by ue + C Rpmee o F o 4 ~~ Privileges Are Being Appreciated to & Not Provâ€" h k3 MMâ€"Imudl\mMlio- I : ing Readâ€"Over 10,000 Volumes on Shelves, . s gratified sati| â€" w . qaisileges. bof wia * ‘are ‘appreciated t .m degree not .uï¬y known in the Bc 9e ty of the town. : The number of _ books being read by the people of _ Au W has increased very substanâ€" w. Miss Roos, the Librarian, prepared the following : talle ~ * which sets forth clearly the rate > of * ncrease in the number of books read yC wu and by children‘ during the five months . of 1915 over. the ’conmondm; months of 1914, * Number of Books Read. n evening the members of _ Waterloo â€" Liprary Board 'uu «& last monthly mesting pefore the recess and will not reassemâ€" ble until â€" September. s January 1914 1303 » 1915 1239 February 1914 1157 1915 1198 March l’lli 1180 ~ 19 1371 March 101‘1 ~_ 19 April _ 1915 1915 May 1914 1915 ‘Total read 1914 Total read 1915 An increase of 25 per cent. in total )og withdrawn. To read by Adults 1914 ...... 5677 Total read by Adults 1915 ...... 6167 Total read by Adults 1914 ...... 5577 Total read by Adults 1915 ...... 6167 An _ increase of 11 per ceat. in amount of adult reading. Total Juvegile 1914 ... ......... 1672 ‘Total Juvenile 1915 ... ...... 2949 An increase of no less than 75 per cent. in juvenile reading. The children, it will be seen, are becoming increasingly interested in the library, having almcst doubled the number of their withdrawais. ! Adis ‘The Municipal Council of the Townâ€" ship, of, Wellesley, met, pursuant to adjournment, at the Council‘s Chamâ€" ber, Crosshill, Monday, the 7th day of June, 1915, at 10 o‘clock in the forencon. ‘All the members _ were in attendâ€" ance, A, . B. Robertson, the Reeve, took the chair. Fruscs The minutes of. the previdous _ sesâ€" sion were read and confirmed by the Municipal Board. â€" Communications, bills and acâ€" counts, also the report of C. D. Bow, man, O.L.S; (Township Engincer) re the Linwoodâ€"Municipal Drain, were received. ; Immediat:ly, _ aft.r reading _ the Township _ minutes, said _ report Te the Linwood Municipal Drain, . was read â€" by the Clerk, in accordance with section 18, Chap. 198, R.S.O., 194 : Taking up of bills and accounts :=« Moved by F. Lackner, seconded by J. L. McKay that the following acâ€" counts be paid and that the Reeve issue orders in payment of the folâ€" lowing amounts, that is to say :â€" Jonas Schefiner, for repairing roadâ€"machine ... ... .....$ McBride & McKenzie, re J. E. Dan Wagler, shovelling snow, } Henry Roth, work on Countyâ€" Frank Norman, for 108 yds. @TAVOL â€"....sciss ccrcmsrennrinre Carocnt Guelphâ€" General Hospital re Thos. Ransom ... ... ... R. Y. Fish, coal and wood for FORUâ€"TOHEL {...sssize ersere ste aniesr J. S. Hahn, work at pridge, DolM®, ObC. V..si2 srsrasemrvizuriss ues Anthony Moser, rep. culvert } \BY elcsizess sessiin Iecgrrines cereccress" â€" 180 Geo. Vogan, rep. culvert, 4 pay 1.50 David Axt, teaming and putting _ C PMDW Seâ€"â€"ciscees ccrvieree sirst currac: 10.00 Moses Shantz, for: winter road 5.00 Lorne Rannie, for winter road _ _ Wm. Z. Koebel, winter road and Albert Gibbons, assessor‘s salâ€" W. H. Knight, assessor‘s# salary | JM SOWOTS ... en se 9200 Geo. Lintick, rep. two culverts _ .50 Thos. Crookshanks, probing bridge > and team on roadâ€"drag ......... 7.00 John Dechert, drawing gravel... 2.00 Jolin Birmingham, compensaâ€" _ . . «â€"Carried. Moved by J. L. McKay, seconded by R. Lintick that the Council findâ€" ing at the close of the Council meet. Ing, a majority of the owners on the petition, re the Linwood Muni ipal Drain, that after due consideration, of C. D. Bowman O. L. $ Linwood Municipal Drain, icionglly ulopM.â€"-Cm!ï¬. & "of Revision and Appeal te . Assessment Rolis, for the curâ€" c it, 1915, at 2 o‘clock, in the [d a Council now formed into : of Revision. © After taking the oaths and declarâ€" Wellesley Tp. Council By Adults . By Children A PROGAESSNE 1173 953 1185 362 564 328 624 363 616 807 599 312 486 7249 9115 38.00 11.170 16.20 12.50 18.25 10.00 15.00 47.00 47.00 2.25 2.62 1.00 of The ~Mbrary . coutains upwards of 10,000 books. h.m'dï¬ â€˜Arct that many: of our â€"citizens are ol (German déscent, a special section ummnmw literature : in the .. German; ®.. Needless to say, no {terma® : POOFY are being ; ~lkuported: at the présent time:: :Every resident of the town is mfl to become a book borrower. The books. of the library bave been so seletved as to be especially belp ful to working men and skilled meâ€" chanice. ‘There is a well sclected colâ€" lection devoted to the cultivation of fHowers, which is so popular a recteâ€" ation in our community. There are also departinéats : of history, fiction, poetry, philosophy and science. In comnection with the library is a reading room where the leading dailâ€" ies and weeklies may be seen by any: visitor. _ The most celebrated illusâ€" trated papers are now available, givâ€" ing graphic pictures of military and navalâ€" operations during the war ‘There is a recreation room for â€" the boys where they can meet and . read under competent direction. _ Yearâ€"by. year the library increases in value and it was f.1t desirable tml):?.rtéuumtothm-‘ ance the building and library. The total insurance is now over $18,001 s~ that the property. over which the Library Board has supervision is of considerable monetary as well as litâ€" erary value. s The library is open to patrons from 3 o‘clock to 5.30 o‘clock in the aiternoon and from 7 o‘clock to $.15 o‘clock in the evening, the reading room being open until 9 p.m. Great as has been the increase in the interest taken in the library and its privileges, the Board hopes that during, the remainder of the year even greater progress will pe made . over the corresponding period in 1914. Every citizen of Waterloo, who . is able to read in either English or German should be a patron of our library, ations of office, it was moved by R. Lintick, seconded by J. Reidel that A. B. Robertson be chairman of said Court.â€"Carried. Nin§. After the consideration py said Court,. of the several appeals, the Chairman _ reported as follows :â€"We the members of the Court of Revisâ€" ion and Appeal beg to report that no actzon pe taken in the appeal of Thes Hinschberger, that‘ the assessment of Jas. Begzs be reduced $300.00, that the assessment of ‘Menno Schhieter be lowered _ $100.00, in the appeal of Henry Lantz it was found that he was not assessed for a dog, thr + of lot 12, enncession 5. Westernâ€"secâ€" tion assessment $5400.00 was changâ€" ed from Alex. Gilmar to Daniel Kenâ€" nell, the appeal of Leo Brenner was taken up but not concluded at said sitting of Court. Said Court adâ€" journed _ to Monday, July 5th, 1915, [ 2t 2 â€"0‘clock in the afternoon. Moved by J. Reidel, seconded by R. Lintick that this council do now adjourn to meet again at the Townâ€" shipâ€"Hall, Crosshill, Monday, the §th day of July, 1915, at 10 o‘clock in the forenoon.â€"Carried. St. Clements, June 10th, 1915. * Tp. Clerk. The minutes of the previous . sesâ€" sion were read and confirmed. Minuts of the 685th session of W.kfsot Township Council which was icld‘ in the Township Halt Baden, on Mcaday the 21st day of June â€"1916. members gll pres nt, the: Reeve preâ€" siding. ‘ Comm#munications were received : from the Hydro Electric Railway Associgâ€" tion and from J. D. Fisher | clerk of North Easthope, asing this Townâ€" shin. to remit their share of the Kranspien . Drain. \ A deputat:on from the Police Villâ€" age of Baden was present asking the Township to build a fence around the township hall grounas. Moved by A. C. Hallman seconded by A. M. Zoâ€"llet that this Covncil take no action wilth regards to the building of a fence around the Townâ€" ship Hall property at the present time, cartied unanimously. o Moved by A. M. Zoeller seconded by Gro. Z. Lantz that the following accounts: be . passed and that th> Reeve issue his orders on the Treaâ€" surer in payment of same viz;â€"Treaâ€" surer Patriotic Fund Ottawa 2rd inâ€" stalnent of Wilmot share ol the Paâ€" triotic Fund, ...... ...... ...........376.00 A. Stemm., work . and, teaming ; , at »Brutacher‘s Bridge ....._..... (4.00 Sawyer: Massey;&:Co., bit and : .«« H. C. Schumm, board 0‘ health and township‘ supplies . 88.25 E. T. Coleman hardware acct. 2.32 F. Holwell 2nd. Qr walaty as clerk and treasurer, postage and. tolephone ............. ....... 162.98 D. Rit:, printing wot‘ts lists« . Viewers. on Award of Cressman & Sararas . Lin* Mrs. E. Weiler 4 yearly salary as ‘Tp. Halltâ€"stant ....._... \... 20.00 It. Agatha Orphanage grant ... 22.00 Jam Bend r opcrating Road ma Wilmot Tp. Council. + td 3. News Items=Crops in . this dn-l trict, especially the hiy crop, afe looking ‘very promising.â€"Farmers ate w 62.98| busily engzared in their statute laor ; end when fnished will have improved 96.25 | ho rovds cons‘d:rably.â€"The Farmets . |rnd Women‘s Institute meetings held| . A " T throuchout this district were . well | tots ! s.00 | attended.â€"Messrs McColemen and Wns | HaYs® Birie are sponding several days at |Beven 20.00 | Stayner and> vicinity.â€"Quite a numâ€" sent. 22.00| ter ar> tak‘ng in the Excursion â€" from | 8Ch00 + Providnce Bay to Stayner mim J 25.37 Camp meeting.â€"Mr. and Miss The 3 Men‘s $ u its 5x2 . Special 314 MEN‘S SUITS, in ail the very «atest shades, of all ~woo! Canadian Tweeds, light and dark patterns, . the very latest_creations of the tailors art, new and correct, all sizes regular $10, Sale Price ... MEN‘S SUITS, sample suits, in all wool domestic tweeds A‘dâ€hm;y Wor» steds, light and dark coi and fancy stripes, broken checks, etc., very well tailored and lined with best quality farmer‘s satin, regular $10, $12 and §14, sizes 36 to 40, . Sale Pric#.1% .. Tilc.s .%,"rkTs sT’s MEN‘S SUITS, made from pure doâ€" mestic tweeds and fancy worsteds, in upâ€"toâ€"date patterns, lined with fine quality Itatian cloth, well and strongly made newest styles, all sizes $lo.48 regular $15, Sale Price .. . MEN‘S SUITS, made from extra fine quality fancy worsteds, in all the Jat . est patterns, fancy stripes, etc., well lined and trimmed newest ‘styles, all j are trimmed and finished in the finest custom‘ mannér .,sizes 35 to * ;ï¬ qrâ€pm. Sale Price ;ls m; MEN‘s SUITS _ dozens of different styles and materials are shown in this line, and they are truly the greatest value you ever saw for the . money. Same identical models that . custom tailors are making up this season, from the very newest and most popular all wool materials, all sizes for men and young men, regular $22.00 $16w and $25.00, Sale Price ... ... j 345 Pair MEN‘S TROUSERS, exâ€" tremely stylish well cut Trousers, in fancy worsted and striped, as fine as you can find anywhere, pants that reâ€" tail everywhere for $3 and Q1.98 $3.50, we offer at this sale at A Factory Cicaring or TroUsers MEN‘S PANTS, positively made to sell at $1.75 and $2.00, big variety to choose from, made of serviceable good looking tweeds. The snap of your life at the price we name, Sale « PFWGG :.ii ea‘l. s. les. sl 19 500 Pair of men‘s all Wool Worsted Trousers, in the indistinct stripes and bars, made by one of the best excluâ€" sive makers of pants . in America. These are beautiful goods and every pair guaranteed. This will be one of the greatest snaps of the entire sale. All sizes, regular $4 and $4.50, your choice while they last at .. @90R A. Krampien, man and team on road machine ... ............ 85.56 On mption Council adjourned until the 19th day of July, 1916. F. HOLWELI, Tp. Cleck. Ernst‘s * Spring Bay °* e Mantoulin Islandl @4 $595 s, .,.l 300 BIG BOYS‘ SUITS,. These are ers, in|in the popular Norfolk oty'lr, splenâ€" fine as \didly made in fancy worsted, also in that re. ‘Plain navy blue, the materials throughâ€" ¢ out ;n excellent, no slipshod quality, 198 but firmly woven and _ hard wearing, t excluy.| 100 YOUNG MENS SAMPLE SUITS merica, in all wool tweeds and fancy worsteds d every beautifully‘tailored, correct in style to 'r:".‘.": the minute, all sizes for all young men, 0, m":'sz to 37, long trousers, with cuff or without, very special value at sï¬,gs $2‘95 $10 to $12, Sale Price ... :.. 3614 % \ it * “ ys" Clot fothing 20TH CENTURY BRAND â€"CLOTHâ€" 1NG with a natiqnal reputation, begrs a year‘s absolute guarantee of shape retaining. .You save the worry of try ‘on and fuss and you see the goods, as It looks made, besides you save;from $5.00 to $10.00 on every suit you buy Men‘s Raincoats . RAIN COATS, double â€" texture, Weavy driving and motoring ‘Conts, in shades of fawn . and Olive, _ single¢ breasted style, stzes in the lot 88 46, régular $7.00 to $8.00, sale â€œï¬ BriGe ..0 2..0 .. ¢1).0.1f sb $12.00 extra quality English makes, very special value, Sale [ is s . [ TTPOP | 200 BOYS‘ SUITS. The world over you would have to pay at least “lz ‘and $5.00, made in twoâ€"plece Norfol style, bloomer pants, single breasted jstyle, of a> beautiful _ assortment of Odd lines up to $18.00, in Baimacaan Cravenctte‘ ,Parametta and Glengarry, absolutely waterproof, at â€75 MOTHERS!â€";We are. not boastful in claiming that our prices are at least a third lower thanâ€"others. ~The m carefully you compare . qualities and prices the more thoroughly convinced you will be that ourâ€"claim is modest. ‘slzes 29 to 35, regular $8 to :$10.00, Sale Price ... ... .. threads, marked for ‘this i 300 BOYS SUITS, Norfolk Bloomer Suits in serviceable Tweeds and fancy Worsteds, in dark and medium grey ‘and brown, full bloomer pants, with strap and buckle at knee, regular $6.00 and $6.50, Sale Price ... ... “48 \ gought the seya smith. sett of Markdale are visiting at . homes of ‘Mr. Samiel Wilson :né:: Wm. Bcok. _ Mrs, Skippéen Sr.. + of Green Bay is visiting bt sca Fram cis.â€" The Basctall match ‘betweâ€"n Sprifig Bay and . Prtovidence Bay teams resulted in {favor of the form ex.â€"Mr, â€" Beniah . Bowmen recâ€"atly. A meoting of the school fair ‘kee-l;. at. P so indefinite, that thoy tors for © WAmot Tp., was held . at mnm to Incut the heavy Haysville on _ Saturday, June 19th: pxpooditure cntailed in intsalling Reven ot the nine directors were m‘wu entail 4d . ‘n installing sent. It wasw > decided to hold ‘ is assured. ‘The barn se . makâ€" school fair mq_flm again _ this ers claim that delay in delivery . is year if ‘the trustect dre willing. _ |ave to the fact that specifications The officets wlected are as follows ; bave teen cham;zed. WILMOT TP. SCHOOL FAIR . _DIRECTORS MEET. C n 108 hP v . Mhfolet 9 PSR Ad 11 M L . y f l ns ¢ g s . oc 1 . £4 6 € . e b 1 L % 4+ M , \Â¥"C@ on diuniParautr 2saroon Y6%\Â¥%t0 to. +40% HARGAINS PORE SATURDAY THAT ARE BEYyoXD QUESTION Tus |G#Anvkir of Womnnw every possible effort to induce you to come toâ€"morrow. ‘Reduced prices have _ selling event Berlin has ever seon, It is a bargain carnival that gives every . man the finest of wear apparel at even less than he would have to pay for the inferior kind. Thousands have be~<ftte byitMmmMMmfmï¬dmtwaMM.Whymmf Come along toâ€" morrow and look over the offering. : You will see more high class Clothing being sacrificed than you omurbefm. * yA rt 866 " ‘e d ;. ie m % ‘ HANDSOME SUMMER SUILTS AT PBICES THAT ENABLE EVERY MAN TO HAVE ONE WHETHER HARD TIMES OR NO. * * 32 King Street East fatm owned by Mt. Joâ€" Where the good clothes come from 2. s ~§ad® anufacturers $ $569 s 6 : Soft Hate,.in smooth finish: and :; in, Telescopes. â€" Fedoras or N..‘Irg:fl Toinun troominne Aman o . § fawn p 90. , f 82 and $2.50, Sale Price ... .. †}mf'c. sTRAW. s l Amported English and American,.the best selection . of hats . exclusively shown . by this mn.‘mr-*-fl price for quick sptting.60c to ,. .. ‘Two strong lines at.. sl and ’2 Men‘s imy veste, in ‘all emart new styles, patterns and colors, all wash and dry clean fabrics, a classy display and matchless value, ‘regular 980 $1.50 to $2, Sale Price ... ... nbo wORK GO00D5 SPECIAL A full cw cent, less than other stores. tÂ¥ and compare. Canada best $1.25 Union made ;l Overalls, blus,‘stripe and black â€"â€" J ~_â€" MENT I8s GUARANTEED . © Or your money back. Prices ° cut, slached and: utterly torn toâ€" <pletes. Visit the greatest sale ever conducted in. Berlin. _‘ HÂ¥} i [*® EVERY PRICE AND EVERY sTATEâ€" When you buy furnishings here you are assured of the best selection beâ€" cause we have the best showing of any store in the city. &4 . Moen‘s Furnishings 50 dozen Men‘s Negligee Shirts, in all the new patterns, ~stripes _ and checks, guaranteed fast colors, sizes 14 to 18, regular prices $1.00 to $1.25 and $1.50, Sale Price ... ... .. ..,« Mc * Men‘s Working Shirt. . Now men here is your chance to stock up.. This Yot comprises a special purchase > in strong durable material, made to give service, everyone worth 65c and 75c, }you can get them at this Sale â€" Aftc 50 dozen Men‘s Shirts, new _ silk stripes, French cuffs, separate collar, coat style, in almost unlimited ranges, regular up to $2.00, Sale‘ ~ 981: FHIGB : :+ ser uce sTL Ki t rax ~/ Men‘s Balbriggan Summer Underâ€" wear, finish neck, all sizes, in _ blue, pink, grey and fawn colors, regâ€" nc ular price 45¢ per.garment, aale 50 dozen Men‘s Fancy . and Plain Mose. It is decidedly worth . your white to get some of these in all the fancy effects. Regular 20¢ a pair ZSc Sale Price 2 pair for ... ... ... «t ‘Toronto manufacturers, who â€" have teen making shells, in reply to the strictrrss . of Lord Curzon rogarling ::llmy, state ï¬a:‘ ‘:‘l :ofluc‘i: ve te n let in st ties, and The h%m of the ï¬:ï¬: in -i-vm‘!o indefinite, that thoy hate b to Incut the heavy expooditure . cntailed . in intsalling expenditiro â€" entail d ‘m instailing wure is assured. ‘The harmn ss . makâ€" ers claim that delay in delivery . is DELAY SHIPPINGq 3HBLLS Pres.â€"Roy Graham, Haysville. Viceâ€"Pres.â€"Joseph Steire, S.S. No Sec.â€"Vernon> Witmer,: S.8, No. 8. Treas.â€"Hubert Toman, New Dunâ€" a Dt "th sn# t 00Y juo: U joâ€"bn y aba6 M CYOR stkoxg. } ports are ® *'r }';mn #5â€"1t.: frome peot § Men‘s Police Buspenders, . strong, welil made, in every way, a wonderfui lmdn.nnlulhmt‘e. 1’ Exclusive tasteful neckwear, personâ€" ally selected by our buyers from Eng« lish and American silke, rmhrzso 50c, Sale Price ... .. ... ... : Men‘s and Women‘s Umbrelias, with ’w«l mixed covers, . neatly mounted «and showing a fine range of handles, regular $1.25 to $1.50, Sale 89° PHIGE :s c3 Fh e suki sine hn aall en Men‘s Flannelette Night Robes, meâ€" dium weight, double stitched, . filled seame, pink or blue: stripes or plain white, sizes 16 to 17, regular â€"â€" fAMc Men‘s Beits, solid leather, new style, regular §0c, Sale Price . price $1.00, Sale Price ... Boy‘s heavy ribbed Mose, suitable for rough wear or Sunday wear, . all sizes in stock, regular 20c por: 25 pair, Sale Price 2 p\ulï¬q for .... Men‘s . . Combina.ion . Underwear, white or ecru, all sizce in porous knit, Nainsook and fine Baibriggan, all have closed crotch, sizes $4 to 42 in the lot, regular price $1.25 to $1.50, Sale 796 PMGB «.. «ercerr AÂ¥ordr slse Men‘s silk lisle Hose, double feet, in tan, black, grey, white, navy and pearl, regular 50¢ quality, all wizes, Sale sl Frict $ pRIF Tgr. ... ... ....}. ' l Boy‘s Baibriggan Underwear, shirts or drawers, sizes 24 to 32. Shirts with long sleeves or short, Drawers . knee lengths or ankle, regular 35¢ per 25e garment, Sale Price .. ... .... Buy your Casi.mere Sox here; you can save 50 per cent..on your outlay, regular price 36¢ per pair, Sale 25c PHICK ... .c is are e in n wio‘s | compary llaor Varieties, bigger Values, bigâ€" ger Savings. The Shoe department has contributed to this great event with the greatest offering yet, offering ‘savings no thoughtful woman or man ‘tan afford to miss, Study every item ‘closely then act. Boy‘s American Shirt Waists, all sizes, reg. 50c, Sale Price .. Boys‘ cool summer Jerseys, . long sleeves, elzes 22 to 32, color navy, 250 Sale PMIGG ... ... i¢. isl i+ These are patent colt, gunmetal calf and tan calf leathers, and the shapes cover all widths from the small hiâ€"tos to the broad nature shape. Every pair made by the Goodyear Welt process, and made to sell at $4.00 per pair. Shoes ! Shoes ! MEN‘S OXFORD SHOES SPECIAL AT $1.98 AND $2.48 Plckpockets Active. Your cholce of 100 pair of _ $4.00 Shoes at these special prices. Pickpocktets ua&emu in some fin> wortk at the Guelch Agricultur.l College, where thousands have atten ded on the annual excursions. . Reâ€" Coâ€"Operative Warchouse. At a meeting of Brant . covaty farmers it was unimimously resoived that & coâ€"operative warchouse should te cata‘lished, 1 a committce comâ€" sisting of W. C. Good, W. H. Broaks R. H. Shaver, J. W. Clark, Georke M. Ballachey, R. C. Porter and F. E. Malcolm was electsd to dovise & wcheme, ta‘o the n‘cemsery stops â€" to procure capital and incorporate the ports are now reaching the police from people who have Jost money. James â€" Stowart of Rookwood s:ems $74, h« Lawg Aman. Ahe handast Kit inning wl i Â¥ibng Berlin, Ont. * 2G° Men‘s patent leather and lace and button boots, . . slzes medium and high heels, all. y Goodycar weit process, Sale Price .. .... ++« 220 pair Men‘s Gunmetal, b blucher cut, made of good er, excellent fitting ang 5 to 11, reguiar $4.00, Sale â€" calf and satin calf, McKay se all solld leather, sizes 6 to 11, reg. $3 and $3.25, ,.lc Price :+ 120 Pair Men‘s heavy W u made for rough wear, of good ther, sizes 6 to 11, reg. price _ §$2.50, Sait Price ... .., s «! mwermmuvt shapes, in pmmmnltb% fawn tips, Cuban heel, sizes ;.flmuhrpfl« Sale. j .. 800 pair Women‘s Boots, b es, in some lines, gunmetai kid blucher, cut Cuban heel, 7, regular $3.00, Sale Price, 320 Pair Women‘s _ Boots, new spring styles, in gunmetal tent leather, with dull kid tope or blucher cut, medium and hig sizes 3 to 7, regular $3.50 1 specia! to ciéar this Sald ... ;. Ladies Patent Leather Pu these sure. Regular $2.50 to $3.00, Sale Price ... ... .+« . Ladies vici kid Oxford Shoes, or kid tips, extension soles, n heels, epecial to clear this 1 Suie®.....5. «.â€"/c+ ce Auaiil Ladies Kid Buskins, splendid Slipper, elastic front, regular price $1 and $1.25, Sale Price .. ther lace and button shoes, als gela kid and box calf, blucher sizes 4 to 7}% and 8 to 10%4, I values $1.50 to $1,75, . gale 1 PPIGB ... Ser 20ee 0600108 nÂ¥ 8 300 pair Boys Boots, in all thers, splendidly made, ; Sunday or rough wear, in »f patent leather and. tan calf, cut, sizes in lot 1 to,5}4, and $3.50, Sale Prige ... ~.. 120 Pair Children‘s chocolate kid strap Slippers, sizes 4 to 7} regular $1.00, Sale Price .. ...« Little Gents Boots, in gunmetal tan calf leathers, choice fitters, sizes 8 to 10%,, regular $1.75, Sale Price ... ... ... . 1 tial solid leathers, box kip, gun and dongola kid, Blucher~ $ styles, sizes 11 to 18%4, all one price to clear, Safé " PFIGG ... 12. 11602480440 ++Â¥iii Passed Their Exams. falls on Thursday, It was ty Jrly 31 would fall on 'n whin a number of. picnics were i nd, and such a ceremony ï¬‚ï¬ t tlore with the oneragion . of K..s rs John Scully and D. ‘S, of (he Scully & Soully 1 werp successful in, a Tatkay Ainpigefiim 6 ! ecountants. A changze in ths date of ï¬r1 opening of the London & Porft: loy Railway hae been made. W al Way dc upon is July 22. sipe, .. ‘‘The latter date will be said TPhilip Pococt, viceâ€"chairm the commission. We will mak rrwm;oments for 2 pigâ€"colebtat Th t date." * N 8. ~ uk 500 pair Men‘s fine Boots 200 Pair Misses and Girls 240 Pair Youths‘ Boots, *A +4 ioh Ladies‘ rnst Weys o9 in 3