, . Int-mums : HAVE 000mm -. mom-Amour: 53’. tar-rm WAS 5:29 _ . 918601821) ERI my" N" _ a ’ IC-' _ more :s-w {in t W I')1isti"isiet,etl,t,tt A} G t , F V té,' 1itttrtiiihWi"2htrtt 'tif-ia-it-le BODY " ALFRED VHDBRBET FOUND mr WOMAN AVIATOR DESTROYED . ZEPPELIN SEED Emy tannin or bull player, every _ l '"9 mod». every man 'm' We love- almloot tith aim. [mm keep a no: ot 'tteltt Indy. Big-Ink In I purely hem! propu- M. M. " I00! " - to ma, 3min, 5%.: qpr4hoe, who». 'nw FIRST LORD MAY ARRANGE _ ‘HORE SAFEGUARDs II‘I nu, quality and brooding. 0’ III! " months old Ind lounge: can alto. Kellen and cow. wlth calm u foot. Bred direct tron im- Zulu-Bu]: and 0%., at“ up highly would orerk In“. M, m “aseptic propertie- w the would [no trom m dul- y I. blood pointing. Next,' m 20“ propertlu relieve 3nd one pull. m m not, herbs! min: -euto an “an, and not up the WI - ot new“. Burned m'mbh. Insect “my. skin , tin-ram. butler. but noun. and â€.10" paw-m ill my and by Zulu-Dal. It duo - In.“ pun. All Wu - M. Una M So. the; It. I“ ma». but win VII lost on the LIM- tlnh has been [out]. The body VII [and by an old woman who '18 0°11th mead on the nut at Clue an: Doolin. north of tin cm!- ot Hour. A witch in the enthusiast“ to ttearttte but“: ot Mr. Vanderbilt and m: In the pockeu - to identity him. tsth-teh-swarm-r.. rd h United sates. [In heat on!“ “and u scoot Maugham. tantrum.“ 10.-auttia3t (one: have occupied the Austrian town oi Hour-Icons, " mile- from Trade. gm: autumn tigtsting. 'AWiioit u. an... "Elf-"i;- “hut-Nylww ttf','t'ltttdt'Jrdlti ““50wa in: mm. "at. M ".-a - "an MIMI ht Captain Thin- an; at is Germ geui.erEF tCanadian Press.) Hey York, June 15.-A Tribune atiu trom Marlon nay: that 2r lisl; "into" who recently vial m and set are to Zeppelin and, deotrtsyed one Zeppelin and one Partial machine. It could not ho kept secret trom the poo- plamf Brussels who were enor- mously mm. . lmdon. June 1it.--Rqort bu Mn meshed from Ireland stating mt the body ot Alfred Vadu- (Canadian Press.) New York, June 15.-.A cable to In Home an the sinking ttf non “all thirty was]: " Ger- man Inland-u M week In " new to ' result in further ale- :4. new; “ranged by Six _ "sr'J_us.eqrttrsttye. ahorthorna for Sale. OUTDOOR LIFE - - a 5".- - --" Tr] L""""""';"","","."- a _ W _ _ "ar.' ',e52iiiti'.'ii'F mtrt,qh,trqt-itvictrd'ias"i2"i"r""ii"ii"i"i5 , ttr4yrit,t,'it, 5:1“ _ m-Wï¬pp‘torâ€"ABWM a. 'iiiiiiii"i"" . wmmm 'ttnMagofthotiatitartia. .43," mum 'mrmmrDumgiiiiii iiiiFuamr, _ .. '"f, L. K. WEBER, Enthuvllle. [:1 10.450 “A000! Lu ," ‘1'. _ 1‘9â€!" ‘0 -e J.iiiiiitioiii , f 'WdJraliG'ri' a: hit lob n " a. an. tin-ugh» a b all": _ ' â€I I " t9rerier ‘ot tai""' "tte I an. to its main. AW " new: . “Mn: may be the mumm- ol the mom! 0am Govantnem Why It. "er'- ot candid ‘olwu on magnum-h," gm the â€but! of that mat nu u an tow-Io. " am my, “hmvmyouhhaua- W'I -, I “gm-awn»:- mttto my nova-nut 1't't1','Ntr, 1re_tttote_reoetrtrorseno . y n,hnolyto my 't'g'su'"g 15.n‘yourunlanunhry o 3eatrrAaet'ittRtorttrthsemtMtt- o In: "riaettmttrrtMhtsreeiat gu'l't Govt-mt, concerning in mid- on the Amman M “his on in America M Calm. and out». I m mu... ‘6th by my Government to' cm- We». to [allowing in real): '. _ " Unit-mic Act. . ._ “With up"! to the 'strthirittN ttft (but Faun, by wind: “Am “I emu kithn like, the Govern- mt ot the United Stlkl il sur- priui to an the Imperial German 0'0"th cumming tint an d- Itrrt on the pan ot . mmhtptlnlh t'o recipe entire all seeure "usin- m swan the obligation ot the ot- tttee mm; a: mall. the capture in eespeet ot the inlay ot the live: of "no on bond the merchantmen, Il- though the vessel his courtl- ttrt air taunt to ' my 'when torpedoed. Them are not new aluminum. Thai lure teen_ in the minds ot nub-men and of mammal. Nr-' 1." through)“ the development_ ot mm urine, and the Governmt. oi the Unifod Siam does not under- Ituu‘l that they hue ever been held $o aim the principles ot humanity In" which " in: ityritsted. 'Nothing but man! forcible resistance, or con- tinued ilcrts to were bytmgt, when argued to loop tor the pur- lole f!! “git, on tM.psrtot'ttte perch-num- bu ever teen’held- to, forte“ the liven 01 he: Mgors‘or crew. The Government at (in United States, however, don not ttetder- stand that the Imperial German Gov- crawl; is seeking in this mum to- lieve itself of liability, but duly in- “: to set forth the circumstances which led an commuter ot the am- marine to allow ttimselt to be hurried into the coutse which In tool: . FWt at Pt V k "1%. 3n- .3)“. ‘ “m hm. am.» “You no itt.trtmhd " math- my th. tot$ttqeN ntttotouith- but at lam. Alain: f .r",' “Your Exodlency'a note, in discus- 'sing the toats at American Hm re- with; trom the shaking“ the Humility Lunnania. “hem at some length to certain ihtormaumt which ths Imperial German Government ttes meshed Vita regard to an charc- :hat and ogtht ot that veer-l, and jour Excallency cure-5:8 the In; (but tttig inasmuch may norm been “ought to the annual: of 9. United States. _ ,', " in out“ that the Lupitanla wan undoubtadly equipped with maakod gum. supplied with ‘tralnad gunnara and Ipociai am. munition, tranaportlng troop. from can“, carrying a cargo not poi-mitt“ undar the law. af the United out†to a wacky†carrying nuance", and urvlng In virtual "e a an auxiliary to the naval for“. of Great Brit; ain. Fortunataiy. than are mat. ten concerning which the Ow arnmont of the Unit“ “at“ la in a pultion to give tho imperial Gets man Govmmant “Halal inform» tlon. Of tho he“ aliegad in your Excaiiaocy'a note. it true, the Gov: arnmnt of the United emu wouid have bean bound to aka ttfRelat cognizance in parlor-mum ita duty u a neutral power and in enforcing in national lam. , "It was In mnr to no to It may the Lunlunll was no! armed tor Mien-Iv. aetletttt that Oh. wu not undue u a transport; (Mt 0M " no: carry I urge plumm- od " the “an“. of the United sum. and that N "I he! and w" a anvil van-0| of Om! Innu- oho wound mrt mom char-m u a nonhuman; In It p normed that duty and mum,†t wt"! 21ttrht,', tttttt b'ill) It: mull y can.“ in“ [ tau. " I. "rte, tAer.hrre, i0 um the Imperial dorm-n Genuine"! tttttt lt ha. bun mluln'ormod. " the would deem mo" to be In poo- .eaet.n oi convlnclng cvidonce that the qfReUtte at the Govern- ment of the Unlud In!†old not â€than â€no. Gnu“ wlth thor. oughnuu. the Government of the United sum .ltteerdtr in". that n will “In!!! that "New“ tor qNttteld.rxtt+qn. ' MW: Lusitania Not Ann-2d Gummy MIOIMormad‘ ',Attst,f,e,eyiy._,rtomo an “Adam a; etb, n “h ' " ' Beteriissr" oi the United "s Q'mt’wt that the Pto- q or a -m was iron which “mu ship- hive been warned to hop mayday to letu',r"t, u. y when on o 'lti"l'llLt oittr.r. mricm ship masters or at American citizens tom-i in lawlul can}: an “IF, Lora on merchant ship- ot halligeuni nation lit, . It does not understand the 1111th German Govauunmt to math those "rights, " undu- 'IN',' it also tn accept " establish all yomi question the principle that ills lives 0! nmmmbntantq can.» lawfully or rightlully he putin joe. pardy by the culture or detrtrttetimt of an uni-tilting merehnettmntt, all m I cgniu an oHigat'mt to take tmitieirettt precaution a, “certain wbeuter a suspected merchantman in of not at belligerent “Nona-Ilia or in In (act turryirtg count Itt ya: and†a mun-ll 0.. Th Gor, alumni: of the United glute- (or; [ pm}; t9 expel}; A km JSA)"': tht, teuted I!†Adopt (in; men ms niece-nary to put them principles into practice in to- -speci ol 9., mste,uardin.eot Ameri- can in": spa! American ships, m val: br assurance: that an will be 2i"dtJSiitittg,i5 tSPt'e'.1,, may.» mat to It: gnu“:- 9' Q â€It, a an methodl nu by .ttio acn- ‘u-nl‘wthotmuh I“ 00 van- THIRTY SPEBIES UFTHEES WERE . , ' [AHMED About ttttrt/ specks ot trees were' omclally labelled in Grand River Pare. tormerly Cmmm-‘I Wood-,1 yuterduy afternoon when Prolusor Jamel J. Cumpbell B. Be., head Prolt'llol' of Science at St. Jerome‘s Collage, oiricul1y lnvullgntod thc uni tor the Grand River Park Cttnt-' pany Ltd. Prulcuor Campbell w" motomd to the put shout three o'clock by Jacob Kaufman, the well- known atom: lumbetlnl. ' Mr. Kw!- msn minted Profs-nor C-ttell In heating the various trees. D. B. VALUABLE AS - BOTANICAL PARK Estimated That at Lean 156 Bpocies of Birds Inhabit the FProea. Prof. Campbell, of St. Jer- ome’s College, Visits Cresman’s Woods. â€any " man We. h w or Mad " no. who- on and h to no for an m of van-could but - the com- - M ttte m. any T kn Ne to such a. M ttte live. of than on board the shin In Margy. Thin uln- clm tho Government of the mm. at m. under-Ind. than!“ Instruction hand on m J. 1814. by the Imprint German. Ab 'tettretty at a. to hav- mums“ and ombadlod, u do an naval cock-‘91 all on." “than, and upon It cur†travail" and .... m ttatt I rig“... to depend. " I. 'mio this princ'plo of humanity a. M“ " upon the law lounded up." thie princlph that tho United that must mud. .‘dohn;.0. ttodktyfellar's WATERLOO C0. LOAN & SAVINGS The "Robert .Lmunn.†"Secretary of State ad intermin." 3'1 Rocket mum: Lives When th 0. tum Saving: Account with constant 'ggviee to young people it "SAVE YOUR Ilonain. sauna mm try opening . 4 per cm Offices u] Inn-3 - } Berlin Waterloo tttPt tl',!.: l I II . Mtt!ltialMtst [ â€o tr-ttrot m, 1 .tettt% Ae, th' tN,ttlt8t m We. BMt “a. fine. "tgSi,t?ttd',1't',t" BM. Buck . Bytttte, Black leech. Bd- of W. 11m. Com. “mow. Tm; an": Huh. Poplar. Ma-ttt MtMy MM Am, tttrt Blu- m. . Iron- wood, ice All. Haunt,†the - long! mm lot- an: aim Beak Vine. Hnul. 8t link ad Hawthorn. Among the low. growth Pronto: Can-pull hull eon-Menus Blue rug which hmhdbelonudhthlmlpoo- in, u :1,an a! Humans. Willa, rod. and punk wild Germ- ‘iulu, both largo Ill mull, m In]- lein and the Ami. but. meCl 11th,’ 'h1taTt ' new "' thstbitrrstst' u mums to the m 0i " .»gnicel - -'xrWtauits " the perk. Helena: 0min all: "t mutual: toohlghly eluyuood- lu‘l u e botml path It; would be u unluahle nut to the City at Berlin at to the County a Valet) an a tonne and eepechlly _u an outside l-butatory toe Mel work Jem the schools. I an: especially im- ‘preued with the great height end .Itnightness ot the treat. m rue feature an be accounted to: Mea- the pan is In a valley which shel- ‘ten it trom the my: wlndl _t'ttatam no destructive with growtts all “we. t have - loam] so new , variety ot tree specie- la to wall} In acreage oi wood- belore. Grand River Park is one ot the belt Wood- land parks, from d botanical view- point, that I have ever vl'lted. r should have a great, practical value to the schools ot the city and Coutb- [iii, as it will aitord them angle vat- i11tyhiitt clmcns tor observat on and mm; ‘Pmlcgpor Campbell noted among other “was oi the park that bitch. maple and bench " up vuloul forms an re ing a sturdy growth Irom sgg'ds. 11ng estknabd the little use! to.†it; 1rtet,thotr .third you m at unwed (than; my hardy. Con- ' Jetty pack lam tit? we toil p, eg'omindut, among the' Ttu- iout, spsgies'being the red polygala, wt/tut/ire', wir) Columbine, swunp Infra, tttyt tern; Solomon seal. the (In; ot. 'Pre iris species and wild ger- 'siaiurita. ' _" .rasrob,Kautasas who came to " slut Plums†(tamploll in his any ind-ion ot the woods was xmtlv ins tresqcd--with the large variety of wood lound on no small a was ot troimd.rmm smite name cavern an. IV " acres. Mr. Kaufman tuUtedt.lte mammalian lor a that: - and (a I an inter sting-and instructiv- talk on bow to save runner from the Llama: 01"th while on the scum. Thu veteran lumber'man' pound .out t t it up short dad Lunches which protrude trom the lower to" ot the "r-r-uw'--. (Contmued on Pim- 9, Cot. 5.) E133 l 'tf ' l _ v _ ,, _ 'pt1tliitttpf.ttgl,,tttt Ltia" 4-4:. mm“ m J ' , 'ktttili,eil' PAGE] Mill SHIPS Company 1 W lv" '7 - iu' '. te"'.. ' , w†s" A t ,5" " I twain}; cd- . "allllaii'C7iiiCii' . l,! 7 t! ttl . un-uvu-uuuw "r"t “we 3 7- - nib-u nurse-null. _ ..r A '.. ' ' _ a z N p 31319 ' T ' and F on In)“ , q - r'i'i'G'ii'i7u%i"i'iiUi'Vi'iaT, . AnAm' - took * it“! with 1- -lttta. on: “15*! ' , ssssstEiiiiFTi:", wunonm BYtRrBltiuumm FISHING mm WEBB ATTAOXED _ BY ZEPPELIN OOHPLE'I’E TIE-UP » II CHICAGO AUSTRIAN 8 CLAIM BRITISH CRUISER WAS BUNK BY BOB. MORE-mm . ' or sunmxm TORPEDOED WITHOUT WARNING RUSSIAN New Yolk, Jm 'M..-" lap-v.11 to The Truman am that Gout- at Omega .ttte only hue: who _. , â€mam-u died WW. Sign, sum-y '4ltSiltiii. -UltLatnmttMl" ol In: I My. GEN. OBREGON. or MEXICO. DIED AT LEON 3%†WE“ STOPPED mr T (c-uhl Pm.) M, J†Yreli't e . ole“ dull-I cl - tr. utad In a. Unit. m N ha Brit-bl DIM-m In! to. In! by s um I: m Dudnuh- not has up,†- malt not. study titibibtt', mm but 10“ II tho Dad:- all†, can-gun my.) “Chm, Jan, 15.-1‘|II “to“ nun, “my cont-terr' My with I comm my Rb In- two has and elevated “no. no bells operand under guard. . Muslim. “who Jung IL-Che British smacks Gila and ter- etintt were “tacked and sunk " I Zeppclln in the North Sea. The new: sac-pct! in boats md were. picked up " a Dutch - Immune}. “wean“, Jane 11. --Attiiatttt chm one 'ttt near satrtttarinetcresterdar sank . any III: am at Linnea] elm in tho AdrtBtio' . , Cumin, June IL-The Glasgow unmet Btrtrtttearrott ot twenty- eight hundred ions was torpedoed yesterday without warning by I German submu‘inc while outwu'd bound Irom Barry. The crow were London, June 1i.-JVieum. d the German _ submarine tended this morning include the British schooner Express. whole crew were landed " Liverpool ttnd, the Russian bark Thomulne, whose crew were untied " Queen-town. Lodrn, Juno tt.-rwo M Man-en the Kntrlne II II. Co- canon“ we“ must why In German mum. Tb cm «I an (:me m an no“! the Karine-ll " tot- 'tteeve-.ettmitm. Th3..- m arrived n tin FM! at Atrth. "l'h Britta& "not: Mr -tett"tortr-&trarrhtrnn an“. 8.. and. London. June 11.-mut Swuduh Ingmar Mose Md the Run-aim nun-net Innsbruck wen torped- ood and Inuit. . lawn, Juno 14...An each! an- acumen-M. and. he" May are “central Von Madman In. occupl-d an Run-Inn position. Ilene the â€the "on: In the cut- on: "on. of Hohtlng "on ennu- - to Blonlawa. Show": In " miles north at JIFOIIIII on the River "n. TWO STE/â€18R SUNK. (Claudius PM.) (Gaul-I PIE-I.) tNtadian M) POSITIONS “kw SUBS. OCCUPIED o-ett.esetuteue "in may“. f." 't-i-.étttirtit,'-uitac-y"1""""" _ A, mac-Amman Ida-I'M! _ T:. otihttgiie,iauttusi--ttr"o' 'argl, ï¬ll. mm was. mummwwtuuï¬u.m; ')l'r'l anaemi- â€as "can; . Ind-whitish- all.“ “mum-u! um. , _ '. _ ghtt MI was.» pill. 1Wu, June 1s.-mt9 smnoon'u anew um: $2 Hub T â€Waimwtua madam â€newt um It.htt ., An “not by the my - unche- 01:pr bl! all. Qua-aim was united. rs.'. c, , _ Ais-'u-estru-rttiierryrmr"roettt!?t,ifh. plum. No on m hurt at no - do... (ti/e, . “TREK Ill: ENEMY ihl HERMES , tTiW1lmMllSltfllltill' run-man PROGRESS " Juaamtatt))tptt' " r GERMAN mu cm warranting Paris, June Il.- Thin ammoi atiyif,;!i, _. . 'titl Btwtr-- _ I ' 1ililir'i' '. (l, 1:12:32 CAPTURE or PLOGKEN BY ITALIANS ENDANGERS ENEMY'S COMMUNICATIONS Path. June tt.--Ttm onttiBl m- mound“ concerning tho Duane!- lol that out in Putin this gnarl-boa red: " follows: "tittts Dumas!- Iel n In». cementum with hurt Julia chained by as in the ttgttttntt _ Ihnishruek, via Geneva, June 11. - Italian forces have captured Plocken in Austria, near the Italian bor- der, an important point, as it endangers Austrian com- munications. i' There is nothing of importance Ito add s.' to; the m- nouncement given out last night, with the 4hiitut d. further success in the Labyrinth where we COME“. _ #5, force the enemy back, and some 1,m,',g':t'Sttec,f' V ttt the Labyrinth, where 'we occupied several' . l q trenches not far from the highway from Arm's to ' , ts.' '. _ In the region of Hetmteriie we have txteoii.od on? " Tanee made to the north and to the south of the butt! front on June 7th. , _ , lmdon. Jjne 12.-A can.†Groin Kiln an thesautttaiif"hitV "mud and blown up the um; tourn- oi m-ivuAtttrreeesd. ATTEMPTED MARCH WAS REPULSBD. ,; . F F A clasp-hi! from Genev- snys the Teuton 3mm ot Putt-yd at. umpud to much on no What: hut were mm br the Runny... The Osmium ot the Division and seven! um! _ omens was wounded and the total losses were 0,000. . _ . 1' _.,' . The occupation of several trenches at this point gave â€us 100 prisoners and several machine guns. ' " {isms} “mum: AND BLOW " STRONG PORTRESB or magnum A Daily Express watch from Athena say; at Allies. M mm tlghtittg, Ma "33:11 within four hours' much rd in town ot animal! and an "tmm I ot the Allied tom cum to -tiget. tln my, In onumhmcah to the north ot the town. 1 T ,V . C. Ell-Ill! â€NEWLY my. on: ' tumors; In was HAVE consounA'rzn ems f' m FIGHTING AT DARDANEIJJS Mo, Jan lk-A mm at H.000 street Car â€we" Corte yMlty and up his surf-co all downed lino Ro- lm o'clock III- nornhg.‘ Th "rite II tH ram d an m at u was m by a. m. lama-o tt.-.T% (HER. [he as. W W Ti. m' mu": sun-In MAW CHICAGO STRIKE THREATEN To SURROUND ENEMY. of June 4th. M the right and of the ravine ot Knead" w. were could with minor magnum mulling some further prisoner! _ yell Into out buds. Prado!- was“ unto that an loll} ot the 'e"., [an been continuum. . -,', V891†'mII may. She Mid NAM - o In tlt',gt"tliNt'tt " mm Hm 'atilt in Eq. ton mount Gs? - nullit- tr may†1mm“. 1 load tppt urn» mm, I Ruth": 'tt 1 (I I‘ll LSU" 1,'tdt"gt8 "at u I Pftl, an: um Gum Mt, _ " than“ (ret a not“ ' on; and...» up. any it mama. ' , was on rnttt (0.!“ PM.)