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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Jun 1915, p. 1

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_ Ready tor P Bg Business aturday * Ernst‘s For the past twenty years we have been making a name for this store fer good clothing that has built up a patronage and reputation, for . excepâ€" tional value giving second to none in ‘the Dominion of Canada . with first cholce from practically every good maker in the Dominion of young men‘s, men‘s and boys‘ Tallored Clothing, buying a large quantity for spot . cash, which at present means a|tremendous advantage; we are in a position to and are ulll‘n’zm»n'wnxy, men‘s and boys‘ clothing at 10 to 25 per cent. less than any house in Bertin. Our tailoring is theâ€"very acme of style. Our new mw Brand Bench Tailored Clothes for young men cannot be surpassed for style and fit. \ Will positively retain the shape till warn out. < This is a great opportunity to buy the best tailored clothes on this continent at practically half the price of ordinary tailor made. MEN‘G SUITS $5.95 Broken lines of our $10 and $12.00 Suits, Scotch, English: and domestic tweeds, in grey, browns and mixtures, such reductions from our keen: cash prices means a double saving. °_/A FACTORY CLEARANCE OF & TROUSERS 800 pairs of men‘s dark grey . and brownish colored tweed trousens, also dark grey striped worsted effects, in all sizes 30 to 46, regular $2.50 to $3, Saturday $198 HATS, STRAW, FELT AND PANAMA .. The popular Hat thisâ€"season for the young man will )ol!lv’imm. ;ll';h'cr;;n iha iip‘rlno, very special values at * 2,700 Negiigee Shirts, all from the best makers, light, medium and darker colors, dizes 1 to 27, regular price $1, §OCKS FOR SATURDAY. ‘ Men‘s Fine Imported Lisle Thread Socke, newest patterns, designs . and shades, all sizes, regular 50c, on sale Saturday 3 pair for .. .... ... sl.w 20TH CENTURY BRAND sUITS $22.00, $24.00, _m.::‘_ AND $26.00 CLOTHING, HATS, FURNISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES. Special 8 Day Shoe Sale for $1.50 Yuusnoer FROM JUNE 4 to JUNE 12 CC soma 27 0ie Bort Baraaine avee ohtered in Waterios: /‘ * nfilr‘mlfl' tan BUTTON SHOES, regular $3 going at sl.m \~__ Ladies‘ PUMPS, in pat., gun metal and tan, going at .... slw L““..‘ ODXFORDS, in skellant, gun metal and tan going at $1.5(Q) 100 pair GIRLS‘ SHOES, Dong. Kid, gun metal and pat, at 31'50 60 Pair M;N'S OxFORDS, mular $2.75 to $3.50, all going ‘150 100 Pair Men‘s, Ladies‘ and Girls‘ SHOES and OXFORDS, you can plck them out at a PAIF .. ... .0x k+Â¥0 $Â¥ vxk vex erkeks slm It‘s like getting $$$ for 50c. iÂ¥ 50. <WNoo 24 «+. «++ ~>~*~â€"$1.00 ** $400 NEXT TO POST OFFICE, KING 8T., WATERLOO, $17â€"665 . BOHLENDER Men‘s fine all wool black cashmere socks, soft and fine, regular 35¢, Saturâ€" Men‘s Baibriggan Underwear, â€" well made perfect fitting garments, in fine quality Baibriggan, summer weight, regular 45¢ per garment Saturday 33¢ $1.50 fine mercerized finish combinaâ€" tion, very speclal ... ... .>. â€"+>> 98: $1.00 porous knit combinations Satâ€" UPG@Y .. L .. i.k.. is srkk k.k ++3 75«: A BIG DIsPLAY OF BoY$‘ suits.‘ Our clothes and furnishings â€" for boys are receiving very special \compliâ€" ments from the many pleased mothers: who have been here... The good qualâ€" ity chic styles and exceptional ‘values are what pleased them. . 150 Boys Norfolk Suits, smart ser. viceable two. piece,suits for the dittle chaps, made of fine English tweed and servicezole wo s, sizes 24 to 32, regular $5, Saturday .. ... â€"â€"â€"â€" $348 it t dhaivs ho wllich. .. P 45. 3 P ‘ ‘I_l‘,hgyt’ Buits, for agbs 10 to 17 years, in plain double breasted models and in Norfolk models, midâ€"grey, dark grey and hrown mixturcs Most of this lot were $8.50 and $10.00 qualities Special Saturday at ... ... ... $65o RAIN COATS SPEC!IA . . $7.00 Raincoats, doub‘e . texture, heavy driving and motoring coats, speâ€" D&E i1 y is 2 lcren k kal sorsk $4’69 $10.00 Extra quality English make, very special value, price Saturday Where the good clothes come WATERLOO, ONTARIO, Eu't _ of her friend Miss Edna Ap Ilr.l..G.anM! frouy : & business to the Maritime iProvinces, . Miss Nell : Anderson, : â€"of ..Cobourg ‘Oeuul Hospital is spending her vaâ€" cation at her bome here. xt‘llmoh-. visited : last week her son, Mr. Richard Bean : in Brantford. . Mrs. ‘Wim. Kent and (Young son : of Tomtouamgmtldkg: parents, Mr. and Mrs.: Seorge Rev. W. A. E. Scheme is in Osweâ€" go, N.Y., this week attending cofiferâ€" ence, 4 â€" Mr. George Hacker of London, is the guest of his niece. Mrs. (Rol’.)i Mr. and Mrs. Bowman of New Dunâ€" dee spent the week end with his broâ€" ther, Mr. Jos Bowman, JT. Mrs.: Hawkins of Exeter. m‘a- turned . to her bome after a/ t with her sister, Mrs. O. H. Becker. Mr. Rob. Puddicombe of ‘Toronto, is visitine at his home here. * ~ Dr. and (Mrs.‘ Fred â€"Becker and daughter Grace, of Toronto, motored to town m&mhy and spent the 'dny with . Becker‘s parents Mr. anid Mrs. W. H. Boullee. Mr. ‘Theo. Franke, motored t» Perâ€" lin (n Sunday. His father, Mr. Gotlâ€" fried Franke, who has beow v‘riting in Berlin, returned with him. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and baby cf Brantford, _ spent Sunday with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Bean. Mrs. Hueghlin of Detroit, spent the week end with friedds in town. Mrs. Parker leaves this week to spen the summer with friends . at Pott . Stanley. Mr.. and ~Mrs. Hardio, and children of ‘Toronto, . were .. the week:. end guests\of Mr. and Mrs. Henry.Emast. â€" Miss ‘Marie Veit of Waterloo and Miss Hilda Etmel of Walkerton, were 'fl:kgneah of th> Misses Schaaf last week. . lary tlaidame of Toronto, is ‘ th# Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Young of Plattsville were visiting friends â€" in town last week, Mr. and Mrs. ;A. E. Ludwig and {amily spent Sunday with the form, er‘s parents at Hawkesville: . > The Miss*s Marie and CarrieKastâ€" ner.. Mr. Harrison Kastner and Mr. Chester Merner â€" of Bedringville motâ€" ored to town last Saturday and were enme€ler. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Boskart left on Thrfiy on â€"a visit to the latter‘s pa , Mr. and Mrs. Kenpel, near Zorich. s â€"Mr. Menno Gingrich _ of Spokane, Wash., a former resident of ‘the disâ€" trict is tren>â€"wing acquaintances in town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Manst attended the closing exercises of the physical training class ‘conducted y .Colonel McCrimmo® at the Stratford Normal School on Saturduy. _ Mr. John F. Roth received a firte mess . of fish this week which were caught by Mr. Ruby Schwartzentruâ€" ber of Hay Township in the river pnear Lake Hurom.\ _ 00 _ _ _ Rev. M. Voelker who for the past four years was pastot of Tiikity Lu ktheran Church here, handed in his resignation to the congregation . on Surday last, having accepted a call of the Preston Lutheraa church which was extended to him several weeks ago. He will ~iter upon: his new field after July ist. ... Rev. G. A. Cropp, pastor of Trinâ€" ity Methodist Church here for. the past $wo years and a half, has peen transferted to ‘Carlisle. The reveronâ€" ed gentloman and his wife carry with them â€" the pest wishes of their conâ€" gregatior . here, and their many friends in town, who are all softy to have them leave. Rev. Mr. Smyth mfldm; will succeed Mr. Cropp Rev. Dr. Harry Stillwell, . returnâ€" od missionary from Indig, now treaâ€" sion __boards _ of the .Ontarioâ€"Quebec Baptist Convention, will be atâ€" the Baptist church here on Wednesday evening, June 16th. <Dr. sullwell}‘. gma;nt“ 5- wat mm: e Aroat is in‘ store for those who will attend the leoture. se lt Ao 3 ‘The nimctyâ€"first annval session . of ts : German â€" Baptist churches of Southern Ontario, will take place at Xhe Baptist church, beginain; Thursâ€" day, June 17th, and continuing . over Sunday June 20th, The services in evening will be in English. All othetrs, except Sunday school service, will he held in German. fr oi â€" Prof Herman von Berge, . of Roâ€" chester Theological Seminary aid at poth services at . the m m‘ "”M # Our Busy Neig of Miss Beatrice Katz homore term in the Dental Callege, term in the medica _and "ato receiving the of their o ate t ‘that Capt, James l-m mentioned in e report from ‘Ge Alderson to the and the closing of She sehpol is only ©9 a precautionary \Bndmt:’ lfi"ww cert will be givem by the New Hamâ€" burg Musical Sotie® on in Tion: Park,: C0 at .8.16. Eloctke m omeip. ‘Itk fntlowing officers ofâ€" New Dominion Lodge; :A. L. & A.M. were slected at their last wheting, â€" and will be installed . at their next meeting. (W..M. Bro. Walâ€" ter Kerr, S. W. I% George Morley, J. W; â€" Bro. Jas., Vance, Secretary, Ezra Bechtel Tyler, pro D. Rits. ons adcnilithyes 2 Pm P ENt us ® T i it President | H; ilycct, :Secyâ€"Treas. | the . Of the Woman‘s Insti D. W.. Geiger, Exeqitive Committes, fii&%_, "of 16 Red Gros ‘ PFund Harty ‘Bridet;F. L ; ~D: Beckâ€" | will pe held on ,. the 24th ex, G: O.. Wondt.: The following |of June, at the home of Mr. and schedule was drawn up and adopted:! Mrs. | Joseph‘ Woods. Tea will be Junel5, Lutheran . vs. ‘Anmglicanâ€"Bapâ€"|served from six to eight. A large tist: Jrne 17. Roman Oatholic vs.|attendance is requested.â€"Mr... and tist; Jine 17, Roman Oatholie vs. Evant plicalâ€"Methodist; June 22, Angâ€" ticanâ€"Baptist . vs . Romam gm June 24,© Evangelical â€" M t. vs. Lutheran: June 29, Luthetan‘vs. Roâ€" man Catholic; . July:6, Evangelicalâ€" Methodist vs Anglicanâ€"Baptist.; July Suy 15. Evamgptient Mathodint " ve. July 13, Evangeli m« Roman Catholic; July 15,. Roman Catholic ve Anglicanâ€"Baptists; July 20, Lutheram vs. Evangelicalâ€"Methoâ€" dist; July 23, Roman Catholic vs. Lutheran. Bo"“"fi: l:h-iux!su "E‘I i otans game. The first of the local bowling. League was played here last Friday night, when Ayr and the local club played their . scheduled ; game, the hkome rink! winning by 10 shots. ‘The rinks were: i8 ® Datus skip 18 J. Raid, Skip 11 l M adetstre Wasge, APEREG O CC ; H0 NT L R. T. Winn, skip 22 Robertson,.sk 10 G. Rekelski skip 9 E. Lockie, sk 18 ‘The Ladies Aid of Trinity Mothoâ€" digt Church will hold their annual Garden Party on Thursday . evenitig June 17th, on Dr. Anderson‘s lawa. _ The Sisterhood of St. Peter‘s Luâ€" theran church will hold their ennual Strawberry Festival on the evening of June 24th on the lawn of Messts Reve y on ow .‘ The Ledies Aid of Trimity Luthecran ‘umrdn will hold theit amnual Strawâ€" hertry Festival the end of the month. Church â€" Basc®«ll: League, .At a mer o o dosnr Higge insl atremge News Notes: The rain on Friday und the hot weather following was very beneficial to alt crops. . Sugart beet ho:ing and corn cultivating are the ogder of the day. Quite a numâ€" bec from this vicinity attended the Beaver Literary Picnic is Waterlso Park on Saturday.â€"Mr. and Mrs»P. Geigert and Mr. and Mrs, J, Kneohâ€" tel motored to Hay Township on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. N. Bergey visited friends in Berlin o% Sunday. . Webley Haliman attended camp IMg im: Hespelet on Sunday. Mrs. *Devitt spoent a few days in New of near Waterioo visited Mc. and Mrs k on Sunday.â€"Mr. M. Gingâ€" g»ll{l‘hnm visited in the ncigh Personals: Mr. and Mrs. . Levi Swart; of Berlin and Mr. and Mre. ‘Jacob Swartz Straspurg visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Swarts.â€"Mt. and Mrs. Wellington Beckert and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beoker from near New Koch â€"from Bloomingdale, Mr Mrs. Edward Hadegdorn from Berlin and Miss Vella Newberty all spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Hagipdorn .â€"C & & by were Harry on Sunday. CThas iviki. students â€" at y his 4Â¥ may on Sunday, Mrs. Walter. . Veitch spent _ Sunday with friends at. Rosevilie.â€"Miss Ahâ€" rens of Berlin, is a weekâ€"end guest of Miss Zuelsdor{.â€"Mr. and Mrs. John Sherilfs . â€"spent Sundg with friends . at Mosboro.â€"Mrs. Glennie and daughter, Annie, are spending. a few days with friends near Millbank. <Mrs. Watson who has been ill is reâ€" covering.â€"Mr, John .Pirric has lately dinvested in an . Overland fiveâ€"seated automobile.â€"A _ nice birthday party was held at the bomfotfih and Mrs. John A. Durrant on Saturday afternoon, 12th inst. for their daughâ€" 4er Katherine . on â€"the event of het 8th birthday. â€" Twentyâ€"lour of _ her 17 Goods The Auto Hand Sprayer Berger‘s > Pure Paris Green Sure Death to Bugs. Put up in 1 Pound packages ELMIRA Sprayer : : > A1TO SPRAYERS FOR PRATNK 7#A the Now Monâ€" at Hespoler last M. WEICHEL & SON Compressed Air Sprayer THE AUTO SPRAY is tested against leakage and all deâ€" fect in material and workmanship, before leaving the factoty. THE TANK is made of either Heavy . Brass or : Galvanized iron. Al seams locked, soldered and riveted. _ _ ; IT IS MADE WITH TWO STYLES OF NOZZLES : Galy. Auto Sprayer, with Stop Cock Nogzle, at ... ... Brass Auto Sprayer with Stop Cock Noztle, at ...... ...« Galyv. Auto Sprayer with Auto Pop Nozzle, at ...... ... Brass Auto Sprayer with Auto Pop Nozzle, at \........ ..... €tog s NP " THE BIG HARDWARE STORE® 4 Phone 215 f sesvsad00000 00000000000 6 a 0 0 00000884 school mates with a.few others were present also her teacher, Miss Bulesâ€" dorf of Victoria No. 28.. The, afterâ€" PTTTTTTTTTITTTTTITITTIITITITITTIIIIIIIIIIIII::) Garden Trowels, at 5c., 10c., and Weeders at 10¢. and ........ ......~ Round Brass Lawn Sprayers at Revolving Lawn Sprayers, at... (Grass and Sheep, Shears at 25¢. Tin Sprayors, at ... Glass Jar Sprayers at A quantity | of ~CHILDREN‘S DRESSES â€" in gingham ~and prints, all sizes, 6, 8,â€"10, 12 and 14 years. Thess are a manufacâ€" turer‘s clearing . lot, which would seil regular up to. $2.40 each. : ‘We offer them at:@1. e piiog ceun son ols o ffELP A quantity of email KIDDIE®S‘ DRESSES, regular 75e up to $1, alzes 2, 3, 4 and 5 years, sfi to clear at eaclt ... ...»« BAOIDERED AND SILK BLOUâ€" 8E§ that sold regular at ’lgs §2.50 to $3.50 to clear at There is stlll a splendid . asâ€" sortment of new . EMBROIDERâ€" ED VOILE WAISTS, that soid regular at $1.25, up to $2.00, special clearing price each sl 42 Inch BROCADED RATINE, 6 shades only, tan saxe biscuit, niger and navy regular $1 7’0 §OP i..50.. i2 0s 41Â¥ <vas) vi% 42 inch black and white stripâ€" ed RATINE, very suitable â€" for coats, skirts and dresses, | w regular 85¢ for ... ... ... 4 shades only, mauve, sky, 2’@ pink and white, reg. 40c for 64 in Black and White CHECK DRESS GOODS, 3 pleces only, while they last, regular. : Eftc 40 In. FLORAL RATINE, ‘ in Readyâ€"toâ€"Wear Specials = Dress Goods Specials King and Frederick Sts Phones : 952â€"953 * PRICE 15 15 50 50 15 A email quantity _ . of _ BROIDERED .. WAISTS, soid reguiar at $1, apecial clearing prige @ACh +« >as EVERY â€" SUIT. AND:« COAT. . mhMu-‘& fio.pfll“: " pW Wt c Oe . fer 10 Suits and 18 Conte at @C _ the exceptionally tow price. $¥°_ All other lines of pro seasons . mmummMi LADIES‘ SUTTS AND COATS for quick clearance, MI‘I: SKIRTS at . cl have only a few to 7 sold regular at $6 to ~â€" $8, toâ€"morroW .. »».\»«> I Traveliers nnho!' J CoATE, at very .-;l‘-l“"“ h lear, regular from % » ;wm to clear at ... ‘-ioi'i,i:?;" 3 ‘pleces _ only of 42 _ inch. CHECKED IATM,’fi lonable this season, reg A $1.50 for ... («...ss a% 1 * tss 2 pieces only 44 inch ED RATINE, white gr J witd colored stripe, very smart: \ for tennis skirts, otc., regular M@io $1.00 for: . .. \. .. )« is ie ad ® PP . 11 pieces of 36 inch FLORAL VOILE, in all the new shades of the season, very special: at 6 yards for ... ... son sam { WBR hoodn was spent inâ€"eroquet, ball ing, swings and muslc. At 5.30 cheon was served on the {awn, * $6 Inch BLACK PAW SILK, highly recommengd it â€" its good wearing. quality, â€" ffie _ regular $1.00 for ... .., °* WÂ¥ _ This sprayer will handle all kinds of spraying solution. ® ; Capacity 1 quart. In in. Kifid‘a(ln. diameters ‘at 10, 12, wand 6 69 ff in ISMI:c"fiflL. with nozzle. Rubber Lawn â€"and $395 © $995 WATERLOO _ in, "

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