K§\ in. tte. can. 1tt?LW"t Q“ d 1.0 Wm (‘hur " M h - DI orertt_t'ritttu! can“. Inn» will autumn ttttIts ag.thedtg' cm at a! Jul-ll. in will speak ab. W "in!“ Ieetttodi" Cooler- tWI" Jim It m: the um um. J‘. 1.. "hater ID will ad- - “WW new." l‘unfrr- hue at inâ€: "ssd..wta1 speak on m was“? plum the “ask-3a- CW " mum. .:MCOIW hf 2'. 3. tttet or Gauguin In. gtotifte lee"'",',', a 009“!" I A Shamans. u _tlits,.dl MK- ot Mr. taiaate, tor null" year; tiere. Mr, Couehlin, “In city ioticitors, will rem practice. tteitorm--rtt Amulree, an Inn. to Mr. and Mrs 1Trimn-on April l; bum. to Mr. and Frestone-on Thursday,.April 330d, 1915. to Mr. and Mrs. V. Grant Freshne, a son, Robert William Grant.-- . Behhttz-At Beaverdale, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schultz, a daughter. tt.itsgrich-At Detroit, to Mr. and Mrs Joseph Girscrich, 'a son. Thorns-At Ft. .laeoys, April 22nd. tn Mr. and Mrs. Alvin C. Thom, Euutpk.le,v--In Berlin. April 24 to Mr.i, and Mrs. Harold (‘oackley, a' son. 4 mum“ Waterloo. mm as. to Mr.! and Hrs. M. P. Hall, a son. l Woods-At Winterhovrne, April 17, to) Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Woods. a dam-1h. tor. , 3rartin--At \rsst Montrose, April 22,; to Mr. and Mrs. S. Martin, a: daugbt T, _ i MARRIAGES Sturnpr-ltoegel-At Ht. (laments, April 20, Miss fuizaheth â€Hegel, to Mr. John It. Stumpf. 'ctwtns--1.ast-At Pr stun, um] 21, Mr. _dohti A. Slm‘rns, lo Miss Ruth arine L. Lust. ' . Bosxman-Ginyiuh---ln Wonhxich TIL. April 20â€), Mr. .Jtshlla P. Khulna“ a! \wllrsk-x' Toisnship, to Miss .Inv dith Gingrich. dauvhier oi Mr. and Mr. lionrv Gingrich. "artter-G'rius.-ln Nichol TIL. Irril 7th. Mr. Fimrrsum llurzor, of Pilk- melon, to Miss Joanna an‘h [(Mhtpln Wellesley “many Aprll PA sent, Aged 87 yeuro, 29 days. Wtutpr-At Balm, Abraham R. liitnf 1VaCerltro Township, Chapman-At Halt, l May, mlant lluilglll‘ Mrs. (This. (hum months. Groi-tm Low Mrs. .Ial'nh Gr Poaman-ht " 15, Mrs. ('utha formerly oi Wu "arnsley--At Gal Poaman-ht I'rtmh 15, Mrs. 1'utharine tonne-11v oi “mun. "arnslev--At Galt, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ford-At. Galt, April Ford and " years Irass-At Elnnra, Ap bert Hass, Jr., in Schweitzer-ht New . 23, ltr. John Sch“ Grill years Births. Deaths th, at New Ham- Mrs. Philo Gmhn "mum \pril n his 'eeit mg!!! MK Yeats "t iy, Mich., tprit Slum-r â€mun-.1" mlltlg. ' April 2.7. infant trril Tuesday. Apr Wm. Moore. pnl Vrl he mam- k! M d of Mt ll 'di, Mrs af hossulll l 83 30.er Je Maqis- 11 to to mu 0'- la-visu’ste mm are his law n liar Mir s {I th A prll nth my“ Mr the lpr Hrr l I we Il rilll.llflllllill All! tfiltll1NW1 I illlllWl-llltll0lllMllmlllll “Nut-mwmdm mom». noun.» txtstdue I‘m“. W“ to M mutt-1 - with new" In in the new.“ connection lee,ug,r.rt, spun, ot "9,000. W In. -- , " turn to mm In no. Jllt the lunch mac- 4 an Ats ilermtist.r. " w Wd, the mm- ot the Inho- in. trunk mar. the when dau- Agar. Here it la was." to “on " “I I‘m In WW (at than POM; m'umgmu. the " luck norm dra.uAe my!†tern-on. than m um. tttdet/het mum "an.“ that]? urn-l. Inter. f an». new is madame museum! at "www- “WI-r. Rude“. mow: the chunk-h, all t ruby :Dunke. Tmah. Ch‘m' and Kuhn". autumn-g it, what 6. known " atom m" tho tttttund WW6 by an inverted union has been COB- Ley1itttyt Johnston and Pequexmt, _ in d us “I woman: and Bad . may.†rep- snorted. the gator go 1; u'! gt a ‘nesenuuvo. in“. (hunter. mg... the storm dram and than using to Minn of in Fimutre Committee. ‘91.". almost. its lunucr level on the.t".he.r er", ism-her an: McCulcheon were the side. This ls on the same prlnclple CMBWPS- as the traps attached to plumhmg tet Beginning n Union St., Waterloo. the human ol Berlin cltlzeni. _ ty, 9nd ot t!†lplnchyglpe. may“?! A syphon on I somewhat larger rewutaamrotmtdWhisrtstuoaaitrttonernatied ---Rvid-t, of m In. Bnmpy und- Look- ed Wr-Des-hmm, of the Inspection. d Beginning " Union BL, Waterloo. the and ot the 18-inch pipe, me party went over the line. Ind Inspected every manhole to Wilma! street. a distance at 6390 first. where the 80- inch pipe begins, tht this section were were evidences of land in the manholes at several minis, either the sand or a slight rise in the pipe luvlng raised the water in the DIP“! to about nine Inches. At the 0. These leaks, however, can be easily remedied. tpipe from Wilmot ttttvet near Heins Ave. and 'i where it joins the big Show: no indication of this point the depth of the 30-inch pipe was I' found to he 2% inches. svnls ttro sewage and s line of 18-inch tripe 5400 feet long and 2200.feet ot 30 inch pipe, and serving that seetiion of the city lying between Green street and the Waterloo line, including the Dominion Tire Factory ant the Glue Factory. both of which dischar‘ge large quantities of water into the sewers. All the water coming out ot the 30-inch pipe yorierday, which l‘vprcsunm thc sewagt- and sm’pago of (mm a. milt- and a hair of line, would not re equal to four inches depth in the oirdttoen-itich svwor, a tery small 'l'hu that of a cot-tttlions and rI-paers would likvly have io be made, thrre was nothing son) to justify. [he charges that have Ina-n made. Ono of the most intervtstmg places along tlu, rout" of inspvctlon was the manhole at Wilmot St., hvhind which thp Fmgineer gave orders to inst-rt the now famous plug in the 18 inch vim. in ordrr to permit of n'pairs be, mv, made in tho 30-inch pipr- lower du":n, the “mm from the 18 inch line being mm" by diva-nod into the (-rovk. q In» total longlh of m:- 18 inch sow- pr is 5400 fetst,. " fohow.s tho line of the G. l'. a; H. railway. truwrsing low lying around, llu- firr.t part of MrCuh ground tht ()n tl" Th he in 'i'I ain sewer The cunt! " 30 and I this l , lyi ich il mounra mol" hill TNi alor lthvll at " w h ic done the M hill. and that while some and runners would' likely made, thrre was nothing my. [be charges that have 1w 1x: H \z'c-lls. h-nzlh of th" 30 inch pipe iitr;; runs in a :z.rzn;:lut I‘llitzki's property, then u tlu. G. t R. bridge at park, running along the lway, skirting tite park io nvzu' Ill-ins Ava. and wt, when"? it joins the thr In d to lw 1 is the r ('omm big IB-lnch main, t of any leaks. At I of the water in ms measured and 'ttes. This repre- nd montage over a 6400 feet long and pipe, and serving city lying between It'll tair, 'nts a , 'C tor the ikork on lien Pry. was $0,0C0. The 30-inch to the syphon rating piaces 'ction was the hvhind which rs to insert the 18 inch MMM' To w a rd this section Ind in the t, either the pipe havlng in the , At the 0. Ht ing TH trorho, sank truction the th- and ood b of; 'l ing I I1tN' A syphon on I somewhat larger scale is in use on the newer on Al- bert tit., where the sewer dips about in feet to pass "under Schneider's creek. At the time this sewer was built the eoastrueC"e1 lawman . was told by citizens not lamiliar with the principle that their time was being wattted--that " could not work-but " is nevertheless in successful Opera- tion todnr. The saw plincipl-e is also involved when sags in sewer pipes occur, the weight of water on the one side lore- mg " up on the other, and except as these tend to out as yawn basins ior sand, etc., a sag in a pipe does not allect the general fall of the same! and the tiow oi water in it. RIGINAL DOCUHEN BERLIN COUNCIL DECIDES ro HOLD SPECIAL MEETING RE TRUNK SEWER. Another prolonged ducamsmn took place at the regular meeting of the City Council on Monday evening re- garding Berlin's sewage disposal pro- blem. _ __ The discussion resulted in the Cr til giving the Sewer Committee structi.ons to proceed with the h The discussion resulted in the Coune til giving the Sewer Committee in- structi.ons to proceed with the work of making repairs to the two leaks that were inuml during the afternoon by the alderruen, and also bringing in a report on the rrcornmendatiois of- n-rml to the ulrlegatinn by the oftic- ials oi tlie Provineial Hoard nl Health h-rl tro, tha Ihc tlw meet. witn favor. Ald. Gallagher. who appears to be championing the cause of the trunk sewer nmtracmr, said he. was oppos- ed In any expenditure of money at that the, mun the recoumtttml the I'num'il. was of the up Cotutvil should numdations, I n'ganli factory the als oi the Pr, 1st Friday. arly Thero Hr an d at t P more sow-ml features in' com 1 with tho prm-rmlings which it interesting ior the ratepay- nllrndmavr. The S'ewt'r Foul- prtsenterl a rvport M the etrtt- of hrld _ plant un't the trunk dealt uith mterl a rvport of 1hr t'ott- ld with the Provincial Health. It, mm suggested yormuittee should consider tininn Hm I deal " i hut this mittee should consider ttjontr and ropur't, to Chairman llvssrnaucr ninn ihirt the whole deal with the recom- il the sewer SHAWN!“ MlhGiril, UL: ' Jtlllilgl9llllll.fllulll(rij.llllli) as; $llililNflll. AMI] fliullfli1ll. [VENT ,t,suuagarurrrurtiua-ontttotmaoituttt 'g.gt,glu',igtN,1tlu,ti,'t of Detmik- Diplomu, Pris-sand as You haunted. “all“ at the - Us†IWW‘AM I“ delightful (WI- IMeh . hm " the very a. no. held In was with“: up “new mertrt and WstezluecHemqltal m hull: kind. plan on “Br Ole-ll; "atr'd.drithttte nut-e W. Cellulite Mummy mu. uranium roon.'l lira Grumm- minim ot Walnuts-in- , "running set-ml [or Mm: um incl-l. Hunk to ll The large auditoeito was llllml ' ithEdiiclpllm 1 a my!" nhlive audience and gum! ot autterute interest wu maniksted in m urn-lwhlch (and median. . human kind: 'llne "sduatittr, nurses ivere Mrs. J.l "(be of t Turner. All“ M. Wundtr and nan-9mm. tt Met'orkindale, not: at whom were that the wi howled by the Trusteesisstlte 'lai1'f)l'lill,,1i1ip Auxiliaries and their r-ttvel-according friends vin a very chlorate manner. iterpt they I rm: GRADUATBB n 9302:!) BY mung The “oral donation! were particula- ly Mautilul and numerwus o ' The platlnnn presen‘ted an attrw the appearance with its decoration: ot palm and flowers, and was occur vied the graduating nurses. Miss Rodgers, superintendent, Minn Mer- Ber. Assistant. Superintendent, Miss Aikins, of Detroit, and the Mining stag, President J. B. Hughes, who presided, Masts W. H. schmalz and Geo. “mount. ot the Trustee Board Dr. J. F. Hortsterger, President ot the Medical Association, and Mayor J. E. Hett. allot whom assisted in the evening's programme, Keen regret was expressed by â€airman Hughes at the inability at Dr. It. W. Bruce-Smith, Inspector: of “capitals and Charities, to Fe pre- sent as was anticipated owing to be- being confined in the Kingston Hoa- vital. The chairman exrress‘d his appre-l elation at the lane and represented me audit-nee showing the increased intanst that is brim: takbn in the wtrk of the Iriital. He congutu- lated the urJllllntiu class nn behalf " the llnard aMNH'd them eve" suck-05% in theimchosm "rortssion. The rn-sulrnt spoke in the highest unm- of prawn of the work p/rriorm- ed " Miss ilodzerrr, who asstturM her duties a war ago. Ik also a'lludrd fo the tci.t that “HP haxebe:m [arty lmir nurses uracluat- from the Trajn- LSchool, all ot whmn have been acre- ;dit to the irtatituttin. Two of these Irraduatmt, Minn .3003 and Miss {Ream have ottered their services for "he front and are to be cmmm-mled Hut th-ir hravtry. The need of ad- }ditirnal accommodation to the Hos- 'tttal and the Nurms' Hume was Pm- Iih Shed and (he hope w" expressed What in the nmr future the city of Glr, would again submit a bylaw Ho roise the $3.1:4I0rmeccnsury to dr- lrnv'thc balance tithe ('vst. oi thr' 1'hvirl'2'dr"G',l'i two wars am. ; Miss Am‘ns' Address. cr ERY t'lbirman's Address Jhl the evening's rro- addr as dolu'rrrd by Aikins, of Detroit, "l. in the American ad who is the auth- valuable books on NI In: Ann-nu. uh I d Itltr, n he very toeot the. the unci- my _ nth being kind. Ttttttte uni-till “the mm: is poorly Mud tor 0h sick momma vacuum-one!- npuuial whichbu'l “it tho it my} to m mm. use In the disciplinl ot silent: in tho ore-nae ot sunning and other annotating which (and to chock the uplinu at human “minus. _ “(be at tho m up" tut! confronts the nurse in I lib-vital ls that the will look on her patients n caaea,-intereating or not interesting -occord'mg to the variety ot "F tsrns they "hair-tttat ID will tor. get that she in in close contact with human souls " well " human bod-' in. There in I130 the wellJInon danger that we will an to develops on interut in our surgical patients till after the operation. “Then there is another great danger that nurses both In and out oi the hospital Ind to guard "airs"-ttte danger 01 one- sldvmss or narrow“, twang; ol humming too ahlorbed in the daily round at duties that we take no Vi- lurest in the birthing: that are be- li, done to make out communities [better places to live in, or the big things happening in the world out, side. Even nurse needs more at the healthy contact with well people- ‘with people in the city who are look- linn at community or world problems from the window ol homes rather lthan ot hospitals. " "The nurse who wishes to mate! her lite count " the must in tovs+ m and lrlpluliuras to others, the JTC who IN rplesrd as to where her wintv lirl. will find that the Golden [Rule will settle a great many nil Ohmi- perplexing nuestions. It will iholn to settle that vexed questinn as, Ao what is and what is not a nurses' I ‘wd‘rk. 'There is one little maxim which I hate tried to impress on the .nurses whom I have trained so that lune»; would never forget it: _ â€There is nothing that needs to be done for Ethe comfort of any patitnt that it, lis heneath a nurses' dignity to do." , Thrre is no question that nursecl lhme been imorsmi on-it'them 50' lhaie the people “ho have employed l.nnrses. sometimes, There in sucha' [thing as letting mu: Mean of dig- nitr cripple your usrfulnms, least'n‘ ,vour happiness, and also lessen the Violins "hirh might hum burn rnurs,i “Pd mu usml u Iiule more consider-) 'iilinn and mnunun sense. Fo long as) in" "Elf-11$ hue to tuinistcr to hu- man I'mlws. sivli or well, WP will find that eoo'simr, and Hurling and wash- line are ittstTarably bound up with Crgi'it'irh11,,", run since Cutte hogan and writ oattitute to he ih the future. l "l “under it the nurrws in this _ (has or in anv class fully realize at (ik"i'iiui'iio'; all that their training Ella! mount to them, Apart from the iihx-hniral skill acquired, every nurse going: out from the training school isms out. or should go, a broader . better woman, with her finer quali- ties devetovtd, her weaker points sstretvstlrertetf, hut powers of obtasrvtg- tints uuickonrd. hrr outlook ot lite wumlrriully enlarged, hrr whole he. in“: improved, lrr outlook ot life Inonderiully enlarged, her whole tm- , in: iinprmerl. because sucCa develop- (meat.' is a part "I the result ot lasing ione's lite in ministering in others." Miss Minna chem: the aura: val- cable suggestions in various lines ot work, including institution! work, visitinv nursing and private work, all ot which require special study and present perplexities and dimcuities which must be dealt with. " W. II. No atrd nan n! Q,! Flo-m Atttfdittf'l'lJiul Lulu-rt. guru-Mod the graduates with lute gold e-ina. -- w- ..., _,,,-g -._ L4.-u..l n... cipient The alldrrss was lollnwm hr the administering of the Iamous Harmon Niyhtinyale pledge, by Dr. J.F. Hom- Ierger, Fruidemt of the Twin-Cru Medical Atmociation, which was Mb- scrihad to bv the members ot “I cum. They also received can". of the pit-dun which were donated by the (arm: suptsrintrmimt, Mrs. H. M. F. Bowman; now ot Hiramrov ; 4'residtmtr,.HtmWes, on helm" ot the {Nomi mom- the pr-tation M Ute {diplomas and the human-rut. mars. hooll on nursinn. at which Min Mk: In: m the author“, ind the Young Womenâ€. Auxiliary of Waterloo. which pro-mud the boxes at with?! muupmrnt, made the ttresettutiottgt ann role-rm! to neat announce rendered the Board by thee two ot- otnirauontr During the may nnd well rendered ttuh av Mrs. H. M. Ham" "t" “as". Joe I-lei': in? Geo. weaenatrt “ammo, al “Puckett. The I'resrntatiora m. D, ' Mrkr II ot which 'rrt onme excellent _. “(to sun: :cht M Berlin. and H. W. Mr» k, Mrkrrnrhvr. MI" of the are“ M In! to w by - And-a on In -.. m III-u Aloud-t mu. In in 1 d Vanda). on “THROAV, My '"H. “ 'Comlnllwtu at I ' p. trt. up, the (allowing vulva-Io Nick dwell†t - _ .. anâ€, tttuit “and? - iiii'd'i, sin.“ tsit to. 11t.'t utnct "trt68 It. The property will he sold abject. to man†and to- urve bid, am in one lot or “than. he lot n nu luck: Alexander Kt., size 31 ft., which my be Firebug! separately. ' Tb "occupational-c n wilt. it†"ettiaq, on and - “or- m, I!†11:80 to“. condom; ot 5 menu tad but: mom, with hrie* lit- iii'i'sltl/ 1ur' rooting g'Jtt V .1. Show Ut tow-x mum nl in» Ill-JIM on the "we!†be tett on ttte property it the chum no denim. - -fiiiuris .L...is -rer Bent ol the pur- chue money to in "ld on by at “In and the balance within so days. For Sale: A ‘tcw more ot those choice rich-bred both, use. Iron) 2 to " months old. Do you know that their Sire, Sir Korndyko Boon n on at the richest-bred bulls in America. His dam Fairview Boon just. recently sold tor $4,100. She has e Jr. 4 yr. old butter record of $2.17 lbs. in one ‘week and 130.11 lbs. In 80 days, milk testini 4.86 per cent. (at. " you Want such breeding get it quick. _ are going (at. f T A. C. HALLMAN, _ Holstein-Fiesta: cutie. Tamworth Swine, and B. P. R. Poultry Barred Plymouth "up: and White Wyandotte hatching ega- lor sale, from two year old hens (which are known to produce the atrongext chicks). Guelph Model Farm and Guild strain. Good winter layers. One setting of " eggs at residence 76c Two setting ot " egg: at residence $1.40. One setting of 15 099., F. o. B. St. Jacobs, 90c. Two setting of eggl, F. o. B., St. Jacobi, $1.6}. _ _ Spring Brook Stock Yam 12-1 2t, BTRA'rrono. our.\/ Commercial, Shorthand and Tele- gmphy. Our graduates succeed and you should read our large, tree catalogues. Write tor it I' fy"?': Ontario's Boat. Practiul Training School. We have thorough courses and experienced instructors in etch of our three departments. Elna: market prion pad. Loud our: second 'Nmdatt. Next "trtgtettt May 18th. Shipping Hogs Wanted When a man given his fiancee a din-l mond engagement ring and later tails i to give his wile a lite itttturtttttNt pol-I icy, he needs a guardian, nQ a wife. Be wine and insure your “in ip THE DOMINION LIFE u widen-win can. scam. ter unlkniml. Low Death Los ment. Head ("Two I -oF- vmmm Buys slaughter house ind chop . . . .Tallow at market prices. . . DEAD ANIMALS REMOVED FREE Within a radius of Ten Mllu. PHONE 1309. Hogs Wanted AT moan MATCHING EGGS FOR SALE, (Analylin guaranteed.) Just the food your farm needs. TRY IT. Brands for every crop. For sale by Durant A Go., lac-Ila. Jan-uh Poll, Mannheim. WILLIAM STONE SONS. LTD., Woodstock, Ont. Write for ln'ormallon. MRS. MARCHAND, Prop. H. B. DL'ERING, Autumn“. 18-2t Berlin Render - lug co. c, r: 7 DeEFFNMl'HER I 8tontrsr-i, ,0?th rannuzans In"; EEIITBAL DE.IIBIL% "can. our. ' Brianna. Ont, NOTICE is; SCHWARTZ, Conestoga. ‘nmny ot Manna 'perlal A .qt,, Wamtoo. on Vim Waterloo, Or 4 3 mos. may pur- btt, t-tt at do a“ .... t".at,ii,"itt)ti' od - f. . _ - w 'i9Mftit', W Howl. b an m ad l a Ptidar, the Nil-ad at the hour al I 0'“? _ no", the I“ C H tr no“ . 1â€" vitiager lot Imam it. may lot numb! on C [We at math ure“ in 0D _ ol St. Clemens. T- _ K'ludol [will “I‘* 1'lth'tg "frag . VF ot (be 'sed "t b the the ol " aod m in " days â€that. TU: ' will u _ to: uh " reserved bid. we _ia,' wANTEts--Thormmhty (arm hand; none others _ l Mun be good with ham. I Woolner. R. R. 3, Berlin. "Further inmmtatitm, q and audition ol ale - on applicatieve .._.._...£' V --- arurrueb C H. DUE-2111930. A .. “who, April 20th. I." " i Han received a dock at Old" and alto 2'ftl',r, grad. "lgga , hat on ha 'd some second hand â€and all kinds of Bicycle moo-III Lawn Mowers sharp-Md all I HENRY G. melanoma. 4231. PM FOR "ut-ore" In 'tty anion, wdnut an. b has. sun-tum. Mrtr It. FOR ttALE-.." - Bred J†choice of " months or " tllM Eureka seed poutoel "er Simeon Gingerich._ R. R. 1 Phone 754-2, Berlin. _ vu- nu -1",'* i Comprising 100 acres, town Gainsboro, land clay loam, " â€owed to wheat, 10 acre» in" pl 15 acres m Alfalfa. one acre Situated 1 mile from T. H. A I:- station. Rural mall. For farmer! ticularl apply ' . 12ar The undersigned othm u- consisting 104 acres. ' m h? wheat, 25 acres in grass, " T hardwood bush and cedar Iv rest under cultivation. two all ' halt miles Northwest ot St. A P.O., one and one-hall miles Rest ot Josephahurg. Apply to 1] CHRIST. E. LICHTI, l St. Agatha P.O. R. R. No. L i the maniacs itt ngooc was. and plenty ot water. I. tgt bush will be sold separately tt 1 sired. Apply Jon. Blsch. WWI: 1 V. R. Berlet is ottenmt " ,located property, containing I |Ind dwelling co ed, a Aw',?,,?,',',', a goo I.“ a f A splendid op tr toe any " at business. ht. land imnmwmmh'bl the w luau-m of the tawn.-and an F _ law wnl twinned in t. an “aim of the County DI . on the hwnty-lourth My cl 1915. Any motion to mini " HEN"! the same. or any pert must he made within tttreq "Her the nut puhlmum ot In “(wand cannot he made t M'rrtn the twmtv-tounh any“ FOR SALEM MII? ring 1 NOTiCF', is hereby given thah " law “as passed by m Council the Crrrprtation M in Town ot =loo on the twenty-uni“ 'ii, April, 1915, providing toe the ot debenture to tho unoun. a! 090.00. toe tho Dunn-a ol â€4...? " r"." u... an.» " -=- NUTIBEUF IlGifflllfflllll (lf VIII 112 acres. about 30 ypa nun! 'i'iiiiiirre "a mu . Vendor'l thttirey.1S, " . Farm For Sale. General Wank. Farm For Sale. Farm For Sale. REPAIR SHOP 'AMI tV N. 'i,trtts'ifi, ADAM E. BEAMIR, alum-wk, ll HA - out.