where to prppi W, It. N as held in Mrs. Hughetr Mrs. (1 Ex htttt with h" " ‘l‘IIS lust Honing, he man‘s made: Clarence Snlderl‘} T. G. Hughes 15 C. II. Runs .e. 16 , wry plenum], Saturday mu- pleased n-rm’or to he al services marrow. il 0r sold at 25c ght 210 in most rm' h I] ll H 10 tr, 210 210 Hi! a y Ilall lrvl Jhlr il'r D pt 'st a kw " M 30 :mea-SEAGHAM'SSEA 'rr)';)',':"), [mllllllll m YC/l, (lllllllllll-llmE In re- stage. arma- 'i-li-lt o Ir Hr NM» alum: to the lllr in utmounoumea I Hymeneal One at the mum waning- ot Mac new»: took plan Int Wound.“ July tte, at "Rouviue", m beauti- tu home ot Mr. and In. Peter Glenn, Young street, tshich was a perfect bower of lovely rm. poor may "range Mosurms, palms, out, when their daughter Nelda (the y geat at a [manly ot than“. and ilr1'T.,11 daughter) “a united i 'talle, to Mr. Joseph Gmini, to, Reg. E. 'tttttcg"), ut st. John‘- Luth‘m an" per- farming the mrernhy. The bride uho is one of Waterhro's Iavorite daughters, wore a lovely gown ot white crepe and null. with tulle veil amused tsith wreath or orange‘ blossoms, and ttrried an cmuisite‘ lmuquet ot pink roses. The brides- maid in: Miss Catherine Brawn. niece ot the bride and a member ot the household, while Mr. Harry Granger, of Toronto, nhly performed the duties of best man. Mrs. George “winner, ot Toronto, sang "Loves Coronatjoa" very a"? h ly, accompanied try Mrs. Harry Ger- man, after uliiih followed i' recep- tion, when the bride amf groan IP- ceived the hearty congratulations " relatives and friends to the number ot abunt eighty, The wedding break- Fatt. served in the rose unlocked ditw [ing mom, was a most delicious one, “he guests alluring particularly the Mainly home-made menu, tor which ithe Mistress oi "Roseville" is. so Mrs. George G sum "Loves Cub ly, accompanied 1 man, after uhi .__...q...q. anman-aunun. tion, when the mic ceived the hearty , relatives and trie ol about eighty, q last, served in the l llmrlrd hr the brass and bunk-1'" -- hands. the rpriment mill then match at 9 to Victorta Park “ht-n- Uhaplain 1"" W Indrrw, of Grey's Horse, will 7 conduct a short 'iCrT'AN'. assisted by " 7 other don-yum of the my. The re, '" 7 limrntal hand, "ttder 1ttutdma,qtrr J. w 3 H. Stockton “an, ‘mdoad the " , I unuinv "hurl! inbun Might and the I' famous. The unusually lama number " handsome gins testitird to the great popularity of the happy couple, who Ioau- next Manila} for Toronto, tol- luvmd in the host 'sishes n! their hosts of (fronds, “here a (-mnfnrtahly furnished home is in readiness tor their occupation. . Huiralo, N.Y., July 7.--To-day's rating at Fort lino opened with the “inning' oi the first raue by Stall Ihryle's King Cotton, paying $67.80 in the $2 Muturls. The race was for maidens, and was also the first suc- CPtis for Jockey Clancy. V Mr. Scagrmn's Sea Lord won the I'atradian-brcd handicap bye, good Lnl‘Ck in the last stride trom Sir John Hendrm‘s Slipper Day. The {latter set all the pace and opened upl a great gap. Hearts of Oak, with IU pounds up, tried to catch her, hut could not last. He was led to ‘the starting post to-day, and made jomparatively little trouble there. (Fair Montague finished fourth. Joekey M. Garner rode the last three wmners' oi the day. The wea- ther was threatening, and a sprinkle came after the filth race. The track wan rough and slow, though vastly improved over the last. few days. 1'rawiord Ross, Honorary Secre- Cary of the Connaught Park Jockey Club, Ottawa, was among twday's visitors. viqttors. St yvstrrday‘s morluu: of the l"att- adian Racing 1ssocratiomi, the rul- mg agamst r '.'rtcr tratnpr L. Htume was roman '. A rule was passed prohihiung Le witty " horses not properly schooled at 1hr- barrier. The horse Yorkville. suspended With J. Mellmurray durum; the To- mmn meeting. was restored to good standing. He has been sold to Jul. Ryan for $850. The suspension of Jockev Coleman was trrmmated. Many oitnesses will he called in the Inquest me: the Queenston trul- ley tragedy. G. M. Newton. before thr Manitoba ('uunmxssion mvmtlgaung ttle ruuri- ton charges, said that money paid L ‘ ll Mum Chambers we“ unwed by spec- _ ml rub: vriruion. _ ltr 108TH REGIMENT DIVINE SERVICE AT VICTORIA PARK more \nll Patty "0 armnrf conduct a short 'iCry'A'P. assisted by other rlertryrur'n of the NU’, The re- limrntal hand, under "tutdma,nter t ll. .c,tockttsn W.O,, ‘nlaltad the unvinv "hurl! inbun Minx and the when“ potltc In" ho wh‘fhw at the service W MIVARD'S LIXIMFXT CURFF GARUET GN COWS- 0n t will ho the mun he rl wnnanwnl ‘inr Vlm' m by the bras Ir', Ix and"! u" ihe Waterl " n lcd In llw "vr'tttt% with ‘hl Harhnrl July Huh, rvk'oOpnréule The urrlrm up trom the ‘UMI...III Kunl and bugle aprain J, Km. will To" It II County Council Win Not Allow But: on Court. Home (hounds. Ho m at planing "Ht the Co t II Kin q . . iii) (riiiiiiitifiiiiiiiili' say In; that a ow idiers o h; nllllrmllll" _ BE Iliiflilliilllill At the meeting ot an Waterloo County Courvul held on Friday, it u decided to withdraw the prin- 11¢: granted to m Berlin Pull Sums that.“ 310717116310 hau‘ about these grounds in dangerou- as It would be II any matter to' slip a ftie or gas to a when: woek- ing umhy and thus aid in the lat- ter's esraj". Governor Cook was at the opinion that the class of persons who “mil take advanttge ot the privilege wu the haters and “burns" not the tired person tor whom ttut benches are placed there. And it benches are wanted why not put them on the Public Library Grounds? It was the opinion ot the various members at the council that they had acted hastily in passing the motion and that it was not wise to grant " a privilege which might so easily be abused , Abritration proceeding' were held Tuesday in Pvmn Counvil chttmircr's on the appropriation ot the land by the why for theGtens"m of walnut street. The arbiters were John It. Hdvn, A. B. Meftride nl Watvrloo, and Judge Hardy ot Brantford. Evi- dence was heard throughout tho morning and ultenumn and about 11 o'clock the arbiters with Engineer Juhnsun motored to the site in or- der to go over the land and mum- ate on the vomparhive values, The prurmdmus will he mutinuml tumor- row I‘lllll sumo decision will be reached.' ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS IN PROGRESS OUR BUSY to Fun" llvot the Elmira (‘untmun- turn Schuul. Where a suhim't ap- |loars after a name that student thust pass a supplemental unnum- tion in Hepterntmr: 'hators:-hrthur Klinck, l)urv'h--.1 Srhant'r, Henry Bowman, Edna Hchierholtz. Violet Morrison. Herr tort "which, Hubert Norman. I'ass:-Krina St tucker, F.1, Wirods, Harol A " ltr, Junuu I'ass:-Firina Lona. Winnifrml Stricken Elmer Keller. llarvey “Winds, Harold Detweiler (Latin). Alex llri-lunun tAlg. HI. Sciencr.) Mr. Dorms of llrrlin occupied tho pulpit. of the Evangelical Church last Sunday in the absence or the pastor Rev. F. n. Meyer. Patriotic Garden Party a Demand F,ucvpsst-The lanns " Messrs. M L Weber and Urn. Iluppel prosontnl fl frslho zippmrmu‘t‘ last Tuesday CT- rmnz “lit-n tho Iaadie.s Patriotic [ra- guc "r I'llimra held a well arranged Garden Party. The Elmira Musical y1ocurtv's Wand was in attendatiep and was izmorniis in its contribution of music. Early in the evening a gmup oi little girls in whtto, twith jiaisv garlands and baskets of flow- rrs sum: a "Daisy Sung" after “llll‘h ‘lhov distributed among: the croud srllmc thrnr tlowe on sale In tom‘s tahlrs where he A pmk and white charge of Misses Gris da HM otrrred tut, swans to llmst‘ In atArrtGa"ce. mum at.trntion “as attracted to the G'spsv tent “hero “Madam Sana" Madam CrrmcdeMint," ptr luurotnld many happr Pvt-nix lnr those "h" "vatled happy r having their ior H, Yngt at the lent "rtoostrr' conshnllv tsllvd an rlrrlnr mm at"! by Mr. TI willâ€! "ft by " “hwh m‘ttml il Wu} rlr III ot the . $15!t.Mr St?!) 18:1: T h hr hprn il In her at the IO hr. 'pl. I.. “nth the Med In: for the van shortly selling his pr; will be here Alexander Ina Dr It. W. Weichrl rah trom a TPO' l'Hl to St 4vr II El th "no '27ttt, her hnrr NEIGHBORS ELMIRA ,m‘rml thr arned h, twfor hitr candy booth m -s Grare FDrb and lhl 1 an abundance oi II m 1am t " ArrUl 'in H 2744.. h! ms We d and alsuat MI etc were also h' to the site in or! Miss Sarah Mullins . land and rstim-iing " Hamilton “h live values, The', "epted a splendid sit cuminuml hum-p} - decision will hr: Miss Alma Kaulma b understand he is 11' and the new man ore the popular Dr. tor nnlnlan' dttCtpn. MS and Mr. J, P. (hr result and hm N. o. Thon " thy nook tirs opportunity oi s told. Mr. H, r mad" GI excel- d kept thr place tring the Menu-1: " hid ttttgt dun» " M tsriiiiiuwruitsia Nrdd noiinrtritarar3rdrm'tr..trT1! ‘l’ps weeks and thr plea- A number f ~lwrl thr, rulh‘rs "tr, m Manta Mum of arm turmoil a and 'tr ' p')' the Lhalian in Elnura not. "tsir 3: t “is: Nomi the "Maple I ma! “Ha ahl of lor. hr m- aluml t, Hrimtwe Training nu .xsclnngrr drme tho others gave thr plea- 1hr cr,ifrr.u It Haturday autnnmtukn Fortu I nro had She wn< rch St It it pd unall sold. th In the ke tl Mr. Hussein“ left Sat to!†mot-um; toe Littoral when lit-Jill toeatd I II.“ "can“. V ' I... August. tstaoiaid u "at .ort the homo at - patents in (l'dlegl'.', Mg. and ati, " nan-nu. shading . twonmrf 's zucauou " hit home LI town. Mr. I. B. Owl has returned from a trip to Port Ellyn, Punk-y and othn northern points. Mr. Elite“ Reade, ot Toronto, was a ,rreWeetd mud: um Judge and Mrs. Reade, George and. " I Mrs. w. M. o. Loom-ad and sons no spewing . fortnight her lather, Mr. George Moore, Mrs. J. B. “11ng have loyablc visit Mr. and Mrs. Ill-nus Bruin, are enjoying um cation at Athellcy, Ont The Htork's gilt Fred 1'arthew last ly wm- daughter. Mir; Hask- 1'a0isery spent the “ask in attendance at the l'rt"sbyuer- Ian Summer School at Whitby, Out. Mrs. A. B. Scott, oi Galt is visit: ing at the home at Mrs. Frank llaight, John street. _ Mr. Herbert Klippert, of "rtrtril, spud a to“ days this “wk at the home at his much, ytr.trAdunt Klip- pert, Allan street. and Master Tvrldy Skull), Mt this “Mk for a v ml. with the iormer's muthcr Mrs. Fischer, in Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. l'.letuent and their lannly have gone an their Num- mor home at Portage Point, Georw ian Bay. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. AIM-H Hulduc Mr. and Mrs. G. Humurher m to Markham last week tor a I' !several days sxith Mr. and Mrs IWinHer. , Miss Alma Kaufman pas returned mm spending a two wet-R's 'iacad tion in Wtlliamstoau, N.Y. Miss F. Mackerarlwr, of Hutton, tmt , paid a week-emi visit to her brother, Rev. D. A. and Mrs, Mac- Keracher en (out. In Toronto. In: Lita Hahn mm»; the“: Mr. Gotcha Motherall ot Detroit it Mrs. U. ll. Mtlls rr-pmsc at the Milmuy Red Cr stralinn undvr the swap" Ira,yghters of the limpnv a was, yesderday, Miss Janr Anderson and Miss Car- no Smith who have been smnding Mrs. Chas. A. Hm are enjoying the holi, "Honuy Dual." tlmr at Southampton, Ont sumo MUN" at 'a'"i,cr,1si"r."-ir.'ii - --- Mrs. L. Shirk, Alhcit sum, havoIREXAI‘L TEAM rcturned to their htttrir' in Clevt'laruV ‘ BEAT PARK NINE 1'ougraiprrstistns arr “(winded to Mr. Joseph Fi. Srugmm on tho at- rual ot another grandam, at thr lmmr of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hea- gram. Toronto, last Sunday. Mr. Marshall tttdrew, who has tel-n a_tumding 1ryclitrr, Cohan, T, mm IN â€run-n; nu- um». with his parents lh-v w. J. Andrew at (he Dr. and Mrs. J. It. “Wm hate nu Imam! from a minimum anlay trip up the Lam", making hurt, visits, at Fort William, Smut lingwnml and oth" watt. Mrs. Krlssin StniMr n arr spending a month House," Fotithatuptrm, mung up [or werk-:nd l charming summor [not] Mrs or! for a low days t. . will leave " Eng future. Her son in )lnlsnns Hank here MINARD'S LINIMFi.NT cums DIPuTHERlA. tm' ' [ vis H. m " l Mpr. w. M. o. Mad a noun _ un- til! ortasto . " ' Iliad: L tr SUM. _ .5 I Mrrl otot trip through Canada an ', at the home M Mr, and Ma Wallnrd. Hughes and Misa (Ann. returned from an PM- with 'l‘uruMo friends. hulls represented Berlin Scully, Frederick St t Canadia Mum 'a, I' "r to km? .mri new for. noHier,q on MM sn- rhty ham: knnwn " mat Club of "atitohria." at New Hamburg; in town. Sniall‘r and son Elms month at the "(ark amptrm, Mr. Hm! r ~rk~znd visits lo Mn lhrr P and Mrs. tiurrrrw'a,oi ti imrs in the an .. woof. Mrs. Rom- Inglmd in the amt in l n the sttatt ol the to Mr. and In. week “as a love 'ougratulations. P. MarDirmid and rd and (‘31.huine W. Va., who are .Llion it (sllllllnl‘r an Weitvin. ot It pm-s I and Family sumo" at "mm-r home w I Mrs “Mary. or a visit of d Mrs. John at St. Thu ll " nn' Marie, Cot 3: of inter Gut demon- d the morn. In: Iii» ia, haw stw lat two w m: and dorrd , .J.’ Intact mail spent 2huiNti'. " Mr. "on, home lo. M 4A.. ' te""" “.1 u .- ' Dr. John “at: and Mrs. "an dunner“! Heston. nudism“; hum in tow- my. . T Mr. William 71inkann at his home in Lixwwel Mr. junta. Andrew mm, bl “innit-5. were whims In Watt loo â€andâ€. _ a MlgAJjawm [l‘luxnmyuu “humid: What-mutant†n Man mum-u “mama‘- Brand In. Geo. Horton onto loam Sunday at the hon mull. Mr. and Mm. Wm. M " . "gum neu- Welleujc-y. the p Maud In. John Blah]. Mrs." It. H Mm has beel city, n-lulum day. In. Hurry Gllnz and family Detroit are holidaying al the hut her puma. Mr. and Mrs. C A. haul. . Richard Swaisland of Berlin. is VI siting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. " W. Stanislaw], I'llgin sin-m. -S1 Thomas Joumal. . ward left Saturday they will spend tion. w. and Mrs. Carl me Mrs. L. n. Mertick and Mr C. “nether hare rrlurmd‘ i lightiu1 motor trip to Cum I"um: eastern prints, -‘ -Mr. and Mrs. S: and Mrs.. Hal. Kohl ford, spent Sumln) Mr. and Mrs. F. Yonge sun-ct. " here they vacation. ML and Mrs. F. G. Many Chace ansl, Mrs mourn-d to llmmllnll where they. spent ttw irieads. I In a one-sided ball gum Ihr. .l!nll tram (Ix-touted the mm: I la wore of III to I in Katerina iThe following IS ttw tiw-tnt 1- l Park Nine. lit-ml Mcitvnald 12f. ll:~ ily, Ziegler In JI. ",, ll NIH-mg Ind I I humus 5.5. r. Col. Grven and Mrs. Lit Thomas, Inartnrml in tiert urday and spent Sunday r bi Mr. and Mrs. C. H, l Young and Duke street-s. Mrs. C. H. Mills went to St mas any morrtmg, uhere slw ml tend the civic rmoptwn (wing lt' ed by that city to the 33rd and Battalions ot London umh'r Us" picrs of the Ited Cross Such-1y. Prat; Damm In]: College, Nauru owning ‘m‘nirvs church "rt-tmmol' I!" Bum: L man " {pending Mrs. ( Mr Iln-I hm K t cut“ me Town of Waterloo Wlllrilf "ii?dEl1 [IF ii'fl.!h,il.i'r tlstt " Hy I m rf,'yyytl, A»! W 3%, "MAM! " 4ay,iti, tdr, . [liq mount sysh‘m in The Crncr l ann, and that such regitttreed m the Rep. the i'ounty of Watrrl ond clay “I Julv, 1913. Any motion the saints, or be made witl ftrsd pllhlirrfh 'mnnnt he ma n ITF'm " INS. atituart J. Gordon Mothera IS spendinglus hnli ot Inn parents, Mr. nlherall, King street and Mrs TI W, Sthimlol Im Sat v Mil My Lau 11Af [had M tl_orsersJrsiw, 't",ihiir, Mum may not. C,titie.riuus t issue oi lwlwmlm . nr‘s5,ro...oo, a. the sturday for Iycio spend a [my um nm from tho Kurt! Naprrvitle Conan-v1 tn Inn M th ade. thrrr ltMI ling um. III-r hourc rhn sprml 3rd H. A"! _ p; thr a! HI art :Iln'r the (In Chas r alter Iitllt' Ilan' I?" "\HHI'I h lent of bl Mr tl u»: Ml “no ll p " h TI ol mug V Regimen daie tttrd it / tyt'ildren's Dresses 690. Are you getting your share ofthe) Bargains at the â€A4.- July clearing _.' ______.___sale--â€"-== Bankrupt 'tiiijtli,i. Bargains that convince, Prices that tell the tale, . Everything must be sold. u! stow istered Biydes- le tttrd Hackney C. E MILLS ilk ti). Stanislaus sh In Gingham, Due wink. riizis 1 to 1 "ll! nice for Ale 51 Ill Duck, Percale. Muslin. and other Wash to 15 Mum. made in the latest style, all ly trimmed and finished, in plain checks Lust coiors in washing. were sold r02;- »lucul on tables in the centre of the ll " tl Pr ops DEM-M rt rd It or h FOR s FOR SALE-" heavy breed sow; In mg. fresh Jrrsv-y cow, 2 we†bred, FOR SALE-organ in r,rttt-cCastt ton lint WANTED-Room and board with Eng- lish {Anni}. No .n‘lmr huurdm‘s. Tr rut-0111mm 1uvl'trrraul. Apply Box ll 1m " erioo THr'. [DI-3H Tl 'ickerel Rm‘r: ka Lakes, Kn aims, Lake ltr it, in up ourri,rrattiurrtttihrlil, Mu! 'ilt'rltNtr', " . mono v mum- T r" s,,eri1lr,,,,,-oirertt" The type mam r l" t' luvvn‘th“ of A lbw’nlunxv mmychu “an yichotnr1, h _ orutre, g huvrmun, and Aulbmlunhu Hun :vny'vnmw A - Io‘h trktuphitry. fx-rs. gvnnral ll rs old. Apply lilo from Berlin sALE---/-roomed brick hon†c, lots mmmlning ono acre. a!“ lard. Crtcttp it sold soon. For Mr particulars apply to A. K. Waller. St Janet‘s “ill-1 mo bl "innnry in In“ hum mm 139%†“AH 33 yitlil'liis"itira General Wants “:11an ms“, at a harm Sherringlom Erb St., Elmira. _ . -ru-ut I tt rt, 'i#.tf1tlFJ ie ai Mick“ ll 1llrr.'r MU att I) A l 'tyrio'N' HER ll It “er89, horse 5 M, tichondHrnatyr, ,on llrcsluu not“. 20-2 mom d I'lH 1 C at a barn-ll}- conveniently Frvutsh and “nor, Musk- llws,’ “Mean 'vrsrrts, etc. ll 69c to notify n out "tf H‘ ot the Ht.', wit- P County " saws ROI "re an R-it Dik