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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 17 Jun 1915, p. 9

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GovERNMEAT _ _ «OF TRIESTE * 25) PRANSFERRED w â€" (Canadian Press.) Karigruhe, June 16.â€" Nineteen were killed, 14 seriously and othâ€" Fn cl'bhtly injured in a ral: by _ Frenc lanes early on Tuesâ€" i day. *‘& people are incensed. . ANOTHER ZEP. RAID. ©/. _ London, June 10â€"A ~Zeppelin f ho Visited the northeast coast ~. . of an4 Tuésday evening and is bombs. _ Fifteen deaths toâ€" . are 44:"&&0'â€"4%»-:» \_. . question and fifteen persons inâ€" 4 BEEOHAM‘S AIRSHIP RAIDS _ Th GERMANY AND ENGLAND | .. : g___; CCamuadian Press.), ; _ _June 14.â€"Ths Governâ€" "Of Trieste has been transâ€" ferred to Adcisberg. _ The Treaâ€" sury _b s also peen removed ‘for KAfi ‘and the Chamber of Comâ€" : Aransierred to Vien®2. .: The Brightest . Women Find ~ ~(Canadian Press.) « Jung 16 The street employes‘ strike was callâ€" ed off . y this morning and all f be scttled by â€" arbitraâ€" *ORPEDO BOAT APAN SENDS | _‘ _ ~CHINA REPUBLIC, , Tokio, June 16.â€"According to a uncement made toâ€"day by a Japar news agency _ Japan has gent a protest to China . conâ€" terninig the antiâ€"Japanese moveâ€" fent in the Republic. EXPORTATION | OF FOODsSTUFFS _ | PROHIBITED | London, _ June 16.â€"The prevention of food stuffs entering Germany, Ausâ€" ria and ‘Turkey is further emphasizâ€" by an orderâ€"inâ€"council this week vhich prohibits the exportation to I foreign ports except France, Porâ€" ugal, Spain and Russia © of© onions, otatoes, rict, buckwheat, millet, moâ€" . Cherbourg, June _ 16.â€" The Frénch torpedo boat No. 331 sank toâ€"day after a collisiorh . with the Bfitish steamer Arléya and six of her crew were drowned. sometimed that they aré dull in _ _TAAA dvicdiad 1 ‘ter of a prosperous manufactu COLLIDES WITH | |Brent was moderately independent is AME | his own right, but the addition of his BRITISH STE R | wife‘s dowry seemed to destroy al amâ€" e es 1 uin _ |Uiitestnaits herbourg, â€" June 16â€" Th w-wMflmrmunlw nich torpeao boat No. 381 sank@ |img a routine position as some one‘s lay after a collisiorh . with the |Becretary.. . From: being on intensely tigh steamer Arleya and gix of Im tan of affairs be drifted into a crew were drowned. gocial loungerâ€"the Iapdog of the drawâ€" â€" |h¢ roomâ€"where the close breath . of wepestentiomicomiooes L ieuacuns 'm réfe perfume meant miore than the clash of interests and the conquest P’OE‘!‘ATIOK lot a woman greater than that of a n&» t , ‘dafély and ceftainly ht mfihlmhnfl! tones the stomach, stmuâ€" as the Evor, regulates the bowels. echam‘s Pills cleanse the system aceumulating polsons and purify blood.. ‘Their beneficial action y j looks, élearet better feelings. ‘Try dlso will find that they oN KING [LWAY STRIKE BY ARBITRATION (Canadian Press.) h e c loa c e a Medicine in the World, In bones, 26 conts, | rara to. t gvcate Aké this." sij ; :m-mumӎ | er. who had served the family | dbd boy, came fo at this juorture With lm on a saiver. P l Mmh-vnélfi“"‘ It. He garg an expréssion of disgtbc and Gung the card back on the saiver. Eut ie prmry s bHe «8y one," ghe sald imperatively. "Nor 1," added Alaric "I‘m alD strung up." He turned to Jarvim "Pell Mir. Brent we‘re very sorry, but"â€" ;., . est. She stopped strmmm‘n n_i&o‘ng.nqcuun lncue?nu too "NMor 1," added Alaric o ho n Psn c nioh the difc est;: fShe stopped strnmming the and stood up, rery ereet and veey Still. Mra. Chichester rose too: "I C#A‘t ~"VI see him." interrupted Ethel, a+ wost autmatediy. "Bring Mr. Breni here, Jarvis." &4 As Jarvis went in search of & Brent Mrs. Chichbester went up great stairs, "My bead is throbbing. T‘H go to my room." "Don‘t you worry, miiter," consoled Alaric. "Leave everything to me au thrash the whole thing OUt: As Mrs. Chichester disappeared Alarâ€" strangely enough, was showing somé signs of life and interest "Really going to teach?" "#y es." "Rightt PN nn'mw very likely a doctor,: We‘ll pulf somehow." Ethel made a motion toward the door as though to stop any further conver» sation. , eager, scholarly looking man of twen | tyâ€"eight years of age. His career a8 &A | diptomatist was baited at its outset by ‘ an early marriage with the only daughâ€" "Mr. Brent‘s coming," she said, al most impatfently. * Alaric started for the window leadâ€" tmg into the garden. "Jolly god-dmw_l_dhnmwi’q tQurried into the garden. A tew words of description of Chris tisn Brent might be of interest since he represents a type that society al_ ways bas with it you. 1 hate the sight of the begrar myself. A)ways looks to me like tho frst conspirator at & play." ‘The door opened, and Jarvis entered and usbered in "Mr. Breat" Alaric "Christian Brent." | tion. Her beauty sappealed to him. Her absolute indifference to bim stung him as a lasi. It seemed to bee little bis powers of attraction. Conse @Quently be redoubled his efforts. . Ethe} showed reither like nor disfike â€"just a form of toleration. Brent a¢ gepted chis, as a dog a crumb, in the hBope: of Q%e!bm‘ more . anbstantial to follo®w. e bad come that mork Ing with a. fixed resoive. His manâ€" her was déterminéd. His voles wooed A Comédy6f Youth Fgundéd by ;;- -"â€"G-;;;_ He went tenderiy to Ethel the moment the door closed on Jarvis. &. MsP trations> . From‘‘Photo C graphs of “n:hd.’ * L $z .5‘ * 5n Gapyright, 1935, by Dbodd, Ment nfiimi =t wit ‘ #Company.~ ~* xnpm.â€"vâ€"u-:: _~"Aow dre you‘t‘ he askted, and there was a note of subdued passion in his tune. ":Fllr." repHied Ethel without even | mgn; o is J mother?" cn.-dnli "Where is your . :n::‘muu depended on the answer. | ing down." ansawered Ethel truth : fuily and without any feeling. "And "In m‘::m." . "Then we hive a totient or twoâ€" alone?" Brent put a world of meanâ€" ing into the sdggestion: _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ Mr. Mantiors on His GréatPlay _ *"Very likely," said Ethel, picking up -m«-non-; Mm“.: as if saw it the frst time, a..-:g. watching pim zfln‘ Brent went to hem~"Clndâ€"to see Just at this period Ethel Chichéster as the especial.object of his adoraâ€" 7;":::-' F"-h bent am see borâ€""more than gla en "Reallyt" i He eat beside her. "Ethel," be whisâ€" pered tntensely, "I ath at the crosw . "It came Iast night." y& endâ€"between Siby! and df the Same Title â€" iMusâ€" the Orstâ€"horrible. There‘s not J. Hartley "Oh I* commidhced Rthel, without iny prosperous manufacturef. F y | * @heaÂ¥l ® Lno ratlri@mee Rraign: at . "You fijtm # it shid @uretiy. aoww&-aflmm must bave "Then we‘re quits, Aren‘t we?" "g.ovl'":n u::.-“ 5# «Haven‘t you hk . . #Of you? m.lt&m, w "Burely . exery magried . must have a contemptible opinion of the woâ€" man be covertiy malké % It he ren n enelaintion vamsive eyes on Brent# fush 6 =I* don‘t follow you," was &il Brent y . _ "_ . MpS: 5 L “l!yu.utbflbllhb"‘ to me straightforwardlyâ€"you wouldn‘t He looked t her io amazément. "What do you mean?" he gasped, "It‘s only because you haven‘t the right that you do itâ€"by suggestion," Ethel putsued. 6 "How cat you shy that?" And he put all the beart be was capable of in# “-1 don‘t know what you‘re driving .t."lnldMA s e t es smile. "No? 1 think you do." She waited a moment. Brent said nothing. ‘This was a new mood of Ethel‘s. it baffied bim, + Presently she relieved the sllence by asking bhim: "What happéned last Alght?" He hesitated: ‘Then he answered: "I‘d rather not say. I‘A sound lkeoâ€"a cad blaming a woman." _ "Mever mind how it sounds. ‘Tell it It must have been amusing." . . _ â€" "Amusing?* He bent over her again. "Oh.mmmllaokoty:umw to you the more 1 realise I should nev« it l papprsiradih, "Why did you?" eame the cool ques Brent answered with all the powes at his command. Here wis the mo mtm”ummfltw might see. â€" * "Have you ever scen a young hare, fresh from its kind, rum beadiong into a snaré? Have you ever seen a young pnntnoo!dntr‘mmllotulh“ dash into & net? I did!l 1 wasn‘t trap ~ He paced the room restiessiy, all the uummhfl‘ He went on: "Heavens, what nurslings we &r0 when we first feel our feet! We‘ts like children jost Joose from the lead» ing strings. Anything that glitters eatches us. Rvery trap that is set for our unwary feet we drop into. 1 didâ€" dropped is, caught hand and foot, mind and sout." " _ "Soul?" queried Ethel, with a note or doubt. J "Haven‘t time to think, of areat on ind 0e an air of finality. _ "Well, body anyway, "Ana for what?" he went on "For what? Love! Companionship! ‘That is what we build on in marriage. And what did I realise?. Hate and wran gling; wringling, just as the common berd, with no advantages, wrangle and make it a part of their Hives, the zest to their union. It‘s been my curse." "Why wrangling?‘ drawled Eithel, i "She didn‘t understand." "You?‘ asked Ethel, in surprise "How curious?" i "You mean you would?" . "Probably." N / "I‘m sure of it* ~He tried to tiks her band. She drew it away and set tled berself comfortably to listen again: =Tell me more about youf wife." ~ =The dlightest dttention shown to any other woman meant a ridicufous. a humiliating bcene." . *Humiliating?" ; "Aren‘t doubt and suspicion bumilâ€" iatin some men." "Body, mind and sou!!" he said, with "Â¥You couldn‘t hnmilidte in that way," he ventured slowly, "Ko. I don‘t think 1 could. 1f a iman showed a preferetice for any other woman she would be quite welcome to him." "No man could!" said Brent insit antingly. . Bhe looked at him coldly a moment "Let me seeâ€"where were you?t Just married. weren‘t you?t Go on." / "Then came the baby." lte sald that #with # @ignificant mednin@ and pansed to see the effent an Ethel It ~KEBP MINARD‘S LINIMENT IN THE HOVBE, . _ .. ._.._ _ . "They would put a Sctitions valne on " he answered. would be‘ca pist®D 2910 . .0 my actions!" d chies the doctor left me ang beâ€" taken a bottle I was ableto mnd in @ it time I was ablé to d Your medicine has dble to‘do all say it will and L have recommiendeéd 1t in every household :#n“".â€"lnl‘"om’n:uu. Fpbrata, Pa.~*‘ About a year ago I To Spameree detngd ied : a5 80 W Wyohndh‘m:ih:do nybhhi. * Lydia E. Pinkham‘s Végetable Comâ€" !fifi;&mow';flflbtmd habohh.l»‘;hmfl:-‘?w HornBErcEs, R. No. 3, Ephrate, Pa. . fi‘nnfimmwwm l.mal.nl,lul- v:::w-m woman and held in strict confldence, it ‘had any Ethe} effectually concéaled it. . Her only comment was: ped, watching her eagerly. Her .eyes down, % us \"I shouldn‘t tell 596 ths." It‘o tor Brent went on: 8 "One would think that "ww change things. . But po. Neither of us want ed ber. Neither of us loves ber. Ohit dren sboutd come of love, not bate And she is a child of hate." He paused, lgoking intently at, Ethel: She looked understandingly at bim, then dropped ‘Brent went on as if following np an udvnnn,-: "She sits in her !ittle chatr, uts seats . edincs â€" BA C alsinsctisad Her emait, wrinkled. ol&mmmlo-d tace turned to us, with the eyes watchâ€" ing us accusingly. She submits to caâ€" resses as though they were distasteful, as if she knew they were lHeg. At m-bopm%n:::;; face awny with be? Iittle baby Ongers." Be #top her eyes. rible. Â¥ see it in your face, ‘What are you thinking ?" ; 14 "I‘th sorry," tepiied Ethel stmply. *For me?‘ Ns "bor your wife." "My wife?" he repeated,â€"nghast. "Yes," said Ethel. "Aren‘t you? No# Are you just sorry for yourself?" Brent turned impatiently away. So this laying open the wound in bis life was nothing to Ethel. Insterd of pity for him, all it engendered in her was sorrow for his wife. How little women understood him! There was a pathetic catch in his voice as be turned to Ethel and said reproachfally : "Â¥You think me purely selfsh?" . "Naturally," sbe answered quickly. "Lam. Why not be truthful about our» #élves sothetimes? Bh?" . you!" he said desporately. "Really ?" â€" § "Gossip Bas linked us together. My wife bas beard it and put the worst ‘construction on it." "Well?" *Ws said things to each other. lI8## night that can never be forgiven or forgotten. I left the house and walked the streetsâ€"bourst | looked my whole lUifé back and througb ad though it were some stranger‘s." He turned ab Me Iimpulsively Stretched Out His Arms, Embracing Mer. : raptly awary to the windows. and :n‘ a, moment, jooking down the ve. Ethel said nothing. last nightâ€"â€"about surgéon woudâ€"ampotate.* i ‘3& ma operation â€" what ‘:;.. + am hete dacing gos. m;u.uznl.ml-uf'? "Ob, ‘dear, yesâ€"perfectiy! 1 have m.&f;vin tot you to get 16 the -uH:nl u.t-uim:_.w “l:‘w back slightly, just out of _â€"*Wait." She looked np at bird guts ‘"’ m“mw What would you doâ€"amputate me?" .. "Didn‘t youâ€" tell your: wife that when you asked ber to marty you?" . He turned away impatieufly. "Don‘t say thoe things, Ethel; they burt." -'rnamounhi.r-wm Am I ot?‘ j *Â¥ou stund aloune, Ethel Â¥You seem to io into the Dearts of peopig snd know why and how they beat." "I doâ€"sometimes.‘ It‘s an awkward â€"â€"He looked‘ st her glowingly. .. "How marvelously different two women Can bel. Yobâ€"my wife®" _ _ _ . .. _ â€" Â¥ithel shook ber head and smiled her ‘fi"fi‘:‘n" "We‘re not really haiietisoer Pace too sind nature® nge. Â¥ours mudux'.nmmtan. gz. lu.m" pot Inst as long as your a y » w;rn‘t‘-dyM We have a comâ€" bondâ€"understanding." . _ . . "Think ao?" ® "I nuderstand you.*" _ ~ "I wonder." 3 C "You do me."* * "Fesâ€"that‘ is Jjust the dificulty.* ~ "I teil yon I am at the crossronds, ‘The finger board points the way to me distinet1y." ~‘*Dock 1t9" ~~"It does." He lerned across to her. "Wonld you risk It?" Thirty.Species of Trees Were Labelled txres where. trimmed off the !mnboé would be saved. <He said that this were done millions of fert . ef lum or: could be saved every . year. Mr. Kautmap is well known by .the lumpermen throughout the Dominion ant‘ éspecially in Ontario. «He 18 thoroughly ~ acquaintcd â€" with woods for .he has.out millions of feet of lumber . sinte ho bogan life as A lumberman: © He was of valuable serâ€" Lflce yesterday in hâ€"lping to doter mine the vafious species of ‘Tre»s. ‘There is considerable bird‘ <life: in the: par«. _ It has been estfimated that at least 156 speties jmhabit tha trees there. Ospreys abdâ€"cranes are found â€" @lonmg the river bamk. . The park will be stocked: with pheasants im September. D. B. De*weiler an,ounced yesterâ€" day‘ _ that the company intends to arch "the ‘path thit winds from â€"â€"the. roadway m;fi the river. The ar ches will be banft in the form of @an arbor and grapes cultivated on them. He als0 anflounced ‘that the comPary ‘wmllll z:othbly construct a _ dam u:;ou the Grand at a point directly télow ths bluff. This he said would afford still watt for bathing â€" and Tpating, i (Continuéd from pagé 6, Col. 4.) * WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO AERLIN, ONTARIO (To be continued.) MADE IN CANADA "Frulfâ€"aâ€"tives" is the Stan imfllflfim We tried everything on the :zu » and spent large e noney, until we happened on « .-" ,‘. “nhu s | "Hr ue ,,-' “ " use clse as lobg as we can get Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives," J. W. HWAMMOND. WFRUITâ€"Aâ€"TIVES" is made from fruit ):z and‘ Tonicsâ€"is mild in adtion pleasant in taste. Sageâ€"At Ptéston, May 28, to Mr. ‘and Mrs. Luwrence Sage a som. . . @nyderâ€"At Priston, May 29, to Mr. ‘‘and Mrs. Alten Snyder, . 4. son. > Murtinâ€"At.Martin‘s Grove, ‘May 28, ’ to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Martin, a Freyâ€"At Floradale, May 24, to Mr. :u Mrs. Menno M. Frey, a daugh J; i ; Knarrâ€"In â€" Balsam _ Grove ssction, May â€" 25,° to Mr. and Mrs. Allan __Enarr, a daughter. Nétbâ€"ryâ€"In Elmire, May 18, to Mr.. cnd Mrs. Chas. , & S0n. ’sdfi'lu-n Beriin Waterioo ‘Heepiâ€" tal onm. May 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Hâ€"rman° E. Schultz, of New Hamâ€" burg, a son. Gingrichâ€"At Preston, 4o Mr. and NMrs. Enoch Gingrich, a son on May & ml.m,'ohfi.fl.n:l :;epz & t t :yfldflg::'»”‘ f 2 â€" Mcintoshâ€"At Pr:ston, May 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mcintosh, : a daughbtor, r O‘Donnellâ€"At Galt, To Mr. and Mrs â€"‘Bert O‘Donnell, West Main streot, _ & son, May â€" 30; stillâ€"born. * Cameronâ€"At ~Gait, On Saturday, May 29, to Mr. and Mrs, A. Cam _eron, Mill Creek, & daughter. Woxiâ€"At Preston, May 30, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Wood a daughâ€" Burchatzki~â€"Eichler.â€"At New _ Hamâ€" burg, June, Miss Louis® Eichlet . to Mr. Alfred Burchatzki, both of the Heron Road. hss Allardâ€"Barbar.â€"At © Galt, Jung 3rd, Miss Francis ‘Ellen Barher to. Mr. ~John Henry Barber. x Schmalzâ€"Richardson.â€"At Port Elgin, â€" June A&rd, Miss _ Beatrice. Richardâ€" son to Major W. H. E. Schmalz, of ‘Berlin, Mernerâ€"Ziegler.â€"At Berlin, June 2, Miss Mabel Mernuer to Mr. George ~H.. Zieglor. __bert Rank, of Berlin. Haizht â€"At Waterloo, Jure 4. NMr. Frank Haight in his 65th year. Playfordâ€"At Waterloo, June 3, Miss ‘Lech Playford, of â€"Crogshill. Eabischâ€"At Preston, June 4, . Mrs: . Jehn Sobisch in her A{M year. Echarmanâ€"At Berlin, June 6, â€" Mr Adam Stharman in his 45th yearâ€" Wittmaakâ€"A¢ â€" Hespeler, _ June 6th, "Mrs. A. H. Wittmaak. Ruppelâ€"At Elmira, June 3, Mr. Carl tor l'-53r=~'vii駧r£n's NEW INTERNATIONAL RANKâ€"At equaly Exâ€"Mayor Robert McCully, who died in St, Thomas recently, left on estate valued at $130,828, but there i# no will, and the division between his wife and his son, Dr. R. W. Mcâ€" ‘f‘ulliol New York, and mw:. Nrs A. M. Gody of Goldon, B.C., will be Ruppel azed 77years. EXMAYOR LEFT NO WLL Dictionary in his home. This new .nl';l with final author+ kinds questions tgmmy. .wcr-“fl-xu!?‘flmphy. m‘l"‘,‘mm' arts, d sofgiicey, > PHYSICIAN |â€" Deaths Detroit. ‘June 2 Alâ€" Private Ofice: - Cor. King and P. CLEM K. C W. CLENMENT. . _ >P." CLEMENT. (Successor to Conrad Bitzer.)‘ .. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary étc. Money to loan. German Officeâ€"Pequegnat . _ Block, xt c Market, Frederick St. Berlin. .. â€" °* Barrister, Solicttor, .Notary and. Conveyancer. _ Office 9 E. St.‘ Telephone No. 547. Berlin, be : Larrister, Solicitor, J. A. â€" 4 FWen. Master i% Onine sters, l@’“ Mo: Ofices: an the Block, Bef Â¥r. W. H. Gre + , E&f?m‘. etc. (r)“:,ubsuhl nomical Block, King Street, t â€" Berlin. ¢ 18. Alex. Millar, K.C.,. Harvey J ;. Graduate Chicago College ot tal Surgery and Royal College: Dental Surgeons of ‘Toronto.. . Dental Notary, Conveyancer, étc., "13 Web er St. K.. Berlin. Phone 190. . _ _ ie 1 oenonces on ali is premi® Dentistry practices. in all its branet» Dentist, L.D.S., Royal Mh‘fl'n% tal Snmbnn. p.D.8.. Toronto ver sity. branches. of dentistry pFAG tised. . Entrance to office fame &# Concordia Hall, over Lang PX store. Osteopathic Physician. â€" «_ . . Graduate under Dr. Still, the foun 5 der of the science, Editor Joun "ok 5 Osteopathy 1909â€"12. ;. Osteop t often cures where all else fails ‘Chronic eonstipation, stomach dife | erders, nervous discases, cheumatism G infantile paralysis, goiter, ote.,. ge 4 cessfully treated. . Electrical t f ments. a Offices, Room 203 Webor Chambers || King St. East THE EMPLOYER‘S AS$OCIATION OF WATERLOO® COUNTY is FREE LABOR BUREAU 59 King St. West, Berlin. _ We have vacancies for men and z men in all lines of work. If you out of employment communicate with us at once. _ No charge for registrm tion of services rendered. 1444 Specialityâ€" Diseases of the Far, t Nose and Throat. MILLAR, S!MSs & GREGORY DR. WELLINGTON K. JACOBS Dentist, Waterloo. daed Office Heurs 9 to 12, 1.30 to 5. .« Telephone 121. : e â€" CLEMENT & CLEMENT D. §. BOWLBY, B.A., LLB. Co;nmercm. Shorthand and T.da graphy. Our graduatos uM yoal should read 'our ‘aru. free catalogues. Write for it at onte,. Ontario‘s Best Practical Trataing Bchool. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in each of our three departments, .. .. .. DR. 8. ECKEL, L.D.8., D.D.S. in DR. F. G. HUGHES, _ Dentist _ Oddfellow‘s Block Waterloo. DR. CLAYTON W. WELLS, SCELLEN & WE "A. L. BITZER, B. A. JAMES E. A. REID & CO., 43 East King seriin Real J McINTOSH, . BARRISTER Business Cards. pR. J. £. HETT J. A. HILLIARD Osteopathy. Medical. Beérlin, Ont. REAL ESTATE, Dental. tate. Open nventngs Notaries, Sts., Berlin 7. tow Hersaing Berlin o du $2 it 1: i t {Â¥

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