M T 0 C 2 RETURNS IN AUGUST ‘Capt. A,. J. Pequegnat, , ‘who has many rel in this city, and @ fighting line in Fran id Ambulance _ of the from February 6th t been invalided home gh the city on the Tday. le expects 1 front on A terview, referring tle at St. Julic & said, "It is notl fighting line in Fran ld Ambulance . of t) from Febtuary 6th : been invalided home 1 gh the city on the terday. lie expects front on A terview, referrin " tle at St. Jul & said, "It is not acle that any of 1 t left who were in mp@nt. . Some of the fin @r created were killed &xu- of Quebec and 1 @r creat &gw of @ut (or a ut 7.30, mmlrs fr bembardme thought | i the enomy. "About â€" hearing â€" Major h‘“'l‘lll of ou minutes after their way to Col. Ross of } and nights aft wleep. The | 1 were the ith m terrible | went mad At 11 Anstance, One of 4th was brought rife was with !n eight miles and & shot, had pl mans with his h was gruesome C h6 did. Some of that they were ( man lines. _ ‘The great name befo can imagine wh; think of them n« _ "An Imperial ‘tion said to me "An Imperial o tion said to me: ing better than a of two battalions . two lattalions ',hon‘(J woul das where." Geggie and â€"1o s trenches during the _ soldiers. ( said, ‘lt wou! utes.‘ 1. thougls time. . The sold under suflering. dest sights ever soldiers strugali the gas poisoint was brought inf eye shot out ar and he asked . eUâ€"Known Stratford °Y M. C. A. Officer Tells of _ Battle of 8t. Julien. The Canathi regular linc went to wa The ( after t No wo to lose had ciu the wa and in came al mixed t strugyle The kno the moy markabl "At the fidpnee and tory. Tt j0oKs (.th ful cnnl‘nlm I feol like thing in . might end started ."" From a1 and a con and he sa with the Aryside an ght it had eve fors (ain German lapd in Bel trenches w Germans, : oc i11 on pois For the hospi! Lendon, uhl(‘h 18 471 Rolan she hosp appendici months‘ | a this h ital T. PEQUEGNAT INVALIBED HOME Single Out t} the firs it tier. insferred France th al Q in We ilk ti le t} h t Algerians, and Sikhs, The the s1 U it t 1t I1 all M 1 there Battabi + trench Ii He bl MA th August t1 1d t iT H line n cho was at with . the ith Batta April 27t nd . passed 1.30 train a hosp the the ilt [ Stratâ€" es â€" and B pt id 1 Whaile Ur iapta The th 1\ t by t & AMAAAOMMMANN P~*" charrer xvi. ~ Peg and the Chichester Family. EG Onally wenkened under Mr. Hawkes‘ powers of persuasion. Patting Micbael on the beud, she said to the footiman: "Fe won‘t burt Dbim, will ye? Micbael at that stage licked ber band and whined, as though be knew they were to be sepurated. . l‘vg comforted bhim and weut on: "An‘ l‘d be much obliged to ye if ye‘d give bim some wather an‘ a bone. lle loves mutton bones." Peg looked down and found Alaric sitting ut a desk uear the door staring at ber in disgust. He wus such a funny looking little fellow to Peg thit she could not feel apy resentment toward hi. His sleek, well brusbed hair; his carefully creasâ€" ed and admirably cut clothes, Ais self sufficiency und, mbove all, bis absolute assurunce thut whutever be did was right amused Peg immensely. He was an entirely uew type of young maun to ber, and she was interested. She smiled ut bim now in a friendly way and snid: "Ye must know Michael is simply crazy about mutton. Le loves mutton." TlllIIllllIlllIllllllllIlIlllllll'llllb‘l"!lmlllï¬ "Come here!" called Mrs. Chichester, Peg walked over to ber, and when she got almost beside the old Indy she turned to buve anotber glimnpse t Alaric and guve bim a little, chuckling, good natured Inugh. "Louk at me!" cotmmanded Mrs. Chiâ€" chester sternly. : "Yes, ima‘nm," replfed Peg, with a little courtesy. â€" Mrs. Chichester closed ber eyes for a moment . What was to be done with this barbarian? . Why should this affliction be thrust upon ’her'{ Then she thougbt of the thouâ€" iuund pounds a yeur. Sbe apened her eyes and looked severely at Peg. \ "Doun‘t call me ‘ma‘um!‘" she sald. "No, ma‘am," replied Peg nervously, then instantly corrected berself. . "No, ant! _ No, ant!" "Aunt!" said Mrs. Cbichester baughâ€" { tily. "Aunt, not unt." \â€"Alarle commented to Ethel: 1 "Ant! Like some little crawly in Alaric her. _ Peg heard bim, looked at him and langhed. He certainly was odd. ‘Then she Jooked at Ethel, then it Mr. Hawkes, then all around the room, as [ 1f she missed some one, Finally she | faced Mre. Chicherter ngain. | _"Are you me Oncle Nat‘s widdy?" "No, 1 am not." contradicted the old lady sharply. \ j "Then bow are you meâ€"aunt?" deâ€" manded Peg. I "I am your mother‘s slster," ref Mted Afrs. Chichester. | _ "Oh!" cried Peg. ‘"Then your name‘s #ect P M T ; 00 0____ H..OHARA & CO Royal Bank Building, _ BONDS. Western School District Telephone Debentures | at tractive rates. Write for trations Atrs. Chi graphs of the Play. & right, 1913, by Dodd, Mead &Company. turned indignantly away from AJart t replied the mother, n, tob" â€"sald Alartc M ster Silk what it tears 8| tures at current at Write for particulars t« t Ind out he . said aide." need Peg. t »prawl in that Ethel. Peg sat d at Ethel. She she turned back 1t folks on yet the wurrld 1 @ [ withough, of | whe . sald 11 aiternate cried Alaric saldâ€"grand lent 1sth and Rural rek while tner of take it looked Tomntg ady with n," ‘and Peg sat #{""*" * ~UOhronicleâ€"TelegrapB, Waterloe, Ehursdayâ€" _ July 15,1915â€" _â€" 5| = | Aunt mnbidâ€" "C Put openly. Finally she asked‘ Mre. Chiâ€" chester the following amazing que# me "Where‘s her busband ?" Eithel sprang to ber feet SBhe was to be disgraced before ber family by that beggar brat. ous "Yes," repiied Peg \nsistently. "I saw ber busbend when | came in bere first.. I‘ve beep in this room before, ye know, 1 came in through those windows, an‘ 1 saw ber an‘ ber bus Mrs. Cbichester said in astonishment, "Her busband?" "What in beaven‘s name does she mean?" cried Alaric. Peg persisted, "! tell ye it was she seunt we to the kitchenâ€"she an‘ bim." "Him? in the word dges #be mean ?" BMERGe i( 1 u5 un ul to 2 To w does sha refer, Bihel?" from Mrs Chichester. Mr. Hawkes now broke in: "My time is short. _ Miss O‘Connell, it was your uncle‘s wish that you should make your bome bere with Mrs. Chiâ€" chester. She will give you every possiâ€" ble advantage to make you a bappy, well cared for, charming young lady." Peg laughed. "Lidy? Me? Sure now"â€" "You must do everything she tells you. Try to please ber in all things. On the first day of every mouth I will xey wosrg Gid ai over abg imugneo call and find out what progress you‘re making. And now 1 muyst tike my leave." 1e picked up bis bat and cane from the table. Peg sprang up â€" breathlessly and frightenedly. . Now that Mr. Hawkes was going sbe felt deserted. He had at least been gentle and conyiderate to ber. She tusged at his sleeve and looked straizht up into his face with her big blue eyes wide open and pleaded: "Plaze, sir, tike me with ye an‘ send me back to New York. Pd rather go home. Indade 1 would. 1 don‘t want to be a lady. 1 want me father. L‘laze take me with ye." _-‘;6!71.7como. come"â€" Mr. Hawkes beâ€" gan. "1 want to go back to me father. Indade 1 do." Her eyes Med with tears. "IJe mightn‘t like me to stay here uuwï¬'h/:n me uncle‘s dead." "Why, it was your uncle‘s last wish that you should come here. . Xour Taâ€" ther will be delighted at your goou fortune." Me geatly pressed ber back into the chair aud smiled pleasantly apd reassuringly down at her, Just when he.had negotlated everyâ€" thing most satisfactorily to have Peg endeavor to upsct it all was most disâ€" turbing. le went on again: "Why, it was . that you should ther will be de fortune." He g« Into the chair i and reassuringly "Your aunt will power to make Won‘t you, Mrs. C "Everything!" s as if shoe were W Iave. Peg lo« expressic Peg looked at ber aunt ruefnlly (ber expression was most forbidding); at Ethel‘s expressive back; lastly at Alarle fitting a cigarette into a gold mounted bolder. _ Her whole nature cried out ngaiust themm. She made one last appeal to .\lr.mv. "Do send me bagk to m8 fathert" w ty alone. that wa) nth. l No k h H t! do everything in her you feel at home. hichester ?" rid Mrs. Chichester, ilking over her own F to m8 father®‘ wor Miss O‘GonnelL appolut your father d you? Wait for a i the Ist, nod 1 ex the most charming Now, goodby." Apd t I N ALl ye very lehoater In w WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS TIRED Swan Creek, Mich, â€"** 1 cannot speak too highly of your medicine. When through neglect or Haaagee : > down and my appeâ€" the T May Find Help in "Your name is Margaret," said mMrs, Chl:)at,er as the door closed on Mr. La wkes. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Pinkham Medâ€" icine Co., (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter wil be opencd, read and answered by a woman and held i1 strict confiderce. _ "No, ma‘am," Peg began, but immeâ€" diately comected berself; "no, auntâ€"L beg your pardonâ€"no, auntâ€"my name is Peg!" cried she enrnestly. "That is only a corruption. We will eall you Margazget," fusisted Mrs. Chiâ€" chester, dismissing the subject once nnd for all. But Peg was not to be turned so Mightly aside. She stuck to her point. "L wouldn‘t know myself as Marâ€" garetâ€"indade I wouldn‘t. 1 might forâ€" get to answer to the name of Marâ€" gnret." Sbe stopped her pleading tone and said determinedly, "My name is Peg." Then a little softer and more plaintively she ndded: "Me father al ways calls me Peg. It would put me in inind of me father if you‘d let me be called Peg, aunt." Shbe ‘bnded ber plea with a little yearning cry. “k‘!ndly leave your father conversation," suapped the verely. ‘"Then it‘s all 1 will lave him out of!" cried Peg, springing up and conâ€" fronting the stately lady of the house. Mrs. Chichester regarded her in asâ€" tonishment and anger. "No temper, if you please," and she motioned Peg to resume her seat. Poor Peg sat down, breathing hard, her fingers locking and unlocking, ber stinch little heart aching for the one human being she was told not to reâ€" fer to. This house was not going to hold her a prisoner if her father‘s name was to be slighted or ignored. On that point she was determined. Back to America she would go if her father‘s name was ever Insulted before her. the from "Tn nlied M Bret Then Peg Innghed horror fd Mrs. Chi "Low dare you!" Peg looked at her mirth died away. "Musto‘t 1 laugh | asked. "You bave a great deal to learn. Your education will begin tomorrow." "Sure, thx will be foine," and sho chuckled. > © 1 If _ plcture of Ethel atrnggling In nt‘s armsa suddenty flashed ncross t, and before she could restrain her t she had said in exaet Imitation of eousin: Please don‘t! It is so hot this mornâ€" 4| Yoe Innuched loudly to Ethat‘s stion of Impighuess in CHAPTER XyiHII. ey‘a Now Surroundings. 8 little heart was craving for me show of kindness. If she ere going to stiy there she ould innke the best of It. She nke some friendly ndvances to le beld her hand out to Mrs b lm;gh in this house?" she ies in yC chester. of â€" Ethet suddenty tite is poor and i have that weak, lanâ€" ,:H. always tired u% 1 get a botâ€" tle of {dhE.Pink.- ham‘s Vegetable Compound, and it builds me up, gives me strength, and reâ€" stores me to perfect vory grateful t i live with ye ichester‘s disgust. eried her aunt, a tmoment; all the your power out of the d lady seâ€" Mut + -.-.lu. o sBu anarc usns \ “"‘“Jtm.hct had it the bare n« ~ T8 t Very mu tlon sand h r h l Wnue shins prusnt in +4 °sA nipg ap 4 in dX ME â€" d shited ccnd snn "Go with hi Aud she pointed the stairs, on Zf.....&...,..-! stood the portly Jarvis waiting:to co# \@uet Peg out of the family‘s sight . |. & Pep dropped a little courtesy to Mre. Chichester, smiled at Ethel looked loftlly at Alaric, then rao up the staing, and, Pellowing the footman‘s index finâ€" ger pointing the way, she disappeared from Mrs. Chicbester‘s uohappy gize. The three looked at each other. "Awful!" said Alaric. "Perrible!" agreed Mrs. Chichester. ~ "One thing is absolutely necessary,* Mrse. Chichester went on to sayâ€""she must be kept away from every one tur the present." â€" { â€" here _ "I should say so!" cried Alaric ener getically. Suddeniy be ejaculated: #Ggod, Lord! : Jerryâ€"he: mustu‘t â€"se@ , punctual." G | _ He was genuinely concerned that his | old chum should not meet that imposstâ€" ’ ble little red headed Irish heatben whom an unkind fate bad dropped \ down in their midst. At the hall door Mrs. Chichester told ‘ Jarvis that her niece was not to Ipave | her room without permission. | _ As mrs. Uhichester «u0 AisQc pass ! ed out they little dreamed that the same relentless fate was planning still furâ€" | ther bumiliations for the unfortunate \ family and through the new and upâ€" | welcome addition to it. her. Hed laugh bis bead off at the idea of my having a relation like her. He‘ll probably run in to Vluqcn:" "Then she must rewain in her room until he‘s goune," said Mrs. Ohichester determined}y. "I‘ll go into town now and order some things for her and seo about tutors. She must be taugbt and at once." "Why put up with this annoyance at all?" asked Ethel. F _ Mrs. Chichester put ber arm around Ethel as she said: "One thousand pounds a year, that is the reason." "Wait a minute, mater," put in Alar. ic, "and I‘ll go with you as far as the station road and see if 1 can bead Jerâ€" ry off. His train is almost due if it‘s Peg Followed Jarvis Up the Stairs. Peg was shown by the maid, Benâ€" nett, into a charming old world room: overlooking the rose garden. Everyâ€" thing about it was in the most exâ€" quisite taste. The furniture was of white and gold, the vases of Sevres, & few admirable prints on the walls and roses every where. Left to found her with so ent The splendor of narrowness of the What an unequal where sucin peojric wroun Chich seemed to borrow n nce iustrious and They were, it would cerned with a partl father had to struggle the bare necessaries! Very much comforted by the reflecâ€" tlonsand baving exhatusted ail the cuâ€" tlous things in the little mauve rooim, she determined to see the rest of the house. â€" First she changed to aoother dress. At the top of the stairs she met the maid Bennett tlo be continucd.) MP COLI to her reflections, poor Peg herself wondering how people soâ€" much ‘ that was beautiful 1 them could live and act as the ster family apparently did. They J to borrow nothing from their ljustrious and prosperous denrd. were, it would appear, only conâ€" ) with a particularly near pres The Woman Who T akes { \I know this famous remedy to be the proper belp for them. . A fow doses will make immediate difference and oceasional use _will cauge A Eem\nmmt :r:ravtmcnt in health and strength. They cleanse the system ,Kurlfy the blood and every woman who relies on Beecham‘s Pills, not w- better physical condition, with quicter nerves and spirits, but she Enjoys A Clear Complexion BEECHAM‘S PILLS 1 | Thomes Beech« m S rv::v"w:vc (u Cenede aag U the house awedâ€"the people frritated her. condition of things c were endowed with LMI all his life for Worth a Quinea a Box \, KIDREY DISEASE WAS KILLING HIM ~ My Kidmeys resumed their normal l.ction after I had taken upwards of a l dozen boxes and I regained myoldâ€"time vitality. Today, I am as well as ever." B. A. KELLY. 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25¢. At dealers or sent on receipt of price By Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives Limited, Ottawa. Until He Used "Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" Haozesviuus, Oxt., Aug. 26th, 1918. "About two years ago, I found my health in a very bad state. y Aidneys were not doing their work and I was all run down in confition. Having seen *Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives‘ advertised, I decided to try them. J‘helr action was mild, and the resultall that could be expected. TRANSPORT LINE STR. MINNEHAHA ON FIRE AT SEA HENRY FORD, MOTOR KING, STARTS A DIET CAMPAIGN teachin ployces nourish duce t million Detroit dietetics, In the new General N being erected by Mr. F ment has been arranged the guidance of medical gaged â€" solely for this will be taught how and In the new General Hospital ""“‘i being erected by Mr. Ford a depart ‘ ment has been arranged where under: the guidance of medical experts, ¢nâ€" gaged â€" solely for this purposc, men will be taught how and what to cat. The â€"new _ department _ is in line with Mr. Ford‘s propaganda looking toward increased efficiency in his emâ€" ployees., ‘"Eat > only when hungry, and‘ then eat less than you feel you need. Try this for a week ard 1‘ll guarantee _ you‘ll feel much better." is the way the Detroit wonderâ€"workâ€" er defines the â€" question of notrisk ment. The Great Kidney Remedy able quantity of ammunition was aboard the Minncehaha. Officials of the line _ asserted howeversithat the fire was _ far removed from that section of the ship in which the ammunition had been stored. The ships crew number one hundâ€" STRATFORD MAN TRIES 11 TIMES TO JOIN TROOPS Stratford, _ July 7.â€"Havin to enlist 10 times and on r casion being turned down or of his terth, was the experic Private Charles Henry EFlet Dover _ street, who has be accepted _ for the fourth cg making his eleventh appear fore the doctor. He has teeth pulled and 14 false tee in his mouth to comply wit quirements. f He attempted to enlist six Toronto, once for all three « being. finally : the fourth. He is a marmied m London, England, an« by _ the _ Stratford Company. Sevenleen are on theâ€"firing linc Detroit are n the.NrI day for London Charge Against of North Woodstoc am, St. Helens, l“uâ€"llnbll‘“‘- i U. 8. America. _ 1n boxes, 25 cents, MceKay, he ew York, July 8.â€"The Atlan Transport line steamship Minâ€" wha sailing from New York fo don was fighting a fire toâ€"day (o. 3 hold according to a wire ster the iz loods, and incident.il ir grocery bills by abo: dellars a year, Menry | s philanthropist multiâ€"m s directed his attentior July 7.â€"With the ob his eighteen thousand ow to eat only the age received by the was not believed to H L rods July ntinge cepted Farmer 7.â€"HMaving | tri m ippesur ourt was employe Manufacturin [ dus_fclatave Pte 1eft t« yolns matut U ind . t Strath i time pl th be fatt i0 t Phur uh Harrigter, Solic Conveyancer, . c Office, Molson‘s I 100. t| and sLers J. A. Scell Offices: U Block, Bet 11 5t Alex. Millar, K LLB., W. iL non Berl Notar Barrist al Kir THE E OF MILLAR (Su GFE E DR. W on C it CLEMENT & CLEME M Professional Cards > DR D DF SCELLEN & WE JAMES C McINTC DR. J E Legal Mor D 4T W NT LavTigâ€" blic. 0A N. W ms, crSy, Denâ€" : of ntal st lc ic Denâ€" to oune 1 of heâ€" with Mâ€"Af