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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 3 Jun 1915, p. 4

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new 2N""" W" "ia.a,rkiirirra.r-sueatot mu - this wool- in w. M. iar. In wand!" ttto disk with Tomato (mm. It. m. Conn-I I- tn I!" (by: on WW It. MIMI lelot, ot Melville. but, 1. minus relatives and - ll Wabtloo tor" a tew days. no mum onus ot mum will ”and” h their Milan Mon- du. in am. It. and In. Ailing]: McIntyre and Doll were week end visitors in Tor- on“. _ It. And Florence Snyder were “anon . In Mlle tor maven] an last week. t Mr. “any nah? ot L/mdoa rhtew- _ . _ ed acquaintances In town on Mon- ln. A. Loam ot Walkerton is a day. with): nt “Dink House" with Mr. and ----.-- In. J. B. Hugh“. I Rev. F. M. Mathew left on Monhy . __s--" a- “man... A: n... 'qs-til- Min Betstrico Behrens mum; her cousin. Mit mt pt an Iowa . Mr. nad In. J. I - the bond-ya Dundu. may... bond-Y . It" Nolan JrBrtusttorit vs: the guest Pt pt.. 3nd Mrs. F. G. Hughes Bt1f1 Mr. Itock W. J. Sterling tor u few days during the put week. Mr. Bud Mrs. Bob Winn and two ”In tho In. Parker, ot New Harm taut") . visit to Waterloo friends itt and”. Inning the trip in Mr. nn'l Atte new motor. 'pfet's College. Toronto, uni her " w, - Syble Nichol spent the $1.11.” with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Sachem. . Judge and Mrs. Reade motored to ttttmist' Int Saturduy. where they en- W I visit with old friends, amidst th? chaining surroundings ot this handful vicinity. . Trent your friends for what you kzow. than to be. Regard no surfaces. c, under not what they did, but what tNsrintended.--'rhore'u. _ its: Jews Btuart has returned from u short visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cunningham at Mllverton, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Heveron were _ guests of St. George friends over bond-y, in attendance at the anni- mry services of the Presbyterian Church. when Prof. Kilpatrick of Knox Conan. Toronto. was the speaker for the occuion. Mr. and Mrs, E. Proude Seazram. Mr. nnd um. Tom Seagmm, Mr. and in. Cllyton Snyder and several oth- er! from Waterloo attended the open- in; meeting of the Guano Jockey Club " Toronto lut Sunni-y. In. Car! soklot Ftt.LkertoJ.! in a The Wlterloo Presbyterian Young home's Gnlld will hold 3 social even- lnc in the school room or the church " lanky evening next. when the when wu hnenu v Rev. D. A are called 1 locum“ o .erterracttr V k. In t omen”. t run chm-c by Mr. J nuns. u: ‘ on“); The Sand . one”: ., cola . SIvIour' I bum" . 10. Chm Miss' humor: _Bricktr or St, Mar. The Sundny school scholars. tench- ' one": and several ot the older 0, celebrated Victoria Day at 'Blvlonr’l Church by the hoisting ' beeuuful tiq at 10 mm. Rev. A. Al. Clarke delivered an appropriate “are". and hearty cheers were given for the King, the Empire, Canada and the 0.3. closing with the leonnl Am mm. The ttstr and and Ire the pm autumn of the Sundny school to the church, which I: most mum; at this “pain B. rCdinniruvharn is spend- C? vncniou " London, om, no he in mixing a military course b%iiiGGriii EJ717133 Cross work. Re trash-Ian's will be served. Rev. D. A. an! Mrs. Mackermcher bro called to Hnmllton last Saturday “count of the sudden death of Mrs. Ranchers father, Rev. Mr. _ x. In the nboence of Rev, Mac- mCher, the services in the Presby- rut' church were very ably conduct- by Mr. J. F. Carmichael in the faiths. and nev. J. E. Lynn in the " Instruction and srrs.%usuurtttin of Wood. were the guests_of Dy. and Mrs H. M. Singer 9nd Misses Min Fur Ihdilges9at and JAitusatss than. foal tfPtteug well-beg; that?I is are family mm an ve regard as e t W" of deranged conditions of the organs :1 faction. Present suffering is relieved promptly, wane sickness prevented br, timely use of Let thin wonderful remedy tone lyour Wk, stimulate your liver and kid , rem: am your bowels and you will feel LJJ,%r't'hdi'il'dlrt your entire system. A few doses will 130% to you wh , for the “cannon and minor ai eat: of Me, BeecLun’s Pills BEECHAMTS: PILLS mm: ihlto ma ---- , Could is in Manolo: Mpf, In h - -.- trt2T.tTita'2tgtt 'n, _ J. Hemphill and family up with _ mlntlvee in Are the Right First Aid a); . tew days during I.- will“!!! ans ot Elmirtt is Miss GladysDe- the Mr. Arthur in Toronto. Mr. Hubert Tuck, visited Sunglly. Mr. J. C. “an”, the Town .clfrt is now In his new (mice in "I 'br ucus Bank Balding. ' o- Mr. G. W. Horton, ot Taken“, spent Sunday at the home ot in "tents in Watcrioo. _ Mr. Walter Hogg has returns! Ito London after spending a low ,weokl in Waterloo. mm Id: Reid spent. the homily- " the home ot her parents on Rather! street. - Mr. R. Y. Stu-rt And (hunter Mu- uret spent Sunday and loud-.1 at Forest, with Rev. D. Ind In. Car nigh. Rev. F. M. Mathew Iett on Momur to attend the sessions of the Harail- ton Coulerence at Hamilton. ssr.Ui. Witzel motored to Elmira on Sunday where he spent the day with ltiends. Messrs H. E. Oakes, Fred Smith, and Geo. Doppler motored to Milvet- ton yesterday. The Waterloo band is going to Gait today to take part in the tattoo to-night. Mrs. Boumrom of Hensall. is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Chief Flynn has left for a month's vacation ut Winnipeg and other points en route. Mr. John Dahmer will occupy his position lor the mouth. Miss Beatrice MacDougall has re- turned from several months' visit to London where she was the guest o( her sister, Mrs. Httrry Hahn. The young ladies of St. Louis R.C. Church held a Iocial evening oh Thursday. Quite a number atmdad and a very enjoyable time wag parti- eipated in. ‘ HE. B. D. Curuu'maarm has ionic: London, ont., where In will spend ‘several weeks at the military camp during which he will take an ottieers' loonrse. Mr. and Mrs. Sickle and Mrs. Law- son and three children, of Petrolea, were visitors at the home of their daughter and sister Mrs. W. B. Bech- tel, Allen St., over Sunday. They motored to Waterloo. I A certain Captain. who shall trel nameless. having been ordered on [foreign service. gave a farewell dinner ‘to his regiment. Addressing the men _before they commenced to eat. he said: "Now lads treat this dinner' as you would the enemy." After dinner he discovered Private Robinson' stow- ling bottles of champagne away in a ‘hag. Highly incensed, the Captain asked him what he melnt by such con- durt. Miss Emma 0.1- nthes returned last Monday night from a delightful fort- night's vacation, spent at Washington. D. C., Richmond, Va., Old Point Oom- fort and adjacent points, returning by way of New York. otreyitaorders." "obeying orders?" roared the Cup win. "What do you menu? “Yet, Sir," In the answer. “You told us to treat the dinner like an enemy. those we don't kill, we take prisoners." To be healthy at seventy, prepare st forty, is sound sdvlce, because in the strength of middle life we too often forget that neglected colds, or careless treat- ment of slight sches and pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. To he stronger when older, keep your blood pure mid rich and active with the streturih-tmi1dittg and tttood-nourishing gg'Ir,tigs, of Scott's Emulsion which is; , I tonic and a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and Ivoid lickneu. At any drug more. t5ernt & Borne. mm. Ont. OLDER BIT STRONGER iuy, Sir," said Robinson, I'm only J acobl "and: Hump! and Mr. J“ In Elan on wen Saturday " 'yirrrrtubatuermrgba.r.tthr'it"%tm.ir a was. 1915:”: t , -' 'H' on "l w ' l,. .14 , . RAMSES (lf att, ‘HlllYll‘ME F [ alfil?u,.lllls, ',iijlilltlliWlilll and. mdrruit m g. mmiininrmuuon _ "aatgttt,P', ',-'ehi,por1ttt,r,11rtrt"1oo 'fijitliit ith'rh'gm. l .' "‘onSunday. APATHE‘HO “mu 310mm BIB-MOI? Wt, Mar 3 -.N. W! loo-.1 topie ot dime. in an not at an reads in to Get-M he cateoitr" “A a. ring-INII" ing warm and mm can. " is In wont. than in ”mm yin. In some mum - hm but sumac completely unwed and on". "ry had thrymtohaul w W. some {you a! mutab- lag airttogt coveted with “(:1an- ing vita: editor”. or wit ul- per luau, m um has: Dbl. to exterminate than, not just 41w been able to more a... wildly check it- woeh. But whet in Mt an examining to he who m waging war tat-hilt it arths h- m themselves, in the mum and carelessness shown by mny when trees are inland. Such non- action renders uselen no . largo ex: cent the dart: ot thou who do give the plagued things a “run tog their money." Mr. Collin “the, ot Chl- oopee, is going throng] his use! cutting on the "bug house." trrto pulls and destroying than. Het In! notified persons a his road-tseat that those who do not tight the insects on their premises will be made to suffer. and says that he must set to own house in order. Itvstrttctiortts trom the Department of Agriculture similar to those “and during the army worm campaign In: Year. would be much appreciated. ROBT. BO TOHISON DIES IN LISTOWEL Listowel, May 2t.--Death has ,','tl moved a well knowsrresridertt, Robert) Hutchison, in his seveuty-etitttiv year.) For several years he conducted a gem? eral store in Enniskillen, Durham. county.. Atter removing to 'ttits WWII he continued in business for sonic time, and later was appointed I bd- lector ot customs, which position. he held tor tourtemt years. Owing to failing health he retired about three years ago l‘“"' '0" He was a staunch member ot the-‘ Methodist Church. Besides his wife, three sons and three,darrghtrr' and viva him: viz., Dr. J. N. Hutchilon.‘ H. W. Hutchison, Malaise: oCthe Deere Plow Co., and A.R.B. Hutthi- son, all of Winnipeg; Mrs. B. L. Adolph, Listowel; Mrs. A. H. Zur- brigg, St. Mary's, and Lamb. at home. FIFTH BROTHER TO ENLIST Guelph, May 26.--Whert Edgar Peer left Guelph today to enlist at lane don with the any he malts alum") brother from a Guelph family to ans» wer the can to arms. Ttm Mowers "William Peer, " London Road, married, moulder at Rayammds,with the second contingent. _ Herbert Peer, married, Polisher second contingent, (aggrggfaz Queen street, married. Polisher at 'rsy1or-Foshea, third contingent. ___ _ . "aurirFi;iti," _ 101 Alice meet, trite gle, Polisher at Taylor-Forbes, with the first contingent. . Edgar Peer, 10'] Alice summon- gre, wot?! at the Casket Company. Word ha. just been received con- cerning the condition of one ot the “4:...“ 2:5:er Pre, _ wanin- Word ha. just been received con- cerning the condition of one ot the broken, Lccaard Pcer, -er mrurtirb. lured in the battle at Inasmuch. He was struck in the Mahmud!!! with n bullet, that went were" his cheat and broke two ribs. Ho is Recovering. EXCELLENT ADDRESS BY M. a largely attended meeting a the Methodist Epworth League, Mon- day evening. Mr. B. W. N. Origg dealt most interestingly with the subject "Marcus Aurelius ttnd Hi Golden Book." Marcus Aurelius war a Roman Emperor, who sought tol live a lite Inctualed only " the high-1 est motires and purposes. The leo. turer indicated the religion ot the Mole or» ‘lti 'e M; u oe brain; in W. mummy equnnimity and magmutimitr. Al- though this and other religions com tained much that won uplifting inc Christian religion not only combined the highest and bell. [mind in nll other religions but had that vitalit- in: influence and power imparted by God. "Fhe"iiildtiu 5-5. held under the “spices ot the Chriltim Citizenship Department of the orgstizatiotu 7M}. Ezra Kruspe, of Berlin ”to I well rendered vocal number. A A writ has ban issued in theme pmm Court on ' ot meat Day “that Chan" Huxley for I“..- tiol of hi. Vik'l auction. 'Ns chin-M, an. for $5.0M W. Both paths up mm:- dam-t- to“. An Allenntlon an" " 27 Surrey street. at the Axle Works, IN LONDON MR. GRIGG OIOI mo m took part would” b Oh was] Holy Nun. panda at Barn- and Waterloo which “and “My [tan St. Louis' Cath- ‘dn an», tritertoo, and non St. Isn’t Catholic church Berlin 'lil $.80 o'dook, The Waterioo 'r"tfgl want“ “In King stunt and met the m society midway. The No- as” then proceeded to “W100 “1% up business new and thm- to m. Louis' church whose ' m was New!“ try Rev. Tttnerr II F. Bulls, C.S.P. of Newman HUI We. The reception anew m... WI m. up scanty lollowad an canon M the ”when were con- Canon “d we unwr- we“: wu- chded by Solemn Rwandan. [may on at town clasymeu took gprt, h it. demonstration an well Is his! adoptions from the Holy Nam new" of sumac, Guelph, Toto-b, New Haws, St. Clem. mu. Pro-ton, Hamlet. St. Agatha In! Elma. ia Ma strum Rev. “an Burke welcomed the delegations trom our. nide m. He skewed the history of the doctrines at the Catholic Church stating that they Bll WON but] won the [not 0! the Incarna- tion at Christ and centred around the truth of the divinity ot Chain. Ttte devotion to the Holy Nisan of Jeans In said was also Ionnded upon “an incl ot the Incarnation and the Society ot ttholy Name was NNmd- ed tor the purpom of engendering in the but: of men B reverence for re- l'gion. He pointed out that since Christ is divine His Nam. is holy uni um by properly revereneirtg it men must mold. their lives according tii/ttie hi 1. ideals or ‘religion. tie 2u'i'lld'l'i'U the men patent tor the matinee“ demonrtration they may in - at tho Holy Name. Following the ~sennol about 100 mammalian were received into the wdbty’ ‘ald all the menptenent ro- nelted thcfpledge of the equity. _ '1'!"me Owen: concludeii by Solemn Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament and the singing by thei mum of the Te Deum. _ The omccn ot the Benediction were} ‘-Celebrant. Very Rev. Dean. C. Moc is” oC St tttttted, Demon, Rev. W. t. - Kloeptzr, Benin. Stltt W. Rev. D. J. Egan of Stratford, The clergyman present from out ot town wen Rev. Jneeph Way ot St. Chs mtl; Rev. L. W. Lowery of Strat- lord, Rev. P. Meyer of Hespcler. mr. H. Aeymannl. Rev. w. Hemline“ ee, Rev. “has. Meyrr and Rev. Chas. Dunner and Rev. Chan. Kieteg of Berlin were also present. “no dele- rationTtdm Stratford 'unrttrored 250, New Hamburg 20, St. Clement; 90. illljfffl1llll ill illlill%] fllllll 1 (lllllllll LEAGUE Preston, May 27.--At a meeting t') m Waterloo County Amateur use“ hall 1mg». held h’ro "tcr-night, the Waterloo mam withdrew from the league Owing to reasons of their own and tho league will be rrnitrhed with the tour teams-0alt, Hrspeler, El- mira and Preston. The games the Waterloo team has played will have lao bearing in the league. Represen- tativeu 1mm all clubs nut-mini a.» mung. Following is the next schedule that was dulled at to- night's muting: May 20-Alait WI. Elmira. I Juno June July July June July July July QUERL’E ”notion. ammo! ARTS ttrttreAYtol _P1'yPlSup EM“L ",',',"a1iiprt'a': ”an“ men. A a; I. cum, new" Bespoke! vs. Preston. b-Preston vs. llospeler Elmira vs. out. 13-Alalt vn. Elmira. llespeler vs. Preston, Ib-Preston vs. tult. Elmira u. Hecpelcx. M-Preston vs. Elmira. Gilt vs. Hamlet. 1-Ehttirts vs. Galt. Hawk: vs. Prawn t-thrlt vs. Preston. @601. or mums Hospeler TB. Elmira. Ig-Elmira vs. Preston. Hrtrpeler vs. Gait. Haitian wtr. Elmira. Preston TB. Hespelrr g4-uPrertms " Gall. mad?“ 'M "1mm UNIVERSITY HOME STUDY ArtsCourrerontr. SUMM BR SCHOOL my and "our Attention!!! _ ngmer weather demands cooler Dre” 1iidiitpia1s etc. and it will be to your inter. eat to heed what we have to, "tr, and show you. _ H, i waUM ard . l [Just Arrival . - - All datSPECIAL PRICES lBlg Sale of Waists. th'lf,'V/3, 31.59, 31.39, 32.25 and 33.00 32:52:0ALVANIZED WIRE Fencing and _ Coil Spring Wire 6 dour: LADIES AND GENTS UMBRELLAI, In ”and handles. good up. ”no covor- l inmwonh $125,8aturdly ... .. ... .... s Beautiful cotton Dress Goods wun ""v""' Wu! I" wow".-. "'rr' -w-.--v.° - v tighter weight Dress Seeds. We have the most abundpnt choice in pretty light weight goods ttt Cotton, also Silk and Cotton mixtures. The colorings and qesigns are most attractive and will delight anyone iobkihgjor 7retty thinés. 2000 yards PRINTED CREPE, " inch wide, all SUNBHADES. See the colors and duignl, special per yard .1.. WA" “Hm, etc. from . . . . . .. CREPES -- A tf,",",'? designs. Specas at 150 Galateas and Kindergazten Cloth 50 pieces fusest White Goods from 25c to $1.00 per yd. With the JUus warm weather approaching" comes - - - - I- . III, I. _-._ at., man} " - A Jitte ytake weave uuth neat colored Tissue Neu, be designs in pork, blue, green, white at 4556 . . Soft silk Jiarish fab) to printed in neat Receptzon Iroile patterns, handsome for dresses 40 m blue, tam pink, black and white C Spider Silk $352333? Swiss Dot Muslins Striped Ratine in blue, tan. Sonrad Bros. . BRICKER & CO. Jiiar (”:8 red stripe?," various weights at 15c, 20c, 25c splendid assortment qf colors in plain "xmtdfigtsreds A lot of AMERICAN SPIDER SILK. and Embroidered Von“. trom per yard A very dainty line in heat designs, Per- ft? Stan effect in rich colors on white ground C . with colored y5grrere, very edrectioe [1481an and in pretty colorings. 40 Very special at, _ - a o a 38 in. material su"tab]_e fwym? zne Skirts, in plain colors. tan, blue. St) pink. mauve and white at C JeiwstietAiFst SILK CrtEPC-ar Inch Amorlun Crepe, In pink IR, and Cop. blue, mum» maurlal for 3, hot with", only per yard ... ... ... ... We have in stock the following styles of PITTSBURGH WIRE FENCING. on which we mafle a SPECIAL LOW PRICE, as follow-.- 49 in rod ... 49 in rod . .. " In rod . . . COIL SPRING WIRE, hearth baked, but qual- Ity,at per 100ibq ... ... ... ... .. .i. .. $2.45 very low prices, If you with to take advantage of these prices CALL EARLY to secure. The same as this un- not be duplicated when stock is sold. All No. 9 heavily galvanized wire. have a number of second hand Ranges at high, 9 “ranch, high, 9 strands, high, tt .trartda, Silk Crepe, Inhibitor“ P_opllm, any: at: " stay: the demand for dainty Plruoln In! ttin to $375 " in, 16 in, " In 45c to Wil) apart, at per apart, at per apa rt, at per 32c

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