may “urn â€I" my} {Wyn-on... ' ,/" .'r DAVID In» a was. unlit . "Hum wnuLoo.’ out. Compact- 01.0 pa any. um in tnrt M' tt no! .35: ..Poouu_'or _ , I†in In {an my; "TirariiriFiiiuq - an Ionian, in all In bunch... mum-lab "all“ 04 than... mutt I. I." at tttl. one. not later than “and†neon. The copy of than... and M In II later than Tuesday manna“ “mu-Inna “up.“ up it“ day each week. _ ..- Advertising rat" "numb - will be made known on "may“. Hon. Bob. Roger- hos attuned In- creased Senate representation u o mason for the Government goth; tn the country at the present than. - a the way that usually connerntlv'o journal, the Financial Post, um III! Hon. Bob's Beheme:-- t There is but one explanation of Mr. Itogvrs" policy. He is the member otl the Cabinet who is expected to I'll the sttvrn elections. Men who 'nt-lp him want sseaatortsttlpts and other jobs, and undoubtedly they and their ivuion of friends have been so urgent as to tttttttt the impression in his mind Ilial the whole country is clam, oring tor a Svnatt- increase. This In tht. wuukvut vxcuse, yet for on doe tion. The real reason is a fear that furllu-r war graft scandals will weak- en the Conservative party to such on "xtrnt that they may be defeated it no appt"at is made to the country tor an- other year. _ . ll liuvvrnmcnl has yet to run to clean- iny house by ridding the country of thc war matters who have been tat- tvning â€mum-Ives at the public trough during thv past six months. A hurrlvd investigation by a Parlia- mwntury 1ommittve shows that war ot'ders haw proved a. harvest tor Con- sn'vutiu- mlddlvmon and thieving con- tractors. Millions more will pass into thvir porlms. to be added to our debt and paid ml by the rest ot us in in, rrmm-(l taxis. In one case atone a l‘unadian manufacturer paid a go-tre- twvon hoolor over _ $75,000 bt row he was able to get an ordor for goods in urgent do, Miami. This amount was added to tlic cost to the Government. mm‘ "When I was a bov I was proud to be a German," said Mr. J. H. Wor- man. an American citizen born in Berlin. and ior five years Consul- Gem-m1 at Munich. "but now, grqwn urov. I am sorry for my country. Gvrrnarw is a madhouse. The nation has gone mad." NO ELECTION DURING THE WAR rncr. I‘m ine, of tht lo fifty will he m minds of trated on not on th [w raised The li things tir " york! by holding an election while the Empire, ot which she forms a part. Is taking part in the most tre- mendous conflict in the history, ot the world GERMANY HAS GONE MAD, THE REAL REASON, A quvstion now its, will Premier -n again surrender to the Rogers of the Cabinet or will he devote ruuairting year and a but hits MILLIONS TO CRAFT (Financial Post.) '71 , uhh phon- Copartnsmhitt of Vt Britain Offers It: AhrrtgruttNtiorttr. COLORADO SITUATION Dunn, April 21.40,!" of I 'rl itttt!em PM t'r th' '='tr't earthly Alsochtloh ot ,' bl Which Lord any, Ion-'0: (Humm- General at Cunadi, ls President, com- rn ' "to nonhuman ot on. W. t.NtlLtlhfk't'l cadet 't,l,'3ioJer teller Foundation. and new!“ tp- lamln‘ no work tt ie under l , we been leaned in Ot'tawp. #3 diochtlo- " its annual meeting lug mouth. took comm ot ttte, not thai 'tlie work which fig being under- taken under the direction ot Hon. {L King is ot e mail important in- ernationat character, calculated to hive wide and treaeticiai result. in improving the relations between cap- ital and labor throughout the World. lniprovlng th'e relations between cap ital and labor throughout the world. The resolqtion passed by the asso- ciation an the motion ot Earl Grey is as lollows _ spec and employers LIBEHALS WILL NUT BE llllll© nll Ulffllhl Ottawa. April 22:- Sir 1virrryl Laurier will spend next week in the) Province of Quebec looking after or-' zanization work and conferring with the Provincial Liberal leaders. He will spend a day in Montreal. three ldars in the 1'itr of Quebec, and a dav or tro in Three Rivers. Next month Sir Wilfrid will spend a few days in Toronto. Although the- Lite eral leader sees m justieieatiott iora moral ole-cum at this time, when the enemies or the Government and the whole countrv should be devoted to doing Canada's full share in the Empire's lite-and-death struggle, he does not intend to be caught, unpre- pared in case the Government sprincs an election this summer. Reports from all the Provinces indicate that, Liberals are actively getting ready for an election campaign, and the hath: organization wilt be m much ibetttr condition than it has been [or veers whenever the (:ovyrnment mak- es up its mind and asks the country for a neW'll-ase of life. "kiifddi7 AND AMAGE DONE BY FLOOD IN TEXAS STRIKE OF all V In.“ xaagaim 11‘ u Mum's L1hHMKNT BURNS, ETC, _ ,. Glasgow. April 23.--TSe stink? ot smmrn at this port was rndrd tndaw. Thr demands of the mm "s numherrnc soo, for increase In wagvs of . a mall “as unwind. Londpm Ann! 23 omcial report saw operations around um No. 60, an; Germans tirtd shrlls svwnfw'n mm in diameter into the town of an-s. 'ttgina' SHELLS FIRED INTO YPRES SEAMEN HAS g-_â€"â€" BEEN ENDEDLHOG CHOLERA ------- 1 HAS BROKEN OUT (rtW, ly" 23 , Thc Fin-h: l AT SPRINGFIEIID - The British that durum! Hill No. so, CURES The April session at W County Council commenced swanky ad will probably conclude this “annoy. "Indus W. C. Shaw was ie the chat and all this member: of the. Council were in attendance, irtqtu.4ietg ‘03â€) â€mm†Bang, 131.“. S. Duh, who “not“: Dainty Réevo Burgess, who resigned retry. t This Guion wih in all probability be the last one at which Galt will be :ggeandL as Gat um: will be creaky] into a city on fuel“; and its separation trom the county goes into cadet. The business at to-day's session is largely routine, and will consist of the appointment at the Equalization Committed and receiving the reports at the various standing committees. The Finance Committee will deal with a large budget at requests for grants which were read by the Coun- ty Clerk this morning, Whether the Igrantis will be decided on at this ses- sion or deterred until the June ism- l ion is a matter ot speculum“ aovnnmm's' an“ or coon some In mun“ Requests for grants were received from the following iisstitutiohs and qrganizations '.--G'alt General Hospi- tal, Berlin & Waterloo Hospital, Children's Aid Society, Prisoners' Aid Association, Dominion Tactile Press, 29th Regiment, Gait, S. Wat- erloo Agricultural Smitty, New Hamburg Poultry Association, Wat- erlou Poultry Association, Ayr Tlor- ticultural, Grain & Rout Show, and others. . The Department at Public Works at Toroeto notified the Council that an order-in-Council had been passed to pay the County oi Waterloo $0,581,'lillllf?lllliidi; April Session of County minim Opened m Mom. irg--Dn W..8. Dali! in I" mama» Prom Gali- Appointmont of Inuitalioer. . . Landau, April 21.-- Speaking, Il'. the House of (‘nmnmns this aTternoon clt the manner in which the (lm'crnvnvnt is dealing with tho question of war muipmnnt, Chancellor of the Fix- chmuer 1,lovtl ammo nnnounawl that while Great Britain had started in the war on the assumption that the expeditionary force would consist ci six divisions. the munlrv now had more than six Mrtws that, nIthvr oi Inon in F'raactr--approximateiy C50,- (mo. These divisions, the Chancellor of the ExchI-nurr said, were adeouately supplied. and own: man who had dropped had been replaced. It was one of the most maptifWent piecesoi organization cver perrormed. and no., thine. like it. hr said. had PTT'r brrn done mime " am- country. I St. Thomas, Apr. 22,- "a hits hmkm out at t .. mat here in a cargo J shipped from Toronto. Stating that as mllrh atumuuiiom had horn run-Mm! In the hattlo of 'Neuse Ihr-tlr' as durme “if “Ilnh' But-r war. \lr (warn said that Hm character of the ammunition had to hr chanunt m tlvr middle at we war, and to MN'ttrp supplies contracts wrre gm!) 'to betwtNsn 2,500 and 3,000 tirms. ‘Whm it. was fumul that, “my could not keep up the supplies, the Government took steps to take nvrr all work suitable tor the manWattturr nt munitions. An a result. there had W a an". increase in the output. CHAN CELLOR GIVES HI NT or DRASTIC LIQU "1th took tho figure 20, I (menu-nor said, as the amount artNery ammunition manutarttIred Sontmhor. in ortotter it was’m, November Mt, in Dpremhrr Hm, .lamvan‘ IRS, in February 256 and March 388. Six Divisions When the War Started, Now There are Thirty-six-- Output of Munitions Are Twenty Times What it Was in treptember-- Supplying Her Allies. GREAT Ilflflul Ills illillm "lilllll?S AT FRONT Ill ntllll BIG FOREST FIRE STARTED IN B. COLUMBIA I'raierllatmie, ll,(‘., Apr.,22.-- would he tun l hm lnrost tire has started in on» is now I the Eagle River Valley, two miles torn“. west at here. High winds and I dry timber Favor its advance. lt - is cutting a swath tttree-quarters l 'o of a mile Mde and much valuable I MtNARD H, wood has already. been destroypd. DANDRUFF. Hen uests Bi Good Roads Grant I norm-st In" for G ran ts in Output -f Inc, 'rttol- Springfield b ot bags [hr of l in in in in Becretarr Ed- Hanna. ot the Berlin & Waterloo Collegiate Imm- cuu Board (awarded a statement. nhowfng’ the “IBM†Tor county INF pils tor 1014 to b. 3“?â€31. 90. being the “an - "t mummy: tut. At the Ipecial Ion-ion ot tho Coun- ty Council in February a committee, composed ul Councillors an“, Cas- sel and Zioman'was appointed to in- vestigate the question ot appointing a hunt omeer for the rural schools. The Department of Education was communicated with by the committee as to the powers of the County I'ouncil to make such an appoint- ment and the Deputy Minister of Ed- 'twation replied that it was natural ‘tn expect that the body which made (the appointment. would arrange ro- tarding the 'reenuheration of the ol- tlici‘al. He also forwarded a copy of [the Truancy Act. We Clerk of the County ot Welland enclosing copy ot a memorial regard- mg motor fees lor tourists. J. M. Scully, P.C.A. and George C. Huston, £511., County Auditors with report on the county accounts for the quarter ending March 'dist, 191.3. t'lerk Bowman read other mmmum cations trom _ Jug, McCartney, Esq, Clerk of thts Town ot Galt with certificate as to the resignation of George Burgess. Esq, as tirst deputy reeve- and the election of Dr. William S. Dahin to Jill the vacancy. Mr. l,lovd George said that (HE-it Britain was also supp.lrinss her allies "ith "munitions. and that in spite of this tin-re still was a have new“; Ilrink Fivit Abnormal. The (‘luinmllur adhered to his statement that a small minority of workmen could thrnuwh drink throw the whole work out of Rear. He pro- misml that when the Government monsurc was intrmtmN dealimr with this .mnltz-r it, would be four" that it had nut. been aptroache .rnni the point of view of persons tsho wanted to advance ant parlicular idea or nu workmen could thrnuwh drink throw the “hule work out of Rear. He prte misenl that when the Government measure was intrmlueed dealimr with this matter it, would be found tteat it had nut. been approaehe lrl‘lll the point. of View at persnns tsho wanted to advance wo' particular idea or " tion.'hut, from the point of view ot persons uho had one object in mind- an increase in munitmns. It, was no use saying there “as nu more drinking than normally, the speaker mud, These new alum-rural lines and they had to tale mun-rum] speaker lines m mt‘usun' (mum at r'-----'-"- '5. - - _-__-e- -. “Low l 70 guns An all until “ax made m Hm House of (‘mmnms this attérnmm to satisfd she tin-n nuhhr interest rrganlinc, the uthcial nuuros of Great ttritain's land tum-s and the "suit ot rm-ruitinm hut " met with a dormitc refusal Tram the War â€than . Harald J. Tennant. Parliamentary Imder-NcrrCary for War. stated that the Government had no intention of disclosma the strength of the "rib- ish armv in the tield or in training, ias it considered that such dist-locum [“41 would be drtrimcntal in the pub- tic, intrrt‘stf "rartHord, April .21.;fhr mam lord Gas Companv hm " “rod trom "on. Mr. Hanna a prom; thilt an order to worm-r- the citri"tr.t-Uw to' can"! its ttatnrhise unless pure gay is GAS COMPANY til Snell time as the Gas Company had bum Rivtm opportunity to present Its case. The vitv will be notified Mhen tho heating will be MM. " the 'r-law wrrr passed the company would he Inrrcdrmn of mums». The (in is now in a [msltum to mriatr LIQUOR LEGISLATION “IV l RD'S IJNIMFNT 1'ruaat Otticer tor Townships Collegiate Share other Communications 'itott ther " ml. Thvso “PIT alum-rum thrv had to Cabe abnoru% will an en! “huh hml hr GETS A CHANCE ml ranks for the improve- in this county in " $9,581.†ts Tell l " :84 horse P.P9 oO (‘I'RFS mml Tic 'e,t',tt of the County Council which and ed on 'Ntirsday am:- noon. in the tart at which "preteen- Lathes from the town 'ot Cult will participate in, a: they will be erect- ed into a city below the next. meer- ing ot the County tube". '. County Council 80117 to [on 'tpr-tttMir" of . Embryo My. NEW POLICE VILLAGE This at fer t lumber: of the htisi/ttotroet,diu1 in the dying momenta oi the union to up press their regret arming Gale and its representatives trom the meeting, as they had always done noble work in the Council. Messrs. Edwards and hlclrvine replied suitably assuring the members that they ttad'tpptsiated the time spent with the other Coun- cilldrs, and inviting them all to the Cityhood Celebration in June. The following resolution was moved by Mr. 1.. K. Weaver of llespeler, and Wljlllli.lil. 10 . WINES seconded by Mr. Geo. Waterioo, and uuaninu lumen Iback to meeting. (,t',': In“ they hm land a D An additional request trom the Waterloo (‘nunt Society was received at noon srssion, hut. wi' grants requested, the Fir mittee rr-vummcndod I laid over until the June Mr. B. W. Zicman, chairman oi the County Property Comhsittee recom- mmulml that tertders be called for the "(Tea-sun painting and panning, in the County Buildings and proceed with the “ark. -e.--le-'--"- A petition signed ity forty Tilt:',) of Conestor',o was presettlvd, and sun ported by " deputation, applying 10' become a polive village. The clerk was instructed to prepare a trr-ral for submission at the June sossmns. l ‘the matter ut appointing a truant, other: " the county was referred back to the committee until the next, meeting. The department oi Educ-ail tion had been corresponded with, but they had sidextepped the question, and a further reply is awaited. Adjournment. Mas made ab 3.25 o'rloch. ENEMY FORBIDS ANYONE TO LEAVE GERMANY “That whereas the municipality ol the town of (hilt has taken steps to separate from the Coun- ty, in view of its decision to be- come era-ted into the status of a city, and whereas legislation to that end has been ohtainul to be- come eftective on June lst next, and whereas this is the last meet- ing ot the k'ounty Council at which the representatives ot the said town will be present this Council desires to place on record its regret at the separation of the town from the County, and the FREIGHTER WAS SUNK BY GERMAN "8OB." which the representatives oi the said town will be present this Council desires to place on record its regret at the separation of the town from the County, and the resulting absenee of its rppresp"- tatives from our meetings, thus depriving us oi not only their pleasant social relations, which have heretofore existed but alto their valuable advice and assist- ance In the transaction oi the business of the County, and that, under their new charter the city oi Galt may continue to Prosper to an ‘even greater extent than in the past, and that the. good relations now existing between the two municipalities may eon- tinue. Mail ('0 German iurthrr Illllil'C'. ' is in connection transfer of Irool Ruth mar" 100 I the , land Bltrrsertta of the organs of disco. thm-of headache, hnguor, de- prudon ‘of whim-tho ~£mbles tte which the but corrective in Refer red Itack Remember lens of the annexed on is the tart at Want to Md "I" ml: North Sm. The, I'rmr led and land"! atletth, s Request Call " Tenders In, Ittril 23.--Ttu'ltaiiy rrmpumlvnt tvires ilutt thc _ (:mrrmnrnt has Iorhilhlrn , In lmlw Germany until l pr. 2l with h" Werittcs' lmlw Germany r0. This drastic Mioit 'x.ith the [maps to Bolgiu Bel-tune Village mid Over quest for a grant 1'ounty Historical N! at the aitcr- " with the other he Finance Com- led that tltry he June session. to Commit tee Ms†Wegehast rusly carried thr, freighter (irrumn sub- when about. av Island. in at, " ot THE M0LSONfi.j3ANlf SUBMARINE PRISON ERS, IN CONSTANTINOPLE Constantine ticprs and British 51 here yesier Mritish pri: Hardware Merchants This is "Neighborhood Improvement Week" in thousands of communities where every property owner is asked to consider the improvement of his property and the neighborhood in which it is located.. Arc you helping to arouse interest in your neighborhood? l In home and neighborhood impmvr‘mrnt plenty of goal paint ii the first essential. The mm! must both beautify and protect buddmgs. You canaccomplish thes most wily and satisactortly with Rt'," of [null nruf 7mm long" “airman†Ith1',ttar,rcii,ttiata msily undo of the best Innterlllsvhy rxpen pill keys. Years of l-‘poouro tun have proved Hm! these careful motbodl mm mm“ campus pmtection and lastlmt beauty. “High Standard“ is the mt uni-funny and manual paint to use. . Center ot business on Grand Circus Park. Take get. oit at Adams Avenue AltritrIAn'r'tt' FIREPROOF. 200 Romns, Private Bath, 31,50 Single, $2.50 300 Rooms, Private Bath, 2.00 Single, '3.it0 100 Rooms, Private Math, $3.50 Single, 4.00 100 Rooms, Private Bath, 3.00 to 5.00 Sinr,te qual 600 Outside Rooms. ALL ABSOLUTELY 1luiFrr' Come in and uk m to (he rm: mm? in intuit ,m1is,nmm and woodwork as Two,ents Sample [moms M. WEICHEL & SO 200 300 100 100 nun». chnaua“ hides tho We better, Ma over more mrfnco m Your Home and Your . Neighbors . sur, sierdt prisoner its Via. Line Rte - - PEER] N 3 New A; lg th mm HOTEL TULLER Detroit, [Michigan ' Hi _ Sundial 'sith/ttitat m---"-"'-"'-. 3".†"an lint {SAILORS ARE i FORBIDDEN TO i TELL MOVEMENTS t Infmm'ion and color rnmb‘nllklll s wc" In fot the UlleldQ at yourâ€. ll are' f let tvr lpr New Unique Cates an! Cabaret Excllénto $2.50 My Douhie. 3.00 Up Double. , 4.00 Up Double. Single, 4.50 Up Double Take Woodward Gar, tl “my ‘I’llill In . eithe Sums newspap- nlnrs Ill Italian hm to mention her tshere they Waterloo