. To oo bush. ... ...... .‘ _ Hay, Wheat, per pushel ......... 1.35 Marley, per bushu} ... .. 13 , per 100 lbs. ...... 8.90 . 4.10 WMM | ono m pri, phe prenee sig ie 54 50 to f . m;smmw ousers $1 to $7. h ~â€"Our showing of new Straw Hats comprises all Tfltn sorts in every shape that‘s correct. . _ sw and y !’lll'f:rc h.S: to b:kâ€â€˜. fur _ muc er to make yo Polatots ... ... "I Better Clothes for the Men WhoG ‘That New Suit Hiay, per tom ... Te n ie Barley: ({eed) _ We‘re showing the master productions of the best makers of men‘s and ‘ clk Amnan oo tailgrinn.the fnoticas eb reila stoty ol Detenbeck‘s Straws at 50c, $1,00, $1.50 to $4.00 WATERLOO MARKETS Laks 12 e mds WE rab i Pesk. Feed barley Waterloo, June 3, 1915. Snowdrift .. STRATFORD MATLKETS BERLIN MARKETS. Berlin, June 3, 1915 Stratiord, June 3, 1915. sily> peurte The Men‘s Store of Waterloo ELMIRA MARKETS8â€" GALT MARKETS Galt, ~June 3, 1915. GVELPH MARKETS Gusiph, June 3, 1948 PFSLARIOLUC® 1004 fnk maolhs "I youre‘s good drésaot BUY A STRAW HAT FOR THe SUKNMER qo t un * AOrQ ewt. $8.30 ro 4.00 ces K9: ~Eff¢ ..... 90 to 95 ... 68 to 70 i oveitic s MB rrelcwersciucs. WO , ... 4 895 â€"1.50 veveg! Aevees ALBD l vesere 400 oo Fie 28.00 22. C ~ 26.00 ..8.15 _ 8.90 | .39 32 huges. 69 13.00 ©15.00 »« 88 ... 90 31 â€" eB .20 dÂ¥ + 5+ 60 mare stlhth ... +190 l20180) _4 14.00% (15.00 29.50 10 ...55 18.00 18 .35 _ 4.50 .00 ~ 4.20 1.80) 1.85 19.00 .55 145 .90 10 L0 .10 18 19 A§ Potatoes, pzz.us "*"*ig Butter, per lb ......_.. 35 Veal mer Yho .0 20..2l 13 Hogs i~~~ ""H*. | _ MARKET QUOTATIONS i‘::; . â€" JUNE 1 | ‘Toronto Cattle Market Extra choice steers. .. . . $8.25 to $8 .40 Butcher. steers, good... 7.85 $.00 do. . medium ........ 7.50 1.16 ._ do. common ........ $.86 1 .25 Heifers, good to choice 7.50 _ $.:00 do. medium ........ 1.00 71.3 Butcher cows, choice... 6.50 1.50 do. . good ........... 5.50 !.fl Butcher bulls, choice... co. good bulls ...... do. medium ........ do. rough bo:ogma... Feeders, 900 tu 1,000 lbs. do.. bulls ..........> Stockers, 700 to 200 lbs. do. med., 650 to 750. do." light, 500 to 680. UENBOCTR .. sns en 6 k6 +k d 66 T9 P0 Cutlters ................ 4.50 Milkers, choice, each . ,.60.00 Bpringers . ............50.00 &z-u. veal, choide.... 9.00 medium :......... T.0 do. ‘common ........ 809 Lambs, yearlings /....+ 1.00 Spring lambs ......... 6.90 Buck lambs ........... 5.75 | Rwes. HiKht _2 ....]..... 5.99 Canbers ‘............ «o. medium :......... Â¥.90 do. ‘common ........ 809 Lambs, yearlings v....« 1.90 Spring lambs ......... 6.90 Buok lambs ........... 5.15 Ewes, light ............ 5.99 Bheop, heavy and ‘bucks 3.50 Hogs, woighed off cars. 9.30 do. fed and watered. 9.30 ‘ Ontario Wheatâ€"No. 2, $1.35 to $1.38.] stow ; Manitoba flour qrotations at Tor| g7.59 onto are: First patents, $8.20 in ©0t | pough ton and $8.10 in jute; second patemts, | buik $7.00 in jute; strong bakers, $7.50 in|. _** cotton and $7.40 in jute. «e Ontario catsâ€"No. 2 white, 590 to §0c, outside; No. 3,. 58e to 590. Buckwheatâ€"790, nowminal. Branâ€"Manitoba, $26, in bags, Tor onto, and. shorts, $28, Toronto; midâ€" dlings, $29,. Rolled datsâ€"$3.40 to $3.50 m M Barleyâ€"Ontario No: 3, 13¢, n outside; feed barley, 656 to 70c. <l ym n.m“nmâ€"m 9::!‘-â€"!(0. 11 p » > * f 64 nmnefigosast 1} (A Cornâ€"No. 2, 78%e, c.LLf., bay ports} ‘ @o. medium ........ 1.00 atcher cows, choice... 6.50 do. . good ........... 5.50 do. common ........ 4.50 utcher bulls, choice... 6.75 co. good bulls ...... 6.20 do. medium ........ 6.15 do. rough bo:ogna... 4.50 eeders, 200 to 1,000 lbs. 7.00 do., bulls ........... 6.50 tockers, 700 to 200 lbs. 7.00 do. med., 650 to 750. 6.235 ‘Ontario fdurâ€"$6:90. ‘Peasâ€"No. 2, nominal, $1,80 to $1.65, but very searce. g:â€"m'a. $1.18 to $1.156. s at MÂ¥ ada Western o‘b-â€"lg. at ports, 66¢; No, 3, 68Â¥%c; No. 1 extra feed, 63%c; No. 1 feed, 680. Western School District and Rural Telephone Debentures nnrnn}"l: tractive rates. Write for particu! â€"_____ MA O‘MARA 4 CQ. 1 Royal Bank Building. Toronte. ‘Toronto n corn, 3 yeilow, 786. ‘Toronte Grain Prices Wholesale Produce oL. _ 87.00| Dairy prints ........... .44 44 .62 .78 | Bakers‘ ... s........} 0 280 0_ 0032 1.170 1.90| Beansâ€"Primes, ‘ bushel, â€" 33.10â€" to 15.38 _ 16.00|$8.25; H.P., per bushel, $3.20 to $3.25. ‘sq| Moneyâ€"Buckwheat, T%e: a, pound. "i2" ‘20 | in tifs; To to T%c in barrels; Strain %6) :24 | clover honey, 12%e; 14c in bâ€"b tins; 13 1% somb honey, No. 1, $3 per dozen; No: <2 . 34 T1 2, $2.40 per dozem>‘ ~ ° tb 3 aves +A% .. +*!| _ Poultryâ€" Live l!tnn‘ f 5.25 %.1G 3.90 8.15 146 28.00 27.00 6.15 4.16 1.50 4.50 9.85 Seed EeP PsP OO NR is 2 du. er. _ If you want corn that will germi~ nate.and yield a bountiful crop. order now at the House of Quality: Mangel and turnip seed, the finest in the land. Improved Leaming, White Cap ‘and other varietios, especially raised ‘and prepared for seed by a reliable growâ€" Dealer in Coal and Binder Twine. Phone 201. _ 208 Queen 8t. 8., ?_flin. Cheeseâ€"New, large, 20¢c; do. twins, $0%c; old, large, 21c; do. twiks, $1%¢. Butterâ€", * Creamery prints, fresh.. .29 .30 Creamery solids ....... < .27 .89 Poultryâ€" Live .. Dressed Chickens ..... 12c tol4eo 176to 20c Fowl ......... 120 . 148~ 14e i:160 Ducks ........ 10¢ ï¬ 160 . 18e Potatoesâ€" â€"Ontarios, 50¢ per| bag, out of store; 45c.in car lots; New Brunsâ€" wicks, 60c per bag, »ut of store;: 55¢ in car lots. t ~\Other : Vegetables â€" Turnips, . 288 L0e; . carrots, bag, 75¢; beets. Dag. b0¢; parsnips, â€" bag. 40¢c; cabbages, crate, $3.25. Prices quoted to country merchants for selected seeds, Canadian Governâ€" ment tested, per ewt.> . 1 Red clover; 1io. 1. .. . .$20.00 to $21,00 do: No: 2:~........ 18.00 ~ 18.50 do. No. 3 ........ 11,00 ~,00(00 Alsike, No: 1 ........ 19.50 20. 50 @o. No. 2 ........ 17.50. 18,00 do. No. 3 ....... 10.00~ 00.00 Timothy, No. 1 ...... 10.75 11.25 #0. No. 2°......... : 1.9 .%.50 â€" 40. No. 3 ....... $.50 .00 W revogrgh An ; smiar ot vion. expert | Optemetrigh can successfully treat. such caéâ€" es. ‘As such | tan help y$u.~.. Cattleâ€"Rece‘pts, 3,00);, _ market fArm; native. steers, . $7.10.to $9.30; western stéers, $6.85 to $8.20; cows and "naun. $3.30 to $8.15; calves, §7 to $9.50. % _ he Hot d# Hogsâ€"Receipts, _ 13,000; _ markel wlow}< light, $7.55 to. $7.85; mixed, $1.50 to $7.80; heavy, $7.20 to $1.75; rough, $7.20.to $7.35; pige, $6 to $7.40; bulk of: sales, $7.05 to $7.80. r '.'“".,..."'“\;i i.."m,“ i : *> George Bramm Are notéd for their clearness; .. they are ground by specialists who theorâ€" oughly understand the different. cutyâ€" ea, angles and shapes. You will have clearness of vision if oyr optician ‘:'a you. TPy him. There‘s no - about it. ARNOLD JANSEN 61 ‘Frederick ~St., tight" Berlin, Phone €14. ;** _ . gnm WATCHMAKER®, near Post Officé, Beriin. HELLER BROS. OUR LENSES The Seed Market Chicago Live Meatsâ€"Wholesale . 1.... $20.00 iein.s. HEWp RestcAn y 09 asst++ 29.00 Hbbcperrar*~ Li.lih 30:00 | 2a+2++7 30 â€"M% sercas. P00 s ts OoTrIl arrele; h‘fl 4 46‘ in 64b tins; ’qc"oul: No: 4 Dressed 140 176 t0 20c 148~ 14e {>16e i3 ° 16e . 18e $20 .00 to $21 .00 18.00 _ 18.50 17,00 â€",.00.00 19.50) [ 20.50 17.50. 18.00 16.00. : 00.00 ~10.75 O 11.25 #1 market 11,.00 14,00 10.15 15.00 3 eï¬ â€"Tho -‘:‘m.'i- x 4 J P m ‘mv * C:, am mm Mrs. . Frank ;M;.: 'zlh; ln.rA‘luwl: ‘Feppler, ‘ of mmu- has hbeeh aâ€"resident of village for 31 years, und a gevoted meniber of the Corngreâ€" ;wmfcmy number ‘ of years. urie uds mikits bas pntrared himsoit to a lnte’ï¬.in olgbndl. and will be greatly missed in the ‘community . ‘His many frignds extend their sympaâ€" ‘thy to the Lereaved family. Interâ€" ï¬-gmm.lp.;u,hm * aill 2 °01 GAAU, Xa w_ f€ & «<rmemmmmâ€" mm News Notes.â€"Mr. _ Alfa Allemang,| 1123 acres, about 30 acrtes bush. Or of Berlin, â€" Sundayed with Mr. and|the premites h:“ï¬l hl'.i&: Mrs. Ivan Cressman.â€"Mr. and Mrs, pleaty â€" of . 20 . acces Clayton Kurchinski,â€" of Preston, Misg bush will be: sold ..mug it de Starr, of Preston, and Mr, and Mrs. : Apply Jos, Bisch, Waterloo. August _ Kurchinski, of Berlin, . all § ; ‘â€" 10â€"8mos spent Sunday, . with Mr. ‘and Mrs, | â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"mâ€"â€"â€"â€"mree m Fred Kurchins&i.â€"Mr. and Mrs. Titus â€"Farm For Sale. ‘ ;muhm and ln,“'All: Snydet last . Sundayâ€"â€"Little ‘Misa nuuuptisg 407 Sm T mt a i Dorothy Schweitzer . is spending â€" a Mâ€â€œh"’."“m' week with Miss Luanna Brubaker at hardwood ‘bush and céedar swamp, H B““s“:.u*l:dï¬â€œ Clatks â€" Sfiet |rest under cultivagion, tw6 and on Apy Â¥x: and K ha‘!t miles Northwest of St. Agatt ly from . Berlin, all spent the week~\p 0.; one and onyâ€"balt milés . Sout! at Oxâ€"pow farm;â€"Mr. and Mrs. west of Josephsburg. Apply to Ilemang visited friends at Waterloo CHRIST. E. LICHAI+t Sunday.â€"Mr. _ and Mrs. ‘El: tr‘ol: 8t Aath p.0 * tflmï¬ were guests a . L * uk Â¥frs. Ivon Ctesmfnn.â€"!r. and: Mrs. R. R, No. 1. 1â€"t Dan : "Berlot,.â€"â€" of Trlin and family, it **~â€"**> s spent Sunday, with â€" Mr. and Mrs. Henry. _ Berict.â€"Miss Grace Randall, Farm For Sale. of Nes "9“ a fow dare with ht Comprising 1;-::“, ‘*townshrp m“‘ .::““:d :: d:::'?t Gainsboro, land clay loam, 25 . acr ilton * last week, attending the sowed ‘to wheat, 10 aores fail plowe Ham woek, ; & ing 15 acres in Alfaifa, one acre . bus (CGraduating exercises of the nurses.@t|gituated 1 mile from T. H. & B. R that place, being one of the honored |station. Rural majl. ‘For further ps m‘ 't:o kgrï¬lxte.-lâ€"-: very hz‘:‘w ticulare apply even p! ast Monday, May 24th, when‘g;, and Mrs, Alex. Shafâ€" ADAM E. BEAMER, fer celebratéd their 80th anniversary Bismarck, Ont. of their . .widding. About .25 guests | . r + «.161 assembled af their place,‘ and a croâ€" ‘quet “u‘m:ient was enjoyed in t.ho‘ afternoon, Mr. and Mrs, _ Peck _ of Doon winning the prize. Dinner was served>at. 4 p.m., salter which . a 1 @oneert s was held. Mr. and Â¥rs. Shafterâ€" were remembered . by their friends; and relatives with sevâ€" cral beautiful pearl gifts. INSUFFICIENT I ~ _ TINTEREST TO | CARRY BYâ€"LAWS ‘ Stratford, May 31.â€"A byâ€"law . to nprovuu $7,000 to wipe out the standâ€" ‘ing indebteduess on the General Hosâ€" pital, which was yoted on toâ€"day, teâ€" ccived 644 aflirmative votcs and : 227 againgt, but as oneâ€"third of the total prossivle vote was . not polled the measure was defeated. > Tmâ€";gé;;yenr also favored a proâ€" posal to grant the Canadian Bartâ€" Eu Automobile Company, . Toronto $2,500 and a fixed assessment at $7,â€" 500 for tem ycars in return for °#â€" tablishing a factory here. The vote stood: Fog, 538 against, 315, but as twoâ€"thirds of the votes polied were repuired . to be favorable, this byâ€" l;' was defeated also. Lack of pubâ€" lic interest rather than organized opâ€" position was respon#ible for the fail ure of these two important measurâ€" es, and keen regret was expressed Brantford, â€" Jume . 1.â€"Edward Taaie, of Freelton, while working on the power line from St. George to the Brant subâ€" stattion yesterday at Tranquillity, came in contact with a wire : carrtying 110,000 volts, was badly burned and fell Afty feet to the ground. _ He died in the hospital this morning. PE A L E S T A T E Money to Loan Conveyancing Insurance ‘J. G. WING & CO. $13.000 Buys 185 acres, l% hn 1 (> .19 I:rlla' 310000 Buys 100 acres, 3 milea !Mofllt\. m Buys 134 acres, 9 miles frotm Borting > m Buys 100 acres, 9 miles from Berlin. m Buys 15 acres, 1 mile from Berlin. "m Buys 100 acres, 16 miles !rom Berlin. m Buys 175 acres, 14 miles from Berlin. “,1@ Buys 8 acres, 8 miles from Berlin. The â€" undersigned offers his farm, consisting 104 acres. 9 mcres in fall wheat, 25 acres in grass, 14 acres in hardwood ‘bush and cédar swamp, the rest under cultivation,two and one~ ha‘!t miles Northwest of St. Agatha P.O.; one and onyâ€"baltâ€"milés = Southâ€" west of Josephsburg. Apply to CHRIST. E. LICHIT, St. Agatha P.O. x R. R. No. 1. 1â€"tf. .Comprising 100 acres, townshrp of Gainsboro, land clay loam, 25 _ acres sowed ‘to wheat, 10 aores fail plowed, 15 acres in Alfaifa, one acre . bush. Situated 1 mile from T. H.â€"& B. Ry. atation. Rural majl. ‘For further parâ€" ticulars apply One of the best 76 acre farms in the County of Waterloo for sale, three miles from Ayr. 50 gcres best workâ€" ing land, and 26 acres Almnnn with lot’:‘o! water. Good buildings. ‘Don‘t Te r W. J. SCHLUETER, + Real Estate, Preston, Money to loan on first f“. firm security only. Interest five per cent. Box No. 44, Chronicle 20.2t. Our Work Shirto are made from large, roomy â€" patterns with plenty of body and arm room. The seame mdldouhhmudtbom are put.on to stay. Tho rango oorâ€" Buys staughter house and shop .. .. Tallow at market prices. .. DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED Farms! Farms! m.w:utnmm.ol m . ml“" lenaty â€" of nï¬.‘n accres of will be sold separately it de Apply Jos. Bisch, Waterloo. (â€" 10â€"3mo8. Tire fomous WHerpviont OVERALLS 31.15 See window. We want farms tn sell. Buyers waiting. _ A‘so a t};w choice residences in exchange for farms We also want listing for Western farms. Borlin Rendorâ€" ing Ce. Room 1, above Bank of ‘Toronto Phone 1267.. Resldence Phone 867. â€" 00. FREE Within a radiue of Ten Miles. PHONE 1309. _ _ 50¢,; 60¢, 75¢, $1,00 Farm For Sale. MONEY TO LOAN. FAMad ADAM E. BEAMER, Blemarck, Ont. s ..16â€"12t NOTICE. FOR yALE hA 4 3. mos. 20000090000000000000008 eoe M i Fr ® ~~ e Let u % in th * alwa; T choic * Bee % and e e 7 e Why ¢ * :Nexl °. ED : Suo $ Phor c HW Y mmse your farm merds farm "TRY IT. . 4 Brands for every crop. For sale by Dumart & Co., Beriin. Jacob Poll, Mannheim. WILLIAM STONE SONS8, LTD,, Woodstock, Ont. ; WATERLOO‘S BIG BOOK STORE E* ‘ * Next time order from us & Phone 243 Waterloo e 3..................3.8 Exceptional Gargain, very cenâ€" trai. residential location, brick house, 7 rooms, steam heat, elec. lights, bath complete, etc., at See other Bargains on list. A number ‘of properties on easy payments like rent. WM. T. MITCHELL. 255 King §t. W. Phone 925 Thornton & Douglas Let us supply your wants in the Meat Line, We always keep on hand choice » Beef, Pork, Lamb and Homeâ€"made . ~ Sausage Fresh Meats Why not deal here and THE MERCANTILE FIRE IN8URANCE u: COMPANY :: INCORPORATED 1875 _ Head Offite Waterloo Supscribed Capital .....§250,000â€" Deposit with the Domin‘ â€" NAC! fom Government ...$156,698.00 1 & W is the spot to buy your BASEBALL, FOOTBALL, GOLF, TENâ€" NIS,â€"CRICKET SUPPLIES. Large shipment of Sporting Goode just received. We are sure to please you, + : C. A. Boohm, Dist w.mo..o-?' :.t.,m EDGAR FISCHER â€"@Stone‘s . FERTILIZERS Altâ€"opolicies â€"quaranie=d~ By the ‘Lancathire Insurance Com pany with Assets of $29,636,â€" 465.00. Write for information. QGeneral Insurance Af:it King 8t. lee, Waterloo Mutual Building, Establishes 1864 Alfred Wright, Secretaug REAL ESTATE. « Doersam‘s get the best ? Men‘s Outfitters MRS. J. DOERSAM, 2 _HNA1J _uacentsad . he BOEHM Boys Waterloo t we tzii at this e‘WATERLOO MUTUAL *‘FIRE INSURANCGE CO Shipping Hogs Wanted At Wallenstein C.P.R. Station, sum»« Highest markt was reud Peadone Nes\ 1 June 15th, 1918. price maid. Next sbipment Wadnesday June Sth. Maste: and Hiunsberge Innnumtaumnmanmidnmmnnu Total Assets, 3l1st. Dee Numbet Hogs Wanted AT BADEN . Number of years experience as Auctioneerâ€" Practical knowâ€" ledge of values, Jive stock, imple ments, etc. is prepared to conâ€" duct sales and assures the pubâ€" lic every satisfaction. _ Phone 136, Waterloo, or Jeave orders at Chronicleâ€"Telegraph office, Watâ€" erloo, or Daily Telégraph, Berâ€" EXPERIENCED. AUCTIONEER AND VALUATOR C. C. DIEFENBACHER Dr. J. H. Webb, Esg. William Snider, Eeq. ‘Thomas Gowdy, E‘é‘."m( James Livingston, ., Badem. Frank Haight, Esq. Allan Bowman, Esq., Preston. P. E. Shantz, Preston,> Wm. Snider, President, â€" <, (Geo. Dicbel, Viceâ€"President. Frank H‘,l,’h" Manager, Artbur Foéter, Inspector. J. C. Haight, Solicitort. EA Snap for Quick Sale 100 ACRE ) ~~Waterioo, Ont. H. B. DUERING $5000, with crop. _ Apply. : " ./ A. K: CRES8SMAN, ant BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tum Waithice. 7 trom Wa 7 roomed house and large bank â€" barn. Well watered. Incorporated in 1863. emmemenmenmemntnent n Good Farm WATERLOO, ONT. $750,000.00 OFFICERS. Cuoy '~ S j&u mo , Esq., St.