_- Waterloo, May 'e,',') new and old ur Ocean .etprrr"' ' â€our. Agate ...r...'. Mour, Seven Lilies an. per ton .....-r"r may .....rr_. mt.-""" . Middlings per ton mrr» rowers Eggs, per doz Butter m..__'__. q Hogs, live .. .. Hogs, dressed Potatoes .._ _.'. Hay per ton . Wheat, per bushel Barley, per bushel Oats, per bushel .. Flour. per 100 lbs Middlings, per tun Hogs, lire ...r.r_.. .. Hogs, dressed mqtrFr' Hay, per ton .q...t.' Butter .trr_.... .t_m_.._ Pagatoes, per bush latter ..__rF.p_ .-NNre". that ..,r--"" PP... _. . ,....V1.4o 1.13 Pious, family, pet cwt. $3.80 to 4.00 Ptottr, high grade... ... $4.00 to 4.25 gun. per bush. .r.... F..r.. ... .58 .80 tum' per cm fhtoesed corn. gzley me.--',.. _ kwheat FP... Aye ...rr.... mm-wrt'. _.. Mdlings. [In ton my), per ton .._....4 my, per tun ..u. Hogs. live Irv Potatoes, _iiijlr..i., litter ..tv. 3 -.. Eggs, pal†4+. f$12§tfiÂ¥l§ $15 [may he“ ..rr..... ... Qua, per bum Buckwhut nour (Spocinl) Mour (Julian _ norm, per ton Wart, per ton . 'beter....,,... .. ... “m hogs. per lib: Rtttter, per lb. $55, per dot. ..rr hum», per bag by, per ton we»: ......’ .....‘.. warm ...t'""'. _..', any: .....____ ..qr_w_r. Btl; _ bun). st. my ...r..... .r.r._ in. per W. per Kinda. per 1 tttt par riot. tter, per lb m. on"! to ucun hr our - for mu. moderate pricog a.“ limb M m. ' live, per cw: Detenbeck’s The fabric. wen selected with the arc-us! can; the Suits an dylnm and MI: ullorcd in every detail. A splendid variety from which to do your choosing. M barley The" are on many men that do not can to invent m than mm or Flfteeet Dollars in a Spring sun that we in" In“. a m. "rrrt to new. for our trade the In: mm Value. "or You'll never pay you buy them here WATERLOO MARKETS mg'rrbib Fa K ETS sanctum.â€- s, 1915. N ......... ....A.. .....t ... " .70 n...“ ......... ........ ...... MI to " heat ..F.e... ....._.. 68 to 20 BERLIN MARKETS Berlin, May IS, 1915 Elmira, May ti, Guelph, April 15th. 1915 Guelph. May 6, 1915. The Men's Store of Waterloo Elmira, April 29, 1915 ome, See our. $t2,' to $15 Suits bush bush, per MS s. 1915 too much for your clothes, or wear poor clothe. 81.20 to 1.50 191 ... .72 . Pr-rt. .62 3.90 4.10 ..nr. 90 33150 2150 30.00 37.50 28.00 18.00 20.00 ..FP. 8.10 .... 35 AO .. . 27 .28 18 18.00 20.00 ‘. .15 ‘50 . .18 .19 . .30 .31 1.25 1.50 18 ...... 4.15 .r..r. 4.0tt rt 28.00 26.00 " to 70 KM) M15 Jill 1.65 " .70 .72 .80 13 " 30 " H .17 " .15 u to " ,. 9.00 18 29.00 .75 30.0" _65 m6t 16 .20 .28 8.10 l l .00 l9 11.00 19.00 4.00 4.10 3.90 an; 29.00 28.00 27.0t .tit 1,50 .60 1.50 1.50 1.40 00 tm 1.15 3.90 M 20 30 3, ll .50 .Mâ€m GALT MARKETS Galt, May li, 1915. Wheat, per bushel Fr... Barley (feed) ...-.. ..w"" Oats, Ontario mFrrt. ..... Bran, per ton ...‘,~.... ' Middl'mzs per ton ...'. Corn, bush. ..-re_8.. _.... Manitoba tiour cwt. . Blended Ontario t1our Peas t.rwm.tPr 're...... ..... Butter, per lb. .eeNF. .. Eggs. per dot. ._r__. .. Potatoes, per bag. ... Chickens each ......... , Pork ....r._.. ..N...._. ...... Hat. pr: ton ..t_r.rt. ' Receipts on Tuesdsy were 874 cattle, 179 calves, T37 hogs. 35 sheep. Representative prices are: Shipping steers . . . . . . . .$7.85 to $8.20 Handy choice steers... 7.70 8.0.'", Butcher steers. choice.. 7.60 8.M do. medium......... 6.50 6.15 do. common ........ 6.00 6.5( Heifers, choice ........ 7.10 1.6( do.' good ............ 6.76 T.tt, do. medium ........ 6.25 6.11 Butcher cows, choice... 5.60 7.0( ( (u.\good........... 6.00 6.51 i do. medium ......... 6.75 6.2! l do. common -..'.... 4 00 6.01 Butcher bulls. choice .. 6.25 7.0i do. good hulls ....... 6.60 6Ay do. medium ......... 6.25 6.73 do. rough holognl -m. 4.75 6.2) Feeders. 950 to 1,100 lbs. 6.60 7.2 do. bulls m........... b.00 6.7 Sgockers. 750 to 900 lbs. 6.25 7.0 do. med., 650 to 760 6.25 6.6 do. light............5.60 6.0 Csnners'...‘............ 3.90 4.5 Cutters ....-.....r..... 4.60 6.0 â€Hikers. rho'co, esch...66.00 90.0 do. com. and med....4 Springer. ..............E Calves, veg], choice. . . . . . do. medium .......t. do. common ........ do.. gnu ........... Bob calves. each ...... Lambs, yearling. llght.. do. medium ........ l do. heavy........... do. culls ........... Spring lambs, each .... t'wea, light ..r..re..'.. lSheeb,.heavy and bucks (fitl',', .....ri........... Hogs, off can m..rv..P. l do. ted and watered. do. fob. .....m..... tur, timothypNu 'rtred ind eitNer. Strlw. bundle l ., Farmer) Market Following are the Ines! quotation: tor farm product " St. bun-one. Hunt. Toronto. Wheat .buahel ........$1.60 to 80.00 Goose wheat ......... 1.35 0.00 Oats ................. .65 .66 Hurley ............... .80 .82 Buckwheat ...e........ .35 .00 Rn s................. 1.10 re. do. loose ...... Butter, choice dun Chicken. dressed. ltr Fowl, lb. ............ Ducks. lb. .......... Turkeys, In ......._ Geese. lb. ........... Live chickens. lb. ... do. lung. lb, ..... Western School (â€strict and Rural Telephone Dqttertture. at curt-M " tnctlvo run. write hr pttrtleutarn. H. O'HARA A col Royal Bank Iuildlng. THE LATEST iiiiiiiiiiiii) Toronto Cattle Market BOND8, .....$T.85to$8.20 rs... 7.70 8.00 ace†7.50 8.10 ._... 6.50 6.15 ..... 6.00 6.50 ..... 7.10 1.60 ..... 6.75 7.10 ..... 6.25 8.75 Ce... 9.50 7.00 .--. 6.00 6.50 ..... 5.75 8.25 ..... 4 00 5.00 In .. 6.25 7.00 ..... 5.50 6.00 ..... 5.25 5.75 II .m. 4.75 5.25 0 “an. 6.60 7.25 ..... b.00 5.15 0 lbs. 6.25 7.00 o 750 6.25 6.60 ..... 5.50 6.00 ..... 3.90 4.50 ..... 4.50 6.00 ..... 8.50 ..... 7.00 ..... 4.60 ..... t.60 .....3.00 ght.. 9500 ..... 8.00 ..... 1.50 ..... 7.00 .... 6.00 ..... 7.00 bucks 5.50 ..... 8.00 trt-rw. .18 .20 F... ...... .65 ... ... .45 Ai) _.... .13 .14 15.00 to " 10 41.50 to so.†. 1.35 0.00 . .65 .66 . .ao .n . .35 .oo . 1.10 no 31.25 _ 1:35 .13.“ '. 21.00 .1411 210.00 17.00 moo .t0.00 11.00 . .27 .83 6.60 5.00 6.25 5.25 5.50 3.90 4.50 66.00 40.00 50.00 8.50 7.00 4.50 [ 4.50 1.00 ' 9:00 [ 3.00 .90 ‘60 9.00 8.60 8.25 4.00 4.20 32 ll " " " " " ll Toronto. .65 28.00 30.00 .. .90 4.40 i0 5.00 90.00 60.00 85.00 9.50 ll 1.45 11 874 6.50 4.25 9.10 8.75 8.40 50 50 00 00 Bo " " M " " " 17 Improved Lemming. White-Cap trad other varieties, especially niaod and prepared tor seed by a reliable grow er. If you want corn that will gl-rmi auto and Hold a bountiful crop, order now at the House of Quality. Mnngol and turnip seed. thc tinest in the land Seed Dealer in Coal and Singer Twine. Phone 201. 200 Queen St. s., Berlin do. geese. m, Apples, basket. do. tune! ......... Potatoes, has ......... onions, "null basket. . . Green (Salons, 2 hunche- Lettuce. 2 bunches . .. Panning. small basket. Cubbages, each ... . . . . Beets, small basket... . Carrots, email bask: t. . Dressed hogs ......... Pork, lb. .............. Lard. lb. .-..........' Toronto Grain Prices The following wholesale prices are quoted at the Toronto Board of Trade: Manitoba Wreat--No. 1 northern. 81.69. lake ports; No. 2. $1.67; No 3. 31.64%. - ----- “U "siiaiti,U oats-No. 2 C.w.. saws; No. 8 CAV., 671he, track. buy ports; No. 1 teed 66c; sample oats, 65c. fl V -6nuiousts"-whfte, outside, We to 61e. _ “Ontir'o wheat-No. 2, per car lot, $1.60 to $1.52. - - - _ 'ulneriein Corn-Cid.. bay ports to: opening ot navigation. No. 2 yellow 82c; No. , yellow, 81%;. - - Peas-No. 2, $1.55 to $1.60 on Iota, outside. Rye-No. 2, outside $1.12 to tl.14, Barley-Good mama; barley, out. nide, 13c to 75c. - 11611.26 Oats-Car lots; per bag ot 90 pounds, $3.50; in smaller lots, b..50 to 3330, Windsor Ao Monujeal. Bueewheat--70e to "i2c. car lots, outside. Millfeed--Car lots. per ton, bran. $26 to $27; shorts, $28 to $29; mid- duun, $33 to 834; good lead ttour, $38 to $39. Chicago, Mar S-Cattle-Receipts, 2,000; market steady; native steera. 86.25 to $8.75; western steers. $3.60 to $7.40; cows and heifers. $2.90 to $8.40; calves, " to $8.50. Hottts--Receipts, 12.000; market strong; light , $7.30 to 37.75; mind. $7.25 to $7.65; heavy, $7 to 87.56; rough, $7 to $7.15; pins. $5.25 to $6.90; bulk ot sales. 87.4040 $7.60. sftleep---Releeipts." 6.000; marke strong; sheep. $7.40 :0 $8.40; lambs mun, " to $10.63. East Butta1o.__Mar s-Cattle-le ceipls. 100; naive. " venu---Reeeipts. 300; active; $4 T' to 8915. Hoor--Rteeipts, 3.2M); aciivp. heavy, $7.90 to $R: mixed and .vorkr r " to 88.05; pigs. 37.90; rmgha, 3. 3 so was; lugs. $5 to 317'. V Sheep and lamb: steady; lambs, " 'r 86.50 to $8.66; wetlt owe: $7.25 hocuelo but. u Womble In I upland“ help to your on. be they hold "a. - mu- My In “an. Ian " anew!“ “I. the nervous an!» I. " most unenddrnblo. Our mat-cl. but In " .mcmn'm www- SPECTACLEB. A broken glut, a bent wring, I Ion pcrcw, a twisted frame. Nu diam-once what in the matter, we can quickly remedy It. _ __ - “91337 our)" auGmeit. Supplied by Mliou) JANSEN We no pmuning Incl... Home“ Quality George Bramm “To!†,rahrlott,htttmdsr my 6,1915 153010 _ EYEBIGHT SPECIALIST Right " the Market. Phone '" EXPERT WATCHMAKERS. - near For! Oil“, Berlin, HELLER BROS. W. _" a..." 3651' lrf $3 tot headquarters for Inythlng to eye requiuteu or opac- orn -RP, virts. 160T; to 5‘3: yearilms rs, $7 GO to 87.85: (p. mind. " to 10 " 25 00 60 " Am 05 _15 ,05 ‘15 00 15 16 11 .lb At) .00 .70 .00 .00 01 10 BO 00 oi) 20 18 Nâ€! [ham-Ix. Hum "sauna, d m in A “In. I“! to Elan but Tush]. -- ')itiiii( _iitiir))jtiiiiiiiiiiiii(iiiiii; - an hand a New York, Wily ot the LES. Ital Halted In.“ h to" an“: bu on an. no“. quite B number trout hue amended an M at an In: John U. ttatrweitaer, he†last week. The Io- wan were manned in up ‘ousto- ‘o Luann! kunoknt -- rr ss.t' mu "Ima but at Balm. went. Mat Hominy with: pants be“. ‘m may and bf Sir'fjtcu Vast no wiry to hear ol het m 0.14 and WM her 3 5m! newâ€) nu.- eorteus, toreiiUsi ot the Elmira Momma)! & Trantsmtssiore _ o., but resigned his with»: In: and hat blond-y named with but luxuly to u‘uelpn, his tonne: homo. Mrs. Mn. Way-ti spent a tow days ot last week with relatives at tht. Agatha _ .. Mrs. Tuchman and children return, ed last week from a pleasant visit with aiends at Toronto and Barrie. Mass!“ Fred and Sam Starr spent Icst week renewmg aluminum at nothing. '1 he entertainment given last Thurs- day earning by St. Jamar: YRS. in the basement oi their new church “as a decided sutcess. The platen was compldely filled and the Variuus dialogues awarded much amusement. The diiterent musical numrhrrs uere also well guru and much applauded. Hears J. F. Knapp and Strong of Guelph Agricultural College vtsiUtd Elmira on Tutaday. They Were dis tributng shed to the “humid: school! which are taking up the “on: ior the School Fair. Mrs. Pat Doherty, Mason visited her sist:rn. Mrs. Fred Stan and Mrs Albert Schedewitz. Interesting Dante I-The Missionary 1anmittee oi the 1ipwortl1 League held a pleasant social evening last (Thursday to raise lands for the sh'orward Moremrnt." The principal Irature was a damn. g'Resotved that _ anada ollérs greater inducnnmts to ‘emigrant settlers thm United stat- es," The amrniatiws speakers were Miss A. lrawiorth and Dr. N. Hill, while Miss Margaret Roe and Dr. H. E. Stewart supported the negatite. Back srenkor was alloted nine mum» Mr. and Mrs. Emu. Musaejntaa are spending a low uys at 0rtllia.9at. Mrs :nd the leader of the aluminum- foil" minutes to reply. The different speakers handled their uby-ets in an able manner. Messrs. tee. C. W. Cosvris, A. Edwards and D. L. Collison acted as judges. Their de. :lsion was tttrw points" in favor of the atrirmative. Besides the above a meal duet_wns given by Mr. and Mrs. lee. L. Ziegler; piano solo. by Miss dma Lrosehitsger.' piano duett by Misses Edna and Grace Erb. and vocal "NO by Mr. A. E Laschlnger. After he programme a light lunch was serv- .-d by the committee in charge. During the swrvim' in the Evangeli- al Church on Sunday m'ening short addresses were given by Miss Schen- jolmoyor. Deaconvss of Chicago, and In: School. _.tutsusounrerttst have been made by the Y. P. A. of the Evangelical church At hrvo the Waterloo Methodist Lea- gue present their umorous character skeich. "The Mini lor’s Bride," in the I'heatorium on F iday owning. May 14th. Admission 2: . and 3ire. The Women‘s Pat iotle Society" have again forwarded a wr.ll filled box of handmade goods hvadquam-rs [or‘ he soldiers' um [ n A pleasant 9 n1 own! occurred {at Tuesday e mittg at lho home of Jr. and Mrs. onry Kaiser. when the choir of t l-Ivungvlical church Bur- prised on f thn members. Miss Edith Kaiso nd presented hor with many moi kitchen articles prior to her ‘mar iapzv. A little later in the ow:- in tho momhvrs of tho Adult Bibi" C titi also apprarvd and presr'nted the y um: couple, with a proliy clock. In the rosulis ot tho ruminations at eons. Kingston, Mr. Arthur Woods s surirpssful in revolving his degree A A., stidvs a handsome mvdal. Ho " t tour yvars a: I‘m- llvrlin High So I, and no doubt a great many of his 1d irio'nds will Ire plvasvd to " dicatiott of NI-w Ht. James' Chu ylt.--Ttt" dwliralion services of 1110 " new church v-rm'tod on (he oid “burr sito by (hr congrvgation of st, Jam" Lullwran church is to ho dmli- (ah-d nuxl Sunday. May 9th. In (ha morning Pow. hr. Hoffman of Toronto ahd Rev. Borkloman of Waterloo will preach. va. Hansen ot Com-storm in WW “ca-0' hr: of his ', " (“Canon WWW Money to Loan Gorl, or the Toronto Bible Train J. G. WING & CO.. ainment given last Thurs- by st. Jan†YRS. m t oi their new church led success. The plaeo Ely Mled and the various morded much amusement. t musical numttrrs “cu $13000 Boys ISS acres, " $10000 Buys tot; acres, 3 n 9500 Buys 134 acres, 9 mil WWW :-’-, 23: --. _-, , mfg $8000 Buys $7000 Buys $2.1m Bun 8 acres, 3 mile. I di00 Buy 134 acres, 9 miles from Berlin 175 acres, " miles from Berun " 100 acreu, " mile: tram Berlin acres, 1 mile "cm Berlin acres, 3 mites from Berlin 38 Frederick St., Berlin, Ont -t--"""-" s. i? J. E â€GE" l = __A TV .9 E ---b, a E s. 'iF. H. Pd L" D' E Numt a] 'E " Auct 'r E ledge oi V' = menu, T E duct " ' E lie evel rt = 136, w: rv = m = ---- onveyancl the them. In the new lee. non. a we.“ will mu in an» Inn and Rev. My 0! Alliance. Ohio. III will Ber-vine will Ibo he held loud†All Tue-day evening. The - (or loudly em I". Selene! at Motown]. In German, uni Prod. hurls of Weterloo Beninâ€. in English. Tue-day venous «dream will be KNOB by Rev. Schnelke, Helv delbnrg, Rev. Bellman, Berlin. Rev. Uncle. Waterloo, end when. liner eel â€nuance will be given the local choir on Sunday by the New Hun- hura Mala Quartette and the Water Luther"; dim choir. On Mon the 199:! male mamas. con-nuns t File-en. Kimmel, Dudley, Lunchln , and Ziegler. will render u selection, mud on Tuesday evcirting the choir ot ‘St. Matthews church. Berlin. and the Lutheran Choir of St. Jecobe will be present and render assistance. News Items :-Mr. Jayob Koch spent Sunday at his home.-Migs Marion Mehlman spent Sunday will her parents-Misses Violet Staulier Ida, and Amy llallman. and Loreen Mitchell visited Miss Stella Schweit er on Hunday.-Mrs. Will Wagner Nich. 10guer.--The Misses Archista, and Emma Wagner and Mr. Alex At- berts visited Mr. and Mrs. Waguer.-- The Misses name, and Tillie Hergott visited Mr. and Mrs., Geo. Ratut.-- Mlss Nelda Uierman spent Sunday at- ternuon with Miss Kathleen Reichert. ..-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lippert and family spent Sunday evening with spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rahn.--Mrs. Frei- burger visited Mr. Joseph Bish on Tuesday.--hir. and Mrs. Willie Cary and family moved to our little hing TURKS AFRAID or ATTACK BY BULGARIAN S "aninmnnnnmtnnnnnnuttnmtmm1 Paris, May 5.--A despatch trom Athens says that the inhabitants of Gallipoli Peninsula were crolsv ing in large numbers to the Asia- tic Ihore yesterday. Two Turke' aeroplanes which were reconnoi- tering and dropping bombs were brought down by shells from the allies ships, and the German avia- tors captured. Adrianople has been denuded of all troops and heavy artillery and the Turks are apprehensive of a sudden attack by the Bulgarians. LICENSED AUG! IONEER Number of years experience " Auctioneer- Practical know- ledge of values, live stock,1mple- menu, etc. " prepared to con- duct “In and assures the pub- irc-ev-i/r" ntinfaction. Phone 136, Waterloo. . Ibtf Solid brick house, 24x28, 6 rooms and bath, hardwood trim downstaln, electric wired, gas. water, and bath complete. Very central. Must be sold at once. Owner leaving city. Farms! Farms I We want farms tn " ll. Buyers waiting. Al so a few choice residences in exchange for farms We also want listing for Western farms. 255 King,St. w milu from Berrm Hoom 1, above Bank of Toronto Phone 1267. _ _ from Bertin H. B. Duering II. SGH'AFER Rumelhardt WM. E. MITCHELL I: BARGAIN guidance Phone 867, $2050 Insurance Phone 925 I; I. . . --..-.. H N H U E H N ---. t . . P-tee-'-. ' HEIDELBURG 1!.tty,yhe. 9.99.99¢99999»A99¢9999 QQQQQQOQQQQbQQQQQLW WWOMOO OOQ’QOO“.“OOW "eeeu%-eeeooe-eeeeeeeeeeeeee- t “an.“ um l ‘omumoouoom0966 mogggoooooogow C. A. BOEHM A Good Raincoat THORNTON & DOUGLAS, Limited I. a - (Mn. to can that In it We not '0“!th I I‘M Inland 00 annual.“ It can In - :..nd but Let us supply Your wants in the Meat Lint. We always keep on hand choice Fresh Meats Beef, Pork, Lamb antrtlttmtt-tttatitt Sausage Why not deal here and get the best T Next time order frdm us 4leaera1 Insane: Meat King St. mm, Waterloo Mm“! Bunting, rat-bun“ um THE MERGANTILE FIRE INSURANCE No. 9 full guage. heavy galvanized, we have unloaded a carte-d of r, a, 9 and 10 wire fence, and can meet the lowest price quoted by any tence dealer. Get our price before buying or mailing your or. der. Ivory cut I. anomaly name.“ " " nil-pm! III - b in“... _ INCORPORATED 1875 Head Office Waterloo c. A. Boehm, out Agt. CLOVER SEED _ Over fifty bushels of Clover Seed in “och, selling att-- No 1,:nevery neu$13.50. No.2at...... ........ We qtttck Timothy, Allyke, Alfalfa, Millet, Flax and I fittld seen. so bushel of good seed pen at bushel ... ... ... ... .. Is the spot to buy your BASEBALL. FOOTBALL. GOLF, TEN, NIS, CRICKET SUPPLIES. Large shipment of Sporting Gucci: jun received. We are sure to please you. EDGAR FISCHER Waterloo, Ont, Snows-or to J B. Final" Phone 243 Waterloo Deposit with the Domin- ion Government ...t15e,t)(Pr00 Subscribed Capital / Mt pbliciu survived by the ananhire Insdrance Com pany with “has M 839.636.- 465.00. You will have no opportunity for worry, doubt or disappoint- ment if you Invent your money in a savings account in The Waterloo County Loan and Savings Company. You get Intereet at the rate of 4 per cent. twice a year and can add or withdraw at any time. The woterloo County Loan & ngings Waterloo All dun. In men's, aw. :10.†and unmauu,n Bore black Rubber Dom Allred Wright, Secretary MRS. J. DOERSAM l WISE INVESTMENT COMPANY = Doersam's WIRE FENCE WATERLOO'S BIG BOOK/STORE Merchant Tailors Phone 249 $250,000 tl .I tor worry, doubt or disappoint. WATERLOO MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE GO Total Assets, 3lst. Dec $750,00000 Dr. J. H. Webb, Esq. William Snider, Esq. Geo. Diebel, Esq. J. L. Wideman, Esq.,, St. .ltoo. Allan Bowman, Esq., Fulton. P. E. Shana, Preston. Thomas Gowdy, Esq., Guelph. James Livingston, Esq., Balm. Frank "night, Eaq. Wm. Snider, President. Geo. Dichcl, Vice-President Frank Haunt. Manager. Arthur Foster, Inspector. J. c. isight,'solicitor. V . C. A. Boehm, District AIM. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Incorporated in 1863. WATEKLOO. ONT. OFFICERS a N. only“ Compihy .. .12.. Berlin