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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 1 Jul 1915, p. 4

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. mgk P ts " Mr., and Mrs. Schinells and Mrs. w from Brown City, Mich., spent pvening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frey, Waterioo. frit nds bre. »Mg. Hubert Hasenfug of the Bank Commerce stafl is spending a short im Toronto. Miss Florenes Holloway s reâ€" tursed to ber home in Tavistock afâ€" tep a visit of a lew weeks with her ‘Miss C. Asbe came up from Toronâ€" to. on Monday afternoon, for a fortâ€" night‘s visit with Judge and _ Mrs. Reade, George street, en route to hor summer bome at Muskoka. The White â€" Pige â€" Grove Campers have issued invitations to a dance to be ‘leki at the Bridgeport Casimo, Monday, June 28th. Miss _ Murjory Bricker has artived home from _ St. Margaret‘s Collegs, Toronto, for her summet vacation,. Migs _ Jerryne Wells has returned from a delightful sketching tour, with & perty of artists, at York Mills and vicinity. Miss Marpory Carthew of the Bisâ€" bo' Strachan School, Toronto, â€" has aryived bome for the holiday season ‘Mre. Lount has returned to Walker ton,: after a visit of several _ week: at ‘Bleak House" with Mr. and Mrs J. B. Hughes. According to the Toronto observaâ€" tory, records, _ we had the coldest 23td. of June on record. Mrs.. J. Schneidet who has been visiting friends in Waterloo has r> turmod to her home in Linwood. Mtr. Ed. Witzel spent Sunday with friends in New Hamburg. Mr. WilÂ¥ie Hozg of Toronto is visâ€" itimg at his home here. Mr.‘ Walter Hoffman of Detroit, is wpending a week‘s holidays at his homs in Waterloo. Mr. Elmer Piaff spent Sunday with friends in Rummelbardt. Mr. Geo. Math>ws of Torontp, was a bisiness | visitor in Watcriog on Saturday . °* Mr. Charles Price of Hamilton was in town cn business Saturday. ©Mr. Charles Soott of Waterioo . is in Valcartier where he is in charye of _ the â€" Harris Abpatoir‘s stables of the Harris Abpatoi‘s stables ‘at Wher: the cattle are kept which supâ€" 1{,,: piy.the meat for the soldicrs. | "rv'hmu her parents Mr. and 3 bmn O‘Donnell, Joha St. Messts Geo. Snider, Fred Froclich, Joim Kochler left for Hamilton this thine where‘they are attending, the ms for a few days. Mrs. D. Bohlender and _ daugshter Ruth _ left for a werk‘s visit with fricnds in New IHamburg . and London. Mrs. Bradley, Mrs. Bigelow, Mrs Freetman _ and daughter, of Detroit are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.°P. J. Wright," Mary street. The spacious verandah of Mrs, _A H.â€"Soyder, George street with . its comlor*/nble easy chairs, swings, etc was the delightful rendezvous of the n}emben of the Waterloo Presbyterâ€" Ladies‘â€"Aid Society and several vis ftots on Thursday afternoon, _ when the ‘Tadies, most of whom were loyâ€" ally and busily oecupied with _ their khitting, greatly enjoyed the pleasant Wours amid such charming surroundâ€" ings. The hostess was assisted . at the tea hour by the Misses Watson, O‘Domnell and Bruce, who were most atfentive in looking after the wants of the guests. French Hair Dressers are Clever Scientiste in France have given l abundant head of vigorous hair, full of much study to the care of the hair, and | life and beauty. nowhere il{thc world do men, It is because Parisian Sage women and even children 4# ~_3vfud works such wonders that the h\veouch luxuriant hair. PAR sale all over Canada is pheâ€" : It was Dr. Sangerbund, of Y ‘ nomenal. lt is guarantceed WJ, who discovered that to eradicate dandruff, stop ing J\lir. faded hair and MBA | (alling hair and itching scalp dandruft were caused by > ‘ in two weeks, or money baek. m‘. and it was a Frenchâ€" x *\ 1‘ Parisian Sage costs 50 cents that first gave to the MA WBA a large bottle at your drug: '.Mn‘n‘ftonic that would A & w“v gist‘s. â€" The Girl with the destroy the germs. P Auburn Hair is on every 1 $ P T P U npaaa . and Mrs. Philip Kreitzer of eod spent Weduesday in Waterâ€" _ Since the introduction of Parisian Sage into Canada the people have learned that TenoraA san br quickiy sbul. M that falling hair or thin hair is unnecessary, and that everybody can have an Edmond H. Zick of Montreal A y 8. mA D of ‘ A at nd We I by hâ€" % ‘ he | ~@ wi ild ;‘io ‘m : |Ke da C 32. at ”k Y olâ€" 16. . i a of C(Trs nd \ /1 h an € Mr. Carl Ferdinand left this morn ing on a â€" motorcycle trip to _ Bay: &M and other points er route. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Morley, of Toâ€" ronto, paid a _ visit to _ Waterloo friends this. week. ) Messrs. Geo. Dicbel, S. B. Bricker and J. B. lughecs motored to Walkâ€" erton _ Tuesday _ where they _ will spend a day or two. Mr. and Mrs. _ Alex. Zimmer _ of Dashwood, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Fischet Victoria street. SACRED BAND CONCERT WAS WELL ATTENDED The sacred pand concert of the Waâ€" terlog _ Musical Socicty Baad which was bold in the park Sunday afterâ€" mocn was attended by a large crowd of music lovers of Waterl,o and Betâ€" lin, and they were delighted with the excâ€"lleot music furnished. The Urion services of the Methoâ€" dist and Evangelical Churches . wete both conducted py the Rev. F. Math: ers and wore larzely attended. In the UNION SERVICES HELD ON SUNDAY THE GIRL CADETS mogning . the Methodist c in the Emm Armouries 7.30 to 8.30 signalling. join _ should of â€" the OS ‘LARGE BERLIN 1 PARTY LEAVES | FOR THE COAST Bechtel1, B. Roos The Junior ( their _ match i (@ie Shield Con tion, for which tising for some the personnel o merit: Eugene Hueg! Walter Nayloi JUNIOR CADETS‘ RIFLE MATCH There i the class l'hfi Panim: St. Diego | |return â€" 1ri and the N includes, Ewart, Mr Jchn Hamachar. Edward HReid. Irvin Fromimn. Julius. Kress. The tarsets have Bisley, England, fo The rules of the 20 shots; tm shots roculatica . 200 va popular slogan Nee America First‘‘ this season, and an unusually large number are takinz advantage of the opportumilty _ to attend the Panamaâ€" Pacific Exposition at San Erancisco, goimz by way of the Westâ€"rn States and râ€"tutning thtough the Canadian number ar opportumil Pacific Ex gomes by c and return Notthwest Monday « Berliners o . P. K. the Panim St. Diego stgoet, Miss Olive 5 strect, and Mr. Fph Albert Cl renc Kolb {) Aid, 20 yard r 00 yard 1 yards. HuegTi Naylor Burn. It is because Parisian Sngr works such wonders that the sale all over Canada is phe: nomenal. It is guarantced to eradicate dandruff, stop falling bair and itching scalp in two weeks, or money baek. Parisian Sage a large bottle . gist‘s. . The C Auburn â€" Hair package. For aches. pains. rheamaâ€" tiem, oto.. try Parisian Musâ€" tard Corate. _ Its effect is wonderfal. _ Use in place of mustard plasters. n-rllm or hot applicatione. W ill mot blister. ZGc. a tabe. 0 th \n r Cadets have h in the Impc Competition, . vening the largest party of [ the season, _ left _ by via Chicago, and will visit a Ixposition, Los Angelss Exposition _ and on _ their p visit British Columbia orthwest cities. The partty Mrs. Alex. Fby and son s. D. Kolp and Miss Alâ€" the Wisses Lackner. Elien fre in compection . with Misses Lackner, Elien Olive Snyder, Frederick again meeting in the Tuesday evenings Trom m., snd ate taking up ogirl who wishes . to ve her name to either id _ leaders, Missces M. Math rs, E. Hawke of they t c> was held in the and in the evening church. b have completed Imperial Challâ€" ion, Junior Secâ€" have peen pracâ€" .. Following | is team in order of are adopting . the een forwarded ty inspection. > 1atch called _ for to bhe fired at a 1 target reduced c and ten shots v target reduced go costs 50 cents c at your drugâ€" Girl with the r is on every ‘Waterios, Thareday | _ Tuly 1, 1915Paged4 * â€" (ironicleâ€"TelegrapB, Waterloo, Thured TT sug In NEAR â€" SHAKESPEARE Waterloo Motor Car Party Ditched to Avoid Running Over Boys. Two â€" boys were seriously injused and the automobile of Cranson + W. Snider, of Waterloo, badly damaged Monday afternoon as a result of an accident which occurted ‘while " Mr. and Mrs. Snider were‘ motoring to Tavistock to attend the funeral _ of the late Rev. Levi Wildfong. The accident happened as Mr. and Mrs. Snider were passing down a hill at Shakespeare. _ The two boys _ were playing with an express cart beside the road and ran _ unexpectedly . in front of the onâ€"coming car. Mr. Sni der promptly turned aside to _ avoid running the boys down and ditched his machine, â€" shaking the occupants severely and breaking the front wheel of his car. SAVED LIVES DF :: YOUNG LADS The boys were sttuck and both reâ€" ceived severe head wounds. One of the boys is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fraser, of Shakespeare. WILL MAKE GAS CONNECTION ON WEDNESDAY The Water and _ Light Commission expect to connect the new main at the corner of King and William streets on Wednesday afternoon and. will try to _ have it completed beâ€" fore 68 o‘clock. Im case there is . a delay the supply of gas will be very limited in the East and South Wards until the connection has been completâ€" ed. The White Pine Grove campers held a successful dance in the Bridgepott Casino last evening about one hunâ€" dred and filty guests being present. Music was furnished by the Howard Orchestra of Galt. Many of those present were from Preston and Galt. A most enjoyable time was spent. | osrruary | The death took place on Saturday, June 26th, at the home of Mrs. _ B. Englert, Wellington St., Berlin, _ of Mrs. Jos. Greyerbichl, who has peen ill about six weeks, She suffered |a paralytic stroke about eight _ years ago from which she, recovered. _ The late Mrs. Greyerbichl was born _ in Strassburg, _ Alsace, Lorraine, on Sept. 29th, 1833, and was in het 83rd year. She emmigrated to Canâ€" ada with her parents in 1886 and has been a resident of St. Clements nearâ€" Iy all her lifé, with the exception of the last six years when she made her home walith her grandchildren, P. L. Kroctsch, 106 Water street, Mrs., S. \Englert,©~380 Wellington street, of this city, and Mrs. F. H. Schummer, Linwood. Her husband,. Joseph Greyâ€" erbieh}, and children ‘August, Petet, and Mary, wife of the late J, L Krocetsch, have predeceased her, also her â€" sisters, _ Mrs. Frank Olhciser, Formosa, _ Mrs. _ M. Dictrich, . St. Agatha, and Mrs. Nick Forster, _ of Zurich. The funeral was held _ at St. â€" Clements _ on Tuesday at 10 â€" The death occurred on Synday â€" of Mr. Gustay Rockel, a wellâ€"kaown reâ€" sident of Waterlo0, he having lived lre during the entire fifty years . of his life. _ Mr. Rockel‘s demise was not expected as he was only ill for alout _ a week and it comes as a great shock to his many friends. ‘The death was caused py pmcumonia. The doceased is survived by his wife and several children. ‘The funeral _ took place on Wednesday _ at 1.30 o‘clock a.m street to _ the St. Joba‘s Lutheran chirch and _ thence to Mourt Hope Cemetery for interment. The death occurred Friday morning at 6 o‘clock, at the residence of his brother, Hugh Cunningham, Canning, Blenheim _ Township, of James _ S. Cunningham, in his 56th year. . Deâ€" ceased was well known in the vicinâ€" ity of Galt, having spent all his life in this district. He had been visitâ€" ing at _ his brother‘s home and _ on hMonday last was stricken with paraâ€" lysis, which _ was Ahe ultimate cause of his death. â€" Deceased was botn near Branchton lfind was well known throughout that istrict. ‘Three years ago he gold his has been Â¥i§iting among his relatives. He was Wighly thought of by all who knew him, and the news of his death will come as a shock to his many atâ€" quaintances _ ncear Galt. He was . a single man. There sutvive four broâ€" thers and three sistersâ€"Thomas, Inâ€" nerkip ; Andrew, Moose Jaw ; Jobn, Berlin ; Hugh, Canning ; Mrs. Mcâ€" Phatter, _ Branchton ; _ Mrs. Sweet, Paris. and Mrs. Fred Brown, on the Paris, and Mrs. Fred Brown, on the old homestead in Beverly. The funeral took place on Sunday at two o‘clock from the residence of deceased‘s sister, Mrs. Brown, on the (Clvde road, to Mount View . cemeâ€" ty T H MRS. JOS. GREYERBIEHL IAMES S MR. GUSTAV ROCKEL on Wednesday _ at 1.30 from the residence on Charles Galt CUNNINGHAM. oo on m e mt es coaanes 1| . The pyc lce of the WatotlOq }Llr. D. Â¥. of Berlin in y atpence of the pastor who was to take charge awing to a t atkack, of illness. BSTRATFORD WINS GRoUP WITHOUT LOSING A GAME Stratford, June 28.â€"Stratiord sen lors wom their fifth consecutive game inâ€" the W, F.A. series py: dofeating Tavistock, 3 to 23, and capturing the local group bouors. The game . was stubpornly fougbt, cach team scoring ome goal on peaalty kicks. The vis itors tallied first and last, and gave the homesters a pad scare. The lineâ€" up: PASTOR WAS Stratfordâ€"Goal, Dempsey; . backs. Clars and Reynolds; halfâ€"packs, Bull, Rose and Jackson; coatre, Oléver; forâ€" watds, Davey, Pfrimmer, Jones and Carter. Tavistockâ€"Goal, Wettlaufier; hacks Loth and Ratz; halfâ€"packs, Quehl, Pear:oun . and Duval; wentre, Weichel; forwards, Matthies, _ Croft, Kruspe and Ratz.> FATHER GEKHL DIED SUDDENLY WHILE ON TRAIN Walkerton, June 28.â€"Father Gehl, of Formosa, died suddenly in Drayâ€" ton on Saturday night. The reverend fathor left home in bis usual state of bealth on Friday to consult with the bishop at Hamilton over . some parish matters. He took sick on the train on his way home, and had _ to be taken off at Drayton,. Dr. _ Sinâ€" clair, of Walkerton, and Dr. McCue, of Formosa, were sent for and artivâ€" ed in the night by auto. He _ was operated on at once for appendicitis but the case had progressed too far and be died in a few bouts. Father Gchl was botn in New Gerâ€" many, Ont., 61 years ago, and had been the parish priest at Formosa: for 18 years. _ His youngest brother is <â€" a priest at Preston and he has three prothers in Europe fighting _ im behalf of the allies in a Canadian teâ€" giment. Father Gehl was a . great admirer of British form of governâ€" ment and appreciated the }iberty that her citizens enjoy. His body will be brougbt home on Monday noon train and will pé puried at Formosa. The United Stateés demanded _ imâ€" mediate compensation from the Gerâ€" mans ; for Thn .‘loss â€" of the William Frye. ., iâ€"d Registered Clydesâ€" dale and Hackney Stalillons We have recently acquired the celeâ€" brated Clydesdale _ Stallion _ "Lord Charming‘. Oswald Sorby, the celeâ€" brated stock breeder and importer, says of this horse : "I would say that I have had a lot of Clydesdale stallions in the last thirty years, some that have considered good breeders in Scot s such as Acine, that was cighth est in the list of breeding stallions, and Rozelle, that was exported to Scotâ€" land last spring, and is now standing for mares at fAve pounds down _ and five pounds to follow when the mare proves in foal. As a stockâ€"getter, 1 consider _ Lord â€" Charming ahead of these horses, and easily the best stock getter." Relereeâ€"Chas, Hollens, London â€"_â€" PEDIGREES, ; LORD CHARMING. (2264â€"17564.) Bay, white face, off front and hind legs white. Foaled in 1893, bred by Col. Holloway, of ‘Alexis, 111. Sire, Prince Charming (5874â€"2263), dam St. Cuthbert (5304â€"3428); G. Lady Blantyre (311); St. Cuthbert (1585) ; _ Semil Roy (2245) ; Cedric (1087) ; Lady Darnley (222) Rosa of Claylands _ (1884) ; _ Royal Prince (1521); LonÂ¥h0¢ (2912) Darnley (222) ; Knockdon Maggie ; Prince of Wales (673). 3 BARON‘S CHARM. (9238â€"12441). Brown face, near fore and both hind legs white, foaled May 6, 1903. Bred by _ William Marshall, Lochferâ€" gus, Kirkcudbright, Scotland. Imâ€" ported in â€" November, 1907, by O. Sorby, Guelph. Sire, Baron‘s Pride (9122) Vol. XIV. Dam, Mary Macâ€" Gregor (12884) Vol. XIX, by Macâ€" Gregor (1487) _ Vol. III.; Gr. Dam, Doâ€"orâ€"Die (8909) Vol. XII. py Peter the â€" Great . (3883). G. Gr. Dam, Dizry of Rascarrel (4862) Vol. VIII. by Prince Albert (616) Vol. I. G. G. Gr. Dam, Susy (4863), Vol. VIII, by Inkerman (1161). WARWICK‘S MODEL. s (304â€"8694). Bay, star, _ four whiteâ€" legs, foaled 1902, bred by John Corichar, Wylde Green, Birmingham, _ England, _ imâ€" ported by O. Sorby, Gueiph, Ont. Dam, Cynthia (10804), sire, Garton, Duke of Connaught (3009). Inspected and approved by the tario _ Stallion _ Enrolment | Bos April 21, 1913. Termsâ€"To insure foal, $15.00. The above stallions stand at t own stables in Puslinch Township the Sorby Farm. R. RALLAGH & SON, Props . CHAS AUSTIN, Manager. insure foal, $15.00. stallions stand at their in Puslinch Township, on INDISPOSED the Onâ€" Board, N1 FIFTY STIGKG OF OYNAMITE FOUND unogs Gaound NeA LEVs Quebec, June :.’!).;Fifty sticks of dynamite, buried under ground, were discovered lastnight about seven o‘clock in Shaw Park, Levis, close to the Merciers‘ maâ€" chine shops. The Militia department was informed and an investigation immedaictly started. INGESSANT FIGHTING WITH â€"TORPEDDES AND HAND GRENADES WITNESSED AT BAGATELLE LAST NIGHT Paris, June 29.â€"This aftérnoon‘s official statement says:â€"In the terriâ€" tory to the north of Arras there was a continuance last night of cannonadâ€" ing, particularly to the north and soutth of Zouchez and in the north of Neuiâ€" villean an infantry engagement made it possible for us to . make progress along the road between Angres and Ablain. In Argohne at Bagatelle yesterday weâ€"witnessed incessant fighting with torpedoes and hand grenades. In the Vosges an attack by the Germans was successful in forcing back for the moment our advance posts located on the slopes to the _ east of Metzarel, but we at once delivered a counter attack and reoccupied part of the ground lost. s _ Our out.oftown customers are urgently requested to bear in mind that during Jung, July and August, this store \â€"__ WiILL CLOSE EVERY WEDNESDAY ....... AFTERNOON AT ONE O‘CLOCK â€"â€"â€" DU RING S U M ME R M O N T excepting weeks containing legal holidays. This will give our salespeople an opportunity to enjoy themâ€" selves in the open freshair at least once a week and also be in better condition to serve you during the rest of the week. & S. B. Bricker & Co. * Saturdays. 'Or;'lh-e 'r'e'r;\-ainder of the front the night passed quietly Ladies Blouses Dresses an4 Skirts Ladies® Dainty White Dresses, ready to put on, in Voiles, Crepes and Muslins. Made with new Full Tuck and Shirred Styles, at very moderate prices t se a g~ s oc e omcs en ?. ZLadies‘ Dresses ‘_ Ladies White Wash Skirts, made in Newest Materials, White Ratine, Crepe, Honey Combe, Beaford Cord and Repp. All sizes inâ€" cluding extra large sizes. Ranging f) om 5 O‘CLOCK CLOSING During July & August this store will close daiâ€" ly at 5 o‘clock exceping Wash Skirts [ EK Early Closing MAN}’ LINES of Pretty Blouses are now p+ omâ€" inent in our stock. New shipment direct from the makers include Paul Jones and Ameriâ€" can Lady Middies, also New .S;Port’s Shirts in All White and Navy and Red Trimmed, long and short sleeves, at $1,59, 1.65, 2.00 to 2.25 Great Corner Store with the New Low Collar, lace trimmed and short sleeves. Handsome designs, ranging in prices {from * adies‘ Newest Voile Crepe Waists Blouses FLangfQrws+ C $3.00, 3.50, 4.50, 5.00,/to 13. $1.15, 1.25, 1.50, 2.00 to 3. 50 98c¢, $1.25, 1.50, 2.00 to 2.25 NOTIFY GERMAN â€"â€"~ ADMIRALTY OF Y SHIP MOVEMENT; WOULD HAVE BEEN °* SHOT IN FRANCE OR GERMANY Washington, June 29.â€"The Unitâ€" ed States Government has adoptâ€" ed the practice of notifying . the German admiralty through Ambasâ€" sador Gerard of the time of the deâ€" parture of every passenger ship sailing under the American flag and of the hours during which it will pass through _ the war zone. This precaution was taken so that German submarine â€" commanders may be notified and be on watch for American vessels. (Canadian Tress) Glasgow, June 29.â€"A workman named James Marshall was senâ€" tenced to three months hard labor for assaulting a fellowâ€"workman who he considered _ was turning out too many shells. The Court told him that in Germany _ or France he would be placed against a wall and shot, and he was sorry that it could not be done in Britâ€" ain. (Canadian Press.)

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