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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Jun 1915, p. 8

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loo and Miss Aggio Stauffer . of nilla spent F1 with _ Mre. H. herâ€"~" "Mirs "Alvin Ottman _ is ling triends at, Waterloo, . c MT#; e -’-‘+th~£..~ . C ufl"g‘ y n3 Sylyeste Jerome uf *...f" T Oe Tame B r. George. Forwell < w ca MF. d Mre. James Ertel and â€" daughter - ud Â¥â€" f ©66 e F. and Mrs. Will m#e m’ NMr. n ho vhiageâ€""MF Avguet Abrons he village.â€"Mr, Au, 8 a busine visttor to Beriin _ on a mn: kn Mrs N. Districh of Flore n . N. ich of Floraâ€" ale spent dfl.{‘a Mr. Hy, Frey‘s.â€" F .and Mrs. phenâ€" Scherrer and gs. .George Forwell spent last Wedâ€" s at Barl:a.â€" Those who spent day at Mr. betfl.lhdvi:'l were ir. and Mrs. Joseph Fe ;’“ Mr. and irs. John Schlitt of St. Jaeobs.â€"Mrs. pilis Huber and little daughter Irene: te visiting her daughter: Mrs. .J. , h at Waterloo.â€" _ Mr. and Mrs. wift and family of New Hamburs spent unday with Mr. :uanum. Jokn. Ottâ€" ian.â€"Misses Doris for.and Gladys fomeyer spent Sunday at Wallenstein wMessrs. Joseph Buc%sr and Robert spent Sunday &At Waterloo.â€"Mr. Mrs. Hehn of . Erbsville were ts at the .homo of Mr. . Philip on Sunday.â€"Mr. and Mrs. F. Lackner and son Harold and Misses e and Alme Porwell spent Synday Mr. and Mrs. Tom Adam at Macâ€" ‘New Notes:â€"Mirs Millie King of rekiten: s)cnt a couple days last tes .. with , equsin Miss â€" Maty in ,â€",J;q rz\. Milroy of Eden lls spent .Sundey with Mr. . and t».. Freq, Ltsgon.â€"Mr., Byron, Latson P mt . 1st Tursd~v in Berlin..,.and uzht home with him a Hamilton & forseâ€"power ‘ste: m sngine Araction mpound.â€"Nr.~an i. Mrs. .. .John Sully bd temily of St. ‘â€"eats sPent Sunâ€" \y. wih Mr. and Mrs. George _Let ~~â€"Mt, .;nd Mrs. William McNall g‘lolhvin; is report for April of 3, .No. 20 Wilmot, ; Names are in g‘ 1Mi.â€"=Wendecl Kittel, Rudy Jant«, ; Karges, Annic Stoeser, .. . Fm%"’" ‘E;-a' r,‘ Joe Htoe: gE ; Krebl s.,Jfo Wagner, irges, .. Rase xfimm;e[ Clareno: Johrn Krahling, _ Joel Jantzi, n lthr»fl (absent),â€" .. Elsic .,wc‘ mt), £8 66 ter ; 4. tto _ . Kddie Krahli vin ufl?lfi#fl”&rfii‘teflbflrfi; e Mcasd h a@ ‘ ~Mr. ‘and Mrs. Raton, «f"fi e e se mian diug: 1 6 'v%-;‘mflfl.:l olle, Chas. Brokmen from Mice imE s week 2t Mis home here z. IV.â€"Edaa .SBteinmann, Mabel M 19c Befpert Riltel d _ Mr. .Mi{.a: George, McNall | of mow attend the . funeral | of oir sister Mrs..J, L. Jupp on Sun J‘M-â€"i& 8. Mart‘n . was ly injured lost l"l’:l‘:y, ov-;ing ~‘ %he ... explosion , of. is . gasolino ‘*f‘!‘« Mr.â€" ‘!é!":':, a Missionary 'x’\ koy, will g7%8k, in. t.h:d chutch @ A xt . Sunday , m and .@Â¥enâ€" g.â€"â€" :u"‘!ylt Omhls last ugsday . thot Mrs.. John A... Jupp d _.at. Hlamilton.. Decsaged had aze of 28 years, 19 day » ‘b: . were br«um'fim. k tst Montrcas kriday, morning, .. and m ivtactal was hld Blmth-.lf:f‘l'f mt 3 o‘clrct and wes largely m-'m. Hm:ii:; Hu‘:el Sr., ) stait is .. ercctinpg a big. barn * fiy. acar ,tflln.'w”» a gontract to put.up two steel < at, Cheitenham, and, will fe _his force thate ghortly.â€"A, | laymetrs . heon & _ deliveries of hogs in Galt * a year has .closed its family of Mr. and Mrs. ho has been increased by a f by.name.â€"An â€"ice 6 t room has peen are fut the agcommeodation of snd the many â€"thnhkan and. It is being gteatly 1 uhnd promises to have a Avug ral v at 3 o ded by a relativen; Mt, and . Mr3, . Robert.. MeNall School Report. West Montrose. â€" < T râ€" 'v"r‘r-â€" "Croa ,a.i m‘fit:‘mfiufi “,‘“. n . x) l â€"Mish *~ A. $ otf mX x y M“ 'dgt;‘. 34. uE: [ 1 tm ! making seuldettory , proâ€" recovery, from the alâ€" ‘ & met with a fr. Mrs. A. Gimâ€" Mr.. Harvey home on Sunday and spent Freaport F Thus & terbourne, and | to, Ching. many more years maby friends of i1 ‘ be â€"glad ‘to wide circle of friends ‘OALT JOMS TRE SPEECHES#, PARADES, T ATTOO‘ MABK EVENT _ The town is already ~with flags in honor of the gmd One of the special features of ‘the decoraâ€" tion scheme is that every ornamental standardâ€"â€"and there ate some 350â€" is topped by â€" a Union.l.ekun%‘: Canadian ensign, the expense of t being borne by the local Hydroâ€"elgcâ€" tric Commission. Ti that the most prominent part is beâ€" ing taken py the children of the cfl; lic and. sepgrate schools. At 1 0‘ | g'y \will .line up on _ the Market quare and each child will be . pret sented with a flag. They will sing patriotic and hear the procla: mation f cityhood read py Mayor 1.; E. Buchangn and speeches from F. 8." Scott, M.P., and Z. A. Hall, M.P.P. Phe program for the day is particâ€" ularly fi suited to the event in Rev. Canon _ Ridley, the oldest tesi< dent minister, will pronounce a beneâ€" diction on the new city. The inaugâ€" News Notes:â€"q'h’e?wm Ep\ro‘tul“ League will Nold a literaty enterâ€" tainment | in . . the ‘Bethel ‘fiodiob church on Friday evening, June 11th commencing at 8 o‘clock, ~Oné of the ppécial . featpums of the Frogram will te a debate â€" on the subject resolved "That Joshna was a greater leader than Mce s." . The speakers 1om affirmative will he Miss Annie and Miss Caverbill, while th nega« tiveâ€" will be Miss Mabel Moffat. and M‘ss Laura Wood. Besides the deâ€" bate a programme of music will . be rendsred‘ ~by the choir and others. Lubch will also be sorved.. An adâ€" mission fee of 25 and 16 cents will be char at the doors. Everyons in .o.nS ly idvited to attend. . MINETY BOMBS WERE OROFPED M «. mongrzeree in AdShiPs: . â€" â€" Scounpeagons tE KiE London, June A.â€"Ninety last night by Zeppelin â€" air injured. No publi¢ buildings officially toâ€"day. > BOMBS OF INCENDJARY. CHARACTER. .| _ )« «) p~_â€" " Tindon, June 1.â€"The statement of ‘the suthorifies® reads as {ollows ;j #In amplification of information ‘Whith appeared in this ‘orhing‘s ‘papers the following particulars of last night‘s Zeppelin raid in the Metropoli tah area are now available for publication. oc e § ut : s ‘ ‘ Late last night about 90 pombs ‘most of an" incendiary character wate dropped from hostile air crait in various localities not far fistant= trom each other. A number of fires, of which only three wore‘ large "ériough‘ to Te quire the services of fire engines; broké ou$. Al of them" were proniptly and effectively: dealt with and.only one of which necessitated a district call Fires all were ‘caused by incéndiary | bomb# referred to. No «public: Buildâ€" ings were injured but a number of private premises were damaged by hrée ot water. *# e f w . o. .. d coul on Number of casualtics is smallâ€"so Yar a§ has at prosént béen ascertainâ€" éd. One infant, bfe"boy, one midn Hnd .one woman were killed and â€"anoâ€" ther woman so seriously injured that» her life:is despaired of. / â€" ~\< © @4 Few dther pÂ¥Hivate citizens were seriously injured put the precise numâ€" ber has not yetâ€"beem agcertained. > . ~ & 7t May 80th, of one Of Bloomintdale‘s]| /""""" y_" P oCX ces wellâ€"known and â€" réepect¢d cmm.l“"""‘w e wg’?‘flv"f t William â€"bedtora, _ after a Uneering 299" ra. Ba. mnarnMt. and" Miness. | The deceased was in big ffâ€" | ; h.ofimwmtsw teth year. ‘The faneral will be Neld ‘ Ditnor‘sâ€"A number of our tm Tuesday afterncon, June® ist, ‘at ‘ple attended the Sunday School 2.00, fiek;;x from fiebh:ly ‘mu- mtbn‘:olae: ]m M m w ‘n.. w d gredation i1 church for Strvice _ and: Weudibw 19 Afoppaler on Ik Th . Mesnonite | e€atttky for J6ttâ€"| )q oouon" May To â€"Liovda" t Adequate arrangements, including les, enabled the situation to be Kept KBEP MINARD‘S ALINIMENT IN THE HOVSE, WILLIAM ; BEDFORD The death took place on: n Celourttign > Brigf Shatech â€" of New muc.w rte mgrm and Steps Towards Attainment of Cityhood. < Haysville. At Ninety hombs . were dropped: in the taid on< London in _ airships," Four persons®! were‘ Killed : asd‘ a"â€"fow ca on Sunday , Bloomindale‘s were da maged,. is the information ‘giveh . out I.EIU'E'E ..!-‘* o En rumicni(s . }y. We ba dR Eh : Anstifute .cagets, """';." * ahd. t o 1e i it o date Zigce the chiigren will agai The P ‘Fioti¢ _ 80 h"fi.-fl'@.‘" d y 6F, i1 plan sgil y«‘ sesratus f w 1 $8.,. SV ”’.,r.‘.. f ‘Jow, which, will. be al the mot ‘tetesting {fur being lapgely part ‘in, by. . sexeral .% of @fi?.'mvm id Vheie. ann ..ial~plonic¢ here on that day. ° "" * ‘ In the afternoon & civic hanguet &t‘ the Galt City Club is to be tendered the : representatives ... of neighborink »Ww%v“‘;.- s doimp will be brought to a grand finale" by a tattaqin. Dickson, Park, in‘ ‘ which, geven..bands _ and" the 39thâ€" Rogiment, H. Lâ€"l;, will tukeâ€"part. », *~~ . N Galt was founded. in 1816, by . AB wxo:‘m?%?wi&-. i "hnet mupl::o:*:‘ reach nguifi"dlpi‘ * 3 Tone ie shant vet dn Indws newestâ€"vityâ€"of Canada: «* News umu.~hg. John Dietz, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Huehn and ily Mrs. N. Wagner and Mrs, 8. Freiburg) or, visited Freeport l’:item- on o:; 4 in in P sihet woce Mn & #rfi rs. Wagner were ir ":2 Mrs.> Gregor.. Wagner, Mr.. and,.Mrs. Jos. Wagner and â€" daughters, .. Miss Tresa Campbell, Miss Arclists ‘ Wasâ€" ner, all,of theâ€"Twinâ€"City, also Mr. and wre SX ohfghcr Br Citaire Mr dna Mrs. Noah of Prectulo‘ J se Mip in the aouree z. 0. Haln.â€"â€"Most of our loyal peoâ€" Dove Mentman ot Gale smany ho B %:‘.."..‘.2‘;‘.:%“':.:;& spont "tne hollwi'-;;ht,.. ht 8 nd&y ‘#irlfl .‘H'; %‘?mfi;xéfiwg'far.-â€"nfi and ”h. Wm. Golbeck and son Wfi‘rd Tamber#" spent Sundaywith Mr. and \dzxdhlv Raixhortâ€"> Meskr® â€" "J08, Bi u-nwuwhw.‘mg fomaaeserret aitt calnh nfi ons t aBiot it doie home of Mr. R&hi.â€"Mf., M z:rut And Mr. .l;' W waco | on v|d°$!g: ‘ra.‘ fi: j " um:‘ ln‘%m. Kogh Mrfilt: o «pent Victoria Day u-tao wfl and Mrs. Ed. Knarr.â€"â€"Mr. Mre.. John Greyerbichl spent Sungday at auf, i)olt:eflr.'â€"A n’;fiber of our yourls nea‘ ple &t'::m the 'Dndny School C m.â€"lr. Hck.m&u & Woudihg in Mogpaler on lc the calling out of special: const ‘thofoughly in handâ€"atâ€"al times London, May !!PLlorh‘ have a report that the French steamer ashore near §t. NAâ€" * broken in two. All pasâ€" Almost Certury Qld, Rumelhardt CTES * â€"â€"at also Mr. 4nd "pe 34 Lo ut s# u. " C 2 " wheun Wiatss iÂ¥3 . W 'J‘-“ ‘,_’.Jn‘. ,7.1. tot. I% w%f hat mute! ‘-‘ !”'L r_a‘l\»:-» es Mibs | Fava "ocverer; and ‘the :,, "Lm.-vf Ntte v-% Srog. coup ow sid dibE yorate, sHer . which ELC 2t e oL many Beastul and wsetvt .. A very protty bouse wedding : bpok mssc aes in Eic win, their chone denghter aF berta was happily magricd to . M. iua y the Rev :“:'-'T it of ioi i tin. / £., m :P9 .fl'rvl:'q,n& %z.mty â€"Ahe e in Filmges Ue cortmaly. * | s 3 [ Inviluine * unnal Â¥" ty M _ Li e en e Pn om, while ~the wedding march was uqka'md:by"llr- Nickleg Bostke! \ Migs. Leona Koch of Conestoro W F,:,m es maae o r bri Â¥ T icrmed the..duties of osk :?a*d by hor fathor, and looked very pré 4 a f in on ie ty ds ane w d ?U.llin&'-:g-%wp ;.; apple bloss: ~ Aftâ€"r : tha â€" ugial mg: ilations were extended the. guests m‘ ed into the: dining room whire . the wafihglh’m!x;luflifl- €ilst ‘The many‘ coétly presents. were evi~ ‘dence‘of the high esteem" in 3ek i: T C Tleft " on ‘Tuesday fetiue. Burzg, followed py the Their many tzigd: in this communâ€"t ity. otade vaue e _ The ‘brido was attired in a beautiâ€" fuk;owpn of cream silk crepe de chiene with bodice of _ cream" net,‘ tritmmed With Tice â€"and satin ‘and wc:&’inlh‘ veil with orange blossom$. © care ried : .a bouquet ‘of roses and lily.â€"ofâ€" Aheâ€"valley. _ The bridesmaid;‘* â€"Miss ‘sgm; Shantz, sister of the ‘ groom, .wote a ~préettyâ€" dress of pnm-od:ed crepe de chen¢, and ‘carried a bouâ€" guet "of _ cream catnations. _ The groohnisman was Mr. Clayton ‘Weber, brother ‘of the pride. ‘The wedding March ‘was ‘played by Miss Emily Weber, sister "of the‘ bride. > â€"~ Alter â€" the ceremony ~ the wedding rty partook * of an elegant‘ bridal nner, _ and‘ "the usudl toasts were proposed‘ afd responded to. « ‘The yoting ‘coupte Jéft on"the 5.50 " train ‘rr&nfi‘hu-‘-«-g‘w«t'\nu trip / ta Vancouver, B.C., and‘ on â€"thoir rtturs m* up their residence in Watâ€" manholes, falls into the drying hear ts below. * Fire Grats.â€"The fireâ€"grates are Ted from mc'lryfl-:lnrm where all refuso is reduced to ashes and in« } cot tible clinkers. * ‘The bride *was ~the recipient of mihy peautifal gifts, the groom‘s fift to bride" being ‘a péarl sunbutst, ‘ to fi bridesmaid, an amsthist ring," to grooinsman &A gold stickpin, and to the pianist a pearl brooch. °* . | BERLIN‘S NEW <Ome "'.I"ihé' no;t‘l:un-ihl Tea le ‘ ?un-m cnufn.ot’tp hnuL s &oud ‘The horse was donated docdslon ‘by V. F. Wober, ‘an exâ€"alderman and known N"m : caster, / M¢.> "Frought with Dr. A. 8. Henk veterinary + & through T horw » Tion i in wiha vime it w I.tethmmlhlo'wm chains directly above the lid of th f Q{d.mnn- George Bucher, chairman Of! the Gartage Committe of Béflia ‘Couneil, officially _ opened ‘fi, new \Itwh His Worship H in behait of . Superintendent of : the . Ideal "Incinerator â€" Comâ€" BOuNâ€"@tc virt (upromugyâ€"wwevevis piny, of Téoronto, presented" him with e rhey __ to the" mfi" HEGEDORNâ€"K OCOH INCINERATOR :.; FINALLY OPENED SHANTZâ€"WEBER. ILOEFONG_ NUPT!IAL ;t';.-‘.‘fln fireâ€"grates mh.:: hearth above w hnm-fi to ashes and in« B“ '_ by ‘1; is Boroing f "of "'g 1. Te T\j heran erhus pullâ€"down is situated in the centre of waste and gasos,! then conducted to the clinker door and is used for stokâ€" the ash pits under the grate burned ing the fire. â€" The‘pig clinker â€"â€" door. in the combustion chamber. _ _: gives easy access to the entire grate ‘This hot forced draught is a most atea which â€"isâ€"vry necessary when | essential unquut?-. w employing â€" forced ‘avaft and it is | quantities of e, night sofl, ete., ‘opened ‘by counterbalance weights. and it sa tuel, and qdds » nrmundAunm.â€"m-wsotbm:‘u and efficiency of ‘its or driver suction fan draws through , destruction. the _ ducts all foul air, smoke® and }_ Combustion. and Flue.â€" dust arising I:dom the Mm.:‘.oof They ate so h avm z and | futnaces below. : Thus, not v-”;:lh\_fl; â€" *h nc any â€"~ mdots to ‘arisé . â€" From, the "AthoRe o !h%% F€ t ‘+ . AL » §? tfl w..s T.hm are he . | _ â€" { 82 wl ?!.!”-#9:1&1&._#-‘ < w e is ,’:L'"'/ .antic|‘ Packages®>~~ The Red %h ‘on each %e ickage : is the "Mark ‘of Quality‘" : meqat Weleiieitialty . = <2~ o+ _ \~ _ Sold in 1 Ib. sealed cartons _ $9P Weight Guarafiud f s $ Lantic Sugars are re.fiiie'd'gxclu'g?v‘elfiy fmm Pure Cane Sugar.. No hand touches the sugar from the refinery to your pantry. , _ > Buy in Original Packages, and look for the Lantic Red Ball on each package. :; â€" @Afantic Sigdr Refihertes LimBled 9 woee o ies 1e 0 _ 0 6+ : PE ceear ar m mm c BWR e t mmmes n â€"p Absolutely pure powdered sugarâ€" the sugar for fruits and ‘Céreals. The carto=s have a moistureâ€"proof inside waxed bag, which preâ€" vents the sugar from caking. Sold in 2 lb.. s&qf_&l carton o mal.. Weight Guaranteed \â€" /‘ Lantic Icing, extra fine ground, for confections, icings and cakes.. _ Absolutely pure sugar, with a moistureâ€"proof inside waxed bag, ‘which prevents the sugar from caking. smoke off in Hermetically sealéd m ainst : moisture and i 168. . mame ~~~> No, spilling, ho. se â€"f _ waste; just cut a ; K ([] . ‘corneroff thecar ||/ Tig ) â€" ton and pour out j) w2 . the sugar. ; a, 1 ©~*Solfd in;2 and 3 1b. 1 n ’ ted. is also ‘sold Js| . bags provided 5y with lai;:io,wy white cotton lining: and in 10. and 20 in. white. coatton .bags. Look for the Red Ball on each bag. f Weight Guaranteed Lantic Weight Gaaranteed at ST. JOHN, N. B. that â€" emanate from . the ing :nfiul?: also {nsuring‘ fi.‘mâ€" mm:m ;'lm.lfimz Chamber in damp days, or when fires (ate ow in the fiknaces. ... r» mm‘u_a eats" c,u;h?::: Dust . Pookets, Paper Soreens . anR Dampers.â€"The :V-cdn ca tches all the dust an any ~going up $ M*@ screen catols :n M‘ao atack. ‘ The ¢ in to Â¥ w

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