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The Chronicle Telegraph (190101), 27 May 1915, p. 7

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_ and hos> . s 7. w ie l %fi:" % t “;.: 0 hi iiine of b hydr $ Oute c z. t â€" ABermans Who Disapprove. _ The Epworlth Le?ue of Trinity elhodist Cherch h ld an enjoyable @bimz in Waterloo Par: on the holiâ€" MWay. There â€"were about sixty memâ€" Es and several. visitors present. aftâ€"rnoon was spont in games MA to ting, which wers continued suppcF. The evining Session th rt.n°d £o as to allow _ those wished, . to atterd th> tband "CRlâ€"f4. Ail who att ndod consider 16 to te on: of th» test outings the L@azie hbis held. " thut.â€"Col. E. S. Wigle, who _ left . on h â€" as comminding officer:of the .;‘f Battalion, has betn promoted MS oficer, attached to the Rritâ€" Neh afty: in England, while Major H. i WMalligan,of th> 16th, has taken k Wirtc‘s place as cormander of €6.sh.battalion from Western Onâ€" , according to a letter roceived om Emzland. The writer is an 16th lion ~man. j ‘or the fourt time th.s year the| on the eve of her tavail and when thdim C inting a building inâ€"‘ things with O‘Copneli were. nt their ctot mfllfld by the Guelph worstâ€"the answer cnmc-w#n. ‘.mtzmmxun' Whe was alone when it Ca } ‘ of Indpeetor _ Lambert | Her heart beat furiously as ahe openâ€" S andâ€" tha Wity enginâ€"; a4 i+ _ Rron if ho only sent a {ittle Jt ‘ger Ten The ofide is connection | would be We welcome now ‘wien they J "'ffa‘ ‘;?;W t anv!m almost ot m'fl-- bad ~® incr 4n c ~Gart>r g@Y*| been generons how it would ctice tha would meuw:l"f'u..m...m the man to whom gincer : t fid-:e the qualifications| nothing was too much to give her. War the office, and algp for the oTct| The fnct that hor brother had cabled _oity ef on of before .!m’mnuwmvlnhu Py +.4 Mbw%u» to her remcue. ‘ger was :vitl 1 Thotice + Q ts â€" _ â€"an..city ag “Inudlnc of Buller. _ 16 is the intention of the dairy inâ€" 6 ors . t& enforce the regulations h u ling the Lranding of putter this \ Wear. ‘in pric! th se regulations are ©».follows: All the butter in pound prints must pe branded, whether . it is sold to the natrons of the factory Fire Inspection. ‘ Propl> cn Kingz Stâ€"were given some +7 ment this aft:rnoon W'J . the ire treek went r: shing up and down and hos> w:s be ng attcched to s¢yâ€" sral _ hydranis. _ There was ho fire, ever, the rcal ojject being lo lemon t:e our freâ€"fighting apparaâ€" o imsurance irspectors, Ninc nes of hose w.re put into use . at he hbydrants on Kinz St. and on Foung. . ‘The record of the water pressure . wes also taken, and the iguek made several fast runs on King from Water St., to Froderick. The n or scemed satisfied with : the Work of the dopartment. _ The dircotors of the Germania Ciup Hiamilton, which closed its doors i the Lusitania incident, has out for publication the followâ€" gesolution: ‘"Resolved, that this glup place on r cord its strong disapâ€" roval of the cowardly act of sinking ~Lusitania, and express its Cetp athy with thos: who k #t relativâ€" ~and friends. And, resolved furâ€" i°r, that this clup hopes that there te an‘ end to these disgracful , which are ‘so humiliating. to golfâ€"respecting Germans, and th.s> | German dxcent.‘" . The resolution â€" si_ned by tm â€" prominent Gerâ€" *o the public generally. All whey 6 packed in 56 1b yores must be "wheoy putter.‘‘ It is comâ€" Ahat. farmers ofiering . dairy Sor sale in pound prints, wrap in parchment paper. and nhzte: in letters at l*ast | tmers must a‘so have own hame of their farm print ca the wrappets. o s it ts k hare mnoitier opporimity :to ‘bes has pee â€" me_ Serious!‘ . And his o e o i. i Tsc Th n e o ;m!w _ Be sald 1 must be care C Ne e it ol 'm‘“ht. _Carefut, untitâ€"untlf out baby Reginent armoury. It is Â¥ P or me un ME oo yomit ."‘."‘M“u all to yerself, me ha d‘*‘fi y ant sy i"""p.,...‘ue:m tme dear ‘one. . Allâ€"right brwag Dead c”“lh‘ w Zr We won‘t go back.. We‘ll stay here. i be properly ‘ta‘en care of. §n ‘tiem find _me: work, I‘m o i o. ~.‘ iBtrong. â€" I‘m cleter, too, and.crafty, e er t A 4 ' r.l'-nukm:;bi_u- NFatge was made on Tucs:! city, alt:u:nn:uml::: xi 4 Ontario Agricultural ‘dartin‘ shaÂ¥l ‘bare everyth ie 2 â€"»A th is to feceive S | wank, _My little motherâ€"my precious "Benefit frons the fund set: aside| little mothert" ‘Domin on Department of Agâ€" waâ€"â€"__â€"â€" o for the tnfi?x‘e:mt ChaPTeR vii, 0_ ~The ~suin ,000 is menâ€" ign F. NathAniol oned for new buildings. (* Communpicatine" Ek 1 eade Fall at Gue ph Becing V‘A‘ they have all lost their. arters, 1t is to po supposed that the man Foyalties will be obliged to| Regiment Armory ‘lflpn Comm:ands. {Hamilton Heraid.) investigation wEAR B0CKs _ N BRIEF Jail & Commupication From Nathaniel 4 Kingsnorth. â€"° ; HE months. that foflowed were the hardest in O‘Connell‘s life. Strive as he would, he. could find no really remuberative .emâ€" ployment. . He had no special training. He knew no trade. His pen, though fivent, was not cultured and lacked. the glow of eloquence be had when speakâ€" ing. He worked in shops and in facâ€" her bed. She seemed to grow more spiritâ€"like every day.. A terrible dread haunted O‘Connell waking and sleepâ€" ing. He would start out of some .terâ€" rible dream at night and listen to her breathing. Whenâ€"be would hurry back nt the close of some long, disappointâ€" Ing day bis heart would be bammetâ€" ing dully with fear for his loved one. «oo on o oo aoin y ren e oo io n en n bnd Pabe t His beart althost stopped. "Mt Ob, wy darltin‘, what is it? . is it serious? Telt â€"me it_isn‘t serious!" And his gories. . He tried to report on newsâ€" erywhere bandicapped him. What he contrived to earn during those months of struggle was all too.little as the time approsched for the great event. As the montbs wore on his face be came lined with care and the bright goid of his hgr dimmed with streaks of silver. B Je never faltered or lost courage. always felt be must win the fight for existence as he meant to win the greater confllet ‘In‘»‘jor Hiberty. _ 3 Aungem, i#dg so sui, torougn fne Jong days, could only hope, She felt so belpless. It was woman‘s weakâ€" pess that‘ brought men }ke O‘Connell to the edge of despait. And hers was not merely bodily weakness, but the €ore poignant one of pride. Was 3t air to ber husband. Was it just? In England she had prosperous relatives, They would not let ber die in ber misâ€" Home considerable time afterwardâ€" on the eve of her tavail and when things with O‘Copneli were. at their worstâ€"the answer camc.firo. | Whe waus alone when it cadle. ; | Her beart beat furiously as ahe openâ€" i ail 1+ _ Rron If he only sent a Uttle it l would be o welcoms now w en tney wore almbst ot the ond../If he bad ery. ‘They could not let her baby come into the worldâ€"with poverty as its only inheritance. P now she had been unable to master ber feeling of hatred and bitterness for her brother Nathanâ€" iel, ber intense dislike and contempt for her sister Monlca. From the time she Igtflw she bad not written to â€"el of them. Could she now? Something decided her. One night O‘Comnell came back disâ€" beartened. Try as he would, he could not ¢onceal it He was getting to the end of his courage. ‘There was insufâ€" ficlent work nt the shop hbe bad been working in for several weeks. He bad been told he need not come agnin. Sbe made up ber mind that night Whe nest day she wrote to her brother., Augela, |ying frotionless and white, tried to comfort him and give bim beart y ‘ She could mot bring herself to exâ€" press one regtet for what she had done or zaid. On the contrary, the made piily Pelerences tw met mappiien we the man she joved. She did write of the hardships â€" they ~were passing through. Rut they were only tempoâ€" rary. O‘Connell was so clever, so brillinnt, he must win in the end. Only just now she wns iI!, . She needed help. She asked no giftâ€"a Joan , merely. They would pay It back when the dags of plenty came. Ehe would not osk even this were it not that she was not only i. but the one zreat, wonderful thing in the world was to be youchâ€" «ifed herâ€"mothethood. in the name uf ht unborn triby she hegwed him to sond in imimediate respense, 8ite neked a welghbor to post the let tor &o that WWowket] sruuld not know or ner sneritice, She walted nn £)otiy for a repiy. ~Bhe opened the cable and read it Then she fell back on the pillow with a low,. faint mogn. .. f When, bours tater, O‘Connall return. ed from a vain search for work be found ber senseless with the &nble in her Angora . He wied to revive het without succesa.. He sent a neighbot for a doctor As he watched the Wigra,. Angela was now entirely contized to A Comedy of Youth Founded by &) little mite tratigng: .From ... Rhoto § graphs ° of the Play. | a hir. Mannere on His GreatPlay of the Same Title â€" lilus B yalss +Â¥ ‘ a-iv x" mi " v»-.v ¢ i is radktietntne statk l a -'w‘-&.- o !: .% k vv'v‘ ‘}' “’.. '» hum. * Thi doétor/red Hii to ‘thebedâ€" fiWQ&W“ A glaze was, Ar‘ucn-w looked up at bim. tried to si All her suffering was forgotten. She C ligtat her hipd, thin and wmt now, to OTonuéli. He it to his tips. ‘ Bhe whispered: "My baby. Bring meâ€"niy baby:* He took itâ€"from the woman and placed it in Angela‘s weak hrms. She Â¥#issed it again and agein. . The child walled pitifully. ‘The effort had been too much for Augela‘s failing strength Consciousness left ber. little d%" bgM an .u."fi’. , at it 4n a styâ€" yor. 1; bad really to A émâ€"i.vh'lfll‘ifl.llm. girl! The tiny wail from thig born of Jovt and in sorrow, seemed to waken his duB senses. He pressed the Just before sunrise she woke. O‘Conâ€" nell was sitting beside her. He had never moved. «The infant was sleepâ€" Thanks to some kindly Irishmen who Beard of . O‘Conmell‘s plight, he borrowed enough nonnbbtyz ead wife and place a tablet to memory. He sent a message to Kingsnorth telling him of his sister‘s death. He expected nor did he receive an angwer. As soon i was possible urflur%m:' selt once again 1. his anto _ane "AÂ¥F {puaniace Bits. ts iassn ing on some. blankets on the couch, flom .:md::. nd . to bend near to ber. a..a."fi.-h unearthly brightness. He put his ear 'glhâ€"gfiqâ€"d-mrâ€"hbxo Frank, I‘mâ€"I‘m leaving you. Godâ€"helpâ€"you â€"andâ€"keepâ€"youâ€"and biess youâ€"for â€"yourâ€"loveâ€"of . me." ‘She paused to "Myâ€"lastâ€"words, ; dear, theâ€"lastâ€" Tilâ€"everâ€"speakâ€"toâ€"you. Iâ€"Iâ€"loveâ€" you â€"withâ€"all ~my beartâ€"andâ€"my soulâ€"busband! Goodâ€"goodby, Frank." She slipped from bis arms and lAy, lips parted, eyes open, body stiil, ~ take breath. Then she whispered her leave taking, ‘The words never left O‘Connel!‘s memory for all the days of ulmmmfiwfi ns o The struggle was over, She had gone where there are no petty treachâ€" eries, no mean" brutalitiesâ€"where All stand alike before the throne to renâ€" der an account of their stewardship. ‘The brave, gentle little heart was stilled forever. * ; time and brings her radiant presence, her roguish smile, ber big, frank, soulâ€" ful blye eyes, her dazzling red hbair, her direct, bonest and outspoken truth, ber love of alt that is clean and pure and â€" beautifulâ€"Peg enters our pages and turns what was a history of romance and drama into a comedy of youth. Pegâ€"pure as a mountain lily, sweet as A fragrant rose, haunting as an old melodyâ€"Peg o‘ Our Hearts comes into our story even as she entered ber faâ€" ther‘s !ife, as the savior of theso pages, even as she was the means of saving O‘Connell. Avnd she did sive ber father. . It was the presence ana the thought of the little motheriess baby that kept O‘Connell‘s hand from destroying himâ€" self when his reason almost left him afte: his wife‘s death. ‘The memories of the days immediately following the passing of Angela are too painful to Awell upon. They are past They are sacred in O‘Connell‘s heart. ~‘They will be to the bistorian. was to work.â€" He went back to the little vilage bhe was born in, and it was Father Crahill‘s Annds thit pour ed the baptismal waters on O‘Conâ€" nell‘s and Angela‘s baby. And it was Fatber Cahill‘s volce that rend the haptismal service. Fhe was cbristened Margaret. Angela, one night. when it was neur ing her timve, begged him If # were a girl to christen her Margacet, after her "ROUGH ON RATS" clcars Rate Mice, etc, Don‘t Die in House. 1bc, and 25¢, at Prug frrtitd morming Ahe Becter pinany n And now Peg appears for the first her lHips.. Her volce was very, Pure as a Mountain Lily, out the and wmother, since all the best in éame from her mother. . _ O‘Connell would Bave liked ndch to : hame the wite Angela. ’lw Bs dead wife‘s wishes e were mnmm'. garet the: baby w itened. .. 1 was too dlmnnhh«-!”- namé and ‘too : and 1 is abwigs airet " Lome haxtly .bhflbwhâ€"ovw& Lydie E. Pinkham‘s + wu-@.'-uu-lm ;fin'x’ with a severe case of organic weakness. I had backache, pains in my hips uce moy midmigis ons qnotaniet Cmm y fane and btmantal j uy use any ‘and 4 hope . c ies nions Tunlies: 4d & W“M-Rd:‘tâ€"fino distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of L; m..'.v.& und .to x6« read and â€"answered by a w a cce nelk in pinne Safinionée . . long for such a: little bundle of ang white hnmntu.l-afifl not m to fit her. So "Peg" she/ was named. and "Pex" She flgfl;j thy rest of her life. Wayne St., Pigna, Ohio. If want ial advice write to Lydia 3. Pinkitnn« Mod4 Lisdaidho 3 s Dondiw bG: 9 uEV icine %‘f.r.,“"“f.‘.?'fi’ Lyno, Looming lirge in Peg‘s memories in after life was her fother showing her St. Kernan‘s bill And mlns out the mount on â€"which he d and spoke that day, while ber mother,\bidden by that dense: mase of t paw every movement and beard ever® word. . ~ ‘I‘hen somebow her chil All ‘seemed to run to ‘ 3f Trelaw@ and batred of â€"to thinking al that was good of Arishâ€" men and all that was bad of Euglishâ€" much, father?" she asked O‘:ConneN ance, looking up at him with a puzzied look in het big biue: eyes and the most. ndorable brogue coming fresh from her tongue. , â€"*"I‘ve good cause to, Peg, me darlin‘," be answered, and a deep frown gatherâ€" ed on his brow. "Bure wasn‘t me. mother English?" Peg asked. t "She was." _ â€" o "Thén why do ye bate the English?" "It ‘ud tike a long time to tell ye that, Peggy. Some day i will. Where‘s many â€"a redson why the Irish hate the Engilish, and many & good Fenson too. But there‘s one why you and 1 should hate them and hate them with all the bittherness that‘s‘ § l $ "And what hm Peg curiously, "I‘ll tell ye. \Wihen yer mother and 1 were almost stoarvin‘, and she lyin‘ on a bed«@€_sicknuss, she wrote to an Englishman an‘ «sked him to assist het, ‘An‘ this is the unu:_n got: ‘Ye‘ve made yer bed,, Lie in 1‘ That wAs ThG anewel nbe got ths diy beâ€" fore you were bborn, wid sbe died givâ€" in‘ ye life. And by the same tokerm the man that gr%at shamefui message to a dyin‘ an was her own brother," "Her own brother, yer tellin‘ me?" asted Teg wrathfuly. ic [ h tellin‘ ye. "It‘s bad luck thit man‘H have all bis life!" said, Peg fefcely, . "To write me mother thatâ€"an‘ she dyin‘} Falith I‘d Hike to see him some dayâ€"just meet himâ€"an‘ tell hium"â€"â€" She stopped, her little tingers clinched into a minleâ€" ture fst. ‘ "Why dn ye hate the English so "Why do ye hate them?" she reâ€" ** WILLIAMS. GREENE & ROME CO U wnemme BERLIN. ONTARIO §UMMER | JNDERWEAR pors prouses own upon him was that + | Mm when bis f . Do would, he ‘ make but little money, and whed nad @ emati surplus he would spend it ‘;mflfl“k&'-fl nn::togtnam.ct f to :the little glothes. i es § On: great occasions he would Ouyâ€" her a new dress, and then es was the proudest little child in the whole PP ts is s dlmemty io \ on ‘the abal ot Iwfl’l death O‘Gont had .2 i for the _of Angeials soul, and be would. k f through the service and, be imHent for the rest of the.day, Ons gear‘he bAd candles blessed by. the ‘archbishop _ on Our Lady‘s altar, and § étased long after the service was ovet.. He: seat Peg home. . But, although Peg # | him partially by deaving +Â¥e>@bue she kept watch outside until th« ther came out . He was wiping hg oyes sa he saw her. He pretended & be yvery angry. 5 .MDidn‘t 1 tell ye to go home?" . %vu mud.“di * c w . Medy parte of Treigndâ€"main ¢f I ho id not do sdding and sghboting at lma nent people capnected with The govers ment. What would befail her if he were ta y i o ht 2e 0t io herself about her father, trying to weemed a __ym. and thatber faâ€" ther of all ould do it, he. who was §0tâ€"afraid of anything or any ong, was wholly unaccountable to ber, _ <*Burgâ€"an‘ what would 1 be i m withont rw’%vn?: be cross with me, fnther." . ClA He took"ber tinna, and they wailked home in ge,. Heâ€"bad heen ory ing, afid Peg could not understand it Bbe had mever seen him do such a thing beâ€" fore, and it worrled her. It did.not seem Fight that a man sbould ery. â€" 1t Mr. and Mrs. D.â€"Beéllinger, of Torâ€" onto were holiday guests at the home i his brother, Mr., Homer Bellinger, Shanley® St.+ ..;.«.:,-,f, y ‘. } ake tim ty d D DLR In%hln;’.y‘b‘cwhn‘ Wbtn::m put film In n easy chair and brought bim hh‘llimnmdhlllt"mg she sat down on a Hittle stool by hi side, After a long silence she atroked the back of his band and then gave him a.little tug. He looked down st » ""he~most benutiful woman that mmmmmnm" ' "She beantiful in the picture ye have of ber." * l From the inside pocket of his cont zanoqtumflp beautifully paintâ€" *Wiluinture. ‘The frame bad long since been worn and frayed." ‘O‘CGonâ€" nell looked at the face, and his eyes shon#.~~ ; / â€" * "The man that painted 1t couldn‘t whlip s tniie ie ‘ not d o0 ® "Am 1 Hke her at all, father?" asted Peg wistfully. ~"Sometitnes yo are, dear, very fike." «After a Hittle panse Pog said; "What is it, Peg? ® didn‘t ye obey me?" the possibility of. tmâ€" im of !: es? z "l(fi»:‘*"u: |;‘: B k. 4* \"* Purify y And nd Enfich ind mteniy Athimane mge rors pamarae goaces ¢ r. when the do not move regular y& when the kfluyn‘ n Mdn‘t ye?" f < He nodded. "I loved ber with all %:uu«u-uwmwu sat quiet for some minutes; then ibe asked him a question very quietly and hung in suspensé on â€"his answer: "Déâ€"ye love me as much as ye loved m.b&, e9" "It‘s diferent, Peg, quite, quite ditâ€" Perent." f F pain right through imy heart whenever ye talk about me mother. . Â¥e see, faâ€" ther, I‘ve thought all these years that I was the one ye really loved"= . ;. . t‘¥e‘te the only one I have in the wurrld, Peg." » ... E/ 33% C .. "And ye don‘t love her memory betâ€" in Aemeniy=rige s â€" > He did not answer, > *Bure, love is Jove.whether ye feel it for a woman or a child,"she perâ€" O‘ConnelL, 4 "Because 1 always feel a little sharp there‘s room in me heart for the twemâ€" 6ty of her and the Jove of you." . " She breathed a Hittle .?wdflm wne godimonat mouey Wosd . aike thingy eagier for Peg. She wlilgifl' a wo now, and ‘he wanted. to uk !.*?g:':tfzg drvantine flm TRath Mthly chemp on in Fhag RC WY c1>3 ce 5 mjor tont would prepare -r-rflmfi in the world if she ::‘: the man felt sbe could marry. Whmb would speak of martinge Peg 14 taugh scornfully: T ~unm F Vignt bergre ther teft tthâ€" o e tmast e t bedréom until daylight looking back through all the years of her abort comgey Meg 4. pork: Jrrigeracy oo â€" wl ousy of her dead mother‘s place in fer ther‘s affection with hér, She gave him %)fll Bha needed all of his, . en Peg was cightoen years old and they were living in Dubiin, nell was offered quite a good in New York. It appealed to "Who wou‘d 1 be ‘aftber marryin‘, ‘d like to know? Where is the wurrid would i fnd a man like you?" And no cvaxing would a-hmur-' ty on the discussion of consider its possibitity . e y It sthl ln::nfl hlm“m think be bad so little to Jeave ber if anything J1p peoed to bim. The ol-tkwu&;'b Au: fca seemed . pro *fi‘ another mwm would take Pog to her graze. _ 8 Avkige Peg grew very thoughtfn! at the idea of leaving Ireland. . All ber HtBe Hxkes and dixfiten, her trpuistre afections and bot batréd, were bound op in that poontry, She drefided the prospect of 4 of new people. mfl her father‘s good, #o hw tnce to it and eaid: _ Hare ‘Anost. thing in the tm poenent ermo 4athares . a box, § trinl size ot sent postpaid on C ‘,tb% Hfe, It geemed an If eutting off all that beautifol perlod. Bhe would never again free, care leas, bappyâ€"goâ€"lacky, from day to Oy extatence that the had loved so much. ail e c manes Cloes as MabiD in Tioies vecVodies t be ies * Fruitâ€"aâ€"tives" tones '% invigoâ€" gides pure, rich, c It was a pale, wistfol, tired little FWeg that joined her fatber at breakâ€" fast next morning. truth, the stream of life, "Why is it?* Sho waited. She wanted no one to share her faâ€" ; Wonderful ‘Tablets, $ {J Fruit Juices, Are The {To be continued.) h To e _ Private Funds to Loan. |‘ / * == :..5. £ 29 W. P. CLEMENT. / *4 D. / G. â€" McINTOSH, â€" BARRISTER, (Successor to Conrad Bitzer) »‘_ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary ete. Money to loan, German Officeâ€"Pequegnat _ Block, ~next. _ Barrister, Soliciter, . Notary _ and. â€"Conveyancer. reo 9 K. St. Telephone No: . ‘Berlin, R THE EMPLOYER‘$ AS§OCIATION . OoF waATERLOP county S FREE LABOR BUREAUY _ *~, 2Â¥ 09 ' 59 King St. West, Berlin. .. â€"â€" We have vacancies for men men in all lines of work. If * out of employment communicaté ¢ us at once,. No charge for + tion of services rendered. . DR. 8. ECKEL, LD.8, D.RA .â€" We ols ..Graduate Chicago College or. tal Surgery and Royal 6. Dental Surgeons of Toronto.~ Office in Fischer‘s Block,, » Dentistry practices in all its Dentist, LD.S., Roval Colleze Dcm tal Surgeons, DM.S. : oronto U * sgity. . All branches of dentistry prMC tised. _Entrance . to office same . Concordia Hall, ~over Lang , Osteopathic Physician, .. ... . Graduate under Dr. Still, + der of the science, Editor § Osteopathy _ 1909â€"12. often cures where . all Chronic constipation, 4. erder8, nervous discases, thoume * infantile paralysis, <goiter, etc., + cessfully treated. . Klectrical. ments; . ** Offices, Room 203 MW 4 Berlin, Ont. ...*, SFE E. A. REID & CO., 43 East 44 8t Beriin. Phone 387. M ’3’ J. A. Scelien, BA., LLB., I. Weir, Master in Chancery, P mmnm Ofhces:< Upstaire in the Nomca! Hioes, Ming smh g x * =â€" bafin. thaat 9 . *A DR. WELLINGTON K. JACOBS Specialityâ€" Diseases of the Har, Nose and Throsat 77 ScliBal n o# â€" ~TRATFORD, ONT. 44 Ontario‘s Best Practical Praining School. We have thorough courses and experionced instructors in each of our three departments, . , _ Commercial, Shorthand and Tele graphy, Our graduates n‘“‘* F you should read out f catalogues. Write for it at Dentist, Waterloo. s Office Emm!“‘:’”- ‘}&’:" & uapmens m C‘ Aâ€"€ MILLAR, SIMS & GREgory D. §$. BOWLBY, 8.A., L.LB, DR. F. G. HUGHES, â€" Dentist _ Oddfellow‘s Block Waterloo. < CLEMENT & CLEMENTâ€" . . DR. CLAYTON W. WELLE: onl ~JUStAtC, â€"~(ipen ~®venImEs A. L. BITZER, 8. A. BCELLEN & WEIR Business Cards. J. A. HILLIARD «o. DR. J; £. HETT Osteopathy. REAL ESTATE Dental. o

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