eulr LOCAL XND PERSONAL %“l‘bo “nyncel at the Batur held ~Iro fered for 20 cents a 80â€"cents a pound. Sanitary Iuspector Elyun willi his" annual «ound commencing 15th by which time citizens ar pected to have their premises froth the nccumulations of the ter‘ months. The committec which has in hand the purchase oi a horse for the Fire Dept., met Monday afternoon. Sever al animals were inspected but no de finite purchase has yet peen made. 5 Ed. M. Devitt , The Waterloo _ Band of late beeh holding several practices . It jsâ€"probable that w ithin a ol weeks, the regular open air certs on the square will be co: ~ A special merting Park Board . was h evening, when a nf drawn up for subin terloo Tennis Ciuh park: courts. POULTRVYViAEN MEET | IN WATERLOO €r on _ NabCH whicks _ was ) Nr. Underwcso: Mever exhibite: andottes for s ‘The rexullr 1 loo Lo ltry As the _ Town . .H with a good at The associati ly, six . new n en and gccepte er on â€" hatchin Hot Water Bottles . ... â€" line of H ling ~Of «F1 0 t._ W a ! C F B o ttles at reason«ble pyces. : *A Hmu.n'“ for all kinds of drug sup plies. PRESENTED WITH GOLD UMBRELLA King 't:â€m 'Â¥3mm 1» Miss Linnie Grof left for Toront Mondgy mocning . where : she has ac cepted a position. * i 2oo Naoma ce aoass Following the service SUNCd ing in the Evanselical Chirrs choir, of which she has been a memter forâ€" several youts, }T her with a gold headed imbr companied | by an a precial dress. DR. HUTFON IS CALLED TO FRONT where apr lic no M Under th> auspices Missionary â€" Society Lutheran _ Church a literary programme John‘s church on TDUISCAY CGreat interest was taken in tertainment _ and _ the ed browded. ‘The chairman . of the ever the pastor Rev. 1. Bockelm: programme was a varied cn®, â€"ing of vocal and * inst rumen t and short plays by member congregation, and all of thos part did exceptionaliv well. ~â€" ‘The progzramme oponed with duet by Mrs. German and M enhamuner, which was follow _missionary . exercise entitled -ï¬&;mrm eastsanelit. en tle girls. Little Miss Gerfian delighted the audiet a vocal solo, and Miss Dore hardt rendered . a piano . sof was followed rv the play "> and School Girl," the char ing , Miss Veit, Miss Bornh Dr. Weidenhammer, Mr. Sor Geo. _ Weidenhamnat, and Knanfl. _ Aftet a vocal solo _ @live Ritwer, and a piano > viuor 2 m M We have a splendi< J M 5. PROVOES in EXGELLENT k‘ Florence _ Mucll Ofiver‘s Dollars Â¥%he diffierent parts beil by Mrs. Chas. Muclier Wys. Heller. Mrs. ©.â€" ilt d ‘chey soent and. brothe Ste Maric Hutton wiho cation to 10 to the fro 1 word to I n ;nd â€" Mrs. ers the N "â€"}‘“. Clar Ilerh Smith. Phone 217 cre in 1 soent t prother Maric on wiro S PROERAMME riDg held ew i id p m C. H. Roos, Mrs. Miss â€" Maxtha Bockel ara Conrad,. and MrS hn â€" Hutton and Sadie and ‘Rena oroffto on Sunday > day with their Dr. HMutton, of rt of St. John‘s a most successful was given in St. Thursday . even 0C iss Bornhold, . Mrs. , M\r. Screnson, Mr met, _ and Mr.__B. vocal solo hy . Miss a piano solo _ bY Mueller, _ the Play llars," was . given, s being ahly _ taken iclier. Mrs. German c time ago made â€" medical corp$ n S;\)unlay reâ€" t at once. t taken in the . (Pâ€" the _ edifice was of the Women being for Toronte vill amadee Waterioc ednesday Miss Louise udience . with Doretta Linâ€" um he Waâ€" ‘ of the h. U waliue | cuvigattt WEsetS OE TEA \ coumTteE EXP Lals TA NChEASE e At a recent meeting of the Finance Committee of the Town Council, 1 was requested to make a public statement explaining the reasons for the im wrasse of 214 mills in the tax rate for To crease of 3%4 mills in the tax the current year over that of -tï¬;a";:ir};nrï¬'-ynr over that of 1914. , This incréase is due to the following items :â€" . 4 1. Special Provincial Assessment 3 for. war purposes .. .. .. To 1 . Our tionate cost or mam:\ce of the High 3. Subscription to Canadian Paâ€" triotic Fund ....42e5Â¥+}1>0 > i. Estimatedâ€"mcreased expenditure This Cid] 11 lighting expende increasi those only pt War, to th unavoidable public utili fire protect At a ree m .ws follows : â€" Street lighting ... o.....| Fire protection ... ..... Board of Works .. .... 1 Board of Health ... ... Sewer Commission ... .. 9% n. c. of.cost of perman the Editor of the Berlin Daily ‘Telegraph. « fire protection, cic. At a recent mesting ot the Council! theâ€"â€" Byâ€"Law .~ respecting permantnt roadway | iniprovements, under whichl the town assumed 25 per cent. of the proverty owners‘ share of the cost, | was repealed, as the result of which all such improvements made hereafter will be charged up in full to the proâ€" pertics benefitted. In order that our Lcit‘izens may appreciate to what exâ€" tent the expenditure of the town _ © aftected under the former Byâ€"Jaw, it may be stated _ that in 1914 the ‘Town‘s share of the annual payment of the Debentures, which would oth erwise have been paid by the properâ€" ty owners on the streets improved, was $1,658.32 ; | in 1915 it will _ be $2,120.38 ; and it is estimated _ that the â€" amount for 1916 will be about lsuoo. At this â€" rapid rate of inâ€" ) crease. the taxation would of necesâ€" ol expoi estimate that for crease, the taxation wou sity grow from _ year to while it is admitted _ tha room for _ argument on | as to whether or not the assuine _ some propor tion of permanent roadway im it is the _ unanimous op members _ of the Counci course which they have 11 It such _ improvements to the propetty owners is, _ upon the whole, justifiâ€" able. f It may be of interest to those rate Cnal witty such _ i1 payers wWio PSe N00 to the Town‘s financt the proportion of °x in the control Council is in As an _ illustration . point out that out ( mated _ expenditures year, amounting . §11 #an _ may be S nt $12 and 8!0:;&“:;:! the contribute any es, it would its rights ; bu action would | \Olll of harmor ised t provided may be of inter rs who have nc he Town‘s finan proportion of ¢ the contr bhC 1914 xceed in 191 the es 1914, ta mpr : are High fost be the _ Council t such expenditur hown will have t he estimates of ‘ast ints shown, they do the _ case of street the amonnt actually 1, and therefore, in timates for 1915 over wo items r which the is less than ounting in seen that the _ inâ€" attributable to the School, and to the if maintaining such is street lighting, A ition for that Society would ce. 1 do not think ingle ratepayer *‘ho ipportâ€"given to our that there _ is t on the question t the town should ortion of the cos4 ay improvements, us opinion of the ‘ouncil that _ the have pursued _ in rest to whose rateâ€" 1 ot given attention nces, to, know that expenditures withâ€" ol of the n reality small. n of this 1 _ would . of the total estiâ€" es for the current to $117,271, only said to represent in the control _ of nts 462 $410 $6114 14 50 00 other, Charity l The only Canadian | mentioned in decided not to‘{this mornings casualty list from Derâ€" these purpos‘ |lin is Mr. Everett Reid, as wounded. n quite within | [fe enlisted in Toronto, and was with ss to say, such !the Ist Battalion: Previous to this n unwise, _ and |he Loarded with his father, Mr. John the views and|Reid, at the Station THotel. Te was at. ntoportion, | born in Toronto, but had been _ in izens. this â€" city about four months before axation at 258 lentering the ranks. Wis father has hish, rannut'p,m in this city for about five years act alone that |and is at present employed by Caspâ€" tl\ are greatet iu» Braum. Other relatives reaitle . in Mills 1.36 Iy _ call citizens. f grants, â€" Musical 1 allowâ€" ty would 40 26 0 *!"f": i“’atrrlno. May 3rd, 1915 an â€"loâ€"w;wh otl wor in endeavop -’;ï¬o make ‘ § e&mfl hbetween lifferent towns by pointing out . the tifference in the rate of taxation wmly, the very idigortant item a\wu 'lfl‘lion Q‘ï¬l‘ alâ€" uatioh of p:( om&x It is ‘a well known fact that thereâ€"is .A great differente in praetice in this teâ€" spect, some towns assegsing as low as 60 per cent.of "the cagh value of property, while others appgoach close? ly to full value.= * Any gomparison which _morely takes the pumber of le y to full _ value.> * Any gomparison which _ morely takes the pumber of nills*in the «ollar into account, and gnores the ‘basis of assessmght valuâ€" ition is obviously worthless. As a natter of fact it is very aificalt, if it â€" impossible, . to make a propet compartson _( in. this resrect between imny two towns, and, therefore, _ the uere fact that the numjer of . mills ‘harged by one town is greater _ or less than those of any other ~tawn does not in itself prove anything. To illustrate :â€"Last year the Counâ€" ty Council employed Mr. J. M. Seqlly to ascertain the relation petween the assessed â€" value, and the actual or cash value of the properties in each of the town and village Municipalitâ€" ies within the County, for the purâ€" pose of _ cqualizing the assessments. lic found, by comparing a large numâ€" ber of receat sales of properties with their assessed value, that the propor tion of the latter to the former was in the case of . the town of Waterloo &3 per cent., and in another _ town, 75.8% per cent, these two being _ the extremes. â€" 5 i S, s The F ie l“’ll‘ Soc he j ized at ip | tative 1 nt Hall on ts nieaiiua * |of meel fiâ€" \ months C T. L Let us now take a vroperty worth say $3000 in each of these towns, and see how the taxes work out. In Waterloo the assessment would be 63 per cent. of $3000 or $1,890.00 The taxes at 25; mills on the dollar, would be .. .> 48.20 be exactly the same as IN M&i~ I O WETROO ...ccscs eompoge sustents seme 4820 And if it were 251 mills, the taxes would amount to ... _ 57.99 I ‘Thus we see that 25% mills in Watâ€" erloo, is on an exact par with 21 1â€" ‘mills in the other Municipah It will be seen, therefore, that | a |high rate of â€" taxation does not necâ€" }essarily mmean correspondingly _ high Itaxes. If there be any disadvantage | in a high rate based on a low _ asâ€" |sessment, it would. be. in . Appearanct only, and might possibly affect â€" the ‘m\\'n in connection with the sale ui‘ |Debentures. But this can easily be reâ€" duced to a much lower rate by increasâ€" ing the assessment to a point more nearly approaching the actual value of property than it does at presentâ€" 'la question that the Council have unâ€" jder consideration, and on which some action may be taken this year. § Thanking _ you for the space which you have kindly given to this _ comâ€" | munication. In 1| Wl toAilt ho ffiriet ntl Preside: ly Viceâ€"Prc i | erloo. '::\ Secy.â€"Ti Asst. S¢ t i ‘The Ex D. | a subsequ all | _A profit is. fregarding Ls, | Mayor H al , briefly, c D ucsnwlent And if its rate of taxation were 21 1â€"5 mills on the dollar, the actual taws to be paid, would be exactly the same as in Watâ€" dollar, would be . ... . the other town, the assessâ€" ment would be 75.8 per cent of $3000 OP ... u.202 2285 Berlin and Waterloo Branch of Social Service Council is Formed. The Berlin and Waterloo branch of the Social Service Council was organâ€" ized at a well attended and represenâ€" taiive meeting held in the Masonic Hall on Tuesday evening. . The orga: of mectings held during the last few months under the auspices of the W. C. T. U., at whish the questions _ of mothers‘ pensions, social safeguards, etc., have been discussed. . It is for the purpose of furthering _ the work commenced by the W. C. T. U. _ that the new organization has been formed. The meeting adopted the constitu tion recommended by the Social Ser vice Council of Canada, and the fol lowing officers were elected: â€"â€" Presidentâ€"Rev. J. W. J. Andrew. Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"J. A. Harper, Wat erloo. Secy.â€"Treas.â€"N. B. Detwiler. Asst. Secy..â€"Dr. S. Detwiler. The Executive will be appointed at a subsequent meeting. A profitable discussion took _ place regarding the work _ of the Council Mayor Hett was present and spoke briefly, commending the object of the WAS WOUNBED â€" GEO. WEGENAST, Chairman of Finance Committce $2.274.00 "~~~|firm, is n« the |efforts to MWls | warded O | widely sci taw3 | with the â€" g Waterl A} RUNNING ON . . : FQLL TIME IN / SPTE OF WAB Ong af â€" Waterloo‘s _ big. manulac {ull tinge in spite of the war is . the Globe Manufacturing Co. . ..Bp conversation with the ms Mr. .J. Bahnsen, the Telegtaph x"ule NORr t NR AL P that this pig concern which ts oflé of Abe . that might b6 gfl to hit by the ==‘, Has:~ busfness _ @© keep over | mm- employed on full â€" time. 1 is a tribute not only to the fine ; quality of the ©~~lous lines of chu-‘i. school _ and .opera furniture turned out by this company but also to the extra energy displayed in getâ€" ting after business during a season‘ of depression, when the tendency is to sit down and accept conditions as the inevitable decree of fate. Mr. Bahnâ€" sen, the enterprising Manager of this firm, is not of this élass. His extra eflorts to get business have been reâ€" warded _ with good contracts _ from widely scattered sections of Canada, with the result that a large number of Waterlco workmen are being furnâ€" ished steady employment. | Pre these . protests from this ridi servatives alik tions are Oppc ing drawn thr naijvn . Lead STRONG PROTESTS AGAINST AN Canada str the holding during . the paign. Leaders party in North W warded _ strong p Borden within the IN LOVing MEMORY of Earl Gerdon, son of Mr.. Clarence (i. Hamel, . who 6th, 1914, aged 2 years, 1 m 13 days. (ione Gentle, and mees} and mild, With plessings on thy head. Fair lilliecs in thy hand, Buds on thy pillow laid. (Gone from this blishting tand, â€" Where flowers so quickly fade. Before thy heart could lcarn In waywardness to stfay; Before thy feet could turn The dart and downwatd way,; Ere sin could wound. thy Lraast, Or sorrowwake the teatys TBdu did‘st rise to thy hoine of rest In yon celestial sphere. happy and healthy by use of Bapy‘s Own Ta no minor ailment of li the ‘Tablets will not c all they are absolutely tively no injury can re use. _ Concerning thei llluanl, Kingsion, ©There is no. medicint Own been Tablets are ot by mail The _ Dr. Brockvilie, rotests are bei mier _ Borden nada strongly P HESPELER MAN & DIED OF WOUNDS Galt chir, the 2! died of lle was years of aze and IN leit for th> Old C« ter he enlistcd. He five handred dollars Hespeler. Keep Your Baby Well. wther to thy rest. ‘ to thy dre c and inees; scratch. t of May U# of like w mosed wounds ib 25 Willta Thik tle st, dear child reamless bed, :; and mild, on thy head thy hand, pillow laid. tlichting lan so quickly fa t could Jean eler, w ment d hC rpenter by dicit one The rvice in of Mr. and Mrs. , _ who died Nay vears, 1 munth and h very o the « terloo 1:3{.(' otests to‘ Prc past few days Priv 2 ow m A.l testing ELECTION the being erals forwarded 0 eit little ones the nrcasinnal‘ lets. There is tle ones that ire, affd above .s:lfl‘â€â€™.h‘ld posiâ€" uli from their _ Mrs. Henri Int., _ writes : 1 know of so as is Baby‘s have certainly o me." _ The vdicine dealers ts a box from Medicine Co., parts _ of against n June or A. E.. Butâ€" enlisted with ‘hmont of the rted to have cd in action. forwarded y trade, 29 d. â€" His â€" wife y shortly alâ€" s insured for the town | oi try be SERGT MAOR : â€" NCM N f 'W[ H“SPHM Received Aéeveral {njuries | mmuw j . mar and Will Underâ€" . I go Operation.‘ .\ . â€" The follewing . letter has ten Toâ€" Ceived from ‘Sergt.â€"Major Wm. Chivâ€" ers, who is a patient in the Boulo: ne Hospital in rance, by Miss k. % ‘Bruce, Cartick House, Waterloo, and will te tead with interest by~ bis many Twinâ€"City friends: Dear Miss Bruce.â€"Well now I gucs$ I have some news f¢r you. First of all, I am lying on my back in the hospit,1 in France. So. you will have to forgive this awful writing. _ Well next, I guess you have seen the casâ€" valty list. 1 was tao grsedy the first day of the "Battle of Langeâ€" mark," after I bad been shot once through the side, a shell eaught me un my right thigh, and wounded . me in two more places. But now I am lying nice and comfy in a real . bed ones more, ~which _ cortainly is . a change. 1 travelled down to the hosâ€" pital py motor ambulance and train, and I am right on the sea front at Boulogne. My bed is richt at _ the window so I+ have a delightiul | view I will have to go under an opiration in a month or six weeks to remove the bullets. 1t should not turn out seriously. . unlsi sony»thing unforseen happens. _ Will you ‘tell Mrs. Wright 1 received Her lettor the night ne ore 1 went into: action. I also rseci ed the papers | regularly from you for which I wish to thank you very much They certainly will need all the Can |adian purses they can get, 25 nearl; all_ the men in my resiment alun were shot down at my side. I will have to clese now as T an in a _ funny _ position to write in in a Hopin Hoping tlpt you i House are" in the remain yours yery in the choir, and ask then mo, Any letters addressed Major _ Chivers, _ câ€"of Mrs. Rendel â€" St., Loughborough urshire, England, _ will be to me." HOLY NAME SOGIETY PARABE N WATERLOT Officers of the Holy Name Society, 1 of St. Louis‘ Catholic Church, Watâ€" erloo, are . preparing for the _ Holy Name paradc which wiil be held _ in Waterloo _ June 6. The parade was held in Berlin last year and marched to Waterloo. ‘The affair promises to j havs hir event for Catholics in this | held in Berlin las to Waterloo, ‘The be a big event fo vicinity as large pected _ from _T Guelph, Galt, I‘re \l-:lmita. Plans fo and program are lhers of the Holy tonnection with P.S.â€"Give my best wisht chure} the 1i pered 11495900 0 e i o & l‘ rhar ueyDd‘}"~ N W | + ;‘v' 7:?;&»:’\ ; ‘ ‘.'1 yee * § & *A tss .# c sls AR e J c x it s of the Holy Name Moc inection with St. Mary‘s rch, Berlin, will have a p line of mareh. Tt will h ed _ that last year‘s Holy rade which was organized s unforturately interrupte ivy rain stotna. see=" CALVANIIED WIRE Fencing and Coil Spring Wf_e_ Te \‘m yooak ‘&a WILLIAM CHUIVI Tâ€E WELD. Sul A‘:‘% my rezime my side. ese now : ion to . v nd all ‘at best *of he sincerely. the lin under ov iting, _ Well ioh e@n ,flxe casâ€" # groedy â€" the. ’ï¬l e of Langeâ€" all ¢ en shot once 1 eaught me Pop wounded . me mer t now I ulR harie a real bed ; tainly is a (MNFR Uest h 17 HHC L . > .. UFFELMANN the hosâ€" 1 train, j ont at :"<‘ BROS. Ltd. 1 vf ».“ ~‘*‘Waterioo, | Ont. ilth M to all to write ) Sercet pl Ly onrad Bros. 1} «* ZKHd Wds hC on i\ § * Priestleys‘ as Usual In Spite of the War. elsfecfeffecfecfecJerfetecfentecfecfnelecfenl«of l MRS. WAL FRIVH 1 M Our orders were placed months ago, and, thanks to the British Navy, our shipments from the great Priestiey mills at Bradford, England, came thirough without interruption. Those mills are now working night and day on cloth for the Allied Armies. aft Our Spring, 1915, line of Priestleys‘ goods includes all the staple fabrics that have been so deservedly popular for years, and also a most attractive assortâ€" wdflam‘nlflutunlï¬Â»hcm artay of new weaves and colours. £o Th «d the textile industry, we are able customers a full line of the famous spite of the war, d SOT W nc on ced =( bed it h +A da d d Hs Affor Auste ich the 11 ind FTiC (XY #~ + VRESSW$OODS which has wrought havoc in ry, we are able to offer out very low ; If y We have ul RGH WIRE | PECIAL LOW a number WERE FOUND 4* NOT GUILTY OF CONSPIR. n stock of second FE advantage of these i e. The same as (hln‘t F st ay$ ‘ to blow up the 3 vSC u, ing ('umpan\"s,‘mgiï¬ last Foebruary. â€"â€" brought~ u» ct o{ not guilty. . Th@®masy .& yoâ€" who actually .Ilgm‘: t i1 be fried sn-pnu!;!\yf_ “""', 2y IN zed th baked 16 16 ind .Rangeg_at on which Wé* SPIRAGYX . t1 t, at â€"per. juty. Gy kbo¢; »and * naPkeâ€"oft * st t ~§40at at per at per 35° qual of {es «i 2%