Po new: TROUSERS no; fine dark striped Warned Trousers r _ all the latest, not: checks, band plan, a"! Iiretnd up"! Ic'oAL TROUSE‘! an: m wool Wanted in“. to be Jan-my, poanlvoly 014.50 and . “Iâ€, pun wool worn-a. All goods. every garment of my. man. Go when you nu " all the alt. you Ilka. but I Md one dollar for your suit 'ee In the“ at M..... $10.80 f Yogi age Curious ' to Know Ill... regular $30.00, {unity ... ... ... ... .. Essa pair of Men's Oxfords in Patent, Tan and Gun I Metal. Reg. to $3.50 for "m. _------.- SEE WINDOW -_ , only Ladies' Long Catt: at 81.00 '?t4 Little Boys' Suits, sizes 23, 24 and 25 at 150 Boys' Suits, size 32. 33, 34, 35 from " to 3.50 WHAT THE AUTHORITATIVE ARTIST TAILOR. 0F AIIIIGA RIO (DROP! HAVI DIOIOED UPON " PROPII STYLE _ , a} young IIICII'I "rtrttg and summer apparel More I. m but my : " your unlucky. an " undying planar. books, not b mull" Mod and“. of fabriM and pattern.; but by comma to 2" m Ind viewing a complete exhibition. And this In your lawn. ' the mm in word "You r." If you ha" been plan“ with our pub“ to (In props" to be doubly plan“ new, in (his In our - Our vac-lot of nylon. “brim. colon and um In to pm- that we can cpl-“d Won you the very thing. you Ilk he. L?" D. BOHLENDER I AND $225 MEN'S mouse“ â€:49. I.“ all Worsted and Tweed Tron.- ‘lll “no. hind tailored, boamlfully thed regula- 82.00 and . V m; ... ... ... ... .. .$l49 Ian's Overcoau, In any, black ind '-., wool urge "not! uni INK " pure Irluoh “brim mm mm m- we trade, "g. $1095 'OA8aturday ... .. .. .. hr wrlng Mata an brlmful of lo, partlcularly hobby yu, Vog- Pt tttttbitt" wanted» 'luultlmiy In and ftrtely trimmed, cut on non- MIvc models, all slut. reg $3.50 It and $51!), Saturday .. .. WI. factory output at I»: than hula prlcu. no pair Ladies' Patent and Tan Humps and Oxfords. Reg. up to $3.50. Friday and tsat- urday 82.00 {IECT HATS We ovancons 'IAOIDINARY SUIT SALE ’10.â€. Do Not Forget “No.11 PEGIAI. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURN! My one of our efegant Suit Cases or Travelling than: you go on your Spring vacation. have ntslir assortment to choose from. MT TO POIT enact, KING at, wnsnmo. w, 'nst’s 50" RP41' $125 'tho-UT-air, , St' SIM and $3 WILHELM’ THI "IRAN. Ila HARNIII - KIN. "ttMT, WATKILOO WWW mm . $198 131 than .erurt'n but "tttt mum, all new panama, lull .iao, guaranteed colon, and war, vary cpoclally et' priced " ... ... .._. ... ... .. GLOVES SPECIAL SHIRT SALE Porrin'l cued». Chamois and Caped. A vary full monument of sprung ahag. u. ivory pair guaranieed by this mu, regular 81.60 and $1.75, $125 Saturday ... ... ... ... .. .. NECKWEAR A magrtMcent array of Bit new spring shades. 50c, 75c, $1 Men's hlbrigun Underwear. in plain weave, in natural cream, blue, plnk and Nate colon, shirt- and draw- en, all“ 32 to 42, regular Soc, 37c Saturday per garment . .. .. . Boyu' Norfolk Suits, umart, non-vice- able two-950cc “Major no "we chap. made of fine all wet (with Nude. and servicable â€new, that " b " regular “.00 and 08.â€. Sa'turday ... ... ... .. ... .. $395 RAIN COATS. BOYS’ su ITS. For April mower: aha in" 20 per cent. uvlng "cured at a special pur- chase. $8.00 Rni'ncoatl Special 3... ... ... .. '.'.". ... ... $595 $10.00 Raincoan, Special Sale ... ... ... ... ... ... . $795 Acknowledged the but Coat In the color and told In‘umaller place. " high a. 814.00, Saturday for ‘Inm lion's Furnlshlnxs When the good clothes come from, f , f A lllfy CHRONIC]: WATIRLOO. ONTARIO. WDMMV v v - - - "V V -7 " . FP, ge t C, a. 'ravelling an vacation. . I' no j u 2 _ ti, , a . tv, C $1000 _ my New! In. New than)“: --w" Ad. - sreet u b- by. in Toronto lul wall. _ _ .A. I}. B:- MEI Id ohm tho “at md with be: m In! Tunic“. Scum am. is home (run OMI- wa. Mr. C. J. Fox, ot mm. nude . busing! trip to town 0!?!th ot -iiiiaimt min. attended the w.- mm County Council not“! bed " Berlin on Thursday. _ -Gcraea w“ iirru in, II "I“! and: in W. _ --__ Int Mr. Wm. En, at Queens University Kingston, it spelling hit with†" his home here. Mina Loretta Mulock In manned home After a two week: visit with friends in Station}. Mr. Wm. A. Km, of Sectoral, who accepted “no position " cloth in Me. J. R. Fuck} Munro “on moved to town this week into Mr. John Dahmer's new house on Wilmot -iiiriredrt Mm, o1 Waterloo, visited Mend- in town [at wed; Mr. Adam Berlet,- who recently sold his residence to Mr. George Morn", moved into Mr. Ed. Miller's house on - Street, randy Fa- cated bv Mr. A. H. Arnold. L Mr. D. Becker be purchased thp house and property adjoining him' premises on Peel Street from Mr. Simpson Mel-net. He ierteetdg to sell the house and hue it removed and meet a garage and autunohile show- room on the premium. Mr. Becker Rev. and Mrs. J. C. Mind: have returned trom themnnual convention oi the Evangelical Association when convened in Milverhon. They have been appointed to thrftrwn ot Rod- ney as 'tbair new tleld at labor. Rev. Morloch preached " (unwell sermon on Sunday morning and evening. Dtrr- in; the “no you pastorate hue, Mn reverend -- nil hi: lan- ‘ily hive not only and“ mom-el- m' to their commotion but to the whole community, and their Lanny friends with tttemeery sue- cars Gd in their new tleld. A hearty welcome in extended to the successor Rev. D. Kreh. A Rev. R. J. Yosel'. former pastor ot Church here has be! the pastorate ot Church in Stratlord Mr. and Mrs. Stewart (nee Miss Adele llueghlim) of Detroit, are spend in; their honeymoon with friends in Waterloo, and New Hamtrorg, while in town they were the guests oer. and Mrs. Adam Bald. "iiryLudwis rPiePel' left Sunday for Sauna where he has accede a posi- tion. ' Mr. o. Forsyth ot Berlin, was in gown last. week inspecting the plant of the Bitverirmitha' factory with a View or starting-l whitewear dactory here if a suimble agreement can be 'rttdesyiththetowm A f A _ -br. R. T. Winn. has bummed a new Hudson Six automobile ttom Mr H. Hombreoht, ot Berlin. , The New Humbug musical may made their first apparanco ol the ‘ueason on Friday evening, and gave 1: splendid programme. A pleasing denture being the peedominance ot Pa- "rioue sits. Mr. SimpsonrMamer shipped scat 1ondortt-atoMoeaumlkr Mr. Morris last. week. _ Mr. Louis Nae. has purchasedan Overland :cat from Brooks Puddi- oomhe. local agent. The secretary ot the Womens' INF triotic Society has received the lol- lqwing emtmtunieBtittgt from the un- wnity Hospital Supply Amman Toronto. The ladle: of the Finance mum acknowledge with nuts the don-Mum of twenty dollars trom the Womau' Patriotic Society (per Miss Martia) on April Mth, 1915. Baseball Club orgttatised--A well at- bnded meeting was held at the Im- pala] Hotel on Tuesday evening, " which the New liar-bum MOW Club will MM“ 50W in; _omtror cloningV I'residtotl signed-Amt. TYeatrarer. “an?“vmn. "r-iurur Monty mam. Emil Schmidt; Executive Committee, C. S. (him- doâ€. G. 0. 35%tdt Ind Ed Plan. It val decided " the mating to enter a team in the Interim County Lem Rue. .1110 mucky ot the league In: but ttotlthrd ot the local club's in- mm of mum; and the unprin- uon will llllolrba M. " only tim teams are m "pretud In! . um huh inn-1d enmmce an bye In the Mule. ‘n vain-nomad h the Home of Common tMt mun: in Gm. nmu- Jul - Quick". THI Our Busy Neighhc" jar-tsi, season sold sum In mm. Nail Rota calmed by 1M: i: )RI Yoga, of Hmvet. a r ot the Evangelical as bean appointed to e ot the Evangelical M. Burr, “on totct?t'rtr,PdDi't'et, ' News Items.-Atuite a member tfrom the, hero attended the funeral of It. :A,i'll hiâ€. bert Hus at Elmira on Sunday. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jan. Shoemaker 'i?'ifii- sell day visitors at the home Mr. Bnd Aaron Saider.-Miaa Irla Snider, ol ow-lHawetarule spent Sunday under the hr parental root.--Mm. P. Bomb“ is m "till kept verybuly with the 'tte 'imi11imsrr.-hfr. and Mrs. Abr. w- me‘man spent'Sunday at the house ot ion Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Shoemaker at El- uch mira.-Mr. Ira. Weâ€. at Berlin, me was the guest at the home ot Nr.) tttd- Ed. Snider on Burtdar.--Mr. and Ps:) ter. Louis Schutz were visiting - at non Elmira on Sundae-Mr. and II. J.‘ lir- B. Sayder and bumpy“. 'iiiii are, " Emir: on Btmtard-c - -qaat Wedneedey miss Edith, you;- Iel- est daughter ot Mir. and Mrs. Peter to Schwindt, was married to Mr. Ed- heir ward Fahrertkopf.-Mr. and Mrs. Fah- suo- renlro'pl lelt for a short honeymoon My trip and alter their return will re- saor side in Elmira.-Mr. Albert Stampt and family moved to Hawkesville a where he has secured a position in ical the shoe businesa.-4luite a number to from here attended the Elmira Horse Heal Show on Tuesday. Mr. J. B. Sny- der was successful in carrying on Eiss ttrat and third prizes. Mr. Geo. rend Reist a first, and Mr. Crusoe Weber s in also a third prize. Mr. R. Forbes is M19 quite happy these days having pur- Mr. chased a motor cycle.--Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Ruggle and family and Mr. and "or Mrs. Dietrich were the guests at potri- the home at Mr. and Mrs. Albert l ISnyder of Glcnallen on Sunday. EN'I taw.n-.-ar.N. T 'seriaiilrakAririitruiuiiea4 “we Iva-t . - un bits an,“ em Iced: nus-nu the “thyme-Ir. Juli. _ out. when! ot I. cone!- in St. Junie. tttr when a in: - In We“ an My.“ pastor, Rev. in. mention-m. Boy m. mu. mm..- upuhyu; with bis pu- my we“ the 'meq6 T " .1: in†In“: Dbtrhet.--Rav. brother ttret-der. and M It. Plant, at amnion. occupied the New wet- land-04 on ' wen- pum on may morning In in. in; with their mum- ‘uj m Uillhln‘l "aem.--wey are glad to lee and received may tend!“ ' it It. All!" Quin-q is we to ty Wu their silver with. e-Mr. gut w me: his severe illness. l and In. D. R. Pollock and “M," The man's Club meeting will Pi at Drnylon, spent My vii Mr. leld on Friday evening, April 30th.i and Mrs. C. w. P-iiL--ter. -Jo-- Don't â€Mn-Bore to Mr. and Mrs.) Ament spent. Saturn] in 'g-ed.--. B. Martin, on April Mnd, a daugh- Hies Ada Honda-on of New“, in ta. , . spending I nation with Uh . Oe- L...-.-...-.-.-, ' mien Btrieker.-Mrtg. R. B. u an mor1trstrvitht _ Mrs. J. W. Collins spent my in . Toronto.-prot- Rel at -----. . Woodstock 0011050 Will gm a ad- â€an: ot lumt -Mt. Gordan are“ in Schnm'l Hell “a“ Mmlmu of Waterloo, Visited gt evening, May Itst, at a FN.. on the the home at Me. George Fol-well put red causes of the we! end '" curse stmdar.-Mr. Jackson and iitfie ot militarism in Germany. nun-so. dnagtrMe JYetret returned to their Reithdort was born and edtreated in me at Pro-ton on Bttturday.-Mr. Gummy and um no doubt trim an and. Mn. Nelsen Cunningham and son interesting address. A sum Qllee- Lidia, od Berlin, upset Sundey at tion will be taken to delay me- Mr. Hwy Prertr.--Mrs. Frank Sen- ". ir EPIA le, IPuttr 2rltt agent News Notes :-Mr. Simon Bear, Mail Carrier tor Breslau. R. R. No. l, had a successful operation per- formed at _ the Berlin and Waterloo Hospital on Thursday, 15th inst., tot appendicitis and rupturm-T'tte reports up to the present are quite ldvorahle. --Thtt relatives of Mrs. Catherine Singer, lived in Winterbourne in the eeived intelligence I tew days ago oti her demise in Petosky, Mich. She} passed away on April 15th. She was born on June Mth, 1855. Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Singer, lived in Winterhoumo in the early days ot that place and some years after moved to Petmky, Mich. where the deceased passed away to her long home.--Mr. and Mm. Wm. Hemmerich and‘little daughter had a very narrow escape on his way home from Conestoga last Thursday' with his home and buggy. The horse he- came unruly near Mr. Show: and made a duh running. into the ditch upsetting the buggy and thrown; Mrs. Hemmerich and child oat, in Bicting some injuries. Mr. Hemmer- irh tried to stop the hone but Init- pour-w...“ a...» .....-...- -- _ so (avonble will entitle the lumen to get their wading done in tir" ed. Born to Mr. mad In. Mugts Woods on' A,†ttttu' Y'daughter.-Tte Rev. Mr. P.ttrsratyk," ot Thronto. will preach in gluing. Church te, Ihtt: clan} condition PEACE Punks London. April gi..-", um thet" would he . sin bonny tor we un- til the human. world-annulus Win-I ol Gunny hue no. lulled." declared Earl Grey st. Bar at Colo-bl Ion-um ,trsMtrttt My. Winterbourne. SAYS EARL GREY Home ERY that " Nl News Iuiitss-Mt. Albert Becker‘ and infant son. ot Berlin, and Miss Adeline Bearer. of Strnuord. were «than ethane will their parents aver tktadsr.--Mr. and like. B. Bolton" warm “in their ear ain-law and. daughter, Mt. ant Mrs. Mohn Hohl in Lisbon lest Sunday ar. _eot--Mr.. Gustave Wol'wnde was I business visitor st Berlin today.--' The Messrs. Leo. Rumig, Herb Knut- man, Wm. Rat; and Peter Wagner, were in Berlin and Waterloo on spec- lial business last tuturday.-Mr. Leo. Rumig announced to sell by public auction the contents and household effects and tt1mishings of the Albion Hotel next Friday owing to no ex- tension of time being granted by the commission for itatditsposts1.-Mr. Ed. Rata, or Berlin, spent Sunday at the home of his parenta.--Mr. and Mrs. Adam Lautenscblager and family of St. Petersburg spent Sunday at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hutu ot 3.. "" " PM" Good ' Goods nofrlgorators Our "no of Refrigerators are made a! the but "uteri“. throughout, having mlnenl wool "ulna u an III-ulnar, and highly ftttl.hed. In! '12 (Macaw. "me nu. .e$tuttr No. sdmikruomtor,sttAia2trapt""d*, "y.Mtit No. 153 hummer. 10:25:32 Inch, at .. tune in 09-3-0-‘2¢r990r, "#NE44 high. whim on» null "and.“ ... ... ... .. .... ... ..... $tts.0tt III-Iliad,“ ... ... ... .. J:.. ... ... No. " hell-lactate}, t9y'an3Sot48 Inch. enamel llnod.at ... ... ... ... ... ... No. 0.7 Refrigerator, 10:27:65 Inch, enamel lined " ... ... ... ... ... ...‘ ELMIRA l WEIGHEL’S WEEKLY STORE news l . WEICHEL & SON " THE BIG HARDWARE STORE" Phone 215 at present nursing a sore hip. We hope he may soon‘ be able to he Brouttd.--Mist, Ruth Bcrdux and Mrs. P. Grahm were in Stratford to-day, visiting rehtives. the Mth iine.-Mr. Albert Berscht is, The Brant House of Refuge Board mm whit. whit. Brockvllle Lawn Mowers The but "In: obuinable In w. line. Every machine warranted. Style K, 3 Made Mower, 141mb, at ... ... $3.50 Style K, 3 blade Mower, " Inch, at ... ... $1.75 Style K, q blade Mower, " meh, " ... .. $4.78 8tyle K, 4 blade Mower, " Inch. at ... .. $5.00 Style G, 4 blade Mower, " Inch, at . .. .. $5.50 8tyle c, 4 blade Mower, " Inch, at ... .. â€.50 Ball Bearing 4 blade Mower, " Inch at .. 8350 Ball Baring 6 blade G. Amer., " Inch, " "1.00 "In. TWO cum on Saturdav appointcd Mr. and Mrs. Storey. Onondaga, humans, as super: intendent and Matron of the Brant Hausa ot Refuge. to succeed Mr. and Mrs. Muir. WATERLOO .. ...$3-50 .. ...88.N ... .. $4.78 ... .. 35M) ... .. $5.50 ... .. $5.50 Low Prices