_,'; _' .95er " 33113 Vim; Q. Ihg0lirhtMlmS'Shl" SURPLUSSTOCK VOL..- “-0? u‘ruRDAV WI OFPII m: " TN: amount" IAIQAINI OF THE “Li. LU: "Luv-00v cont, 7 Aetr mcn'i hum. two“ can». In gun, brown. In mum“. Every am I. an. uncut man, an mm. to a“ " nun. “I. lino. . . . . . $7.95 LOT NO. 2 00.“. ' TM. In "V a "build runs- of man“. can“ no "re.. mun. onâ€. bum - can“ and un- - “upâ€. Lalo PM“ $9.45 LOT NO. ' an. - on. In tttrea “It. at each HM, Chen. and durablo. In light and dark and... regular “.30 an. 89, “w “I. Pvt“ ... '... ... ... ... tt In mumm "o-re-tOtto-tlm-ite': bur-umbillnm can!†dqqqttqt mum um. Hum a bum hate. in. WIN! “of.“ at In â€mum-l value an In of- hflllg. bulk you MU. tq an the m to know and awful.“ thqir true vat n. a..- n. n- n...†dlnpll- m mum cmhlnl boon “mama " “THORDINAKY “Li MINT 800.. zoo Mcn'n and young Menu Malta, -artly dodgncd, sprung and summer 1910 nylu, two and “WC. Button lack ROI-Iona and Swan“. Reg. $1N5 $18.1», Sal. Prie ... ... .. SW23; idiiaaiuv" mu m' "iii-Iain» amid. boon - no valid†a during til. In“. LOT MO. I WJL LOT KO. ' 812.46. LOT "o. 4 $14.46. In sum, young men's and men's Gulls, Including " Suit. of our calo- bntd 20th Century lunch-Tallond Unit. which In making Ernst cloth, lng turnout Sate Prlco .. $14.45 zoo Bore Inks. The world o‘er you would but. to ply " Inn "" m “can“. In two place Norfolk otylo, Humor "an. an.“ style a! a autumn noon-Mn: of colon, $2% “I. PM "..'." .".". -... .. ... so "a can. TO so PER CENT "e'""". nova' DEPARTMENT. . In - tum Nov-Io": bloom" who In “out. New. and fancy Will, In dirk and medium any and brown, M! hloomer partts, with In and Nougat knee no. . u ltd an, we Pr!“ C'. .. $448 zoo - lulu. The» are In the popular Norfolk "yin, splendidly and. In fancy won-nude, II†in Nam, navy blue, no ullpohod quality, “I“ 29 to he. "jun-rum to no, "tePrfee ... ... ... ... ... Ernst’s FLOUR AT WHDLFSALE PRICES CASH BUYERS BENEFIT-i ST. JACOBS FLOUR MILLS TH. I‘LJAOO“ FLOUR HILL TAKEO INITIATIVE IN ESTA.- LIBHINO A NEW ERA. . For you: It ha been summary to gin tha farm" â€our at whole- ulo 'rieo., and w. have pun-u" In announclng that thin cumin will to column“. We Donne, however, that " in only “Ir Ind Hum up! CASH - that“ an. mclvo OPICIAL rccognlunn. no haw decided an all cash may." Bhatt "col" the "rteftt of the WHOLESALE pm. " our "than brand. of ftetqge. Thln “Anny mun. 1 “VIII. of shun wt: pct 1N " .ol flour, - In â€k m to “up." our - alum-ale prion whlch an .m lulu, wlth prlcu pnnllln' clam and we kn" you will to o-uteod that tt will In to your mum " buy your "cull-amen!- ‘IMI..I" Family Hour "rtottt" ... ... .. ... ..... $2.90 NWT. “not",pm Hullab- "our ... ... ... ... ' C3.†Ink“ who - tor who“. i _ A - - " um Feed “my. on hand to wall u No. 2 Am. man â€an an. ' 'x';i5e5t? F _"t?,ri:j0t, E. W. B. Snider, Proprietor IT. JACOMIINTAIIO. Riiit) sPICIAL “Ll or - SUIT! .11.â€. Thu Include. no at tho "nun“ Mth Century Icnch Tailor“ Suits, an but tailor-d In the Dominion at Gan. ada with a lull autumn of “up. re. aming Mr two "are. and» any "re" of war or weather. Many of thou Bargain 3qu run a high at mm, In an. Irm-h woolen “his; Bale Prim ... ... .. ..... $17w so den» ilen'e Negligee sun-u, In all the new panerne. atripee and checke, guaranteed in! colon, eilee " to 1.. regular price 01.00 to 69 $1.28, Sale Price ... ... .... Men'e Battrr%tan Summer Under. wear, French neck, all due. SP regular INK, hie Price . . . . . . We have the but aeeorted otock of Menu Underwear. Combination and two piece in Ontario, 33c, Me, Ne, 90c, $1.50 and .. .... ... ... ... . $2.00 FURNISHING “SPECIAL. STRAW HAT SALE. FACTORY CLEARING TROUSER SALE. Man's Trouuro made to all " $1.76 and 02.00, his variety to chm from, and. at â€whenâ€. good looking tweed.. The map of your Im $119 Oil. Price ... ... ... .. J.. um Trenton, In -tiortnl HM Imported ward“. and "can. made In plain and “My .trtttes, $198 regular 03.00. “I. Price . . . . LAhlEs’ SHOES LOW PRICED 120 pair Women'a Boots, new “yuan Ihapu In patent leather with black or awn tom, cuban heel, we. 2n to 7, regular $4.00, Sale Price .. .. $298 200 pair Women's Boots, broken Big. " in some lines, gumml and vlci kld blucher cut cuban heels, mu 3 to 7, roguIar $3.00. Sale Prlce ... $198 “out†Inn-mu $1.50 Sermon straw» Sale .. $2.00 Sermon 3mm, sale $2.50 Sonncu_8trawa. Sale . Br "Very special llnu $2.50 and . “A"RLOO. ONTARIO. $1.43 $1.95 Dov-on and It. a! In. It! M- 00: ot - u. may It. ttiand. harm-Ir. all In. Job: lamp! an my oi Lulu let tho tint at July with “It! M mother Mrs, J. Noun-It. FIB" MeKes.tetohintt.tteta" Dan on tho Brat od July and ".i,',1iii having had . goal tim..-Mr. m: Latina and son John was My morning n Lintowe1.-Mr. And In. William Bonn and - at one spent Sunny with In. J. Wow.- ln. A. Rudy]! oi St. cut-nuns damn; with hot undo Mr. Jonah Thoentuc-her. Horton R. Laban ot Preston in spending I In any: with " parent-chore" Day In - it our church Inst Sunny when n good prognmme was given by th- children. Mr. Richard Bruhl Ion May tor London having been aeeepted u I recruit tor the 34th. Butallon. - Mm Mamie Wildlong nnd her Sun- day School cl»: ot the Methodist church picnickod in Victoria Park, Berlin, Saturday. . Mr. Anon Huey who purchased the Ludwig tum at Blair, is making many changes which will greatly in- creuc the contort: and arm of the home. '7 - Mr. and Mrs. George Eby. ot Broo- lau, left this week on a three month- trip to California, Washington, m the Canadian Went. News Notea:-. Mr. Samuel S. bet. weilcr's house is nearly computed.-- Hr. H. Pug-Icy is melting quite out improvement to his house. Ir. Johan Mitten is building 1 house [or his loaf Netams.-Farrrter, ere busy than up. “In; in their hay which it. run crop.-Mr. Henry Dippel, left lest. ‘chneedsy for the city ot Quebec with Mr. Herman Harte], Mr. Har- tel has a contract for a large barn and shed. --The road from the blsck- smithshop to Freeport bridge is completed. It is an A lyrtr.--Mi" Alice Latsch has started workinv " the W. G. a R. Berlin.-Mr. Milton Latsch left tor Detroit where he will spend about three weeks.- Mrs. Jo- seph Schmidt is on the sick list.- Miss Elsie Batz oi Hamilton called on Miss Essie Latsch on Prtdar,-. Mr. and Mrs. Joe._Bieth ot Preston, were visiting Mr. and Mrs. Amos Halman on 'clundar.--Meatrm Elias Dippel and Henry George, were visit- ing Mr. F. Latsch on Sunday. Master Lester Fleischmnn who un- derwent an operation .on Walnut!" is doing nicely and will be about again in a. tew days. Mrs. Augusta Maude of New Bed ford, Mass., is visiting her twin bro ther, Augusta G. Pabst. and other re lltives in this vicinity. Miss Pearl Morris left May lo: Detroit and Cleveland where sh: will spend a short vacation witt ltiends. Miss Almeida L. Grab has been to .-~--.a ‘4 A--.. "h.. (Mutila- school tor the coming you. Mr. Jardine Christinâ€, ot Dillon, Mont.. is spending never-l week: with his granddad, Mr. William Jar. dine, and other renting in town. Mrs. E. W. Manger and inhnt son M Gait. who have been visiting witt the farmer's panamaâ€. And Mrs McGinnis. have returned to their home. News “arms :--The, missing cl ' Mr Anon Baum)!†implement shed was held Int Thursday evestittg.--MS" Florentlna Eby returned to Totem alter spending a two-weeks' “cation with her ttttrerttrr.-Mr, Edvard Die Hg. tf, Lemma. Fmrtr,ttte week-en “Tl. Ewan". Jana-l na- Die rich..-. r. Erwin MmImlNon East Hope spent Sunday in thin VI- "?'tâ€j'. G, ix, n non-3|} n! Nari-t vme College, Itt., occupied the pulp". in, the Evangelical Church on Stand-y Int-moon in the Absence ot Rev. P. B. Meyer. Mr. Dangle will also no ctorthe pulpit next Sand-y morning " eleven o'clock Sunday whool u "mt.--Mr. and Mm. Henry Holman.1 Att Berlin, apeett vSundny with the Intelâ€: put-nu Mr. and In. Sav- "r.--Mr. Wilfred Suwyer. ttt Clint. Mr. Altred-Snwyer, or Elmira. and Ill.- Lizzie Sawyer. oi Trenton we“ the week-end under an parmtat tool. -He. and In. C. I. - - the [were] at the lorm'cr’n “that. Mr. John We.“ w" In at. June on New Noi.-arr. and Our Busy Netghti0itat West Ham. Centreville. Hespeler. normal. iiria2cuiisGG iromhere he no Pull in response to the all “Won't in. M end ",t,tttpttJ2'd" It . But have recently their into- M “on! to eattiat.-.Them Rouble“ m POW works in nguin in o'peutieu with . Poet lull stall of mm] warren-sum Peet the hot weather mired hue-hull Preq me to be forgotten. I: it the RM heat or just 1trziereats.--0et together 0dr: bors.--Ottr recently renovated street Otha has met with the “prove! ttrtuttttet- On: our autoiste who egree with us that W we would be much better it it were 8.- mn finished in a similar way, but the W "City Fathers" ruled otherwise for tyet reasons we ordinary mortal: eatsnot i'vUtr comprehend. However, like the lit- 1"" tie boy at the dinner table. â€It'l rtttrt pretty good what's of it."-4htr Tm streets will soon vie with Piridil- ".. ly in number ol pretty young ladies We“ who promenade every Sunday e'en- $Fatl ing. St. Clemente is no leggnrd in this respect.-Are our stores going ---ar.." to have a halt holiday? Not I bad idea to lollow Linwood here. though this burg does not usually require to copy ideas. --m, notice quite n few have been ittdtsatrotta1y ehootlng lib- ' tie birds, but " is time that people were more enlightened u to the mt.. ue or our aerial "lends, tor to ex- terminate them is just cutting one: awn throat. --F'iahing has derived much amusement and protit to a number of our young men. The med- at tor beet catch ot the neon tq- ing awarded to M. P. Schummer. who had one at the uncut strings we hue seen lor manv days. in piece, em. Ming, ot course, a prolound er! Tet. Surprise P.rtr.-sauuday tt?.Is/ In very pleasantly spent " “am tome ot Mr. Ferdinand Helm. when Er. Herbert Schnan wu would 2y ‘hin numerous friends reminding Jim at his birthday. He In! pro- seated with n address Ind handsome "which, which shown the high 'r.. teun iitxrttiehheiattMd. Thoro- mninder M the evening VII mun ration: 'umulementl. A deliciou- luach Wu and all an: the “you; to“: luring min wtahM Mr. Selma" may - return- oi up an they " remind to this home- but“ thoroughly about! mund- I, " not. ad " h s'tr,,',,1u"h m Gatos, gtl.,t July In mun Shane. - u my Btrome-ht Lon Gum, COL. JI. a, In. sum Strum. "teq-ht Gm. July o, In. "t â€In in In Mth you. r PatriW-At Gilt, July lo, W. 30H um Punch. an l, "odr--ht an... July t, In, J.» L mtt a. “my. - II â€In. " month and ll an. s"cactiicz--At {Mm July tttr, Louis A. Hula-x and " you: mad ' an. 'e-ot-ft New “Cum July 6, In. this! Bog-mu. "" " i313 Show. ... ...v.' "e'Aeetsviih ... Tum ...... untold ... ... rsmmto. (Can. WORM . wan-mg Good Goods Frost Woven Farm a"fr-'ii' Field Fences 7i ELMIRA FAMOUS FOR ITS TIGHT-LOOK AND STRONG CPRI‘NO. THE FENCE OF PERFECT 'mo'" THE FENCE MAtttG-WUtE AND ALL--""' CANADA." . , " Mad up the Mating 'ttM', no and for galvanizing, all win "mtltttpV_ttmt qqe'ttt NV nut “in" all 2t'l2d", lid“ d new I: w rod. We luv. 1m ordqeqgg var-ottoman“. st.i'ie','ky'gi carom 9mm p can up‘to‘ul ‘only. Order your supply " fondnj‘nwml infâ€; " W . w . " 1 , . No. A 80.10 PM My. PM", . wlru. so Inch M“, It rod no . wings! mash'ah, et red _ __. 48rg Na. 9, 13.9 Frat ft'mit but, 1' " q," m. c, an ' In» Hy. Ponce, a when. a met. no», at rod ..W.'.. he A _ Mat, " Inch Mun. at rod .. .... Me No. 3, 47-9 Fro“ Rlng Lock, 0 No. r, '" PM " Fence, 7 wind, 47 Inch Mun, " rod ... .. 340 Mo... 44 Inch ttet, " M ... . .. 34: No. r, 44.9 Front ling Lock, , . It. 7, 3-10 PM "r. "rtee, , mm. 44 Inch high. at m. . ... . . Ila JAR» .. ... ...Sopt. 28 a M. ....q. ... .,....0et. IF14. , ...... ...... -..Sept. M. ...... .......-" Sept. 21. ... Thank-xiv“ Day. National) Aug." .. ...-..""'. .... Sept. " '.. - ...Bept " a 15. - ." "Sun. as a M. Hanna's “my STORE NEWSI PM (may 5y.“ It . PM and 10:4 " . . . M. WEICHEL & SON mm " THE BIG HARDWARE STORE" 0.â€.OOOOOOOCOOOOOOOOO .0...‘.....‘ Waterford Welland .‘ Welles!†WNW; OOOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOIl WE put on Splendid Bar, iii,' every day to encourage N " ,,h.j, ly shopping. Store ".ii,iii,iiiii_i_t_,il day, excepting Saturdays, up (i Farttt,tt Call in on your way lyrmt, and: benefit by these bargains, " E Wednesday Marks! specials : a ave you taken advantage!- Phone 215 And don’t forget our King and Frederick Sta Phones :952-953 . m.... .........oct. , mm ..... ...... ......0ct a: . ...Oct. 5 a a. lWinslmn ...... ... .-...Bet. " â€Sept 14 a is. Woodstock ... ... ... ...Sent. a sag}: a M. maria ..... ... ...... "wink 1. Specials Fro" an“. 12:14 at Front am. "A " " Inch but», at rod O, ‘73 Fro“ Rlng " Inch Mun, " rod r, “.9 Front Ring 44 Inch high. at m. WATERLOO 14": _ “a "te, G; _ with ANP, Look, I Lock. , " T3t {an Ont. Low . Prices