We: on the Collegiate teach- M have been fstied by the tol- _ _appointrrtents; Mathematicgl , J. H. McKay, B.A., prinei- . ot Jritsettrdirttr high school: classi- marter, W. B. Tnylor, M. A.,of te Name Collegiate, art teacher, -),li, R. Walker, ot the Markham High â€col. weakeninded children will} ' be taken to the Orillia Hope) [r incurables. The report for the,' th ot June is as follows. _ f7 urination: tor children†21 ',cttkld- Drought to shelter (mi: 'wardl). Mkteadrtn placed on parole (not MP, r ), 4; children returned to par- " r " (not wards), 5; children in- a - during the month, M; child- Ile jade wards C.A.s.. 2; investi- iii on, M; mail received, 146; if, ttmst out, 167; meetings ad- tlit v.4, T; mileage (approximate), , G . . 800; ottice interviews, 65; tt Interviews. 217 ', places visited " r "tt city. 32; police courts " , u. 21; wards in taster homes ‘ hom, 21; wards placed out, wards returned to shelter, 3; visited, 33; accompanied Mr. . l l in visiting, 19'; warnings ’ " 6; detention mom. t. I : IN to the Front. 5 s Virginia MacSweyne, former . " superintendent of the Ber- ‘Waterloo Hospital, has been L ted as one of 75 nurses being ï¬t to the front under the auspices IQ! Harvard University. M.iss Mac- yne has a brother at the front. was wounded a few months ago has reeovered and is again in “We service. _ Spanking does not Cure children oi jod-wetting. There is a constitution- _llvenuse tor this trouble. In. M. Summers, Box w. 501, Windsor, Ont. 1m send [rue to any mother her sut> :oqdul home treatment, with full in- Mtions. Send no money but write 'c. today it your children trouble any in this way. Don't blame the Md. Elli chances are it can't help {IL Ttri treatment also cures adults “I 333 people troubled with urine f: _ culties trrUrr pr night. yimLDREN's AID c, '"""5g, IS AN V 7 CTIV'E BODY The ngular monthly meeting at the rat's Aid Society was held in Library rooms Tuesday evening. . Miller reported a litlle girl years old begging money (or It, also having taken a young 'trs who Hamilton Asylum and h mo r to the House of Indus- "r. C. 8chmidt. the Vice-Prui- f! Ibo Van Vacuum Killing Co. ' N.Y., accompanied MM: â€(It “all“: are viatttng hi. Mr." Geo. C. Schmidt, " are“. the quarter ending June 80, u' " prisoners commhced to ty jail. These, together with ti were then (tom the preced- V (litter, put in a total ot 913 The longest. sentence was six And meantime cop: per a†'qntioms tt.M cents. BETTER THAN SPANKING in via tor the nu â€Jim- I mint art mint.“ Ptrreholottist, A. E. " . an at the "C g." Ind. Nor York may? , u she will um. I “in“. n g“ 't 'M'E‘Wt m on. Jim I a In in“ pwaunnm I haul-Bu " -0hitretmr6ngs a.. " â€sternum-Ian f L - .-._..- Tact-er; J.d kitetteher some a cablegran': maul-um to Geuerni.Bousn. I tdtTArCtf, “in , We! asâ€; ttur, â€5.23: the . i, _. . :3, mm." "l"). will we“ we webend in Pt W, at Data“ ,Nllult8gtietil'.' 21:: 3.2% “new (ir'tTi"éiii7,t'i"heimllip at Gait tqMIt2'nt b, 1.0%» . M ’n nation. Mm aloud m “A _ Tunic-uh tat,e1ti'.'N cloud do" to! “on six wants, after I very -atu w 10: "tttttt the WI“ The work on tho- - 3M! 2ttt my»: a ita- awn-mt are I 'r."t'att 1lrtily m 'iQ Il wo ' on Ca :tonndation and standard. which I" o {Emu PSM/e, inning: that there will be. no delay in the work. trp, may." St.tNtge.. stalled. The 2'Mlil's u but. -ier.o vii In “in - cw: Programing and", 2yiite John- at Toto-toll tii aG may uh. may on in M03, k h te . n "d a We W sci-so I"... nun-m “on. -2. .» , -- Brlck Work Started. The with. to'the Ptttrteitrrarr' in lair! lea i Bald“ " stone rrotttl'tt,ifo't'tu in now be tween live an am: {out at mak- wart wand we winow "m. u- all in their places. The van not in plies by pteamrnt a unallderrhk which " on ths (rounds. . INSTALLATIOI The Minimum bl ttfr -tratisb' ed onion" ot Grand Union Lodge, No. " I.0.0.P., no]: place on Fri- day evening in the mount. ot a [up number of member, and visitors. District Deputy Swim and mm ot ‘Guelph motored to-the city and took but†of the ceremonies in a very watistgctory mm. The other“; Walled Warez, _ . N. G.--W. E. Gallagher. v. G.--W. H. Imam. R. S. N. G.-C. W. Chapman. L. B. N, Gh-ru. Schmiedal. Con.-W. Marta. R. S. V. 11.-u. Current. L. S. N. G.-E. Becker. Following the installation ot om- cers a luncheon was served and short addresses were delivered. Bro. P. Zarnkey, who has been an Oddlellow tor 25 years, was presented with a 25-709: inel- INSTALLATION or I. 0.0. r. OFFICERS mummy. Mange. {use held at Germania Lodge No. 184 I.ir.P. but evening when District D.D.G.M. Geo. Swift of Guelph installed the following officers: Y. G.-Ed. Ludwig. ‘ N. E1.-E, Rush. sec'r--Cttatt. Hoop. Treatc-CUtr. A. Hull-Ml. Warden.~4)tto Reiko-r. 1'onduetor.-oordon Raymond. _ Inside Guard.-Fred Czerwinski. , Outside ttuard.--J. K. Shinn. R. S. N. tr.--rtpd Kudoba. l L. s. N. o.-Jae. Manner. R. s. V. G.-P. Weitrgertrer. L. S. V. G.--Eldon Mueller. )2 s: 'W-io .Maiu‘. BHIF.DFm-Aht June 29th " Saska- toon, Sank. to Mr. and In. Her- bert N. Shiodol. a daughter. HALLMAN-ltt Regina, Sui“ on July Tth, to Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hallman, lormerly ot Berlin. 3 daughter. (Dorothy Marx.) Hospitality '. Small cheer and great welcome make a merry teast.-- Shakespeare. k GROWING PINE VARIETY or warm ( STRAWBBRBJES Elm aiiGriiir"i/ri, Iii rm, , M Mandela and. Mr. Pom;- -r- " f?" flu-9 whk-h " a wild one in the "duty at Crouhill two nun Inn. At that time the berry was a long man one than the name am as the wild red unwbem. Thrnuth rumination this has chanted and the nun In now well-rounded "d an. mutual-um. The "not is much the name us that M Ae red berry. Mr. PM but but“ the "mm-tn and e u to " -- 'atft'fai','t It - tr he _ Its' inf so = = than TNNern.--N. Heller. B. S. F-J, a. Miller. L. s.S'.--J. Adams. chtou0y--E. Btieteimerer. O.G.-O,. A. May, I. G.-0. M. Bellman. R. s. N. tr.--] L. s. N. w- R. s. V. G.- L. s. V. G.--' I? Q Ft..-. L. s. 8.4%... or Tgilt'] or can mu N LODGE L. B. s.-Wm. Hamel. Chapuin.-Wm. MieWe, A variety of trtttteurtrttnrterrfm" want into the Ttiegrtttrtt mum this BORN, , Met-(4h?!- our. nun-g a napalm-d Clo-o ot the annual Huniltoa Di can. Retreat at St. Jerome's c, ' ' use this morning Innounced a mmvl, her of important changes which wilt uu _ man the clan and 'o, into 33 'dl'lei he. ' Bev. ctemeit Brahman now pastor dhjbmu titanium it Milan“ will be transferred to Por; - to tahe clause ot all will made vacant by the death of Father Arehi. Rev. Michael llalm now patstor at Ayton will replace Father Brash- an" at Iildmay. Father llalm was also made rural dead ot the Bruce and Grey counties. Ree. mun: The. ma. Farguaon. pastor " Markdalo; will replace Father llalm as pastor It Attila. Father James “Alma, mutant pastor at St. Patrick's church. Hamilton,, has been advanced Jo pastor to take the place ot Path- .qurgunon at Mark-1ND. Rev. Tho. gas Doyle, now assistant pastor at t. Basil's church, Brannon, has been translated to Acton West. glNll'flll'l ‘3‘" BESAHE WWW The retreat was one at tho moat successful in the history of the dio. celeb The clergymen who were in " tendgnce leit this morninglm their respective parishes. Bishop Bowling and Dean Mahoney motored to Ham- man Dr. Horse's Favorite Prescription is a true friend to women in mm- ot trial and at times of pain. For head- specialist in women's diseases to di- ache, backache, hot flashes, camrhal 'gtfttt beating down .pemsation, manta! prenion. dizuneu, hinting â€out. humus and exhaustion wo- men should never fail to take this Wrist! and true women's medicine. Prom Girlhood to Old Age Women Are Helped Prepared from nature's roots and Why, it contain: no alcohol not Bar- eoiiea, nor any harmful ingredient. Medicine dealers everywhere have it on hand in either tablet or liquid torn; at all times. It you want a agnose your case absolutely tree of charge, write Dr. Home, 1nvalida' Hotel, Buflalo, N.Y., to-day. Dr. Piano's Pleasant. Pellets are the original little Liver Pills. These 'itty, 'utgareoattsd, antimilious gun- trigs-the smalles‘ and the out!“ to Me.‘ One mu; Pellet for ' 1.xntive -utree tor a Immune. , are: nam- uche, Bilioua Headache, Constipation, Induction. Bilious. Attacks, and all drrrattgements ol the liver, stomach and bowels are prevented and relin- Dr. Piexce's medicines are mtututae- turod in Canada, at % World's Di.- hnury, Bridgman. Ont. mMPsoN-ro Mr " Simpson, 178 Wellington St July 8th, a son. can": Von Eiraiifr3FdFttT m “cannon iii,tgrpg, BORN and Mrs. Reg on The micro Lat-Wot is; " we: (upon! Mart all mm; mumps it": th. umxently Mow prove“ an is be i.rwutertttMssqtorry1rttit nuisance warm pumpkin!!! # [ um: the bat Jew Loam. b,', comm 1ll1llillll'lliilfl ! njliitlllijlflfl mamas; ASSHMBES BI mm MAYBE HEN 0n “Manda? We lumen, monk 'ttlt Dr. Mammy, District1 nun Aid','; and Solicitor 8mmâ€; ot Toma“), Hindu: disposal “my and "ee the work that is my“ done when the was. which, 9 Mina: MN on. “In Milk†. _ In the afternoon they held a 1tt) (trance with Mayor Hen. City Eng.‘ nee: ‘Johutcon and City smlicittttg, Mills! and Sims. Chairman J. the manner. a We Sewer Committee, was out of the city. I This is the most delightful of, a week ot delights. We are in the land ot the mocking-bird, the nightingale hand thmpaIm tree. Had the pleasure Art picking oranges with our own Ihands: trom the trees in Mr, and, Mrs. Y. J. Hanmett's garden. Mrs,. Ham- ett is from Berlin, a sister to Mrs. 'A. B. Bricker, Frederick st, They have a most beautiful and spacious home in this the centre of the sun- 'kist oranges district. They took us for an auto trip around the city and lap to,Smiley Heights. We seem toi have seen most ot the world in this) first week ot our trip. It is a con“ tinuous grabbing grips, rushing torl trains and, hotels, and seeing the] Rains in between. l ': tt took in Lincoln Park with the; Zoo. the Art Institute, Masonic‘ Temple, Marshall Fields Me store at Chicago. On our war into Denver we lemated Dominion Day on the train lin ing Canadian patriotic songs, 903 Save the King, Rule Britain. The Maple Leaf. etc., and I had. a pmall Union Jack to Wavtt which I 'was fortunate enough to have brought ‘with me. The Americans on train iwere quite pleased to lit-at us cett AT A Home}: 313mm: :' :1," To The. cgroiicItiN' _ ', .. Redtahdtr, Cal, Jul" 6th, 1915 nllihlt-Nl'l1 Berliners Visited Orange Grove of a, Former Ber- _ liner Mt Weak. 1...». a»: u. large touring car showed us ttk "sights around Denver, [manual city1 of lovely homes of the wealthy. No frame buildings allowed in city lim- its. The city is very high and dry, iwith the snow-capped mountains in ‘sight. The scenety around CoiorMo Springs is magrOeenb. We took a " mile auto trip, visiting the seven sister falls at South Cheyenne Can- on. The cave ot the Wind: at wn-i hams Canon is marvellous. In our department the Old Maidâ€: mit) thousands nt hair Pitts ttre, Iett by: tourists of the hit an, must it) hritigs them good luck bdnta the year is up In the [arm ot a handsome 1Mahmud. The younger India; at out ‘mrty me each minus . number att 'ltair pull. _ Fr, um nr "umbilifat Mr. Fats, (srtritier Men his-Tun dom- remu- 'txmtpanimk. We N',,', Jt.'ttt clkrnoon lor 1.0! nplun, u . “an Lacuna remnlnfng behind V trend seven] wet-h irith tor bloat: ttr. W. 8. when whom we [mid unite well. W: as All tony on; trtemU no Bttt with us to ettior the lights. At Salt Lake City, like devout Mormons, We thlhilIPed in the Mor.. hon Tem 'lc on Stuck-v. no one look- tnr, nth-L nr nurrrirV Mr. Nth, I "i‘h nun. mm m†In Odin- Ill pet Mrs. A!“ Ely. _ "ROUGH 0N BATE" ' m an; moo. we. no“ In. h I: on... In. “I Me, ct Dru any nub. Thd Berlin delegation assured the Ililajf1lllllll tttra mu“ . f , s'",,,, Fr,', _ ..,..‘ _ ". "usa . rs'. .. «V 'rf my: in“ il,i9jl . At “aâ€; “a 1batttttts (httttitt4lllr"i'i".'_: Iihuob képl'owuu! [at taesstbar- uh; phtart m with was Minx he by tho any a", 'aueertett to comply with tto or“: ttat is he- has. Provincial hula: “that“... _ unha- ol him! on u In! , . 1’†ttter ut - "can! and his in: Incompa- il b'.' 'aett?i'iitt"s'iftiltlt.it 'tttt is -, , 9ttet,er'iiit/ettt1tt, t,gtthe,'Ph "e, 'f (haun- wirre now In“! consular- don. Mr. Cum- cu now I: “I. -atts making a IMII “A!!! ot e ".1.th ot - that!“ to t, 'which is emptied ink the ettr mains Inn. I I Strong sentiment in favor ot open-] iing up the alleys in the rear of the) ittuaittesta block: on King mm was; evidenced at the general meeting ‘ of "he Board of Trade held Jn'tho Coun-‘ Fi, Chamber Thursday night when a resolution moved by H. L. Janna rel! meander! by A. Foster endorsing Ethe scheme and turning a corrtmitte6 to wait on the City (Bound) to re- hue“ notion in the matter, V's WF animously ‘passed. 1 - Halt itttortntsd,the 'tittmi that tho city dulled to mate purer that tin prop-u improvement; will coin the problem before making a my: “pendulum cl money. all that T, 'phns will requires consider-bl. study and wusldaulg. They “All 1.. submitted to the ovlnclal Roam 91 Health baton tte work in pro- ‘ocodod with. BERLIN, BOARD _ ' Dr TRADE FAVO“ _ OPBIING ALLEYS A resolution moved by Ala. w. E. Gallagher and seconded by D. B. Detwciler, requesting the Berlin bib- rary Board to open the Library on Sundays in the albumen tor the hen. efit ot mechanics and others of the working class met with the hummi- iate approval of the meeting. _ A cablegram from General Botha thanking the Beriin Board of Trade for their cabbgrun ot congratulation was read. ' my and night Ihiltl‘m minim ‘now at the Dominion The incmry and..wii1 cantinuo to work in-i definitely owing' to ting increased do-l mand that. is being madé for the tires' nwtttittetttred at the local plan}. The efficiency at the marketing facilities ot the Canadian Consolidated Rubber Company is in a great measure re- nponsiblo tor the increased activity ot the local tummy. According to A statement made by Manny-t JA.r. Alums Mt mp uni-yum. autoimmune mnuiactunn on having a "hard Winn keeping up with the demand ‘which is being made on them tor motor calls. The incmsing demand tor can rennet! back upon the out- put ot the Rubber Tire factory. TIRE comm: T WORKING DAY AND . NIGHT arm-rs A re'sblution (Morin; aehrtirn+- tion of recruiting in this city was passed without a dissenting voice. teiegtt maln'aâ€"ubumru‘w a» main-uh O _ {LAW . kWh-undammuh‘“ a Chg-alw- â€Wham-alpaca... Indium-u- .1 Itll', “it. “was by - unannou- Wm -*'ee. Mhmm‘n‘ 'oootr.titeutrncttoeoto"r"at!h' LL] Tlllll (%ililli mo, with 'eH'ttMMr ll 50 'ite- (I. W¢ of tho war bu tin Gulf- mt ot the {ink oortttte stm to†no an: an in killed an n the. man“ " (Bunny on Jun .13. . This morning "to - 'etttr, were NM to m long Iut, Ptea.' George Shannen and Lynn Pm “you Ming r-tad killed. can can men "portatl we: in this - was“ were San. ,W. J. Pratt,, Sent. Teddy Bird, ttoth pl Gait. wd Peg. James Ram and Anna: Athena! Preston. _ m Lyui' P.tthtatnt and #90th Show Added to Doll of Honor. MAN 1.0838 3018 LEGS Eta. Simmou' mother the: on Laurel street, Preston. He had not notitWd on May 1 that her lion Md wounded below. his mother being received wounds in ttte but“. ot thu. . John Campbell Waddell will have to make the best ot life without lags, ho having ttuttered “In as ot both limbs through the present war, Pte. Waddcl lived in Preiorrtretore the war, but had many ttiettds in Gan. -. Pte. Waddell in only " you'- ot use. A couple ot years ago " Preston he had a. miraculous "cNre trom being killed while working at the Cat um Coach" Works under a car. when I crowhar with which he was working was jammed through his body, passe (tr. through his spinach and coming (out ot NI back. ' , Patton, July-t-oWord wu receiv- ed this morning " Georg. Pattin- son, stating that " son, Pte. John Lynn Pattimron, had been killed " action. The sad news “read like wildfire throughout the town as Pri- vate Pattinxon was one ot the town's most popular young men, and had many friends who will join in sym- pathy with the unwed family. 1 The ttiticial nourreation reads: "Killed in action,: June tti, Pte. 4ttttt Lynn Puttinmn, Preston, Ont., reported by other: commanding No (tt casualty clearing station, who has ‘documentary cridencc to show he was {buried near Givenchy, June 16," LqBITUARr l i'l'hé iirhth1weuried " Baden, on Wednesday. July I. ut Annie. Eiizw beth L'llner, belovod wile of the late Jacob S. Grady " the use of 81 years, IO months, and 16 days. De- olasr-d was born in Germany. Aug- Inst 21, 1833. On July 7th, 1857 she was married to the late Jacob S. Grady. Their union balm: blessed 'with 7 children of whom 3 an “Vin, namely. John " Baden. at view home she died. Elizabeth. ol Water- loo and Marian, ol Misawaka. 1nd. She also leaves tis mourn he: loan, 11 grand childron and to great grand, childreh. May she real; in peace. Loses Both Legs. 8lilll(ll.lfll “1.. all rr1)?Iqetrs', W. Walter Tub: mm. de , new, on, Band _ '. a 00m. (1lS'l'llil't Ilillil8 ' (iilll 1lllilllllllit [Th0 [allowing in mmrluhh‘j. Wine: T. Ttttsou., an: “malt.“ mu. m Camus: maul-hut! tt “that. new. all. “to“. M2 lolatein. Ont... formerly ot â€that :‘I have ban in action. and MM» 'ix an" we have been in “4â€â€œ, u, the last two day; M .1“.ng lilo vom. _WI was and 0. - shelled by the â€my. Quaint; men, about tee let nway‘lron,..,, in wounded by $1:le in Wham and thigh. They called lot “M haters. but than was who.» b t N. so word was pained am In: couple ot volunteers to‘uk. at“) out and get him to the “onlyâ€; tion, which was three mile. In!“ t and moth“ volunteer“! Cid - manned to get him about mg. mils when we could not get Halon ,mrthu‘, so we had togetq "rem Ttto 'rtretchrr-ttearers wele All but. '91:: vrhore, so I had to run two mils tttttid aim: and shell; then we 'tatt., "o cwny him three miles. We m lander che0 are all the time and up tg, seemed all wound, but we att |h-lli‘oulrJl without any ot In artttae., it." , t "Y 3 He then modestly tells ot his m motion to the position ot . than“ tuttriFr, in he has to take 1min“ messages trmn point to pointqum tl fa.†“M 'Ill, m f†M.) " on and am " i, £93348“ yell. We get good tightnentng hen. It is Pretty tonahat, that» e have just had a little rest, and himmorm'ngave were taken down.†he river (or a swim, It certainly alt good. It was the ftrttt tun. my ( had had my clothes on tor "r"' three weeks. Our troops have m several advances recently, and wet!- t big developments along .0“! ont very shortly. I know that I on't need to remind you to remem- er me lo ygur prayers. I shall at bays striv to do my duty not); sud well and to act the gentlemul. ' 1 Since the above letter was written For. Mr. Ibbott has received the tot.. owing telegram from ottttwas-ttur_ nerdy regret to inform you 08,471, Private Walter Taylor Ibbqtt, 13¢ Battalion. lc'mrrly 23rd Batttllou. umriallr reported wounded; gum apalp. Further particulars when _ ctlved will 'te srent.-Adhttant Qua-1 we unions? " tl ed in the factories, and m lad“ Till be asked to commit-hat than. meetings. It is expected that in this way a steady supply ot when will be insured tor' the soldlen. T Vamittart Chapter, Daughters " the Empire/Woodstock, will new menu to canvass tor the when mud. which it is proposed to "a. under their auspices. It is 'mteeqd to earning every mhn, old M young. in the Oxford city, - pt, them to like as much as mu _ In each month, . the canvassing " I. done monthly. Boxes will be Jun- ed in the factories, and the loft Tobacco for "In Troop; M